The Glebe Report November 2021 Issue

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Plant a tree! See page 2

Serving the Glebe community since 1973 November 12, 2021


ISSN 0702-7796 Vol. 49 No. 9 Issue no. 539 FREE

Sarah Housser and son Matthew Mashologu: “Losing one tree, but gaining two new living trees to thrive for years to come.”

One of two new replacement trees was planted in October, with help and support from the community. PHOTO: SARAH HOUSSER

The new trees will serve as a beautiful reminder of what Carrie from Sandy Hill said: “Most people are good.”

The lovely blue spruce near Sarah Housser’s home was “girdled” in June 2019 by vandals, ensuring its slow death.


Happy ending to the tale of tree sabotage By Sarah Housser In June 2019, I looked out the front window of our house and a flash of white caught my eye. When I investigated, I discovered that bark had been meticulously cut around our large blue spruce tree. Not being familiar with such things, I quickly googled “why would someone remove bark around a tree?” and learned about girdling, a process used to kill trees. My husband and I were shocked. This tree was near our house and it chilled us to think who would do this? When were they crawling around our property? And why? As is common in the Glebe, we talk to each other. At drop-off at the Glebe Coop Nursery School, I bumped into a friend and told her. It was such a crazy story! She mentioned it to another person who worked for the Ottawa Citizen, and next thing I knew, I received


ABBOTSFORD......................................14 ART & TREASURE ������������������������������22 BIRDS....................................................8 BOOKS.................................................20 BUSINESS/BIA..............................12, 13 CHILDREN...........................................30 DECLUTTERING..................................24 FILM....................................................19 FOOD...................................................18 GLEBOUS & COMICUS ����������������������23 HEALTH.........................................29, 30 HERITAGE..............................................3 LETTERS................................................5 MEMOIR..............................................17 MUSIC.................................................31 PLANNING.........................................6, 7 POETRY...............................................16 POTTERY.............................................21 REPS & ORGS..................... 9-11, 26, 27 REMEMBERING...................................25 SCHOOLS................................28, 31, 32 TRAVEL...............................................33 TREES................................................1, 2

a call from Bruce Deachman, a Citizen reporter who wanted to write a “whodunit” piece about the mystery of tree murder in the Glebe. We are private people and hesitated about taking the story public. What would people think? But my protective “mama-bear” side wanted it to be public to protect us from anything further. The act of vandalism was so wrong and our kids were so troubled by it that I wanted the support of good people to counter this sense of violation. Bruce wrote a great piece. Before we knew it, we were being overwhelmed with support. A woman named Carrie from Sandy Hill dropped off a new little tree on our porch with a note saying “Here is a tree as a symbol that people care that this happened to you. Please let your boys know that most people are good.” We were also contacted by Neal from Up There Tree Care who offered to remove the dead spruce free of charge, which he did last April. The Glebe Report

Contributors this month Adriana Añon Linda Bordage Claire Brodie Karen Cameron Vinay Chander Eleanor Crowder Michelle Desbarats Christine Diekmeyer Jenny Demark Suzanne Denny Marc Desrosiers Karen Fee Emma Gale Roland Graham Christy Griffin Ian Guthrie Joel Harden Bruce Hill Sarah Housser

Christiane Kingsley Julie Ireton Shelley Lawrence Julie Leblanc Serena Lemieux Angus Luff Pamela Mackenzie Diane McIntyre Joanna McMahon Shawn Menard Michael Mulhall Adreon Murphy Michael Kofi Ngongi Maureen Korp Margret B. Nankivell Yasir Naqvi Emilie Paradis Douglas Parker Barbara Popel

wrote a piece about it and a GoFundMe campaign raised over $1,000 to replace the tree, many of the donations coming from the Glebe. There were some COVID-related delays, but we are happy to share that in October we planted two new trees to replace the lost one – a multi-stem Serviceberry bush and a River Birch. The costs of the trees and planting them was covered by donations, with the remaining $100 being donated to Ecology Ottawa. We are incredibly grateful for the way the community helped turn this act of vandalism into a positive story of support. It means so much to our family. The new trees will serve as a beautiful reminder of what Carrie from Sandy Hill said: “Most people are good.” Sarah Housser lives in the Dow’s Lake area and appreciates trees and community.

What’s Inside Darren Power Sarah Prospero Louise Rachlis Jeanette Rive Kate Roberts Marisa Romano Benita Siemiatycki Karen Sinclair Laura Smith Paul Spaniel Sue Stefko Dawn Steiner JC Sulzenko Ivy Timmins Martha Tobin Susan Townley Mary Tsai Jim Watson Zeus

Penelope Jones & Company.......................Page 13

Travel to Sapa, Vietnam.............................Page 33

NEXT ISSUE: Friday, December 10, 2021 EDITORIAL DEADLINE: Monday, November 22, 2021 ADVERTISING ARTWORK DEADLINE*: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 *Book ads well in advance to ensure space availability.

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2 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Was your Glebe baby born in 2021? A Special colour feature is coming in the Glebe Report’s January/February edition

Plant a tree! The Glebe Neighbourhood Canopy Regeneration Project The Tree Team of the Glebe Community Association (GCA) needs your help to keep the streets of the Glebe leafy green for future generations. Do you have a location on your property suitable for a tree (front, back or side yard or on the City road allowance in front of or beside your property)? Or have you identified tree gaps in other parts of the neighbourhood? We can offer advice on tapping into City programs (such as Trees in Trust) and on selecting and planting trees on your own. Over the coming weeks and again in spring 2022, we plan to “knock on doors” where we see opportunities for new plantings. But if you have ideas or questions, don’t wait – email us now! Contact us at Follow us on Instagram at gcaenviro175.



The Tree Team, a subgroup of the GCA Environment Committee, is pleased to be participating in the Neighbourhood Canopy Regeneration Project of Community Associations for Environmental Sustainability (CAFES), in partnership with Ecology Ottawa, with the support of a grant from the City of Ottawa. We are also delighted to have communications support from Carleton University students in a course entitled Foundations in Community Engagement.

If your Glebe baby was born in 2021, email to • a high resolution digital colour photo, suitable for print • your baby’s name and date of birth • both parents’ names • address and contact info (email or phone), which will not be published Deadline to submit is January 24, 2022. The issue will come out Feb. 11, 2022.

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Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club begins restoration By Claire Brodie The tennis club on the banks of the Rideau River serves the whole of Ottawa but more particularly nearby neighbourhoods, including the Glebe. Indeed, before the Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club (OTLBC) moved to Old Ottawa South, it operated in the Glebe for a full two decades, from 1902 to 1922. It still draws a large part of its membership from this neighbourhood. Founded in downtown Ottawa in 1881, the club was pushed steadily south as the city expanded. For four years, it rented land on Patterson at the canal. When that land was sold for housing, it moved to Third Avenue west of Lyon, where the St. James Tennis Club sits today. A clubhouse was built before urban pressures once again drove the club south, this time to rural land on the banks of the Rideau River. People in the Glebe had to take bikes or a streetcar to play tennis. Having abandoned its clubhouse in the Glebe, the club had to start over. The clubhouse on Cameron Avenue was designed by an important local architect, J. A. Ewart, and is a rare survivor from the grand old era of sporting clubs. In 2019, the City of Ottawa awarded heritage designation to the clubhouse, recognizing it as a cultural and architectural landmark in the city. Nearly a century has passed since the new clubhouse opened in 1923. Ninety-eight winters have hammered the building, not to mention annual floods into the 1970s. As the building approaches its centennial, it is woefully in need of restoration. The club has been planning and raising funds for that purpose for more than 10 years now.

