Glebe Report May 2023

Page 27

Great Glebe Garage Sale coming Saturday, May 27

With spring finally in the air, it’s time to get ready to sell your stuff at the annual Great Glebe Garage Sale. This year’s neighbourhood sale and celebration of spring will be held on Saturday, May 27, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., though depending on the weather, keen shoppers are always out much earlier. Bank Street merchants are also getting ready for their fantastic sidewalk sale. Here’s hoping for great weather.

The Great Glebe Garage Sale has been dedicated to fundraising for the Ottawa Food Bank since it began in 1986. Donations from last year’s sale were down, while demand for the Ottawa Food Bank has never been higher. While the decrease is not surprising given 2022 was the first year back after a two-year gap due to the pandemic, we are doing everything we can to recommit the neighbourhood to raising money for the food bank.

You’ll see a half-page ad for the Great Glebe Garage Sale in this issue of the Glebe Report. Please cut it out and post it prominently on the day of the sale to encourage donations to the Ottawa Food Bank. It includes a QR code for the dedicated garage sale fundraising page ( we hope you’ll make a donation- we suggest vendors pledge 10 per cent of their proceeds.

The Glebe will be very busy the last weekend in May, with the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend (including bib pick up starting Friday and the free Health and Fitness Expo at Lansdowne), a Redblacks game on Friday night, the garage sale and sidewalk sale on Saturday and an Atlético Ottawa game on Saturday night. With extra traffic during the sale, it may take you longer to drive in and out of the

neighbourhood, so give yourself extra time. This year, we are doubling down on our message to encourage everyone to walk, ride or take the bus to the Glebe, if you can, and leave your car at home.

If you are planning to sell hamburgers, hotdogs or other cooked food, it is important to know and comply with the City’s food regulations. You must apply to the City at least two weeks before the sale (it’s free), and you’ll need someone with food-handler training on site. Home prepared foods are not allowed, and food preparation is limited to reheating, hot and cold holding, final assembly and serving the product, unless discussed with Ottawa Public Health prior to the event. The City’s website (ottawapublichealth. ca) outlines health-and-safety requirements for food vendors as well as the online application.

You don’t need to register or get a permit to sell stuff from your own driveway or porch, though you may need your landlord’s permission if you rent. Selling on public property such as sidewalks, boulevards, roads and parkland is illegal without a permit, and offenders could be ticketed by bylaw officers.

It’s also important to keep your premises safe, given the high traffic on sale day. Here are some suggestions to help minimize risks:

• Clear yards, private walkways and driveways to reduce the likelihood of injury or damage. Obstructions on your property, such as tree branches, garden hoses, toys and uneven surfaces, could pose a tripping hazard. For uneven surfaces, consider posting a sign.

• Contain pets in an area away from the public to avoid people getting scratched or bitten. Even pets who are well socialized could become overwhelmed and anxious in the

Index Mark Your Calendars







unusually big crowds.

• It is important to sell only items that are functional and in good condition. Read the – Facts for Garage Sale Vendors. It includes items that are banned, that must meet regulatory requirements, that could pose a safety hazard or must meet requirements under the Radiation Emitting Devices Act, like microwaves. The Canada Safety Council – garage-sales-and-yardsales, is also helpful.

Finally, while the Great Glebe Garage Sale will go ahead even if it rains,

watch for severe weather, strong winds or thunder and lightning in the forecast. The Glebe BIA and the Glebe Community Association will aim to give guidance the day before if it appears it might be unsafe to set up.

See the Glebe Community Association’s Great Glebe Garage Sale FAQs at for more tips and details or contact me (Great Glebe Garage Sale coordinator) at with any questions.

Colette Downie is the coordinator of the Great Glebe Garage Sale.

Lansdowne 2.0 Pages 2, 3, 4 Planting a successor tree Page 14, 15 What’s Inside NEXT ISSUE: Friday, June 9, 2023 EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 ADVERTISING ARTWORK DEADLINE*: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 *Book ads well in advance to ensure space availability. Serving the Glebe community since 1973 May 12, 2023 TFI@glebereport ISSN 0702-7796 Vol. 51 No. 4 Issue no. 554 FREE

Lansdowne 2.0: A year later, and community still struggling to get information


Residents could be forgiven for wondering what City staff have been up to since last May, when the proposal for Lansdowne 2.0 first went to Council. There were lots of questions then. We were told that this was “just a check in” with Council, and that with Council’s approval of the Financial Strategy, the City would launch robust public consultations. To this end, a public information session was held online on April 27.

Council directed staff last May to develop cost estimates for adding structure to the green roof of the proposed new arena that would occupy space where “the Hill” and a portion of the Great Lawn currently exist, with the idea that it might continue to be used as park or greenspace. The question of cost came up again at the April information session – and staff didn’t have an answer, not even a ballpark estimate.

The question was asked: what would it cost the City to remove or deal with the contaminated soil that was placed under the berm, just 10 years ago at considerable expense? In other words, how much extra will we pay to move the arena there? Again, no answer yet.

A number of people asked what analysis staff had done on other possible locations for a new arena – perhaps one served by the LRT, considering the billions we are investing in LRT. The answer: none. Looking at other options was specifically not in the mandate given to staff, so we don’t know what other sites might have to offer or what additional benefits they might bring.

The City presented more detailed sketches of the Lansdowne 2.0 development – right down to where the 740 new parking spaces would go. However, no similar detail was provided to give a better idea of the true scale of the proposed three towers and the new arena – nor their impact on existing elements of Lansdowne including, importantly, the Aberdeen Pavilion, a heritage building recognized as a key element of Lansdowne’s character.

The City declined to say what the expectation was as to how tall the three towers would likely be. But surely they

must have made assumptions in the financial modelling they did to figure out how to pay for all of this. How else could they estimate property taxes that will be generated, other than using assumptions about the number of units and the storeys needed to house those units? The City said that this would be confirmed through an eventual air rights bid by a prospective developer as well as a City-initiated rezoning process. But a rezoning application, expected to be launched soon by the City, will have to include specifics – surely they have a reasonable idea now of what is likely. A number of questions were posed around the City’s Financial Strategy, which includes diverting 90 per cent of property taxes from the three tall towers to pay back the debt. Staff were asked for their analysis showing that only 10 per cent of property taxes would be enough to pay for municipal services for the new residents – and that existing taxpayers wouldn’t have to foot the bill. No clear answer to this either, except that the City assumes that it is more efficient to service the inner urban area – I’d like to ask for a refund on my property taxes if this is true!

The other large part of the Financial Strategy is a huge reliance on

expanding retail by another 60,000 square feet and that retail leasing will be so successful in the future that it will generate significant funds to pay down the debt. But can we be confident of this strategy? Has retail leasing actually been profitable to date?

City staff said it has been (really?) and pointed to figures presented that week in the Lansdowne annual report to Council. But those figures continue to obscure the bottom line for retail. Why? Whose interests are served by this lack of transparency? Community partners have been asking for this data for months. We are still waiting to see the truth.

With so many important questions about key elements of the Lansdowne 2.0 proposal, there was little time for feedback about proposed improvements to the urban park itself. [Editor's note: A virtual engagement session on the Lansdowne 2.0 Public Realm/ Urban Park will be held May 17 at 6 p.m. Email for info.]

In the end, staff answered a number of questions by saying that they are still conducting due diligence. Answers would be forthcoming. But when? And how far in advance of Council’s decision planned for early July?

This is a complex project with a price tag of at least $332 million (and probably higher). If staff release a huge, complicated report shortly before it goes to Council, with this level of consultation, it will be a huge disservice to the city. We need informed, timely and meaningful consultation, which we have been asking for now for more than a year. Selective sharing of information and lack of transparency should not be allowed to cut it.

Just like the LRT, Lansdowne 2.0 is not ready for a green light. Let’s make sure we have learned the lessons of the LRT inquiry and demand better, starting with informed consultations.

2 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 LANSDOWNE
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Originally published in The Mainstreeter, April 2023

Lansdowne 2.0: Whatever happened to the promise of public consultation?

Financial implications for city taxpayers

City of Ottawa staff are charging ahead with Lansdowne 2.0 once again. The City’s proposed plan to rescue the financial sustainability of its partnership with the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) involves a new, expensive construction project at Lansdowne. Despite public assurances by then Mayor Jim Watson and City staff that the approvals of the Lansdowne 2.0 report last June were only intended as a “check-in” with Council to be followed by robust public consultation before final decisions are made, staff are now moving forward with the 2.0 plan and intend to ask the City’s Finance and Corporate Services Committee for final approval in early July.

Although the City already spent $173 million on revitalizing Lansdowne just 10 years ago, its partners are dissatisfied with Lansdowne’s financial performance to date. The Lansdowne 2.0 plan calls for the City to spend at least another $332 million and likely much more on top of that for related infrastructure, soil remediation and a number of other uncosted items. Slated for demolition are the newly built retail space that houses GoodLife Fitness, the Civic Centre arena and the northside stands of the football stadium.

Construction would involve a new retail platform/podium, topped by three high-rise towers ranging from 29 to 40 storeys. The north-side stands would be rebuilt, and a new arena and event centre would be moved under the hill (berm) that sits at the east end of the stadium.

The City would fund its costs from a

variety of sources, including $239 million in new debt. To help repay this debt, the City plans to syphon away 90 per cent of the property taxes assessed on the retail podium and residential towers when the project is “good to go,” then divert these property taxes to debt repayment each year for 40 years – the City has named the scheme “Property Tax Uplift.”

If the project goes ahead, the City would be exposed to about half a billion dollars in either direct or indirect debt repayment obligations

If the project goes ahead, the City would be exposed to about half a billion dollars in either direct or indirect debt repayment obligations. In 2013, the City took on $154 million in debt to help pay for Lansdowne 1.0; $239 million more is needed for 2.0. Along with this direct debt, the City has issued several guarantees in support of longterm loans that would need to be repaid by the City in the event of default. In 2014, the city manager used his delegated authority to issue a guarantee for OSEG’s retail loan – about $100 million of this loan is still outstanding. In 2015, the City and OSEG settled a dispute over the $23.6 million that OSEG spent to fix the Civic Centre roof. Under threat of legal action, the City settled with OSEG by having the partnership take out a loan to repay OSEG and getting the City to guarantee this loan –the roof loan still has about $18 million outstanding. (Ironically, the roof itself would be torn down under 2.0).

In 2020, OSEG asked to restructure some of the terms of its partnership agreement; the City staff report

cautioned that if OSEG’s requests were not approved, there was a “very real risk” that OSEG might default leaving the City (i.e., taxpayers) responsible for repaying both guaranteed loans. Finally, Lansdowne 2.0 would require the City to issue a guarantee in support of OSEG’s $30-million, retail-podium loan. If Lansdowne 2.0 goes ahead, then the City’s total outstanding Lansdowne debt would be approximately $339 million, and its loan guarantees would be about $148 million – close to $500 million in total. On top of that, the City would fund $93.6 million from other sources for the remainder of its costs.

Concern is mounting that time is running out for the possibility of engaged consultation for a very costly – second only to the LRT – yet poorly understood City project. The Glebe, Old Ottawa East and Old Ottawa South community associations along with the Federation of Citizens’ Associations, Parkways for People and Synapcity wrote Mayor Sutcliffe and city councillors in late February asking that “no further decisions…be taken until there has been meaningful consultation with the community.”

Given how much the economic climate has changed (with rising inflation and interest rates) since the Lansdowne 2.0 financial projections were first presented, the letter also called for an update of financial data and a risk analysis aimed especially at financial projections for Lansdowne’s retail space, the part of the plans being counted on the most for generating future financial success. The letter

also called for full disclosure of financial statements for each part of the partnership “bubble”: retail, stadium, Redblacks and Ottawa 67s.

In early March, the City, through its Engage Ottawa site, launched its public engagement strategy with a survey that Councillor Menard has called “concerning.” The short survey asks what some have called limited “marketing” type questions, like “How did you hear about the proposed Lansdowne 2.0 revitalization?” Community representatives have asked staff to include Property Tax Uplift on the site’s list of defined terms, to inform the public of the loss of 58,000 sq. ft. of public greenspace around the berm because of the new event centre’s non-accessible roof and to include the fact that the Lansdowne 2.0 staff report has stated that the Civic Centre and north-side stands are structurally sound. Staff thus far have been unwilling to update the information as requested.

Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay is a professor at Saint Paul University and an Old Ottawa East resident.

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 3 LANSDOWNE
Donna Edwards House Portraits 613 233 4775 www.donnaedwards Facebook: Donna Edwards Art 149 9 ea 699 9 ea 799 9 ea 1999 9 ea 549 ea 599 9 ea 399 9 ea Sea Salt Crisp All Dressed and Dill Pretzel Sticks Queso Blanco Fresh Soft White Cheese Queso Frescor Grilling Cheese Queso Cotyo Semi-Hard, Salty, Crumbly Cheese 200gr Cassava Chips 300g Street Taco’s Don Pancho 336g Quali-plus Peaches 2lb container Rhubarb Crispy Calamari 340 g Buffalo Chicken Wings 780 g 949 ea 754 Bank Street (613) 232-9466 Monday to Friday 8:00am - 10:00pm Saturday 8:00am - 9:00pm Sunday 9:00am - 8:00pm
Despite public assurances … [of] robust public consultation before any decisions are made, staff are now moving forward with the 2.0 plan

Images of the Glebe

Lansdowne 2.0

The 40-acre “park” that was Lansdowne is about to be raided –again. Lansdowne 2.0 development proposals are on the table (see elsewhere in this issue of the Glebe Report).

Storied Lansdowne Park began in 1868 as 40 acres of city-owned land set aside mostly for agricultural events. The first Central Canada Exhibition (the Ex) was held there in 1888 and continued until 2010. Lansdowne was also a venue for housing and for mustering troops in the Boer War and in both world wars. In 1947, the Catholic Church held a Marian Congress there that attracted up to 250,000 attendees and featured a procession of parade floats along The Driveway and the 13-year-old Dionne Quintuplets singing hymns, followed by spectacular fireworks. In 1952, Lansdowne was

Business Buzz

Lois ‘N’ Frima’s has opened at 837 Bank Street with their celebrated ice cream.

Sports 4 opening soon at 769 Bank Street, former home of High Ties Cannabis. “Founded in 1982, Sports 4 is a sporting goods/athletics business, located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, that specializes in the proper fitting of running and walking shoes.”

Chickpeas at 931 Bank Street, corner of Bank and Holmwood, has now closed. “It is with a heavy heart that we had to make this difficult decision, but we want you to know that our original location at Trainyards is still open.” (Sign on window)

Glebe Report’s new website

In the year in which we turn 50, the Glebe Report is launching a fresh new website. The revamped website is lively and up-to-date and works better with cell phones and tablets, but still has the full, searchable Glebe Report archive of past issues starting in 1973. Check it out at

Contributors this month

Kathryn Aubrey-Horvath

Inez Berg

the designated spot for survivors of a nuclear attack to gather for food and water (but I guess that didn’t happen).

Along the way, Lansdowne has been an important sports venue –for hockey, football, soccer, curling, figure skating and more. The Aberdeen Pavilion hosted the Stanley Cup championship games in 1904. In the 50s, there were horse races which later morphed into stock car races (see photos in the October 2022 issue of the Glebe Report).

All this to say that Lansdowne has always loomed large in the life of the city and of the Glebe. No wonder, then, that the turnout was large at the City of Ottawa’s public information session on April 27 on the Lansdowne 2.0 development proposals, with some 150 online participants. The speakers

Established in 1973, the Glebe Report, published by the Glebe Report Association is a monthly not-forprofit community newspaper with a circulation of 7,500 copies. It is delivered free to Glebe homes and businesses. Advertising from merchants in the Glebe and elsewhere pays all its costs, and the paper receives no government grants or direct subsidies. The Glebe Report, made available at select locations such as the Glebe Community Centre and the Old Ottawa South Community Centre and Brewer Pool, is printed by Winchester Print.

EDITOR............................ Liz McKeen

COPY EDITOR.................... Roger Smith

LAYOUT DESIGNER............. Jock Smith

GRAPEVINE EDITOR............ Micheline Boyle

WEB MANAGER................. Paul Goubko

SOCIAL MEDIA................... Sophie Shields






Hilda van Walraven

Teddy Cormier, Eleanor Crowder

PROOFREADERS................ Martha Bowers, Jennifer D'Costa, Jeanette Rive

AREA CAPTAINS................. Martha Bowers, Bob Brocklebank, Judy Field, Jono Hamer-Wilson, Deb Hogan, Elena Kastritsa, Brenda Perras, Della Wilkinson

The Glebe Report strives to be inclusive and to represent the full diversity of the community we serve.

were well rehearsed with prepared answers to submitted questions. But the main thrust from the public on the proposal focused on the same complaints as ever: the disappearance of greenspace; the lack of trees for shade; the three new high rise condo towers with what some viewed as just a questionable nod to affordable housing; more retail, despite what many see as a track record of retail failures; inadequate public transit; and the large financial risk that taxpayers would be required to undertake.

Can Lansdowne be saved as an important city asset, as an iconic landmark redolent with history and vitality but also with a thriving, vibrant future?


175 Third Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1S 2K2 613-236-4955




For Glebe Report advertising deadlines and rates, call the advertising manager. Advertising rates are for electronic material supplied in pdf format with fonts embedded in the file.

