The Glebe Report December 2020

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Merry Christmas!



Serving the Glebe community since 1973 December 11, 2020


ISSN 0702-7796 Vol. 48 No. 11 Issue no. 530 FREE

The Glebe Gateway sign at the north end of the neighbourhood, together with Jocelyn Galipeau’s “Groovy Glebe” mural on the wall of Reliable Parts, creates a stunning entrance to the Glebe. PHOTO: TREVOR GREENWAY

New Glebe Gateway celebrates our neighbourhood By Trevor Greenway

You’re here. You have arrived. You’re in the funky, fun, vibrant little enclave we call the Glebe. If you hadn’t noticed this by now, perhaps the giant new “Glebe” sign at the corner of Bank Street and Chamberlain Avenue will tip you off. The Glebe now has its very own gateway sign – a colourful, vibrant and welcoming way to mark the entrance to our charming community. Those coming from downtown will certainly know the exact moment they hit the Glebe. And it provides a great new backdrop for selfies! “You have to take this sign in conjunction with the flowers and the bannering and all of the efforts that are pulled together, it’s all one thing,” says Aerographics designer Dave O’Malley, who was part of a team of residents, stakeholders and creative professionals who volunteered countless hours and expertise to make this project a reality. “It marks the beginning and all the way down Bank Street, you know you are in the Glebe.” What makes this new Glebe sign so special is the pride that those working on the project brought to the table every day. Public consultations also produced invaluable feedback that was incorporated into the final design.

The result is a colourful, textured sign with large letters spelling out the word “Glebe.” “It’s a fun, engaging way to identify our community,” says Lynne Barlow, the treasurer of Underground Sound, which helped fund the project. “Having a sign stating your community’s name makes people feel proud that it’s being recognized as something worth marking,” she says. “The big colourful letters spelling Glebe really signify happiness, family and positivity. The large letters invite people to come and sit or stand beside it for photos.” The sign was installed on a small parcel of land at the north end of the neighbourhood, just steps away from Jocelyn Galipeau’s new “Groovy Glebe” mural that was installed on the wall of Reliable Parts this summer. The two art pieces create a stunning, bold and creative entrance to the Glebe that is impossible to miss. We would like to recognize those who spent countless hours designing, redesigning, presenting and facilitating the process during this three-year project. This initiative would not have been possible without the expertise of the following community stakeholders: • Sarah Viehbeck, former president, Glebe Community Association • Lynn Barlow, Underground Sound • Allan Bateman, property owner

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• Dave O’Malley, Aerographics • John Wright, landscape architect • Christopher A. Leggett, architect • Robert Martin, architect • Jonathan McLeod, assistant to Councillor Shawn Menard • Andrew Peck, executive director, Glebe BIA. A special thanks goes out to the folks at Underground Sound for all their contributions over the years to enhance the Bank Street experience. In addition to the new sign, they have been instrumental in the development of our new parkettes, the mural program and other initiatives. We appreciate

the community commitment of its board members, both past and present, including Ian Boyd, June Creelman, Lynn Barlow, Caroline Vanneste, Leslie Fulton, Jim McKeen and Janet Sutherland. The project was funded through a revitalization fund from the province of Ontario, the Glebe Business Improvement Area and Underground Sound. Welcome to the Glebe! Trevor Greenway is responsible for communications and membership at the Glebe BIA (Business Improvement Area.)

What’s Inside

The new Civic hospital campus �������������������Page 6

Pop-up art gallery..........................................Page 8

NEXT ISSUE: Friday, February 12, 2021 EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Monday, January 25, 2021 ADVERTISING ARTWORK DEADLINE*: Wednesday, January 27, 2021 *Book ads well in advance to ensure space availability.


2 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

LANSDOWNE – WHOA, HOLD ON THERE! By Alan Freeman What’s the rush? On December 9, city council will be asked to approve new terms for its partnership with Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) that runs Lansdowne. This revised deal will give OSEG immediate access to cash from a lifecycle fund and delay for another decade the possibility that taxpayers will ever see a return on their $210-million investment. The signs of Lansdowne’s problems have been evident almost since the day it opened in 2014. After the euphoria over the return of a CFL team, the Redblacks remain unprofitable, contributing to an $11-million loss at Lansdowne last year. The mall is active on game days but visit the vast expanses of concrete on a Tuesday and you’ll find yourself alone listening to the tinny canned music wafting through the air. But OSEG has continued to say things are looking up, if only they could get a few hundred thousand more people to the site by livening up the atmosphere. Then on November 4, the city manager dropped a bombshell. OSEG, owned by four prominent local businessmen, was on the brink of collapse. If the city didn’t agree to major changes to its Lansdowne agreement, default was looming. The pandemic, which has hit every mall and sports teams, was something that Lansdowne couldn’t withstand without an immediate bailout from its friendly backer, the City of Ottawa. OSEG wanted immediate access to $4.7

The whole enterprise con tinues to be shrouded in secrecy.

Lansdowne in trouble – who could’ve predicted?

million in a rainy-day fund to run dayto-day operations that it will pay off in the future. Great idea, but what if it rains more in the meantime? The pandemic is short-term but OSEG is asking for long-term changes, a 10-year extension of an already favourable deal until 2054. If council approves, OSEG will continue to pay the city $1 a year to rent the mall lands for another decade, and the city would give up future rental income and retail profits until 2066, according to Councillor Shawn Menard.


The whole enterprise continues to be shrouded in secrecy. Financial statements for the partnership are full of blacked-out figures, like a CSIS document. Even city councillors don’t get a full look at the numbers. Contrast that with the detailed 255-page prospectus that Minto, one of the OSEG partners, made public in 2018 when it raised $200 million from the public for a real estate investment trust it was launching for its apartment buildings. Mayor Watson dismisses critics as stuck in the past but we’re talking about financial commitments that will take us to 2066. Council is making decisions that will affect property taxes paid by our children and grandchildren. What does the city get in return? OSEG insists it’s committed to professional sports but the requirement to operate the Redblacks expires in 2022. Why not insist on a 10-year extension in return for the deal? And the immediate risk of default? OSEG’s mortgage on Lansdowne doesn’t mature until October 2022. Surely there’s plenty of time for the city and OSEG to explore all alternatives. Why hurry to change a long-term deal when the project’s future is in the air? That’s what the proposed working group of OSEG representatives, councillors and staff is supposed to study in early 2021. It already it looks as if the mayor

wants to radically redesign Lansdowne, reflecting bleak prospects for a struggling shopping mall when retail spending is migrating to the web because of the pandemic. There’s already a glut of retail space in Ottawa. Just look at the vacancies on Bank Street. Mayor Watson is musing about building “high-rises” at Lansdowne to increase density, presumably by tearing down part of the mall or encroaching on the stadium. Minto’s Roger Greenberg is talking about bringing in a new “silent” institutional partner. The city report even talks of adding affordable housing. Built by whom? A non-profit? The whole nature of the development may be transformed, with new partners and a reconfigured site. Wouldn’t it make sense to determine what Lansdowne is going to look like and how financially viable it will be before extending favourable terms to OSEG? The original Lansdowne was criticized for poor governance and a sole-source contract that left too much risk with taxpayers. Why repeat the mistakes of the past? If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that smart planning and prudence pay, so take time before sealing Lansdowne’s future. Alan Freeman is a freelance journalist and columnist for iPolitics, and lives in the Glebe.

Deck the walls. A collection of exquisite original bromoil prints, featuring architectural details from Parliament. Available at Love local.


Glebe Report December 11, 2020

What the audit said By June Creelman The day before city council was to vote on extending the Lansdowne Partnership Plan by 10 years until 2054, the city’s auditor general released an audit of its accounting arrangements. His report should give pause to the mayor and city councillors before they extend the existing agreement with the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG). The auditor general concludes that the city has not been effective in monitoring the financial results and risks of the Lansdowne deal. The audit outlines numerous limitations, gaps, lack of controls, poor record keeping and inadequate oversight. City staff was unable to provide the auditor with a copy of the original financial model used to support the original proposal to council or the related financial assumptions. The partnership is not meeting financial expectations. Between 2012 and 2015, the city had expected returns of $93 million yet received nothing, while OSEG took in $359.8 million, more than twice as much as forecast. Discrepancies in accounting: In the auditor’s view, OSEG overstated its equity by $6.5 million. Since it earns annual interest of eight per cent, this could amount to about $520,000 a year or $14 million during the life of the partnership. Little to no independent analysis

of the reported financial results: • Financial reporting has been at a consolidated level only, and there are no audited annual reports for the four components in the deal – the stadium, retail, the Redblacks and the 67s. • The value of the land at Lansdowne has not been updated since redevelopment. This may undervalue the city’s deemed equity. • A 2017 audit on Lansdowne identified similar problems, finding that the city’s management of the partnership agreements needed strengthening to ensure accountability, compliance and fulfillment of all contractual obligations. This audit reveals that the Lansdowne financial arrangements are not being managed in the public interest. It appears that OSEG can spend money, add it to their equity share (without any required agreement from the city) and get an eight per-cent return while the city gets nothing for the investments it made in 2012-13 or for the value of the land. The partnership agreements are exceedingly complex. Perhaps the city should make sure proper oversight is in place before it extends the agreements for another 10 years. June Creelman is a vice-president of the Glebe Community Association with a longstanding interest in Lansdowne.

Take a book, leave a book, see what happens By Vivian Croll A couple of weeks ago when my husband and I were out for a walk, I took a few books home from one of the Little Free Libraries, but I had no books to leave in return. Back home, I decided to “edit” my bookcase and fill up a canvas bag with books. For our daily walk, I thought to bring my books back to the same box from which I had taken. The destination was set, this would be our route. There are many Little Free Libraries closer to my house in the Glebe, but I wanted to go back to the one on McLeod Street, to return books where I had taken books. At the same time, walking a greater distance was a good goal. I proceeded to unload my bag of books onto the shelf. A couple and their dog smiled and so happened to be returning from their walk. The lady, Siri Bandhu, was friendly, and we struck up a conversation. The library was outside her house, which turned out to be a bed and breakfast. We talked about the Glebe community and its wonderful amenities as well as other topics. When the conversation turned to food, she ran into the house and returned with a menu and a $10 coupon for a restaurant she raved about. We thanked her. She was very generous. This changed the direction of our afternoon walk and our day. We proceeded straight to the restaurant and took the food home for our supper. It was delicious – Saj bread with falafel, eggplant, hummus, tahini and a

The Little Free Library on McLeod Street occasioned a day of unexpected pleasures, in spite of COVID-19 PHOTO: VIVIAN CROLL

mixture of turnips and pickles. What a treat! The point is, I wanted to share this story because I think it is worth repeating. During COVID times, we need a good story. We all have little daily adventures that lead to unexpected results. This is one that made my day. You never know what to expect. In a very unexpected way, I am giving the “scoop” on these wonderful local businesses: the Downtown Bed and Breakfast at 263 McLeod Street, just across from the Museum of Nature, and The Falafel Scoop at 398 Kent Street, across from The Ottawa Chinese Canadian Heritage Centre. The two books I took were The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell, and Cholesterol Cure Made Easy by Sylvan R. Lewis. Vivian Croll is retired from The Ottawa Hospital and loves taking photos.

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4 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Images of the Glebe


Comings & Goings � Ollie Quinn now open at 798 Bank Street (formerly David’s Tea). “Your friendly neighbourhood opticians, fashionable frame stylists and eye health specialists.” 613-567-7976. Opening soon! Jaya Krishnan art gallery, previously at 137 Second Avenue, now located at 807 Bank Street, above the former Mrs Tiggy Winkleʼs. Ottawa Christmas Market postponed by the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group. Instead, OSEG, Ottawa Tourism and Celebrate Ontario are hosting Lights at Lansdowne, featuring a Christmas tree and canopy of lights. The Ottawa Christmas Market will return to Lansdowne in 2021. Reflection of the sun wavering on The Glebe Centre as its staff and residents recover from a recent COVID-19 outbreak. PHOTO: IRENA BELL.

All-consuming power We feel helpless in the face of this pandemic that has taken over our lives and dictates what we can do, who we can see, where we can go and when. But wait! We do have power – the power of purchase. We have needs and if nothing else, we are all consumers; we need stuff to live. We need groceries and medicines, warm clothes, winter boots. We need books, music and movies to occupy and distract. We need skis and snowshoes and skates to keep us sane and healthy this long winter. We want a break from our own cooking once in a while. We need to buy all of these

things and that’s where our power lies, in the choices we make as to where to shop. And with Christmas and holiday shopping during this critical month for retailers, our power is increased exponentially. If we care about the small indie shops and restaurants in the Glebe that are struggling to stay alive, the one thing left within our power is the choice of where to put our custom. It’s a choice we all have – go online and order from a giant foreign corporation, or think about which local small entrepreneur in our own neighbourhood might be able to supply what I need?

Sure, we can go online to Amazon every time. Or we can ask ourselves: who do we care about? Who do we want to see still standing when the pandemic tide recedes? And where do we want the profits that accrue from our buying to go? It’s a choice with consequences. Which way we collectively decide will determine what kind of neighbourhood we are left with after this is over. We can act together to shape our own future quality of life. It’s all the power we have right now – let’s use it to the max.

glebe report

Established in 1973, the Glebe Report, published by the Glebe Report Association is a monthly not-for-profit community newspaper with a circulation of 7,500 copies. It is delivered free to Glebe homes and businesses. Advertising from merchants in the Glebe and elsewhere pays all its costs, and the paper receives no government grants or direct subsidies. The Glebe Report, made available at select locations such as the Glebe Community Centre and the Old Ottawa South Community Centre and Brewer Pool, is printed by Winchester Print. EDITOR

Liz McKeen


Roger Smith


Jock Smith


Micheline Boyle


Peter Polgar


Sophie Shields



Judy Field 613-858-4804


Debbie Pengelly


vacant Teddy Cormier, Eleanor Crowder



Martha Bowers, Valerie Bryce, Jeanette Rive


Martha Bowers, Bob Brocklebank, Judy Field, Gary Greenwood, Ginny Grimshaw, Jono Hamer-Wilson, Della Wilkinson

Views expressed in the articles and letters submitted to the Glebe Report are those of our contributors. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Articles selected for publication will be published in both a printed version and an online version on the Glebe Report’s website: Please note that except for July, the paper is published monthly. An electronic version of the print publication is subsequently uploaded with text, photos, drawings and advertisements as a PDF to Selected articles will be highlighted on the website.

–Liz McKeen



CONTACT US 175 Third Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1S 2K2 613-236-4955 PLEASE SUBMIT ARTICLES TO: DEADLINES For Glebe Report advertising deadlines and rates, call the advertising manager. Advertising rates are for electronic material supplied in pdf format with fonts embedded in the file. INDEX

ABBOTSFORD ��������������������������������������26 ART...................................................8, 23 BIA/BUSINESS ������������������������������ 16-18 BOOKS..................................................25 COMMUNITY..............................6, 32, 34 ENVIRONMENT �����������������������������13, 14 FILM.....................................................24 FOOD....................................................23 GIFT GUIDE.................................... 19-22 HEALTH................................................31 HUMOUR ���������������������������������������������27 LANSDOWNE ������������������������������������2, 3 LETTERS ������������������������������������������������5 OP-ED.....................................2, 3, 28, 29 REPS & ORGS ��������������������������������� 9-12 RINKS...................................................30 SCHOOLS................................. 33, 35-37 TRANSPORTATION ������������������������28, 29

Carol Clemenhagen, former president and CEO of the Canadian Hospital Association, is seeking the Conservative Party’s nomination to run again as candidate in Ottawa Centre in the next federal election.

CONTRIBUTORS THIS MONTH Adriana Añon Louise Archer Martha Bowers Micheline Boyle Connie Boynton Carol Brascoupé Marie Briscoe Karen Cameron Eric Chernoff Anne Clairmont June Creelman Vivian Croll Anne-Marie Demers Clinton Desveaux Lucia Dolcetti Seamus Donahue Katie Fice Alan Freeman John Grant Paul Green Trevor Greenway Oliver Gullickson Joel Harden Peter Harris Emilee Harvey Jennifer Humphries

Julie Ireton Nola Juraitis Nili Kaplan-Myrth Mary Lovelace Phil Marsh Ian McKercher Heather Meek Shawn Menard Sarah Mullins Corinne Packer Dan Chook Reid Marisa Romano Bhagwant Sandhu Tanya Seely Sophie Shields Ashwin Shingadia Lois Siegel Laura Smith Sue Stefko Betty Taylor Martha Tobin Susan Townley Mary Tsai Richard Webb Zeus

SHOP LOCAL Please Support our Advertisers this Holiday Season


Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Protect the iconic Mutchmor rink plea as well, allowing for more physical Chateau Laurier Editor, Glebe Report distancing. Also, the size of the rink Editor, Glebe Report

The revised site plan for an addition to the Chateau Laurier is expected any day now at Ottawa City Hall. Why is there not any federal intervention on this issue? The Chateau is a Canadian landmark second only to Parliament Hill. The view from Majors' Hill Park is uniquely Ottawa for which we should be very proud. The scene of the Chateau to one side and Parliament Hill to the other is among the most beautiful of any capital city anywhere. Can you imagine this happening to the Chateau Frontenac in Quebec City? Never. The Chateau Laurier needs protection from the federal government. The Ottawa Centre cabinet minister should be arranging this. Kudos to Heritage Ottawa volunteers for trying to salvage the situation. How can it be that the NCC, which has led the way on so many other matters over the years, remains void of ideas to protect the Chateau? It is important for people in the Glebe to speak out about this. There should not be any addition to the Chateau Laurier. No more excuses. It is time for action by the federal government.