Glebe Report November 12, 2021

In the early 1900s, the Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club was located in the Glebe, on the site of the present-day St. James Tennis Club. In this photo, taken just before the First World War, Glebe St. James United Church is visible in the background.

This fall, restoration and renewal of the OTLBC clubhouse finally started. Construction was launched at the beginning of September, and the first phase of an ambitious restoration plan is now underway. Nine months from now, next April, the first part of a dream will have become reality. The club has raised $1 million towards its $1.5-million goal for the first phase of the restoration plan. Phase I will essentially stabilize the building and renew a large part of the ground floor. Fund-raising will continue and work will extend to the first storey when more money is available. Ultimately, the result will be a winterized building open to the public. This project is about more than shoring up the foundations and updating mechanical and electrical systems; it is about strengthening the club’s relationship with the Ottawa community. OTLBC is proud of the contribution it is making to maintaining the historic centre of Ottawa, as the preserver of five acres of green space, as the steward of a century-old clubhouse and as the manager of a community venue. OTLBC will always continue to deliver its core mandate of offering tennis, swimming and clubhouse facilities to its members. With the renewed clubhouse, however, it will also be able to open its doors more widely to the surrounding neighbourhoods with programs to address physical and mental health as well as culture. New activities might include yoga, stretching workshops, meditation, book launches, lectures and art shows, not to mention an increasing number of corporate events, wedding receptions and anniversary parties. The philosophy for the restoration stands on two pillars: first, preserving what is valuable from the

past; second, changing the building to make it more functional and more inclusive in the future. In so many ways, this project exemplifies community engagement and volunteerism. Current and past members of three different boards of directors have donated countless hours of time and expertise. Other members of the Ottawa community – historians, writers, designers, specialty businesses and more – have been inspired to donate a wide range of in-kind services to help make the dream come true. If you have any questions about this century-old architectural landmark in Ottawa or would like to offer your support, please visit donate or contact Maria Pierre-Noel at Claire Brodie is event and customer service manager at the Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club.

Ninety-eight winters have hammered the building, not to mention annual floods into the 1970s. As the building approaches its centennial, it is woefully in need of restoration.

Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club in the 1930s


Thinking about



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4 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Images of the Glebe



An embarrassment of riches November’s poetry free-for-all triggered a deluge of creativity. What will we do with the overflow of frothing literary art? While giving further consideration to poems in our poetry bank, we also seek new submissions on the theme of spillover, holdover, boil over, mull over, pick over – you get the picture. That’s how we’ll launch our new year of Poetry Quarter.

As usual, poems should be: • Original and unpublished in any medium (no poems submitted elsewhere, please); • No more than 30 lines each; • On any aspect of the theme within the bounds of public discourse; and • Submitted on or before Monday, January 24, 2022. Poets in the National Capital Region of all ages welcome (school-age poets, please indicate your grade and school). Please send your entries (up to 5 poems that meet the criteria) to Remember to send us your contact information and your grade and school if you are in school. Deadline: Monday, January 24, 2022

It’s never too early to read the Glebe Report!



Breaking barriers Since March of 2020, we have been taught successive lessons in humility and hubris. Way back then when the world was innocent and we heard the word “pandemic,” we did not understand its import. Not believing at first, then month by month slowly coming to accept the facts: COVID-19 is with us, a phenomenon never before seen. It’s not fully understood and it’s dangerous in ways we can’t fathom. Finally we got the message – there’s a world of hurt out there, best to hunker down and isolate. Stay home. Stop having people over for dinner and meeting friends for coffee. Stop coffee-shop business meetings. Stop coffee-shop anything. Give people on the street a wide berth. Wear masks

if you have to be near people. Stand far away when you meet neighbours. Agonize over family gatherings, sometimes cancelling them altogether. Say goodbye to restaurants, movies, yoga class, choir, curling, weddings, church – you name it. We yearned for the salvation of vaccines. Then they came, and yet the Peggy Lee song plays on – “Is that all there is?” Vaccines are now understood to be useful, essential even, but imperfect – and stunningly, many among us have shunned them. Disappointment reigns. But now things really do seem to be easing, in Ontario and Ottawa at least – case numbers are down, hospitalizations way down. Pandemic measures Established in 1973, the Glebe Report, published by the Glebe Report Association is a monthly not-forprofit community newspaper with a circulation of 7,500 copies. It is delivered free to Glebe homes and businesses. Advertising from merchants in the Glebe and elsewhere pays all its costs, and the paper receives no government grants or direct subsidies. The Glebe Report, made available at select locations such as the Glebe Community Centre and the Old Ottawa South Community Centre and Brewer Pool, is printed by Winchester Print. EDITOR............................

Liz McKeen

COPY EDITOR....................

Roger Smith

LAYOUT DESIGNER.............

Jock Smith


Micheline Boyle

WEB EDITOR.....................

Peter Polgar

SOCIAL MEDIA...................

Sophie Shields


Judy Field 613-858-4804


Debbie Pengelly


Louise Green


Teddy Cormier, Eleanor Crowder


Martha Bowers, Jeanette Rive

AREA CAPTAINS.................

Martha Bowers, Bob Brocklebank, Judy Field, Gary Greenwood, Ginny Grimshaw, Jono Hamer-Wilson, Hilda van Walraven, Della Wilkinson

are being lifted. Yikes! We can now go into stores, restaurants, bars at will. Here’s the real barrier now – our learned fear of people. We have become so accustomed to avoidance, to seeing people as dangerous, potentially deadly, that we are having trouble overcoming it. The psychological barrier is strong – stronger in some than others, but very, very real. We need courage to breech this wall of fear. Not without due regard for common sense and rational precautions, but nevertheless, we need to storm the ramparts erected in our minds over these past months, break through the invisible barriers to a semblance of social normalcy. –Liz McKeen

CONTACT US 175 Third Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1S 2K2 613-236-4955



SUBMIT ARTICLES OUR DEADLINES For Glebe Report advertising deadlines and rates, call the advertising manager. Advertising rates are for electronic material supplied in pdf format with fonts embedded in the file. Views expressed in the articles and letters submitted to the Glebe Report are those of our contributors. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Articles selected for publication will be published in both a printed version and an online version on the Glebe Report’s website: www. Please note: Except for July, the paper is published monthly. An electronic version of the print publication is subsequently uploaded online with text, photos, drawings and advertisements as a PDF to www.glebereport. ca. Selected articles will be highlighted on the website.


