Glebe report jan 17 2014 web

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January 17, 2014 Serving the Glebe community since 1973

Vol. 42 No. 1

ISSN 0702-7796 Issue no. 455 FREE

New community rink beckons

St. James/GNAG Community Rink welcomes skaters and volunteers at 183 Third Avenue.

PHOTO: soo hum

Skating, what can be better on a winter’s afternoon than a few turns around the local ice rink – heart pumping, legs and arms dancing, skates gliding, and upturned face soaking up the sunshine? We in the Glebe benefit from unparalleled opportunities for skaters of all skill levels to discover or rediscover our inner grace on blades, improving our health all the while with this most Canadian exercise. Such opportunities, of course, only come about by dint of the work of volunteers and community co-operation. Just think of the generations of parents who week after week have shovelled snow and flooded ice to get the surface just right. Thanks to some recent creative community problem-solving, the St James Tennis Club’s transformation into an outdoor community skating rink (to compensate for the temporary loss of the Mutchmor Field rink to construction staging) is now

complete. Under the joint auspices of the St James Tennis Club, the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group and the City of Ottawa, the new rink is open for family skating and shinny hockey (see schedule on page 17). You will find this large and inviting rink right here in the heart of the Glebe next to the Glebe Community Centre. And don’t forget that elsewhere in the Glebe there are also a couple of well-loved neighbourhood rinks to put your skates to the test. In the north sector, you will come upon Glebe Memorial Outdoor Rink at 75 Glendale Avenue, and south of Wilton, you will find the unofficial skating pond on Brown’s Inlet. Now, would that be before or after skating the length of the canal from the NAC to Dow’s Lake? After all, Winterlude begins January 31.



January 22 January 26 January 27 January 28 January 29 February 1-28 February 5 February 11

Alan Neal, host of CBC Radio’s All in a Day Abbotsford, 10:30 a.m. Atlantic Voices concert “The Song Lives On” Centretown United Church, 3 p.m. Paul Sokoloff, 100 Years of Botanical Exploration in the Canadian Arctic, Abbotsford, 10 a.m. GCA meeting, GCC, 7 p.m. Claudia Chowaniec, author of Memoir of Mourning Abbotsford, 1 p.m. Patrick Nantel photography exhibition: Samples. Wild Oat Denise Chong, author of Lives of the Family Abbotsford, 1 p.m. GNAG registration for summer camps begins online at www,, 9 p.m.

Abbotsford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20, 22 Books . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Community . . . . . . . . . 2,15,21 Councillor’s Report . . . . . . . 14 Culturescape . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Ecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . 24,25,26 Film . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 GCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Glebe then & now . . . . . . 10,11 Glebous&Comicus . . . . . . . . 32 GNAG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 31 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 MPP’s Report . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Schools . . . . . . . . . . . 28,29,30 Traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Viewpoints . . . . . . . . . . . 12,13

next issue: february 14, 2014 EDITORIAL DEADLINE: friDAY, january 24, 2014 ADVERTISING DEADLINE: wednesDAY, january 29, 2014


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2 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Photo: Julie Houle Cezer

called the fire department and exited safely with his dog. Early on in the emergency, a small Yorkshire terrier had barked its way to safety – it was rescued from a second floor office by a fireman who heard his barks and broke the window to gain access. Fortunately, the resident cat, Rocco, escaped on his own. During the afternoon, I counted more than 20 firefighters with oxygen tanks on their backs, entering the building at different times in teams. Meanwhile, firefighters suspended above the roof in a specialized cherry picker (or snorHome to three tenants and several animals, the house at 150 Third Avenue suffered kel) poked holes in the extensive damage in an electrical fire on December 23. roof, allowing smoke and gases to escape. Others, working from a pump truck, trained heavy hoses and copious amounts of water on the fire itself. Standing across the street, I was amazed to witness a fireman standing at the top of an extension ladder leaning against the roof, wielding a chainsaw above his head to cut a hole in the roof. Just four or five feet to his left, By Julie Houle Cezer flames continued to shoot from the eaves of the roof. Needless to say, the street from Bank to Lyon was Passing by the burned outer shell of 150 Third Avenue in closed to traffic and eventually to pedestrians as the the weeks following the afternoon house fire on Decemfirefighters worked to contain and put out the fire, and ber 23, I am struck by the marked contrast between the investigators began their work to determine its cause. disquieting silence that hangs over the old brick structure By late afternoon, the destructive power of the flames now, and the dramatic if destructive scene that tranhad been vanquished and the emergency crews had spired some weeks ago. The electrical fire that began in departed. An eerie calm and an acrid smell descended over the immediate area. the walls of the house late on that frigid pre-Christmas morning, burning out the second and third floors and As the shock set in, neighbourly response was swift. destroying the roof, brought out more than 10 fire trucks That afternoon, I noticed one neighbour taking in the and an equal number of smaller support vehicles, includhomeless tenant, and a couple of the dogs. Nicastro’s at ing a victims assistance bus. Of the three occupants, the corner of Bank and Third sent over food. Another only the first floor tenant had been at home, and he had neighbour gave temporary shelter to the second- and

A helping hand for fire victims

third-floor residents, mother Jessica Kenney and daughter Cara, as they were recovering and figuring out their next steps. Although the downstairs tenant, Dan, apparently had tenant insurance, they did not, and everything they had, with the exception of some photos and a few belongings in one closet, was a total write-off. Both have been fortunate to find temporary lodging with a family member in Old Ottawa South, but are still confronted with the loss of all their belongings including furniture, clothing, personal items, electronics and mementos, as well as Christmas gifts they had bought. By Christmas Day, however, José Bray of Joe Mamma Cycles had turned up with a brand new bicycle for Cara, and friends had set up a Facebook account and PayPal and Scotiabank accounts to raise funds to help them rebuild. Currently, grandmother Elaine Kenney is looking for organizational support to continue the fundraising, as her daughter and granddaughter still have a long way to go before they have even the basics. It is not clear whether the downstairs tenant, Dan, managed to find even temporary lodging in the Glebe where he has been a long-term resident, and we were unsuccessful in finding out more details about his whereabouts. In 2010 when fires occurred in the Glebe, organizations like the GCA and the BIA supported fundraisers and raised monies for a number of fire victims who were without tenant insurance. One wonders whether this might be considered in this case, combined with creating an ongoing fund for such emergencies. In addition, since most emergency lodging supplied through the Red Cross extends to only three days, would it also be possible to establish a living registry of local landlords or homeowners open to providing emergency lodging for fire victims needing or wishing to remain in the Glebe? You can find out more about Jessica and Cara at location=stream. Or you can contact Elaine Kenney at You can contribute to funds being raised for Jessica Kenney and daughter Cara by: PayPal Account or: Scotiabank Account # 002160362182, Transit; # 00216, Bank#: 002.


Photos: Ann Coffey

Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Glashan Greening Project

Glashan Public Schoolyard, south side

Glashan schoolyard greening By Angela Keller-Herzog

“Our school looks like a jail!” says a student. The schoolyard is bleak, mostly pavement. To make things worse, the majority of trees shading the yard are ash trees and have to be removed because they are infested with the emerald ash borer. This is Glashan Public School, an Ottawa Carleton District School Board middle school with a present population of almost 400 Grade 7 and 8 students. Glashan students come from the Glebe, Centretown, Lowertown, Sandy Hill and Old Ottawa South. It is located in the heart of Ottawa, at the busy intersection of Catherine and Kent streets. The bleak innercity schoolyard is in marked contrast to the vibrancy of the school and its positive spirit. Glashan prides itself on an ethos of inclusivity, and brings together students from a large catchment area with diverse ethnic and language backgrounds. The Glashan School Council wants to see renewal and greening of the yard. Principal Jim Tayler lent fuel to early discussions in the spring of 2013 when he said, “We should develop an overall vision and a plan, not just a fix here and a tree there.” The

Additional Benefits of Schoolyard Greening Research shows that getting outside in green spaces motivates children to learn, keeps them attentive, builds their imaginations and improves classroom behaviour, all aside from the obvious physical benefits. Further benefits are: • Social (decreased aggression, positive social dynamics, patience, less bullying, more playing, more personal time) • Academic (increased achievement, especially in students with learning styles not well suited to traditional classroom) • Health (garden programs and participation in food production which help students appreciate value of fruits and vegetables) • Environmental (taking care of a green schoolyard which fosters environmental responsibility and stewardship and appreciation of nature).

Glashan Green Team was established by the school council in September 2013.The school board’s centralized grounds department, however, has hardly enough resources to remove the hundreds of dying ash trees that will soon become a safety hazard on its 140 schoolyards. There is a budget for felling trees ... but no budget for replanting or greening. This is left up to parents, communities and the City. This lack of resources for schoolyard greening is not for want of scientific evidence of the community benefits of urban greening and student benefits of schoolyard greening (see boxes). Fully on board with the Glashan G re en i ng P roje ct is Jen n i fer McKenzie, the school board trustee responsible for Glashan. According to McKenzie, “There is a clear link between green spaces and healthy outdoor activity and student learning.” With the support of Centretown and Glebe community associations and city councillors David Chernushenko, Diane Holmes and Mathieu Fleury, the Glashan Green Team has applied to city grant programs. The community network Ecology Ottawa is supporting the project by lending expertise in naturalization and schoolyard greening. Ecology Ottawa community volunteers will help to water the trees and shrubs throughout the first few summers until plants are well established. An initial outreach to local businesses generated a seed fund to help with the first phase of planning – positive response from the neighbourhood including a wide range of people from dentists to jewellers to engineers. A class-by-class facilitated consultation took place at the school in late fall, led by schoolyard-greening guru Ann Coffey. Many problems with the yard were identified and many ideas, solutions and proposals for better use of the yard were received. Students are pleased that they were asked. Takeo, a Grade 8 student, commented, “I hope that with this project the yard is going to get more enjoyable for future generations of students here. I would like to experiment with growing grapes on the fence. I think it is possible in this climate.” Glashan teachers support the greening project. According to a teacher and staff survey just completed: • 70 per cent of respondents feel that there is too much pavement in this schoolyard; • Over 60 per cent feel that noise and air pollution are problems; • Surprisingly, over 70 per cent also feel that the lack of colou r a nd a r t is a problem;

Benefits of Trees & Urban Greening An extensive and growing scientific literature documents the benefits of urban trees & greening, including: • Public health and social benefits (overall well-being; cleaning the air of nitrogen dioxide and fine particulates reducing asthmatic triggers; improving respiratory and cardiovascular health; improving mental health and reducing stress; reducing noise; encouraging outdoor recreation); • Environmental benefits (carbon sequestration; energy conservation through cooling; storm water filtration and retention; provision of habitat to wildlife); • Economic benefits (higher property values; commercial value of neighbourhood).

• Over 80 per cent support installation of safety and sound barriers. Safety and excessive noise on the schoolyard are priority problems that the planning process has identified, but that may not be easy or cheap to remedy. The Green Team will consolidate the consultation results, and a discussion meeting on January 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the school library will include a presentation on a proposed site plan. A detailed budget and implementation phases will be developed following the finalization of the site plan. The challenges faced by the schoolyard renewal are formidable. Costs are likely to run over $100,000. The fact that the school board has no resources for schoolyard renewal and greening means that the school council must raise these funds from the community and foundations. The Green Team has hopes that members of the community will come forward with both financial donations as well as in-kind donation of expertise, services and volunteer time. To realize an overall renewal of the schoolyard will need many kinds of inputs, from contractors for de-paving; landscapers, arborists and nurseries for greening; engineers for safety, noise and water management issues; fundraising and communication experts and artists for colour and art. If you can help, contact the author at Angela Keller-Herzog is Chair of the Green Team of the Glashan School Council.

Classroom consultation on schoolyard greening



4 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Dance and yoga at Abbotsford By Julie Ireton

Exercise and music go together like ice cream and apple pie. And at some exercise classes at Abbotsford, that music is live. That’s thanks to musician Mark Rehder, who plays drums, flute and keyboard while the people around him dance.

Photo: Chrystia Chudczak

Propeller dance

Abbotsford at the Glebe Centre, the seniors’ centre across from Lansdowne, has benefited from a pilot program in Propeller Dance’s integrated approach to dance since last September. This is an artful, improvisational style of dance for people with many different abilities. These include movers with mobility issues, balance problems or even those in wheelchairs, as well as those of us that might be called temporarily able-bodied people. “Live music is part of all our propeller dance classes,” says Renata Soutter, co-artistic director of the program. “The music is a big plus. It’s very inspiring.” Last fall was Abbotsford’s first introduction to propeller dance. Soutter notes that enrollment started out small, but seniors started dropping in to try it. She says some were a bit tentative at first. Many of these people hadn’t danced in a long time. “A lot of people were pleasantly surprised at what they got out of the dance, like the way they could be creative and playful and at the same time participate in a good fitness activity.” The class is open to people in wheelchairs. In fact, one of the instructors is a seated dancer. “I’ve been paralyzed for a long time. I was in a motorcycle accident when I was 18,” said Liz Winkelaar, a propeller dance instructor. “I found a poster for propeller dance, I thought I should do something for my body and I threw myself into it.” The Propeller Dance program received some federal funding to start pilot classes with seniors but

Instructor Liz Winkelaar teaches the propeller dance class on Monday mornings.

for many years has been running separate classes for children. Soutter says her dream would be to have intergenerational activities. “It’s about discovering your own movement and it’s fun to see this as a teacher – and as a participant – figuring it out. It’s quite amazing,” says Soutter. Propeller Dance classes on the winter schedule at Abbotsford take place on Monday mornings at 9:30 am. Chair yoga

If you’re looking for something more meditative when it comes to an exercise regime, another option at Abbotsford is chair yoga. This class is also tailored to seniors with limited mobility or perhaps those who just want a gentle yoga class. Yoga poses are done seated in a chair and when possible, standing using a chair for support. Each

Come Sing with Us

class includes a combination of stretching and breathing exercises designed to relieve stress and increase mobility, flexibility and balance. Instructor Heidi Conrod specializes in teaching seniors. She also instructs chair yoga at a few retirement homes in the city. “Yoga works, it really does. Most of the seniors I’ve taught comment on how it’s helped their mobility. They noticed after a couple of times the arthritis isn’t as bad, or it helps them sleep,” says Conrod. “I’m looking forward to having fun. My classes aren’t too serious. We have fun.” This winter, chair yoga classes take place on Wednesdays from 10 to 11 a.m. Journalist Julie Ireton regularly reports on programs and events taking place at Abbotsford @The Glebe Centre.

Are you hankering to sing? Well, we have the time and the space for you! This is not a choir; this is a chance for folks to get together every Friday afternoon and spread some cheer with each other. Bill Richardson will be at the piano playing some Old-time Favourites and Contemporary Tunes. Diane McIntyre will lead the singing. Friday January 17 and 31, February 14 and 28, March 14 and 28 1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Drop-in fee: $1 Abbotsford @ The Glebe Centre 950 Bank Street

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Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Exercise to control blood sugar and diabetes By Graham Beaton Diabetes and Exercise

Diabetes is a disorder characterized by high levels of blood sugar due to changes in insulin production, insulin sensitivity, or both. This long-term elevation in blood sugar levels has serious health effects. Specifically, it can damage small blood vessels. This damage may then affect vision, kidney and nerve function, bone health, and can lead to increased risk of heart attack and stroke. The prevalence of diabetes is increasing worldwide. While in 1985 it was estimated that 30 million people were diagnosed with the disease, last year the number of people was estimated at 371 million, more than a tenfold increase. This trend is even greater in Canada, where the number of Canadians diagnosed between 1998 and 2009 increased by 230 per cent. It is currently estimated that 2.4 million Canadians have diabetes, and that the incidence will continue to grow1. One of the most important ways to manage diabetes is through physical activity. It is currently recommended that people with diabetes participate in both regular aerobic and resistance exercise. It has been shown to be effective in improving blood sugar regulation, reducing insulin resistance, substantially lowering the mortality risk in people with diabetes, and decreasing the risk of several other diabetes-related complications (bone and muscle loss, foot ulcers, nerve damage). Insulin, Blood Sugar Regulation and the Effects of Exercise

Insulin is a hormone produced in the

pancreas that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrate (sugar) and fat in the body. While eating a meal, insulin is released from the pancreas and enters the blood stream where it stimulates cells of the body (liver, muscles, fat cells) to take up sugar absorbed from food. The cells of the body then use sugar for energy or store it for future use. In diabetes, the control of blood sugar is impaired. In type 1 diabetes, the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin are destroyed and insulin is not produced. This lack of insulin impairs the takeup of sugar by body tissues. Further, blood sugar levels cannot be properly regulated and remain elevated. In type 2 diabetes, cells of the body become resistant to the effects of insulin, again leading to elevated levels of blood sugar. Moreover, as type 2 diabetes progresses, the pancreas can lose the ability to produce enough insulin, so there may be a lack of insulin as well as a loss of insulin sensitivity. Exercise has been shown to be very effective in helping regulate blood sugar levels and improving the long-term health of diabetics. Exercise stimulates active muscles to take up blood sugar without the need for insulin. This effectively lowers blood sugar for at least 24 hours following exercise2 . In addition to this noninsulin-mediated absorption of sugar, exercise has been shown to lower the insulin resistance found in type 2 diabetes1. To achieve the benefits of blood sugar regulation, people with diabetes should take part in both aerobic and resistance exercise. A minimum

Glebe Report Editor The Glebe Report Board of Directors is seeking the most suitable candidate to assume the position of editor of the Glebe Report, as of mid-June 2014. The Glebe Report is a print-first community paper with an online presence. Currently the position entails: • good knowledge of issues currently facing the Glebe, and familiarity with recent history of the community and its core organizations. • ability to manage a team, including a collaborative approach to working with both professional and volunteer contributors.

of 30 minutes a day, five days a week, of aerobic exercise (such as brisk walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling, aerobics or dancing) and at least two sessions per week of resistance exercise (weights and other forms of strength training) is recommended1. Safety in exercising with diabetes

For the majority of individuals with diabetes, participation at a moderate level of physical activity (i.e. brisk walking) is safe. However, individuals with certain pre-existing health concerns (autonomic or peripheral neuropathy, unstable angina, vision problems or foot/leg ulcers) should speak to a health professional for further evaluation prior to starting a new exercise plan. It is important to be aware that resistance training and vigorous aerobic activity, such as aerobics, jogging or brisk walking up an incline, can lead to an unsafe level of blood sugar in diabetics, both during and after exercise. For example, vigorous exercise can cause low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in diabetics who are on insulin or insulin-secreting medications1, 2. Thus it is important to speak first to a health care professional about how to monitor and regulate blood sugar before, during and after exercise. Exercise is an essential component of the prevention and management of diabetes. It can help to regulate blood sugar levels, reduce risk of cardiovascular disease, and reduce risk of complications associated with diabetes. If you have diabetes, or if you are at risk of developing diabetes, it is important that you ensure that your

Exercise and Diabetes • 2.4 million Canadians are estimated to have diabetes. • Exercise can improve blood sugar regulation and reduce insulin resistance. • People with diabetes are advised to participate in 150 minutes of aerobic exercise and at least two sessions of resistance exercise per week. Speak to a naturopathic doctor on how to prevent and manage diabetes.

blood glucose levels are monitored and properly controlled. Diabetes treatment and blood glucose control should include a personalized diet and exercise plan that is tailored to your specific situation. In practice I help diabetic patients, or those at risk, to improve their blood sugar control through diet and exercise. If you have questions about diabetes, exercise, how to exercise safely with diabetes or how naturopathic medicine can help you, please call 613-290-6115. Graham Beaton is a naturopathic doctor practising at the Ottawa Collaborative Care Centres. 1 Sigal, R.J. et al. “Physical Activity and Diabetes – Canadian Diabetes Association Clinical Practice Guidelines Expert Committee.” Can J Diabetes 37; 2013:S40-44. 2 Colberg, S. R. et al. “Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes: the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association joint position statement.” Diabetes Care 2010; 33 (12): e147-e167.