Views expressed in the articles and letters submitted to the Glebe Report are those of our contributors. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Articles selected for publication will be published in both a printed version and an online version on the Glebe Report’s website: www. Please note: Except for July, the paper is published monthly. An electronic version of the print publication is subsequently uploaded online with text, photos, drawings and advertisements as a PDF to www.glebereport. ca. Selected articles will be highlighted on the website. The Glebe Report acknowledges that its offices and the Glebe neighbourhood it serves are on the unceded lands and territories of the Anishinaabe people, comprised of the Ojibwe, Chippewa, Odawa, Potawatomi, Algonquin, Saulteaux, Nipissing and Mississauga First Nations.

Richard Berg

Matthew A. Bol

Carolyn Best

Kelly Butler

Karen Cameron

Julie Houle Cezer

Farrell Crook

John Crump

Colette Downie

Pat Eakins

Cheryl Gain

Pat Goyeche

Alexandra Gruca-Macaulay

Joel Harden

Claire Hutcheon

Katherine Liston

Carolyn Mackenzie

Elaine Marlin

Angus McCabe

Liz McKeen

Chris McNaught

Shawn Menard

Doug Milne

Tahera Mufti

Yasir Naqvi

Taylor Northwood

Tim O’Connor

David Perkins

Josh Rachlis

Kate Roberts

Sarah Routliffe

Bhagwant Sandhu

Ellen Schowalter

Sophie Shields

Roger Smith

Sue Stefko

Janet Sutherland

Elspeth Tory

Della Wilkinson

Cecile Wilson

Zenith Wolfe


4 Glebe Report May 12, 2023
The Glebe Montessori School choir enjoyed performing at the Kiwanis Music Festival this spring and won bronze for their performances of “Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da” by The Beatles and “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman. PHOTO: YVONNE THIJSEN

A Fixture of the Glebe scene has left us

Editor, Glebe Report

For more than 35 years, Glebites have been used to seeing my father John Horvath taking his daily walks around the community and holding court at the local coffee shops, eagerly engaging neighbours in discussions on a multiplicity of topics, from the science of vegan diets to Xi Jinping’s four brick volumes on the governance of China. Our community is a little quieter now, with his sudden passing on April 13.

“This above all – to thine own self be true.” John Horvath was a fervent believer in the power of great written words, with a radical authenticity of character that would surely have endeared him to Shakespeare.

His natural charisma, passion for debating ideas and big heart drew people to him from all walks of life, endlessly expanding the circle of people that he called “family”.

As an immigrant from the revolution in Hungary, he always remembered even the smallest kindness and lived his life with a deliberate practice of actively finding ways to pay it forward tenfold. If he found a five-dollar bill on the street, he would turn and give $50 to someone he thought could use it. If he saw a student struggling, he would buy them a cup of coffee –or ten. He approached each day as an opportunity to be of service – in the truest, most profound manner – to his family, friends and community.

John Horvath was a fixture of the Glebe community. His loss will be deeply felt.

Kathryn Aubrey-Horvath

Serendipity indeed

Editor, Glebe Report

Re: “The Joys of used-book discoveries,” by Daniel Miranda, Glebe Report, April 2023.

Patrick Scott, the formidable Globe and Mail editor featured in Daniel Miranda’s April 14 story, would have, when he was slot man in his earlier Globe career, likely sent home the rim person who breached your apparent headline style by capitalizing the second word.

The used book, Canadian Newspapers: The Inside Story, (which I haven’t read) was, as Mr. Miranda noted, marked as a gift to Patrick Scott’s wife, Maggie. The likely reason it ended up in an Ottawa usedbook store was because Maggie spent her last years in an Ottawa old age home, using a wheelchair. The book was likely among her few remaining possessions.

My former wife, Maxine, who met Maggie when they both worked at the Toronto Star in the 60s, visited Maggie a couple of times in the Ottawa old age home. I don’t know when Maggie, a sharp-tongued, tough-minded Brit totally devoted to her husband, died.

When the Scotts had fallen on leaner times in the latter part of the 70s, after Patrick’s acrimonious parting from the Star, Maxine and I for three years had them out to our house for Christmas dinner. I would pick them up and deliver them home.

As Globe city editor, Patrick may have raised the eyebrows and concerns of some, among them the esteemed Michael Enright, for the dictatorial style of management he

Glebe Report seeks Area Captain

Want to help distribute the Glebe Report each month? If you have a car and 1.5 hours a month to spare, then your help would be most appreciated! Please send an email to for more information.

Oh sister! Oh brother!


brought to the formerly easy-going Globe newsroom.

As a Globe reporter at the time, covering courts and coming into the newsroom only to file my stories, I didn’t have any issues with Patrick. He had done some good things for me, starting when I was just a 24-year-old rookie reporter on my first big frontpage story, and he was on the national desk. I figured Patrick just wanted his staff to perform at the high level he expected.

(He once called me into his office to inform me solemnly that 1,000 of my words were worth a picture, a comment that left me puzzled and speechless as I nodded and retreated, figuring nothing more was going to be said. And it wasn’t.)

But being absent from the newsroom and from the gossip that percolated there, I likely missed what Michael, who was a very good friend of mine, observed about Patrick’s behaviour.

Michael is friendly and easily likeable. Patrick’s reserve (he didn’t smile easily) did not mark him as friendly or easily likeable. But I liked them both.

After Patrick quit the Globe in a huff and was quickly recruited by the Toronto Star as its new city editor, I moved to the Star in early 1973, and, like Patrick, revelled in beating the Globe

I moved into the Glebe in late 2021, a few blocks away from my daughter. Truly serendipitous for me finding a story in the Glebe Report, of all places, about Patrick’s notations on Michael’s criticisms in Maggie’s book that ended up in a used-book store.

Our Volunteer Carriers

Jide Afolabi, Jennie Aliman, Lawrence Ambler, Nico Arabackyj, Ella Åsell, Aubry family, Miko Bartosik, Alessandra & Stefania Bartucci, Selena Beattie, Adrian Becklumb, Beckman family, Joanne Benoit, Inez Berg, Naéma and Raphaëlle Bergevin Hemsing, Carolyn Best, Carrie Bolton, Daisy & Nettie Bonsall, Martha Bowers, Bowie family, Adélaïde and Éléonore Bridgett, Bob Brocklebank, Ben Campbell-Rosser, Nico Cauchi, Bill Congdon, Ava & Olivia Carpenter, Ryan & Charlotte Cartwright, Chiu-Panczyk Family, Sarah Chown, Sebastian, Cameron & Anna Cino, Janis Ellis-Claypool, Avery & Darcy Cole, Jenny Cooper, June Creelman, Marni Crossley, Olivia Dance, Mark Dance, Dawson family, Richard DesRochers, Davies Family, Nathan and Roslyn Demarsh, Marilyn Deschamps, Diekmeyer-Bastianon family, Dingle family, Delia Elkin, Nicholas, Reuben, Dave & Sandra Elgersma, Patrick Farley, James & Oliver Frank, Judy Field, Federico Family, Maria Fobes, Liane Gallop, Joann Garbig, Madeleine Gomery, Joyce Goodhand, Camilo Velez Gorman, Barbara Greenwood, Ginny Grimshaw, Marjolein Groenevelt, Henry Hanson, Oliver, Martin, Sarah & Simon Hicks, Cheryle Hothersall, Jeevan & Amara Isfeld, Jungclaus Family, Janna Justa, Elena Kastritsa, Kasper Raji Kermany, Michael Khare, Lambert family, Leith and Lulu Lambert, Mel LeBlanc, Jamie, Alexander & Louisa Lem, Brams and Jane Leswick, Aanika, Jaiden and Vinay Lodha, Vanessa Lyon, Pat Marshall, Patrick Collins Mayer, Catherine McArthur, Ian McKercher, John and Helen Marsland, Leeann McGovern, Matthew McLinton, Cameron Mitchell, Julie Monaghan, Thomas Morris, Vivian Moulds, Karen Mount, Maddy North, Diane Munier, Xavier and Heath Nuss, Sachiko Okuda, Matteo and Adriano Padoin-Castillo, Brenda Perras, Brenda Quinlan, Annabel and Joseph Quon, Beatrice Raffoul, Bruce Rayfuse, Kate Reekie, Thomas Reevely, Mary & Steve Reid, Jacqueline Reilly-King, Anna Roper, Sabine Rudin-Brown, Casimir & Tristan Seywerd, Short family, Cathy Simons, Abigail Steen, Stephenson family, Cameron & Quinn Swords, Ruth Swyers, Saul Taler, John & Maggie Thomson, Tom Trottier, Trudeau family, Will, Georgie & Blaire Turner, Zosia Vanderveen, Veevers family, Nick Walker, Vanessa Wen, Paul Wernick, Howard & Elizabeth Wong, Ella & Ethan Wood, Martin Zak.


Leeann McGovern


Erica Waugh


Fifth Avenue: Craig to Chrysler, south side Fifth Avenue: O'Connor to Bank, north side

Siblings are often our closest confidants; their significance cannot be overstated. Throughout our childhood, they are there –usually in the same house – to instruct or be guided, to comfort and annoy. The honesty and vitality of our relationship with our sisters or brothers are unparalleled.

Write a poem about your experience as a sibling, the closeness you have shared or perhaps lack of closeness you experienced. If you are an only child, write a poem about how that feels as you navigate a world where most people have siblings.

As usual, poems should be:

• Original and unpublished in any medium


• (no poems submitted elsewhere, please)

• No more than 30 lines each

• On any aspect of the theme within the bounds of public discourse

• Submitted on or before May 23, 2023

Poets in the National Capital Region of all ages welcome (school-age poets, please indicate your grade and school). Please send your entries (up to five poems that meet the criteria) to Remember to send us your contact information and your grade and school if you are in school.

Deadline: Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 5 LETTERS
AGM SAVE THE DATE Celebrate your community newspaper, 50 years young! The Glebe Report Association’s Annual General Meeting Monday, May 15, 2023, 7 p.m. Glebe Community Centre, Preschool Room All welcome – members of the association and non-members alike
JUNE 2023
John Horvath remembered

How does one go about making sense of the world these days?

Remembering John Horvath

One could check out conspiracy theories on social media or read the self-serving commentary of political spin doctors, but to really get to the bottom of things, it would be wiser to sit down for a coffee with John Horvath.

Many of us who live and work in the Glebe always chose the latter. We were never disappointed. John could be counted on to provide a clear analysis complete with all the theoretical frameworks. A coffee chat with him left you feeling intellectually satisfied, yet hungry to learn more. That was John’s gift – to make you even more curious about what you came to see him about in the first place.

At the time of his death on April 13, John had just completed reading volume four of The Governance of China by Xi Jinping It was part of his effort to sift through the anti-China hysteria overwhelming our political discourse right now.

Listening to his deep insights and understanding was like attending a PhD seminar on East-West relations. It was the same for any other subject, be it world affairs, climate change, consumerism, philosophy or the poetry of Omar Khayyam, which John could recite fully by heart.

One of John’s favourite hangouts in the Glebe was Morala Happy Goat on Bank Street near First Avenue. The clientele always knew that the seat by the window belonged to John Horvath

and his books. That was where he held his study sessions, educating young and old minds alike. John’s corner by the window had turned into a metaphoric market square of Socrates and, at times, the banyan tree of the Buddha.

“There is no there, there,” John said one day as he was explaining eastern philosophy. He was not talking about mindfulness training or yoga; he was reminding his handful of listeners that our emotions and beliefs are a result of the conflicts generated by the socio-economic forces playing out in our minds and bodies.

He was in fact helping us understand Karl Marx’s theory of dialectical materialism.

More than anything else, John liked to inspire young people. Betka Jurisicova, a student from Slovakia who is spending her summer in the Glebe, remembers her long philosophical discussions with John.

“It seems to us that we are faced with insurmountable opportunities,” she remembers him telling her, “but in reality, nothing is insurmountable.”

He was encouraging her to keep pursing her university studies in sociology.

“He taught me to never judge anyone, only to understand them,” recalls Betka fondly.

Noel Ward, who works at Morala and was also a member of the little community that gathered around John, has affixed a poster on the café’s wall. It is a picture of John Horvath with the words, “This above all – to thine own self be true.” Noel remembers John Horvath as a fervent believer in the power of great written words.

A long-time resident of the Glebe, John was a son of Hungarian immigrants. He spoke several languages and had travelled the globe and had just about visited every nook and cranny of Canada many times over.

As a former federal public servant, he was one of the original drafters of Canada’s national multicultural policy. That was John’s proudest achievement, pushing government to think beyond the confines of the old French-English dichotomy. It took a lot of courage and

willpower to go against the prevailing thoughts of the day, but John persisted. It is not a stretch to say that Canada’s multicultural milieu that we celebrate today is in no small part thanks to the efforts of John Horvath.

John leaves behind his wife Madeleine, his kids Kathryn and Mathieu, his grandkids and a large extended family, many of whom live in the Glebe. He also leaves behind hundreds of books, journals and pamphlets. For us, the fans of his intellect and his wisdom, he leaves behind a very big void in the Glebe coffee shop scene.

But we know that the best way to keep John’s memory alive is for everyone reading this to go and grab a good book, non-fiction of course, then holler at whomever happens to be sitting at a table next you and start a conversation. That, John taught us, is the only way to create meaning and to build community.

Bhagwant Sandu is a retired public service manager, a member of the Glebe Report board of directors and an enthusiastic coffee-shop discourse participant.

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6 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 REMEMBERING
John Horvath at Morala Happy Goat
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/ REALTORS ® Rob Marland | Jane Forsyth | Myha Ewart | Karen Gibson | Haidyn Picco

GACA marks 10 years

As the Glebe Annex Community Association (GACA) prepares for our upcoming Annual General Meeting, it’s an opportunity to look back on the year that was and on the decade since our founding 10 years ago.

The impetus for creating a community association stems back to a development proposed in 2012 by Taggart – a 20-storey condominium at 265 (now 275) Carling Avenue. (This is now the 16-storey retirement residence being built by the Katasa Groupe.) Lynn Barlow, the Glebe Community Association (GCA) president at time, wrote about the development in the Glebe Report in September 2012. She pointed out that the site on the west side of Bronson was outside the Glebe boundary, but she also noted that the vast majority of respondents to a survey opposed the proposed height of the building.

The column and the concerns about the proposal resonated with people in the Glebe Annex. Sylvia Milne was one of those people. In true Sylvia fashion, she quickly took action, consulting the GCA, the Dow’s Lake Resident’s Association (DLRA), city planners and local residents, concluding that to have a voice at city hall, the area should have representation. Lynn agreed to help the cause. In her November column, she asked that anyone wishing to organize a resident’s group on this issue should contact Sylvia.

Two people were indeed interested. I had previously joined the GCA’s Parks Committee to represent Dalhousie South Park. Peggy Kampouris had

previously been involved with the Hintonburg Community Association and the Dalhousie South Residents’ Association, which had been formed in the early 1990s, primarily to create a park in the neighbourhood. Peggy also had a keen interest in safety issues.

Sylvia, Peggy and I reached out to the neighbourhood, asking if anyone would be interested in joining a neighbourhood community association. Nearly 30 people voiced an interest, which is significant in a neighbourhood that is just 500 metres by 350 metres in size! In December 2012, the first unofficial meeting of the fledgling community association was held, where attendees agreed that the creation of an association was in the interest of the neighbourhood.

At the time, three names were under consideration – The Annex, The Glebe Annex and Glebe West, and it would be either a Residents’ Association or a

Community Association. On February 6, 2013, our first “general” meeting was held. A poll was circulated to decide the name of the association, and we officially became the Glebe Annex Community Association. The rest, as they say, is history.

Since our founding, we have been engaged in numerous neighbourhood and city-wide issues. Of course, fighting to lower the height of the proposed condo on Carling was one of the first priorities, which we did with the help of both the GCA and the DLRA. We advocated for Dalhousie South Park to be renewed, which was accomplished in 2018, enormously increasing the useability of the park. We have brought the community together by hosting numerous events, including parties in the park, movie nights and community clean-ups. GACA has been a strong advocate on community safety, working closely with our community police officers, and has worked to improve pedestrian and road safety. We have provided information to and consulted with the community on proposed developments in the area as well as on overall city

plans and policies, including fighting to keep building heights manageable and saving trees and greenspace. In that vein, GACA built a pollinator garden in Dalhousie South Park, now a haven for bees and other pollinators.

GACA will hold its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, May 17 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Our guest speakers will be Councillor Shawn Menard and Robert Bell from the DLRA, who will speak to the community about the Katasa Development at 774 Bronson, on the southwest corner of Bronson and Carling, and the DLRA’s efforts to improve the proposal. Robert was in fact at our very first AGM in 2013 and is one of our biggest supporters in the effort to reduce the height of 275 Carling. We are thrilled to have him back, 10 years later, to speak to us about another important issue that will impact the community. Please join us at our AGM. For more information on the AGM, please see our website:

Sue Stefko is president of the Glebe Annex Community Association and a regular Glebe Report contributor.

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 7 GACA
Community clean-up 2018 PHOTO: DAVID PERKINS Sylvia Milne and Peggy Kampouris present an honorary membership to Radi Abbas at Abbas grocery store in 2015 PHOTO: DOUG MILNE
SAVE THE DATE Anniversary Party A half century of Glebe Report! Come celebrate our 50th anniversary Sunday, June 4, 2 – 4 p.m. Glebe Community Centre 175 Third Avenue Come one, come all! Gather with your neighbours to mark the occasion. Let us thank you for 50 years of reading, writing and delivering! Family entertainment! Refreshments! Special guests! Cake! Bop and rock with Junkyard Symphony and the Glebop Jazz Trio


Happy spring everyone! The Glebe Community Association’s annual park clean-ups, part of the City of Ottawa’s Spring Cleaning the Capital program, are underway – most take place on Saturday, May 13 starting at 10:00 a.m. The rain date, if it is really pouring, is the next day, Sunday, May 14.

