December 20, 2015 bulletin pub

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Forth Sunday of Advent December 20, 2015 We’re glad you’re here! 

Please fill out a Family Registration Card with your Prayer Requests. Pass cards to the center aisle so the ushers can collect them.  Children are welcome in the worship service. They are invited to the front for a children’s message in the Blended service.  A nursery is provided for children 3 and under during the Sunday School and the Blended Service. The ushers will assist you in finding the nursery. 2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016

Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ...................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary ........................................ Elaine Botka Organist ......................................... Cheryl Mattil Interim Children’s Minister………..Jeana Parsons

This Week at Grace Today December 20 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Children’s Christmas Program 3:00 p Christmas Caroling Thursday December 24 7:00 p Christmas Eve Candlelight Service Next Sunday December 27 9:15 a Christmas Brunch 10:30 a Worship Service

Serving in December 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship

Altar Care:

Elder: Lindel Davis Elders: Lindel Davis Blake Bray Ushers: Josh Velten Michael Miller Gladys Longpre Don Longpre

Early Worship Service LSB p. 203 Welcome Opening Hymn LSB349 Hark the Glad Sound Invocation Confession Absolution Hymn of Praise Gloria in Excelsis Micah 5:2–5a Gradual Hebrews 10:5–10 Verse Luke 1:39–45 Nicene Creed Hymn LSB352 Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord Sermon Offerings Offering Hymn Prayers of the Church Preface Words of Institution Sharing of the Peace Lamb of God The Distribution Song of Simeon Post-Communion Prayer Parting Blessings Closing Hymn LSB331 The Advent of Our King Announcements

Children’s Christmas Program today during the late service.

Christmas Eve Worship Our annual Candlelight Service will be held at 7:00 p.m. December 24. Come rejoice as we celebrate God’s greatest gift to us: A Savior, who is Christ, the Lord! Christmas is a great time to spread the word of Jesus Christ! So let’s sing it out! Today we will meet at Grace at 3:00 p.m. Everyone is encouraged to attend. Hope to see you there! Bring a snack to share afterwards. Join us December 27, during the Education Hour for a Festive Christmas Pot-Blessed Brunch! There will be no Bible Class or Sunday School that day. We will have one worship service with Holy Communion at 10:30 a.m. Midweek and Confirmation resumes January 6. We will take down our Christmas decorations January 3, 2:00 p.m. Any and all help will be appreciated.

Sign up sheets for Counters and Altar flowers during 2016 are now available on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall. If you are giving flowers for a special occasion, please note that so we can include that information in the Sunday bulletins. At our Voters’ Meeting on December 13, we voted to extend a call to Jennifer Grundmeier to be our Children’s and Family Minister. She is currently serving in that role at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Sioux City, Iowa. We spoke with her on the phone and have mailed her the call documents. She is planning on coming to visit January 8-11 as part of her deliberation. There will be opportunities for you to interact with her while she is here, and we will let you know about that as the schedule develops. Please keep Jenn in your prayers as she seeks God’s will and tries to determine whether or not He is leading her to Grace. Pro-Life Crosses We will put up our cross display on Saturday, January 9th. All help will be appreciated. Invite your friends family and neighbors. We will start at 9:00 am. We will be serving Pancakes at 8:00 a.m. if you want to come early.

Church Council & Officers 2016 1 Year Terms President Vice President Treasurer Recording Secretary Financial Secretary Trustee

James Patterson Brad Waters Gorlyn Bronstad April Gilbert Chrissie Gilbert Dan Williams

Elders Larry Miller Bryan Hantsche David Bentley Lindel Davis Blake Bray Josh Velten

2016-2018 2016-2016 2014-2016 2016-2018 2015-2017 2015-2017

Council at Large Roger Meyer Mike Mulkey Cari Miller Suzi Parker Jeana Parsons Phil Haning

2016-2018 2016-2018 2014-2016 2014-2016 2016-2017 2015-2017

Installation of Council Members will take place during worship on January 3.

The Thursday morning Men’s Bible Study Breakfast at Braum’s will not meet again until January 7.

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