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Lyrics for August 30

“the singing will never be done” Program

Jules Massenet: Élégie (1842-1912)


Ô, doux printemps d’autrefois, vertes saisons, Vous avez fui pour toujours! Je ne vois plus le ciel bleu; Je n’entends plus les chants joyeux des oiseaux!

En emportant mon bonheur, mon bonheur... Ô bien-aimé, tu t’en es allé! Et c’est en vain que revient le printemps!

Oui, sans retour, Avec toi, le gai soleil, Les jours riants sont partis! Comme en mon coeur tout est sombre et glacé! Tout est flétri pour toujours!

Source: Translation copyright © from https://lyricstranslate.com/en/élégie-elegy.html-0


O sweet spring of old, verdant seasons, you flew away forever more! I no longer see the blue sky; I no longer hear the joyous songs of the birds!

You took my happiness, my happiness, O beloved, and went away! And now the spring returns in vain!

For they went away with you, the merry sun and joyful days, never to return! Such an icy darkness pervades my heart! All is withered forever!

Source: Translation copyright © from https://lyricstranslate.com/en/élégie-elegy.html-0

“the singing will never be done” Program

Frank Bridge: Where is it that our soul doth go? (1879-1941)

One thing I’d know, When we have perished, Where is it that our soul doth go? Where, where is the fire, that is extinguished? Where is the wind? Where is the wind but now did blow? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it that our soul doth go? When we have perished.

Authorship: Translation copyright © by Kate Freiligrath Kroeker (1845-1904), based on a text in German by Heinrich Heine (1797-1856). Taken from the LiederNet Archive -- https://www.lieder.net/

Robert Schumann: Widmung, Op. 25, No. 1 (1810-56)

Du meine [Seele], du mein Herz, Du meine [Wonn’, o du]mein Schmerz, Du meine Welt, in der ich lebe, Mein Himmel du, [darin]ich schwebe, O du mein Grab, in das hinab Ich ewig meinen Kummer gab! Du bist die Ruh, du bist der Frieden, Du bist [der]Himmel, mir beschieden. Daß du mich liebst, macht mich mir wert, Dein Blick hat mich vor mir verklärt, Du hebst mich liebend über mich, Mein guter Geist, mein beßres Ich!

Authorship: Copyright © Charlotte Hoather. Taken from https://charlottehoatherblog.com/2015/01/29/widmung-dedication-by-schumann/ 24 You my soul, you my heart, You my bliss, o you my pain, You the world in which I live; You my heaven, in which I float, You my grave, into which I eternally cast my grief. You are rest, you are peace, You are bestowed upon me from heaven. That you love me makes me worthy of you; Your gaze transfigures me; You raise me lovingly above myself, My good spirit, my better self!

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