These events have always been great opportunities for neighbours to gather for some fun park play and community service as part of our ongoing effort to help keep our parks safe, clean and green.

On the cleaning front, the main goal is to pick up litter; for parks with play areas, this includes giving the sand a rake over to remove any other dangerous items that should be removed by adults.

If you can, bring a rake, work gloves and a container to help consolidate (and safely store) any garbage into one garbage bag at each park – that helps to minimize our use of larger single-use plastic bags.

The Glebe is fortunate to be home to 12 beautiful city parks along with other green spaces. They are a source of daily joy, peace, health and wonder for residents young and old. Come together with your friends, family and neighbours at the park clean-up near you, make some new acquaintances and create some more wonderful neighbourhood moments and memories!

Below is a listing of GCA Parks Committee contacts who plan to be on hand at the parks that morning. Clean-ups are May 13 unless otherwise noted. Always feel free to contact us at to get involved with and to organize for this and other Glebe parks initiatives in the years to come.

Angus McCabe is chair of the GCA Parks Committee

Glebe parks look lovely once cleaned! This is Patterson’s Creek lagoon.

Glebe Parks & Volunteer Leads

Park Name & Location

Lead Name

Brown’s Inlet: Broadway Avenue n/a

Capital Park: Ella Street

Central Park East & the Exploration Garden: Bank Street, east side at Powell (April 22)

Central Park West: Bank Street, west side at Powell

Chamberlain Park / Chamberlain Park Tennis Courts: (Glendale, between Lyon and Percy

Dalhousie Park: Bell Street S.

Glebe Memorial / Glendale Park: Glendale Avenue

Lionel Britton: Fifth Avenue at O’Connor

Patterson Creek Lagoon: Clemow Avenue east of Bank

Patterson Creek Park (NCC), Linden Terrace

Emelie Braschi

Elizabeth Ballard, Meghan Storey

Connie Boynton

Jason & Janine Anderson

Sue Stefko, Scott Templeton

Angus McCabe

Meghan Schreiner

William Price

Jane Bower

Sen. Eugene Forsey Park: 964 Bronson Avenue n/a

Sylvia Holden Park and Dog Run; O’Connor Street between Holmwood and Fifth

Heather Duggan

8 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 PARKS
Glebe parks safe, clean, green & fun!
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Construction coming to the Glebe, and a Better Lansdowne

In the coming years, Capital Ward will see the most road re-construction projects in the city. This is necessary to improve our aging sewer system, and it also gives us a chance to rebuild our roads so they better suit our needs. While we’re only highlighting two projects in this column, we will keep the community aware of others as they get underway. With each project, there will be a chance for residents to provide their input.

And remember, if you can’t make it to a public consultation and you have any thoughts on upcoming construction projects in the ward, you can send them to us directly at CapitalWard@

Monk, Oakland, Wilton and Woodlawn Integrated Renewal

Last month, the city held an online consultation for the upcoming re-construction of Monk, Oakland, Wilton and Woodlawn, which will include both a re-design of the streets and replacement of the sewers and watermains. We had a great turnout, and there were many thoughtful and interesting suggestions presented by residents to make the streets safer, more comfortable and more welcoming.

One of the most interesting ideas was

to have an on-site children’s consultation. City staff, local parents, and their children and our office would meet and do a walkabout where the kids could point out how they use the street –what routes they take, where they hang out, how they move around and use this section of the neighbourhood. As far as I’m aware, this is not something the city has done before, but staff have agreed to the idea, and we’re looking forward to helping to make it happen.

Overall, this will be a big project that will span multiple years. Construction will begin soon on the underground infrastructure. Road re-construction will begin next year. This will be a long project, and staff will be working to make life as easy on residents as possible by providing water hookups, managing traffic flow and maintaining access to homes on affected streets. During this time, discussions can continue on the new designs of the streets.

Glebe Avenue Re-Design

On May 2, the city hosted a public consultation on the re-design of Glebe Avenue, between Bank and O’Connor. At the time of writing this column, that consultation hasn’t yet happened, but I’m confident it will be a worthwhile


The initial city plans are good. They maintain all current amenities on the road, but we’ll see a wider sidewalk, a raised bicycle track and an enhanced “floating” bus stop to keep transit users separated from bicyclists.

Over the past few months, we’ve had a lot of input from residents on the designs, and we’ve heard a number of interesting ideas, including adding extra space to connect with Central Park and creating a bi-directional bike lane. I’m sure we’ll have heard more good ideas at the public consultation.

Staff are taking this feedback to see what further improvements can be made. It can be tough, because we have a relatively narrow street (especially with a bus route on it), but we’ll try to make as many improvements to the street as we can.

And we’re always open to some outside-the-box ideas!

Bank Street Canal Bridge

This spring, staff will be re-paving the deck, adding traffic sensors, replacing the expansion joints and re-painting the streets. There will be some day work, and that means traffic may be reduced to one lane at times. There will also be some night work from May 22

to May 25. Work should be completed by June.

A Better Lansdowne

This month, our office has launched a new website: www.betterlansdowne. ca. This site will be dedicated to creating a better vision for the future of Lansdowne Park.

Currently, the city is conducting consultations on the “Lansdowne 2.0” proposal which, in its current format, would see the creation of 1,200 new residential units added in three 35to 40-storey towers, a loss of 58,000 square feet of public greenspace and the addition of 740 new parking spaces, and all at the cost of more than $330 million of city money.

We think there can be a better plan for Lansdowne – something better for our community and for our city. Come to our new website to share your ideas and see some of ours. We’ll have some counter proposals posted as well as a survey you can fill out.

Please, make your voice heard on this issue. Together, we can create A Better Lansdowne.

Shawn Menard is City Councillor for Capital Ward. He can be reached directly at

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 9
John Crump
C u t o u t a n d d i s p l a y a t t h e s a l e G R E A T G L E B E G A R A G E S A L E S A T U R D A Y , M A Y 2 7 | 8 a . m . t o 2 p . m . D O N A T E T O T H E O T T A W A F O O D B A N K F o r e v e r y $ 1 d o n a t e d , t h e O t t a w a F o o d B a n k c a n p r o v i d e a p p r o x $ 5 w o r t h o f f o o d t o t h e c o m m u n i t y d o n a t e o t t a w a f o o d b a n k c a / u i / g r e a t g l e b e g a r a g e s a l e 2 0 2 3

GCA speaks for you

Food Bank donation challenge

Time to bring it out. Those clothes that no longer fit. That exercise bike that never got much use. Old records and books. Slightly scratched furniture. The painting you inherited from your great aunt that has hung in the laundry room for years.

The Great Glebe Garage Sale (GGGS) is scheduled for Saturday, May 27 from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. One of the major goals of the garage sale is to help the Ottawa Food Bank do its good work. Unfortunately, donations from the 2022 GGGS decreased over 2019, the last year the sale was held in person. This is likely due to many factors but one thing is certain: the need is great. In fact, it is greater than in previous years.

This year, there will be a dedicated GGGS donation page on the Ottawa Food Bank website to make donations easier and posters throughout the neighbourhood, including one in this paper that you can cut out and post at the sale. And of course, in keeping with tradition, vendors are asked to donate at least 10 per cent of sales.

Spring is time for garage sales and, sadly, also for bike thefts. As part of an ongoing dialogue with the GCA, the Ottawa Police Service will have a

How we get around the Glebe

As previously announced, the GCA has received a federal grant to study how we walk, cycle or otherwise move around the neighbourhood without using a motorized vehicle. This is called “active transportation,” and it’s an important part of living in an urban environment.

At the April meeting, the board had a presentation from Amélie Cossé with Momentum, a transportation planning company with international experience that bid successfully for the project. The company is gathering information now and will soon begin a public engagement/consultation pro

moving to and from and within the Glebe are needed.

The open house will not be the last chance to provide input. We expect to launch a survey and hold a round table with stakeholders. A draft action plan will be produced later in the summer and given public review before being finalized and voted on by the GCA board in September.

Lansdowne 2.0 watch

As outlined elsewhere in this issue, a massive and costly new development at Lansdowne Park is on the City’s agenda for approval this July. We are talking about 40-storey high-rise towers – about the same height as the tower at Preston and Carling – as well as the loss of parkland to a new arena and much more commercial space.

To help everyone envisage what is being proposed, the GCA is building a scale model of Lansdowne 2.0 which we will be sharing publicly soon. There is going to be a very short window for public input so visit the GCA’s website or follow us on social media for more

May membership campaign

By the time you read this you may have already received a visit from a friendly GCA volunteer looking to sign up your household as a member of the association for 2023. Everyone who lives or works in the Glebe is eligible to become a member, and it only costs $10 per household ($5 for students). If you missed the visit, check your mailbox for a card with a QR code that will direct you to the GCA web site and online registration. Or you can just go to the GCA web site ( directly.

The GCA is your association. It’s been said before but is worth emphasizing –the association is only as strong as its membership. So please sign up.

An exciting offer

The GCA is looking for a secretary for next year. The job requires about 6 to 8 hours a month and is vital to the success of the GCA. The secretary, with assistance from other board members, prepares the monthly agenda, keeps minutes, etc. If you are interested in this important role, please send an

10 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 GCA
T @glebeca E
7 79 Bank W w w.glebecentr We provide the pl ace You provide the memories

The Joy of volunteering at GNAG

When we were young, a lot of us were told to do good things for others with a promise of good things coming back to us. It seems so simple when you are small, but then you grow up and realize that kindness and good deeds are always best when they are truly from the heart. It’s that moment when you hold the door open for someone behind you or, in my case, baking something sweet for someone you care about. It can also come in the form of a larger donation of your time by volunteering at a local community centre.

Personally, I volunteer at another non-profit organization a few times a year. This has connected me with some amazing people and strengthened friendships. This year, GNAG team member Lauren Kirk joined me to help support a large charity event. The event was a great learning experience and gave us several ideas to bring back to Taste in the Glebe, including the digital photobooth–which was a hit!

Volunteerism comes in many forms and brings together people of all ages to unite around a common cause. We are very lucky at GNAG to have a volunteer board of directors who are dedicated members of our organization and the community. We also have many other volunteers of all ages who help us throughout the year, from teenagers looking to get childcare experience, to the “dish darlings,” a group of women who come each year to wash all the dishes during Taste in the Glebe. We also have several committees that include community volunteers to help with various events: Taste in the Glebe, The House Tour, GNAG Theatre and more.

This year, the full-time team did several acts of volunteerism, most recently signing up to join the Glebe BIA in Cleaning up the Capital! Clare, Paul, John, Pete and I took the assignment of picking up garbage from the Queensway to First Avenue. I’m proud to be among a big crowd working hard to get rid of the winter garbage in the city to honour Earth Day.

One sad effect of the pandemic was that for a long time, extra people (not staff or clients) were not allowed in the building so volunteering was put on pause for several years. If we want to move forward and provide quality events and programming, we need to build back that base. If you

are reading this article and think that you want to be a part of something at GNAG, please reach out anytime to Katie Toogood, our youth volunteer coordinator, or Clare Davidson Rogers, our adult volunteer coordinator, by filling out the form on our volunteer page at We would love to hear from you and have you help at one of our events!

Wizard of Oz

Speaking of talent, I had the pleasure of helping with and attending the amazing production of the Wizard of Oz. The show was of such high quality that it didn’t feel like we were in the Glebe Community Centre anymore but that we had been transported to the Land of Oz. I am truly impressed with all the gifted individuals who acted, created sets and props, and helped bring one of my favourite stories to life. This was the first musical production since 2019, and it was so special to have it back at GNAG.

There were so many volunteers and individuals who made this performance possible. Although most of them don’t ask for recognition, I want to hand out some accolades for their enthusiastic involvement.

A giant heartfelt thank you goes out to:

Eleanor Crowder, our fearless and kind director; Lauren Saindon, the beyond-talented musical director; Nicole Sauvé, known for her patience and choreography; Lauren Kirk, esteemed for her management and calmness in the face of anything; and Paul O’Donnell, our multi-talented production manager who can lift really heavy things.

To Luc Asselin for taking on assistant stage manager as a volunteer; David Magladry for lighting up our show and the yellow brick road; Susan Irvine and team for the gorgeous costumes; Chris Joslin for volunteering to do the complicated animation for this show; Jennifer Ford, our extremely creative creative director and her team; and finally to set designer David Harris who made the Emerald City sparkle.

To Clare Davidson Rogers, who is always truly dedicated and invested in every event (and GNAG), thanks to you and the team of volunteers that did front of house for this show!

To the cast, crew and other volunteers involved, thank you for making this live theatre performance truly magical – there is really no place like home, and we were so glad to have you back.

Editor’s note: see more on The Wizard of Oz elsewhere in this issue of the Glebe Report.

Just think – this summer you could be free to spend your days precisely the way you want, without having to do chores like cleaning your house, cooking meals, mowing grass or pulling weeds. Enjoy the company of friends, indulge in chef-prepared meals, and live with the peace-of-mind of 24-hour security. With our full calendar of events and outings, this could be your best summer yet!

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 11
G N A G 480 Metcalfe Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1S 3N6 Managed by “Why didn’t I do this sooner?” Contact Judie at (613) 617-7888 to book your personal visit and complimentary lunch!
This year, enjoy the best that summer has to offer without the work.

Audiences needed to look no further than their own backyard to have their hearts warmed by GNAG’s fabulous rendition of The Wizard of Oz

The production was a resounding success, captivating audiences of all ages with its colourful costumes, dynamic sets and talented cast. The show, which ran from April 18 to 23, would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of more than 100 cast, crew and volunteers.

From the moment the curtain rose, audiences were transported to a world of wonder and enchantment. The set design and costuming were impressive, creating a fully immersive experience that brought the Emerald City and the Yellow Brick Road to life. We definitely weren’t in Kansas anymore, Toto! The cast, ranging in age from 9 to 75, was equally impressive, with standout

performances from all involved.

Clare Davidson Rogers, front of house manager, said that the team “was thrilled to be bringing the magic of theatre back to the Glebe Community Centre after a three-year absence due to COVID-19.”

GNAGʼs production of The Wizard of Oz was a triumph of storytelling and entertainment, but also a testament to the hard work and dedication of the cast and crew. “The incredible support of the community makes this momentous eight-month effort totally worth it,” Rogers said.

For those who missed out on the show, Rogers suggests keeping an eye out for next year’s play in the 2023 Fall Guide. “There is a spot on stage for anyone interested in theatre!”

Elspeth Tory is a graphic designer and chair of the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group board of directors.

12 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 COMMUNITY THEATRE
“If I ever go looking for my heart’s desire again, I won’t look any further than my own back yard. Because if it isn’t there, I never really lost it to begin with! Is that right?”
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– Dorothy
of Oz

Cone and a Cut:

Lois ‘N’ Frima’s Ice Cream comes to the Glebe

The newest place to get ice cream in the Glebe might have a special appeal to men and boys looking for a haircut – Lois ‘N’ Frima’s Ice Cream has opened another location tucked into the front of Heads Up Barber Shop on Bank Street.

The cut-and-a-cone combo was dreamed up by retired barber Frank Olszynko, co-owner with his wife of both businesses, and it debuted 12 years ago at their shop in Stittsville. The arguably odd concept not only gives him two revenue streams from one rental property, it has also proven to be a popular draw.

a business for the women. The two couples tried to buy the Canadian rights to Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. When that failed, Lois and Frima went to Rutgers University in New Jersey to study ice-cream making.

Returning to Ottawa, they opened the first Lois ‘N’ Frima’s on Elgin Street in 1982. Ten years later, Lois and her husband moved to Texas. Frank and Frima bought out her share

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 13 BUSINESS
Lois’N’ Frima’s Ice Cream opened recently in the Glebe, selling their award-

Succession – the arboreal kind

Whether or not you are a fan of the Succession series, there is a kind of succession that matters to our neighbourhood – the kind that keeps our streets and backyards leafy green.

Over the past few months, the Environment Committee of the Glebe Community Association (GCA) has been encouraging residents to plant new trees and protect the ones they have. The eco-role of trees is well known, and there is increasing awareness of their positive contribution to mental and physical health.

We’ve created a map showing tree canopy gaps, and we’ll soon be canvassing blocks where more than 40 per cent of front yards lack a tree. Take a look at the map, and if your block is in the red or yellow, please consider getting in touch with us at environment@ Glebe Annex and Dow’s Lake Area are not yet on our map; we hope to add them in the coming months.

Succession planning

We estimate that more than half of the trees in the Glebe are 80-plus years old. The lifespan of a tree can reach well over 100 years, but our trees face the usual city challenges of salt and dog urine as well as an increasing number of massive weather events – think ice storms, derechos and the flood-anddrought seesaw. Many of the elders will be gone within a decade or two. Successor tree planting ensures that we will still have canopy when that happens.

Andrew Boyd, a professional forester and consultant for The IFS Group, answered my questions about

successor planting. I hope you find this information as useful as I do. And for more tree selection information, Boyd recommends going to a reputable source such as the Morton Arboretum (

Succession Planting Q and A with Andrew Boyd

I want to plant a new tree in my yard while my mature tree is still healthy, so that when the mature tree dies or is removed, I will have a younger successor tree ready to take its place.