I was surprised, disappointed and dismayed to read in the November issue that the principal of Mutchmor Public School has advised that the Mutchmor rink will not open this winter. She mentioned that this decision was taken after consultation with stakeholders. I have been involved with the issue of reopening the rink for a long time, but I was not consulted and was completely unaware of what was under consideration. I understand the principal's concern for the safety of the students, but her reasons do not seem logical. If there are now six recesses instead of two, doesn't that mean that there will be fewer children in the playground each time? I am not sure if enrolment at Mutchmor is lower, but that would mean fewer children

has been reduced so it takes up less room on the playground. I think that it might not be a good idea to have the changing hut, but most of us are used to sitting outside on a bench to put on our skates. Of all the activities that I was looking forward to this winter, I think that outdoor rinks may be the best way for us to get some exercise and fresh air while keeping a distance from others. It should also be remembered that the Mutchmor rink is a community rink, used by others after school and on weekends. I sincerely hope that the decision will be reconsidered and revoked. We need an outdoor skating rink in our community for the benefit of all. Martha Bowers

Peter Harris Former Ottawa City Councillor


JAN / FEB 2021 It could happen to you! “Roses are red, violets are blue” – an overused line to be sure, but we use it to launch our theme for February’s Poetry Quarter: It could happen to you! Send us your poems on the theme of love to illuminate the long winter nights around Valentine’s Day. Bring light, passion and joy – or their opposite forces – to bear on words you choose to share in poetic form about your loves, your hates and your in-betweens. As usual, poems should be: • Original and unpublished in any medium (no poems submitted elsewhere, please); • No more than 30 lines each; • On any aspect of the theme within the bounds of public discourse; and • Submitted on or before Monday, January 25, 2021. Poets in the National Capital Region of all ages welcome (school-age poets, please indicate your grade and school). Please send your entries (up to 5 poems that meet the criteria) to editor@ Remember to send us your contact information and your grade and school if you are in school.

Deadline: Monday, January 25, 2021



The Lansdowne refrigerated rink is open!


Was your Glebe baby born in 2020? A Special colour feature is coming in the Glebe Report’s January/February edition


OUR VOLUNTEER CARRIERS Jide Afolabi, Mary Ahearn, Jennie Aliman, Tyler, Luke & Claire Allan, Julie Allard, Lawrence Ambler, James Attwood, Aubry family, Michelle and Ron Barton, Andre Beauregard, Adrian Becklumb, Beckman family, Inez Berg, Naéma and Raphaëlle Bergevin Hemsing, Carolyn Best, Daisy & Nettie Bonsall, Robert & Heidi Boraks, Martha Bowers, Bowie family, Adélaïde and Éléonore Bridgett, Bob Brocklebank, Ben Campbell-Rosser, Alice Cardozo, Bill Congdon, Marina Caro, Tony Carricato, Ava & Olivia Carpenter, Ryan & Charlotte Cartwright, Tillie Chiu, Sarah Chown, Sebastian, Cameron & Anna Cino, Avery & Darcy Cole, John Connor, Denis Cusson, Denys Cooper, Sammy & Teddy Cormier, June Creelman, Marni Crossley, Georgia Davidson, Richard DesRochers, Davies Family, Marilyn Deschamps, DiekmeyerBastianon family, Dingle family, Aileen Duncan, Delia Elkin, Nicholas, Reuben, Dave & Sandra Elgersma, Thomas and William Fairhead, Amanda & Erin Frank, Judy Field, Federico Family, Florencia Furbatto, Liane Gallop, Joann Garbig, Madeleine Gomery, de Groot family, Hannah Good, Matti GoodwinSutton, Olivia Gorall, Barbara Greenwood, Gary Greenwood, Ginny Grimshaw, Jono Hamer-Wilson, Henry Hanson, Tracy, William and Mackenzie Harnish, Oliver, Martin and Simon Hicks, Hook family, Cheryle Hothersall, Christian Hurlow, Illing-Stewart family, Jeevan & Amara Isfeld, Jonathan & Emma Jarvis, Lars Jungclaus, Janna Justa, Laura King, Lambert family, Leith and Lulu Lambert, Jamie, Alexander & Louisa Lem, Justin Leyser, Aanika, Jaiden and Vinay Lodha, Ben, Line Lonnum, Parker & James Love, Vanessa Lyon, Carol MacLeod, Jennifer, William Maguire, Pat Marshall, Alicia McCarthy & family, Catherine McArthur, Scott McDonald, Ian McKercher, Zoe McNight, Julie Monaghan, Diane Munier, Mary Nicoll, Xavier and Heath Nuss, Sachiko Okuda, Matteo and Adriano Padoin-Castillo, Abigail Panczyk, Brenda Perras, Brenda Quinlan, Annabel and Joseph Quon, Beatrice Raffoul, Don Ray, Bruce Rayfuse, Kate Reekie, Thomas Reevely, Mary & Steve Reid, Jacqueline, Anna Roper, Emile & Sebastien Roy-Foster, Keelin Rogers, Lene Rudin-Brown, Sabine Rudin-Brown, Sidney Rudin-Brown, Casimir & Tristan Seywerd, Short family, Kathy Simons, Grady, Ella, Nick Stewart-Lussier, Stephenson family, Ruth Swyers, Brigitte Theriault, John & Maggie Thomson, Tom Trottier, Trudeau family, Zosia Vanderveen, Caroline Vanneste, Veevers family, Camilo Velez, Jonah Walker, Erica Waugh, Vanessa Wen, Ben Westheimer, Margo Williams, Zoe & Nicole Wolfenden, Howard & Elizabeth Wong, Ella & Ethan Wood, Nathaniel & Maggie Wightman, Fil Young/Harriet Smith.


Denis Cusson, Aileen Duncan, Thomas Reevely, Tom Trottier





If your Glebe baby was born in 2020, email to • a high resolution digital colour photo, suitable for print • your baby’s name and date of birth • both parents’ names • address and contact info (email or phone), which will not be published Deadline to submit is January 25, 2021. The issue will come out Feb. 12, 2021.

Bell South - Orangeville to Powell, Henry St., Plymouth - Bronson to LeBreton South, Jackson + Frederick Place, Powell - Percy to Bronson - South side, Renfrew Ave. - Percy to Bronson- North side, Muriel, Clarey Avenue, Imperial Ave. + 10 papers to Drummond's, First Ave. - QED to O'Connor


TFI @glebereport


6 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

The Civic campus of The Ottawa Hospital today

A 2018 draft architectural concept of the new Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital. PHOTOS: COURTESY OF TOH

Planning for the new Civic hospital By Bhagwant Sandhu and Sue Stefko

Hurry! Ends December 31! 1

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WIN IT IN No purchase necessary. Contest runs Nov. 15/2020 at 8:00:00 am ET to Dec. 31/2020 at 11:59:59 pm ET. Open to residents of Canada who are of the legal age of majority. 1 grand prize consisting of $10,000 awarded as gift certificates or travellers cheques or other cash equivalent; 1 early bird prize, consisting of a $2,500 awarded as gift certificates or travellers cheques or other cash equivalent (odds depend on number of valid entries received.); up to 30 instant win prizes, each consisting of a $100 gift certificate or gift card (odds depend on number and timing of Glebe store or business visits). Mathematical skill-testing question required. Full rules, including participating Glebe retailers/businesses, purchase entry/no purchase entry and prize details, at

While largely out of the public eye, planning for the new Civic Campus of The Ottawa Hospital is well underway. This September, planning for the new facility entered stage two of the Ministry of Health’s Capital Planning Process, which involves outlining the future facility’s functional programming as well as business planning and operational budget planning. The functional programming process breaks down what clinical and research programs will be in place, determines space and equipment requirements for each function, and sets out what the physical placement of these in relation to each other should be. This in turn will drive the required square footage as well as basic architecture and design concepts for the project overall. Stage two plans will be submitted to Ontario’s Ministry of Health next spring, paving the way for a number of future milestones. These include selecting the preferred proponents for the build and releasing a more detailed design plan (2022), construction (2024 to 2027) and the official opening (2028). It’s expected that the new facility will fulfil many of the functions currently being performed at the existing Civic Campus, including trauma, neurology, vascular care and research. While the Heart Institute will initially stay at its current location, it will eventually migrate to the new campus. In fact, when the hospital opens in 2028, the site will be approximately two million square feet, which is about the same as the existing campus. But it will get bigger – by 2037-38, it is expected to grow to three million square feet, incorporating more beds, clinical services, research and rehabilitation. Over the next decade, the hospital will grow by a further million square feet to include the Heart Institute, more clinical services and possibly expanded research. In this way, the hospital is planning to evolve with the needs of a growing catchment area, which includes Ottawa, western Quebec and Nunavut. The COVID-19 pandemic is reinforcing some of the initial concepts for

the new hospital, such as single-occupancy rooms and private bathrooms. Lessons from COVID-19 are also helping the project development team design the new facility to be more resilient during future pandemics and other emergency events. On a more local note, many community members are anxious to see the transportation plan for the project, including the number and type of parking spaces, whether any roads will be modified to accommodate the traffic coming to the new facility and how traffic is expected to be routed to the site overall. These details are not yet known – they will be considered as part of an upcoming transportation and mobility study, which will be completed during the site planning process. We realize that issues related to traffic, transportation and parking are at the forefront of our communities’ concerns. As members of the Campus Engagement Group (CEG), we have advocated for measures to reduce traffic impacts on local communities. This includes establishing traffic access points that minimize adverse neighbourhood impacts resulting from cut-through traffic, encouraging public and active transportation to minimize the use of private vehicles, and calling for no surface parking on the site. Along with our other CEG partners, we have also advocated for a campus that minimizes environmental impact and leads the way as a champion for sustainability, a healthy environment and public greenspace. These are principles that will continue to remain at the heart of our involvement in this project. In the spring of 2018, The Ottawa Hospital constituted a 22-member Campus Engagement Group (CEG) to bring together the interests of patients, neighbouring communities and other stakeholders for input on the planning of the new acute-care facility to replace the current Civic Campus on Carling Ave. Bhagwant Sandhu and Sue Stefko represent the Glebe Community Association, the Dows Lake Residents' Association and the Glebe Annex Community Association on the CEG.


Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Street art loss , and a

silver lining

By Jennifer Humphries In September’s Glebe Report, we proudly announced the arrival of three newspaper boxes on Bank Street in the Glebe and two in Old Ottawa South (OOS). A sixth was added in OOS in October. A collaboration between the Glebe Report and The OSCAR, the idea was to get our great community papers out to readers who may not receive them at their doorstep, or would like a second copy to share with friends. More than that, the boxes were beautifully decorated by young artists in our communities – a nice marriage of design and function. In November, the box at Lansdowne was damaged beyond repair in an unfortunate collision. It was one of four designed and painted by Claire and Mairi Brascoupé. Now the good news: the Glebe Report and The OSCAR have commissioned the artists to paint a replacement box. “I was surprised, even shocked, when I heard about this,” Claire said. “But looking on the bright side, my sister and I spent time together working on these boxes, and we had fun doing it. And once we had completed them, they belonged to everyone, not us.” The silver lining, as Claire called it, is the opportunity to make one more piece of street art, integrating a few creative changes to the original design. “When we learned about the destruction of this beautifully decorated box, we were very disappointed,” said

The blue decorated newspaper box was demolished in a vehicle crash in November just outside Lansdowne.

Sisters Claire and Mairi Brascoupé, two of the artists commissioned by the Glebe Report and The OSCAR to decorate their shared newspaper boxes



Patricia Lightfoot, Glebe Report board chair, “but at the same time extremely thankful that no one was injured.” Brendan McCoy, editor of The OSCAR, emailed his reaction: “I knew the boxes would not last forever, but it was just so disappointing for this box to be gone so soon after all the work. They were initially proposed by the Glebe Report team and, credit to them, they did all the legwork to figure out how we could do it. I thought it was a project that seemed worth trying. The pandemic has made the boxes really useful, now

that the shops and institutions (such as the library and community centres) where we used to put out papers are closed or just not open to the public. The newspaper boxes have been a really valuable way to make The OSCAR and Glebe Report available to those who don’t get delivery to their door.” Jennifer Humphries is a member of the board of the Glebe Report Association and co-chair of the Environment Committee of the Glebe Community Association.

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Where to find our Bank Street newspaper boxes, from north to south:


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8 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Community pop-up art gallery at Lansdowne By Martha Bowers Have you been staring at your walls for months, thinking you really need something new to brighten them up? Since so many of us are working from home and staying in, our walls have become a focal point of our lives. Now you have the opportunity to do something about POP-U P GAL them. A Community LERY Novem Pop-up Art Gallery ber 20 - Dece mber has opened at 31 Frida Lansdowne, featurSaturd y 2-5pm ay & ing works by local 11am Sunday -5pm artists! The Community Pop-Up Art Gallery, a replacement for this W i t h s o m a ny year's cancelled Glebe Art in our Gardens and Studio Tour, is on venues closed because of THAN weekends at the former Structube in Lansdowne until the end of COVID-19, this is an exciting COMM K YOU TO December. PHOTO: LIZ MCKEEN OUR UNITY venture of the Glebe Art in Our PART NEGardens and Studio Tour, which could RS: not take place last summer. One of the participating artists, Andrew Cardozo, had the idea to ask if one of the vacant stores at Lansdowne could be made available to local artists. He took the idea to Anthony Carricato, chair of the Glebe Community Association’s (GCA) Lansdowne Committee. Carricato approached Mark Goudie, CEO of the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG), who loved the idea and graciously offered to lease a vacant store rent-free. After securing funding for utilities and insurance from the GCA and the Glebe BIA, the gallery opened on November 20 in the former Structube location. The gallery features a wide range of artistic talent from painters to

photographers to glassworkers. There are landscapes, portraits, still lives, photos, glassworks, abstracts – you are sure to find something that you would love to hang in your home. And you will have the chance to chat with the artists, at a distance of course! The gallery is a wonderful collaboration between the GCA, OSEG, the Glebe BIA, Glebe Art in Our Gardens and Studio Tour and the artists. It will benefit the artists and will also help make Lansdowne more appealing by offering residents a new and interesting destination to visit. The timing, during the holiday season, couldn’t be better. Visitors are invited to drop by the gallery at 225 Marché Way, Unit 102 on Fridays from 2 to 5 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. until the end of December. In line with COVID-19 protocols, the number of people allowed inside will be carefully monitored, and everyone will be required to wear a mask and stay two metres from others. If you are unable to come by during our open hours, please send a message to to make an appointment to visit at another time. We look forward to welcoming you to our Community Pop-up Art Gallery. You may discover a beautiful work of art that will bring you pleasure and joy for years to come. Pop in to celebrate this community initiative and support local artists! Martha Bowers is a long-time Glebe resident who is not an artist but greatly appreciates those who are.

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Glebe Report December 11, 2020


Laura Smith


President Glebe Community Association

T @glebeca E

Compu-Home is a highly regarded family business located right near you. Service is honest, reliable, affordable and prompt.

GCA making it better On a recent crisp evening, I was out for a walk in the neighbourhood and enjoying one of the simplest pleasures of this time of year in the Glebe. I am grateful for the beautiful lights on trees and houses and for the brightness that they bring to the darkness – especially this year. And in case you haven’t seen it yet, there is also a new spot of colour at the north end of the neighbourhood! We were pleased to work with the Glebe BIA, Underground Sound and other volunteers on the gateway sign that now welcomes people to the Glebe. As always, volunteers in our community continue to work to make things better in our neighbourhood and in our city. Here are some of the other things the GCA is working on.

Bank Street Height and Character Study

We have been working with the city for two years on this important document that lays out a comprehensive vision for Bank Street. The city presented draft recommendations in October. We were pleased that many of our requests aimed at enhancing the vibrancy and character of Bank Street were reflected, but there are still parts of the study that diverge from what the GCA has requested. At our November meeting, the GCA board voted to support the recommendations, subject to the study including further improvements in areas where mid- and high-rise buildings have been proposed (such as including affordable housing and enhancing the walking and cycling experience on the street). City council will consider the study in the new year, and we are hopeful that it will provide greater certainty regarding development in our neighbourhood. A very big thank you to Carolyn Mackenzie and other members of the GCA planning committee for years of work on this project.

Affordable housing

There is certainly a need for more affordable housing in our neighbourhood. The walkability of the Glebe, our strong community connections and the close proximity to schools, transportation and social services make this an ideal place for affordable housing. The parking lot at Bank and Chamberlain is owned by the city and is currently slated for divestment. At our November meeting, the GCA passed a motion asking the city to explore financial options or



partnerships that would make it a viable spot for affordable housing.