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• post-secondary education in the humanities and social sciences; experience in journalism would be an asset. • writing excellence with an appreciation for plain English. • editing skills, including identifying relevant stories and developing a roster of contributors as a part of content acquisition; structural and stylistic editing; copy editing; picture research; fact checking; working with pertinent media law issues; and production co-ordination. • basic photography skills. • basic understanding of visual design issues and layout. • basic understanding of the use of the Internet, social media in journalism. • strong organizational and interpersonal skills, with varied experience in non-profit community organizations. • computer fluency (WORD in Microsoft Office 2011 and Mac Mail are required; Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, Twitter and Facebook are assets). • availability to attend community meetings and events, to work on-site during production and to report to the Board of Directors after each production cycle. The position currently requires up to 150-160 hours per issue. A modest monthly honorarium is provided. Interested parties can contact GR Board Chair Bob Brocklebank at for more details and for the application procedure. Application deadline: February 28, 2014 at 5 p.m.


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6 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Images of the Glebe

photo: julie houle cezer

Guidelines for Submissions

Shovelling snow is an unavoidable form of exercise in winter.

Sandwiched between cold and colder in 2014 uneven as they are icy, and I wonder how anyone with balance problems or the least bit of muscle weakness can do errands safely. Perhaps it would be helpful to report specific trouble patches to fellow residents as well as to the City – a good use for Twitter perhaps. In the meantime, I hope you are settling into a cozy chair with a mug of hot tea or coffee as you read the January Glebe Report – there are articles on health and initiatives that may have an impact on the wider community, and others that introduce you to new winter activities that may just improve your personal health. Do enjoy your January armchair tour of the Glebe. Julie Houle Cezer

photo: soo hum

This is the month that we most want to embrace winter but find it the most challenging to do so. Storms and temperatures fluctuating from – 28°C to 6°C since New Year’s Day have made it seem as though we’re sandwiched between frigid cold and balmy cold, sometimes in the same day. The ice that on one day is treacherous and may land someone in hospital is mush the next. In fact, my “yaktrax” are always close at hand because by the time I leave at night, that slightly wet patch I encounter on my walk to the Glebe Community Centre may have turned into black ice. These rubbery grippers have become essential to my health and well-being and my ability to navigate the streets. Quite honestly, I find myself avoiding the sidewalks, which are as

Hogs Back New Years Day Established in 1973, the Glebe Report, a monthly not for-profit community newspaper with a circulation of 7,000 copies, is delivered free to Glebe homes and businesses. Advertising from merchants in the Glebe and elsewhere pays all its costs, and the paper receives no government grants or direct subsidies. The Glebe Report, made available at select locations such as the Glebe Community Centre and the Old Ottawa South Community Centre and Brewer Pool, is printed by Winchester Print.

CONTACT US 175 Third Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 2K2 Please submit articles to Call 613-236-4955 @glebereport

EDITOR Julie Houle Cezer COPY EDITOR Liz McKeen LAYOUT DESIGNER Jock Smith GRAPEVINE EDITOR Micheline Boyle WEB EDITOR Elizabeth Chiang ADVERTISING MANAGER Judy Field 613-231-4938 BUSINESS MANAGER Sheila Pocock 613-233-3047 CIRCULATION MANAGER Zita Taylor 613-235-1214 PROOFREADERS Susan Bell, Martha Bowers, Valerie Bryce, Gillian Campbell, Teena Hendelman, Dorothy Phillips, Wendy Siebrasse AREA CAPTAINS

Martha Bowers, Donna Edwards, Judy Field, McE and Bobby Galbreath, Gary Greenwood, Ginny Grimshaw, Jono Hamer-Wilson, Martin Harris, Christian Hurlow, Gord Yule

Please note that except for July, the paper is published monthly. An electronic version of the print publication is subsequently uploaded with text, photos, drawings and advertisements as a pdf to Selected articles will be highlighted on the website. Views expressed in the articles and letters submitted to the Glebe Report are those of our contributors.

DEADLINES For Glebe Report advertising deadlines and rates, call the advertising manager. Advertising rates are for electronic material supplied in pdf format with fonts embedded in the file. Deadlines for submissions: January 24 for articles January 29 for advertising The next issue of the Glebe Report: Friday, February 14, 2014 COVER Painting: “Skating on Brown’s Inlet” by Gerd Schneider FRONT PAGE PHOTO: “St. James/GNAG Community Rink” by Soo Hum.

Deadlines: For 2013 editorial and advertising deadlines, see website: Articles assigned or approved by the editor are to be received in the office by 5 p.m. on the editorial deadline date. Word Count: 725-750 words for articles and 100-300 words for letters. Format: Electronic copy: Send Word .doc or .rtf (rich text format) attachment to Send other particulars in the body of the email. Hard copy: Handwritten or typed, sent by regular mail or dropped off to 175 Third Ave., Ottawa, ON, K1S 2K2. For articles, please send one line of relevant biographical information on the author. Contact information: Name, telephone number, home address, email address. Photos: Include with your article submission. Send colour, high resolution (200-300 ppi) uncropped photos as .jpg attachments or bring CD, DVD, or originals for scanning to the office. If possible, include both vertical and horizontal compositions of the subject. Please include captions and photo credits in the body of the email. Note: Unless taken at a public event, obtain express permission to publish photos in the Glebe Report print and online versions at website glebereport. ca. If minors are identifiable, confirmation of written permission from parents must be obtained and sent to the editor before the publication date. Content: Coverage includes reports on current and emerging issues important to the community, as well as articles reflecting the wide range of interests and perspectives of people residing and working in the Glebe. We seek articles that create context, and convey up-to-date information on common concerns. We highlight initiatives, projects, programs, events, services and businesses in the community. We invite you to submit profiles, opinion pieces, book reviews, creative writing and essays, photography and art work for consideration. All ages are welcome to submit articles. Copyright on individual texts, photos or representations of artworks belong to the creators, who by voluntarily submitting their material, grant the Glebe Report one-time rights, in the print edition and online as part of The Glebe Report welcomes submissions, but cannot promise publication. The Glebe Report reserves the right to edit material, and final editing decisions reside with the editor.

Contributors this issue Seema Akhtar Graham Beaton Danielle Blais Micheline Boyle Carl Brunet Karen Cameron Catherine Caule David Chernushenko Chrystia Chudczak Ann Coffey Amanda DeGrace Patty Deline Eli Adelle Farrelly Karen Gordon Paul Green Janet E. Harris Julie Houle Cezer Soo Hum Julie Ireton Will E. Jessup Angela Keller-Herzog Lorrie Loewen Heather Mace Laurie Maclean

Eric J. Martin Christine McAllister Joe McKendy Ian McKercher Neil McKinnon Doug Milne Jake Morrison Patrick Nantel Yasir Naqvi Monica Pine Gerd Schneider Sediq Lois Siegel Tom Tanner Yvonne Thijsen Mary Tsai-Davies Sarah Williams Zeus


Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Let us preserve and cherish The Pantry Editor, Glebe Report I am writing you with great concern regarding the proposed closure of The Pantry. For 38 years, The Pantry has enabled people from all over the city (and beyond) to find a haven in the busy Glebe, and to enjoy wholesome vegetarian food with their friends and neighbours. I ate lunch every day for several years at The Pantry, appreciating the fact that I was being nourished by tasty and good quality food. The furnishings and delicate chinaware brought back pleasant memories of the house in the Glebe, built in 1895, in which I spent my childhood and young adulthood. I’m sure that my sentiments are shared by many of the hundreds, if not thousands, who have experienced The Pantry over the years. Much of the landscape familiar to those of us who grew up in the Glebe is rapidly changing, and in my opinion, not always for the better. I believe that we must preserve and cherish those places such as The Pantry that nourish not only the body but also the soul. Janet E Harris Editor’s note: Letter also sent to Mayor Jim Watson and Councillor David Chernushenko. Editor, Glebe Report Re: Proposed closure of The Pantry at the Glebe Community Centre I take deep exception to news of the City’s decision not to renew the lease for The Pantry on the basis that more programming space is needed at the Glebe Community Centre. I take the deepest exception to this move and to its logic.

First of all, The Pantry is a program of the Glebe Community Centre, and has been for nearly 40 years. Its role and function is to provide a quiet, friendly place where local people, mainly elders and young people from Glebe Collegiate and young mothers with babies, can congregate, eat a light, healthy meal or snack, and connect with others in the community and the centre itself! If this is not “programming,” i.e. community development, outreach and promotion of programs in the Centre itself, I don’t know what is. There is no better advertising for what the Centre offers than bringing people into the building, seeing the facilities, watching the children playing, getting a feel of the place, or picking up a Glebe Report. Seniors, especially the newly retired, are often at a loss. Having been part of the working world, they are often not aware of what is currently offered in their community and don’t have friends outside their former employment. It can be a very difficult time. There is very little support for the retired and other elders, and not much programming for them at the GCC. Abbotsford House, a seniors’ centre, which the Glebe is fortunate to have, is full to the roof. But everyone knows about The Pantry and will come in for lunch where they can meet people. More programs and facilities are needed for this rapidly growing cohort, not fewer! The same logic applies to new mothers and all stay-at-home parents. They often find themselves “out of the loop.” So many parents, mostly moms, have found The Pantry, and with it the smiles and attention they and their babies need, good food for a little treat, and most importantly, others like themselves with whom lifelong friendships are formed. Many of the programs in the GCC have been created by these groups of parents,

from the Cooperative Nursery School (formerly the Coop Playgroup, born in the Pantry in 1977) to the Snowflake Special, also born in The Pantry. The baby advice, respite and mental health breaks that have been found there over the years are incalculable. Again, this is programming – informal, but ever so tangible and concrete. It is an anathema to close The Pantry for “programs” when The Pantry is programming. Beyond this informal role within the GCC’s programming, The Pantry also plays a large role in the rental of facilities for large events such as the craft show, weaving and quilting, and pottery shows. Part of the selling feature for these shows is The Pantry. I know this from my own quilting guild, Quiltco, which has used the Great Hall for the last 15 years or so. People who come to a big show need a place to have lunch and rest so they can continue. And they love The Pantry. It is an institution. And the vendors love it as well. In conclusion, I am arguing that the reason given for wanting to close The Pantry is based on a false assumption, that The Pantry does not offer “programming.” In fact it does, on many levels, and in areas that GNAG and the GCC do not offer much, in community outreach and development, and in particular for seniors. I call on all named above to take immediate action to prevent this travesty, which will have a detrimental effect on people in all of Capital Ward and beyond.


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Patty Deline Patty Deline lived in the Glebe for more than 30 years. Among other community activities, she was the founder, with Elaine Marlin and others, of the Glebe Co-op Playgroup. She has lived in Old Ottawa South for the last 14 years. online community calendar updated every tuesday


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Thanks and Farewell Daphne Towers Thomas and Hannah Rogers Katie Millington Welcome to Elma Estable Patrick and Ciara Westdal Jono Hamer-Wilson

Nina & Jasmine Acharya, Jennie Aliman, Tyler, Luke & Claire Allan, Charlie & Sydney Allen, Melanie and William Alton, Marcia Aronson, james attwood, the Aubry family, Lucy & Thomas Baird, Adrian Becklumb, Beckman Family, Inez Berg, Mary Lou Bienefeld, Daisy & Nettie Bonsall, Robert & Heidi Boraks, the Bowie family, John Francis Brandon, Jonah & Benjy Brender,the Brown family, Alice Cardozo, virginia carver, Darlene Charron, Jack & Will Coffey, Nathaniel Collins Mayer, the Coodin family, Scott Cowan, Eleanor Crowder, Richard DesRochers, Oscar & Jane Dennis, Marilyn Deschamps, Tara Dibenedet, the Diekmeyer-Bastianon family, Pat Dillon, Sarah Dingle, the Dingle family, Giuliana, Al, Nina & Olive Di Stefano, Callum Duggan, Education for Community Living (GCI), Donna Edwards, Elma Estable, the Faught family, the Ferguson family, Judy Field, Joann Garbig, Zoe Goodwin-Sutton, Gary Greenwood, Ginny Grimshaw, the Hamer-Wilson family, Henry Hanson, Martin Harris, Louis Helbig, the Hook family, Cheryle Hothersall, Matthew Hovey, Christian Hurlow, Niall & Nolan Hymander, the Illing-Stewart family, Jack & Lily Inskip-Shesnicky, jeevan & Amara Isfeld, the Johnston family, Janna Justa, the Khare Family, Carly & Reilly Kimber, the Kuffner family, Mr. & Mrs Laing, the Lambert family, Justin Leyser, Jaiden and Vinay Lodha, Annaline Lubbe, Joanne Lucas, Sam & Dawson Lyon, the Macdonald family, Maria MacIntosh, Jennifer, John, Owen & Ian MacNab, Pat Marshall, Isaac McGuire, natalie mezey, Julie Monaghan, Rebecca Morris, Diane Munier, Sana Nesrallah, Tracy Parrish, Brenda Quinlan, the Quinn family, Beatrice Raffoul, Mary & Steve Reid, barbara riley, Jacqueline, Lucy and Adam Reilly-King, Anna Roper, Emile & Sebastien Roy-Foster, Myma & Alex Okuda-Rayfuse, Lene Rudin-Brown, sidney rudin-brown, Penny & Nelson Riis, Carter & Clara Saunders, Anita Sengupta, Casimir & Tristan Seywerd, Kirk shannon, the Short family, Kathy Simons, Judith Slater, Victoria, Rebecca, Nicholas & Patrick Spiteri, Sebastian and Adrianna Spoerel, the Stephenson family, Alex & Claire Stoney, steve strtak, Joanne Sulek, Nicholas Sunderland, Emily and Cara Swab, Karen Swinburne, Eric & Steven Swinkels, Ruth Swyers, Emmet & Niamh Taylor, Mackenzie Thomas, Spencer Thomas, John & Maggie Thomson, the Trudeau family, Caroline Vanneste, the Veevers family, Sophie Veronneau, Erica Waugh, Caroline Warburton, Katja & Tanja Webster, the Weider family, patrick and ciara westdal, Allison Williams, Howard & Elizabeth Wong, jo wood, Gillian & Jake Wright, Sue Ann Wright, Nora Wylie, the Young-Smith family, Gord Yule.

CALL Zita Taylor at 613-235-1214, e-mail:, if you are willing to deliver a route for us.



Photos: Lorrie Loewen

8 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Developers tell community residents to ‘wait-and-see’ by Carl Brunet

As officials representing the City and Lansdowne developers began speaking at a public meeting on Monday, December 9, final details of Lansdowne’s transportation and parking arrangements, seemingly shrouded in secrecy, managed to come to the surface. With parts of the new Lansdowne complex scheduled to open next summer, angry Glebe residents, already experiencing Lansdowne parking issues and traffic congestion, packed the St. Giles church hall at Bank Street and First Avenue. Everyone was surprised to find out that no monitoring activities are planned before the $300-million complex opens next year. The transportation monitoring consultant plans to conduct monitoring activities starting next October, then the following March when pedestrian and bike traffic is nowhere near its peak. The last

time such monitoring activities were conducted was during March break, highlighting the potentially flawed baseline data against which new results might be compared. Some residents asked why only three games for each of the three sports teams were to be monitored.