Calling Glebe artists!

Do you have artwork suitable for the cover of the Glebe Report? The Glebe Report can provide local visibility for an artist by publishing a photo of your work on the cover of our monthly newspaper. (No recompense is available). Preference will be given to Glebe artists and those nearby. The art (painting, drawing, photograph) must be horizontal and rectangular to fit our format, appropriate to the season and colourful. The photograph of the artwork must be horizontal, high resolution, in focus and capture the subject completely and nothing more. If you would like to propose one of your pieces, please send a photo of the artwork as a jpeg file to Selection of art to be featured is at the discretion of the editor.


Glebe Report November 12, 2021

An Outside view Editor, Glebe Report Re: Residents upset by Bronson and Carling high-rise proposal, Glebe Report, October 2021 I picked up a copy of the Glebe Report when leaving Flippers last Saturday and was baffled by the cover story about the Bronson/Carling high-rise proposal. Why does a developer make decisions such as this? Is it because of monumental avarice, extreme lack of vision for the future or an incapacity to consider anyone but themselves? More importantly, how can a developer be allowed to submit a proposal that in effect is outside the law? The article reports that the lots are currently zoned for between six and 12 storeys and that the project does not comply with city guidelines for high rise buildings. These are laws that were developed to maintain the character, texture and appeal of a neighbourhood. The article clearly outlines how quality of life will drop if this monstrosity is allowed to be built. As a consequence, neighbourhood equity goes down. Will taxes go down too because of a city decision to gut a neighbourhood’s quality of life? Worst of all, the article reports that the developers will “consider” feedback as they “move forward.” This suggests the project has a green light. How is it possible that laws don’t apply here? Why would city staff choose breaking city laws for a developer instead of upholding city laws for its citizens? Who at city hall is responsible for making these decisions? They need to be named, and their financial activity/records need to be tracked and monitored. Sadly, it seems this scenario occurs way too often in cities everywhere. Fortunately, my dismay did not ruin my digestion as I drove home to Gatineau with my wife. All the best with getting the project suitably modified or stopped. Paul Spaniel Gatineau

A lower-rise high rise Editor, Glebe Report Re: Residents upset by Bronson and Carling high-rise proposal, Glebe Report, October 2021 I am not a Glebe resident, only a frequent patron of Glebe cultural features such as Irene’s, and I often negotiate the hazards of the corner of Bronson and Carling. Alert (woke?) citizens of Ottawa have seen this narrative before: 1. A developer wants to build a 24-storey high rise, so it proposes a 26-storey highrise. Local uproar ensues, predictably. 2. The developer then returns with a proposal to reduce the building to 24 storeys, claiming it has “listened” to citizens and is making “concessions.” 3. The mayor and councillors with campaign contributions from developers applaud the new proposal with “concessions” as a commendable, responsible response to citizens’ concerns. 4. The new (unmodified) original secret proposal receives consent from council. 5. Bronson and Carling is adorned with a new building to match the developer’s real intent. Ian Guthrie

Me neither Editor, Glebe Report Re: “I don’t get it” (Editorial), Glebe Report, October 2021 I don’t get it either. When the city has designated limits on building heights and types, why do ordinary citizens have to fight just so the limits are respected? I haven’t gone to more than a few protests, but I’m exhausted just hearing and being witness to this for 27 years. Time for Jim to go. Christie Diekmeyer Editor, Glebe Report

SEEKS TREASURER The Glebe Report is seeking a volunteer to join our Board of Directors to assume the role of Treasurer, who will be part of a team dedicated to providing news and features on local issues to our community. His or her responsibilities are to prepare financial reports and attend all monthly board meetings; to ensure that proper financial records are maintained in accordance with applicable laws; to be the principal liaison with the GR bankers; to co-ordinate preparation of the unaudited financial statements with the GR accountants; to coordinate financial matters with the GR business manager; and otherwise coordinate with senior members of the production team. This position requires five to eight hours a month. If interested, please submit a brief resumé outlining your volunteer and/or work experience to chair@

Yes, baffling, isn’t it; why even have zoning bylaws? Downtown neighbourhoods are being destroyed for the sake of intensification. It would be interesting to see how many rezoning permit applications were granted versus how many were actually turned down. The ballot box might be the only way to put a lid on the “sky’s the limit” thinking of City Hall and the planning department. Michael Mulhall

TFI @glebereport

And Dow’s Lake neighbourhood too Editor, Glebe Report Re: “Speed kills. Period,” Glebe Report, October 2021 The article “Speed Kills. Period” by Sheila Vaselenak in the October Glebe Report is a good one. I very much liked the eye-catching title. You said that the Glebe has two different posted speed limits. “From Bronson Avenue to Bank Street, the speed limit is 30 km/h; from Bank Street to Queen Elizabeth Drive and on Bank Street itself, the speed limit is 40 km/h.” However, you forgot about a quarter of the Glebe. The Dow’s Lake neighbourhood from Bronson to the Queen Elizabeth Driveway (known by the Glebe Community Association as Glebe Area 1) has a speed limit of 40 km/h, and Bronson Avenue itself has a speed limit of 50 km/h. Needless to say, these speed limits – particularly on Bronson – are seldom adhered to. The Dow’s Lake Residents Association’s Traffic Committee, chaired by Jason Vallis, will be working on the Bronson problems as well as the problem of cut-through traffic between Bronson and Queen Elizabeth Drive. Barb Popel 30-year resident of Dow’s Lake neighbourhood

The price of democracy? Re: “Dreaming doesn’t cost a thing” (Letter), Glebe Report, October 2021 Editor, Glebe Report While I thoroughly enjoyed daydreaming about being a country full of millionaires, I am afraid I must burst the bubble with a bit of simple math. If we divided the cost of the election ($600 million) among Canada’s population (37.1 million), each person would get approximately $16. A small price to pay for democracy, in this Canadian’s humble opinion. Adreon Murphy