Great Glebe Garage Sale – virtual edition

Since the Great Glebe Garage Sale started in 1986, the GCA has asked those participating to donate a share of proceeds from their sales to the Ottawa Food Bank. As we weren’t able to hold the garage sale in May due to public health restrictions, we partnered with GiveShop to try an online, virtual garage sale over the summer. While we knew it wouldn’t be the same experience as the usual in-person extravaganza, we wanted to find a way to assist the Ottawa Food Bank in these challenging times. At our November meeting, we received an update from GiveShop – participants raised more than $1,000 for the food bank. Thank you to all who bought and sold your treasures.


We were surprised by the city’s report in November that recommended changes to the Lansdowne Partnership Plan. Lansdowne Park is an important part of our neighbourhood, and we want it to succeed. Check out June Creelman’s article this month for more about our response to the proposal. My thanks to Anthony Carricato and other members of the GCA Lansdowne committee for their continued dedication to improving Lansdowne Park.

Pop-up gallery at Lansdowne

On November 20, the Glebe Art in Our Gardens and Studio Tour opened a pop-up gallery at Lansdowne. Its annual backyard tour was cancelled this year because of public health restrictions; now some of the artists are showing their works at at 225 Marché Way. We were pleased to work with the Glebe Art Tour, OSEG and the Glebe BIA on this project. The gallery is open until December 31 – please stop by and visit!

Want to become more involved?

Our monthly board meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m., and you are welcome to attend. We are taking a break in December, so our next meeting will be on January 26. If you’d like to join us, please email the board secretary, Sheryl, at secretary@ Until then, I wish you and those you love a wonderful holiday season and all the very best for 2021. C



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10 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Mary Tsai GNAG Executive Director

N 613 233-8713 E

Jane Wilson retires The end of an era, the beginning of a lifetime! After 36 years of greeting the public with her warm and friendly smile, Jane Wilson has decided to hand in her keys to the Glebe Community Centre (GCC) and retire. While studying at Carleton University back in the ’80s, Jane worked part-time as a summer-camp councillor and ran programs like playgroup at the GCC. Some of her old campers are parents themselves and now come to the centre with their own children. After graduating with a degree in art history and psychology, Jane was hired by GNAG as a customer-service representative. She helped with administration, assisting with clients and registration. She even wrote a regular column for GNAG in the Glebe Report. In 1989, Jane was hired by the city as a full-time clerk at the GCC. All these years later, she has stories to tell, like the one about phone calls from seniors at The Glebe Centre who confused the GCC with the spa in their basement and would ask for a “shampoo and set.” Jane’s explanation about a wrong number didn’t always get through because of hearing

problems, so she’d lighten the mood with humour. “Come on over,” she says she would tell them, “and I will wash your hair in the water fountain and comb it out.” In 1995, Jane was presented the Charlotte Whitton Award for outstanding community service. This came as no surprise. She always believed in the inclusion of all and in accommodating those in need. Bringing happiness to families was a priority for her. She shares her wise advice with GNAG: “Keep yourself and your programs open to all. Never exclude and try to make a difference whenever you can by going out of your way for someone. Rigidity does not allow you to grow.” Jane appreciates GNAG’s willingness to say, “let’s try,” and that helped shape the way she deals with people who come in with questions. “GNAG,” she says,” thinks outside the box and can fit circles, squares and triangles into that box.” What she enjoyed most about her time here was “watching the community grow up and getting to see many generations partake in the programs.”

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Jane Wilson, the face and the heart of the Glebe Community Centre for more than three decades, is retiring. Warm and heart-felt best wishes for the future! PHOTO: MARY LOVELACE

Eight GCC directors and hundreds of GNAG staff later, Jane deserves to put up her feet. She plans to continue her volunteer work helping seniors buy groceries and run errands. She hopes to travel more when it’s possible again. Maine is an especially dear place for her – she has been going there since she was four years old. Jane will be greatly missed at the GCC. She was the very first person I met when I came here back in 1991. From the moment we met, I liked her very much. My first lesson from her was that kindness and positivity set the tone.

Messages to Jane Wilson on her retirement:

“Thank you for your many years of service. Congratulations on your retirement! It was uplifting to see Jane at the front desk daily and two of my most favourite memories are of when she volunteered for GNAG. She always helped set up for the annual Snowflake Special by preparing the cheese for the refreshments with many quips about “who cut the cheese?” That joke never grew old! Thank you, Jane for so many happy memories.” – Jennie Aliman “Jane has been a ‘ray of sunshine’ for so many people as an anchor person at the GCC front desk. Over the years, this



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“Jane, you have been the warm smile and welcoming greeting to all the Glebe community as they participated in the community centre for over 30 years. You have been the heart of the Glebe.” – Mary Lovelace We wish you well, Jane. You are forever part of the GCC family.

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“During the seven years working together, Jane and I became close colleagues and good friends. Words to describe Jane are: first person most clients meet upon entering the GCC, clients (of all ages) would ask ‘Where is Jane?’ on her days off, she is always smiling and provides cheerful greetings, preschoolers love Sticker Jane, she has an extremely quick wit and enjoys a good joke, she enjoys discussing politics, travel and the news.” – Janet Conley-Paterson


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special person has worked the hub with ‘Hello, can I help you?’ through generations of families, neighbours, coworkers and public inquiries. Jane has shared her patience, helpful manner, festive spirit, kindness (remember that great collection of stickers!), sense of humour and sincerity with so many. Leaving a void in the hub, we (I) wish dear Jane the very best in retirement.” – Regis Alcorn

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Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Shawn Menard

‘Tis the season!

Councillor, Capital Ward

But a bit different this year.

N 613-580-2487 E T @capitalward E

It is budget season at City Hall, and the events of 2020 have posed unique challenges and opportunities going forward. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the city’s financial health. Revenues have declined, but the needs of residents haven’t. We often hear calls to “keep taxes low” while sweeping and unhelpful changes do the opposite. We should be debating how to cut from wasteful projects to fund ways to build a better city. Here are 10 suggestions. 1. Do Not Expand the Urban Boundary – Ottawa has recently approved another large expansion of its urban boundary that will add houses to its periphery. It will force higher taxes, harm our environment, spread city services even thinner and won’t improve the affordability of housing. We need to do better with respectful intensification, like Calgary has done. 2. Affordable Housing and Homelessness – To provide housing for the homeless and house-insecure is not only the right thing to do, it also saves on social-service costs and helps people contribute to local communities. 3. Reduce New Road Building Projects – Ottawa needs to keep up existing roads, but we shouldn’t be expanding roads and building unnecessary new ones. It is a common myth that widening roads reduces congestion, but it doesn’t because more people choose to drive if there is more space. That drives up capital and maintenance costs. One example is the widening of Strandherd; it’s expected to cost over $100 million, six times more than the city’s “record investment” in new affordable housing. 4. Fighting Climate Change: Buildings and transportation are the top two sources of emissions in Ottawa. Investments in building retrofits, LED lighting, efficient HVAC and alternative forms of power reduce emissions and save money. So do simple measures to encourage cycling and walking, like the inexpensive pylons on the Bank Street Bridge. 5. Parking, Congestion and Ride Shares: While most user fees have increased dramatically over the last decade, parking rates in Ottawa are still quite low. More expensive parking is the most effective way to reduce congestion. We need to bring in demand pricing and spend that revenue on sustainable transportation options that save money. Companies like Uber and Lyft pay pennies compared to what they cost our city in infrastructure, reduced transit ridership,

environmental damage and congestion. We should pressure them to pay their fair share, in line other North American cities. 6. Vacant Buildings: Many buildings sit vacant in Ottawa. They are a drag on our economy. We should charge progressively higher fees for boarded-up buildings to boost revenue and encourage redevelopment. I’ve pushed for the new bylaw update to include this mechanism. 7. Brownfields Subsidies to Developers: The city gives developers a lot of money to help them remediate development sites, funding up to 50 per cent of clean-up costs. For example, the city approved $60 million for the Zibi development. The city needs to rein in the influence of large development companies and ensure fairness in Ottawa. 8. Reducing P3s: We’ve seen it with LRT and Lansdowne. Publicprivate partnerships seem to overpromise and underdeliver. We get fewer benefits than if we just paid for, built and maintained these projects ourselves. Our top project debts in the city are P3s with high-risk factors, legal implications and increasing costs when things go wrong. 9. Examine the Police Budget: Police budget increases have far outstripped inflation and population growth over the last 20 years. We need to look for better ways to address mental health issues, poverty and drug use. Places like Oregon have saved money by transferring many police calls to mental-health workers who produce better outcomes. 10. Transfers from Other Levels of Government: We must ensure the city gets its fair share from other levels of government. Transfers represent about 20 per cent of our annual revenue. We must do all we can to enhance transfers from sources like the federal gastax fund which go mostly towards transit. There are many innovative ways to improve city finances by reallocating inefficient spending, but city hall doesn’t currently seem to be looking for innovative solutions. That’s why we need the budget process to change. We need participatory budgeting, where residents can have a greater say in decision making. Last year, city council passed my motion to study such changes. We need more transparency. The budget is now handed to city council for approval within a month with minimal changes, even when consultations have produced excellent suggestions. The city needs to do a better job of listening and incorporating these ideas into its plans.

Wishing everyone a safe, happy and healthy holiday with family. We are grateful for your continued support. Merry Christmas!

Cochrane Photography

10 ways the City of Ottawa budget needs to change


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12 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

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Renouncing hate and embracing our neighbours Once again, Premier Ford has shown Ontarians that his friends and political allies get to live a different reality than the rest of us. We found out recently that he has quietly, under the cover of the pandemic, introduced legislation before the House that would grant his friend Charles McVety’s Canada Christian College the right to award university degrees. McVety has a long history of racist, homophobic and transphobic comments, but that doesn’t seem to be a problem for Premier Ford. In early November, my colleague Laura Mae Lindo (MPP for Kitchener Centre) asked Premier Ford to reconsider bestowing degree-granting status on Canada Christian College. She did so after recounting these words he has said about sexual orientation: “...what is sexual orientation? You could have an orientation to pedophilia, you could have a sexual orientation to commit all kinds of things. It doesn’t mean that we have to accept it.” In other comments, he’s claimed, “Islam is not just a religion, it’s a political and cultural system as well and we know that Christians and Jews and Hindus don’t have the same mandate for a hostile takeover.” This is a man who misguidedly thinks his hateful views represent Christianity. They don’t. These ideas don’t represent Christians like me who will challenge intolerance whenever it rears its ugly head. And it won’t stop queer and trans people, Muslims or anyone else from getting the respect they deserve.

Take Lyra Evans, for example. She’s the first transgender candidate to be elected to a public-school board in Ontario’s history, winning with over 55 per cent of the vote in Zone 9 (RideauVanier/Capital Ward). Since being elected, Evans has been an outspoken voice, notably for marginalized students. Or consider the Ottawa Muslim Association. On September 21, 2018, when three tornadoes struck our city, the Ottawa Mosque delivered over $5,000 in food, walking the stairs of countless apartment buildings to offer this support. They did the same during recent floods in 2019. Hate won’t stop these remarkable folks, but it will poison your mind. I am reminded of Imam Hassan Guillet who said the following about Alexandre Bissonette, the shooter who gunned down six men at a Quebec City mosque on January 29, 2017: “Alexandre, before being a killer, he was a victim himself. Before planting his bullets in the heads of his victims, someone planted ideas more dangerous than the bullets in his head.” Imam Guillet is right: hate is sown, it festers and it can manifest terrible consequences. It’s time McVety and his supporters embraced a more inclusive Christianity and acknowledged the beauty that is present in everyone. A famous carpenter told us to “love your neighbour as yourself.” And in Amos 5:24, we are asked to “let justice roll on like a river, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” This is welcome advice in a world filled with so much bigotry. Along with my colleagues in the Official Opposition caucus, we will keep up the pressure on Premier Ford for him to do the right thing and withdraw proposed changes to the status of Canada Christian College that would give hate an even bigger platform.

Thirty Years Ago in the Glebe Report This retrospective is filed bi-monthly by Ian McKercher of the Glebe Historical Society. The society welcomes the donation or loan (for copying) of any item documenting Glebe history (photographs, maps, surveys, news articles, posters, programs, memorabilia, etc.). Contact Ian at 613-235-4863 or Note: All back issues of the Glebe Report to June 1973 can be viewed on the Glebe Report website at under the PAST ISSUES menu. by Ian McKercher


Front page from Volume 19, Number 9, December 7, 1990 (44 pages)

On November 14, a lane in the southwest part of the Glebe was officially designated George Watts Lane in honour of the distinguished 81-yearold gentleman. Mr. Watts and his wife, Katherine, had lived for 47 years at their home on Broadway Avenue, which backed on the lane. A crowd of well wishers assembled near the corner of Torrington and Broadway for the unveiling of the newly minted sign. Mr. Watts had a long and distinguished career at the Bank of Canada, where he undertook research in international economics. He was entrusted with setting up the Bank’s archives and served as its first archivist. He also taught a course in international trade at Carleton University. Earlier, a nearby lane was named after Sidney Cook, another long-time Glebe resident. These designations were part of an effort to personalize some of the Glebe lanes.


A City of Ottawa staff report advocated the imposition of a 12-per-cent fee on the gross revenue of programing organized by the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group (GNAG). This was part of a city-wide desire to increase revenue from the use of city community centres and recreational facilities. The GNAG board, the board of the Glebe Community Association and Alderman Lynn Smyth were all strongly opposed to the idea. They felt the fees threatened the continued availability of program services at a reasonable cost and degraded the contributions of many volunteers.


In early December, traffic control signals were to be installed on Chamberlain at the corner of Percy Street at a cost of $51,500. Traffic conditions at this intersection had exceeded the minimum warrant requirements for traffic signals to protect pedestrian and bicycle traffic crossing Chamberlain.


Glebe Report December 11, 2020


Cutouts from the many holiday-themed mailouts that companies and charities send make great gift tags, just one way to green the holidays. PHOTO: ANNE-MARIE DEMERS

I’m dreaming of a green holiday
 By Anne-Marie Demers It’s not that difficult to put a little green in the holiday season. For more than 20 years now, our close family of three sisters, partners and kids has held a name-picking session in late October, at first for the grown-ups only and then for everyone as the kids became adults, to decide who gives a present to whom. We found that this greatly reduces stress and increases joy during the gift-giving season. Of course, we all agree on a spending limit to make sure nobody goes overboard with an extravagant gift. Store-bought or not? Our presents are not always store-bought as some of us are quite handy with a sewing

machine or wool and knitting needles. One of the younger adults is a Photoshop wizard and does wonders with old, imperfect pics. If we choose to buy, we look for locally made gifts at craft fairs and church bazaars; we also like gifts made from recycled sources. Many of these can be found in Ottawa, right here in our neighbourhood. Supporting our local businesses is more important than ever this year because of restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, we’ll make sure to include a few gift certificates from neighbourhood stores. Green gift-wrapping. We don’t buy wrapping paper anymore, except for the odd package of tissue paper.

This is because we have repurposed pretty holiday tablecloths and napkins and colourful old clothes to make reusable gift pouches and bags. They can be made in different sizes and are fully washable if needed. (When lined, they look richer and last longer.) We also have decorated boxes that we use year after year. Shoeboxes and computer or cellphone boxes are sturdy and can be easily prettified with seasonal stickers sent by charitable organizations. Gift tags. No need to buy gift tags either when you use cutouts from the many holiday-themed items that companies and charities produce for the season. We retrieve wrapping paper and shopping bags from our condo’s paper dumpster,

then cut out pretty seasonal motifs and glued them on scraps of paper or thin cardboard. They are larger, prettier and more original than most store-bought gift tags. When we use boxes instead of gift bags, we dig into our supplies of colourful string and carefully ironed ribbon from previous years. The wrapped presents look smashing! Many fabulous suggestions can also be found on Canadian newspaper or TV websites. Explore and have a great holiday season! Anne-Marie Demers lives near the Glebe Community Centre and is a proud member of her condo’s Greening Committee et une fière Franco-ontarienne.