1. How far from the older tree should I plant?

There’s no hard and fast rule about distance. Every tree has a shade tolerance, so if your big tree has a thick canopy, look for a tree such as a red maple that can tolerate shade. And even though trees are used to sharing below-ground space, make sure the new tree has a reasonable amount of room for roots. Also, since the older tree will eventually have to be removed, consider how a company could access it without impacting the successor tree.

2. How big a concern are pipes?

Won’t a tree’s roots work around them? Can the roots really puncture a pipe?

Tree roots won’t puncture a pipe. If a pipe is leaking water, though, roots will grow towards the water. The City of Ottawa uses copper for its water mains and pipes; these are designed not to break or leak. If you have old lead pipes, there is a city program that can advise and offers a loan to make the switch to copper.

3. How big a concern are wires? I understand that communications wires are not as big an issue as electrical wires. Why is that?

Communications wires such as those of Bell Canada are less of a concern, though it is a good idea to prune if branches seem likely to bring a wire down (communications companies do not prune). On the contrary, Hydro Ottawa prunes and often in such a way to disfigure a tree and, by making it asymmetrical and moving its centre of gravity, weaken it. If there are electrical wires overhead it’s best to choose a smaller tree, or to plant as far as possible away from them.

4. Is the species a consideration?

All species are possible, bearing in mind shade tolerance. Another consideration: there are a few species that produce substances that are toxic to other plants and trees. This includes the highly valuable black walnut –good to plant but possibly not alongside your mature tree of another species.

5. With extreme weather events increasing in frequency, are there trees that are more likely to withstand drought, windstorms, etc.?

A recent article from the International Society of Arboriculture recommends the oak as the tree least

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 7:00 p.m.

In person at the Glebe Community Centre

Neighbours, you are invited to join us for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) where you will hear all about our activities in 2022-23 and GCA members will vote for the Board of Directors for 2023-2024.


And this is the place. From pre-kindergarten to Grade 12, our students develop the skills, passion and curiosity of lifelong learners. With the support of our community, their confidence, resilience and strength of character grow so they can take smart risks, use their voice and realize their true potential.

This event is an occasion to get to know your Board Members, enjoy some refreshments and just be neighbourly!

All members of the GCA are welcome at our AGM and to apply to join our Board. For information, or to join or renew your membership, please visit

Please join us.

We are a stronger community with your voice.

14 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 TREES
Glebe Tree Canopy Street Map MAP: DELLA WILKINSON
Small class sizes Co-curricular opportunities International Baccalaureate World School Healthy meals prepared onsite Transportation and before + after care available
An independent day school for girls from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12. Book your tour

impacted by extreme weather events. Its wood is dense, making its branches less likely to break. It is slow growing compared to other species, but its strength makes it worth the wait. The native bur, red and white oaks all exhibit this quality. Oaks are also suited to our local clay soil.

6. What else should I do to ensure the new tree thrives? Soil, nutrients?

You can improve the hole by adding new soil, but keep in mind that the new tree will have to adapt to the surrounding conditions. Foresters go by the saying, “The right tree in the right place.” In our area, don’t plant a tree known not to thrive in clay.

7. How close can I plant other plants to the new tree, e.g. bushes, flowering plants?

A garden around the base of a tree is a great benefit. The soil you use for the garden will also be good for the tree. This is much better than lawn up to the base: tree trunks are frequently damaged by lawn mowers and snippers. If you are not creating a garden, consider mulch or other treatment, but be sure not to cover the trunk.

8. When my elder tree has to go, what should I do to protect the young tree?

From partial shade, the new tree may be exposed to full light when the elder is removed. Removal in midsummer could burn the young tree and send it into shock – best to take down the old tree during the dormant season.

9. I want to keep my beautiful old tree for a long time yet. How can I minimize damage to it from extreme weather events, such as the ice storm and derecho this past year?

For deciduous trees, reduction pruning is helpful. This means not fully removing branches but taking out 10 to 20 feet (3 to 6 metres) of a group of smaller branches, leaving less surface area to attract wind. For conifers such as spruce, which can be pulled out by the roots in a windstorm, placing (not digging in) limestone blocks around the base of the tree (not up against it) can provide a counterweight and reduce the chances of the tree toppling.

Jennifer Humphries is chair of the Glebe Report Association and a former co-chair of the Environment Committee of the Glebe Community Association as well as the committee’s lead on trees. Contact the Environment Committee at

Explore, hike and get your tree at the Ferguson Forest Centre

Ferguson Forest Centre is a non-profit, community-supported treasure, a half-hour’s drive from the Glebe, in

Kemptville. A place to explore trees, hike, walk the dog and select a special tree for your own garden at the Ferguson Tree Nursery. I’ve been intrigued by this place since reading an article in Ottawa Magazine in 2021 (full disclosure, I have yet to visit, but it’s on my agenda for this spring).

The Tree Nursery primarily sells wholesale but will be hosting nine days of sales for the general public this spring: May 18 to 20, 25 to 27 and June 1 to 3.

Check out the Arboretum where signs tell you about each tree species and then, if you like, head to the outlet store to purchase one or more of their native saplings, shrubs and perennials. A range of tree species are available including spruce, maple, willow and oak. Andrew Boyd points out that Ferguson cultivates uniquely native stock, so you can be sure that the genetics of your sapling will be suited to our local conditions. All profits are used to maintain and manage the Forest Centre and its activities.

Details on the eight hiking trails, open to the public year-round, are at trails. Note that they are maintained but, unlike the Arboretum, are not groomed. The Kinderwood Trail, a short hike designed to acquaint children with forest animals and their habitat, is flat and good for all skill levels.

See: and

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 15 TREES
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Red Bird: bringing small concerts back to Ottawa

Small music concerts are coming back to Ottawa, thanks to a new local venue.

Red Bird is a live concert space on Bank Street in Old Ottawa South that has drawn in many local performers and music lovers since its founding in February 2022. Recently nominated for best venue by the Ottawa Music Industry Coalition, Red Bird also operates an all-ages music school, a summer music camp and a bar.

Owner Geoff Cass decided to open the business after losing his recreation programming job during the pandemic. He said there’s been a constant need for a small music venue since Rasputin’s Folk Café and the Ottawa Folklore Centre closed in the late 2000s. Ottawa residents have since had to drive more than 45 minutes to attend shows in Wakefield or Burnstown, he added.

“A lot of us that chat in the neighbourhood thought it was silly that we have to go so far to see a really great band in a small space,” he said. “I know that many artists haven’t had a great small venue to play at in Ottawa (either), so I knew there would be demand.”

Red Bird hosts live concerts almost every day with a variety of themes: Bluegrass Mondays focus on old southern blues, Wednesday Broadway Nights offer an open mic for fans of musical theatre and Thursdays through Sundays feature local artists or bands.

Winnipeg-based career musician

on April 25, though he didn’t originally intend to play at the venue.

Ouellet stopped briefly in Ottawa on his way to visit family in New Brunswick, and he decided to busk on Bank St. an hour before the concert. Organizer Chris White invited him inside to play on stage alongside Tony Turner, famous for writing the 2015 protest song “Harperman”, which Ouellet found exciting.

“I grew up playing jazz and funk music (so) improvisation is a huge thing for me – the less I know about the music that I’m about to play, the more interesting it is,” Ouellet said. “And being on stage, as a musician, is the best thing.”

Ouellet said he came back for two open mic nights before leaving Ottawa.

He enjoyed Red Bird’s supportive crowd, inviting atmosphere and talented musicians.

just like going up to some random bar with a stage. Live music is Red Bird’s thing. It’s got a great vibe to it,” he said. “Once I hit New Brunswick and I’m on my way back, I’m coming here again.”

When the venue isn’t being used for concerts, it doubles as a music school. Cass said their “recreational” lesson plan allows students of all ages to freely pick the instruments or songs they want to practise over their halfhour sessions. Teachers also show them how to perform and behave on stage, which Cass called uncommon for music schools in Ottawa.

“The idea is to get better at an instrument for sure, but not with any particular

goal in mind. Just for the enjoyment of playing and loving to play,” he said. “You’re (also) playing to hopefully be comfortable on the stage one day, and I feel it’s going to happen sooner at this spot.”

Janet Sutherland, 64, became a Red Bird student in fall 2022. Though she played piano as a kid, she said she always wanted to play guitar, so she’s learning ukelele as a “gateway” instrument.

Sutherland said she enjoyed the freeform nature of the lessons. She hopes to someday join the Bytown Ukelele Group that performs at Red Bird once a month. She added that it’s important to “develop the next generation of musicians” at easily accessible musical community centres.

“I can walk here,” she said. “They offer such an excellent variety of programming, so I come here several times a week.”

This summer, Red Bird is offering morning and afternoon summer music camps for children and an early evening camp for adults. The four-day camps offer group lessons in singing, string instruments, musical theatre and folk or rock-band performances. Each program ends with a Thursday night performance organized by the campers.

The teachers also serve pressed sandwiches, baked goods and alcohol at the venue’s bar. Cass said this combination of three services strengthens the business and makes it an appealing spot for everyone.

“People coming in for lessons see the posters on the wall for a show, (and) they can have a snack (or) a glass of wine,” he said. “They all sort of rely on each other to keep going and keep being successful.”

Elliot Avenue, Old Ottawa East

Built in 2016 for muli-generational living

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Rec room in basement

Single car garage + full driveway

16 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 BUSINESS
Zenith Wolfe is a freelance journalist and content writer in Ottawa. Janet Sutherland enjoys learning the ukulele. PHOTOS: ZENITH WOLFE Geoff Cass, owner of the Red Bird live concert space in Old Ottawa South
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Winnipeg-based musician Jordie Ouellet discovered and played the Red Bird on his way east through Ottawa.


Whether you’re a long-time Glebe resident or a visitor to the ’hood, chances are that if you are into scrumptious food and delicious wine and cocktails, you’ve been to the 107 Fourth Avenue Wine Bar and Café. And if you haven’t, you’re missing out.

The Wine Bar, as it is affectionately known, is the brainchild of Dave Eaton, a retired investment banker from England, whose fondness for wine tasting and good eats wasn’t as easy to satisfy in the city as he thought it should be. So, he opened his own wine bar. It celebrates 20 years on July 23.

For the last decade, Chef Marcin Lazur has been running the kitchen while manager Julia Hargadon has been running the front of the house. The two of them have endured much over the past few years, as many in this industry have. They have survived the pandemic. Restaffing has been challen ging but they have successfully hired people that possess the awesome vibe needed to run this great establishment. Most recently, some frozen pipes forced another closure for about five weeks.

From the outside, the Wine Bar looks like a typical duplex in the Glebe, com plete with steps to a cute porch and old neighbourhood architecture and charm. The dimly lit interior reveals an intimate yet welcoming space, com plete with cozy seating, a large bar with tall stools, and a menu loaded with mouth-watering food and desserts.

There are enticing cocktails and beers, but the holy grail is their wine selection. Wines are skillfully sourced, and you’ll find a robust selection for everyone’s budget. You can enjoy either a bottle or a glass.

The vibe is like no other. Combine the cool friend who always plays great music with the welcoming friend who always throws great dinner parties –now imagine you’re chilling in their living room. The Wine Bar is a warmhearted spot with great soundtracks (curated by the owner himself) and New York-meets-Lisbon-chic decor: chalkboards with menu specials, trop ical fish illuminating intimate seat ing and cuisine you’ll want again and again.

The casual ambiance is elegant yet refreshing. Amazing wines, food and service. Staff are extremely knowledge able and make great recommendations.

In celebrating its 20th year, the Wine Bar joins the likes of Beckta Dining & Wine Bar, East India Company and Restaurant e18hteen. Asked if there’s a secret to their longevity and success, Hargadon explained their philosophy, “We try and deliver great customer experiences. It’s not complicated and doesn’t require constant hype and marketing blitzes. It’s about focusing on what you’ll experience when you get here. For us, it all comes down to delicious food paired with an amazing selection of wines and beverages and, of course, a great time!”

Chef Lazur has long focused on

locally sourced cuisine. He highlights the importance of quality ingredients, lowering the restaurant’s footprint and supporting local farmers and the community. It shows. His Steak Frites dish is a fan favourite, while his specialty items, like Tuna Crudo and Chicken Schnitzel, leave customers drooling.

Planning to go?

Reservations are highly recommended by texting or calling 613-8891165, even for those quieter days like Tuesdays and Wednesdays. But don’t be shy about popping in to see if there are spots at the bar. Hours of operation are 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. from Tuesday through Thursday and 4 p.m. to


midnight on Fridays and Saturday.

As the weather warms up, you’ll be able to enjoy the outdoors with two patio options to choose from!

Do yourself a favour and visit this lovely restaurant. The service is unmatched. The staff truly cares about your experience. The food is absolutely amazing. And if you’re new to the neighbourhood, be sure to let them know. They will welcome you like only the Wine Bar can do.

Tahera Mufti is a long-time resident and chair of Taste in the Glebe. She’s a true advocate for independent business and loves culinary experiences.

Mosaic Art Exhibit at Good Eats Cafe during the month of May 207 Bell St. N., Ottawa 613-231-3287

Hours: 8 am-9 pm

Artist: Linda Bordage

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 17 BUSINESS @107fourthavenuewinebar
Manager Julia Hargadon and Chef Marcin Lazur of the 107 Fourth Avenue Wine Bar and Café PHOTOS: SARA WICKS @SWIXYY Steak Frites and Tuna Crudo are specialties of the house at the Wine Bar.
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Homemade vegan tacos – and more!

“Hey, Tim,” no one ever asked, “how do you make a vegan meat substitute in a scratch kitchen that doesn’t buy processed food?”

Well, I’ll tell you how I did it in our kitchen, which puts out vegan dishes daily as part of our diverse menu, including tacos.

First came texture. I knew to use a nut, so I chose walnuts, with rolled oats for added texture. I pureed these and got a dry substance. Would cooked white beans give me the stick that fat gives meat? They did.

For moisture, I grated zucchini, because it has a lot of liquid and not much flavour. I put all of this in a food processor and got a paste, from which I’ve created vegan “meat” in various forms.

To make vegan sausages, I wrapped the paste in Saran Wrap and steamed it. They can later be reheated.

If you want a vegan “ground beef,” bake the paste on a pan and, once cooled, purée until crumbly. You can refrigerate and use later in tacos or anywhere that ground meat usually goes. Just reheat it in an oven.

Be creative. I’ve not done this yet, but if you form a patty and wrap it tightly in Saran Wrap and steam it, you should have a tasty vegan burger to make your meat-eating friends jealous.

It’s a product I’ve not stopped finding uses for – vegan sausages, tacos, empanadas. It would be great for Shepherd’s Pie and such. I’ve made bratwurst, or I go another route for Italian

flavours with a bit of tomato added. Spices and flavouring can take a sausage to any part of the world.

The joy of this is that the cooked paste has the consistency of meat and adsorbs flavour. Also, it’s been kid

tested. One of our cooks took it home and made an empanada for his young son, and it was a big hit.

Tim O’Connor grew up in the Glebe and is head chef at Flora Hall Brewing.

Vegan meat base

1/2 cup walnuts

1 cup uncooked rolled oats

1 1/2 cups cooked white navy beans

1 small zucchini, grated

Purée walnuts and oats in food processor, put aside in a bowl.

Purée beans and zucchini and fold the two mixtures together.

For sausage, roll paste in plastic wrap, steam in steamer or in oven for 30 minutes until firm. Remove wrap, cool and refrigerate until you’re ready to fry them in a cast iron pan or carefully on a grill.

For ground “meat,” spread paste on a pan and bake for 20 minutes at 375, flipping occasionally so it doesn’t burn. Cool and purée until crumbly. Reheat in oven when ready to eat.

Be creative with seasonings. Here’s one mixture. Add to vegan paste before cooking.

Seasoning mixture

1 tbsp onion powder

1/2 tbsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp coriander seed

1/2 tsp fennel seed

1/4 tsp white pepper

2 tsp paprika

1 1/2 tbsp salt.

18 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 FOOD
Delicious tacos made with homemade vegan meat substitute PHOTO: FLORA HALL BREWING
Everyone needs to be a part of Lansdowne 2.0 Get Involved and Have Your Say! Visit: Tout le monde doit prendre part à Lansdowne 2.0 Impliquez-vous et donnez votre avis! Visitez :

The Wild bunch

Nettles and dandelions

The end-of-winter famine, once a near-annual occurrence for our ancestors, is unknown in modern Europe and North America, where there is a constant surfeit of produce in our stores – though it has often been a long time and a long journey since it was growing in the ground. As the cold season finally draws to a close, I feel a special longing for something fresh and wild, the edible plants that I can pick for myself in country fields or woodland glades. The following two of “the wild bunch” are what I think of as the heralds of springtime.

As the long winter ends and Demeter’s daughter Persephone returns to the earth, dark green nettles emerge, jumping out from the black earth as though from the loam of old stories. From the earliest ages, they have fed both humans and their domestic animals and provided raw material for a fiber so useful that the 18th-century poet Thomas Campbell could write: “In Scotland I have eaten nettles, slept in nettle sheets and dined off a nettle tablecloth.” Burial cloths from the Bronze Age were made of nettle, while the wild swans in the Irish tale of the Children of Lir could not regain their human shapes until provided with coats made of spun nettles. Whether woven into the fishnet of Loki, the trickster god of Norse mythology, or the ropes of the indigenous people of North America, nettles have been used and praised throughout many different cultures. Our ancestors joyfully greeted their reappearance after the hungry times of late winter.