“Cost-free or low-cost recommendations made by the GCA Traffic Committee have been overwhelmingly ignored and/or rejected.” Residents expecting a hefty 50 per cent increase in traffic were presented

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with a thrice-a-year monitoring plan as well as shuttles on their residential streets. Bernie Ash, CEO of the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG), the consortium in charge of the redevelopment of Lansdowne, claimed he hadn’t thought about where the 40,000 CFL fans who don’t have exclusive parking passes would park. The same goes for dayto-day customer parking for retail operators such as Whole Foods and the movie theatre. VIP parking and special, paid, sheltered bicycle parking will also be offered. When it transpired that most of the 40,000 fans were expected to reach Lansdowne via “modal shift,” someone finally asked what this term meant. We were informed that this refers to people “getting out of cars” and using transit or other modes of transport to reach stadium events. The specifics of how to “get people out of cars” are yet to be determined, but vehicles are expected to magically disappear through this abstract and immeasurable concept. Every Lansdowne event ticket will include free OC Transpo fare to get there. The fact that OSEG bears any cost for OC Transpo’s transit expenses might explain why good ideas such as the proposed Bank Street freebus corridor, which has worked in other cities, have been systematically turned down. Lakeside Avenue residents complaining that their street would be affected by Lansdowne shuttle bus operations asked that the route be moved to arterial roads. The Lansdowne transportation consultant said, “We have listened, but the Carling-Bronson intersection is so busy and Lakeside would just save time.” Residents remained unclear if the shuttle traffic was to be one- or two-way. Although the Lansdowne proponents claim to be listening, they appear to be serving up little more than lukewarm talking points to the community. The City representative talked about identifying issues, but as Brian Mitchell, chairperson of the Glebe Traffic Committee, pointed out, cost-free or low-cost recommendations made by the GCA Traffic Committee have been overwhelmingly ignored and/or rejected. Lansdowne wants to succeed in spite of the community, but for the next 30 years, Lansdowne neighbours, more than transient fans, are their most likely repeat customers.

Councillor Chernushenko speaking at the December 9 St. Giles meeting on the Lansdowne Monitoring Plan to a very full house of Glebe residents concerned about the impact of increased traffic.


• Demand accountability from politicians who spend your tax dollars. Let them know how you are impacted: email or phone City communications contact Amanda Thompson, 613-580-2424, extension 21284. • Call 311 and report parking and traffic offenses (e.g. get illegally-parked vehicles fined). • Attend community meetings and voice your views. • Email your councillor, David Chernushenko, at and make your voice heard. • Patronize Glebe businesses and continue to do so once Lansdowne opens. • In the election this coming year, support candidates who stand up for your neighbourhood.


• Implement Glebe Community Association Traffic Committee recommendations. • Amend the Lakeside Avenue and Sunnyside shuttle route in favour of arterial roads. • Build the Fifth Avenue-Clegg pedestrian bridge now, not in 2020 to 2025. • Come up with a transportation plan with tangible measures, such as the rejected free-bus corridor on Bank Street. • Listen to citizens’ concerns. As neighbours, we are your future clients. WHAT’S YOUR SOLUTION?

Make your voice heard, loud and clear. Send your emails to

Questions or comments? Contact

Carl Brunet is a Glebe resident living just west of Bank Street.


Glebe Report January 17, 2014

What is your vision for the community and how can the GCA help achieve it?

Christine McAllister

The best things about being president of the GCA are meeting residents, hearing what they love (or don’t) about our community and learning about the variety of issues we deal with at the GCA. It is clear to me that we spend much of our time being reactionary, which is to say our community is great at reacting (witness the response to the suggestion that Mutchmor Field be paved over for a parking lot!). But are we satisfied with being reactive (even if we are good at it), or do we want to take a future-oriented look and consider how we want our community to develop?

“You might be asking, Why should I be involved? What has the GCA ever done for me? I think about that every time I answer an email from a resident, go to a community Catherine James-Zelney, PFP

meeting or speak at a public event.”

Financial Planner Have you ever thought about what the Glebe could look like, say 10 or 15 years in the future? What do you think would be important: the built environment (walkability, schools, infills, building heights), the natural environment (parks, green space, access to the canal), cultural aspects (diversity, recreation and entertainment), social aspects (community spirit, safety), traffic and transportation (biking, speed limits, parking)? How do these and other aspects contribute to your vision of our community in the future? It is time for all of us to take a small break from being reactive and envision our community in the future, how we would like it to develop, and the GCA’s role in building that community as we reach our 50th anniversary in 2017. We have been planning a set of activities over the next few months to gather information and opinions to help set a direction for the evolution of the GCA, including: • A residents’ survey and a community visioning and brainstorming event for all residents; • Meeting with GCA committees to ask their perspectives; and • Focus groups and interviews with other community groups (such as GNAG, the Glebe BIA, local churches and our city councillor). A key component of the success of this work will be the involvement of Glebe residents. A community association is only as strong as the ties of involvement by residents. A vision will only be a “community” vision if many people participate. We will create lots of opportunities for you to be involved – but in the end, it is up to each of you to help create the vision. You might be asking, “Why should I be involved? What has the GCA ever done for me?” I think about that every time I answer an email from a resident, go to a community meeting or speak at a public event. The GCA is a voluntary, non-profit, membership-based organization that is dedicated to protecting and improving our community. It is helpful to imagine what the Glebe would have looked like without the collective actions organized by the GCA over the years. I’ve used Carol MacLeod’s excellent history of the GCA in the June 2013 edition of the Glebe Report ( to imagine what the Glebe would be like without those GCA-led interventions. • A high-traffic road would exist either along Glebe Avenue (extending from Carling) or Fifth Avenue, or maybe both, with a bridge over the canal connecting to Old Ottawa East (hey, wait a minute, don’t we want a bridge over the canal?). • Queen Elizabeth Drive would be zoned R7 and would have a string of apartment buildings between the edge of our neighbourhood and the canal; • High-rise office towers would line Bank Street from the Queensway to Lansdowne. • The north side of Holmwood would have a parking garage for Lansdowne Park instead of the current houses. • Cut-through traffic for people heading downtown would be commonplace without a Glebe Traffic Plan. • First Avenue and Mutchmor schools might each be closed. • The Glebe Community Centre might not have been renovated. • The Glebe Report and GNAG might not have been created. • There would be no Great Glebe Garage Sale. As I imagine the Glebe in three parts (south of Fifth, Fifth to Glebe, north of Glebe), I am grateful for the community activists who organized the GCA almost 50 years ago to protect and improve our community. These are some of the reasons I am involved with the GCA. In thinking about the year to come, I am grateful for the many people who continue to be involved in the GCA, whether they are on the board, participate in a committee, attend a meeting or public event, or provide knowledge and opinion on important issues. I’m looking forward to envisioning the future, planning our activities and continuing to work with all of you in 2014! C








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10:58 PM


glebe history

10 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Thirty Years Ago in the Glebe Report Vol. 12, No. 1, January 13, 1984 (20 pages) The newly opened Dow’s Lake Pavilion was to be the focal point of many outdoor year-round activities. The pavilion is located on National Capital Commission (NCC) property that has been leased for 40 years. Lundy Construction constructed the premises at a cost of $3 million. Skaters and cross-country skiers would be able to use the building to warm up and purchase soup or hot drinks from the ground floor café. During summer, the Pavilion would become an oasis for sailboats and motorized boats travelling the Rideau waterway. Up to 100 boats would be accommodated after completion of new docks and marine services. The Recreation Association of the Public Service of Canada (RA) had leased 1,500 square feet of interior space for Sail RA activities. THE GREAT ESKATE

The NCC was launching a five-kilometre Rideau Canal skating race on January 14 (1984), emphasizing family participation. The NCC expected several thousand to participate and would like to develop the race into a countrywide contest and later into

Ian McKercher a world-renowned event. Organizers hoped that the “Great Eskate” would become as popular as Winterlude. RISE IN AD RATES

It was stated on the editorial page that advertising rates at the Glebe Report were scheduled to rise effective February, 1984. The paper announced these changes with regret, stating that the increases were due to inflation and increased costs for printing. The editorial noted that the Glebe Report is a non-profit community newspaper supported entirely from area businesses. Half page ads were set to increase to $125, and quarter page ads to $85. (Editor’s note: 2014 rates are $406.80 for a half page and $180.80 for a quarter page.) DAYCARE AT ABBOTSFORD

Alderman Howard Smith reported that heritage designation of Abbotsford House was proceeding, and a proposal was under consideration to use the building as a home for the Glebe Daycare Centre.


Past and Present in Italian Cinema Between 1965 and 1975

In the decade between 1965 and 1975 Italian cinema produced not only great masterpieces but also great commercial films — high quality films that never lost track of popular taste. This series will bring together films dealing with the present and films dealing with other important periods of Italian history. The films take place every second Tuesday evening at 7:15 pm, and are shown in Italian with Italian subtitles. Admission is free. The series is a partnership between the Dante Alighieri Society of Ottawa and the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group.

Tuesday, February 4 La Mandragola (The Mandrake) Director: Alberto Lattuada. Cast: Rosanna Schiaffino, Philppe Leroy, Nilla Pizzi, Jean-Claude Brialy & Totò. (1966, 96 min.)

Tuesday, February 18 La Tosca (Tosca) Director: Luigi Magni. Cast: Monica Vitti, Vittorio Gassman, Luigi Proietti, Umberto Orsini & Aldo Fabrizi. (1972, 100 min.)

Tuesday, March 11 Film d’amore e d’anarchia (Love and Anarchy) Director: Lina Wertmuller. Cast: Giancarlo Giannini, Mariangela Melato, Lina Polito & Eros Pagni. (1973, 113 min.)

Tuesday, March 25 In nome del popolo italiano (In the Name of the Italian People) Director: Dino Risi. Cast: Ugo Tognazzi, Vittorio Gassman, Yvonne Fourneaux, Agostino Belli & Salvo Randone. (1971, 103 min.)

Photo: Glebe Report archives


Dante Alighieri Society

Tuesday, April 8 Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto (Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion) Director: Elio Petri. Cast: Gian Maria Volonté, Florinda Bolkan, Salvo Randone. (1970, 110 min.)

Tuesday, April 22 Dramma della gelosia (Drama of Jealousy) Director: Ettore Scola. Cast: Marcello Mastroianni, Monica Vitti, Giancarlo Giannini, Marisa Merlini. (1970, 107 min.)

Tuesday, May 6 Questa volta parliamo di uomini (This Time Let’s Talk About Men) Director: Lina Wertmuller. Cast: Nino Manfredi, Luciana Paoluzzi, Milena Vukovic. (1965, 91 min.)

Tuesday, May 20 Fantozzi (White Collar Blues) Director: Luciano Salce. Cast: Paolo Villaggio, Anna Mazzamauro & Gigi Reder. (1975, 97 min.)

Tuesday, June 3 Il grande sogno (The Big Dream) Director: Michele Placido. Cast: Riccardo Scamarcio, Jasmine Trinca, Luca Argentero, Massimo Popolizio & Alessandra Acciai. (2008, 101 min.)

For further details:

Dow’s Lake Pavilion as it appeared in the late fall of 1983

NOTE: All back issues of the Glebe Report to June 1973 can be viewed on the Glebe Report website at under the ARCHIVES menu.

This retrospective is filed bimonthly by Ian McKercher of the Glebe Historical Society. The society welcomes the donation or loan (for copying) of any item documenting Glebe history (photographs, maps, surveys, news articles, posters, programs, memorabilia, etc.). Contact Ian at 613-235-4863 or

glebe today

Glebe Report January 17, 2014


Glebe Annex Community Association news At the November 2013 annual general meeting, some 14 residents were voted into board positions to oversee the actions of this one-year-old organization. From among the 14 new directors, an executive council was elected. Sylvia Milne has taken on a second term as president, Iain Wood is our new vice president, Lisa Furrie continues as secretary and Chris McCann continues to control the purse strings. Among the numerous initiatives that will be ongoing over the winter is a very timely project. Led by Mary McIninch, the project is looking to replace the dangerous and outdated play equipment in our one and only park, Dalhousie South Park. McIninch is also investigating (with assistance from the City) the issue of why older parks are not brought up to today’s safety standards before creating new parks, as well as the larger question of park maintenance and development in Ottawa. Our safety committee led by Peggy Kampouris is also keeping a watchful eye on the implementation of WISE (Women’s Initiatives for Safer Environments) recommendations. A physical survey (a safety audit) undertaken in October highlighted potentially unsafe areas in our neighbourhood and recommended steps to make our neighbourhood more secure. David Perkins, who developed our informative and interactive website, has been maintaining news files and creating enhancements to the site. We encourage all residents to use this

effective tool to learn about our neighbourhood and to input information to our executive. Please visit We anticipate visual improvements on our streets thanks to the efforts of our Beautification and Recreation Committee. We look forward to a planting campaign in the spring and would appreciate your cooperation. Watch this column for updates. We wish all residents of the Glebe Annex a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.

Photos: Doug Milne

By Doug Milne

Doug Milne is a resident of the Glebe Annex neighbourhood. The play equipment in the area’s one park is more than dated – it’s dangerous for children.

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12 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Ontario planning consultation in Ottawa “It was said that the By Tom Tanner

Two Ontario cabinet ministers and a bevy of staff members joined 62 registered participants at Carleton University on Thursday, November 21 for a three-hour consultation on the “Land Use Planning and Appeals System.” The room crackled with energy as discussion groups wrestled with four awkwardly worded themes: (A) Achieving more predictability, transparency and accountability in the planning/appeal process and reducing costs; (B) Supporting greater municipal leadership in resolving issues and making local land use planning decisions; (C) Better engaging citizens in the local planning process; (D) Protecting long-term public interests, particularly through better alignment of land use planning and infrastructure decisions, and support for job creation and economic growth. I chose theme (C), and joined a table with community activists from Centretown, Old Ottawa South, the Glebe, Sandy Hill and Portobello South (the most southerly part of Orleans) plus a volunteer from Heritage Ottawa. It was a diverse group with several veterans of many battles about development. Other groups also included developers, but there was no one from “the industry” at our table. ON BETTER ENGAGING CITIZENS IN THE LOCAL PLANNING PROCESS

Linda Jeffrey, minister of municipal affairs and housing, opened the program. After a presentation by

Lansdowne fiasco would

taint consultations for a generation. But we were charged with coming up with ways to improve the process, and so we

laboured with flipchart and markers to fill six or seven pages with closely written comments.” facilitator Peter Landry, groups got to work. It took little time for our table to agree that citizen consultations are “marketing exercises” at present. Strong feelings were expressed and it was said that the Lansdowne fiasco would taint consultations for a generation. But we were charged with coming up with ways to improve the process, and so we laboured with flipchart and markers to fill six or seven pages with closely written comments. One of our group said that we had the best consultation 1950s technology could bring us. Many ideas and suggestions emerged at our table: • Using new technology and social media might engage more citizens and gather creative suggestions.

Not-for-profit groups should run citizen consultations. City staff has a stake in the outcome of consultations and thus have a conflict of interest when they organize citizen input sessions. There is no transparency about feedback received at consultations. Input from citizens and developers is usually lumped together and reported in vague terms. Clear and accurate reporting of citizen opinions and suggestions is required to build confidence in the system. People must be able to see that their views are heard and considered. The Ottawa Official Plan is couched in such vague terms that almost anything can be considered. Thus it is easy to make changes that can adversely affect neighbourhoods. Language needs to be less permissive so that there are limits on what can be proposed. There should be special consultations geared to community associations. The planning process is complex. It can be baffling to citizens who are not well informed. Community associations usually have informed members who can make useful contributions to guide development. The province already mandates school councils and this could be a precedent for similar recognition of community associations. Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) receive government funding. In Alberta the province provides money for community associations, and this should be explored for possible application in Ontario. A regional depository for studies and reports produced by community associations would greatly assist the “corporate memory” of these voluntary organizations and would allow research to be used more widely. Since some communities are not experienced in land-use planning and development

issues, access to work done elsewhere could be very helpful. • During Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearings, expertise is valued and subjective opinion is dismissed. But subjective opinion sometimes contains wisdom that deserves to be recognized for its value in the development of liveable communities. Decision-makers need to listen for that wisdom. At present, citizens are made to feel that subjective opinion detracts from progress. • To make things better, Ontario could mandate the elements of effective and trustworthy public consultations. New tools and technologies should be employed to reach out for more citizen input. The role of community associations needs to be recognized. A provincial bureau could provide tools and guidance for local organizations. Regional consultations involving community associations are necessary because issues like transit planning affect larger areas. Time flew by and the flip chart comments grew and grew. After three hours of engagement, a short speech by Yasir Naqvi, minister of labour and MPP for Ottawa Centre, closed the evening. He made it clear that this should not be the end of the conversation. Want to take part? Comments can be submitted at: Emails can be sent to: Letters are still welcome at: Land Use Planning and Appeal System Consultation, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Provincial Planning Policy Branch, 777 Bay Street, 14th Floor, Toronto, ON M5G 2E5. Glebe resident Tom Tanner has written three earlier articles about the OMB. He found out about the consultation thanks to an email from the Friends of Lansdowne.

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Glebe Report January 17, 2014

OMB appeals and hearings we need a level playing field By Catherine Caule

The Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) is an independent tribunal established through provincial legislation. It provides an independent public forum to hear appeals on land-use planning and other matters as determined by law. After a hearing, the Board produces a decision based on the evidence presented and the relevant law. The stated aims of the province’s recent (October 2013 to January 10, 2014) consultation on its land-use planning system and decision-making process, including the land-use planning appeals process at the OMB, were to make the process predictable, transparent, cost-effective and responsive to communities. However, the consultation excluded discussion of changes to the OMB’s practices and procedures. I would argue that there must be changes to the OMB’s appeals and hearing practices to ensure accessibility, transparency and cost-effectiveness. In addition, the consultation did not address whether the appeals process supports one of the aims of the land-use planning system – to create opportunities for healthy communities. THE OMB APPEALS PROCESS

Launching an OMB appeal requires a great investment of money and time. Some parties hire lawyers and planners, but they are not a prerequisite for filing an appeal. Community organizations and individuals may require some $50,000 to engage planners and lawyers to prepare and take an appeal to mediation or a hearing, and for the costs of expert witnesses. Lawyers help prepare the case and, at the hearing, question witnesses and make statements. If the appellant cannot gather the funds to hire professionals, self-representation is an option, though this can be daunting. Those who do not hire lawyers must file the required documents such as witness statements, do their own research, find and assemble the documents and evidence for the case, make copies and distribute the documents for all parties and the Board, speak on their own behalf at the hearing, present their case and their evidence, question witnesses and make opening and closing statements.

