March 27 2016 bulletin

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March 27, 2016 Easter Sunday

2411 Woodlake Road Denison, Texas 75021 (903) 465-1016

Ministers: Members of Grace Pastor ....................................... Michael J. Mattil Secretary ....................................... Elaine Botka Organist ......................................... Cheryl Mattil Interim Children’s Minister…………..Jeana Parsons

This Week at Grace Today March 27 7:00 a Sunrise Service 8:00 a Pancake Breakfast 9:00 a Egg Hunt 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Blended Worship Wednesday March 30 1:00 p Quilters 6:00 p Midweek Dinner 6:30 p Confirmation / Midweek Thursday 31 6:30 a Men’s Bible Breakfast at Braum’s 10:00 a Sojourners Next Sunday April 3 8:00 a Traditional Worship 9:15 a Sunday School/Bible Class 10:30 a Worship Service 5:00 p Hand Bell Choir

Serving in March 8:00 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Worship

Altar Care:

Elder: Larry Miller Elders: Lindel Davis Josh Velten Ushers: Ron Botka Paul Schroeder Sandra Noth Gilberts

Altar Flowers are given by Ron and Elaine Botka celebrating granddaughter Emersyn’s birthday.

Worship Service Call to Worship Welcome LSB457 Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Confession Absolution Proclamation of the Resurrection This is the Feast Words of Institution Distribution Distribution Hymns LSB633 At the Lamb’s High Feast LSB474 Alleluia! Jesus is Risen! Prayer of The Day Affirmation of Faith Children’s Sermon Praise Team All Creatures of our God and King Offerings Prayers Lord’s Prayer LSB461 I Know That My Redeemer Lives Sermon Closing Sentences The Blessing Praise Team

The LWML Spring Event Sunday, April 3 from 1:30 - 5:30 at St. Paul Lutheran Church, Denton. There is a sign-up sheet for attendees on the narthex bulletin board, along with a list of items needed for the In-gathering. Do you need a scholarship? We are now accepting applications for the Leva-Whiting Scholarship and the Grace Church Work Scholarship. If you are interested, the church office has the guidelines and applications. Deadline for filing is Sunday, April 17th. Please silence cell phones during Worship Service. Thank you.

Midweek Resumes Wednesday, March 30, dinner at 6:00 p.m. Confirmation, Midweek and Adult Classes at 6:30pm.

Summer Worship Schedule June through August Worship 9:15 a.m. Sunday School / Bible Class 10:30 a.m.

Pioneer Youth April 23 Rummage Sale Get rid of your stuff. Bring donated or unwanted items to the church. Sojourners, Please mark your calendar our next meeting will be Thursday, March 31 at 10:00 a.m. Contact Gorlyn Bronstad at 903-813-6428 for more information. Thursday morning Men’s Bible Study Breakfast at Braum’s at 6:30 a.m. Please join us! Do you need to replace the “Grace Makes a Difference” window cling in your car? Did you not get one? There is an ample supply at the Welcome Center in the Narthex. Printed copies of the April Calendar with Birthdays and Anniversaries are available in the Narthex. Current information is always available at Parents’ Night Out April 9, 5—8 p.m. Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board outside the church office. See Chrissie Gilbert for more information.

Mowers are needed! The sign up sheet for March thru May is on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall! We have the equipment we just need the manpower. If you would be willing to take a turn, please sign up. If you need more information, contact Pastor. We are looking for wonderful people who are willing to serve as a PowerPoint Clicker during our worship services. There is an orange colored sign up sheet on the bulletin board next to the mailboxes. All training will be provided. Contact Pastor or Mont Taylor for more information.

Sermon Series Next Sunday we begin a series of messages on being a Christian family in this modern world. Have things really changed? What does it mean to be a “Christian� family? Join us as we explore some of the issues facing the family today. April 3 April 10 April 17 April 24

The Christian Family Christian Parenting Part 1 Christian Parenting Part 2 Sin & Forgiveness in the Family

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