Our Volunteer Carriers

Jide Afolabi, Jennie Aliman, Tyler, Luke & Claire Allan, Lawrence Ambler, Ella Åsell, James Attwood, Aubry family, Miko Bartosik, Stephania Bartucci, Andre Beauregard, Adrian Becklumb, Beckman family, Joanne Benoit, Inez Berg, Naéma and Raphaëlle Bergevin Hemsing, Carolyn Best, Carrie Bolton, Daisy & Nettie Bonsall, Robert & Heidi Boraks, Martha Bowers, Bowie family, Adélaïde and Éléonore Bridgett, Bob Brocklebank, Ben Campbell-Rosser, Alice Cardozo, Stella Cauchi, Bill Congdon, Tony Carricato, Ava & Olivia Carpenter, Ryan & Charlotte Cartwright, Tillie Chiu, Sarah Chown, Sebastian, Cameron & Anna Cino, Avery & Darcy Cole, John Connor, Denys Cooper, June Creelman, Marni Crossley, Georgia Davidson, Richard DesRochers, Davies Family, Marilyn Deschamps, Diekmeyer-Bastianon family, Dingle family, Delia Elkin, Nicholas, Reuben, Dave & Sandra Elgersma, Thomas and William Fairhead, Patrick Farley, Amanda & Erin Frank, James & Oliver Frank, Judy Field, Federico Family, Maria Fobes, Florencia Furbatto, Liane Gallop, Joann Garbig, Madeleine Gomery, de Groot family, Matti Goodwin-Sutton, Barbara Greenwood, Gary Greenwood, Ginny Grimshaw, Jono HamerWilson, Henry Hanson, Tracy, William and Mackenzie Harnish, Oliver, Martin and Simon Hicks, Hook family, Cheryle Hothersall, Christian Hurlow, Jeevan & Amara Isfeld, Jonathan Jarvis, Jungclaus Family, Janna Justa, Michael Khare, Lambert family, Leith and Lulu Lambert, Jamie, Alexander & Louisa Lem, Brams and Jane Leswick, Justin Leyser, Aanika, Jaiden and Vinay Lodha, Ben, Line Lonnum, Parker & James Love, Vanessa Lyon, Carol MacLeod, Jennifer, William Maguire, Pat Marshall, Alicia McCarthy & family, Catherine McArthur, Ruby McCreary, Scott McDonald, Ian McKercher, Zoe McNight, Julie Monaghan, Karen Mount, Diane Munier, Mary Nicoll, Xavier and Heath Nuss, Sachiko Okuda, Matteo and Adriano Padoin-Castillo, Abigail Panczyk, Brenda Perras, Ann Pill, Brenda Quinlan, Annabel and Joseph Quon, Beatrice Raffoul, Bruce Rayfuse, Kate Reekie, Thomas Reevely, Mary & Steve Reid, Jacqueline, Anna Roper, Emile & Sebastien Roy-Foster, Keelin Rogers, Lene Rudin-Brown, Sabine Rudin-Brown, Sidney Rudin-Brown, Casimir & Tristan Seywerd, Short family, Kathy Simons, Grady, Ella, Stewart-Lussier, Stephenson family, Ruth Swyers, Saul Taler, Brigitte Theriault, Christine Thiesen, John & Maggie Thomson, Tom Trottier, Trudeau family, Zosia Vanderveen, Veevers family, Camilo Velez, Jonah Walker, Nick Walker, Erica Waugh, Vanessa Wen, Paul Wernick, Ben Westheimer, Zoe & Nicole Wolfenden, Howard & Elizabeth Wong, Ella & Ethan Wood, Nathaniel & Maggie Wightman, Fil Young/Harriet Smith, Murray and Christie Wong.

WELCOME TO: Ann Pill Patrick Farley

THANKS AND FAREWELL: Mary Ahearn Don Ray Olivia Gorall

AREA CAPTAIN NEEDED The Glebe Report seeks an area captain to volunteer several hours one day a month to drop bundles of papers for individual deliverers. The role is crucial to the efficient distribution of the paper to our neighbours across the Glebe. The role requires lifting bundles of papers and requires a vehicle. If you can help, please contact the Distribution Manager at

AVAILABLE DELIVERY ROUTES Jackson and Frederick Place Holmwood Monk to Ralph Fifth Avenue south side Bank to Craig Pretoria Bank to O’Connor



6 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Mixed Use

Research O-Train

Innovation Centre

Overall View


The grey U-shaped building on the left is the hospital itself. Shown are the tall condo towers on the north side of Carling. Also shown within the campus is an LRT station, currently slated for the north side of Carling. Not shown is the Heart Institute southwest of the hospital and one or two other buildings. SOURCE: TOH

Mitigating negative impacts of the new hospital on the Glebe By Barbara Popel

(December 5 Deadline)

November 15 – December 31, 2021


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Available at participating Glebe merchants, or download a ballot at Collect a sticker for every $15 purchase. When you reach $150, enter your ballot for your chance to win. Every Tuesday each $15 purchase gets you TWO stickers! You never know when you can win an instant Any Day prize just for shopping at your favourite Glebe merchant! Enter your completed ballot before December 5 and you could win the NEW $2,500 Early Bird Prize. WIN IT IN No purchase necessary. Contest runs Nov. 15/2021 at 8:00:00 am ET to Dec. 31/2021 at 11:59:59 pm ET. Open to residents of Canada who are of the legal age of majority. 1 grand prize consisting of $10,000 awarded as gift certificates or travellers cheques or other cash equivalent; 1 early bird prize, consisting of a $2,500 awarded as gift certificates or travellers cheques or other cash equivalent (odds depend on number of valid entries received.); up to 30 instant win prizes, each consisting of a $100 gift certificate or gift card (odds depend on number and timing of Glebe store or business visits). Mathematical skill-testing question required. Full rules, including participating Glebe retailers/businesses, purchase entry/no purchase entry and prize details, at

Summer was not a time for rest and recreation for the Dow’s Lake Residents Association (DLRA). Autumn has been even busier. But before I report on one of our major initiatives concerning the new Civic Hospital campus, let me give you a bit of history. The DLRA’s existence predates the Glebe Community Association (GCA). When the GCA was formed, the DLRA decided to continue as a community association. Recognizing that the Dow’s Lake neighbourhood is part of the Glebe, it has been designated the GCA’s Glebe Area 1. The DLRA president represents Glebe Area 1 at GCA meetings and most of the DLRA’s members also pay GCA membership fees. The DLRA does much more than work on issues specific to our neighbourhood, such as Winterlude, the Tulip Festival and Eugene Forsey Park. For example, the DLRA had a very active role in the first Glebe Traffic Study, in opposing the Airport Parkway and in the environmental assessment of the first LRT line. So it should come as no surprise that the DLRA has been responding to some of the serious flaws in the plans for the new Civic Hospital campus in the Experimental Farm near Dow’s Lake and the Arboretum. Our Special Committee on the New Civic Hospital, chaired by our president, Carmen Sanchez, formed in early July. The June 29 public information session had raised more questions than it answered. Regrettably, it alerted us to the fact that The Ottawa Hospital’s approach is first to build the hospital campus, then if there are problems, see if there are ways to fix them. This is, frankly, incompetent project management. On a well-run project, risks that would result in major problems are mitigated before the problems occur. Afterwards, it is invariably more expensive and sometimes impossible to correct them. There were thousands of pages of official documents published in May and June and then most of them were revised (with no indication of what the revisions were) in July and August. We couldn’t read everything. So we focused on transportation, finances and the environment. We not only enumerated the major negative impacts of the hospital campus, we also formulated 37 practical actions that the hospital and the city could immediately take to mitigate the most serious impacts. We stressed that although we support building a new hospital, the plan includes