They must also be ready to contend with intimidation by opposing party lawyers. Counsel for other parties may raise objections to participation without legal representation and make remarks during the hearing. Parties without counsel must be prepared for gruelling and aggressive questioning by other parties’ counsel. Similarly, a “layperson” (lawyers’ words) must be ready to question witnesses appropriately and purposefully, and respond to evidence presented at the hearing. Laypersons are not experienced with the use of legal tools for evidence such as affidavits and summonses. Parties with lawyers have the advantage in this case. Barriers to launching an appeal are real for those without funds, time, confidence, knowledge for adequate case and exhibit preparation, or oral and written fluency. Though our community is a privileged one in this regard, the resources of the City and the developers still present a barrier to the creation of a level playing field in the appeal process. The threat by the City and developers that they may seek costs for launching a frivolous appeal can dissuade many from proceeding. Finally, when there is a preponderance of legal, planning and expert professionals in a hearing room, it is not a level playing field for the layperson appellant. Though the OMB hearing has the “feel” of a courtroom, it does not have a courtroom’s rigour. OMB hearings are not recorded and there are no court reporters transcribing the proceedings. The chair documents only some of what the parties say. There is no record of oral statements and there is no record when the hearing chair requests that parties produce documents. A party can conveniently forget to provide them until the hearing is closed. For example, a party responsible for shipping a physical model to the OMB might let it “fall between the cracks.” Once the hearing ends, there is little or no recourse. The chair will rule based on notes from the hearings and the evidence provided, or not provided. There is little recourse for inaccuracies in the chair’s report of the ruling. A HEALTHY COMMUNITY

The land-use system aims to produce a healthy community, but the appeals process does not serve this well. The built environment (the structure and layout of streets, build-

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“Though our community is a privileged one in this regard, the resources of the City and the developers still present a barrier to the creation of a level playing field in the appeal process.” ings and communities) influences our health and wellbeing. Ottawa Public Health is now advocating for integrating a health perspective in planning. At the time of the Lansdowne OMB hearing in May 2011, this was novel. The 2005 provincial policy statement, a key component of Ontario’s land-use system, contains planning direction while protecting public health. However, the policy may not have enough teeth to ensure a healthy community. The policy urges the avoidance of development and land-use patterns that may cause environmental or public health and safety concerns. The policy focus is on the impact of major facilities (e.g., airports, waste management systems) on “sensitive uses” (i.e. residential areas) and resulting adverse effects on health and quality of life. The policy does not have teeth, because it does not refer to the health impacts of a rezoning on an existing community. Examples of “adverse effects” are increased traffic, increased noise, reduced air quality, and pedestrian injuries and fatalities. As well, the policy has no bite


because it does not identify thresholds for the significance of an adverse effect – a 20 per cent increase in traffic? 50 per cent? It is also difficult to apply the policy if the chair seeks proof or concrete evidence that an adverse effect will happen. Projections of possible traffic accidents are regarded as mere speculation. Referenced scholarly articles warning of the health effects of noise and air pollution from traffic, and of living near busy roads, will not serve as scientific or empirical evidence if there is no direct, proven connection to the specific development proposal. But it is hard to demonstrate a direct link if the development proposal is not yet implemented! Under these conditions, there is no way to demonstrate adverse effects on health. It’s not enough to look at the big themes. The OMB appeals process must operate from a level playing field and must incorporate a health perspective. Catherine Caule advocates for the health of individuals and of communities. One of three appellants in the Lansdowne re-zoning OMB hearing, she presented a case based on protecting the health of the community. She has contributed to the health of the community as board chair of Centretown Community Health Centre, as a member of the City’s (now defunct) Health and Social Services Advisory Committee, and as chair of the Glebe Community Association’s Health and Social Services Committee. She is currently vice-chair of the Champlain Regional Cancer Program Patient and Family Advisory Council and is a patient and family advisor for Cancer Care Ontario.

14 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

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councillor’s report Healthy communities must address isolation Councillor David Chernushenko

Speaking to a neighbour while shovelling snow, I learned of her plans to retire in Toronto. Thanks to our harsh winters, Ottawa just isn’t a place for seniors, she said. “They feel isolated. It’s not healthy.” I was tempted to rhyme off my usual defence of the city and season I love: “It’s not that bad. Winter is just a state of mind. You have to get outside and embrace it …” But I had a feeling that if I were 20 years older, perhaps with mobility challenges, I might not be so enthused. Just that day, I had been slip-sliding my way home from my Bank Street bus stop. It’s just three blocks, but they felt plenty long, even for me, fit and active at 50. What must it be like for somebody older, less fit, living alone or reliant on an assistive device? How likely would I have been to venture out that day to run errands, attend a fitness class, meet friends at the local cafe? Not very! The fact is, I would have needed someone to drive me. If no such someone was available, if the wait for Para Transpo were lengthy, if I couldn’t afford a taxi, or if I just didn’t feel up to making those calls, I would likely have stayed home, perhaps alone. Long and lonely winters are the reality for many, and the number of people facing such challenges is growing as our population ages. Yes, there are ways to connect virtually with friends and family. Between Facebook, email, Skype and the good old telephone, can you ever really feel alone? We’ve never been more connected and in touch with our “friends.” Or is that a myth? Several studies have identified a growing sense of isolation among people of all ages, but notably the less mobile. It would seem that being virtually connected is not much better than being outright alone. A true friend is more than a photo on Facebook, or somebody who “likes” your status update. It’s someone who drops by for tea or invites you out to a film. It’s someone who rushes over when your basement floods or offers you a lift to church and back. Sure, connecting with far-flung relatives via the Internet is better than seeing them only every few years when you fly to Victoria or Hong Kong. But, in our quest to reduce isolation as part of building healthy communities and citizens, we can’t expect technology to provide all the solutions.

“Long and lonely winters are the reality for many, and the number of people facing such challenges is growing as our population ages.”

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Addressing this issue benefits us all through improved physical and mental health, and the kind of societal health that is generated when people know each other, watch out for each other and share experiences and goals through frequent, often informal personal contact. “Looking out for each other” is an older way of putting it. “Eyes on the street” is a newer way of describing the phenomenon of citizens who are literally on the sidewalks, sitting on a bench or gazing down from a balcony, from where they meet people, see what’s going on, and care enough to take action when required. FOR A HEALTHIER OTTAWA

What can I do – in concert with the communities I represent, other councillors and city staff – to not just reduce isolation, but build connections? Think of these as New Year’s resolutions for a healthier Ottawa: 1. Increase spaces where people can meet others spontaneously and look out over the bustle of daily life: small plazas and parks, more benches. 2. Build for success: Studies all over the world conclude that tall residential buildings promote isolation, whereas low-rise buildings promote greater interaction. 3. Promote comfortable indoor gathering spaces and activities for all ages, within community centres or shopping centres. 4. Work to improve snow clearing on our sidewalks, especially the windrows – those hard-packed ridges left by competing road and sidewalk plows. Is there a place again for manual shovels? 5. Increase the number of bus shelters, both OC Transpo ones and informal shelters made available near shops and office buildings. 6. Review the bus route “optimization” that saw some important routes reduced or eliminated, and test the efficacy of boosting bus ridership by increasing frequency of service on selected routes. Ottawa is always going to have its cold and dark months, and its weeks of treacherous travel conditions. But that doesn’t mean we should settle for being a “bad place to retire.” We should make transportation and planning decisions with that in mind. the Pantry: update

Along the theme of reducing isolation and promoting connections, as of midDecember, I had facilitated (along with the GCA) two meetings of affected parties to explore ways to keep The Pantry operating in some form within the Glebe Community Centre. All parties appear open to compromise and ready to keep working on a solution.



Glebe Report January 17, 2014


By Joe McKendy

When you’re living on the margins in a shabby rooming house, the first step towards good health can be meeting someone who cares about you. Centre 507, a drop-in centre that serves the disadvantaged, just a stone’s throw from the Glebe, often provides that someone. Let’s take “Scott,” for example, a boyish 40-something man who had been coming to Centre 507 for at least five years. Scott rarely bathed and probably never brushed his teeth, some of which were rotting. Staff had to insist that Scott wash his hands before touching the computer or anything else handled by others. Everyone told Scott he should get cleaned up, except the voices in his head that come with schizophrenia. Those voices told him: don’t worry about it. Social workers had been trying to help Scott for years. But nothing they said or did motivated him to deal with his health issues. When Centre 507 outreach worker Chris Dalton first visited Scott’s room, he could not take a step without treading on garbage. The walls were filthy. Scott took some abuse from other tenants, who didn’t want cockroaches spreading to their rooms. His landlord threatened to evict him. When Dalton raised these issues with Scott, he didn’t want to hear them. Dalton and his colleagues follow a case management approach, which involves regular contact, setting objectives together, assistance and

careful monitoring. Over time, Dalton managed to build up some rapport with Scott. He found that a low-key approach worked best. So Dalton decided to put hygiene issues aside and work on something else. Dalton persuaded Scott to visit a dentist. Not every dentist is willing to take patients like Scott, even though their disability pensions cover much of the cost. But Dalton found this dentist to be terrific and, most of all, nonjudgmental. Scott was able to keep appointments partly because Chris Dalton went with him. Centre 507 outreach workers often play this role. After the dental work was completed, Dalton continued to see Scott regularly, often chatting over coffee or snacks. Scott was not taking his schizophrenia meds because he had lost his health card and could not renew prescriptions. So he asked Dalton to help him get a new card. Scott saw that Dalton could be trusted and could help him progress. And Dalton continued to focus on what mattered most to Scott. The next issue was eyesight. Scott’s glasses were precious to him and he needed a new prescription. Again, Chris Dalton knew of an eye doctor who would do a good job with someone like Scott. And because Scott had a health card, it was covered by his disability pension. Things were definitely looking up for Scott … until he again stopped taking his meds. He just wasn’t capable of sticking to the schedule. So the two of them

Photos: joe mckendy

Centre 507 leads to better health

Chris Dalton, depicted above, is an outreach worker for Centre 507.

explored assisted-living facilities that offered a clean room, regular meals and medication administered by a nurse. Dalton did the paperwork and, before long, Scott moved. Now, he bathes more often, eats better and is much healthier. He attends some medical appointments on his own. And he receives a monthly injection of meds. It’s been three years since Chris Dalton first met Scott. This story illustrates just one way that Centre 507 contributes to the health of those it serves. Many other services also have a positive impact. A nurse from Centretown Community Health visits the centre regularly. An annual health fair connects other health care workers with those the centre serves. The staff helps people to quit smoking, to reduce the risk of harm from drugs and to connect with addiction counsellors. Its annual Movember campaign has helped to get men talking and to

bring various men’s health issues to the forefront. Just across the Queensway from the Glebe at 507 Bank, the centre is open to all who seek a safe, friendly and supportive environment. It serves members of our community who are disadvantaged, typically either economically or socially. Homelessness, mental illness, addictions, health concerns, poverty, unstable housing, unemployment and loneliness are among the issues they face. In addition to in-centre staff, outreach teams focus on people on the street and in rooming houses. If you’d like to get to know us better or make a donation online, please visit Editor’s Note: Scott is a pseudonym. Joe McKendy has been a member of the board of directors of Centre 507 for almost ten years.

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Mpp’s report

16 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

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Physiotherapy is an important part of Ontario’s health care system. One-onone physiotherapy helps seniors and other patients recover better from illness, surgery or injury. The Government of Ontario recently announced changes to the delivery of publicly funded physiotherapy in our province. We are reforming our physiotherapy system to provide much better value that will result in care for twice as many seniors in our community. These changes were implemented on August 1, 2013, as local Community Care Access Centres (CCACs) became the single point of access for all publicly funded, in-home physiotherapy, and an expanded number of Designated Physiotherapy Clinics (DPCs) began to serve the community. We are also expanding access to publicly funded clinic-based physiotherapy services to more communities across the province.

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seniors. More than 200,000 additional seniors and patients will now be provided with improved access to high-quality physiotherapy, exercise, and falls-prevention classes.”

Under the old system, only 90 of the over 1,000 physiotherapy clinics across Ontario could be paid by the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP) to provide publicly funded physiotherapy on a fee-for-service basis. This exclusive arrangement meant that publicly funded physiotherapy across Ontario was unevenly distributed, leaving seniors and other patients in many communities without access to clinic-based services. For example, only two such clinics served all of northern Ontario and both were located in Sault Ste. Marie. In addition, an audit of physiotherapy billing practices in the past found that 58 per cent of files did not meet regulatory requirements for payment: 45 per cent of the files reviewed showed services that were not rendered by a physiotherapist, and group exercise classes were predominantly being billed as physiotherapy services at a greater cost to taxpayers. We are improving access to physiotherapy services for seniors, and ensuring these services are available in all corners of the province. Under the new model, we are directly funding the physiotherapy and exercise classes that seniors need, expanding the availability of those services to more locations across Ontario, and serving more seniors. More than 200,000 additional seniors and patients will now be provided with improved access to high-quality physiotherapy, exercise, and falls-prevention classes. These improvements will: • Enhance access to exercise and falls-prevention classes for 68,000 additional seniors in community settings; • Provide funding for one-on-one physiotherapy for all long-term care residents with assessed need, plus group exercise classes; • Offer in-home physiotherapy for 60,000 more seniors and people with mobility issues; and • Expand clinic-based physiotherapy services across Ontario for 90,000 more seniors and eligible patients. At the same time, we have ensured that eligibility for these services remains the same. With a referral from a physician or nurse practitioner, seniors, children up to 19 years old, and recipients of Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program will continue to be eligible for clinic-based physiotherapy. Seniors in long-term care, in retirement homes, and those living in their homes in the community continue to have access to both publicly funded physiotherapy and free exercise and falls-prevention programs. It is important to note that these changes have the full support of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association. I understand the role of physiotherapy as a rehabilitative service as well as a means of keeping seniors healthy and active. Our government’s priority is to provide service continuity for seniors. To this end, I want to ensure a smooth transition to this new system by offering my assistance. If you experience any difficulties, or would like assistance liaising with CCAC, please contact my office anytime at 613-722-6414 or We would be happy to address any concerns you have that will help ease any questions these changes may have created. This reform is part of the Ontario government’s transformation of our health care system, which will mean better care for patients and better value for taxpayers. Ensuring access to the right care, at the right time and in the right place supports Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care, and is part of the Ontario government’s efforts to build a strong economy and a fair society for the benefit of all.



Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Frosty frolics in the Glebe UPDATE ON THE PANTRY

We have also bumped up the registration date. Online registration begins February 11 at 9 p.m. Look for early bird discounts! FAMILY IN A BOX

Join us in the GCC main hall from March 26 through 29 for The Family In A Box, the world premiere of our very own Glebe-created show. GCC has an outstanding track record of performances over the last decade. GNAG staff is a stellar bunch, as you may know from catching some of them in action on stage. They’re ambitious too. They’ve brought you full-scale musicals, breathtaking Shakespeare, horror and comedy, on your own doorstep for unbelievably good prices. Their latest inspiration: craft it from scratch! Ten Glebe writers created the play in the winter of 2013. This winter, 14 actors will bring the show to you! The writing process was part of the LifeLine Project, a theatre-creation activity animated by Glebe-based theatre artist Eleanor Crowder. Starting from costume pieces and objects, small household items and cherished antiques, the writers told stories from their own lives, improvised characters, tried out scene ideas and created scripts. Developed over 10 weeks, the scenes reflect the concerns of the group. Ten writers aged 13 to 70 came up with drama, comedy and realism, where family is the focus and the roller-coaster ride of a story is completely recognizable. Tickets to Family in a Box will be available at the GCC front counter as of February 1: adults $22, students and seniors $17.

Mary Tsai-Davies

You may remember, in December there was considerable neighbourhood anxiety about the future of The try at the Glebe Community Centre (GCC). Glebe Community Association (GCA) president Christine McAllister, recognizing the various needs in the community, kick-started a process bringing key players together to identify the values and desires of the community, GCC clients and the City of Ottawa. Together, the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group (GNAG), GCA, city councillor David Chernushenko and interested community supporters identified fundamental values and suggested options for co-operative change. This resulted in a concrete proposal for the City to consider. The following values were identified at that meeting: • making healthy food available at the community centre; • maintaining a quiet and friendly gathering place for all; • preserving the unique environment The Pantry has provided for 38 years; • optimizing The Pantry space for programming, rentals and community meetings; and • meeting the City’s fiscal requirements. We thank Christine for initiating and directing the process that made so much progress possible and for her dedication to the community. I would also like to thank Kate McCartney and Brad Sigouin from GNAG, Glebe neighbours Elaine Marlin and Diane McIntyre, Councillor Chernushenko and Carolyn Best from The Pantry for their input and support. Together we continue to build a strong community.

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7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Rink open. Schools take priority.

7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Rink open Schools take priority.

7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Rink open Schools take priority.

7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Rink open Schools take priority.

4:15-5:15 p.m. After-School Shinny Clubhouse open. Registered participants only, Jan. 6-Feb. 15.

4:15-6:15 p.m. After-School Shinny Clubhouse open. Registered participants only, Jan. 8-Feb. 16.

4:15-5:15 p.m. After-School Shinny Clubhouse open. Registered participants only, Jan. 9-Feb. 17.

4:15-6:15 p.m. After-School Shinny Clubhouse open. Registered participants only, Jan. 10Feb. 18.

6:15-8:15 p.m. Hockey Night in the Glebe Clubhouse open. Registered participants only, Jan. 8-Feb. 26. Old-timers (private booking) 9 p.m. to close.

5:30-7:30 p.m. Free skate / Shinny. Clubhouse open. Share the rink. 7:30-9:45 p.m. Open Shinny Clubhouse open.

