Science Laboratory Activity 6 – Lower 5th Grade Desalination October 23rd Full Name: Date of Delivery: List of Materials per Group • One large clear bowl. • One small glass jar. • Plastic wrap. • Masking tape. • Salt. • Large rubber band. • Modelling clay. • Cotton swabs.
Procedure 1. Stir two spoonfuls of into the container of very warm water. Put one end of a clean cotton swab into this mixture. Taste the mixture by touch the cotton swab with your tongue. CAUTION: Don’t share swabs. Don’t put a swab that has touched your mouth back into any substance. Never taste anything in an investigation or experiment unless you are told to do so. Record your observations:
2. Put the saltwater into the large bowl. Put the jar in the centre of the bowl of saltwater.
3. Put the plastic wrap over the top of the bowl. The wrap should not touch the top of the jar inside the bowl. Put a large rubber band around the bowl to hold the wrap in place. 4. Form the clay in a small ball. Put the ball on top of the plastic wrap right over the jar. Make sure the plastic wrap doesn’t touch the jar. 5. On the outside of the bowl, use tape to mark the level of the salt water. Place the bowl in a sunny spot for one day. 6. After one day, remove the plastic wrap and the clay ball. Use clean swabs to taste the water in the jar and in the bowl. 7. Record your observations.
QUESTIONNAIRE Answer the Discussion Area of the Workbook page WB180.