Dandelion, from the French dent-delion (meaning “tooth of the lion”), has been called by many names. To some, it is “pissenlit” or “pee in the bed,” a reference to the strong diuretic effect of its roots. In other places, dandelion was known as the Shepherd’s Clock because its flowers open at sunrise and close at dusk. Dandelion manifests the heavenly bodies – a yellow flower for the sun, a silver white puffball for the moon and the dispersing cloud of seeds like the uncountable stars of heaven.

Picking dandelions one bright May morning, the tale of Baldur from Norse mythology washed over me like a flood. When Baldur the Beautiful, the god of light, was killed through the treachery of Loki, all living beings on the earth were cast into a deep grief. Leaves fell, grasses dried and browned, and flowers dropped their heads; even the

fierce wolves in the mountains wept. But saddest of all were the dwarves who dwelt in their subterranean homes beneath the Black Mountain. Skilled beyond all other metal smiths, they forged weapons and made exquisite treasures for Odin, Thor and the other gods. Theirs was a hard and wearying existence, but sometimes Baldur smiled down on them from the world above. Then his light would filter through cracks in the rock and cast its beams into the gloomy caverns where they toiled over their forges and anvils, filling each dwarf’s heart with joy. How great was their sorrow to learn that Baldur was dead, for who can endure to dwell in eternal darkness and cold without any hope of light or warmth? At length, Odin took pity on the dwarves and brought them the few lingering fragments of Baldur’s lost light, so that they might make lanterns to illuminate their gloomy caverns. And the grateful dwarves, wishing to share the gift with humankind, drilled a tunnel up through the rock and used it to scatter some of the light on the mountain slopes. Wherever the shining dust fell to the ground, the first dandelions sprang up – bright blooms to remember Baldur, fairest spoken and most gracious of all the Norse Gods, who is doomed to remain in the Underworld until he is released to fight at Ragnarok, the great battle that will end the world.

Simple Nettle Soup

Tibetan legend says that the great Buddhist sage and poet Milarepa (1052CE–1135CE) lived on nettle soup for so many years that he eventually turned green.

Take young spring nettles and chop them finely. Fill a soup pot 1/2 full of them. Cover with water and bring to a boil while adding some finely chopped onion and salt. After they have simmered for a few minutes, add some milk and serve.

Dandelion Leaves with Potatoes

Dandelions, holding a great wealth of vitamins and minerals, are a treasure to eat in the spring. They are delicious combined with potatoes. One easy option is to boil and panfry potatoes, then toss in dandelion leaves at the end for a few minutes.

Alternatively, cool the boiled potatoes and cut them in chunks. Dress them with olive oil, red wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar and add salt to taste, then mix in chopped dandelion leaves for a pleasant salad.

Carolyn Best is the former owner/chef of The Pantry, a well-loved vegetarian tearoom that operated for many years in the Glebe Community Centre.

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 19 FOOD
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If you liked this fantasy book…

If you’re like me, when you fall in love with a book or a series, you want to find another that will give you the same feeling. I’ve picked three older, wonderful fantasy novels published in 2007, 2013 and 2017, and I’ve paired them with a recent release that closely matches the themes and tone of its companion. I hope you find a new favourite.

Readers who enjoyed The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss will find many elements of The First Binding by R.R. Virdi familiar and equally as enjoyable.

As just one of the many who read, loved and still dares to hope that the third and final book will be published in Virdi’s lifetime, reading The First Binding was a comforting welcome home. Using several layers of frame

story, Virdi introduces us to The Storyteller. In a dark tavern, The Storyteller begins to share his own story of when he was just a boy named Ari and how he came to be known as the sword, the eagle, the lion – Fire Binder, Lightning Rider, Princesskiller – and how he set loose the first evil.

Virdi has created a rich world, laying out his magic system of bindings and holding folds in your mind. The magic system is explained carefully, and the characters are held to it. While Ari is dedicated and possesses some natural talent, his learning of the bindings and holding the folds is brought on by necessity and requires sacrifice.

The First Binding is available in print, eBook and downloadable audiobook. The sequel will be published in October of this year.

If you liked A Natural History of Dragons: a memoir by Lady Trent, written by Marie Brennan, read Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries by Canadian author Heather Fawcette.

In Brennan’s book, the protagonist, Cambridge professor Emile Wilde, is visiting the icy, remote village of Ljosland in the name of science. Her goal is to conduct research into Hransvik’s faerie folk known as the Hidden Ones. The Hidden Ones of Hransvik have never been studied before because of the danger they present to humans. Her first step is to learn what the locals know about The Hidden Ones, but Emily is an awkward scholar who quickly has trouble fitting in with the townspeople. She inadvertently offends them at every turn and isn’t sure what she’s doing wrong. When her rival, and only friend, Dr Wendell Bambleby arrives uninvited, he quickly charms the townsfolk, and he and Emily agree to work together while in Hransvik.

Readers of A Natural History of Dragons will enjoy Fawcette’s use of the diary style for this historical fantasy and the gentle romance that builds throughout the novel. Emily Wilde’s Encyclopedia of Faeries is available in print, eBook, downloadable audiobook and as an express eBook from CloudLibrary.

Now this next one might seem like a stretch but hear me out. If you liked Jade City by Fonda Lee, give One for My Enemy by Olivie Blake a try.

Fonda Lee’s Jade City is a crime drama in a fantasy setting where Green Bone warriors use jade for its magical abilities. In Kekon’s capital city of Janloon, war between crime families, or clans as they’re called in the book, seems inevitable as they vie for power and control of the jade supply. In One for My Enemy, witches take the stage in modern day Manhattan. Two powerful witch families, rivals that have maintained a fragile coexistence for over a decade, finally clash as they struggle

to maintain control over their criminal enterprises. Blake is known for her character work, so expect to be taken on a gut-wrenching journey in this retelling of Romeo and Juliet.

In addition to the feuding criminal families, when picking up One for My Enemy, readers of Jade City will find similarities to One for My Enemy in the well-developed characters, an actionpacked storyline, and a fast-paced writing style. One for My Enemy is available in print, eBook and downloadable audiobook.

Candice Blackwood is the coordinator at Sunnyside Branch. She enjoys reading fantasy novels for all ages. She is currently reading A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers, a cozy science fiction novella about a tea-monk and a robot who have the first human and robot encounter since the robots gained consciousness centuries ago and left humans to live in the forest.

20 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 BOOKS If your book club would like to share its reading list, please email it to Micheline Boyle at Here is a list of some titles read and discussed recently in various local book clubs: TITLE (for adults) AUTHOR BOOK CLUB The Promise Damon Galgut 15 Book Club Autumn Ali Smith 35 Book Club The Book of Longings Sue Monk Kidd Abbotsford Book Club Permanent Astonishment Tomson Highway Broadway Book Club Pure Colour Sheila Heti Can’ Litterers The Thursday Murder Club Richard Osman Helen’s Book Club Hold Still: A Memoir with Photographs Sally Mann Seriously No-Name Book Club Les Années (The Years) Annie Ernaux The Book Club The Maid Nita Prose Topless Book Club Fight Night Miriam Toews Sunnyside Adult Book Club Murder in Old Bombay Nev March Sunnyside Mystery Book Club The Chancellor Kati Marton Sunnyside Second Friday Book Club What Your Neighbours are Reading What Your Neighbours are Reading
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Warmer is not better

[Note: Here and in future articles, I will include the most recent parts-permillion (ppm) reading of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the earth’s atmosphere, recorded at Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii. For comparison, the pre-industrial baseline of CO2 is estimated at about 280 ppm; the reading for April 24, 2022 was 420.51.]

CO2 ppm as of April 23, 2023: 423.64.

The march upwards

May is lovely. Trees are in leaf, tulips and spring perennials are in bloom, gardeners eagerly anticipate planting their gardens and birds are nesting. The whole world seems brimming with energy.

May holds promise, but it can also hold surprises, as we saw with last year’s derecho. A look at the weather data for Ottawa last May reminds us that, although the month had a comfortable average maximum temperature of 22.5 degrees, we experienced four days of 30 or higher, and three of those were before May 15. In total, we had 11 days at 25 or higher.

If you think those averages are warmer than usual, you are right. From 2016 to 2021 (excluding 2020, for which the data was incomplete on the Government of Canada website), the highest average temperature was 21.1. May 2022 also had the greatest number of days above 30 for those years.

Our rainfall was above average, too.

Looking at May precipitation amounts in five-year increments from 1950, rainfall typically measured between 30 and 80 mm. Last year, we received 114.6 mm of rain in May, far less than the 172.4 mm we received in 2017 but substantial nonetheless.

Global warming

Although variations in temperature and rainfall are to be expected, the trend both locally and globally is an increase in the number of warmer days. From a world-wide perspective, 2022 was in the top 10 warmest years on record. Twenty-eight countries broke temperature records.

Curiously, these records occurred during an extended period of La Niña weather conditions. La Niña prevails when the temperature of the Pacific Ocean around the equator is cooler than usual. The interaction of ocean temperature, air temperature, rainfall, air pressure and the circulation of the atmosphere and the ocean is referred to as the El Niño Southerly Oscillation or ENSO.

An El Niño event, on the other hand, develops when the ocean temperature and rainfall in the equatorial Pacific are higher than normal. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the U.S. predicts there is a 62-percent chance that El Niño conditions will develop sometime between May and July this year and an 80-per-cent chance that we will be in an El Niño by fall. With an El Niño in place, we can expect even hotter temperatures to occur.

Adaptation and mitigation

Our experiences with the May derecho and the ice storm this April make it clear that we need adaptive strategies to deal with more frequent extreme weather. These strategies include using sandbags in times of flood, planting native plants that are more drought and heat resistant, and making sure that trees are kept healthy and properly pruned to minimize storm damage.

Adaptation, though, does not address the primary cause of increased occurrences of extreme weather. To lessen the threats to our safety and the reliability of our food and water supplies, we need to mitigate climate change.

Think of mitigation as a synonym for prevention. Adaptation to climate extremes can help reduce some of their negative effects, but in the long term, the most effective response to climate change is to reduce the emissions that are the cause of global warming and climate destabilization.

Power to the people

The insistence of fossil fuel company executives and banking CEOs that we will need fossil fuels for a long time to come and that a transition to cleaner energy must be “orderly” (codeword for “slow”) is frustrating and, frankly, dangerous. Delays in transitioning already lead to deadly consequences from heatwaves, floods and storms both here in Canada and around the world.

But we don’t need to delay our own responses to the climate crisis.

We already have the technology we need to make significant reductions in our greenhouse gas emissions. Here in Ottawa, there are many people who can help you start your own transition off fossil fuels. Aside from fossil fuel production, transportation and heating are the highest sources of GHGs.

If you are thinking about switching to an electric vehicle, get in contact with the Electric Vehicle Council of Ottawa ( For a detailed analysis of the most effective way to reduce your heating related GHGs, contact the Building Science Trust at 613-981-2612.

If you’d like to discuss the many ways to lessen fossil fuel use in your home with like-minded people, check out Electrify613’s Slack channel.

It’s time to return power to the people!

Cecile Wilson is a Glebe resident with an abiding passion for and knowledge about the environment.

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 21 ENVIRONMENT
Let’s help by
You can drop them off in the bright-green
at the Glebe Community Centre, 175 Third Avenue,
the end of June.
milk bags!
For tickets and program details Pour des billets et les notes du programme 613-725-2560
Sunday, June 11, 2023 at 3 pm le dimanche 11 juin 2023 à 15 h CHURCH OF ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ÉGLISE SAINT-FRANÇOIS D’ASSISE 20, AV. FAIRMONT AVE., OTTAWA de Martín Palmeri Martín Palmeri’s featuring
the sounds of Latin America Une
Gabrielle Gaudreault
Director & Conductor
artistique et chef d’orchestre
| avec Julie Nesrallah mezzo soprano | mezzo-soprano
celebration of
célébration de la musique de l’Amérique latine
Suite Cuba by Alondra Vega-Zaldivar, a new work commissioned for the OCS et Suite Cuba, une oeuvre d’Alondra Vega-Zaldivar commandée par la SCO

On the 50th anniversary of the Glebe Report

Looking back over the Glebe Report’s history, what strikes me most is the generosity and commitment of thousands of volunteers: writers, photographers, illustrators, production team members of many specialties, ad and business managers, deliverers, board members and editors. Some have been professional journalists, some first-timers, most contributing their talents gratis.

Many fledgling community papers were starting up little 8-page publications at the time the Glebe Report produced its first issue. All part of the “Volkswagen” press. But this particular newspaper is among the few that have flourished for half a century. It has gone on to become the paper of record for our community, (online at with an almost complete archive as well as in print), the chief source of local news and a beautiful publication to look at as well. I think all of this success is directly attributable

Fond memories and future thoughts

It was long ago, before the Internet, email, Facebook, the Twitterverse. the Whateverse even. In the mid-'70s, I was a new mom, new to the Glebe. Marnie Johnstone, then Glebe Report editor, invited me to join their production team and write articles. Thus began an adventure in community building that informs me still.

I met staff and volunteers, mostly women, at the paper’s small office in the Glebe Community Centre off the northeast corner of the Main Hall. Here submissions were typed (yes! on Selectric typewriters), proofread, then “cut and pasted” onto waxed pages. The finished product was sent by bus to press in Renfrew. Days later, 7,000 bundled Glebe Reports came back, and volunteer carriers delivered them to all Glebe homes and businesses. Two weeks later, we started again.

Open office windows caught summer breezes to cool us. In winter, we endured the ominous offbeat symphony of clanking radiators. A laughable part of our esprit de corps during the day, this proved unnerving when working alone after dark. One memorable night, the clanking paused, a tuneless whistle commenced, then new clanking and dragging! Dousing the light I waited, terrified. Finally, mustering the courage, I peeked through the mail slot. There was the caretaker serenading himself as he dragged metal chairs into the Main Hall.

Equally unnerving was the mumbling of “the Pink Man,” a tall, elderly, raw-boned veteran. He roamed Glebe streets and would slip into the centre to hide and shelter overnight. Eventually, a new alarm system prevented both his and real nefarious entries.

Our office moved upstairs, above the

to the generous community spirit that has shaped it.

Knowing what is going on at the local level has knitted this diverse community together. Where else could you find out what we are saving, protesting or promoting this month? Where else can you encounter such civil discourse from people of opposing views? Where else could you access the latest news on community associations, recreation, businesses, schools, proposed developments and local politics?

As a former editor, contributor and board member, this is my message to those who haven’t been involved yet. Try it. Those of us who have will tell you that, despite some hard work, it has been both rewarding and fun to be part of such a creative endeavour!

Elaine Marlin was editor of the Glebe Report from January 2003 to May and then August 2005.

Main Hall, to a long, narrow room that perfectly housed our workstations and production team. Computers and word processing were now used. I became editor in 1987 and very much enjoyed all my co-workers and the many interactions with our community, GCC and The Pantry staff. As my family grew, so did my activities. Working in the Glebe Co-op Playgroup, joining school councils, the Glebe Community Association and GNAG deepened my knowledge of healthy community. I understood and promoted the critical role that the Glebe Report – our homegrown newspaper –played in providing equal opportunity for our public to communicate and share. In 1997, I resigned as editor to run for City Council. I won and served as Capital Ward City councillor until the end of 2000. As corporate “community papers” proliferated, I fought to retain city support for the real ones.

The Glebe’s biggest challenge when I was Glebe Report editor and city councillor was Lansdowne Park redevelopment. My success mandating open public consultation was curtailed in 2000 when Ottawa and regional councils voted to hand Lansdowne Park over to the region, critically diluting any future Glebe influence on its development. All communities in amalgamated Ottawa now suffer the same diluted ability to manage change locally. They struggle to learn of city-approved development in their areas, to have a place at the decision-making table and get access to city proceedings. Can community newspapers

Continued next page

22 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 GLEBE REPORT

On turning 50

In June of this year the Glebe Report will celebrate its 50th birthday. Born on Penny Sanger’s kitchen table in 1973, it has printed over 550 issues. Much has changed in the Glebe since I served as editor of the Glebe Report in 1986-87, and during the 20 years that I served in different capacities such as ad manager, art director, layout designer, volunteer carrier and board chair. Production technology has changed tremendously from cut and paste layout, with text produced on an IBM Selectric typewriter as big as a small Terrier, and colour a rare treat compared to the GR’s present elegant format, both in print and online.

I was very fortunate to work with a wonderful group of people. Trust, cooperation and support for each other were huge job benefits. Long days and sometimes nights and holidays were fuelled by cups of tea, and a supply of red licorice along with muffins from The Pantry. If child-care arrangements fell through, staff would bring their children in to be settled at a desk with paper and drawing materials to provide illustrations for “Kidspace.” There were several honorary canine staff members as well.

The how has changed but not the why, nor the important and very successful role that the Glebe Report plays. The Glebe Report is a free monthly notfor-profit community newspaper that receives no government funding nor direct subsidies and is funded by its advertisers.

Reflecting the times and getting it right

By nature, a monthly newspaper provides room and time for in-depth articles and features that are magazine-like: essays, reviews, short stories, poetry, travel pieces, photo spreads and artwork. For 50 years it has attempted to inform and enrich our neighbourhood by representing in a fair, balanced and inclusive way the interests of our diverse and vibrant community. Fortunately, the Glebe is home to many talented writers, artists and people with very highly developed skills in every field who have shared their knowledge and experience so generously over the past 50 years.