14 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Kudos from the Glebe Zero Waste Committee Kudos to Buy Nothing The Glebe By Katie Fice Larissa Deacon proudly uses superlatives when she describes Buy Nothing The Glebe and what it is doing. “Our group is particularly incredible,” says Deacon, one of the group’s volunteer administrators, “as we have quite a few garbage heroines and heroes as we call them. We have many wonderful neighbours that walk around the neighbourhood, saving items that

were put to the curb from ending up in a landfill.” Along with Deacon, four other dedicated volunteers – Jessica Nichols, Andrea Szafran, Michael Aide and Leone Besner – run The Glebe Buy Nothing online community on Facebook with no funding. They all give their time to uphold the main rule of “give where you live.” They do this by ensuring members are residents of the area. We want to thank them for their efforts in managing this group that not only unites people in the community but also helps redirect useful goods to people who can use them. Buy Nothing The Glebe is an extension of the Buy Nothing Project (BNP), which operates in 25 countries. The

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group in the Glebe was created in August 2019. It branched off from a larger Buy Nothing network consisting of the Glebe, Old Ottawa East and Old Ottawa South when it became too large to maintain the intended hyperlocal focus. That focus is important because “it gives members a chance to not only help their neighbours but also the opportunity to get to know them,” Deacon explained. Members of the group post things they want to give away or things they are looking for. There are posts for books, clothes, kitchen items, fresh herbs, houseplants, bicycles, toilets, anything you can imagine. Even gifts of time or talent are offered. All transactions are free; no money exchanges or bartering is allowed. The group builds community, and many members have become friends because of it. The administrators say members are dedicated to ensuring their items receive a second life, and there are some items into their fifth life! This is fantastic from a zero-waste perspective as it keeps old goods in use. “Common items that circle around our group are puzzles and books. Our group loves puzzling, and many of them circulate in our group with names written on the inside of the box by the members who have completed them.” Deacon shared a memorable story about a gift she was given by a Buy Nothing member – a floppy disc reader. “I was hoping to find a photo of me and my mum. It was important

to me because my mum didn’t like her photo being taken and because she is no longer alive. I don’t have many photos of or with her. Thanks to the neighbour that gifted me that item, I was able to successfully retrieve an image of me and my mum in a warm embrace. That photo was tucked away in a disc for 19 years. Thanks to the generosity of this neighbour, I was given back this special moment with my mum which I will always cherish.” The group can be found on Facebook for anyone in the Glebe who is interested in joining. Just type Buy Nothing The Glebe, Ottawa, ON into the “Search Facebook” box. If you’ve been making efforts in reducing waste, we may feature you in a future column. Please send a short paragraph explaining how you are reducing your household or business waste to, attention Katie. Conscious of her own waste footprint, Katie Fice joined the GCA Zero Waste Committee (a subcommittee of the Environment Committee) to learn more about waste reduction and to help raise awareness of simple changes in our daily living that can have a big impact on the environment.

Glebe Report December 11, 2020


D I S C OV E R A F R E S H PERSPECTIVE Perhaps you’ve been thinking about senior living but aren’t sure if one can possibly meet all your requirements. You may want to consider Amica The Glebe.

Currently under construction, Amica The Glebe has been purposely designed with your safety and comfort in mind. It has everything you need including a cozy fireside lounge, generous landscaped terraces, and a fitness centre. Add in our personalized care services and an on-site Red Seal Chef and you’ll agree this residence offers a fresh perspective on senior living. To learn more, or for details about our Presentation Centre (opening 2021), contact us at 613-233-6363

33 MON K S T R E E T


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16 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Erling’s Variety Store – a restaurant living up to its name

This is the time to support local businesses who are working hard

Erling’s Variety owner Liam Vainola inside his new store

By Marie Briscoe Like all restaurants, Erling’s Variety has ridden a rollercoaster during the COVID-19 pandemic, adjusting to new rules and struggling to stay in business. Now it’s living up to its name by adding a “variety store” to try to attract more customers. Erlings first appeared on the Glebe restaurant scene in 2013. Tucked away on Strathcona Avenue near Bank Street, it has become a popular destination for those who enjoy good food and friendly service. It is a family-run restaurant,


spearheaded by owner Liam Vainola. Vainola has had to pivot a number of times since last spring to keep his customers and staff safe and to keep his restaurant alive. He has had to be creative and at times move away from his original restaurant concept, but he credits “cooks, servers and friends from years past who have really helped me through this difficult time.” The restaurant’s story during the pandemic is a familiar one. It initially shut down completely, then began offering delivery of three-course Sunday dinners. Vainola was back in the kitchen

for this and incorporated a number of family favourites into the menu. When restaurants were allowed to open patios, Erling’s obtained permission from the City of Ottawa to build one in front of the restaurant. Vainola’s uncle helped out, and the new patio appeared almost overnight. Vainola hired limited staff for the summer months and welcomed back customers. Takeout dinners were also available during this period. Colder weather in the fall made it difficult to keep the patio going, but the indoor space was reconfigured to meet provincial guidelines and ensure safe social distancing. But not everyone was comfortable eating inside. A few tables were kept in use outside until the patio finally had to be taken down for the winter. If you have visited Erling’s Variety, you know it is a relatively small restaurant; with tables taken out to ensure proper distancing, capacity has been cut in half. Vainola toyed at one point with closing the restaurant and did shut down for a few weeks to consider his options. He decided to continue with indoor dining, takeout and Sunday home delivery. Then he came up with another innovation – he added a new variety store just inside the front door. The restaurant was named after Vainola’s grandfather who was a grocer, so including a store seems fitting. Erling’s Variety Store offers specialty items and possible stocking stuffers and gifts for Christmas, from food and

wine to local crafts. The current food options include local cheeses, cured meats, homemade dips and preserves, cooking oils, a variety of seafood conservas, coffee, chocolate, kale and truffle chips, ancient grains flour for holiday baking and food kits. Keeping alive the celebrated brunch tradition at the restaurant, you can also find toaster waffles, fresh farm eggs and homemade smoked bacon. The store has an impressive selection of curated wine and beer. If the wine selection seems overwhelming, the knowledgeable staff will do its best to find something that suits your palette. Non-food items include bath salts, soap and other craft items from local makers. Erling’s former general manager Jessica Gibson is offering her line of organic, handmade beauty products called “Handmade Herbology.” Erling’s Variety Store is a good option if holiday shopping outside your home is not appealing this year. You can order through the restaurant’s website, and purchases can be picked up or added to your Sunday dinner order for home delivery. You can also drop by the restaurant after 2 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday, and the staff will make sure that you have the space to shop safely. Indoor dining and takeout are offered Tuesday through Saturday from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. A new menu for Sunday dinner delivery is posted each week, and you can order online through the website. This is the time to support local businesses who are working hard to provide you with safe options to continue enjoying their products and services. Let’s reward their creativity and get through this difficult time together! Marie Briscoe is a long-time Glebe resident and graduate of Carleton University. She is retired from the public service.


Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Jackie Morphy, the owner of All ECO, is a believer in brick and mortar stores; she hopes hers, with a unique boutique feel, will bring more sustainable options to the Glebe. PHOTO: ADRIANA AÑON

ALL ECO brings sustainable options to the Glebe By Adriana Añon Something about the window of ALL ECO always piqued my interest, even before I first set foot in the store. Maybe it was the natural plants suspended from macrame planters, lending it a homey feel. Perhaps the soothing hues of blues and greens in the store logo painted on the wall, or the way the pine shelves with their beautiful knots remind us that wood is a living thing. It is the same comforting atmosphere when you walk into the shop to be welcomed by the owner, Jackie Morphy. “I love your store,” I heard a customer tell Morphy my first time in the shop. “I’m trying to live more sustainably, so I love everything here.” The young woman was as impressed as I was by the store’s beauty and the variety of options. As Morphy told me later, my feelings were exactly what she envisioned her store would invoke: “A place that offered products that were beautiful, functional and a better choice for the environment.” ALL ECO at 857B Bank Street carries carefully curated merchandise that is ethically sourced, sustainably made and often local. On its shelves, you’ll find natural products that promote ecological balance. Among the choices are organic, vegan, gluten-free, non-toxic and zero-waste products. Although the storefront is narrow, once inside you realize just how spacious it is in length. It is no exaggeration to say there’s something for everyone here. You’ll find beauty and self-care products as well as lifestyle goods that range from crafts and kitchenware to cleaning products and yoga accessories. There is also a baby section of clothes and other goods. Gifts abound, including totes, jewellery, food delicacies and candles. As the holidays approach, you’ll find an array of gift options that are sure to delight the lucky recipients. If the environment is important to you, this is a great place to shop. Morphy’s vision was to bring to the Glebe a shop that would cater to the community’s environmental consciousness. Even now, she notices that “the concept of the store really resonates with the area.” When asked how shopping has changed since the

COVID-19 outbreak, she says her customers have gravitated to the refilling station in the back of the store where they can load up on soaps, lotions and detergents. She has observed a surge of awareness, possibly due to the increased use of plastic and other wasteful products during the pandemic. “Having the choice,” Morphy says, “people are opting for the more sustainable options.” ALL ECO, which opened in October 2019, has yet to experience an entire season of normal retailing. If managing a business is an ambitious undertaking under the best of circumstances, what happens when the unexpected takes over? Of all the possible scenarios that Morphy might have foreseen, COVID19 and its vastly different demands exceeded all calculations. Morphy credits her 20-year trajectory in the restaurant business with giving her the tools of resourcefulness and tenacity which she’s been putting to use these past few months. During the shutdown, it meant creating and launching a website,, where customers can make online purchases. As her store continually adds products to its shelves, this website is a constant work in progress. If you can’t find a product online that you’ve seen at the store, call the store at 613421-7670. There is curbside pickup and home delivery to cater to your needs. In a year when many long-standing businesses across Canada have been forced to close, Morphy is working hard to keep alive her lifelong dream of running a brick-and-mortar store. She believes in what these establishments do for the community by fostering connections and awareness. She hopes that in a small way at least, she’s making a difference in the world. ALL ECO succeeds in bringing to the Glebe a beautiful boutique with a uniquely soothing and personal feel. It is the kind of shop that makes strolling this neighbourhood enticing. The shop is open Monday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Once you visit, you might understand their logo in a whole different way: ALL ECO, It makes sense. Adriana Añon is a writer, teacher and Glebe enthusiast.


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18 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

New restaurant thrives in the Glebe By Ashwin Shingadia

Emilio Escobedo, owner of the new Mexican restaurant Mona’s Taqueria, as well as Margerita

Customers of Mona’s Taqueria, Jessica (left) and Chloe, order takeout. PHOTOS: ASHWIN SHINGADIA

When Emilio Escobedo came to Canada four years ago, he couldn’t find authentic Mexican food. Now he can, at the two restaurants he owns and runs on Bank Street in the Glebe, with a little help in the kitchen from his mother. “She is in charge of the traditional recipes she brought with her from Mexico,” says Escobedo. “We make everything from scratch.” Mona’s Taqueria, his new restaurant, opened its doors at 873 Bank on September 1. That same day, his other restaurant, Margarita, moved from that location to 895 Bank (previously Bowmans) and opened its doors too, with a considerably expanded capacity for its full range of traditional authentic Mexican dining. I met Escobedo at Mona’s. He stood erect behind the counter and talked to me through a mask while darting in and out to serve his customers, returning to continue our conversation and explain the difficulties he’s faced the past few months. “When we were open only for a few months, COVID19 hit us,” he said. “The lockdown was very painful. We all hated it. We could not just sit at home and do nothing, paralyzed by the fear of COVID. Some 25 people and their families depended on me; I could not fire them.” Before the anticipated second wave, he decided to innovate, adapt and work hard to provide all three types of services – dine in, takeout and delivery. He introduced a brunch at Margarita and began to cater for gluten-free, vegan and low-salt clientele. Mona’s emphasis is tacos, but also offers starters, salads, quesadillas, alambre and tortas (Mexican sandwiches). Unique to his restaurants are cactus salads and cactus tacos – a local supplier is developing techniques for growing cacti for his needs. He also mentioned tamales (corn cakes) and pazole (soup). The desserts are mouth-watering churros (deep fried Mexican pastry coated with sugar and cinnamon), Tres Leches and Flan Napolitan. A portion of the sales from desserts goes to Meal Share, a project to help girls’ and boys’ clubs. The bar has the usual choice of beers, wines and cocktails, including Mexican brands of tequila and beer.

Escobedo graduated in law (IESA, Hidalgo) and practised in Mexico, but he always had a taste for the restaurant and food business. “My family has been in the food industry since I was seven. I helped my mother, Margarita, in the catering industry. My father left us when I was young; she had to look after my two sisters and me.” His mother, he said, has many family secrets known only to her and the family restaurant called Las Penas in Hidalgo, Mexico. She’s now using those secrets as she cooks at her son’s restaurants and coaches other chefs. Escobedo’s other staff are locals with multicultural backgrounds. On my previous visit, I met a young lady at the counter, Larkin, from Hamilton, who was recruited through an agency. She was a second-year student at Carleton in public affairs and had taken a year off due to COVID-19. Escobedo also introduced me to his silent partner, John Abdulnour, a Canadian of Lebanese descent. “He does administration and accounting for me.” And Escobedo proudly introduced another employee. “Here is Bilal from Syria, another of my managers!” The atmosphere at Mona’s is friendly and intimate. One of Escobedo’s innovations is “the store,” shelves near the entrance displaying Mexican products and snacks. Two customers, Jessica and Chloe, came in, ordered takeout, conversed in Spanish and waited. Jessica is an education student at the University of Mexico (UNAM-Canada) in Gatineau, and Chloe is an Ottawa local. This was their first visit. As they left, one whispered to me, “He is very kind and generous.” Escobedo had given them an authentic sauce at no charge. I noticed them slipping a $5 bill in the tips cup. “We will come again,” they said. Another couple on their way out said, “Authentic Mexican, good.” Mona’s Taqueria is open from 11.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday to Sunday. Margarita is open from 11.30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday to Thursday; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday to Sunday. A warm welcome to Mona’s Taqueria and best wishes. Ashwin Shingadia is a long-time Glebe resident, a contributor to the Glebe Report and a former member of its board.

Even in a year like no other, we hope that as you are getting your home ready for the Holidays that you take a moment to slow down and enjoy all that the Glebe has to offer. Stop by our local Starbucks to take in the Christmas tree, lights, and the festive spirit. We wish you all the best and look forward to helping you with your real estate needs in 2021!

©2020 Engel & Völkers Ottawa Central, Brokerage. Each brokerage independently owned & operated. Dominique Milne, Broker. Lyne Burton, Sales Representative.

December 2020

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Bruce Springsteen shows once again why he’s called the Boss. He’s back with the Hard Charging, Earth Shakin, Limo Riding, Jet Flying, Viagra Taking, History Making E STREET BAND. If there’s one item to buy this year, this is it.

785.5 Bank Street

Give the gift of relaxation! Gift certificates are available for purchase at the clinic or online at 108A Third Avenue



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Holiday Gift Ideas Come in to see our Maple Leaf Diamonds collection made with Canadian mined gold and Canadian mined diamonds.

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The Reactor Socket Shelf Ultra™ is currently on sale for $25.97 until Christmas. Great giftgiving idea for the holidays.

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Great garlic press! The unique twisting action makes crushing multiple cloves easier. Easy to clean 2-piece design is dishwasher safe. Also available in a juicer and a ricer.

 Christmas fruitcake for in-laws

 Soup for Christmas eve lunch

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 Christmas morning croissants

 Tuscan teacake for neighbours

 Challah for Boxing Day brunch

(french toast!)

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Susan Roston conveys a sense of flowing life and water in the hand carving on these ceramic pots. 4 x 3.5 x 3 in

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Home Improvement & Design Specialists






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December 2020

The Kool Bag™ Shopper: Keep your shopping fresh from store to fridge or freezer. Makes the perfect holiday hamper, filled with your festive fare from your favourite Glebe shops!

Bee By Sea introduces Winter Citrus, a limited edition collection. Enjoy this fragrant medley of orange, lemongrass and lime in their delectable honey and sea buckthorn skin care products.

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4-625 Bank Street


To All Our Loyal Clients and Friends,

At this festive time of year when we gather with Family and Friends, Tracy and her Team at Tracy Arnett Realty Ltd. would like to thank you for all of your support and contributions to our community throughout the past year. We wish you and your families a very Happy Holiday Season and prosperity in the coming year.


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Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Bowers-Krishnan suggests a “fresh, tart sparkling wine to contrast the salty, fatty nature of the meat” – Flat Rock Riddled Sparkling 2017 from Niagara. For red wine lovers, his pick is Il Molino Di Grace Chianti Classico 2015 with red berry aroma, complex tones and good acidity that stand up to the dish.

Welcome to a (virtual) vernissage! By Marisa Romano One vacated storefront at Lansdowne is lighting up again to shine a spotlight on the joyful creations of our local artists. The new occupants are painters and photographers who have showcased their work in our Glebe gardens over the past years ( After the virtual exhibit that replaced this year’s Art in Our Gardens and Studio Tour, nine artists came to “live” in the space once occupied by Structube. The empty storeroom roared back to life when the artists arrived with their artworks. Amid the hustle and bustle and happy chuckles muffled by distance and facemasks, they eagerly hung paintings and photographs. At any other time, the November 20th opening would have been a farreaching event celebrated by a fitting vernissage that allowed attendees to meet all the artists. Instead, the event unfolded quietly. In keeping with pandemic restrictions, the lead-in had no fanfare, no spirits and no food. But we could not let go of the food and drink part, so here is what you would have found on the food table had there been a grand opening. Some of the artists have shared their favourite amuse-bouche, and Devon

Roy Brash

An artist appreciated in Ontario, Quebec and the U.S., Roy Brash uses acrylic paint and vivid colours to tell stories and depict emotions. You will probably recognise his water scenes, one of his favourite subjects. He offers a take from a Ricardo recipe: Avocado and Shrimp Verrines. In a shooter glass, layer 1tbsp guacamole, 1 tsp of sour cream or plain Greek yogurt, three Nordic shrimps tossed in lemon juice, a drib of salsa and some chopped cucumber. Prepare ahead of time and keep in the fridge. Sprinkle chopped chives before serving. These verrines are a regular addition to Brash’s Christmas table. “They are a hit and show so well!” he says. Bowers-Krishnan proposes a pairing that “contrasts the rich and creamy nature of the avocado without overpowering the delicate nature of the shrimp.” Craggy Range Te Muna Sauvignon Blanc 2018 from his favourite New Zealand producer or a crisp light red, Malivoire Gamay Noir from Niagara.