far too many uncertainties and ensures that nearby neighbourhoods such as the Glebe will suffer predictable negative impacts that the plans have failed to identify and therefore failed to mitigate. For example, there won’t be enough parking for staff and hospital visitors, so they will park on Glebe streets. We want to be seen as potential partners in preventing problems. We want real community involvement in addressing the many problems with the current plan. We prepared presentations and background material, including the 37 mitigating actions and presented them to Ottawa’s Planning Committee on October 1. If you’d like a copy of these documents, contact me at popel@rogers. com. Prior to that, we sent questions to the City’s senior planner on this project, Sean Moore. His answers weren’t very helpful, but we made sure they were part of the Planning Committee’s official record, along with our presentation material. We submitted the same presentations and background material to City Council on October 13. I’m sure you know the outcome: the Planning Committee voted 6 to 2 in favour of recommending the holding provisions be lifted on the master site plan. City Council then approved lifting the holding provisions, with a few minor restrictions. Individual site plan control applications will be submitted for City approval based on the phases outlined in the master site plan. There are 11 more phases from 2022 to 2048, the first of which is building the parking garage. Given the composition of the Planning Committee (mostly suburban councillors) and the voting history of City Council with respect to development, neither of these votes were a surprise. However, we felt we made progress. Risks and potential mitigations are now on the public record. Some risks – including major financial risks – were made visible to councillors and to the public beyond the Glebe. There were several newspaper articles and a lengthy CBC radio interview after the Planning Committee meeting. We shared information with several community organizations such as the Botanica Residents Committee for New Civic Development and ReImagine Ottawa. One of us produced a persuasive YouTube video: watch?v=vpC_IOHlCyM. We hope to apply pressure to ensure mitigating actions are designed and implemented. Barbara Popel is secretary of the Dow’s Lake Residents Association.


Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Civic hospital releases plans to change a park to parking By Sue Stefko Any last hopes for an underground parking garage, as initially promised for the new Civic Hospital, were dashed on October 13 when City Council approved the new campus master site plan. The hospital is now moving forward on site-plan approval for a four-storey parking garage in Queen Juliana Park. Construction is expected to start early next year and be completed in 2024. The first part of the hospital project will include widening the Trillium LRT trench to create a future second track. The Trillium Pathway will be realigned along Carling Avenue, Preston Street and Prince of Wales Drive. It will include a separated bike path and a pedestrian walkway. The parking garage is expected to have space for 2,500 vehicles and 390 bicycles, including 200 spots for public parking for nearby businesses, NCC activities and seasonal festivals. The four-storey structure will be mostly above ground, with one storey of below-ground parking at the southwestern end. The hospital intends to put up retaining walls and plant trees and other vegetation around the perimeter and it will also step back the top of the garage to minimize its visual impact. While it has yet to be determined which trees will survive construction, the hospital promises to save as many as it can. Unfortunately, many trees that survive this project will ultimately be removed when the multi-use Carling Village Towers are built in future phases of the development. Some aspects of the garage have changed from the original plan – most notably, the location of the ramp. While it was to start at the north of the property near Carling and Preston, city staff recommended that it start instead near the Preston and Prince of Wales, so that it is co-located with the staircase. This gives pedestrians different

options to reach the planned rooftop green the site plan in concert with our neighbouring space. There may also be an elevator at this locacommunity associations. Overall, we remain distion, though that is still to be confirmed. appointed that an underground parking garage As the parking garage will be built over Queen is not going to happen as the hospital earlier Juliana Park, it seems fitting or perhaps ironic that the hospital plans to create a fourand-a-half-acre green roof called Queen Juliana Park. It will include tennis courts for the DARA Tennis Club, which will be ousted from its current location in the Experimental Farm during future stages of construction. There will be a number of zones in the park – a naturalized area with trees, a walking loop, lawns and open spaces for outdoor sports, an amphitheatre and a plaza that can host various activities. The site plan indicates that there is still some Bird’s eye view of the proposed Civic hospital parking garage at the corner of Preston and Prince of Wales SOURCE: TOH flexibility, in that the rooftop could possibly include pickleball courts, a children’s playground or a splash promised. We are also concerned about the more pad. The plan references future consultations than 600 surface parking spots elsewhere on with hospital stakeholders and community partthe hospital site. ners to help determine the specifics. More positively, there have been attempts The rooftop will also include a weather-proto minimize the visual impact of the parking tected pathway to connect the hospital to a garage, the hospital promises to save as many future LRT station. Although the site plan refers mature trees as it can and to plant new ones, to a “potential new Dow’s Lake LRT station on and it is committing to wildlife-friendly practhe south side of Carling Avenue,” it appears the tices such as bird-friendly design. While not a station will not actually be moved to the south replacement for Queen Juliana Park for walkside of Carling as many have called for. Instead, ers, joggers and festivals, there are attempts to it seems more likely that the entrance on the welcome and include the public and different south side will connect to or be an extension of types of programming on the rooftop of the new the Carling Station platform. These plans have parking garage. not yet been finalized. At the time of this writing, the Glebe Annex Sue Stefko is president of the Glebe Annex Community Association was still analyzing Community Association.

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8 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

birds of the glebe Our favourite little bird

By Jeanette Rive Which is the most recognizable little bird at our feeders and in our gardens? The cheerful little Black-capped Chickadee, of course. Non-migratory, we see them year-round, either in small flocks of six to 12 birds in winter or in pairs as the nesting season approaches. Other birds, such as nuthatches, juncos, kinglets and creepers, like to hang out with the flock, taking advantage of the chickadee’s ability to find food and offer protection against predators. Their familiar chickadee-dee-dee is recognized by other birds and depending on the number of dees, the call is used to alert others of lurking danger. They are fascinating little birds with characteristics that are either unique to them and others in their family, such as the Titmouse, or are shared with some other bird species. How do these little birds stay warm in winter? How do they get enough food (apart from an ongoing supply of their favourite food, sunflower seeds, in our feeders)? Why don’t their feet get cold? On cold winter nights, the chickadee is one of the few birds that can enter a state of torpor. This is not quite hibernation; rather, it’s a lowering of body temperature by as much as 12°C from their normal temperature of about 42°C to conserve energy. The common swift and a few species of hummingbirds also have this ability, but our winters are just too cold for them and they are

long gone by August or September. Unlike many birds who roost in flocks to stay warm, the chickadee likes to sleep alone, finding a little crevice in a tree or in dense shrubbery to shelter from the wind. As for food, chickadees engage in “caching” – hiding food to be found later. When you see a chickadee repeatedly coming back to the feeder, it isn’t being greedy, it’s hoarding food, especially in late summer and early fall when food is plentiful. It’ll tuck a little morsel or seed under a piece of bark or in some lichen or in a little crevice – it may even come back later to move the food if it thinks it might have been seen hiding it! They may cache hundreds of items in a day and can retrieve them with astounding accuracy up to 28 days later, even remembering which hiding spot they have already emptied. How do they do this? Birds that hoard food, which include nuthatches, some woodpeckers and crows, have a physiological response in their brains when this memory needs to be engaged – their hippocampus, which plays a major role in memory and learning in all vertebrates, increases in size in autumn and winter and decreases in summer and spring. If only our memories were as good as theirs! Bird feet can stay warm-ish and flexible because their foot temperature is regulated to stay around the freezing point by ensuring that a constant