Although much has changed in the Glebe, many concerns remain the same or have become even more urgent in the past 10 years. Lansdowne Park, traffic, densification, parking and zoning remain problematic.

The Glebe Report has been and continues to be a remarkably stable and strong community builder. Cheers Glebe Report! Thank you to all the staff, contributors and volunteers, past and present.

Ellen Schowalter was editor of the Glebe Report from September 1986 to November 1987.

Reflecting on the time in which I became editor of the Glebe Report is to travel back to a community and a newspaper that were beginning to navigate the muddy waters of disruptive change. By early 2010, the Glebe already faced a protracted and controversial push and pull over the Lansdowne Park redevelopment proposals. Along with OSCAR, the Glebe Report became the paper of record for much of the detailed analysis (from traffic studies to finances, from legal implications to environmental impact) that both challenged unexamined assumptions and seriously considered harms as well as benefits. By late 2011 and 2012, background stressors in the community were further heightened due to the Bank Street Reconstruction, which tied up the main thoroughfare, hitting local businesses particularly hard. Needless to say, there were many different viewpoints to communicate to residents to keep them well informed, and all members of the production team including volunteer proofreaders were extra vigilant about fact checking, clarity and attribution in a concerted effort to “get it right.”

After a requisite learning curve and several months of increasing focus on public business (including the October 2010 municipal elections), I started to really appreciate the need for the Glebe Report to make a concerted effort to create more balanced coverage of both the community’s “centre” and its “periphery.” To do so would entail reflecting diverse viewpoints and interests, and highlighting activities and events organized by individuals and smaller, informal groups in the Glebe.

Penny Sanger

play a role to change this? The Glebe Report’s new website has potential. Unlike the monthly paper, it will have 24/7 capacity to notify and inform the community of important events. This is an invaluable option to consider.

Happy anniversary Glebe Report! Congratulations to all who have built and will continue to build your success!

(Originally published in the Glebe Report, June 2013.)

Update from Richard Berg, as Inez is recovering from an illness.

Inez was a very big part of the Glebe Report for many years. It was such a big part of our life for so long, it doesn’t seem like almost 26 years have gone by since she stepped down as editor! There will be a lot of people who won’t have a clue on how integral her contributions were to the success of the paper over many years.

She began writing articles for the Glebe Report in the 1970s and was the editor for 10 years, a fifth of the paper’s 50-year history. As I recall, she also continued to write columns and take photos for the paper as editor. On one “infamous” photo assignment, she went skating on the canal during Winterlude

and tried to take a picture of a dog in a sweater that had caught her eye. Some inattentive skater bumped into her from behind, driving her foot into a crack, resulting in a nasty spiral fracture that took months to heal.

I know how much time, work and dedication she put into the paper. As well as the long hours and late nights during publication, there were also several occasions when the pick-up date for the proofs could not be met. To be sure to meet the publication deadline, we drove to Renfrew to drop off the proofs for publishing – I went along just to keep her company.

She was also very active in the community, attending meetings and events to keep abreast of community issues to include in the paper. Inez left the editor’s job in 1997 to run for City Council and won by a large margin but decided not to seek re-election at the end of her term. After leaving the editor’s job, she continued to deliver the Glebe Report to the Sunnyside Library and Old Ottawa South Community Centre until recently.

Inez Berg was editor of the Glebe Report from December 1987 to September 1997. Richard Berg is her husband.

In practice, maintaining balanced coverage still meant keeping my ear to the ground on matters being championed both by “centre” institutions of the community (GCA, GNAG, BIA) and local elected officials. But in addition, it meant making time for outreach, and during pre-production, being physically present in the community. At times, sourcing inspiration for articles simply grew out of attending events; alternatively, story ideas often were pitched during a chance sidewalk chat.

As a harvester of content, I was less motivated to become a reporter or storyteller myself than to function as a talent scout who could recognize and cultivate a working relationship with those contributors who had the passion, skills, experience and determination to share their interest with readers. More than a decade later, I still remember clearly how thoroughly I enjoyed the process of matching writers, photographers and artists to a subject. I found great satisfaction in supporting their process and success in contributing creative content within the operational guidelines of the Glebe Report

I remain grateful to the production staff and volunteers, who through their collaborative efforts and commitment to excellence, actually made it possible to bring inspiring community stories and images to the pages of the Glebe Report.

Julie Houle Cezer was editor of the Glebe Report from January 2010 to June 2014.

Glebe Report Editors

June 1973–July 1974

George Gooderham, Sean Leaning & Clark Johnson August 1974

George Gooderham & Sean Leaning

Penny Sanger

Helen Gooderham

Valerie Hostetler & Jennifer Penny

Helen Gooderham

Toby Sanger

September 1974

October–December 1974

January–July 1975

August 1975

September 1975–June 1976

July 1976

Toby Sanger & Magda Kubasiewicz August 1976

Helen Gooderham

Sue Pike

Alfred Holden

Sue Pike

Alfred Holden

Sue Pike

Alfred Holden

Sue Pike

Leslie Goodson

Leslie Goodson & Ian Mackenzie

Marnie Johnstone

Alfred Holden

Beverley Rix

Danielle Hamelin

Beverley Rix

Margie Schieman & Beverley Rix

Beverley Rix

Joan McConnell

Daniel Sanger

Joan McConnell

Joan McConnell–Over

Pattie LaCroix & Marilyn Smulder

Joan McConnell–Over

Ellen Schowalter

Sabrina Naqi

Ellen Schowalter

Inez Berg

Susan Jermyn

Elaine Marlin

Jeanette Rive

Elaine Marlin

Suzanne Landis

Julie Houle Cezer

Liz McKeen

September–December 1976

January–June 1977

July–August 1977

September 1977–May 1978

June–August 1978

September 1978–January 1979

February 1979

March–April 1979

May 1979

June–August 1979

September 1979–November 1980

December 1980

January–June 1981

July 1981

August 1981–July 1982

August 1982

September–November 1982

December 1982–June 1983

July 1983

August 1984–September 1984

October 1984–August 1986

July 1985

August 1985–August 1986

September 1986–June 1987

August 1987

September–November 1987

December 1987–September 1997

October 1997–December 2002

January 2003–May 2005

June 2005

August 2005

September 2005–January 2010

February 2010–June 2014

August 2014–present

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 23 GLEBE REPORT
Fond memories Continued from page 22

Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor

The choirs and orchestra of the Société philharmonique du Nouveau Monde (SPNM), led by Michel Brousseau, will perform one of the finest works in the sacred repertoire on Saturday, May 27 at 8 p.m. at Carleton Dominion-Chalmers Centre, 355 Cooper Street.

Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor is one of the composer’s most compelling works, both for its emotional power and for its technical difficulty. Although unfinished, it is considered superior to all his other masses, except for his Requiem. A work of sacred inspiration that was dedicated to his wife Constanze, with whom he was madly in love, the Great Mass is filled with fugal writing that gives a subtle nod to the great Baroque masters.

On stage for this performance will be more than 150 choristers, a 27-piece orchestra and four talented soloists known for their vocal agility and the accuracy of their interpretation: sopranos

Ania Hejnar and Andréanne BrissonPaquin, tenor Emmanuel Hasler and bassbaritone Alexandre Sylvestre.

Conducting with intensity and sensitivity this powerful work that pays tribute to the composer’s musical genius will be Maestro Michel Brousseau.

Brousseau is artistic director and conductor of the SPNM. He has made his mark on several major stages in Canada, the United States and Europe. He has toured with his choirs throughout North America and Europe.

The program also includes Mozart’s Exsultate, jubilate

The Société philharmonique du Nouveau Monde comprises the Orchestre philharmonique du Nouveau Monde and its three choirs from Ottawa, Montreal and the Lower Laurentians. The SPNM gives six to eight concerts a year in its three home cities: Ottawa, Montreal and Sainte-Thérèse. It also participates in festivals and other major events.

Admission is $35-$65. Tickets are available at and at the door.

Matthew Bol is treasurer of the Société philharmonique du Nouveau Monde and a Glebe resident.

24 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 MUSIC
Michel Brousseau is artistic director and conductor of the Société philharmonique du Nouveau Monde. The choirs and orchestra of the Société philharmonique du Nouveau Monde will perform Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor on Saturday, May 27 at Carleton DominionChalmers Centre.
Aisling Boomgaardt and Bram Boomgaardt Telephone: 613-746-2367 Email:

The Jungle School of Rock

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (US, 2017)

I don’t think I’ve ever written a review while watching the movie. It’s not that Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is so predictable that I could fake my way through this; quite the opposite, actually. This is the third time I’ve watched Jumanji in a week. I’m not obsessed. It’s not the best comedy I’ve ever seen, although it is one of the most quotable. There’s just something that works. Dwayne Johnson is in the prime of his jungle-movie stage, Jack Black was born to play a self-absorbed teenage girl, those drums still haunt my dreams, and there are just enough Moana parallels to make my Disney inner child and my Jumanji-raised ’90s inner child shake hands. It pushes the right buttons and has wholeheartedly replaced my go-to, “You go, girl,” with “Yas, Queen!” If you liked the original Jumanji and are terrified that this remake craps all over it, be reassured that it’s more of an homage than a sequel and that nothing could temper the sinister sound of those timpanis.

Teenagers aren’t bonding over board games anymore; video games are the new socially acceptable, pants-optional activity and Jumanji, the soul trap that ate Robin Williams all those years ago, is a game evolving to stay relevant. After shedding its board-game skin and morphing into a multi-player console, Jumanji was tucked away in a school basement among the TVs on rollers and shelves of National Geographics. One fateful Friday, the school tasks a breakfast club of four teenagers to clean out

that forgotten basement. Without supervision, they are more than happy to use the super retro, dusty game as a distraction from their work. They each choose a character and suddenly the sound of drums creeps out of the woodwork. Yes, those drums. The game goes haywire and sucks the teenagers into the world of Jumanji where they become the players they selected: Dr. Smolder Bravestone (Dwayne Johnson), Moose Finbar (Kevin Hart), Ruby Roundhouse (Karen Gillan) and Prof. Shelly Oberon (Jack Black). The four teenagers, more confused and uncomfortable than usual, can only escape the game after they return a special jewel to the top of a mountain guarded by wild animals and evil henchmen on motorbikes. Having two extra lives is an added perk, but it doesn’t feel like that will be enough.

We’re used to Dwayne Johnson bursting in like the Kool-Aid man and showering his company with kindness, just like we’re used to Jack Black being an uncoordinated, sarcastic man-panda. So, when these type-cast actors step out of their norms to play teenagers trapped in the bodies of their traditionally type-cast characters, things get a little weird. Emotionally and grammatically. I thought the premise would be campy and forced, but the cast play their roles so well it’s almost scary. Jack Black plays that teenage girl everyone hates but openly has to admire in order to be respected by the high school food chain. She misses her phone, Noah just broke up with her, jungle goons are chasing them and she was eaten by a rhino so she’s allowed to be a little upset, okay? Without the right characters, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle would have been a sad, fragmented tribute to the original. It’s a relief

and a surprise that everyone pulled this off smoothly with more organic hilarity than a cat in a tiny box. A terrified and anxious Dwayne Johnson, a flirtatious Jack Black, an unconfident Karen Gillan, and…Kevin Hart, are the kind of energetic, skeptical group that make this a perfect team-up.

Which one is my favourite? Well, it’s hard to pi – Jack Black. Bethany/the Map Doctor has arguably the most growth. For a teenager so obsessed with her image, it’s magical to see her get comfortable as an overweight, middle-aged Jack Black. Her new man-parts may be distracting but she’ll always find time to teach the awkward Ruby Roundhouse how to flirt for their lives.

The team is so ridiculous and so green that it’s amazing they survive one hour in Jumanji, a prison we ’90s kids fear more than Azkaban. Dr. Smoulder Brave-

(Nick Jonas). No mission is complete without a pop-up Jonas Brother. He knows his way around the game and, most importantly, makes a mean margarita between levels. Seaplane is the seasoned expert and the perfect target for Bethany’s untameable flirting.

Jumanji is as much an adventure comedy and summer camp quest as it is a video game movie. There’s a big bad villain with eyeliner and doomsday slogans plus cut scenes, booby traps, market rations, extra lives, rhyming clues and non-player characters. If you’ve ever been in the presence of a running video game, you will find Jumanji a respectful nod to the classics. This comedy is addictively quotable and an easy way to push a crowd into laughing hysterics. Clearly, it’s got something special. Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is the dorky adoptive child of the original, slightly terrifying

stone, who spends a few seconds each scene revelling in how awesome it is to be The Rock, has a specific line item in his strength list called “smouldering intensity” that turns on without warning. Meanwhile Moose Finbar’s weakness is cake – and strength. That’s hardly fair. It will take a heavy push of teamwork to make it to the top of Jumanji’s mountain. That includes an out-of-nowhere assist from Jefferson “Seaplane” McDonough

Jumanji. For a light, unexpected comedy, it’s easily 9 hypnotized rhinos out of 10.

Running time:2 hours, Rated PG Available on Crave and other streaming services.

Kate Roberts grew up in the Glebe and is a movie addict who has been writing reviews since 2013. Her reviews can be found at

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 25 FILM
Dentistry is our profession, but people are our focus Call us today to schedule your appointment Dr. MacDonald & Dr. Bayne look forward to meeting you! 613-729-3338

Merry of soul he sailed on a day Over the sea to Skye (Robert Louis

Boomers, Gen X, Gen Z, Gen-duh — enough birth-tagged consignment of each new bundle of joy to the human race! We’ve been too deaf, too long. Climate and pandemic, martial chest-beating, cowardly humanitarian myopia, pernicious racism and partisan blindness, all imprison our better angels — free them! Whatever your age, we all need to pole together on our raft-down-time.

Please stay on board with the metaphor. Life’s a one-way voyage, unalterably running with the current, the Grand Destiny not in our hands, but the passage in many ways ours to (mis)manage. Ultimately, our personal bow-wave collapses on the Far Shore; whether it sparkles brightly on the sand or gets tossed up as soggy flotsam is our minimal, but significant, choice. Upscaling the metaphor, we can choose to embark on Masefield’s “dirty British coaster with a salt-caked smokestack,” or book passage on a “stately Spanish galleon!”

But stow the heavy allusions and come over to the leeward. Listen. Listen, free of political charlatans, wannabes and cell-phone necrosis: our raft is buoyed by sanguine, seraphic music –music? In the early 60s, western society hopped and bopped to rock’n’ romance, which fell prey to facile slotting of its ‘era’, was blanched by the bland 70s, then lost in the vague 80s and nowhere 90s. Now those doowop days are shelved in internet caves and old folks’ cable channels – they beg resurrection!

Hear me ‘holler’ (Tom Sawyer’s on board of course) joyously: revisit those eternally innocent, infectious (non-pandemic!) surprisingly layered harmonies. Sing your heart out into the wind. Let the ‘angels listen in’ as we dance with the grace of our youth under the bow torch. May it never be snuffed!

Bop-bop, shingaling-aling, bop…

Chris McNaught is a Glebe author and former criminal lawyer and university lecturer. His most recent novel is Dùn Phris, A Gathering, Pegasus/Vanguard Press, UK, 2020.

26 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 ESSAY
Shoo-bop, shoobydoo-bop! TESKEY - CARTWRIGHT - KEELEY Your Home Sale Advisors Condos - Family Homes -Townhomes - Estates & Downsizing Julie Teskey Stephanie Cartwright Jennifer Keeley 613 859 6599 613 296 6708 613.791.6186 WWW.TESKEY.COM sales representatives Oh what a feeling! DOWNSIZING! 1235 Bank St Now Closed!! Go to Head Office-Flagship 1317 Wellington St W location or try our FREE!! Pickup and Delivery Service Right to Your Glebe Home! 613-798-0734
Sketch by Chris McNaught

April 22 was Earth Day, one of my favourite days of the year.

Earth Day is a time when we reflect on environmental advocacy and commit to protecting the planet we love, of which human beings are only one part.

Indigenous leaders urge us to build a viable future for seven generations in front of us and be inspired by the seven generations behind us.

However, that can’t happen if we allow the fossil fuel industry to steer our politics. It can’t happen if we delay the ambitious change needed to embrace a truly sustainable future. We must do better and celebrate those who’ve pushed us to be better.

I think of leaders like Rachel Carlson, whose book Silent Spring (1962) inspired environmental movements that came later. “We stand now where two roads diverge,” Carson wrote. “But unlike the roads in Robert Frost’s familiar poem, they are not equally fair. The road we have long been traveling is deceptively easy, a smooth superhighway on which we progress with great speed, but at its end lies disaster. The other fork of the road – the one less traveled by – offers our last, our only chance to reach a destination that assures the preservation of the earth.”

I see this other road through leaders in Ottawa Centre. Groups like Ecology Ottawa, which advocates for environmental change all across our city. I think of Enviro Centre, Bike Ottawa, Ottawa Renewable Energy Cooperative and Fridays for Future Ottawa, which do the same.

I joined many of these groups in Dundonald Park on Earth Day for a celebration of local change-makers leading

the way on sustainability and environmental education in our community. The energy at this event was electric and showed the passion for environmental change in Ottawa.

Our task now is to support and coalesce environmental leadership at a local level and bring this energy into official realms. The week before Earth Day, I rose in the legislature to commit to doing my part for the planet and to note that the prime reason I ran for office was to take action on our climate emergency.