These verrines are a regular addition to artist Roy Brash’s Christmas table. The author says they’re easy to make but not easy to assemble without smudging the glasses (eyebrow tweezers were involved). PHOTO: MARISA ROMANO

Bowers-Krishnan, the award-winning sommelier of Atelier restaurant – a local artist of another kind – suggests the perfect wine pairing for a full appreciation of the dishes.

Linda Bordage

Linda Bordage enjoys working with oils for their range of colour mixture but also explores other media. She has presented her work in exhibits and galleries in Ottawa and its surroundings. Some of her originals are available at Art Lending Ottawa. She proposes the classic fresh figs wrapped in strips of lean prosciutto, but with a twist. Bordage serves figs alongside pears and wraps the Italian dry-cured charcuterie around the quartered fruits. She presents the skewered morsels on a platter with cherry tomatoes and a variety of olives. “It looks good and tastes great,” she assures me.

Andrew Cardozo

Andrew Cardozo is a painter who uses canvas to capture the beauty of nature. In his acrylic paintings, you find iconic and abstract landscapes. His work is hanging in various locations in Canada, the U.S. and beyond. He brings to the table a classic charcuterie board with a mixture of savoury and sweet tastes. His favourite morsels are dried sausage and Mimolette, the French cheese with its signature yellow colour and distinctive nutty, intense taste. “Additions can be hot mustard, confit of figues (fig jelly) or even a spot of raspberry jam. The effect is a mmmm as you put it in your mouth.” “For wines, think versatility to go with the broad selection of different items on the board,” says BowersKrishnan. He suggests Hidden Bench Terror Cache 2017 Niagara, Bordeaux blend, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc. For white, try Assyrtiko from Santorini, Greece; it has tart high acid with a salty taste and a round, rich body. “Although we are concerned about COVID, we need some joy in our lives, and the pop-up art gallery could help to lift our spirits,” says Martha Bowers, one of the organizers. “We will be careful and try to keep everyone safe.” If you are looking for a bit of joy in this gloomy time of pandemic, drop by the former Structube store at Lansdowne to check out our local art while imagining the best of food and wine. The gallery runs on weekends from November 20 to December 31 (Friday 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Marisa Romano is a foodie and scientist with a sense of adventure who appreciates art, food and bringing people together.


Help CHEO be there for both. This challenging year has taught us to be generous, kind and not take anything for granted. The Lavier family lives this every day. Welcoming baby Charley this year was a time of joy for parents Amy and Pres and big brother Matty, and a time to remember Cameron. His battle with cancer ended in 2016 but he is always with his family. The Laviers created an endowment fund in their son Cameron’s memory that helps CHEO care for families today and for years to come.

A gift to CHEO, in your will or as a memorial, will help build a healthy and happy future for our children and youth.

Be part of CHEO’s For more information contact Megan Doyle Ray life-saving work 613-297-2633 today and tomorrow.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the team at Lansdowne Dental! 613.422.5900 Located in the heart of the Glebe: Lansdowne Park, 981 Bank Street FREE VALIDATED UNDERGROUND PARKING


24 Glebe Report December 11, 2020


The Trip to Greece Directed by Michael Winterbottom (U.K., 2020)

Review by Lois Siegel If you haven’t seen any of “The Trip” films featuring Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon, you are missing something. They’ve been doing entertaining trip movies for 10 years. The series is described as “lightly scripted mockumentary, featuring exaggerated versions of the two men and their hang-ups.” The Trip to Greece is a fun-filled romp, filled with amazing scenic vistas intercut with five-star kitchens and fantastic food. It’s mostly set, of course, in Greece, the birthplace of poetry, storytelling, philosophy, comedy and drama. But it starts in northwest Turkey on the site that was once Troy and follows the route that Odysseus took in The Odyssey. Coogan and Brydon proceed to Greece and begin to eat their way through Hydra, Athens and Delphi on the way to what was Ithaca. It’s a six-day Grecian journey. They often take a ferry with amazing backdrops – views of square houses piled up the hillsides, below mountains cut with curving roads. In restaurants along the water with boats in the background and in lovely outdoor gardens, we watch these middle-aged comedians eat and drink and try not to kill each other as they argue about what they see and experience. We see the ruins of the Acropolis in Athens and hear the stories of ancient Greeks. We see Epidaurus, an amazing open theatre build in 340 BC. Their improvised performances keep us entertained as they laugh, try to one-up each other and imitate famous people, including Dustin Hoffman, Marlon Brando, Richard Burton and Mick Jagger. These sequences feature all kinds of delicious food: lamb chops with mint sauce, almond crumble, black mulberry sauce, risotto, grouper, shrimps, fresh oysters. They often talk about films and refer to the time Steve got into the character of Stan Laurel in the 2018 film Stan & Ollie. And there are plenty of cultural references, from Bee Gees singer Barry Gibb to the film Grease. We also enter caves where we hear voices singing a Gregorian chant. Olympia is a tourist attraction where the ancient games were first held – the Olympic flame is lit there every four years as the modern games pay tribute to their origin in Greece. The Trip to Greece by two jocular men on a foodie tour is delightful. We experience their adventures, smiling with them all the way. Unfortunately, this is the last of the trip series – as Coogan says, “to avoid jumping the shark.” It’s not to be missed. Running time: 1 hour, 43 minutes Available: Amazon, YouTube, iTunes

De Gaulle Directed by Gabriel Bomin (France, 2020)

Review by Paul Green It is more than a little surprising that apart from a notable television mini-series (Le Grand Charles) in 2006 and a couple of feature films, few filmmakers have come forward to recount – either in epic or more limited form – the military and political career of this most remarkable figure in 20thcentury French history. Director Gabriel Bomin, who has a background in documentary films, has sought to fill this gap by making De Gaulle. Eschewing the idea of an “epic” film, Bomin elected to focus on a more clearly defined period from late April to mid-June 1940. It was doubtless a prudent decision as there was sufficient tumult and high drama in those few weeks to fill several history volumes. In what was perhaps a calculated risk, Bomin opted to juxtapose scenes from de Gaulle’s family life with his military and political exploits in a bid to humanize the general and highlight the support he so obviously derived from his wife and family. The opening sequence is set at the family estate in Colombey-Les-Deux-Églises. It is late April, scant days before the Germans moved west on May 10. De Gaulle (Lambert Wilson) is at home with his wife Yvonne (Isabelle Carré) and their three children, who include a son in the army and a daughter, Anne, who has Down syndrome. A fortnight later, we find de Gaulle on the battlefield, discussing with an aide the outcome of an action that proved to be the only successful counterattack staged by the French Army against the Wehrmacht. Subsequently promoted to general, he is summoned to Paris where he meets with Prime Minister Paul Reynaud and minister Georges Mandel. The general is convinced that France can still repel the Germans, and those two support him. In cabinet, however, he runs up against the much-decorated Maréchal Pétain who feels that France must capitulate and settle with the Germans, if only to avoid greater loss of life. To gain time, Reynaud sends de Gaulle to London for urgent talks with Winston Churchill (Tim Hudson). Back in France, the general learns that Reynaud has resigned, Pétain has assumed control and he has been dismissed from cabinet. The situation dire, de Gaulle sees his way clear – he must return to England and form a government-in-exile. But he first has to locate his family who joined the exodus fleeing Paris to the south and east. He finds them in Brittany

where they are staying with friends. After a tearful reunion with Yvonne, he is once more off to England. These scenes are well handled and they provide a nice counterpoint to the cabinet sessions and closed-door meetings. In England, de Gaulle confers again with Churchill (who speaks both in English and passable but heavily accented French). Arrangements are made for de Gaulle to deliver his historic June 18 appel to the French nation via the BBC. In the meantime, he anxiously awaits news of his family who have just barely made it onto one of the last ships leaving France. Lambert Wilson, a tall actor and veteran of many films, is well suited to the role of “Le Grand Charles” and, if anything, underplays it. Isabelle Carré is excellent as Yvonne, the devoted and resourceful wife without whom de Gaulle might not have gone on to achieve what he did as leader of the Free French. Olivier Gourmet is, as always, very convincing in his brief turn as Reynaud. And there was a surprise in the cast in the person of Catherine Mouchet whom I had not seen since her performance as Thérèse in 1986. She played Mlle Potel, the family governess. Director Bomin must have had a wealth of detail to sort through in making this film. One such item appears near the end: not long after making his historic four-minute broadcast to France, de Gaulle received a cable from the Pétain government in what was now Germanoccupied Paris, coldly informing the general that he had been stripped of his rank and his citizenship and had been sentenced to death. Clearly, they were not happy! Running time: 1 hour, 48 minutes. In French with English subtitles. Probable rating 14A. Check with Glebe Video for DVD availability. Returns to the ByTowne December 11.


Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Holiday reads By Susan Townley The holiday season is just around the corner and now is the perfect time to cozy up with your young readers to enjoy some new seasonal reads available from your local library. The Shortest Day by Susan Cooper, winner of the Newberry Medal, arrived at the library last year just before the winter solstice. It is a beautiful celebration of the Yuletide season and one of my new favourite seasonal reads for adults and children alike. The illustrations by Carson Ellis evoke the joy and community found in the universal celebration of the light festivals that occur at this time of the year when the sun fades soonest and we are in darkness for the longest time. Cooper’s poem captures the magic of the returning light, the ongoing mystery of life and the celebration of rebirth. This book evokes the sense of wonder that people have felt for nature, the earth and the seasons throughout time, and it has a message that holds true at in this season of darkness. In The Hanukkah Magic of Nate Gadol, author Arthur A. Levine creates a mythical holiday hero whose magic and generosity spreads joy to all in a celebration of Hanukkah. Levine writes this tale as an explanation of the origin of Hanukkah presents.

Some readers might be concerned about the presence of Santa and the introduction of Christmas into the tale but at its heart, this is a story of generosity and sharing and of the immigrant experience. The illustrations by award-winning Kevin Hawkes are appealing and full of glimmers of gold that help to capture the magical feel of this mythical tale. Our Favorite Day of the Year by A.E. Ali is not only about the celebrations that happen at this time of year but also all the days that are loved by a classroom of kindergarten children. On the first day of school, the teacher tells the class that they will be sharing their favourite day of the year with their classmates. Each child feels their day is the most special, and the joy and wonder shine through in each celebration that is shared in the classroom. The celebrations are less about religion than about family traditions and connections. There is a diverse collection of holiday celebrations, from Eid Mubarak to Rosh Hashanah, from Las Posadas to Pi Day, celebrated with pie, of course. The colourful and charming illustrations by Rahele Jomepour Bell show a diverse classroom where learning is thoughtful, full of energy and filled with music, dancing and eating. This book is available from the library as an e-book as well. Santa’s Story is a lively, new picture book from prolific author and illustrator Will Hillenbrand. It’s Christmas Eve and Santa is ready to go but his reindeers are nowhere to be found. It seems as if they are too distracted to answer Santa’s call to action. Finally, Santa spies Comet holding a book and realizes the he’s the one who has forgotten an important tradition,


the reading of The Night Before Christmas. Once story time has been announced, Santa is surrounded by his attentive crew. The text has an alliterative lilt, and both the story and illustrations have a comical charm. The Tree That’s Meant to Be is a new picture book by Yuval Zommer, an author and illustrator best known for his beautifully illustrated non-fiction books for children. Here he tells the story of a small misshapen forest tree that is left behind when all the other taller, more beautiful evergreens are cut down to become Christmas trees. The poor tree is forlorn and feeling unloved until the animals of the forest gather around and adorn the little tree with all kinds of pretty decorations that they find in the forest. In the end, the little tree is jubilant and knows that it is loved. This story is less about Christmas and holidays and more about feeling left out and then finding yourself appreciated. This is a lyrical story that many young children will find easy to relate to. Lastly for the younger readers is a beautiful picture book from the prolific author and illustrator Emma Dodd. Christmas is Joy is a delightful, simple read that will appeal to toddlers and preschoolers alike with its story of a pair of reindeer exploring their winter world. The gentle text and illustrations touched with silver bring a sparkle to the story of the joy this season can bring. Happy reading! Susan Townley is a children’s programs and public service assistant at the Sunnyside Branch of the Ottawa Public Library.

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Here is a list of some titles read and discussed recently in various local book clubs: TITLE (for adults) Claude and Camille: A Novel of Monet1

Stephanie Cowell

Where the Crawdads Sing2

Delia Owens

Sapiens: A Brief History of Human Kind3

Yuval N. Hariri

The Right to Be Cold

Sheila Watt-Cloutier

Ragged Company

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Richard Wagamese


[Any book by W. Dalrymple]


William Dalrymple

Square Haunting: Five Lives in London Between the Wars7

Francesca Wade

The Library Book8

Susan Orlean

The Hard Tomorrow9

Eleanor Davis

1. The 15 Book Club 2. The 35 Book Club 3. Abbotsford Book Club on Zoom 4. Broadway Book Club 5. Can Litterers 6. Seriously No-Name Book Club 7. The Book Club 8. Topless Book Club 9. OPL Sunnyside Ottawa ComicBook Book Club


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26 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Seniors and students connect By Julie Ireton

Charlotte Elliott, student and athlete, talks on the phone to a local older adult. PHOTO: SEAMUS DONAHUE

Please wear your mask!

Rosemary MacKinnon has made a new friend during the pandemic and spends hours each month chatting with her on the phone. Decades separate the ages of these new pals and they’ve never met face to face, but they have no problem finding things to talk about. This fall, some Carleton University sports teams matched up with isolated seniors like MacKinnon and socialize with them by phone. Players on the women’s rugby team are making calls to residents of the Glebe Centre and members of Abbotsford House seniors centre. “With COVID, I don’t get out to socialize much so it’s really nice to talk to someone about what they’re doing,” said MacKinnon. “Getting to know someone young brings more to our lives.” University teams are still training and practising, but varsity competitions are on hold right now, giving athletes much more spare time than usual. Some teams decided to use that extra time to give back to the community. “It’s really cool to make connections outside the school and it gives an opportunity for the seniors to keep in touch, keep busy, especially with COVID, because they aren’t able to do other activities,” said Zoe Coulter, a third-year Carleton student and varsity rugby player. Coulter, who is studying anthropology and sign language, is also hoping to put her signing skills to practice with other seniors in the community. “It’s great practice for me,” said Coulter. “As a student, it’s nice to have


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a break and not think about any schoolwork and just listen to them. It makes everyone feel good on both sides.” Sometimes the phone calls last an hour or two, according to Coulter. They talk about anything and everything, including politics. Coulter says she looks forward to the end of COVID when they can meet in person and maybe set up a “paint evening or story night.” Kirsten O’Brien, program facilitator at Abbotsford House, makes the match between students and seniors, and she shares information about the clients with the students in advance so it’s not a “cold call.” “They (the seniors) form friendships and look forward to the calls,” said O’Brien. “They can all use a phone, so they don’t have to be techy with a computer for these chats. The seniors are interested in that real connection, a voice at the end of the line.” Seniors looking to be connected to a Carleton student should call Kirsten O’Brien at Abbotsford House, 613-2305730 ext. 322, Abbotsford is your Seniors Active Living Centre. We are the community programs and services of The Glebe Centre Inc., a charitable, not-for-profit, organization which includes a 254 bed long term care home. Find out more about our services by telephoning 613230-5730 or by checking out all of The Glebe Centre facilities and community programs on our website Julie Ireton is a journalist who contributes regularly to the Glebe Report on issues affecting Abbotsford.

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B or r o w e d W or d s

Hahaha, ㅋㅋㅋ or 555? By Sophie Shields Who doesn’t love to laugh? All over the world, people crack jokes, tell funny stories and share moments of laughter, both in person and virtually. Almost everyone has experienced LOL-ing or hahaha-ing their way through a text conversation. But while the sound of laughing might be

Glebe Report December 11, 2020

universal, the way of writing it varies considerably in every language. So what do you do when you want to laugh, on the internet, with people from around the world? More often than not, the diversity in online laughing stems from the differences in the writing systems across the world. Certain languages, like Greek, pronounce the letter “x” as “h”, making xaxaxa the way to indicate laughter. Other languages, such as Spanish, often pronounce “j” as “h”; this explains why you might find yourself jajaja-ing when watching a Spanish telenovella. Or if you’ve been following the rise of Kpop and Kdramas, you might be more familiar with the Korean “ㅋㅋㅋ”, pronounced as “kkk”, for laughing. Indeed, just like English’s hahaha, most languages use onomatopoeia to reproduce the sound of laughing in text. However, there are a few exceptions to the rule, which might leave you jajaja-ing or xaxaxa-ing yourself. As French speakers will well know, laughing is often represented by the dramatic MDR, an abbreviation of

the French expression mort de rire, dying with laughter. Japanese follows this abbreviation trend, shortening the word for laughing, warai, to wwww in their texts. The funnier the text, the more ws there are! However, the most unique way of expressing laughter comes from Thai where one pronounces the number 5 as “ha”; as such, 5555 becomes a common way of laughing online. Interestingly enough, when read by Mandarin speakers, 5555 sounds like the onomatopoeia for crying. Laughter is an important part of our


lives. It releases feel-good endorphins and can even temporarily relieve pain. So whether you are hahahaing or wwww-ing, always keep on laughing. And remember – next time someone texts you a “why did the Glebite cross the road” joke, you can always respond with a few 5555s of your own. Sophie Shields is a Carleton student studying global literature and a proud Franco-Ukrainian who is learning German. She is the social media coordinator for the Glebe Report.