5:30-7:30 p.m. Free skate / Shinny Clubhouse open. Share the rink. 7:30-9:45 p.m. Open Shinny Clubhouse open.


6:30-7:30 p.m. Free skate/ Shinny Clubhouse open. Share the rink. 7:30-9:45 p.m. Open Shinny Clubhouse open.



10 a.m.12:30 p.m. Learn to Skate Clubhouse open. Registered participants only, Jan. 11 – Feb. 15.

10 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. Skating agility / Power skating Clubhouse open. Registered participants only, Jan. 12 – Feb. 23.

12:30-4 p.m. Family skate Clubhouse open. Share the rink (open ice, shinny). 4-9 p.m. Free skate/ wShinny

11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. Skating ONLY Clubhouse open. 1 – 4 p.m. Family skate Clubhouse open. Share the rink (open ice, shinny). 4 – 9 p.m. Free skate/Shinny

Why fundraise for the community rink?

Unfortunately, the City’s operating budget does not cover higher expenses associated with our new location, including protection of the tennis courts and clubhouse. Monies raised will also help extend hours of operation. Any remaining funds at the end of the season will cover potential repairs and improvements for future seasons. THE SUN HOCKEY DAY IN OTTAWA

Lace up your skates and hit the ice! Hockey Day is Saturday, January 18. From 1 to 3 p.m., all of the City’s 250 + outdoor rinks will be hosting The Sun Hockey Day in Ottawa with games, skills competitions, hot chocolate and more! People of all ages and abilities are invited to join us for this free, fun-filled winter event. Dress appropriately for the weather and don’t forget your skates, helmet and stick. Wear your favourite team colours and post your photos from the St. James / GNAG outdoor rink at SUMMER CAMP 2014 ON ITS WAY!

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18 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

photo: jake morrison

By Seema Akhtar

What can reduce stress, improve mood, lower blood pressure, boost immunity, improve breathing, reduce pain, improve memory and, according to Roxanne Goodman, “uncover hidden talents and open doors in the soul”? Singing can. So, you should keep belting out those show tunes in the shower! But as Goodman, a singer, vocal teacher and choir director, knows, singing in a group offers many more benefits. A 2008 study published in Australia showed that, on average, choral singers rated their satisfaction with life higher than the general public – even when the actual problems faced by those singers were more substantial than those faced by the public (source: htm). A more recent study done at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden found that choristers’ heartbeats synchronize when they sing together, bringing about a calm-

Roxanne Goodman’s joy in singing is infectious and inspiring.

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ing effect that is as beneficial to our health as yoga (source: http://www. All-together-now-singing-is-good-foryour-body-and-soul.html). “But I can’t sing,” many of you are thinking now. “Maybe in the shower,” you’re saying to yourselves, “but in a choir? In front of people? No way.” Consider this: Goodman herself, now an accomplished singer who has performed at the Montreal Jazz Festival, no less, was for many years convinced that she could not sing. When Goodman was in grade school, a teacher asked her class to sing “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” The class sang the melody, Goodman sang the harmony, and she recalls, “the little boy sitting next to me told me that I was being stupid and to sing the song properly. I decided never to sing again.” And sadly, for many years she didn’t. Until one day, at the end of a six-week improvisational theatre workshop, Goodman found herself auditioning for a play that turned out to be a musical! “The rest is history,” says Goodman. The first time she got on stage to sing during the show, Goodman’s knees were shaking so much that she remembers thinking there must be some kind of construction going on, causing the building to vibrate. She was that nervous. Many of us have similar stories. We think we can’t sing either, and we can certainly relate to the nerves. But Goodman says, “Singing in that musical changed my life because I did something that I had told myself I could not do. I did something that scared me.” This is what Goodman has built her business around – Confidence Booster. She gives vocal lessons, but as she started working with people, she realized that what they really lacked was confidence. She realized that confidence was going to be the key factor in assisting people to develop what they needed to sing and to express themselves. Goodman herself is no stranger to expressing herself fully. Watching her perform, the audience gets a glimpse into her heart and soul. She uses her voice, body language and facial expressions to convey how she feels about the words she is singing, and the audience can’t help but believe her. Between songs, she chats comfortably with her audience, as though she were talking to each person oneon-one. She inspires people to be the best and most true versions of themselves, and she isn’t afraid to share her

own life experiences, her successes, and her challenges to help others along their own paths. Goodman was trained at Concordia University under Jeri Brown and Madeleine Thériault, both accomplished jazz vocalists. Goodman earned a Bachelor of Arts in Integrative Music Studies, majoring in Performance. Before that, she studied classical piano under the tutelage of international concert pianist, the late Rose Goldblatt. Goodman has 18 years of experience teaching, and has been performing jazz, blues and gospel for more than 30 years, including in such venues as the Montreal International Gospel Festival.

“Through singing, they have learned to let go of fear.They know that what they are afraid of does not really have any power over them anymore. And that is what I call the ‘opening doors in the soul’ benefit of singing!” –Roxanne Goodman

photo: miv photography

Should you be singing in the shower?

Goodman has watched people blossom after taking singing lessons or singing in a group. They start out singing in what she calls “not their true voice;” they sing based on what they think others think about them, or based on feelings of fear, insecurity or inadequacy. As they practice, and develop and strengthen their voices, they start to let their emotions flow more freely and allow themselves to express the message of the songs. They are able

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Glebe Report January 17, 2014


to balance their voice, expressions and gestures, and just sing. But the lessons improve not only people’s singing voices. Goodman says that vocal lessons help people to communicate more clearly and effectively in their day-to-day lives. They become more confident in their places of work. They become better at making presentations; they become better decision makers. Goodman says, “I have seen people change careers and try things that they would never have tried before finding their voices. This is because, through singing, they have learned to let go of fear. They know that what they are afraid of does not really have any power over them anymore. And that is what I call the ‘opening doors in the soul’ benefit of singing!” Goodman works with all kinds of people: a seniors’ choir called The Sunset Singers, a community choir, Big Soul Project and Carleton University voice students, to name a few. Goodman won a Community Engagement award for her contribution to creating healthy communities through song because of her work with a Glee Club for people living in low-income housing communities. Goodman’s job was to help people to develop confidence using vocal technique. Every week she would show up at a community centre with her piano to work with a handful of people. Goodman says, “we worked diligently, we faced

our fears about singing, and allowed ourselves to be heard. We then put on a show called We are People Too in a packed church. It was a wonderful experience for the participants and for me. And now, some of those people are on community boards, they’re making speeches, and taking control of their lives in ways that they could not before. They attribute their success to dealing with their fears through singing.” Goodman has more plans to improve the world through song. She’d like to start a choir for homeless people and call it The Street Choir, because she knows that empowering people to find their true voices through singing can bring about so many positive and healthy changes in their lives. So, next time you don’t feel like heading out in the cold for a run, or going to that hot yoga class, don’t just sit on the couch ­– try singing. It doesn’t matter if you sing “Happy Birthday,” “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” by the Rolling Stones or an aria from Tosca; it doesn’t even matter if you hit the right notes, you’ll still get that feeling of runner’s or should I say singer’s high! Seema Akhtar sings whenever she can ­– in the shower, with Big Soul Project, walking down the street, in the car and along with the piped-in music in stores. And she thinks you should too!

photo: jake morrison

Big Soul Project choir and Roxanne Goodman singing in the season at the December 7th concert at Dominion Chalmers United Church.

Roxanne Goodman and members of Big Soul Project at Bluesfest.

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20 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

“Coming Home” multimedia “Summer Friends” multimedia

“Loon Lake” multimedia

Paula Mitas Zoubek ‘Childhood Immortal’ series January 13 – February 23

“Much of life is about loss – loss of our childhood, of our childhood places, and of the people we love. I have been haunted by Anna, the girl who almost became my sister. “In September 1939, the Bata Shoe Company where my father was employed hurriedly sent my parents to the safety of Canada. The Second World War was looming. Hitler had been in Czechoslovakia since May. A family



named Klausner asked my parents, who were their friends, to take their daughter, Anna, to Canada. My parents tried, but because Anna was Jewish, permission was not granted. Anna and her mother died in Auschwitz. Anna Klausnerova was only 12 years old. “When I met my cousin Anna Middleton, who had been a childhood friend of Anna Klausnerova, in Prague in 1994, we visited the Jewish cemetery. There we found an exhibition of children’s art created in concentration camps. Three of Anna Klausnerova’s drawings were on display. “This led me to create the series of paintings called “Childhood Immortal.” The children are portrayed as white silhouettes. They are Anna, the

missing “sister” in my life, myself, and my friends … and all the other missing Annas in our lives.” Paula Mitas Zoubek is a noted painter, textile artist, teacher and curator. She was a long-time Glebe resident who has relocated to the west end. Her early art training included study at the University of Mexico, University of Toronto, Goldsmith College in London and Académie Julien in Paris. While she has exhibited her work since the 1960s, the majority of her more than 20 exhibitions in Canada and abroad have taken place over the last two decades. For more images or information see or email

“Niagara Falls” multimedia

With files from Ellen Schowalter, who, with Gwendolyn Best, curates the art exhibitions at the Glebe Community Centre Art Gallery. Glebe Community Centre Art Gallery 175 Third Avenue at Lyon Street

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Glebe Report January 17, 2014


Yes, size matters – especially when it comes to downtown community health centres. Located at 420 Cooper Street, the Centretown Community Health Centre (CCHC) serves more than 13,000 residents each year. The Centre pays particular attention to vulnerable groups in the neighbourhood such as seniors, the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender community, those affected by mental illness and addictions, the homeless and newcomers to Canada. The Centre provides primary care and medical services Monday through Friday, either by appointment, or from 1 to 4 p.m. as a walk-in clinic. In addition, the Centre offers a range of support and assistance to its clientele. For adults, it offers a variety of services from addiction counselling and stop-smoking help, to cooking workshops, mental health support, aid for the homeless and newcomers to Canada, and community advocacy. It also supports families through a range of services for babies, children and teens – anything from breastfeeding dropins to cooking classes for teens to good parenting workshops and sessions on streetproofing kids. And now, it is expanding its services and office space to better serve the downtown neighbourhoods. And yes, although you might not be aware of it, CCHC’s catchment area includes not only Centretown but the Glebe and Old Ottawa South – those who live or work in the Glebe are eligible for their programs. The Centre’s expansion is a $3-million Ontario government initiative that will see existing space renovated and maximized to meet current standards for accessibility, social services and infection control. An additional

$150,000 will be provided annually to help defray the cost of renting up to 5,000 square feet of rental space adjacent to the building in order to meet some of the increased demand for space in the current facility. “Our expansion will ensure that we have more space to serve more people on site and the opportunity to eventually house more staff who do outreach work in other parts of our catchment area,” says Simone Thibault, CCHC executive director. Because not all of CCHC’s programs ask for clients’ postal codes, the Centre does not track exactly how many Glebe residents use its services. But Thibault points out that the Centre does outreach to the Glebe. For example, every other Tuesday a nurse practitioner from the Centre offers confidential health and wellness services from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. to students at Glebe Collegiate. Students can drop in or call student services at 613-239-2424 x 2199. She also notes that many people from the Glebe are also eligible for citywide programs like the 55+ seniors’ programs to address addictions and problem gambling, or the on-site Diabetes Education Program, detailed at Other programs are Home Visiting Services and Primary Care Outreach for the elderly and frail. “People from the Glebe can access all of our services and they do…. We are happy to explore this further with you to see how we can best meet the needs of vulnerable populations,” says Thibault. “In order to stay at the same location, the CCHC came up with a very creative solution. The residents in the community are comfortable (with the initiative),” says Yasir Naqvi, MPP for Ottawa Centre. Naqvi notes that community health centres are efficient in serving people living in a diversified

From left: Chantale LeClerc, CEO, Champlain CCAC; Dr. Wilbert Keon, chair of the board, Champlain CCAC; Yasir Naqvi, MPP; Jeff Morrison, chair of the board, Centretown Community Health Centre; Simone Thibault, executive director, Centretown Community Health Centre; Councillor David Chernushenko.

The Glebe is part of the catchment area of the Centretown Community Health Centre at 420 Cooper which is now expanding.

urban core (i.e. Ottawa Centre) in a specialized way. His office notes that the CCHC serves the three communities “through their inter-professional team that pays particular attention to those who face barriers to access.” With CCHC remaining at its current location, it can continue addressing various population problems such as

poverty, addiction and homeless youth, as well as serving Ottawa’s apparent and growing seniors population. For more information, visit http://www. or call 613-2334443. Neil McKinnon writes articles on sports and community events.

Photo: Neil McKinnon

by Neil McKinnon

Photo: Office of Yasir Naqvi

Our community health centre is expanding


22 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Patrick Nantel.“Bank Street Bridge on a Foggy Night”

Patrick Nantel.“Your Solitary Steps”

Patrick Nantel.“In a Spring Puddle”

Patrick L. Nantel Samples – a photo exhibition February 1 – 28, 2014 Patrick L. Nantel is a self-taught photographer who works as a science advisor at Parks Canada’s national office, and for the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. He grew up in Montreal and for the past 10 years has lived in Old Ottawa South with his family. He has shown his work at the New Art Festival and at the Old Ottawa South Art and Music Festival. You can visit his online gallery and store at www. According to Nantel, “I came to photography by two different paths: ecology and poetry. As a student of ecology, I went sampling the environment to examine the fate of wildlife populations and how species diversity is organized. It was then that I began shooting seriously, in part because I needed good slides to report on my research and to teach in botany and mycology. While spending summers in the woods, I realized that I loved taking pictures for the sake of it. “Inspired by the words of poets I have loved, such as Saint-Denys-Garneau, Marie Uguay, Robert Frost, and Pablo Neruda, I have since then sought beauty and aimed at capturing visual poetry in everyday life, close to home most of the time. I like and have sought images that evoke the visual language of Willy Ronis’s photographs as well as paintings by Vincent Van Gogh and

Camille Corot. In his book Beautiful Evidence, Edward Tuft wrote: ‘the one deep communality of science and art: to show the results of intense seeing.’ I discovered that poets and photographers alike have collected, through time and space, samples of nature, but also of the daily life, history and amazing diversity of human faces, behaviours and fates. “This exhibition emphasizes photographs that explore reflections on wet or water surfaces. Some were taken in the evening, others in full daylight, ranging from relatively short to very long exposures. All were taken in or around Ottawa, in urban or natural environments. In most cases, the quality of the reflection was very short-lived. I love reflections. Capturing them is a matter of patience and chance, and a way to say more with less. They have long been used in many works of art, such as Monet’s paintings and some of the famous Cartier-Bresson’s photographs. They tend to blur perception and reality, and can evoke the ephemeral, unique moments of nature mirroring itself, of lovers discovering their own feelings in each other’s eyes, or of a troubled mind finding peace and harmony with the moment.” The Wild Oat 819 Bank Street


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Glebe Report January 17, 2014


At the flicks with Lois and Paul

Sarah préfère la course

Gambling Boys

Directed by Chloé Robichaud (Québec, 2013)

Directed by Laura Turek (Canada, 2010)

by Paul Green

by Lois Siegel

It used to be that upon high school graduation or for an 18th birthday, a teenager would be taken to a bar for a drink to celebrate. Today, adolescents are taken to the local casino instead, where they are introduced to gambling. This is often the start of an addiction. The enticement of quick cash, combined with an adrenaline rush, hooks them and they keep coming back. Gambling Boys exposes the dangers of high-risk betting and the illusion teenagers harbour that they can get rich with little effort – in their minds, all it takes is a little luck. And there is a cost – their dreams are often crushed under the weight of incredible debt, sometimes in the thousands of dollars. And it’s not just the casinos that lure them. Now they can conveniently bet online in the privacy of their own homes without their parents even knowing. Kids, like addicts, sometimes cannot control an urge to bet. When they run out of money, they steal their parents’ credit cards or make insanely high bets, hoping to pay off their sports brokers. They soon discover that there’s no easy way out.

“Gambling Boys exposes the dangers of high-risk betting and the illusion teenagers harbour that they can get rich with little effort.”

Gambling Boys follows the stories of youngsters who love to gamble for fun, whether it’s in their parents’ home surrounded by a group of underage friends, at the casino indulging in games of chance, or going for high stakes by betting on sports. We hear some very disturbing stories. One man owed so much money that he decided his only escape was suicide. He jumped off a bridge into the St. Lawrence River, which only landed him in a wheelchair for life. He now goes to high schools to warn students of the dangers of gambling. One young man, Jamie, used to skip school to go to the casino. He tells us that the casino offered him free room and board – too tempting for a young person to pass up. In other words, the casino encouraged his addiction. Casinos say they offer counselling to addicts, but this doesn’t solve the problem. Band-Aid solutions are not the answer. After seeing Gambling Boys, we in the audience realize that adding more casinos in our cities is not such a good idea. Greedy governments may feed on the weaknesses of their citizens, make money at the expense of others and support addiction. A healthy environment does not foster the loss of people’s hard-earned wages. Those who promote gambling are now offering free online play to children. The reward is not money. Instead, winners are declared champions and win bragging rights in front of their friends. This kind of experience whets the appetite for the game in underage kids and for playing for cash when they are old enough. The film makes it clear that promoting any kind of addiction is a bad idea. Gambling Boys may be viewed online at CBC’s The Passionate Eye http:// DVD available through the Ottawa Public Library. 46 minutes. By way of full disclosure, Lois Siegel worked as a researcher and still photographer on the film Gambling Boys.