These are important words, but words are not enough. Earth Day should be a time to commit to action, and I’m proud to commit to an exciting event taking place this fall that you can support.

From September 14-17, I will be riding my bicycle from Ottawa to Toronto to raise awareness about the need for road safety and the value of active transportation as a climate solution. We are calling this trip the #SafetyRide for people and planet.

The #SafetyRide is also an effort to consult communities between Ottawa and Toronto about Bill 40 – the Moving Ontarians Safely Act – which aims to protect vulnerable road users like pedestrians, cyclists and powerchair users. Bill 40 will be up for second reading on September 19.

Now is the time for change. Let’s keep up the work for environmental justice.

As your representative in Toronto, I want to hear from you. If you have opinions to share with me on environmental justice or any other matters, please send a message to

Budget 2023: Affordability, health care and clean economy

Spring is here! I hope you and your family and friends are spending time outdoors and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Recently, the Government of Canada released Budget 2023, which delivers targeted and temporary inflation relief to those who need it most. Canadians are facing serious challenges including a high cost of living, a warming planet and a brutal war in Europe. Inflation has fallen eight months in a row and average wages are up, but we all know our vulnerable friends and neighbours are still struggling with higher prices.

I am pleased to share that Budget 2023 continues our work to make life more affordable, strengthen our universal public health care system and build a clean economy.

Here is how we are investing in our community:

• Introducing a new Grocery Rebate to make up for the higher prices without fuelling inflation. That’s money directly into the pockets of 11 million Canadians who need it most, with up to an extra $467 for a family of four. Single Canadians without children could receive up to $234, and seniors could receive an extra $225.

• Announcing the new Canadian Dental Care Plan which will provide coverage for up to nine (9) million uninsured Canadians with annual family income of less than $90,000.

• Strengthening our Health Care System by providing more than $198 billion over the next 10 years to improve health care for Canadians. Whether it’s ensuring you can access a primary care team or getting into surgery quicker, we are addressing gaps in the system to help you and your family get high-quality care.

• Investing in Mental Health Support by proposing to invest $158.4 million over three years in the Public Health Agency of Canada to support the implementation and operation of 988, a dedicated suicide prevention line.

• Investing in Substance Use Prevention by proposing to provide $359.2 million over five years to support a renewed Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy, which would guide the government’s work to save lives and protect the health and safety of Canadians.

• Investing in a Greener Economy with new tax credits for projects in clean electricity, clean technology manufacturing and clean hydrogen. Requirements attached to those credits ensure good wages for workers and apprenticeship opportunities.

• Supporting Students with a 40-per-cent increase to the Canada Student Grants, providing full-time students with up to $4,200. We are also making all Canada Student Loans and Canada Apprentice Loans permanently interest-free, including ones being repaid right now. Learn more about Budget 2023 at, and please do not hesitate to contact my community office for further information. We are here to help you.

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 27 MPP & MP REPORTS
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Earth Day is a time for action,

Natural burial in Ottawa?

The Glebe is a vibrant and diverse community, but there is one thing residents have in common: We’re all going to die. Most of us don’t consider what happens next, but Community Deathcare Ottawa aims to change that. This volunteer-run organization will be at the Great Glebe Garage Sale to chat about natural burial and why it’s a great choice for families and the planet. Natural – sometimes called green –burial is a more sustainable approach to deathcare than many of our contemporary choices. By eliminating embalming, non-biodegradable caskets and concrete vaults, the impact on the environment is lessened. Similarly, we avoid burning the considerable amount of fossil fuels needed for cremation. Instead of harmful chemicals emitted into the groundwater or atmosphere, natural burial reduces the carbon footprint, conserves resources and promotes healthy soil.

Families often find natural burial to be a more meaningful choice, one that is in keeping with their personal values. It honours the cycle of life and death,

feeding new growth as we return to the earth. Some are drawn to the simplicity of natural burial, while others want to ensure their connection to the land and belief in conservation is reflected in their death. Our own ending can contribute to a sustainable future for others.

Natural burial cemeteries can be a way of preserving habitat. Burial grounds become protected landscapes, ensuring the land is designated green space in perpetuity. No chemicals are used, including herbicides and pesticides. Natural burial sites often require native plants and wildflowers to be planted and the land is disrupted as little as possible. This maintains and promotes a healthy ecosystem and habitat for local wildlife. Biodiversity thrives.

Come and say hello to members of Community Deathcare Ottawa at the corner of Holmwood and Monk on May 27. Bring your questions and join the effort to bring natural burial to Canada’s capital.

Kelly Butler is a member of the volunteer organization Community Deathcare Ottawa.

What’s your next move?


Drivingsimulation:establishing thenorms


Last call to register! Abbotsford Seniors Centre is hosting presentations on housing for older adults in collaboration with Abbeyfield Riverside/Seniors Watch of Old Ottawa South.

May 17: Housing options for older adults in Ottawa. Considering your next move? Hoping to age in place or explore alternatives? Housing options for older adults with moderate incomes will be outlined and discussed, using the Council on Aging Housing Guide, checklist and resource list. You are strongly encouraged to review these in advance at housing-options-in-ottawa. Peggy Edwards and George Hartsgrove, members of the Council on Aging of Ottawa’s Age-Friendly Housing Committee, will be ready to answer your questions.

May 24: Barbara Steele, a registered interior designer, and Chantal Trudel, an associate professor at the School of Industrial Design, will present the concept of universal home design. Universal design is how spaces made for the 30-year-old, able-bodied you become spaces for you (or anyone!) at any age or level of ability. Your home should be a place where you feel safe and comfortable. What if, over time, it gets harder to live in your home? Are stairs and bathtubs becoming a challenge? Are you having a hard time getting to what you need in the kitchen to make dinner?

May 31: JP Melville, director of Abbeyfield Canada, will discuss the Abbeyfield concept of shared living and the status of Abbeyfield housing model. He will share the evolving nature of the Abbeyfield concept.

You will meet someone from a local Abbeyfield residence in Ottawa and hear about a day in the life of a fully operational household. Terrance Hunsley, chair of Abbeyfield Riverside, will provide an update on the development of an Abbeyfield house in Old Ottawa South.

Registration information for all three speakers:

• The sessions will be held live and on Zoom simultaneously, from 1-2:30 p.m.

• Participation is free but registration IS required

• Registration for all three presentations is underway:

1. At the Abbotsford Reception Desk, 950 Bank Street

2. By telephone 230-5730

3. For Abbotsford Centre members: online with your key-tag:

Pat Eakins and Janet Sutherland are members of the Seniors Watch of Old Ottawa South (SWOOS) Housing Project Team and Abbeyfield Riverside board of directors. Janet Sutherland is a Glebe resident and is participating in this initiative as a member of the Glebe Community Association’s Health and Social Services Committee.

28 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 SENIORS
Community Deathcare Ottawa will be at the Great Glebe Garage Sale on May 27 to explain natural burial as an environmentally sustainable approach to death.
adults Please support our advertisers! To advertise on and in the Glebe Report email
for older

The Glebe according to Zeus

The Glebe according to ChatGP

Note from the Editor: Zeus is attending the Capitalist Rodent Annual Communist Convention (CRACC) in Holguin, Cuba. In his stead, he used the new ChatGP, developed by, to generate his column. He provided the instructions

“Write a 300-word witty satire from a guinea pig’s perspective on patios in a small neighbourhood.” The result is below.

As a guinea pig, I must say that patio season in our small neighbourhood is quite the spectacle. Humans seem to flock to the outdoor seating areas of restaurants and bars as soon as the weather turns even slightly warm. They bask in the sunshine with their frosty beverages, completely oblivious to the fact that they are not the only creatures who call these patios home.

You see, we guinea pigs have been living in these outdoor spaces long before the humans ever set foot on them. We’ve made cozy little burrows under the tables and chairs and we’ve become quite adept at dodging clumsy human feet as they stumble around in their drunken stupors.

But despite our long-standing residency, the humans seem to think that they are the only ones entitled to enjoy the patios. They shoo us away, as if we are nothing more than pests to be eradicated. It’s quite insulting, really.

Latté or latte? – reëvaluating


Autocorrect has a funny habit of adding extra marks to my words: hotel becomes hôtel, pinata becomes piñata and expose becomes exposé. From à to á, â, ä and ã, these power ful little marks are known as diacrit ics, symbols which indicate a change in vowel pronunciation. But where do they come from and why is autocorrect so insistent on adding them to English? A language without diacritics, right?

Let’s start with the tale of the Spanish tilde – ñ. Invented by Spanish scribes in the 12th century, the tilde made copying Latin manuscripts quicker by shortening double letters. Latin’s annus soon became Spanish’s año (year)! A similar literary history exists for the well-known German umlaut (ä, ö, ü), which was popularized by one of the Brothers Grimm in the 1800s. Literally meaning an “around sound”, the umlaut indicates that a vowel is affected by the following vowel in a word, think Häagen-Dazs and Iögo. In other cases, diacritics are leftovers of history. French’s circumflex accent (â) indicates that the vowel was once followed by an “s”: être was estre and hôpital was hospital. The origin of other diacritics remains less clear, with the common acute (á) and grave (à) accents likely coming from Ancient Greek.

For the average English speaker, diacritics might sound rather irrelevant, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. How else would you distinguish your rose from rosé, a divorce from a divorcé and the verb

expose from an exposé? The New Yorker, for instance, lives by diaeresis –two dots, often-confused with the umlaut, going above the second vowel to form a separate syllable. Words like coördinate and reëlect are hidden all over their pages! Nowadays, diacritics are so trendy that we sometimes even throw in extra ones: latté has no é in Italian and resumé is spelled résumé in French. But wouldn’t you much rather be having a tête-à-tête over a latté at a café than a tete-a-tete over a latte at a cafe? I sure would. So, maybe our predictable diacritic-free English language needs reëvaluating – a few extra symbols would add a sophisticated pizzazz to our everyday writing. Touché?

Sophie Shields is a Carleton student studying global literature and a proud Franco-Ukrainian. She is the social media coordinator for the Glebe Report.

After all, we are a crucial part of the ecosystem. Without us, who knows what kind of havoc would be wrought upon these outdoor spaces?

And let’s not forget about the food. Oh, the food! It’s a veritable smorgasbord of delicious treats that we guinea pigs can’t resist. From stray French fries to fallen crumbs of bread, we dine like kings on the scraps left behind by the humans. Of course, we have to be careful not to get caught in the act, lest we incur the wrath of the restaurant staff.

All in all, patio season is a mixed bag for us guinea pigs. On one hand, we get to enjoy the sunshine and feast on delicious scraps of food. On the other hand, we have to deal with the constant threat of eviction by the human patrons. But we’re a resilient bunch and we’ll continue to make our homes in these outdoor spaces, no matter how much the humans try to push us out. After all, we were here first.

Spring In the Glebe

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 29 GLEBOUS & COMICUS
613-722-6414 Joel Harden MPP, Ottawa Centre 109 Catherine St. Ottawa, ON. K2P 2M8 Sign up for out weekly MPP email updates at!

Abbotsford’s Rain-or-Shine Sale on Saturday, May 27

Excitement is in the air at Abbotsford Seniors Centre as we ready for our big fundraising event –we are again participating in the Great Glebe Garage Sale on Saturday, May 27. We have a wide array of quality donations for sale, including art, elegant treasures, jewellery and flea-market items. To ensure a successful day, we will be selling both indoors and outdoors at this Rain-orShine Sale!

This year will prove to be a hard one for Abbotsford programming and services as we work to offset a significant loss of municipal sustainable funding. This sale will help. Thanks to our many friends, members and volunteers who have donated and organized items such as women’s clothing, books, jewellery, cards, household items and decorative items. Without your generosity and hours of work at sorting and pricing the donations, we would not have such an amazing array of goods to sell.

We hope to lure customers inside where most of our merchandise will be. Flea-market items will be for sale in our large first-floor multipurpose room. High-end jewellery will be in the lounge and the dining room will be filled with elegant treasures and vintage items. Our regular array of women’s clothing will be in Dorothy’s Boutique and the sunroom will be packed with books for you to peruse.

Artwork, small furnishings and extra women’s clothing will be outside along

with some costume jewellery. We can process Visa, MasterCard and debit on sale day, or you can use cash. Please bring your own bags to take away purchases. Our doors will open to the public at 9 a.m.

For those who have items to donate to Abbotsford, please do so promptly so volunteers have time to prepare them for sale. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and would very much appreciate your

quality donations.

Abbotsford is your community support centre for adults 55+. We are the community programs of The Glebe Centre Inc., a charitable, not-for-profit, organization which includes a 254-bed, long term care home. Find out more about our services by dropping by 950 Bank Street (the old stone house) MonFri 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., telephoning 613-230-5730 or by checking out all The Glebe Centre facilities and community programs on our website

Pat Goyeche is coordinator of community programs at Abbotsford.

Taizé Service

St. Giles Presbyterian 181 First Avenue

Wednesday May 17 7:00 p.m.


30 Glebe Report May 12, 2023 ABBOTSFORD
Abbotsford House will again participate with enthusiasm in the Great Glebe Garage Sale on May 27, rain or shine!
plants and striking contemporary decor FLORAHALLBREWING.CA
783 Bank St | 1280 Wellington St West www bloomfields ca | 613 230 6434 Breathtaking flowers,

A Decade of toilet talk

The GottaGo! Campaign celebrates its 10th year in 2023.

To mark this milestone, we are releasing the GottaGo Timeline Project. This project was created by Taylor Northwood and will be available on the GottaGo! Campaign website. Needing a place to “go” is an everyone issue and the availability of a network of clean, safe and accessible public toilets is a vital public health concern for all.

This infographic media collection showcases every milestone that the campaign has achieved since our humble beginnings in November 2013.

One of our milestones is the successful lobbying for public toilets in the Hurdman and Bayview LRT stations. Until that point, the plan had not included public toilets anywhere except the terminus stations, which was required by the province. With 10,000 people projected to use the LRT every hour, imagine the numbers needing to “go” along the way!

No toilets in splashpad or sports fields – really? Toddlers playing in water with no place to go – surely this is a public health problem. GottaGo funded a pilot project to put an accessible porta-potty at the splash pad in Harrold Place. Neighbours, parents and, of course, children welcomed the addition and have continued to support it. Since then, porta-potties have been placed in other splash pads across the city. But there needs to be one at every splash pad.

We need signs. Public toilets do exist in the city, but they are hidden, in that there are no street-level signs to help visitors and residents locate them. You can find these hidden toilets in our infographic on page 39. We ask the public to let us know when you find one and whether it is open, clean and accessible.

We have also resorted to sandwich board actions –and a bit of fun – to make our point. These events happen in the downtown core in collaboration with other local coalitions and community leaders who believe in this cause, such as former councillor

Catherine McKenney.

COVID restrictions also helped us to get creative. We partnered with Art House Café and solicited art from local artists on the theme of public toilets. Our Ottawa Needs Public Toilets was funded by the Ottawa Community Foundation. We received lots of original pieces, visual, written and musical. See them on our website:

Gotta Go has achieved widespread public support from community members, organizations and prominent community leaders – after all, everyone needs to go. Our mission has been primarily focused on Ottawa but has drawn inspiration nationally and internationally from like-minded organizations that also believe the presence of public toilets for all is a fundamental human right.

What’s next?

1. Initiating a pilot project in Rideau Vanier Ward to get businesses (large and small) to open their toilets to the public in exchange for a small subsidy. This has been done successfully in other countries (UK, Scotland, Germany), so why not here? It offers a real increase in the availability of toilets to the public, at the least cost.

2. Pop up Sandwich Board events in hidden toilet locations

3. Raising public awareness and support at events such as farmers’ markets.

We welcome volunteers to contribute your talents (e.g., tech savvy, artistic talent, etc.) for a limited time or task or to join the core team. For information, please contact Taylor Northwood (taylorreid4@cmail. or Bessa Whitmore (gottagocampaign@

Taylor Northwood is a history and anthropology student at Carleton University and Bessa Whitmore is a long-time volunteer and organizer on the core team of the GottaGo campaign.

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 31 HEALTH
This project was created by Taylor Northwood, a Carleton university student studying history and anthropology.
613.744.6697 *Charles Sezlik #1 Royal LePage realtor in Eastern Ontario, 43 +/- Offices - 1150+/- realtors, based on gross closed commissions 2020. Charles Sezlik, Dominique Laframboise, Sara Adam Sales Reps. & Trystan Andrews, Broker 275 Springfield Road - $2,389,000 Rockcliffe Park 55 Old Sunset Boulevard - $6,750,000 Dow’s Lake Ph3-135 Barrette Street - $4,600,000 Beechwood Village 104 Black Maple Private - $1,89,0000 Rockcliffe Park #1 in Ottawa 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020* Call Today and see what Ottawa’s Best* can do for you! PENTHOUSE aniahejnar,soprano andréannebrisson-paquin,soprano emmanuelhasler,tenor/ténor alexandresylvestre,bass/basse 150choristersandorchestra/150choristesetorchestre MOZART greatmassinCminor/grandemesseenutmineur exsultatejubilate directionMichelBrousseau Saturday,May27/samedi27mai2023 8PM/20h CarletonDominionChalmersCentre 355rueCooperSt.Ottawa,ON tickets/billets$35$-$65$ Sociétéphilharmonique duNouveauMonde chœursetorchestre Chœurphilharmonique duNouveauMonde Ottawa
This project is meant to showcase every moment an individual that has contributed to the success of the GottaGo! Campaign.