The Glebe according to Zeus



TFI@glebereport INSPIRING GIRLS Glebe guinea pigs suffer self-reflection! Several Glebe guinea pigs have reported they are suffering Acute Bouts of Selfreflection (ABS) this holiday season due to the elimination of social gatherings, in particular galas and black-tie soirées. “The toll on mental health that the cancellation of large, elite events has taken on the rodents cannot be underestimated! They’re not like dogs – the pigs need to see and be seen,” explained Matthew Rippeyoung, renowned registered rodentologist and volunteer Glebe Report carrier. “Rodents are not made for self-reflection – it can cause bouts of self-doubt, even change, which the guinea pig is inherently not equipped to deal with.” Ruffino and Matua, two Glebe guinea pigs, have apparently taken to drinking massive amounts of cherry-flavoured bubbly just to try and wash away the recurring thoughts that they might not be perfect. “I think I might even have had a bad feeling yesterday. I’m not sure, but it made me extremely

hungry and tired!” divulged Ruffino, who says he suffers Acute Late Onset Tiredness (ALOT). “Guinea pigs are really not used to feeling anything other than fabulous. And hungry – but hungry is not an emotion, as I keep trying to teach them,” explained Rippeyoung. “In fact, all guinea pigs are born with Self-Actualized Superiority Syndrome (SASS). They sometimes pretend to suffer small insecurities, such as whether they are fat enough or if the sheen on their coat is as exquisite as it could be, but it’s just to fit in. However, this lack of socializing has pushed the evolutionary envelope and done more than random selection or mutation could. I would not be surprised if the rodent race has now evolved to include the capacity to feel slight guilt.” As for Ruffino and Matua on the impacts of isolation, they insist that a guilty guinea pig is a metaphysical impossibility. Only time will tell!

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28 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

A Rideau Canal vaporetto?

Venice has a fleet of vaporettos – boat buses that ply the waters of their beautiful canals. Why not a vaporettto service on the lovely Rideau Canal? PHOTO: COURTESY OF LUCIA DOLCETTI

By Corinne Packer Back in 2019, when travel was not rife with the risk of contracting a highly and deadly infectious virus, I enjoyed a wonderful three days touring Venice. I used the vaporettos – boat buses running up and down Venice’s stunning network of canals –to get to my destinations. I’ve wondered ever since why Ottawa has never thought to create its own Grand Canal vaporetto to allow residents and visitors to get to key areas of the city that stretch along the amazing Rideau Canal, a significant jewel in our city’s crown. Reading the November issue of the

Glebe Report, I found at least four articles that made the case for giving serious thought to the idea of a Rideau Canal vaporetto. The cover story bore the bad news of just how badly Lansdowne is struggling financially. On page 6, we read that a greater vision is needed for Aberdeen Square. On page 13, Pat Goyeche reminded us of the wealth of programs seniors can access at Abbotsford House. A Lansdowne vaporetto stop would float in thousands of fans to the Ottawa Fury and Redblacks games. Music festival lovers would glide in for Escapade in June and CityFolk and its smaller Marvest music venues along Bank Street in

September. There’d be no fuss to find at the Hazel Street vaporetto stop to parking to catch a meal at one of the attend an early summer concert by great restaurants in the Glebe or at one of Ottawa’s many talented comLansdowne before these games and munity choirs at Saint Paul University concerts. Teens could cruise in and or to pick up some fresh flowers at the meet up at the Cineplex. And what an Main Street Farmer’s Market. Take in environmentally friendly way to shop a Ravens football or basketball game for fresh, local produce at the Ottawa in August or September by getting off Farmer’s Market in front of the historic at the Bronson Bridge vaporetto stop. Aberdeen Pavilion. In June, the Laurier Bridge vaporOn page 17, the piece on the Booth etto stop would be a gateway to not one Street complex also got me thinking. but two great festivals – the TD Ottawa A Dow’s Lake vaporetto stop at the Jazz Festival and the Ottawa Francobottom of Preston Street would allow Ontarian Festival. This stop would also passengers to access this hopefully provide quick access to the National vibrant site with heritage buildings Arts Centre, with its world-class array when it gets developed. And who of concerts and theatre and to some wouldn’t want to see the tulip beds retail therapy at the Rideau Centre and downtown, jump on the vaporetto the downtown shops nearby. to view the tulips blooming all along A vaporetto would be a huge tourthe canal and then finish off at Dow’s ist attraction for Ottawa. Many visitors Lake to see the flowers and attractions would jump at the chance to view the there during the Tulip Festival in May? city by day or night from the vantage Passengers getting off at this point of our beautiful canal. As stop could also take in Little a Glebe resident, I would Italy’s restaurants, cafés jump at every opportunand pubs and revel in ity to use the vaporetto the Taste of Little Italy to take in the view and A vaporetto would festival in June. not stress over limB eyond these ited and expensive be a huge ideas gleaned from parking. Our city has tourist attraction the November issue, committed itself to there would be so relieving congestion for Ottawa many more vaporetto in communities such as stops to consider. Did you the Glebe and to providing ever realize that all three of environmentally forwardthe capital’s universities are situthinking ways to get around by ated along the canal? Not only do investing in car-free transportation, students move between campuses for whether it be the LRT or more cycling shared courses, these campuses also lanes. Why not add a vaporetto to the host many public concerts, plays and mix? Can we give this idea of a Rideau lectures. Imagine a Corktown Bridge Canal vaporetto some thought? vaporetto stop to catch the Ottawa Fringe Festival at the University of Corinne Packer is a proud Glebe Ottawa or to drop off your kids at the and Ottawa resident and a travel university’s summer camps. Get off enthusiast.




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Glebe Report December 11, 2020


An O-Train line down Bank Street? By Clinton Desveaux Is now the time to begin serious discussions about building a Bank Street O-Train tunnel? Ottawa is working towards completion of the east-west Confederation Line 1 and the north-south Trillium Line 2 that will connect the airport, the EY Convention Centre and Carleton University to the downtown. With its population forecast to grow significantly, Ottawa has timed its O-Train expansion perfectly. In recent weeks, there seems to be growing consensus in favour of the Ottawa-Gatineau Rail Loop as a next step in the capital’s rail and subway network. The idea was first proposed by Bob Plamondon, a former board member of the National Capital Commission, and has been embraced by the NCC itself and some former city officials. Gatineau is preparing to build the O-Train expansion with support from all three levels of government. It could connect with downtown Ottawa, one presumes, via the Ottawa-Gatineau Rail Loop. It would reduce traffic congestion for commuters on both sides of the Ottawa River and help reduce carbon emissions. The final problem that needs to be resolved once and for all is Bank Street. An O-Train tunnel could be part of the solution. Bank Street is one of the main transportation routes into the city from southern suburbs. It is arguably the capital’s “main street” with countless eateries and stores that attract people from all over the city and tourists as well. It is also home to Lansdowne Park, which hosts countless sporting

What an O-Train line down Bank Street might look like ILLUSTRATION: CLINTON DESVEAUX

and cultural events. A tunnel from Parliament Station near the north end of Bank Street to Billings Bridge would be about 4.5 km long. At a speed of 80 km an hour and allowing 30

seconds each for four stops along the line, the O-Train could cover the distance in about six minutes. There would be none of the delays that pedestrians, bicycles and delivery trucks cause for drivers. The Bank Street O-Train Tunnel would create a heritage and historical route for locals and tourists, providing easier access to the Rideau River, Rideau Canal, Lansdowne, the Glebe, Chinatown and Parliament Hill. It would connect with the Confederation Line 1 and presumably the Ottawa-Gatineau Rail Loop. Billings Bridge Shopping Centre would become a publictransit hub for those travelling to and from bedroom communities in the south of the city. An O-Train and tunnel would allow for more public space along Bank Street by reducing bus, car and truck traffic. It would also reduce congestion at Lansdowne during big events. Traffic reduction would in turn leave more room for cyclists and pedestrians, helping the city’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint. Among the local politicians who’ve expressed interest in the new line are Councillor Shawn Menard and MPP Joel Harden. With Ottawa’s population forecast to hit 1.8 million over the next decade, now is the time to start planning the 4.5-km Bank Street O-Train Tunnel. Should it be called Line 3 or Line 4? Clinton P. Desveaux, a Halifax businessman who grew up in Ottawa, describes himself as “a social thought leader.”

Conquering your clutter By Martha Tobin We’ve all been staring at the same four walls for many months now. That’s one thing; staring at those four walls as well as all your clutter every day is quite another. Unopened boxes filled with memorabilia stacked in the back of your basement. Mystery bins in the pantry. A coat closet with a black hole that swallows mitts, gloves and the occasional boot. A guest room that has become the family dumping ground for all-thingswith-no-home. A garage that is more of a storage shed than a place to park your car. And kitchen cupboards that repeatedly defy your organizational attempts. Sound familiar? You are not alone. Many people think the issue is lack of storage space. But the problem is rarely the amount of space and more often the amount of stuff. Whether you live in an apartment, a condo or a threestorey home, the problem of clutter is the same – people think about it, worry about it, move it around and repeatedly try to organize it. In short, clutter causes stress. It turns out clutter is not only stressful, it’s also costly. Think about all the storage bins, containers and shelving you’ve bought. What about the duplicates you’ve had to purchase when you couldn’t find the original? And think about the money made by storage companies – there’s a very good business reason why these companies are popping up on every corner. Clutter is also costly in time. Time wasted to be exact. Time spent looking for the library book you wanted to return, the shoes you wanted to reheel, the stamps you bought last week and the Tupperware you borrowed. According to R. Eisenberg and

Does this look familiar?

Kate Kelly in their book Organize Your Life, “Clutter is the number one impediment to having more free time. We are drowning in our possessions.” If clutter is so stressful, time-consuming and costly, why can’t we get a handle on it? Two reasons: over-purchasing and the lack of maintainable

The “after” picture


systems that work with our busy lives. Here are a few tips and tricks that might help you conquer your clutter: 1. One in, one out. For every item you purchase, discard or donate another item that you no longer need or want. 2. Would you move with it? If you

were moving right now, would you pack up and unpack that box, bag or bin? Similar to Marie Kondo’s question “does it spark joy?” this question about moving also tries to get to the root of the problem. Why are you hanging on to items that you’ve not looked at in years? The answer will help you discover which items are truly meaningful and which you can let go. 3. Donations that do good. It’s difficult to let go of some items because of sentimental attachment. By donating them, you save them from a landfill while giving them a second life with someone less fortunate who really needs those items. With winter upon us, coats, scarves, mitts, boots, blankets and sleeping bags are just some of the items that are desperately required. You can also sell your items on the GIVESHOP app, receive a tax receipt and have all the proceeds directed to local charities. 4. The Sunday Sweep. Each Sunday, take a bin and walk through every room picking up items that belong somewhere else and put them back in their proper place. This 15-minute exercise will save cleanup time and will also save your sanity when you are trying to locate an item in the future. As we all stare at the same four walls, it’s a great time to take stock of our stuff. Perhaps try to declutter one room at a time. If you find the challenge of conquering your clutter too overwhelming, reach out to a professional organizer and declutterer to help you decide what to keep and what to let go. Decluttering can create order, give you back functional space and allow you to take big, deep breaths again in those familiar rooms. Martha Tobin, owner of Room2Breathe – Organizing & Decluttering, is a Glebe resident passionate about making a difference in her clients’ lives. She can be reached at


30 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Mutchmor rink merely kicked down the road– let’s hope By Richard Webb

While we won’t be getting the Mutchmor rink this year, we do have the Glebe Memorial Rink on Glendale Avenue. Enjoy! PHOTO: ROGER SMITH

Skating soon at Glebe Memorial! Despite the loss of the Mutchmor rink, there will still be outdoor skating in the neighbourhood this winter, on the Glebe Memorial rink in the park at the west end of Glendale. The rink has been a favourite spot for shinny and skating for more than 60 years, but this season will be different because of restrictions at all the city’s outdoor rinks. “It’ll be a COVID year,” says Dudleigh Coyle, the chief rink rat and so-called “adult in charge” since 1988. “We’ll be respecting whatever the city tells us.” The rules are still a work in progress but as it stands now, only four people or five if from the same family will be allowed inside the change shack at once. Everyone must sign a list for contact tracing. Masks are required inside the shack but not while skating. Benches will be set up outside for putting on skates, and shelves with cubby holes have been built for storing boots. Another change

– the annual party at the rink in February will likely be cancelled. In the lingo of city bureaucrats, rinks without boards like Glebe Memorial are called “puddles.” The snowbanks around the rink are safer to crash into, says Coyle, and they reveal a trove of up to 80 lost pucks every spring. For the past few seasons, there have actually been two “puddles” with an ice link between them; during busy times, hockey players use one and skaters use the other. Once again, GNAG is planning to run skating and hockey programs at the rink every weekday after school, Wednesday evenings and Saturday mornings. Paid student supervisors are on hand from 4 to 7 p.m. on weekdays and volunteer parents take over during the evening. Anyone who would like to help should contact dudleighcoyle@ Weather willing, h e a d i ce - m a ke r Randy Freda should have the rink ready to go shortly after Christmas.

As some may recall, I made the return of the hockey rink to Mutchmor my mission in life over the past few years. During that time, the school and the school board had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the point where they reluctantly agreed to its return last year. However, there were indications they considered the return to be conditional, with a final decision on the rink’s future to be made in the spring, based on a review of community usage, injury experience, interference with school operations and drainage problems. Given the demonstrated opposition of the school and the board and the paranoia born of dealing with officialdom, the thought occurred that the school and the board would find any reason to torpedo the rink. Accordingly, I requested confirmation that the rink would be continued, but I received neither a reply nor any information on the results of the review which was to be held last spring. Then, in a letter to the Glebe Report last month, Mutchmor principal Sandra Walker revealed there would be no rink this year because of COVID-19. She said more space was needed in the yard to allow safe social distancing for students and staff. The rink, she added, would be no use to the school because it would be unsafe to use the changing hut or have volunteers help kids with their skates. But she did promise that if COVID-19 is under control by next winter, “we will be able to have the rink installed as it was last year.” It is with some reasonable degree of suspicion that I view the school’s decision not to reopen the rink this year. But I must confess, I am of two minds. On the one hand, my concerns remain. Despite the claim that this decision was made after consultation “with many stakeholders,” neither I nor others whom one would expect to be consulted were included. The first I heard about the decision was from one such individual who herself had just been presented with it as a fait accompli. One supposes that the “many

Mutchmor rink.

stakeholders” consulted were only at the internal, technocratic levels. The lack of inclusive and meaningful community consultation is troubling. I also fail to see the logic that the school has offered to support its decision. I am advised that class sizes are smaller this year as a result of distance learning and personal distancing requirements. This smaller group is now divided into six groups for recesses instead of two groups as before (and if, as I am also advised, Corpus Christi no longer shares the yard), so there are significantly fewer children in the yard at any one time. Since the school managed to accommodate the larger groups last year, it is difficult to see why it cannot accommodate the smaller groups this year, even with increased distancing requirements. I also believe the type of outdoor physical activity provided by the rink is precisely what our children need during these difficult and restricted times. On the other hand, we must all be sensitive to the safety of our children. If the school or the board can offer convincing evidence from health authorities that the rink would create unacceptable risks, then of course we must defer to such considerations. In this respect, however, it’s difficult to rationalize closure of the Mutchmor rink if other outdoor rinks are opening. I have re-contacted community residents who supported my previous efforts. A significant majority indicated they share my suspicions about the school’s motives and rationale, and they support the return of the rink this year. I leave it to the community to judge the degree of risk involved, the validity of the rationale advanced and the sufficiency of the evidence provided. At the very least, I believe the community should demand that the school and the board officially confirm that the rink will be continued during normal times. Richard Webb is a former Mutchmor School parent who has spearheaded the Glebe community’s efforts to have the Mutchmor rink returned to the community.