The familiar Black-capped Chickadee stays with us all winter – how does she survive? PHOTO: JEANETTE RIVE

supply of warm blood is circulated to the extremities. The veins carrying the blood lie adjacent to one another so that the warm blood going to the feet also warms the cold blood returning to the body, recovering most of the lost heat, an efficient heat exchange system which gulls, ducks and other birds who spend time standing on ice also have. Chickadees pair off in the fall, stay together in a flock during winter and then in spring, the flock disperses to breed. They nest in a tree, quite high up, perhaps in an old woodpecker hole. The female lines the nest with vegetation and animal hair. Six to eight eggs are laid – they are about the size of a slightly oblong dime, white but lightly speckled with reddish brown spots. After about two weeks of incubation,

the chicks hatch and are fed by the female. Approximately another two weeks later, they fledge and, like other hole-nesting birds, are able to fly immediately and don’t need to practise hopping from one branch to another. Both parents feed the fledglings until they can forage for themselves.Their summer diet is mainly caterpillars, insects and spiders along with berries, which they forage for among the shrubbery and twigs. When cleaning up your garden, do leave some vegetation – after all, you don’t want to inadvertently remove the chickadee’s hidden food! Jeanette Rive is a Glebe bird enthusiast and long-time Glebe Report proofreader.

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Glebe Report November 12, 2021


Shawn Menard Councillor, Capital Ward

has certainly helped improve it and, by extension, will improve the future of our city.

N 613-580-2487 E T @capitalward E

Bronson and Carling Development

New crossing guards, new Official Plan and a wayward development proposal New Crossing Guards in the Glebe

I’m happy to report that we’ve secured two more adult crossing guards for schools in the Glebe, out of only eight new positions added citywide. One will be assigned to the mid-block crossing on Fourth Avenue between Lyon and Percy. This crossing is an important one for children at Mutchmor and Corpus Christi. The other will become the second crossing guard at the intersection of Bank and Fifth. We pushed the city in 2019 for a first crossing guard there, and it’s been a tremendous benefit for everyone crossing in the morning and afternoon. However, a guard can only handle one side of the street at a time. Currently, one is assigned to the northwest corner (by the Papery), helping people in the north and west crosswalks. An extra guard will mean coverage to all four crosswalks. Assuming the hiring process goes smoothly, the new crossing guards will be in place in a few weeks, for both the morning and afternoon school runs.

The City Plots its Course with a New Official Plan

The Official Plan is the primary planning document for the city – it sets the course for how Ottawa will grow in the coming years. We want the city to become more livable with walkable, human-scale neighbourhoods. We want to protect our tree canopy, improve our air quality, build truly affordable housing and enhance public infrastructure like open green spaces and parks.

As with all plans, it’s the details that matter. We’ve been listening to the community and working with staff to try to address some concerns with the plan. We brought more than 10 motions and directions to Committee and City Council on the Official Plan. We passed a motion to increase the affordable housing target to 20 per cent of all new residential units, from 10 to 15 per cent in the draft OP. This will be important when an inclusionary zoning policy is developed. We also ensured that antidisplacement measures to protect affordable rental housing will be on the City’s workplan for 2022. Our office passed and supported motions for neighbourhood-level monitoring of tree canopy and smaller parkland access (thanks to the Glebe Community Association for the partnership on this), for reviewing the need for the Alta Vista Transportation Corridor, for improved GHG reporting, for implementing the principle of healthy streets and for minor corridors to be developed at a human scale (four storeys). We also passed a motion targeting increased intensification in suburban areas instead of just within the greenbelt. We brought a motion bolstering the use of site-plan control for lowrise developments in Capital Ward and directed staff to improve work on zoning and property standards around colleges and universities. There has been a lot of great input from community members and from the GCA. The work that residents have put into analyzing the Official Plan

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City staff are currently reviewing a proposed development at the corner of Bronson and Carling Avenues. The current proposal sheds all modesty and presents a 26-storey tower at the corner of Dow’s Lake, the Glebe and the Glebe Annex. We have had numerous discussions with city staff and the developers, and last month we held a public consultation where local residents were both passionate and thoughtful in their suggestions. We also attended the Urban Design Review Panel (UDRP) with professional architects. We do not support the proposal as it currently is: 1. Mass and Scale: Given UDRP comments, previously negotiated community acceptance, shading and context, we think the height requested is not tenable and does not meet standards set out in zoning regulations or our Official Plan. We will be negotiating for better. 2. Greenspace: There is currently none planned. A reduction in massing/density and the elimination of the long back lane onto Cambridge would help tremendously. We would like to see some greenspace added here, and




will push for this. 3. Parking: We think this development presents a significant opportunity for much less parking. Ideally we completely eliminate any entrance/exit off Cambridge Street South. 4. Retail at Ground Level: We would like to see retail on the ground level. There should be excitement about the street’s renewal and the potential to create a better Bronson. 5. Step-backs: We think there is a need to continue to explore step backs and reveals and break down overall volume of the large building. 6. Grading Response: We are concerned with grading response and the relationship of buildings to streets they face. Large parapet walls on Cambridge and different solutions for parking to ensure a positive relationship between street and entrances are needed. 7. Affordable Housing: The building should have some deeply affordable units, upwards of 20 per cent of them. We have made our concerns clear to city planners, and they have also expressed concerns. This month, we will be meeting on site with city planners and community members. We will continue this discussion with staff to see how we can improve this development for everyone. Thanks for reading this, Shawn

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10 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

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Laura Smith

President Glebe Community Association

T @glebeca E

The GCA’s busy fall While the days get shorter and cooler, things are as busy as ever for the Glebe Community Association. We had a packed agenda at our meeting in October. There was an article in last month’s Glebe Report by Sue Stefko about the development proposed for the corner of Bronson and Carling. At the GCA board’s September meeting, we voted to oppose the development for several reasons: the building is far higher than current zoning permits; there is a lack of green space; traffic will be negatively affected; and there will be safety concerns for pedestrians and cyclists, including students at Glebe Collegiate. Given our concerns about the development and its potential longlasting effects on the Glebe, Dow’s Lake and the Glebe Annex, we voted at our October meeting to contribute $5,000 to support legal efforts initiated by the Dow’s Lake Residents Association to oppose the development. We also passed a motion asking the City to ensure that this and other developments are consistent with the Official Plan’s vision of preserving, enhancing and promoting additions to Ottawa’s parks and greenspaces. The board also passed two motions that we would like to see reflected in the 2022 municipal budget. First, we asked that the City commit at least $20 million, over and above federal and provincial grants, to build new affordable housing and to substantially reduce the centralized wait list for affordable housing. Ottawa declared an affordable housing and homelessness emergency in January 2020 and there have been investments in previous budgets. However, there are still more then 10,000 households on the centralized wait list for affordable housing, with waits of up to five years. The GCA also asked the City to pass a strong, city-wide, inclusionary zoning bylaw that ensures 25 per cent of new development is dedicated to affordable housing and places a special emphasis on building it within one kilometer of rapid transit stations. Finally, we asked the City to ensure that all available government-owned land developed for housing is allocated for deeply affordable, non-profit or co-op housing. Our second priority for the upcoming municipal budget is the maintenance of parks in the neighbourhood. The GCA’s Parks Committee maintains