What’s happening at Good Morning?

Spring is always a busy time at Good Morning Creative Arts & Preschool but never more so than this year, as we prepare for our move this summer. We are busy planning various events and fundraisers, as well as getting ready for a shortened season of summer camps.

Upcoming Events

Goodbye, Good Morning: While we are excited for the future of Good Morning, it is hard to say goodbye to our space at 174 First Avenue. On June 3, alumni, their families and community supporters are invited to attend a goodbye party at the preschool. Come to reminisce, meet old and new friends, and celebrate Good Morning. Please check out our Facebook and Instagram pages for details as we finalize plans for this final hurrah!

Maverick’s Donuts: We are excited to offer Maverick’s Donuts as one of our fundraising initiatives. Until June 1, use the code GOODMORNING at checkout and 15 per cent of the sales from your order will go to the preschool. This code can only be used when ordering online from the Alta Vista location.

Pizza Nights: Want a parents’ night out on a Saturday night? Good Morning offers “pizza nights” from 5 to 8 p.m. on the first and third Saturday of each month. Pizza nights are run by our registered early childhood educators. They are geared towards kids aged 3 to 10, cost $30 and include an art project, pizza and veggies.

Summer Camps: This summer will be a busy one at Good Morning, since we will be vacating our space at the end of July, but we are pleased to be able to offer two weeks of our popular summer camps. The themes for this year’s camps are “Around the World” (July 3-7) and “StoryScapes” (July 10-14). Camps run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and are open to children aged 3 to 8 (children must be 3 years old by this June 30). Note that we have two different fees, as we are a licensed childcare program and are enrolled in the Canada Wide Early Learning Childcare System (CWELCC). For children aged 6 to 8, camp costs $225 a week. For children under 6, fees are reduced by 52.25 per cent to $106.30 a week. Please contact to ask for more information or to register!

Good Times!

Preschool Vernissage: On May 5, Good Morning hosted its annual art show where students show off the art they created over the year. This year, the art show was even sweeter with the Merry Dairy’s ice cream truck in attendance!

Monkey Rock & Bake Sale: On April 1, Good Morning hosted a fundraiser bake sale with a concert by Monkey Rock Music. The event was a huge success – thank you to everyone who came out to support our preschool!

Katherine Liston is the president of the board of directors at Good Morning Creative Arts & Preschool.

Two young artists collaborate on a work of art to be showcased at the vernissage.
in our gym at 174 First Avenue.
PHOTO: KAREN CAMERON Kids and adults alike enjoyed the Monkey Rock show, held
TR UR EA LT Y B R O K E R A G E KIM GILMORE REALTOR® yourlocal “Home is where the story begins, Let me help shape your story.” 613.513.8731 @kimgilmorerealtor Kitchen and Home Accessories 795 Bank St. 613 235-8714 So many new items that Mom would love are in store! Beautiful teapots, tea cozies, new cookbooks, pretty bowls and tons of flower pots. Come by and pick out something fun for your mom. New stock arrives daily. ~ Celebrating 34 years in the Glebe ~ Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @jdadamkitchen Helping you achieve the healthy smile you deserve! Dr. Rowida Azzi D.M.D Dr. Richard Azzi D.M.D • Dentistry for Children, Adults and Seniors • Implants - Cosmetics - Invisalign • Emergencies and New Patients Welcome • Saturday and Evening Appointments Available Call us now to book an appointment: 613.422.5900 Lansdowne Park, 981 Bank Street FREE VALIDATED UNDERGROUND PARKING

Changing hockey culture

R.I.S.E. Hockey Tournament and Summit on Diversity and Belonging

R.I.S.E. (reach, inspire, soar, empower) is a local non-profit organization dedicated to promoting diversity, belonging and equality in sports.

In April, R.I.S.E. held its second hockey tournament –the theme was inclusivity, with young players engaging in great hockey and in meaningful conversation about the need for change in the sport that they love. The event has grown into a three-day tournament at Carleton University with approximately 400 youth and their parents and a oneday summit focused on making hockey more inclusive for all. During the summit, players, parents, coaches, hockey executives and the community came together in dialogue, working towards a call to action.

Given hockey’s 2017 Declaration of Principles, the current and ongoing issues of maltreatment by players, coaches and spectators, and the long overdue need for positive culture change for the survival of the sport, the theme for the hockey summit was “Changing the Hockey Culture: The Challenge and the Opportunity.”

The objectives of the summit were to:

• Engage attendees in the difficult conversations about the culture of hockey and issues of maltreatment in all its forms (e.g., abuse, bias, harassment, racism, etc.);

• Explore, debate and share insights on creating a safer, more inclusive, positive and welcoming hockey environment for all;

• Encourage attendees to be advocates and champions for culture change in their hockey organizations;

• Recognize and honour individuals, groups or organizations for their efforts and initiatives to make hockey accessible to racialized and marginalized youth and to promote and advance positive changes in hockey’s policies, practices, programs and services.

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 33 SPORTS
Hockey tournament at Carleton’s Ice House, April 22 PHOTOS: CHERYL GAIN Rouba El Khatib, a 16-year-old hockey player who came to Canada from Lebanon and was introduced to hockey in high school, shown with the NHL Willie O’Ree Community Hero award. Hockey culture summit
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Panel discussion on changing hockey culture, from left: Moezine Hasham, Rouba El Khatib, Alex Vincent, David Godwin, his mother Vicky Deselliers and host Adrian Harewood.



(950 Bank) continues to look for books, flea market items and your treasures to sell in house and to sell in Dorothy’s Boutique, gently used women’s clothing, hats, purses, shoes and bags. For those of who have items to donate, we ask that you do so promptly so that volunteers also have time to prepare them for the Abbotsford’s Rain or Shine Great Glebe Garage Sale on May 27. Donations are accepted at Abbotsford House Mon. to Fri., 9 a.m.– 4 p.m. Your donations will support the centre’s programming and services.

ABBOTSFORD’S RAIN OR SHINE GREAT GLEBE GARAGE SALE, Sat., May 27, 9 a.m. Artwork, small furnishing, extra women’s clothing and costume jewelry will be outside. Inside will feature flea market items in the first-floor multipurpose room, high-end jewelry in the lounge and the elegant treasures and vintage items in the dining room. Our regular array of women’s clothing will be in the Dorothy’s Boutique, and the sunroom will be packed with books for you to peruse.


(950 Bank St.) LEARN & EXPLORE SPEAKER’S SERIES, Wednesdays, 1 – 2:30 p.m. The lectures are free, but attendants must register in advance for a seat or zoom link. MAY 17: Housing options for older adults in Ottawa. Hoping to age in place or explore alternatives? Housing options for older adults with moderate incomes will be outlined and discussed, using the Council on Aging Housing Guide, checklist and resource list. You are strongly encouraged to review these in advance of the presentation at: committees/housing/housing-options-in-ottawa/ Come with your questions and be ready to learn more about what’s available in our community. The speaker will be a representative of the Council on Aging of Ottawa’s Age-Friendly Housing Committee. This will be held LIVE and on ZOOM simultaneously. MAY 24: Barbara Steele, registered interior designer, and Chantal Trudel, associate professor at the Carleton School of Industrial Design, will be presenting the concept of universal home design. Universal design is how spaces made for the 30-year-old, fully able-bodied you, become spaces for you (or anyone!) at any age or level of ability. This will be held LIVE and on ZOOM simultaneously.

MAY 31: JP Melville, director of Abbeyfield Canada, will discuss the Abbeyfield concept of shared living and the status of Abbeyfield housing model. You will meet someone from a local Abbeyfield residence in Ottawa and hear about a day in the life of a fully operational household. Terrance Hunsley, chair of Abbeyfield Riverside, will discuss the progress of a new provisional Abbeyfield initiative in our local community and present the status of the project, including location options, potential models, timeframe and living costs. This will be held LIVE and on ZOOM simultaneously. Registration: Online: with your key-tag, By phone: 613-230-5730, In-Person (Mon. to Fri., 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.): Abbotsford Reception.


27, at La Nouvelle Scène Gilles Desjardins, 333 King Edward Ave, the Alliance will present a play for young audiences entitled The Ruffled Forest / La Forêt Ébouriffée ( en/20197-2/#/). Created by choreographers Christian and François Ben Aïm, this family show is inspired by the text La forêt de Racine by Mélusine Thiry to depict with grace and gentleness the world of childhood as well as the difficulty and the pleasure of growing up. Take advantage of this cultural event to spend a wonderful moment with your children, your nieces or nephews, your godchildren. Whether you are young or old, The Ruffled Forest / La Forêt Ébouriffée will enchant you. We have two performances: One in English from 11 – 11:45 a.m., and one in French at 3 – 3:45 p.m. Tickets are $20 for the public and $15 for our members. If you have a large family, contact us for a discount!

ART IN THE PARK The New Art Festival is looking for volunteers to help on the weekend of June 10 and 11. If you would like to volunteer contact us at

BHAT BOY speaks about his art at the Sunnyside Library, Sat., June 17, 1 p.m. Free Lemonade!


In addition to free home delivery and at newspaper boxes on Bank Street, you can find copies of the Glebe Report at:

Abbas Grocery

Black Squirrel

Bloomfield Flowers

Capital Home Hardware


Clocktower Pub

Douvris Martial Arts

Ernesto’s Barber Shop

Escape Clothing

Feleena’s Mexican Café

Fourth Avenue Wine Bar

Glebe Apothecary

Glebe Central Pub

Glebe Meat Market

Glebe Physiotherapy

Glebe Tailoring

Goldart Jewellery Studio

Happy Goat Coffee

Hillary's Cleaners

Hogan’s Food Store

Ichiban Bakery

Irene’s Pub

Isabella Pizza


Kunstadt Sports

Lansdowne Dental

Last Train to Delhi


presents: This Is Why We Sing: Musicals / Voilà pourquoi nous chantons : Comédies musicales, Tues., May 16, 7:30 p.m., Centretown United Church, 507 Bank St. Choir members have chosen familiar choruses and favourite songs drawn from popular shows such as West Side Story, Les Misérables, Guys and Dolls and many more. The concert will present the choir in various configurations,accompanied by a small band (piano, bass, drums). Tickets: Adult: $25; Senior/Student: $20 are available at https://bpt. me/5589759

DECIBELLES CHOIR FOR WOMEN ANNOUNCES FIRST LIVE CONCERT, Sat., June 17, 7 p.m. (doors open 6.30 p.m.), Rideau Park United Church, 2203 Alta Vista Dr. DeciBelles Choir for Women will deliver its first live concert under the leadership of local musician Jody Benjamin. The 60+ member choir performs an eclectic repertoire of popular music, including songs of local singer-songwriters such as Lynn Miles and Jody Benjamin. Proceeds from the concert will support the Ottawa Ukrainian Children’s Choir which will open the second act. Tickets are $20 each and can be purchased in advance from choir members and at the door. For more information about the choir, which is open to new members, visit

FRIENDS OF THE FARM PLANT SALE, Sun., May 14, 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., rain or shine, Parking lot beside K.W. Neatby Bldg. at 960 Carling & Maple Dr. (look for the signs). Everything you need for your garden at our popular annual plant sale, with many of the region’s top specialty growers and nursery vendors assembled in one location! Master Gardeners of Ottawa-Carleton will be on hand with free advice for all your gardening questions. Our popular plant sale plant check service is under the canopy, so you can keep your hands free while shopping. Our volunteers will help carry your treasures to your vehicle. – Refreshment tables provide a nourishing break while you shop. Peruse our selection of new and used gardening books for sale. Admission is free for the public, with donations to FCEF gratefully accepted.

INFO: call 613-230-3276 or e-mail:

MASTER GARDENER LECTURES OF OTTAWA CARLETON AND FRIENDS OF THE FARM are available virtually in Zoom and held on a Tuesday at 7 p.m. with a link emailed to all registered participants by 12:30 p.m. the day of the lecture. – May 16: Create a Beautiful Garden with Keystone Native Plants. Master Gardeners Josie Pazdzior and Adair Heuchan will build on the previous lectures to help you choose which trees, shrubs and perennials to plant and where. For more information and to register, please go to master-gardener-lectures/

PROBUS Ottawa is welcoming new members from the Glebe and environs. Join your fellow retirees, near retirees and want-to-be retirees for interesting speakers and discussions, not to mention relaxed socializing. See our website: for more detailed information about the club and its activities as well as contact points, membership information, and meeting location. We will be meeting on Wed., May 24 for a presentation from the Ottawa Riverkeeper.


HOUSESITTING! Are you leaving town for an extended period to vacation or go down south or to the cottage and need a HOUSESITTER to water plants, pick up mail and maintain the home, garden, shovel snow, etc.? I am a young lady who studies theology/bible at home with several years of recent HOUSESITTING experience in the GLEBE and on Prince of Wales. I have excellent references from many family homes in the Glebe that I have cared for over the last 5 years. I also enjoy taking care of animals, especially puppies!! Please contact Sarah at: mayyouhope@gmail. com



LCBO Lansdowne

Little Victories Coffee


Marble Slab Creamery

Mayfair Theatre

McKeen Metro Glebe


Octopus Books


RBC/Royal Bank

Studio Sixty Six


Sunset Grill

The Flag Shop Ottawa

The Ten Spot

TD Bank Lansdowne

TD Bank Pretoria

The Works

Von’s Bistro

Whole Health Pharmacy

Wild Oat



CARDS featuring enchanting images from author and photographer Richard Hinchcliff are available in sets of 6 from the Friends of the Farm Boutique ( boutique/) and can be shipped to you or picked up curb-side at our offices. Available in sets only. Each set is $20 (regularly $24). Visit our online boutique to order yours!

34 Glebe Report May 12, 2023
Dunton Tower at Carleton University at sunset PHOTO: ANANT NAGPUR

For rates on boxed ads appearing on this page, please contact Judy Field at 613-858-4804 or by e-mail

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Furnished, fully-equipped two-bedroom apartment with roof deck for rent in the Glebe, minimum 30 day rental period. Available May, June, and September onward. Parking, bicycle storage, WiFi, Fibe TV, all utilities except Hydro included. Call Hugh or Carolynne at 613-233-9455 for availability and details.

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Sometimes people wonder about the right time to sell Sales are now blooming again! Call us for information on the current market trends and a complimentary home evaluation

Glebe Report May 12, 2023 35
T h e R e a l E s t a t e M a r k e t i s P i c k i n g U p ! T H E T R U S T E D N A M E I N R E A L E S T A T E ® S e r v i c i n g C e n t r a l O t t a w a f o r 3 5 Y e a r s J E F F H O O P E R B R O K E R M I K E H O O P E R B R O K E R D E R E K H O O P E R B R O K E R P H I L L A M O T H E S A L E S R E P P : ( 6 1 3 ) 2 3 3 8 0 8 0 E : H O M E @ H O O P E R R E A L T Y C A
to Our Second Home for Pet Families! MON-SAT: 6:30 am to 8 pm o SUN: 12 to 8 pm ted
Chartered Professional Accountant • Comptable Professionnel Agréé
r. lupinski
May 12, 2023 Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group Glebe Community Centre 175 Third Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1S 2K2 613-233-8713 FREE Perennial Exchange Thursday, May 18 6:30–8:00 pm All gardeners great and small are welcome to share their extra plants & seeds, compost, and knowledge. Nothing to share? We’ll have lots, don’t worry! Loca Second Ave steps of the Glebe CC Summer Program Registra6on May 30 at 7 pm Guide will be available on May 17 Before & A)er School Childcare 2023–2024 LoKery for new spots: May 29–June 2 GN G Arts EXHIBITION May 10–June 14 Submission: May 1–5 please see website for details Artists receive 100% of sales! Art Show and Sale for emerging arUsts of all ages.
Spring Flora by Louise Rachlis

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Articles inside

Untitled Article

pages 1-36

Changing hockey culture

pages 33-35

What’s happening at Good Morning?

page 32

A Decade of toilet talk

page 31

Abbotsford’s Rain-or-Shine Sale on Saturday, May 27

page 30

Latté or latte? – reëvaluating

page 29

The Glebe according to ChatGP

page 29

What’s your next move?

page 28

Natural burial in Ottawa?

page 28

Budget 2023: Affordability, health care and clean economy

page 27

The Jungle School of Rock

pages 25-27

Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor

page 24

Reflecting the times and getting it right

page 23

On turning 50

page 23

On the 50th anniversary of the Glebe Report

page 22

Warmer is not better

page 21

If you liked this fantasy book…

page 20

Homemade vegan tacos – and more!

pages 18-19


page 17

Red Bird: bringing small concerts back to Ottawa

page 16

Explore, hike and get your tree at the Ferguson Forest Centre

page 15


pages 14-15

Succession – the arboreal kind

page 14

Cone and a Cut:

page 13

The Joy of volunteering at GNAG

pages 11-12

GCA speaks for you

pages 10-11

Construction coming to the Glebe, and a Better Lansdowne

page 9


pages 8-9

GACA marks 10 years

page 7

How does one go about making sense of the world these days?

page 6


page 5

A Fixture of the Glebe scene has left us

page 5

Business Buzz

page 4

Images of the Glebe Lansdowne 2.0

page 4

Lansdowne 2.0: Whatever happened to the promise of public consultation?

page 3

Lansdowne 2.0: A year later, and community still struggling to get information

pages 2-3

Great Glebe Garage Sale coming Saturday, May 27

page 1
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