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Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Tips to get active outdoors this COVID winter! By Phil Marsh Winter is coming whether you like it or not. For many folks, this winter will be the first time they’ve considered exercising outdoors...gyms, yoga and spin classes closed or restricted, pools with COVID restrictions and everyone with apprehension about exercising indoors close to others. With that in mind, I have some tips for winter exercising! 1. Make it three. Find two other friends or family members preferably in your bubble to exercise with. Three is important because many times, one of you may have a conflict or a delay and you will be more likely to get out if you still have one person to exercise with. This also ensures that you are safer, and you will enjoy the time exercising more with someone to chat with. 
 2. Have fun! Your heart doesn’t know what you are doing, only that you are doing something active to make it work harder. For competition, specificity is important to refine your skills and to train at a higher level, but for overall physical and mental health getting outdoors and being active is the priority. 
 3. Conversational pace. Keep your exercise at a pace easy enough that you can carry on a conversation without...! At this pace, your activity remains aerobic, your main fuel source being the oxygen you take in with each breath. You don’t work hard enough to move into an anaerobic state, when you can’t get enough oxygen, resulting in lactic acid inhibiting how your muscles perform. 4. Mix it up! There are so many activities you can do in the winter – skating, skiing, snowshoeing, running, walking, snowboarding – all are great fun outdoors, all are social and all are naturally distancing. 
 5. Grips. While the sidewalks in some areas are well maintained in the winter, often there is ice under the snow so you will need to get detachable ice grips for your exercise and your regular shoes or boots to make sure you don’t slip and fall. You can also insert small set screws into your regular shoes (4 in the front 2 in the heel) but make sure you don’t wear these indoors as they are slippery on hard surfaces and make a mess of hardwood floors! 
 6. Hydration and nutrition. If you’re going to be out for more than 30 minutes, make sure you carry water! Winter makes it easy to see that you are losing moisture with every breath and from sweat and vapours coming off your body. If you will be out more than an hour, you should also be taking in some nutrition every 45 minutes to keep your blood sugar stable and to ensure you have fuel for your exercise. Gels, Clif

Bars, Chews...there are countless sports nutrients, or you can make your own. 
 7. Bring a mask and toilet paper! Lessons learned from the pandemic – you can’t simply run into Tim Horton’s or the closest retail store to use their washrooms when you have an emergency (you can come into the Running Room but you need a mask). Bring a mask when you exercise as well, keep it in your pocket along with toilet paper (in case you just can’t reach an indoor washroom) and some identification and put them in a small ziploc baggie. Trust will thank me for the TP tip the most! 
 8. Progression and patience. Try and be active at least three times a week for 20 minutes minimum. The 10,000-step goal is a great one for walking, but if you can be active 3-5 times a week for 20 minutes minimum you will see and feel the difference. For women not only is there a metabolic and aerobic benefit but the bone loading can help fend off osteoporosis by building bone density. If you decide to do more, don’t increase by more than 10 per cent each week and you should have at least 1 complete day off without impact exercise. 9. Five minutes out the door. This is a tip from John Stanton, founder of the Running Room. On days you just don’t feel like going or when the weather isn’t perfect, get dressed and get out the door for five minutes. If at that point you are miserable, then go home, but you will usually decide to continue once you are outside. 10. Stretch and core strength. Once you finish exercising, find a spot on the floor to stretch lightly for 5-10 minutes. It’s a great way to get more flexible and minimize soreness the following day. Flexibility is always good for you, and exercise makes it easier. After you stretch, spend 5-10 minutes doing some core strength exercises. There are amazing routines online that are safe and easy to follow but anything you do to strengthen your core will have the added benefit of keeping you out of physio/chiro/ massage therapy as you will develop better posture and more efficient technique for your activity! Best of all, you will be ready for bathing suit season in the spring! 
 Bottom line is that exercising outside is safe, fun and rewarding. Take your camera and post pictures and share your experiences because it will motivate others who maybe are nervous about taking those first fitness steps outdoors instead of the comfy warmth of their gyms! Phil Marsh is a running coach, fitness guru and regional manager of Running Room.

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32 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Glebe-St. James women WIG out! By Louise Archer What is a WIG at Glebe-St. James United Church? And what are they planning for this COVID Christmas? A few years ago, a Men’s Dinner Group began at Glebe-St. James with chili on the menu most months. About the same time, the women decided they too should have a group too. The Women’s Intergenerational Group (WIG) was launched, featuring a monthly potluck lunch after the Sunday worship service. Between 15 and 25 women of all ages usually take part. Topics of discussion have included The New Canada Food Guide, White Woman Privilege, Medical Assistance in Dying and “What makes music so central to spiritual expression and community gatherings? How has the no singing rule affected us?” Two years ago, the idea of doing something in the community at the Christmas season came up and the great sock project was launched. Warm new socks stuffed with a Toblerone chocolate bar and a handmade greeting were prepared for some 60 recipients at Centre 507. The centre provides nutritious meals, fun events and a sense of community as well as access to resources for housing, tax and legal supports. This year, with the pandemic in full swing, the WIGs knew something more was needed. Our Christmas project for 2020 is to provide a little hope and support for more needy folk in the community. Centre 507 and the Odawa Native Friendship Centre clients need tote bags. WIGs will prepare over 100 gift bags with hand sanitizer, facemasks, a chocolate bar and a note of encouragement from the church. WIG is collecting recycled cloth bags. Bags should be of the sturdy washable variety. If there is a logo on the bag, that is fine; WIG members will sew a pocket over the logo. If you have bags to donate, please contact the church office ( to arrange drop off. The WIGs also wish to purchase some new winter sleeping bags for the homeless served by the Ottawa Innercity Ministries. Clients use sleeping bags as a warm pad to sit on when panhandling, as bedding if they are couch surfing or sleeping in a shelter, even as a cloak when the weather is really cold. These cost more than $100 each. As this is beyond the resources of the WIG, we invite members of the community to help. To contribute financially, please send a donation

Some members of the Glebe-St. James church Women’s Intergenerational Group (WIG) last year, preparing socks and a Toblerone for those in need. From left, Susan Palmai, Hilda Sabadash, Mary Ahearn, Kim Lewis, Barb Coyle and Margo Williams. PHOTO: BETTY TAYLOR

to the church office marked “WIG Sleeping Bags.” The address is 650 Lyon Street South, Ottawa, K1S 3Z7. Alternately, for information about volunteering or supporting Ottawa Innercity Ministries (OIM), visit OIM is looking for volunteers to help with the sorting of food and clothing donations. This is a great activity for families or small groups. To find out how you can help,

please contact them at 613-237-6031. As we are heading into cold weather, time is of the essence in getting your bags and dollars in. Thank you for helping the WIGs at Glebe-St. James to spread some cheer this winter. Louise (Karsh) Archer is a long-time member of Glebe-St. James Church. She recently downsized to an apartment and hopes to travel more.

Fourth Avenue residents watched the spectacle of wood hydro poles being lowered into place with a very long crane. PHOTO: LIZ MCKEEN


Glebe Report December 11, 2020


The Good, the bad, and the Destiel: LGBTQ+ representation in TV shows By Oliver Gullikson In the past few years, LGBTQ+ representation on television has skyrocketed. LGBTQ+ characters have become more common, without always being stereotyped or killed off. It’s important to look back at past TV shows that were hailed for being inclusive to see how far we’ve come and to look at shows hailed for representation today to see how far we still have to go. We begin in 1998 with Will & Grace, the first mainstream TV show to feature an openly gay lead. The show is credited with shaping a more positive attitude towards gay men. However, it didn’t do much for anybody else. Biphobia and transphobia came up in the form of throwaway jokes and the cast was pretty much straight except for the lead and a couple of other gay men. It was groundbreaking at the time and built a foundation for shows that followed, but today it seems painfully dated. In 2004, we got The L Word, a show that focused on queer women, which was rare then and still is today. The show featured lesbian and bisexual women as well as a trans character, though it is worth noting that the portrayals of bisexual and trans folks were inaccurate and stereotyped at times. Despite that, the show was and still is a huge part of queer culture. It was the Girl in Red of the 2000s. Glee came long in 2009. Questionable storylines aside, Glee was pretty good for LGBTQ+ rep. Characters came from across the spectrum, though they didn’t really branch out from LGBT. Biphobic jokes and misinformation about bisexual people were prevalent, even though the show had openly bisexual characters. It seems they were represented but

not really accepted. Representation continued forward in 2013 with Orange is the New Black. The biggest jump was the casting of Laverne Cox. Cox is a trans woman and was cast to play a trans woman, which seems obvious but it’s something that rarely happens. This put a trans voice in the show, which is essential when telling trans stories. Inclusive casting took another leap ahead in 2018 with Pose. The show boasts the largest cast of trans actors in television history. This makes sense since Pose is set in the Harlem ballroom scene during the 1980s and ‘90s, which was composed almost entirely of trans folks. Yet it was still surprising. Unfortunately, though recognized as groundbreaking, the cast has yet to be recognized critically, despite outstanding performances. This has become a trend in the TV world, to have diverse casts but not honour their performances. There are exceptions, like a show with representation winning nine Emmys. I am, of course, talking about Schitt’s Creek. The show’s main character is pansexual and there is no homophobia. This was a conscious decision, with writer Dan Levy saying he has “no time for homophobia.” It’s very refreshing to see a LGBTQ+ story without the damper of homophobia, especially since it sometimes seems it’s just an excuse for writers to show hate crimes on screen. These are all (mostly) positive stories. The television world has accepted those in the LGBTQ+ community, right? Well, yes and no. Television has started including LGBTQ+ characters because representation makes money, but that representation can be questionable at times. Let’s look at Supernatural. The

show is currently in its final season, and episode 18 had a love confession between Castiel and Dean, two characters that fans have wanted to get together since the introduction of Castiel in Season 4. It should be a victory for fans that after 15 years, the two men they think should get together finally do, right? Trouble is, immediately after confessing, Castiel dies and goes to a place that fans have nicknamed “super hell.” Bury Your Gays trope aside, for a show with significant religious imagery, this reinforces the ideology that gay people go to hell. Well-intentioned or not, the episode was, according to Twitter, “the most homophobic gay confession on TV.” There’s no denying progress, but there’s still much to be done. Putting more LGBTQ+ people behind and in front of the camera is the answer. You cannot write good representation

without LGBTQ+ people involved, and many showrunners still haven’t gotten that. They just want the money that representation produces, without giving a share to more LGBTQ+ folks. There is hope with shows like Pose that feature the community and remain wildly popular. One hopes that shows featuring LGBTQ+ characters made by members of the community will become more normalized, to the point it will be normal that a trans woman is cast to play a trans woman or that a gay man actually stays alive after coming out. Oliver Gullikson is a Grade 11 student at Glebe Collegiate Institute. This is his third year on the Glebe Gazette. Originally published in the Glebe Gazette, Glebe Collegiate’s student newspaper.

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34 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

BottleWorks an overwhelming success By Dan Chook Reid I knew there was a need and believed deeply in the cause, but I honestly didn’t know if it would catch on. When Operation Come Home contacted the Glebe Community Association and asked about a partnership to see if we could start bottle collection in the Glebe, I thought it was worth a try but honestly wondered if it would be successful. It appears I was wrong to have doubts. Operation Come Home is an employment, education and support centre for homeless and at risk youth age 16 and up. The organization seeks to help homeless youth to not become homeless adults. It offers a variety of programs that engage youth in productive activities that give them a foundation to pursue their various life goals. BottleWorks is a social enterprise of Operation Come Home. It employs at-risk youth for a 12-week period to collect empty alcohol bottles and cans. The youth learn skills like punctuality, team work, initiative and customer service; building up experience that can help them in the future. The GCA began our partnership with BottleWorks September 26. They set up a truck in the Kunstadt parking lot where the youth prepared for the day. We had no idea what to expect. We had sent a notice to GCA members and posted on social media, in particular on some neighbourhood Facebook groups. The team was delightfully surprised. At 9:15, community members began to come. Not only did people come, they did not stop coming! There was a steady stream of people until 12:30. Not only did Glebites fill the truck, BottleWorks had to go back and get a second one! The team at Operation Come Home was thrilled with the positive turnout. Was it only because people had been stockpiling during the pandemic? Would October be quiet? Either way, we brought two trucks, just to be ready. Well it appears our neighbourhood is very grateful to have a local place to bring their empties, especially for a good cause. The Glebe donated 14,139 bottles on October 31. We filled two trucks! Elspeth McKay, executive director of Operation Come Home comments: “The Putting Your Empties to Work joint initiative between the Glebe Community Association and Operation

Putting Your Empties to Work, a joint undertaking of the GCA and Operation Come Home’s social enterprise BottleWorks, has been a roaring success, and continues January 9, 30, February 27 and March 27 in the Kunstadt Sports parking lot. Mark your calendars and save your empties! PHOTO: COURTESY OF BOTTLEWORKS

Come Home’s BottleWorks social enterprise is a proven success.” I am so glad that the GCA has been able to help this initiative. Our community has been able to fill a real need during the pandemic where many have not known where to drop off their bottles. With every bottle donated, we are creating jobs, skills and work experience for at-risk youth while also providing an income. When many of us are finding it hard to volunteer in the ways that we are accustomed to, it is a phenomenal opportunity to give back. The GCA and BottleWorks extend our gratitude to Kunstadt Sports for allowing us to use their

parking lot. It is much appreciated. Do you have bottles for donation? Mark your calendar. BottleWorks will be at Kunstadt from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the last Saturday of each month. The December date falls on Boxing Day so the drop-off will be Jan. 9 instead, followed by Jan 30, Feb 27 and March 27. Dan Chook Reid lives in the Glebe with his wife Melody, their two young children and their friend Deirdre. He is chair of the Glebe Community Association Health, Housing and Social Services Committee and is starting a new faith community, Bytown Community Church.

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Glebe Report December 11, 2020


Glebe Collegiate copes and celebrates By Connie Boynton

Placing the clay bear in the den for hibernation until spring.

Hibernation season at Glebe Cooperative Nursery School By Emilee Harvey Each fall students in both the preschool and toddler classes at Glebe Cooperative Nursery School (GCNS) spend October and November discussing hibernation. The teaching team uses crafts, stories and songs to communicate the concept of a long winter’s nap, when animals, in this case it’s mostly bears, slow down for a rest. Finally, one day in the middle of November, the bears settle to sleep until March when each class will wake up their furry friends for spring. “We’re always excited when the month of November comes around as we focus on our hibernation topic,” says head teacher Helen Brydges, “As the weather outside gets colder, it’s the perfect time to talk with the children about where the animals go when the weather gets colder outside.” As the teaching team discusses why bears hibernate, the activities in the classroom focus on bear dens, how and what the bears eat, how long they sleep and when they wake up. Hibernation is a way for many creatures – from butterflies to bats – to survive cold, dark winters without having to forage for food or migrate to somewhere warmer. Instead, they turn down their metabolisms to save energy. For bears, this is called denning, a light form of dormancy where their body temperature drops only slightly but they can lose up to 40 per cent of their body weight. Ahead of denning, bears consume high-energy food to build up fat reserves that will last all winter. This year students made a bear den out of boxes and paper mâché. Each student also made their own clay bear to put inside the den. The children even

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used a short lullaby to put the bears to sleep, to the tune of Frère Jacques: “Bears are sleeping, bears are sleeping. In their cave, in their cave. When will they wake up? When will they wake up? In the spring, in the spring.” Using art, song and storytelling to explain and understand hibernation helps young children connect with an idea that is complicated and new for many of them. It also helps them consider what changes in the weather mean for their outdoor environment. Hibernation day was marked with a pajama party and teddy bear picnic snacks of berries, cheese and teddybear crackers. The clay bears that the children put in the hibernation den will reappear later in the school year when it is time to wake up again. Emilee Harvey is communications manager and a parent with a child in Glebe Coop Nursery School.

Glebe Collegiate Institute has started its second quadmester in this new system created to manage COVID-19. Academics are proceeding as well as can be expected under the circumstances, although the students are missing some of their extra-curricular activities. Teachers and staff are working extremely hard to meet the new guidelines – they are going above and beyond their normal duties. A few issues have arisen along with some solutions. New Grade 9 students are finding it difficult to make friends, meet people and join groups in this new environment. Some parents have resurrected the Grade 9 Parent Network as a forum for parents to discuss problems and find solutions for their children to feel more integrated into their first year at high school. An initial idea is holding a few small outdoor meetups with pizza. The online forum will continue to support parents and families to share information about resources and activities in the community that are appropriate for Grade 9s. Another issue is the Grade 12 graduation at the end of the school year. With the support of the school, some parents are preparing alternative plans

for a memorable graduation if students are not able to celebrate in the usual manner. If you are interested in either of these initiatives, you can send an email to school council at Glebe CI has an active school council. If you have other concerns or interests you would like to share, please consider attending one of the online monthly meetings. Glebe 100 Planning has resumed for celebrating the 100th anniversary of Glebe Collegiate in 2022-23. After community consultation, the date has been set for May 13-15, 2022. Mark your calendars! The Glebe 100 planning committee is looking for interested Glebe students and alumni to join the committee to help plan the celebration. School clubs are also encouraged to submit ideas. Glebe 100 needs a logo! We will be running a contest for students, staff and alumni to create a great design for the event. If you would like to know more or be involved with Glebe 100, please email Connie Boynton is a member of the Glebe Collegiate Institute school council.