an Evergreen Glebe Parks Plan. (You can see it on the committee’s section of our website at As part of this plan, the committee provides the City with an annual summary report that describes maintenance issues that its members observe in Glebe parks during the annual fall clean-up. In addition to requesting sufficient funding for ongoing park maintenance and upkeep, we highlighted the need for: • repairs to the tennis courts at Chamberlain Park • new plants to replace those that have died near the Bank Street stairs in both Central Park West and Central Park East • replacing the log rounds, repairing or replacing the blackboard and replacing mulch and pea stone materials at the Exploration Garden • filling holes and adding a fresh layer of gravel ground cover at Sylvia Holden Park and Dog Run. We also shared these requests with Councillor Shawn Menard’s office. We have wonderful parks in our neighbourhood and I am very grateful to the committed members of the GCA Parks Committee for their ongoing work to advocate for those important spaces. The October meeting also approved the GCA budget and our new Code of Conduct. This latter document outlines our commitment to creating a safe, inclusive and positive environment for all community members and everyone who participates in our activities. We’ll have it up on our website soon. Finally, I was pleased to highlight for board members that our work with Operation Come Home’s BottleWorks program continues to be a great success. Despite the dreary weather on October 16, our community was able to fill one and a half trucks with empty bottles and cans. We are proud to work with Operation Come Home to support at-risk youth and to provide this service to our neighbourhood. Your next opportunity to take empties to the Kunstadt parking lot is November 20. Our monthly board meetings are open and you are welcome to join us! We meet on the fourth Tuesday of every month. Our next meeting is on November 23. If you would like to attend (still virtually), please contact Janet, the secretary of the GCA Board, at


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Glebe Report November 12, 2021

GNAG’s pirate-themed Halloween party wowed kids and parents both.

Mary Tsai GNAG Executive Director

N 613 233-8713 E

Expanding capacity at the GCC

The Ontario government recently announced the lifting of limits on capacity for indoor activities. This means GNAG can finally reinstate special events and fundraisers back into the Glebe Community Centre. GNAG continues to prioritize a safe environment for all. To that end, we are maintaining the following protocols: • Proof of full vaccination in conjunction with acceptable ID will be required before entering the GCC. (Children who do not qualify for vaccination are exempt). • Gradually increase program size to regular capacity where possible while encouraging physical distancing. • Health screening is still required prior to entering the facility. • Wearing facemask and hand sanitizing is still required. • Staff will continue to sanitize high touch points on a regular basis. We understand that some are still not ready to come back to in-person activities, so we will continue to offer some online classes GNAG events, fundraisers and programs have been an important part of our community. Our fundraisers bring people together while raising money to support programs such as financial assistance, affordable programming, capital community project, community outreach and more. The return of community fundraisers and expanded programming will also help GNAG move towards a more fulsome recovery. We look forward to seeing you back at the GCC.

GNAG Artisan and Craft Fair on November 20 & 21 and 27 & 28!

For over 40 years, this fundraiser has featured the highest quality, locally made merchandise. This show has usually run on a single weekend event but after the cancellation of last year’s in-person show, we

decided this year’s show will run over two weekends, four days in all. This beautiful, juried show features more than 50 local artisans who create gorgeous spa products, original home décor, handcrafted jewellery, unique art and delectable treats. Please visit Sponsored by Amica The Glebe, opening in summer 2022 ( or 613-233-6363).

Online Trivia Night in the Glebe, November 19

Join GNAG’s dynamic duo, Brad Sigouin and Geoff Kellow, on Friday, November 19 at 8:30 p.m. on Zoom! Team up virtually with your friends from the comfort of your own home and enjoy an evening of hilarity and friendly competition as you try to win the Neighbourhood Exceptional Reasoning Distinction (the NERD). Tickets are on sale now. Register your team at Sponsored by Telus.

featuring Afro beat, bachata, hip-hop, salsa beat, African drumming and more. Saturday Talent Show: Saturday, December 4, 6–11 p.m., for 13 years and older. Admission is $40 plus HST per person. Family Fun Times: Sunday, December 5, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. and 2–5 p.m., for all ages. Children under 12 years must be accompanied by an adult. Admission is $35 per person per session or family price $30 per participant per session. More information to come at

GNAG Halloween Party Success!

On October 24, 370 children and parents were wowed by GNAG’s incredible pirate-themed Halloween event.


Over 500 volunteer hours were spent planning, designing, constructing, preparing and decorating the entire GCC lower level, transforming it into a giant haunted pirate ship. This event could not have happened without the imagination and energy of our amazing team. Here is what people said about the event: “Thank you so much for a truly excellent pirates’ adventure on Sunday.” “My girls loved it! Thanks for making it so special for the neighbourhood kids this year!” “The haunted houses were unbelievable. The amount of planning and detail and preparation was clearly ridiculous. The kids had the best, best time. Thank you so much to everyone involved. You are all incredible and we appreciate you so much.”

Ottawa th

27 e Children's Storytelling Festival 27 Festival du conte pour enfants d'Ottawa

Six days of stories online

Six jours de contes en ligne

November 22-27

22-27 novembre

Diversity, Inclusion and Culture through the Arts, December 4 & 5

I met recently with artist and musician Wise Atangana of Ottawa’s Afro Black Cultural and Media Centre, which raises awareness of systemic racism to create a better future for Ottawa’s underprivileged black youth and immigrants. Its goal is to raise self-esteem in those affected by societal injustices by teaching leadership skills through mentoring and outreach programs. It is with great pleasure that GNAG will partner with the centre for our first two-day event on Diversity, Culture and the Arts. During the weekend of December 4 –5, there will be workshops led in French by professional artists on creative writing, drumming and dance. Participants will have the opportunity to showcase what they have learned during the open mic portion of the event. Saturday night’s event will also include a social-distance dance


For the schedule and details, visit • Pour l'horaire et les détails, visitez Presented by • Présenté par

In partnership with • En partenariat avec

Thank you to our sponsors • Merci à nos commanditaires

Ontario Arts Council / Conseil des arts d'Ontario, City of Ottawa / la Ville d'Ottawa, Canada Council for the Arts / Conseil des arts du Canada, Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada, Harry P Ward Foundation, Origin, Arts & Community Centre, Festivals and Events Ontario

12 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Glebe Spree is back! By Serena Lemieux The holidays are right around the corner and the cherished community tradition, Glebe Spree, is celebrating its 10-year anniversary. In the past decade, it has given away over $100,000 in prize money to lucky winners who spent their winnings in our local businesses. Glebe Spree is an exciting initiative that ends the year on a high note for our neighbourhood. Supporting local businesses and helping people discover new and exciting shops has always been one of the greatest contributions of Glebe Spree.