A modest film in terms of character development and dramatic tension, Sarah préfère la course, or Sarah Prefers To Run, is an accomplished début from director Chloé Robichaud, who offers up a welcome alternative take on the oft-used trope of the promising if vaguely troubled young athlete. Sarah Lepage is a 20-year-old middle-distance runner who has grown up (sort of) in comfortable circumstances in a Quebec City suburb, although not so comfortable that her parents are willing to assist her financially in moving to Montreal so she can be with the McGill athletic team. I say “sort of” because Sarah, wonderfully portrayed here in all wide-eyed innocence by Sophie Desmarais, seems to have developed almost in a parallel universe. Outside of her running and training – although she’s always training, we never see her in an actual race – and an unremarkable family life, Sarah knows little of the wider world. Nor does she have anything resembling a social life. She is, however, single-minded in her pursuit of a “career” in track and field. Inevitably, the move to Montreal broadens her horizons. To help defray expenses, Sarah accepts an offer from her friend Antoine to live together. She even takes him up on his proposal for a marriage of convenience on the grounds they may access funds for married students. Some subtle humour accompanies these scenes; Sarah refers to their marriage as “cette alliance” or “this arrangement.” Both of them speak of “cette histoire de marriage” or “this marriage thing.” Robichaud displays a straightforward style of exposition that is disarming in its simplicity. Yes, Sarah is a classic comingof-age story, but it is also a film about the interior world of a talented but introverted young woman who is a fish out of water when not training or running on a track. Sarah’s political naïveté is on display when an anglophone journalist (and twit) working for the McGill student paper wants to know who her influences are; she answers saying she was inspired by the sight of Donovan Bailey carrying the Canadian flag at the Atlanta games! Well, her interviewer is all over this: “Ah, so you’re not a separatist, then?” he purrs like a Cheshire cat. Sarah looks dumbfounded. She had never given the matter a thought. Later we see her demurely sipping beer at a party. It seems a low-key affair until her friend Zoey begins singing a Diane Dufresne song on a karaoke machine. Only then do we glimpse something hinted at earlier, an unexpected physical attraction that Sarah feels toward Zoey. Nothing comes of this, just as, when Sarah comes to Antoine one night out of loneliness, their lovemaking is awkward and unsatisfying. All these scenes are handled with grace and aplomb, and Sarah, as played by Desmarais, makes a compelling ingénue with those big, inquiring eyes of hers. Will she succeed in forging a life outside of running? Will she find herself? A possible heart condition may force the issue, or Sarah may force it herself. In the closing frames, we see Sarah as we saw her in the beginning – running on a track. Has she come full circle? Is she any the wiser? The viewer is entitled to hope so. (Note: watch for veteran Québécois actress Micheline Lanctôt as Sarah’s coach.) In French with English subtitles. 97 minutes. Rated 14A.

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24 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Osteoporosis and yoga By Karen Gordon

Osteoporosis is a condition of reduced bone strength, when bones become more porous and fragile. Osteoporosis is often called the “silent thief” because initially the bone loss occurs without symptoms. Our bone mass peaks when we are in our late teenage years and we gradually begin to lose bone mass in our mid-30s. Women lose bone mass at a greater rate of two to five per cent per year after menopause. Osteoporotic bones can break (or fracture) more easily than normal bones. Approximately two million Canadians have been diagnosed with osteoporosis; one in four women over 50 and one in eight men over 50 have osteoporosis. The most common osteoporotic fractures are in the spine (vertebrae), hip and wrist. Sixty per cent of osteoporotic vertebral (spinal) fractures are silent and pain-free. When a thoracic spinal vertebra fractures it usually collapses into a wedge shape and leads to a loss of height and rounded kyphotic posture. A height loss of two centimetres can be a sign of osteoporotic spinal fracture. Osteoporosis and Physical Activity

Physical activity and exercise are an important part of preventing and treating osteoporosis. Weightbearing exercises such as walking, dancing, stair-climbing and aerobic classes are the most effective ways to maintain strong bones. Strength-

ening such as resistive exercises using free weights (dumbbells), weight machines or exercise bands can improve strength in both muscle and bone. Balance training such as Tai Chi, yoga and dance can reduce falls and fracture risk. Posture training, practising proper upright posture and strengthening “core” muscles can improve posture and help prevent forward curvature of the spine (kyphosis). Yoga can be an excellent form of exercise for people with reduced bone density because it includes weight bearing, strengthening, balance and posture training. However, certain postures and activities cause increased compression forces on spinal vertebrae and increase the risk of osteoporotic spinal fractures. These postures include forward bending and rounding of the spine, sitting with a rounded spine, and fully rotating or twisting the spine. In order to reduce the risk of an osteoporotic spinal fracture in yoga: • keep your spine “tall” and elongated in all poses • avoid rounding the spine in all poses • bend forward by hinging at the hips (not flexing your spine) • limit spinal twists to 70 per cent effort and avoid forcing spinal rotations or bending • avoid over-reaching and pulling when forward bending or twisting • keep your arms stretched overhead in child’s pose Examples of recommended yoga

JAMES MCCULLOCH, B.A.,L.L.B, Lawyer, a resident of the Glebe, wishes to announce that he has relocated his law practise to the Glebe. With more than 40 years of law experience in Ottawa, Mr. McCulloch specializes in Real Estate (purchases and sales) Wills and Estates, Business Law, Family Law (divorce, support, property and custody). He makes calls at your home or business. New clients are welcome.

poses if you have reduced bone density or osteoporosis include: • mountain pose • cobra • warrior poses • plank pose • chair pose Yoga positions to avoid if you have reduced bone density or osteoporosis are: • abdominal curl-ups, roll-ups or sit-ups – replace with boat pose with elongated spine • lying double-leg raises – modify to single-leg raises • shoulder stand, head-stand,

plow pose seated forward bend – replace with lying hamstring stretch with strap • pigeon pose – replace with lying ankle-over-knee stretch For more information regarding osteoporosis management please visit the Osteoporosis Canada website:



Abdominal crunches, sit-ups, roll-ups

Mountain Pose

Straight leg raising


Forward bends (seated or standing)

Warriors (all)

Pigeon pose



Chair pose

Karen Gordon is a registered physiotherapist and trained bone-fit physiotherapist who works at Glebe Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic and at the Arthritis Society.

He may be reached by phone: 613 565 LAWS or 613 565 5297 or email: 76 Chamberlain Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1S 1V9

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By Neil McKinnon

Nordic walking, or urban poling, is like regular walking except it’s done using poles similar to ski poles. It is a gentle but firm activity, walking along and using the poles to propel forward. Originating in Nordic countries, urban poling was traditionally used by offseason skiers wanting to cross-train to keep their bodies conditioned and their cores tight. However, urban-poling master Wendi Paterson encourages people of all ages and fitness levels to try this form of exercise, whether you call it Nordic walking or urban poling. According to Paterson, “Walking only works the lower half of the body. But adding poles and propelling forward makes the activity more challenging. Urban poling is a really good exercise because it intensifies regular walking by increasing energy output by 20 to 46 per cent and works most muscles in the body.” Leg stabilizers and core muscles in particular are used. For the first week or so doing urban poling, Paterson says, most newcomer women in her classes feel a triceps burn after their workouts. According to, other benefits of urban poling are that it involves more than 1,800 abdominal contractions per mile and that 30 minutes of it is equivalent to 50 minutes of walking without poles. “One of the most popular activities worldwide is walking. Add poles and you have an all body workout,” says Paterson. Urban poling is a popular winter activity because it can easily be combined with snowshoeing. Within a short driving distance, anyone can do urban poling and snowshoeing in any of Ottawa’s networks of forests and trails, such as Gatineau Park, Andrew Haydon Park or Britannia Park. Urban poling without snowshoes is also popular for downtowners such as residents of the Glebe who are looking for alternatives to running and an activity that is less stressful on the joints. Says Paterson, “Nordic walking is harder than brisk walking because you have more muscles working. Snowshoeing just increases that intensity.” Paterson says urban poling is popular with all ages, and she teaches classes with students’ ages ranging anywhere from 20 to 80 years. Urban poles differ in size and shape from ski poles because of the straps and length. The straps on urban poles are easier for people who have arthritic hands, as they are smoother and reduce energy

loss. “When you’re using urban poles, your hands should be moving slightly as you walk. You don’t want a death grip,” says Paterson. With the canal close by the Glebe, it’s a perfect activity for anyone living in this neighbourhood. Because of regular snowplowing on the canal paths in winter, ice tends to build up on the asphalt. To prevent slips and falls, Paterson recommends that people use shoes with good grips or “yak traks.” Whether winter boots, running shoes or regular walking shoes, footwear for urban poling should be determined by where the hike takes place. Most outdoor-gear stores sell urban poling equipment and prices go from $35 and up. Paterson also suggests that people new to urban poling try it out in a class, as classes help people learn technique and build camaraderie. One Nordic-walking instructor offering classes in the Glebe is crosscountry ski coach Jodi Bigelow. In a six-week course that takes place in Glebe parks and along the canal, he aims to teach exercises that are targeted enough to build co-ordination and both upper- and lower-body strength, but simple enough to be integrated into everyday routines such as walking the dog. By incorporating poles into a light workout within a natural setting, Nordicwalking students can expect to get acquainted with exercises that – if done regularly – will improve and maintain their muscle tone, stability and fitness level. Bigelow accommodates beginners by encouraging them to self-monitor and respect their limits and to increase slowly from a restricted number of repetitions to full sets. By the end of the course, they should have the tools and knowledge to finish a workout that makes them feel good and aware that their whole body has been engaged. Bigelow’s next Nordic fitness course out of the Glebe Community Centre will take place Tuesdays from February 18 to March 25 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Designed to utilize one’s natural surroundings to create a total body workout and produce a more toned, stable, healthier, and fitter body. Expect the use of Nordic poles, some jogging, slack lining, and other specific ski training techniques. This outdoor fitness program is designed to utilize the natural surroundings to create a total body workout and produce a more toned, stable, healthier, and fitter body.A variety of outdoor activities will be emphasized including the use of Nordic poles. For more information see For more information about urban poling and about other classes in Ottawa visit http://

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Neil McKinnon is a freelance writer who focuses on fitness and sports.

Push ups, leg lunges and hill repeats are part of Jodi Bigelow’s Nordic class.



Photos: courtesy of

Nordic walking (a.k.a. urban poling) keeps you fit!

Glebe Report January 17, 2014

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26 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Introducing Authentic Movement

“A bell or chime sounds once, and some participants who have begun walking in the space choose to move to

by Julie Houle Cezer

the sides of the room to

Editor’s note: If outdoor whole-body exercise with an instructor does not light your fire, perhaps you would be drawn to indoor movement in the company of peers. If regularly practised, such a discipline can support physical and mental health for the rest of your life, no matter how vigorously or minimally you choose to move. One such experiential body practice now known around the world is Authentic Movement.

Somatic Practices

others close their eyes, signalling that they have become ‘movers.’” Photo: Julie Houle Cezer

Imagine that you are in an uncluttered studio with a wooden floor – the ideal location for Authentic Movement. A few people gathered in a circle have come to standing after collectively making decisions about the format for the day’s practice. A bell or chime sounds once, and some participants who have begun walking in the space choose to move to the sides of the room to become “witnesses,” while others close their eyes, signalling that they have become “movers.” The movers’ task is to listen and respond physically to inner impulses that surface. The witnesses, who may sit or stand, bring their attention to seeing and receiving the movers’ physical movements without projection or judgment (neither praise nor blame) and to an awareness of how they experience their own embodied responses. Three spaced rings of the bell bring the moving portion to a close and a sharing phase begins. Depending on the decisions of the group, sharing may take the form of speaking – from one’s own experience as mover or witness with no cross-talk – or as writing, drawing or moving. What is shared in the circle remains strictly confidential. It’s all quite simple – moving, witnessing and sharing!

become ‘witnesses,’ while

Allowing the shadows, murmurs and whispers of the body into the light

Although well recognized as a useful tool in dance therapy and contemporary choreography, Authentic Movement is less well known both as a term and a practice among the general public. In today’s information age, North Americans are aware of the mind-body practices of tai-chi chuan, qigong and various forms of yoga that have their origins in other countries and in centuries past. However, they tend to be less familiar with the legacy of somatic (bodyfocused) practices and techniques that developed on this continent in the 20th century. Some important concepts and techniques were introduced to dance and therapeutics in the past century that influence education and performance in dance and theatre as well as in sports training and preventive medicine. They include: • Ideokinesis by Mabel Todd and Lulu Swiegard; • the movement re-education approaches of the Alexander technique of Frederick Mathias

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Alexander and the Feldenkrais method of Moshe Feldenkrais; integrative movement studies such as Irma Bartenieff’s Bartenieff Fundamentals that extended the work of Rudolf von Laban to internal connectivity; the muscle-mind connection explored by Milton Trager in Mentastics and massage; the experiential anatomy studies of movement in the form of Body-Mind Centering by Bonnie Bainbridge-Cohen; the physics of improvisational partnering through mindful and sensing contact developed by Steve Paxton, Danny Lepkoff and Nancy Stark Smith et al. and now known as Contact Improvisation; and finally, the subject of this article, the evolving somatic practice of “movement in depth” introduced by Mary Starks Whitehouse (1911-1978) and later refined and crystallized into a form called Authentic Movement by dance therapist Janet Adler. Authentic Movement is born

Mary Starks Whitehouse, a dancer who worked with Mary Wigman and Martha Graham, decided in the 1950s, after many years of teaching dance, to study the theories of Carl Jung. In her subsequent work, informed by Jung’s writings, Whitehouse explored selfreflection as a mode of inquiry and experimented with “active imagination,” or play without judgment, as a method of seeking self-knowledge – all through movement. Using improvisational structures and free movement, she looked for ways to reveal the “core of the movement experience … the sensation of moving and being moved” and to bring about the gradual revelation of the whole self, both unconscious and conscious, through an exploration of embodiment. What she observed in movement-in-depth sessions, even with trained dancers, seemed like an “unlearned truth” that was “simple and inevitable.” Because it could be identified as belonging to the mover without the ego getting in the way,

“authentic” seemed the appropriate description. Whitehouse remained committed to a fluid approach to studying the “way of the body,” and resisted any suggestion of formalizing the practice throughout her career. (Contact Quarterly, summer/ fall 2002, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 14, 15). By contrast, one of her students, Janet Adler, a dance therapist with a background in developmental psychology who worked with autistic children, began to focus attention on the transpersonal relationship between the mover and witness and to define loose guidelines for practice, especially around creating a safe “container.” What followed from Adler’s studies and her founding of the Mary Starks Whitehouse Institute in 1981 was the dissemination of core practices to dancers, therapists, teachers and artists, with subsequent local variations pushing the envelope of the form. Principles of Authentic Movement

Some of the consistent and identifiable core principles of Authentic Movement are: 1) it is a personal practice, yet also collective and transpersonal; 2) movers turn their focus inward to internal impulses and need not relate to witnesses; 3) both witnesses and movers practise nonjudgment of themselves and others within a physically and psychologically safe space (“the safe container”); 4) they work to develop an inner witness that stays connected and communicative even when working with the subconscious and unconscious. Authentic Movement locally

In Canada, one of the principal investigators of the work has been Judith Koltai, who for the last 40 years has continued to evolve her teaching and investigation in the form of Embodied Practice (Authentic Movement and Syntonics®), particularly as it applies to the perfoming arts. In Ottawa, it was she who first introduced this work of “moving from within” to the local dance community at Dance Network in 1996 and her influence is still felt and appreciated by a local group of peer practitioners that has been in existence since that time. For more information on Authentic Movement in Ottawa, go to Julie Houle Cezer has been practising Authentic Movement since 1996 and at various times has used the practice as a source for choreographic material and creative process, as a moving meditation and personally, as a place to ground herself.

culturescape Midstream and contemplating change By Adelle Farrelly

January is a time of good intentions designed to stave off the long, dark holidayless months ahead. Resolutions in place, we set our willpower against the creeping inertia of seemingly endless cold and darkness. Perhaps we are hoping to fit into that cute swimsuit in far-off June or to stroll cigarette-free along the canal. Sometimes, however, life offers an extra nudge toward change, an imposition beyond the sheer force of our own will. Sometimes we can see an event on the horizon, a specific point at which change is coming whether we like it or not, and we had better make ourselves ready for it. For some, this nudge is something against which they must steel themselves – for example, a loved one’s death following a long illness, or even the end of an internship or work contract. For others, the anticipated event is joyous, but still in the realm of the unknown. Things that come to mind are buying one’s first home, graduating from school, or something as seemingly stress-free as departing for a long vacation. The impending changes in my own life fall into the latter category, as my husband and I are expecting our first child in early June. The long back end of winter will literally be gestational. Still being in the middle of the journey, so to speak, I cannot offer any full insight into the transition. I can, however, offer a few thoughts on what it has been like to be in the midst of impending change. My husband and I have been through several life transitions

together already, though none as big as this one. We met during our first year of university and have been through everything together since, including grad school, moving to a new city (twice), post-graduate employment uncertainty, travels to Europe, the deaths of close family members, and of course, marriage. Still, it has always been just the two of us. What will it mean to add a third? In some ways, as I’m sure many will rush to tell me, it is impossible to know until it happens. After all, we have never even had a pet together, never mind a fellow human being. Yet in some ways the feeling of the impending unknown is similar to that before other life changes, though with an admittedly very different outcome. I remember sitting in my dorm room when I first moved away from home and being acutely aware of the fact that my life could never return to the way it had been before, and again following the death of my father. In such moments, it is immensely helpful to have someone present to share the experience, whether it is a partner or a close friend. The same is true now, more than ever. A marathon may be a solo event, but it is still encouraging to participate alongside a running mate. This is true for life changes of all kinds, both those within our control and those outside it. As you work toward keeping even seemingly trivial New Year’s resolutions, consider running alongside a trusted friend. Currently, I am in the second trimester, the point when everything is supposed to feel relatively normal, yet very much real. Perhaps I am

unusual, but even during ultrasounds and sitting around in maternity pants, the reality of far-off June is difficult to envision. Yet it is real, and it is coming, just as summer inevitably follows spring and winter. It may seem impossible in January, but soon enough it will be both swimsuit weather and time to bring home a baby. In her essays on contemporary urban life, writer Adelle Farrelly aims to articulate the essence of both her own experiences and those of her peers. Do you have a topic for Adelle to tackle? Contact editor@glebereport. ca.