Glebe Collegiate Institute is in full pandemic mode, trying to make the school experience enjoyable for students and planning for a grand celebration of its 100th anniversary in May 2022. PHOTO: LIZ MCKEEN


36 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

Good Morning Creative Arts Program and Preschool: a year in review express themselves, the children are brilliant. It’s a gentle, fun and creative way to foster early literacy.” Children are encouraged to share their favourite stories, and we will also be sure to introduce them to new stories and old classics. There are virtual art classes. We introduce weekly Virtual Art Classes on Thursdays at 5 p.m. During these classes, children create amazing art using simple materials found at home with step-by-step guidance by our director and art teacher, Karen Cameron. Weekly projects are geared for children from four to 10 but parents often sit in on these sessions as well.

By Anne Clairmont and Karen Cameron There is no doubt 2020 will be remembered as an atypical year, a year of struggle and resilience. At Good Morning Creative Arts Program and Preschool (GMCAPS), our educators, children and families demonstrated collaboration, patience and perseverance as we reimagined the delivery of programs. Quick to adopt new health and safety measures and innovative in our approaches, we were able to provide children with an enriching experience. When we reopened our doors in October after the pandemic shutdown in March, GMCAPS offered a reduced program, Preschool and Beyond, for children between the ages of 31 months and six years. This program is running Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings from 9 to 11:30 a.m. It focuses on social skills and individual participation during circle time, using themes familiar to the child. We have now decided to open this program to new and existing families on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. This additional program will remain a low-ratio program with a maximum of 12 children and two educators. In December, GMCAPS is further extending programming with the return of our beloved Storyscapes program on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 1 to 3:30 p.m. Storyscapes was conceived as an engaging early-literacy program for younger children (ages three to six) who are ready for activities that offer a bit more structure as well as lots of room for creativity.

Good Morning Creative pre-schoolers in pandemic times are still active and creative! PHOTOS: KAREN CAMERON

We introduce a new book each week and develop thematically relevant activities, including playful discussion, art projects and drama. For example, we typically provide complementary props or costumes, learn songs or poems related to the story’s theme, act out dialogue from the book or create art inspired by the story or its illustrations. It’s a big interactive “now what can we do with this?” At its heart, Storyscapes is an invitation to engage, be inspired and create with each other. Former teacher Sandy Bulchak describes it like this: “The point is not to recreate the pages with drama or art but to make room for inspiration and let them run with it. Given the space and opportunity to

Art therapy is great for all! None of this would have been possible without the continued support of the community and our families; for this we are very grateful. While we may not be able to foresee what lies ahead in 2021, one thing is sure – we have learned a lot and are well prepared for any situation. To that end, we have undertaken an exciting fundraising event. Our fundraising events are usually social gatherings. In the past, they have included a Spaghetti Social, children’s theatre and children’s musical performances. Due to recent circumstances, our fundraising coordinator, Emily Bertrand, and our board had to be creative. Emily worked closely with some of Ottawa’s top sommeliers to create a wonderful and exclusive gift of a mixed case of organically curated wines with $100 from each box going directly to our school. Sommeliers Mike Rochon of Fauna, Simon Hodgson of Riviera and Alex McMahon of Arlo put together six bottles of artisanal wines, both red and white, produced by small independent winemakers from around the world. These wines are not available at the LCBO and come with information sheets, suggested food pairings and fun notes about the winemakers. On behalf of GMCAPS and our families, we wish everyone safe and happy holidays. Anne Clairmont is the communications coordinator and Karen Cameron is the director of Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool.



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Glebe Report December 11, 2020


GLASHAN GREENING PROJECT By Nili Kaplan-Myrth It’s time to start thinking about new ways to “green-up” the schoolyard at Glashan public school by using the money left over from a project that started six years ago. The Glashan community may remember a competition across Canada in 2014 to create green outdoor learning spaces. As parents at Glashan, we received emails asking us to participate. “Bruce Cockburn to lend his support to the project,” we were told. “His mother went to Glashan!” Here’s how the project was described on the Glashan Greening Facebook page at the time: “The yard surrounding Glashan School in the Centretown neighbourhood of Ottawa has been described by students and teachers as bleak, grey and uninspiring. An initiative of the Glashan School Council "Green Team," the Glashan Greening Project is about positive transformations: from grey to green, from passive to proactive, from average to extraordinary. Glashan students welcome the idea of nature and creativity in their schoolyard ... of naturalized outdoor classroom spaces ... of colour instead of concrete. What ultimately catalyzed the School Council into action was the loss of a majority of shade trees to emerald ash borer damage. Our community is now

united around the "Glashan Green Team" to transform the grey, bleak inner-city schoolyard into a green innovation. Our kids deserve to spend their formative years in healthy spaces that support learning. The benefits of schoolyard greening are increasingly well-documented and include academic, social, health and environmental benefits. Since the Glashan yard is open for public use when school is out, the surrounding community supports and looks forward to benefitting from this project.” Project objectives were to beautify the schoolyard and make it more functional, to create naturalized social and learning spaces and to establish sustainable community support to look after the green infrastructure. Proposed outcomes included: • redef init ion of act ive a nd quiet areas. • depaving in sections of the yard. • creation of naturalized spaces with rocks and logs for seating. • small raised stage for performances. • three semi-circular seating areas for use as social spaces and outdoor teaching. • new trees on the street allowance part of the space. • rehabilitation of the octagon space. Parent Council members now ask, “Why was artwork considered a valid use of this fund?” One of the initiatives

Halloween monster bash at First Avenue school

First Avenue Public School Council handed out (quarantined) loot bags in honour of the annual First Avenue Monster Bash.

By Tania Seely With COVID-19 still lurking, the First Avenue School Council knew it would be a challenge to make Halloween 2020 one to remember, and that we did! A few days before Halloween, dedicated school-council members Angie Morgan and Allison Smeaton along with their young entourage delivered loot bags packed to the brim with nut-free treats and stickers to unsuspecting students. These bags had been lovingly packaged, quarantined and delivered in compliance with all public health guidelines to ensure the health and safety of students. With the students on a sugar high, they were ready for the annual First Avenue Monster Bash. On Friday, October 30, First Avenue’s finest arrived bright and early dressed in all sorts of weird, wonderful, spooky, heroic and crazy costumes – they were completely unrecognizable. Even the teachers (all superheroes with no need for a costume) dressed up for the occasion, especially Ms Ward and Ms McKay who never need any excuse for a fancy dress! The awesome new principal, Timothy Brock, took to the decks playing spooky

monster tunes so each class could take turns at socially distanced dance moves. For their enthusiastic participation in the day’s activities, everyone was handed a Panago Pizza voucher to enjoy over the weekend. By all accounts, the Monster Bash was a huge success – not only did the children have a fun-filled day, the school council also managed to raise much-needed funds to keep everyone educated and entertained in this new COVID era. This was done through voluntary donations from the amazing parents. The money will be used for snowshoes, which will ensure students stay active and safely distanced during the long, cold winter months. In addition, the school has realized the ever-increasing need for technology so education can continue no matter what. With this in mind, the school council acquired a few more Chromebooks to help keep everyone connected. The council has had to be creative with fundraising this year. One exciting initiative benefits not only the school but also the greater Glebe community, which First Avenue is privileged to call home. The school has partnered with Panago Pizza, 1069 Bank Street, to offer a 15-percent discount on any regular-priced menu item on the first Friday of every month. Skip the cooking and dishes by using the promo code PANA15 – Panago will kindly donate 15 per cent of all orders placed by First Avenue friends and family to the Parent Teacher Council. This is the first of many fun fundraising initiatives, so follow us on Facebook (First Avenue School Council), Twitter (@ Fasc20192020) and Instagram (firstaveps) for more exciting initiatives which promise to tickle your tastebuds! Tania Seely is communications representative of the First Avenue Public School Council.

Glashan Public School’s greening efforts back in 2014/2015 – but there’s still some money left! What are our ideas for greening now?

was funded by a “Paint It Up” mural grant application. The Glashan Greening Project successfully turned the outside of Glashan into a kinder, more engaging space: what previously looked a lot like the bus station next door became a work of art – check it out! An outdoor seating area with a chess table was also set up. Even First Avenue Public School got in on the action by raising funds at their annual book sale to help support the greening effort. Fast forward to present day. Parents and students are struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic and looking for creative ways for students to learn outdoors. About $7,000 raised during the greening competition is still sitting in a bank account of the Parents’ Council, yet parents don’t seem to remember the original inspiration for those funds. What an opportunity! We were there in 2014 with our eldest; our youngest is now at Glashan in Grade 7. She suggested adding a labyrinth or an outdoor stage to the yard. During the pandemic, anything to create outdoor

learning spaces would be very helpful. It is time for the Parents’ Council to decide what to do with the remaining funds, and it is important to stay true to the original intent. Many students from 2014 are now in their 20s, maybe university – perhaps they have suggestions. Perhaps parents and children at First Avenue, Mutchmor and Elgin Street who may end up at Glashan have suggestions. And community members who have creative ideas and skills in areas like landscaping, architecture, environmental activism may want to share ideas about how to use the money. Please reach out on the Facebook page that was started in 2014 or by email at Over the next year, let’s put together a plan and use the greening fund as it was intended. We need something inspirational to kick off 2021. Nili Kaplan-Myrth is a member of the Parent Council at Glashan Public School.

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202 Main St., (613) 230 0304 Instagram @3treesshop

38 Glebe Report December 11, 2020

This space is a free community bulletin board for Glebe residents. Send your GRAPEVINE message and your name, email address, street address and phone number to (or drop it off at the Glebe Report office, 175 Third Avenue). Messages without complete information will not be accepted. FOR SALE items must be less than $1,000.

COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS ABBOTSFORD SENIORS’ COMMUNITY CENTRE (950 Bank St.) PROGRAM REMINDERS: Registration will begin mid-December for January–February programming. (6–8 weeks of classes). For Art, Dance and Fitness, look on our website under Abbotsford Programs & Services. Classes begin the week of Jan. 4 so please register for classes Dec. 9 – 23 (must have 2021 membership number for rates noted in guide). Abbotsford will be closed Dec. 24 – Jan. 1 (inclusive). If you are 55+ and would like to become a member of Abbotsford Community Programs, the fee is $45 for the 2021 calendar year. To take out a membership call 613-230-5730 and pay by Visa or MC. Abbotsford Book Club on ZOOM with facilitator Barbara Stiles: Wed., Jan. 13, 1 p.m.: The Company by S. Brown, Wed., Feb. 10, 1 p.m.: The Lying Life of Adults by E. Ferrante, Wed., Mar. 10, 1 p.m.: Hillbilly Elegy by J.D. Vance. Everyone is welcome to attend and “pitch” a book of their choice for future dates. No cost but MUST be a member to register and attend book club ZOOM meetings. Call 613-230-5730 to register. Free Guided Meditation with Rhona on Wednesdays: Jan. 6 – Feb. 24, 3–3:30 p.m. (This is a free program over the telephone for members). Sit somewhere comfortably or lie down and let Rhona’s soothing meditation calm and relax you in the comfort of you own home. Come sing with us! MUSICA VIVA SINGERS invite you to join us this winter term for a joyful, online choir experience. We will meet on Monday evenings at 7 p.m. from January to mid-April. A basic ability to read music is helpful. We offer an introductory rate of $80 for singers who are joining us for the first time. For further information, please contact: COMMUNITY POP-UP ART GALLERY OPENS AT LANSDOWNE PARK! The Glebe Art in Our Gardens and Studio Tour has moved inside for December. Pop by the former Structube store, 225 Marché Way, Unit #102, on Fridays, 2–5, and Saturdays and Sundays, 11 a.m.–5 p.m., or make an appointment at glebearttour@hotmail. ca Support local artists. Info: FRIENDS OF THE FARM ANNUAL NON-DINNER EVENT The popular annual fundraiser is happening right now and will end Dec. 31. Not a single person will show up and we will be delighted! You can help the Friends of the Farm just by staying home. By purchasing tickets to this fundraising event that will never take place, you will help the Friends sponsor numerous activities in support of the Ornamental Gardens and Dominion Arboretum on the Central Experimental Farm. Individual seats: $25, couples: $50, family: $100, table of six: $250 community: $500. Info: Email membership@ or call 613-230-3276. OLD OTTAWA SOUTH GARDEN CLUB MEETINGS, Tues., Jan. 12, 7 p.m.: Gardening on an Organic Farm in Hawaii. Join Lana Doss of The Fine Gardener as she leads you through a tropical orchard on the island of Molokai, Hawaii. She’ll talk about her experiences with cutting down banana “trees”, saving the last of the native gardenias, planting pineapples and avocados, as well as tips she learned on growing vegetables in partnership with the land and developing a sustainable ecosystem in the garden. Tues., Feb. 9, 7 p.m.: Growing Beautiful Roses. Elizabeth Schleicher, past-president of the Canadian Rose Society, will help take the mystery out of rose culture and care. Elizabeth is a Garden Clubs of Ontario accredited judge of


In addition to free home delivery and at newspaper boxes on Bank Street, you can find copies of the Glebe Report at:

horticulture and design and an accredited rose judge and rose consultant with the Canadian Rose Society. Her presentation will focus on hardier roses for a colder climate. In line with the Firehall’s virtual-programming approach, Garden Club meetings will be held, for the foreseeable future, virtually using the Zoom application. Members should register either for the season or on a meeting-by-meeting basis with the Firehall’s online registration process to receive the Zoom meeting coordinates. Meeting Fees: 2020–21 season: $25 for individuals; $40 for a family; drop-in fee–$7 per meeting. Info: Old Ottawa South Community Centre (The Firehall–260 Sunnyside Ave.) at 613-247-4946 and

FOR SALE FRIENDS OF THE FARM BEAUTIFUL BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Blooms, a book about the Central Experimental Farm’s Ornamental Gardens, the heritage plants in the Gardens, and the fascinating stories behind their creation. By local author, Richard Hinchcliff, Blooms is the perfect gift for the lover of Farm history and

horticulture. Cost is $35 plus 5% GST. For the Love of Trees is a beautifully illustrated tribute to the heritage collection of trees that have grown and continue to grow in the Central Experimental Farm’s beloved Dominion Arboretum. Ottawa’s Farm with text by Helen Smith and beautiful photographs by Mary Bramley introduces us to the men and women who lived and worked here over the last century, along with the “farm kids” who grew up in this unique rural community. For the Love of Trees and Ottawa’s Farm are available for $25 + 5% GST each. These books can be purchased from our online boutique ( and shipped to a location of your choice. If shipping is not for you, contact us at info@ and we can likely arrange curbside pickup at a location not far from the Farm. (Pickup at our offices in Building 72 at the Central Experimental Farm is not possible for the foreseeable future.) Need more information? Email us at boutique@friendsofthefarm. ca MASON JARS for preserving. Contact Joann 613-730-3928.

Alicja Confections Bloomfield Flowers Café Morala Clocktower Pub Ernesto’s Barber Shop Escape Clothing Feleena’s Mexican Café Fourth Avenue Wine Bar Glebe Apothecary Glebe Meat Market Glebe Pet Hospital Glebe Tailoring Glebe Video Goldart Jewellery Studio Ichiban Irene’s Pub Isabella Pizza Kettleman’s Kunstadt Sports Lansdowne Dental LCBO Lansdowne LCBO Pretoria Little Victories Coffee Loblaws Marble Slab Creamery McKeen Metro Glebe Nicastro Octopus Books Olga’s RBC/Royal Bank Second Avenue Sweets Shoe Plus Shoe Studio Sixty Six Subway Sunset Grill The Ten Spot TD Bank Lansdowne TD Pretoria The Works Von’s Bistro Whole Foods Wild Oat

TFI @glebereport

Glebe Report December 11, 2020


For rates on boxed ads appearing on this page, please contact Judy Field at 613-858-4804 or by e-mail

Friendly, Affordable, Dependable!

We are four reliable Glebe high school students ready and willing to keep your driveway and walkway clear this winter! We are hard working and have very reasonable rates. Due to COVID-19, we will social distance and wear masks at all times!

Home renos and repair — interior/ exterior painting; all types of flooring; drywall repair and installation; plumbing repairs and much more. Please call Jamie Nininger @ 613 852-8511.


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Please contact us by phone, text or email to discuss your needs: Main: 613-868-1711 or Backup: 613-462-3292 Email: @glebesnowremoval or follow us on

Original poems for a special occasion or person (birthdays, anniversaries, events, in memoriam)


Pricing: • Base (driveway) $20-$35 • Steps $5-$10 • End of driveway $10-$20

For a unique holiday gift…


Glebe Snow Removal

Bespoke Poetry

Parking Spot Needed in the Glebe I work in the Glebe and am looking for a parking spot: anywhere between Fifth Ave. to Chamberlain and Bronson to Pretoria/Queen Elizabeth Driveway. Hours: Monday to Thursday 7 am to 5:15 pm and Wednesday to 7:15 pm. I am willing to pay for the parking spot. Please call Natasha at 613.769.6430.



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See the December centrespread pull-out for great gift ideas!

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December 11, 2020

“Canal Near Lansdowne” by Nola Juraitis

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