Glebe Report January 17, 2014


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Photo: julia smith

28 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

In the baking lab at Algonquin College Hands-on food safety By Danielle Blais

After much deliberation and a few setbacks, I found myself holding a piece of paper that said I had been accepted by Algonquin College. The first time I applied, insufficient money prevented my entry; the second time, I was offered a winter term, but with only a month to get everything in order, I felt rushed. They like to say that the third time is the charm and so it was for me. I chose to follow a long-held passion – I began at Algonquin College this September in the baking and pastry arts program. In my first term I had four courses – theory, shop management and sanitation, communications and practical baking. Those first few months in the baking lab provided a great opportunity to learn what to do and what not to do in the lab or workplace, to ensure safety and good health on the job. We actually started in the baking lab before we had our first sanitation

class, but I think you learn a lot from experience and the first day alone provided that. When you walk into the baking lab, the first thing you notice is a large rotating oven at the back of the class. Once on, it heats not only the room but the baking lab beside it as well. This can cause problems, as one of my classmates found out. She was lucky – she noticed her vision going blurry and sat down. However, another classmate was not so lucky. She doesn’t remember going to the bathroom but remembers going to our teacher and telling him that she didn’t feel good; then she blacked out, falling and hitting her head on a wooden table. Both women reacted to sudden changes in temperature. In this case, the students went from the chilly winds of September to the roaring heat of the oven. It is very different baking at home compared with baking in the lab, where there are people running around fetching hot pans and sharp knives. Students sometimes find themselves too busy to take a simple drink


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Photo: danielle blais

Danielle Blais looks into the rotating oven that not only bakes but heats the baking lab and an adjacent lab at Algonquin College to uncomfortably high temperatures.

Some of the designs on lemon meringue pies created by baking students practising their piping skills using two different tips, a star tip and a regular circle tip.

of water. In the five-hour baking lab that takes place twice a week, we normally have a half-hour break midway, but there are days when we work straight through.

“It is very different baking at home compared with baking in the lab, where there are people running around fetching hot pans and sharp knives.” You must also be aware of what you’re baking. Many people suffer from allergies and intolerances: peanut allergies and gluten intolerances are common. One of my classmates is allergic to walnuts but not peanuts, while another is allergic to chocolate. I find that the key is awareness – of yourself, your classmates and your potential clients. This is never more apparent than when you create and handle a baked product. In the sanitation class, we learn proper food- handling skills – for instance, the proper way to keep what we refer to as “potentially hazardous food” (food that, if not treated properly, can make you mighty sick). The first thing you want to do is keep everything at the right temperature. The

range known as the danger zone starts at 4°C and ends at about 60°C; anything under 4°C will allow harmful bacteria to stay dormant, whereas temperatures over 60°C should kill off anything harmful. That is why it is important to cook things properly and to the right temperature. In the lab we handle three of these items – butter, milk and eggs. Butter is the least harmful if kept right. Once mouldy, though, it is wise to throw it out as mould can penetrate up to two inches in a product. Milk can be dangerous and should be refrigerated at all times. Most bakeshops use powdered milk, as it keeps longer and can be rehydrated quickly. Eggs, however, are notorious for salmonella and should be handled with the utmost care. There are two ways that you can get sick from eggs – improper cooking and cross contamination. Where I work, when I make an egg sandwich, I crack an egg and then cook it quickly. I change gloves frequently and after each sandwich, I clean my workplace and knives. Despite the long hours and the hot, chaotic baking lab, I have to say that I am enjoying the challenge of learning new baking techniques while creating a safe and healthy work environment and a product that people can enjoy. I love learning and I love my program. Danielle Blais, who has previously written for the Glebe Report, is currently a student at Algonquin College in the Baking and Pastry Arts program.

MESSAGE FROM THE ONTARIO MEDICAL ASSOCIATION With the flu season in full swing, Ontario’s doctors have a message for members of the public. If you are sick, stay home. In the words of Dr. Scott Wooder, President of the Ontario Medical Association: “I can’t stress it enough that going to work while sick is bad for you and potentially worse for your colleagues. Staying home to rest will help you to manage your illness and prevent others from getting infected, Think about those around you; please don’t take the flu to work.”


Glebe Report January 17, 2014


Creative Arts sprouts an after-school program

Chef Scott Adams encourages students to develop healthy and creative eating habits through his cooking classes.

Creative chefs at Glebe Montessori School By Yvonne Thijsen

For the culinary novice or aficionado, Glebe Montessori School’s cooking classes delight everyone’s gastronomic senses. Under the imaginative direction of chef Scott Adams, owner of The French Baker in the Glebe and master chef at Benny’s Bistro in the Byward Market, students ages six to 12 have a grand time creating delicious chefs-d’œuvre and gaining culinary expertise for a lifetime! Chef Scott shares his passion for artisanal cooking, sourcing seasonal foods from local growers and distributors. Students learn to whip up delectable dishes that are easy to prepare at home and to establish healthy eating habits. Chef Scott teaches the art and ergonomics not only of cooking, but also chemistry! He transforms

the Glebe Montessori School (GMS) kitchen into a science lab and invites our gastroscientists to experiment with ingredients, combinations, flavours and recipes. Cooking is all about chemical reactions, and science is key to figuring out why we have failures and successes in the kitchen. It’s also no surprise that our students develop a taste for eclectic foods with irresistible recipes such as mango-cilantro guacamole, gnocchi and chocolate éclairs with crème chantilly! Chef Scott and his junior chefs experience a wonderful sense of camaraderie in our kitchen, welcoming new challenges, sharing tasks and expanding culinary skills. Register your child now for Chef Scott’s unique cooking classes, offered on Tuesdays or Thursdays at GMS, 650 Lyon Street South. Pickup service by GMS staff is available for students from Mutchmor, First Avenue and Corpus Christi schools. Please contact GMS reception at 613237-3824 for more information.

It is lovely to see the students absorbed in their work. Some are very focused throughout the entire creative process, while others are relaxed and happy for the chance to breathe slowly and let their hands wander over their papers. Things always get livelier, however, in the second half of class when the free art table is in full swing. Papers fly, glue sticks dance, and even the glitter may be invited to make an appearance. Sarah Williams is an after-school creative arts teacher at Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool.

Yvonne Thijsen is the secretary of the Glebe Montessori School.

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Our warm and friendly Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool feels especially welcoming when we arrive from the short but crisp walk from First Avenue Public School. As we unbundle from the confines of our snowsuits, hats, and mitts, we sense the excitement. What are we going to make today? What artist will we “meet”? Will we do watercolours? Will we sculpt? The children know the routine. Hands washed, snack devoured, chitchat – then we begin. We are off to the carpet to plan our own journey, with inspiration from a particular artist. This year at Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool, the after-school program is focusing on artists from the National Gallery. The children are inspired by the striking colours of Norval Morrisseau and the alien-like creatures of Alfred Pellan. Parents and friends have a chance to see the children’s work at the vernissage that the school holds every spring. In November we explored Canadian painter Paul-Émile Borduas (19051960). We examined images of his non-representational black forms on white backgrounds.

Photos: Karen Cameron

Photo: Yvonne Thijsen

By Sarah Williams

Proudly serving the National Capital Region in both official languages, Collins Barrow Ottawa can offer you objective, actionable advice to maximize opportunities in virtually every area of your operation. With offices from coast to coast, our audit, tax and advisory professionals make your business our focus. Isn’t it time to reach your potential?

For their project, the children ripped black paper, and arranged and glued the pieces onto postcard-sized white paper; they then used these small compositions to draw their forms on poster-sized papers, and they painted the shapes black. After completing these black on white abstract compositions, the children were shown examples of various colourful abstract paintings by Borduas and several of his contemporaries. The children were inspired to create their own abstract paintings in colour.

Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool In the fall of 2014, Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool will expand its creative arts after-school program to run five days a week after school (to 5:30 p.m.) for children from JK to grade 6. • Children may be picked up from Mutchmor, First Avenue, or Corpus Christi after school or parents may drop off their children. • Children may attend one or more days a week. • Snacks will be provided. • $75 per day for part-time or $350 per month for full-time (including pick-up). • $65 per day for part-time and $300 per month for full-time (no pick-up). The after-school program will provide a balance of fun, fine-arts-based curriculum, and nurturing after-school care. You may contact the school to register or learn more. Registration starts January 16, 2014. Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool


in person: 174 First Avenue online: phone: 613-276-7974 email:


30 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Mutchmor moving toward ‘the switch’ By Heather Mace

You may have heard the pile driving from the Mutchmor yard in recent weeks. Mutchmor is receiving an addition that will increase its classroom space. Once done, the programs from First Avenue (Early French Immersion) will move to the Mutchmor building, and the programs from Mutchmor (Middle French Immersion, English, and Gifted English) will move to the First Avenue building. SCHOOL ‘SWITCH’

The construction is amazing! The tools they have are very cool. We saw the windows covered with black sheets. All the bricks are coming down from the big gym. There were bangs when they were banging big metal hammers into the ground. We saw lots of metal beams. The trees are cut down because they have a disease and there are stumps. We saw a new shed for Mr. Gobeo in the primary yard.” —Eli and Sediq

structure between our two gymnasiums, because the hallway between them will be part of the construction zone. Our caring contractor worked on this temporary solution so that we could have access to our gym throughout the school year. Regular construction updates are posted on the school’s website (www. as well as the OCDSB website ( 8:23 PM Pages/CapitalProjectMutchmor.aspx).

Photos: Courtesy of Mutchmor Public School

The “switch” is scheduled for September 2014. The Ottawa Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) reviews construction progress regularly to ensure that we are on track. At this time, we seem to be – keep your fingers crossed! To help with noise reduction, our contractor installed Acousti-Fence, the black sheets our students describe. It is intended to reduce the noise coming into the building. It has been used at previous school construction projects with good results, but it does mean the windows on the west side of our school are covered. Some of our teachers say it keeps down the visual distractions from all the construction activity. Inside our school, some of our stairwells have been blocked off because they access the construction zone. We have practised new routines for our fire drills and for getting outside 1 12/11/13 at recess.GMSACareGRWinter14b.pdf There will be a temporary

This week, we saw a crane and big pieces of wood. We think the wood is for the building. The hallway to the big gym is blocked off now. We go into the small gym to get to the big gym now. The builders are trying to make our school bigger. Maybe the workers will stop working today and make a snowman or a snow fort. —Eli and Sediq

through the eyes of Grade 1 and 2 students

One of our teachers at Mutchmor Public School, Mrs. Hodges, plans to have her Grade 1/2 class visit the construction site regularly as part of their Language Arts program. Using the school’s iPads, they are taking photos to record the changes in the schoolyard, and they are talking about their construction observations back in class. Mrs. Hodges is using our

project as the authentic topic for her students’ writing. They have started daily writing, and they hope to use a blog to share it with a bigger audience soon. Eli (Grade 1) and Sediq (Grade 2) are students in Mrs. Hodges’ Grade 1/2 class. See photo cutlines for their visual and verbal observations. Heather Mace is principal of Mutchmor Public School.

Glebe Report seeks student reporters to write about school events. Contact









sleep hygiene


Photo:Amanda deGrace

Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Belly breathing for a good night’s sleep

Children find sleep with belly breathing By Amanda deGrace

Winding down after a long day may be easy at times for adults, but I have found it can be a challenge with little ones if we do not approach it with a gentle bedtime routine. There are some wonderful yoga techniques that you can use to assist your child in settling into bed, letting the body and mind calm and drift away to sleep. In this article, I want to introduce you to “belly breathing,” or as some children like to say, “balloon breathing.” how to BELLY BREATHe

Invite your child to lie down, back to the floor, eyes gently closed and hands over the belly. Ensure your child is dressed comfortably and is at a comfortable temperature (i.e. do they want blankets or not? socks?). Let them

settle in here for a moment. Fidgeting will probably happen, and let that naturally occur. Even as adults and on our most rested day, we still tend to fidget when the mind and body are first encouraged to relax. With a soft voice ask your child the questions below, allowing for pauses and reflection. Ask your child to try not to talk but to think about them inside their mind. 1. Are any parts of your body moving? Most likely he or she will want to move, fidget, fix hair or scratch an itch. Try not to draw attention to it or dwell on any movement. This question is more to get your child to do a body scan and begin to understand in quieting the mind and focusing on one thing (i.e. is my body mov-

2. 3. 4. 5.


ing?) he or she can begin to control both movements and thoughts. Do you feel your belly and hands rising and falling with each breath? Can you try to make your belly rise up even more? Can you try to make your belly rise up very slowly and go down very slowly? Imagine your belly like a balloon. Try to blow up your balloon very slowly and very big and then let all the air come out of your balloon. As your belly rises and falls imagine many balloons floating around in the sky. Notice their colours. Notice if they are flying high or low.

Encourage your child to continue filling their belly slowly with the breath as you speak in a soothing and soft voice. You may find your child is more responsive to this technique if you first introduce it during the day and/or you participate with them. May your breath be calm and slow and may many ZZZZZs come your way! Namaste.

Sharing information with your health practitioner if the insomnia persists.

With files from the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Canadian Sleep Society’s Insomnia Rounds ( and the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

Amanda DeGrace, President & Founder of Little Lotus Yoga, can be found at Little Lotus Yoga classes are offered at GNAG where you can find Mom & Baby, Parent & Tot, Preschool and Afterschool kids yoga classes. Little Lotus Yoga has been at GNAG for over five years teaching children in the community positive and empowering life skills through yoga.

Longing for a good sleep? Sleep is as important to maintaining health as nutrition and exercise, and yet it has been estimated that approximately 40 per cent of Canadian adults over 18 report at least one symptom of insomnia three times a week. Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep for three nights a week for more than one month. The lack of a good night’s sleep on an ongoing basis puts the sleep-deprived at risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and infections. Aside from those with genetic conditions and sleep disorders, many insomniacs could vastly improve their health simply by observing a few sleep hygiene tips that can be divided into habits to avoid and habits to embrace. Looking at both Canadian and U.S. sources, there seems ample agreement that those seeking better quality and quantity of sleep should, prior to bedtime: Avoid:

Caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate), alcohol, and nicotine (at least four to six hours before bed)

• • • •

Over-the-counter medications that interfere with sleep Large meals and beverages (three to four hours before bed) Naps after 3 p.m. Exercise sessions (good for sleep hygiene) that end less than three hours before bedtime.


• •

Consistency in the time chosen to go to bed and get up A pre-sleep routine, such as taking a bath, reading a book, gentle relaxation exercises or meditation, and setting worries aside by writing them in a journal A sleep-inducing bedroom, which is to say a quiet, dark and relaxing room, somewhat cool and without any distractions from electronics or work, but with a comfortable mattress and pillows Exposure to natural light during the day (at least 30 minutes per day)

January Special

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32 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

The Glebe according to Zeus

glebous & comicus

In the land of Glebe

A guinea pig’s perspective on the Glebe

“Shocking GiddyPigs annual report!” Dear Valued GiddyPigs Shareholders: Last year, I announced that would increase profit by adopting and implementing the 3C approach: cash, carrots, and coercion. Our GiddyPigs team rose to the many challenges, using our global asset network to prepare for, and manage through, tough conditions. We reaped great rewards, as did you – our innovative practices are now being adopted by other companies worldwide as they attempt to weather this period of unique economic uncertainty and market fragility. GiddyPigs cost-saving initiatives of 2013, masterminded by me, included: • Signing a Fee Trade Agreement (FTA) with the EU, requiring a fee to be paid to GiddyPigs for each import to, or export from, Canada • Hiring temporary foreign worker squirrels from Russell and neighbouring areas • Outsourcing GiddyPigs debt to the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain) • Going green by investing in a solar parsleyccino machine for my office • Leveraging employee participation through a mandatory privilege fee for working at GiddyPigs.

libel, resulting in a large payout of $1. This money will be reinvested to fund a class action suit using habeas corpus to force all financial institutions to explain why quadrupeds are kept in financial slavery and not provided credit cards, a right that bipeds have long enjoyed.

Core Values: Success Built on Litigation

To friend Zeus on Facebook, please search for “Giddy Pig,” and send a $5 cheque or e-transfer to Zeus@

In 2013, GiddyPigs won a major lawsuit against Frank Magazine for


The year 2013 was highly productive, with annual profits reaching nearly $32.75, tripling last year’s. True, there were some small scandals involving the Senate Pigs, extortion, and the illicit use of acorns by Patterson Park’s mayor, Bob Chevrolet, but the public in general supports such scandals as evidenced by the 27.5 per cent increase in my Facebook friends in 2013. Lastly, I would like to clear up some confusion regarding my interpreter –­ he’s not speaking gibberish, as some have alleged, but rather piggerish, a patois spoken by the indigenous pigs of Peru. Sincerely, Mr. Zeus CEO, CFO, COO, POO

Glebe Musings by Laurie Maclean

O.K. Whose bright idea was it to make Richard the goalie? He’s a raccoon. Always sleepin’ in winter.

In The Language Garden The two faces of janus

By Adelle Farrelly

Happy New Year! Farewell to the past and hello to the future. January is a time of both new beginnings and reflection on what the past year has meant to us. Although life seems to pass by ever faster in this modern age, and there are significant differences from year to year (at least as far as the latest gizmo goes), we 21stcentury types are not the only ones to use January as a marker for beginnings and endings. The month’s name is ancient, named for the Roman god Janus. Janus was the god of portals as well as beginnings and endings, and the time of year marking the end of one year and the beginning of the next was considered sacred to him. Janus’s appearance was symbolic of the transition he represented: two

faces, one black and one white. As in all things transitional, he was neither wholly one thing nor the other. For the most part, we have become very concerned about the distinct increments of time, counting down until the ball drops and measuring nanoseconds. Perhaps we would do well to reflect on the “Janus” part of January, celebrating not just the moment when one thing becomes another but that mysterious standing-in-the-doorway time, when you are not really in either room (or year). New Year’s has come and gone now, but why not let the whole of January act as a time of reflection and transformation? Writer and editor Adelle Farrelly loves to dig up the dirt on words, their roots and the stories that grow up around them.

Cartoon by Glebe resident Eric J. Martin


Glebe Report January 17, 2014

Sunnyside library programs Adult Programs

The Writing Workshop Encouragement and constructive criticism for writers. Author/Facilitator: Michael F. Stewart: Registration. Mondays, 6 p.m. January 6, February 24, March 17, April 14, May 26, June 16. Ukrainian Conversation. Registration. Mondays, 7 p.m. January 13, 27, February 10, March 10, 24, April 7, 28, May 5, June 2, 23. Conversations Among Canadians Topics will include the environment, humanity, communication, science and technology, and our changing brains. Registration. Wednesdays, 2 4 p.m. January 8 – June 18. Science Café with Carleton University. Drop In. Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. January 8, 22, February 12, 26, March 12, 26, April 9, 23. Conver s at ion en fra nç a is . Intermediate level. Registration. Thursdays, 6 p.m. January 9 – June 26 OR Thursdays, 7:15 p.m. January 9 – June 26. Passionate Pursuits Navin Parekh will speak about his work with CanUgan. Volunteering in Uganda, Navin noted that disabled people had no means of getting about. Coming back to Ottawa, he went to work on the problem, arranging for the manufacture, in Uganda, of hand-pedaled tricycles and supply of other assistive devices. He has founded a charity, CanUgan Disability Support, and the idea is spreading. Registration. Wednesday, January 22, 2 p.m.

so you will be proud to display your photos. Registration. Thursday, January 23, 6:15-8:15 p.m. Introduction to Wood Turning Lawrence Riley, a wood turner since 1974, has been creating and selling turned objects at a number of juried shows in the Ottawa area. Registration. Thursday, January 30, 6:30-8 p.m. Physical Activity for Cardiovascular Health Join us to learn more about how physical activity can benefit cardiovascular health. Presented by Graham Beaton, Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Registration. Thursday, February 6, 7-8 p.m. Nutrition Secrets Dr. Chandan Brar of the Glebe Chiropractic Clinic. Registration. Thursday, February 13, 6:30-7:30 p.m. The Beauty of South Africa and Namibia Carole Gobeil. Registration. Thursday, February 20, 6:30-8 p.m. Clicking, Flicking and Tweeting: Social Networking Controversy Join Chris Taylor of the Ottawa PC Users’ Group for a discussion on the value of social media sites, as well as cautions about using these tools. Registration. Thursday, February 27, 6:15-8:15 p.m.

Adult Special Programs

Basic Digital Photo Editing Chris Taylor, President of the Ottawa PC Users’ Group, will help you discover easy ways of correcting basic flaws

Contact: Sunnyside Branch, Ottawa Public Library, 1049 Bank Street, K1S 3W9 613-730-1082 Children’s services, extension 29 Adult services, extension 22

WHAT YOUR NEIGHBOURS ARE READING Here is a list of some titles read and discussed recently in various local book clubs: TITLE (for adults)


A Christmas Carol

Charles Dickens


Canada 2

Richard Ford

The Chief Factor’s Daughter

Vanessa Winn


Aimless Love: A Selection of Poems 4

Billy Collins

Seating Arrangements

Maggie Shipstead


Three Things You Need to Know about Rockets: A Real-Life Scottish Fairy Tale 6

Jessica A. Fox

The Cat’s Table 6

Michael Ondaatje

Clara and Mr. Tiffany 7 A Child’s Christmas in Wales

Susan Vreeland Dylan Thomas


Who Has Seen the Wind 9

W.O. Mitchell

Far to Go

Alison Pick


TITLE (for teens)


Good Omens

Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett


Anomaly 12 Who Could That Be at This Hour? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Krista McGee 13

Abbotsford Book Club Broadway Book Club Can’ Litterers OnLine Audio Book Club: OnLine Fiction Book Club: Helen’s Book Club OPL Sunnyside Branch Second Friday Adult Book Club Seriously No-Name Book Club The Book Club Anonymous 2 Book Club Glebe Collegiate Book Club OnLine Teen Book Club: OPL Sunnyside Branch Guysread

Lemony Snicket If your book club would like to share its reading list, please email it to Micheline Boyle at grapevine

book clubs Children

Mother-Daughter Book Club Ages 7-9. Registration. Mondays, 7 p.m. January 13, February 3. Ages 10-12, Mondays, 7:00 p.m., January 20, February 10. Guysread For boys ages 8-12 and a significant adult. Registration. The book for January is Eye of the Crow by Shane Peacock. Wednesdays, 7 p.m., January 29, February 26. TAG ( Te e n Adv i s o r y Group) Ongoing. Ages 14-18. To join, stop by the branch Saturdays. 1:30 p.m. January 11, February 8. TBC (Teen Book Club) Ages 12-15. Registration. Fridays, 4 p.m., January 10, February 7. Exam Cram We provide a quiet study space to study for exams, with Wi-Fi access, between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. January 24 – January 31. Adult

Cercle de lecture Les mardis, 18h30, 28 janvier, 25 février, 25 mars, 29 avril, 27 mai, 24 juin. European Book Club A book title from an EU country is selected for discussion each month. Registration. January title: In Times of Fading Light by Eugen Ruge (Germany). Wednesdays, 6 p.m. January 15, February 19, March 19, April 16, May 21, June 18. Second Friday Adult Book Club Newcomers are welcome. Registration. January title: The Book of Fame by Lloyd Jones. Fridays, 2 p.m., January 10, February 14, March 14, April 11, May 9, June 13. Mystery Book Club Registration. January title: The Incense Game by Laura Joh Rowland. Fridays, 2 p.m., January 17, February 21, March 21, May 16, June 20. Sunnyside Adult Book Club Registration. January title: Requiem by Frances Itani. Fridays, 2 p.m., January 31, February 28, March 28, April 25, May 30.


34 Glebe Report January 17, 2014

GRAPEVINE LEARN AND EXPLORE SPEAKERS’ SERIES AT ABBOTSFORD HOUSE, 950 Bank St. Jan. 22 - Alan Neal, host of CBC Radio’s All in a Day will be in person at Abbotsford at 10:30 a.m. (this one Wednesday only). He will share some live radio stories, his passion for radio and perhaps we can persuade him to read from his children’s book, Ava and the Little Folk. Jan. 29, 1-2 p.m. - Claudia Chowaniec will speak of how our experiences of loss and death connect us in our need to tell our stories and seek comfort in that sharing. She has recently published Memoir of Mourning: Journey Through Grief and Loss to Renewal. Feb. 5, 1-2 p.m. - Denise Chong, a local author, is known for her nonfiction depictions of the lives of Chinese immigrants. Her latest book, Lives of the Family: Stories of Fate and Circumstance continues this tradition. Feb. 12, 1-2 p.m. - Pat Goyeche, Coordinator of Community Programs at Abbotsford, will present photographs and stories from her summer time adventures: For the Love of Scotland. Admission is $2. OLD OTTAWA SOUTH GARDEN CLUB meets on the second Tuesday of the month from 7 to 9 p.m. at Ottawa South Community Centre, 260 Sunnyside Ave. Membership is $25 per year, $40 for a family and drop in fee of $7 per meeting. Japanese Gardens will be on the program for the Feb. 11 meeting and Rebecca Cragg, President of Camellia Teas of Ottawa ( and a licensed teacher of Ikebana, will introduce members to the fundamental elements of Japanese-inspired garden design. Info: Ottawa South Community Centre at 613-247-4946 or Marilyn at 613-730-0597. Start off the New Year with a COOKING CLASS FOR COMFORT AND GOOD HEALTH! Thurs., Jan. 23 in the C.A. Paradis kitchen, 1314 Bank St, 6 to 8:30 p.m., $40. You can register by

This space acts as a free community bulletin board for Glebe residents. Drop off your GRAPEVINE message or COMMUNITY NOTICE at the Glebe Report office, 175 Third Avenue, including your name, address and phone number or email FOR SALE items must be less than $1,000.


email at or by phone at 613-261-1609. TOPICAL TALKS AT ABBOTSFORD HOUSE, 950 Bank St., Mon., Jan. 27. Paul Sokoloff botanist, ecologist and research assistant with the Canadian Museum of Nature will beguile us with an overview of 100 years of botanical exploration in the Canadian Arctic. Some things have changed a lot since the Canadian Arctic Expedition of 1913 - 1916 but the desire to understand and gain new knowledge about the Arctic is an enduring constant. Refreshments served at 9:45 a.m. Talk begins at 10 a.m. sharp. Cost is $3.

music ABBOTSFORD LOG DRIVE CAFÉ. “Lost for Words” with Pippa Hall, John Henderson and Bruce Barton. As well as singing traditional and contemporary songs and ballads, this trio also plays Celtic, Appalachian and Québécois instrumentals. Fri., Jan. 24, 7:30 - 9 p.m., 950 Bank St. (doors open at 7 p.m.). Admission: $7 at the door. Beverages will be on sale courtesy of the Abbotsford Members Council. “THE JOY OF SONG” 55th Anniversary Spring Concert, Ottawa Children’s Choir, Sat., May 24, 7 p.m. at Dominion-Chalmers United Church, 355 Cooper St. Tickets ($15 per adult; $5 Children 12 & under) are available at the door or by contacting Anna at info@ottawachildrenschoir. ca or 613-233-4440. Auditions for the 2014 - 2015 season will be held Apr. 26, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. and May 31, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Dominion-Chalmers United Church, 355 Cooper St. Application forms are available online. A 15 minute audition must be scheduled by email at or by calling Anna Tessier, General Manager, at the OCC office 613-2334440.

OTTAWA BRAHMS CHOIR. After a successful Christmas concert, the Choir welcomes new members for the 2014 singing season to prepare for the great Schubert Mass - G Major concert on Apr. 27, at 3 p.m., at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, 2345 Alta Vista Dr. The choir rehearses in the Parlour Room (2nd floor) of Southminster United Church, corner of Bank and Aylmer, on Monday evenings from 7 - 9:30 p.m. For further info please consult our website www. or Leo 613749-2391 or Sieglinde 819-568-8169. Sopranos, Basses, Tenors especially welcome! ATLANTIC VOICES concert “The Song Lives On,” Sunday, January 26, 3 p.m., Centretown United Church, 507 Bank St. The concert pays tribute to great Atlantic Canadian musicians Rita MacNeil, Stan Rogers, John Allan Cameron, Stompin’ Tom, Raylene & John Morris Rankin, Denny Doherty (The Mamas & the Papas) and Gene MacLellan. Silent auction and refreshments follow. Pre-show by the Fumblin’ Fingers at 2:15 p.m. Tickets $15 until Jan. 24; $20 at the door. Free for children under 12. Call Hannie at 613-722-9240. Go to www. for more info.

available BABYSITTING, DOG WALKING/SITTING, SNOW SHOVELLING. Grade 10 student (girl) and Grade 7 student (boy) raising money for school and volleyball trips are available for babysitting (Grade 10 student has Red Cross babysitting course and babysitting experience), dog walking/sitting, snow shovelling, or other odd jobs. We are in the Fifth Avenue/O’Connor Street area. Please contact us at: or at 613-421-5538.

demic writing (proof-reading for grammar, punctuation; critical feedback on content, etc.). Also experienced in preparation for the government second language exams (English). For more details, please email or call 613-237-7894. VOLUNTEER POSITIONS AT THE FRIENDS OF THE CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM. Director of Events to help plan and deliver a variety of fundraising events, including bake and craft sales, art exhibition, plant sale, and Victorian Tea. Experience in a non-profit setting working with volunteers preferred. – Bus Tour Leader to plan, organize, budget for, market, and escort day or overnight bus tours for convivial repeat customers. Position requires well organized individual with excellent communication skills. If you are interested in either of these opportunities, please send your resume to: or by mail to Donna Pape, Director of Volunteers, Friends of the Central Experimental Farm, Building 72, Floor 2, Arboretum, Ottawa, On K1A 0C6.

for sale DRAFTING TABLE, measuring 42 ½ inches wide by 30 ½ inches deep. $50. Please call 613-237-5433.

ENGLISH TUTOR. Experienced ESL teacher available for help with aca“looking for a dog walker”

illustration: monica pine

Where to find us In addition to free home delivery, you can find copies of the Glebe Report at Abba’s Grocery, Acorn Nursery, Adishesha Yoga, The Arrow & the Loon, B.G.G.O., Bloomfields Flowers, Booster Juice, Brewer Arena, Brewer Pool, Bridgehead, Brittons, Brown’s Cleaners, Candy Bouquet, Corner Bar and Grill, Douvris Martial Arts, Ernesto’s Barber Shop, Escape, Farm Team Cookhouse and Bar, Feleena’s, The Flag Shop, Flight Centre Travel, Forno Antico, 107 Fourth Avenue Wine Bar, Francesco’s Coffee Company, The Flour Shoppe, The French Baker, Glebe Apothecary, Glebe Community Centre, Glebe Fashion Cleaners, Glebe Meat Market, Glebe Pet Hospital, Glebe Smoke Shop, Glebe Tailoring, Glebe Trotters, Glebe Video, Hillary Cleaners, Hogan’s Food Store, Il Negozio Nicastro, Irene’s Pub, Isabella Pizza, Jericho Café, Kardish Foods, Kettleman’s Bagel Co., Kumon Centre, Kunstadt Sports, Magic Mountain, Marble Slab, Mayfair Theatre, McKeen Metro Glebe, Mister Muffler, Morala’s Café, Naji’s Lebanese Restaurant, Olga’s Deli and Catering, Pints & Quarts, The Palisades, The Pantry, Pet Valu, Queen Mother Maternity, ReadiSetGo, RBC/Royal Bank, Reflections, Roast’n Brew, 7-Eleven, Scotiabank, Second Avenue Sweets, Shafali Bazaar, Silver Scissors, Spa Royale, Subway, SushiGo, Third Avenue Spa, Von’s Bistro, Watson’s Pharmacy and Wellness Centre, The Wild Oat and Yarn Forward & Sew-On, The Works, ZaZaZa Pizza.

Glebe Report January 17, 2014



For rates on boxed ads appearing on this page, please contact Judy Field at 613-231-4938 or by e-mail

handyman Will do plumbing, electrical, carpentry, drywall, painting, ceramic work. Bathroom, kitchen, and basement renovations. Warranted, insured, bonded. Peter: 613.797.9905.


Customized Personal training Looking for a Certified Personal Trainer in the Glebe? I offer dynamic exercise sessions for individuals and partners. Contact Lori:


30 years in Telecom/Datacom

“Helping control your communications wiring mess”

...TV, antenna, phone, computer, audio, WiFi - Wiring Trace & Labelling - Comms Problem Solving - Wiring Clean-up - IT Consulting - Over the Air TV - Computer Networking -WiFi Analysis - Structured Wiring - Renovation - Reasonable Rates Russ Jones 613-299-0009

Kitchen, bathroom, or any interior alterations

Experienced teacher to work with students at any level (K-12) in Mathematics and/or Study Skills. Please call 613-234-6828.

Original plaster repair and skim coating, as well as taping and painting

613 454-8063

Condo for rent Glebe Annex 1 bdrm + den loft, 6 stainless appliances, hardwood floors, terrace, parking, heat/ac/water included. $1,650/month.

Mobile Hairdressing

Saving you money by bringing the salon to your home!

Joiner/Carpenter/Furniture Maker/Interior Painter designing new work, repairing old - 40 years experience contact Richard, 613-315-5730,



Wife Household Organizers

“Every working woman needs a wife!” Regular & Occasional cleaning Pre & Post move cleaning and packing Pre & Post renovation cleaning Blitz & Spring cleaning Organizing cupboards, basements... Perhaps a waitress ???

Laurel 749-2249

home renos and repair Interior/exterior painting; all types of flooring; drywall repair and installation; plumbing repairs and much more. Please call Jamie Nininger @ 613-852-8511.

I would love to bring my 14 years of experience as a professional hairstylist and a colour technician to you and your family in the comfort of your own home. Appointments can also be made at my Third Avenue studio.

Call Hiba @ 613-858-4422

Hiba Chriti

Professional Hairstylist

Ottawa Children’s Choir

2014 AnnuAl Berry SAle

It’s time for the Ottawa Children’s Choir’s 24th Annual Berry Sale Fundraiser. There are wild blueberries and cranberries from Nova Scotia, and raspberries from Chile for sale. The berries are tasty, individually quickfrozen, nutritious and packaged in plastic bags. Please support the Ottawa Children’s Choir through this annual fundraiser. Prices below includes HST.

Blueberries 2 kg bag - $20

Raspberries 2.5 kg bag - $30

Cranberries 2 kg bag - $15

To place your berry order please call Judy Field at 613.231.4938 or email by January 29. Payment is required by February 1. Berries will be delivered to you on Saturday, February 22 between 10:30 am to 1 pm within the Glebe.

january 17, 2014

gerd schneider

“Skating on Brown’s Inlet”

Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group Glebe Community Centre


175 Third Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1S 2K2 (613) 233-8713 or (613) 564-1058

Glebe in the

Thank you to our participants, contributors and volunteers for an incredibly successful event. Check out our website to see a full list of participants.

Did you indulge a bit over the holidays?

Donʼt worry, weʼve got a class for you at GNAG fitness. Check out our website for the full schedule.

Community Rink in the Glebe Check out our amazing selection of skating and hockey programs. Something for every level. Register at

PA Days & March Break Camps Donʼt let the school breaks catch you unprepared, sign up with us today!

PA Days

• Both Boards - Mar 7 - Parc Omega • Both Boards - June 6 - Upper Canada Village

March Break Camps • • • • •

Kinder Break am or pm or full day Visual Arts am or pm Pottery am or pm" 3D Programmer Jr Game Maker Extreme

• Dance Camp • Musical Theatre Camp • Multisport

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