It provides an incentive to shop local and boosts business for our merchants. Beginning on November 15 at 8 a.m. and running until December 31 at midnight, this local holiday contest offers a $10,000 Grand Prize Glebe shopping spree and a $2,500 Early Bird Glebe prize. There will also be up to 30 $100 Any Day prizes from participating local businesses. With all these opportunities to win, Glebe Spree makes holiday shopping even more fun and is another great reason to support local. Shoppers will receive a stamp or sticker for every $15 purchase at participating Glebe businesses or services.

Live local. Shop local. Wear local. Coming this holiday season, the Glebe’s newest line of merchandise will be available to residents and friends of the neighbourhood. With new designs in the form of crew necks, adult tees, youth tees and tote bags, there are more options than ever to show off your love and support for our community. This version of Glebe apparel consists of three limited-edition designs produced by local graphic design firm Aerographics. These designs feature the architectural uniqueness of the Glebe Community Centre, the Aberdeen Pavilion and Bank Street storefronts. A portion of the proceeds from clothing sales goes to support

There’s a new Glebe Gateway sign near the Bank Street bridge, marking the southern edge of the Glebe and welcoming visitors. PHOTO: SERENA LEMIEUX

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Once a ballot is filled with $150 worth of stamps or stickers, it can be filled in with the entrant’s contact information, given to any participating Glebe business and entered in the contest. Ballots can be completed by Glebe Spree stamps or stickers in the denomination of $15 or $150. Two-stamp Tuesdays will be returning this year – you will receive twice the number of stickers for your Tuesday purchases. The deadline to enter ballots for the Early Bird prize is December 5, with the draw taking place December 9. Any Day prizes will be awarded by different businesses throughout the contest. After entries close on December 31, the final draw for the Grand Prize will take place on January 14. Make sure to shop local and shop often and you might just be a winner!


the Glebe Neighbourhood Activities Group (GNAG). The merchandise is set to be released in the coming months, so keep an eye on all our social channels for an announcement. It will be available exclusively in shops and stores in the Glebe. Welcome to the Glebe You’re here – and we’re so happy that you are! A second Glebe Gateway installation has been completed at the south entrance of the community, on the corner of Bank and Wilton, at the foot of the Bank Street bridge and just steps away from Lansdowne. This new project complements the north-entrance sign, which was completed in 2020. The bright and inviting letters serve as a fun and dynamic display of the Glebe’s vibrancy. The new installation also has a wooden bench incorporated into its design. This initiative has reimagined an underutilized space and serves as a welcoming feature for all who visit the Glebe. This project was made possible thanks to funding from the City of Ottawa’s Winter City Grant program. The Glebe BIA would also like to acknowledge and thank Underground Sound, the Glebe Community Association and our many community partners and individuals who contributed to the successful completion of this project. Serena Lemieux is responsible for communications and marketing at the Glebe BIA (Business Improvement Area).


Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Heather Scott, owner of the newly opened Penelope Jones & Company, believes in surrounding yourself with beautiful things, some with a past life. Penelope Jones & Co. is located at 791 Bank Street. PHOTOS: ADRIANA AÑON

Penelope Jones & Company for beautiful things By Adriana Añon


he enticing new window displays at 791 Bank Street might have already piqued your curiosity – they show just a glimpse of what’s for sale inside Penelope Jones & Company, a new store that opened in October at the corner of Bank and Third Avenue. The windows showcase an eclectic mix of vintage and antique pieces, sparkly crystal, unique lamps and varied gifts. “There’s a bit of everything here and it’s constantly changing,” said owner Heather Scott. Scott was inspired by the concept of stores she has visited across the southern U.S. that seem to sell a lifestyle. Hers is neither exclusively an antique store nor gift store nor thrift shop; rather it seeks to offer a perspective on the good life with a mix of new and old objects that share the unifying theme of beauty. You can find a selection of gifts and paper products like cards, calendars and puzzles from the Cavallini line out of San Francisco. You might instead be drawn to a chandelier or even that console table perfect for an entryway. With prices that run from $10 to $6,000, Scott thinks her clientele is bound to find something they can afford. Scott feels we should be nicer to ourselves “and after the pandemic,” she says, “it’s about the small things.” Even if people come into the store just to get ideas and browse, she is hoping to inspire them to surround themselves with beauty. For now, the store is open Wednesday to Friday 11 a.m.–5 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m.–5 p.m. and Sunday 12–5 p.m. The shop welcomes a maximum of five customers at a time to accommodate social distancing. Scott expects hours may change closer to the holiday season; updates about the shop can be found on its Instagram account, @penelopejonesco.791. Before going out on her own as an entrepreneur, Scott worked for Holt Renfrew for 20 years. She moved from Winnipeg to Ottawa in 2000 and served as general manager of the Sparks Street store for three years. She learned a lot at Holt Renfrew about customer service and making shoppers feel welcome. The name of her new store comes from those

years – whenever an RSVP was needed for a corporate event, the company asked people to address their response to “Penelope Jones.” That name stuck with Scott. “If I’m ever opening a store,” she used to tell her husband, “I’m going to call it Penelope Jones.” A collector since her early 20s, Scott was always drawn to beautiful things, many of which have found their way into the stock at Penelope Jones & Company. In early 2019, after her family moved back to Ottawa from Toronto, Scott started looking for a location to make her life-long dream of opening a store a reality. Unable to find the right place, she put the dream on hold just as the pandemic hit. When she finally found her new spot in the Glebe, she liked it instantly. She was attracted to the neighbourhood for its lively lifestyle and its devotion to recycling and refurbishing. She carries a lot of things that have a past life and seek a new life in a different home, and she’s also enthusiastic about the way thrifting is gaining popularity among young people. So far, she’s had a smooth transition into the new space and credits local business owners for making her feel immediately welcome and part of the community. Scott has plenty of merchandise and continues to learn daily about running her business as she works to get a feel for what shoppers are drawn to. In future, she may be open to discussing consignment opportunities. She would also love to give back to the community and has an idea for the holiday season – she hopes to set up a bin so people can make donations for those in need. “I want people to come in and find a treat for themselves,” says Scott. She doesn’t know if it will be a piece of framed art, a dog puzzle or a chair, but she thinks part of the fun is to come and discover. After tasting the Bequet Salted Caramels she carries, both sweet and velvety, I know I will return for more. Scott hopes that in her carefully curated assortment of delights, her customers will find something interesting every single time they visit. Adriana Añon is a writer, teacher and Glebe enthusiast.

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14 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Abbotsford House is more than a building By Julie Ireton

When COVID hit, Judith Hoye pivoted from exercise classes to phoning seniors to let them know how Abbotsford might help them. PHOTO: BRUCE HILL

Some seniors who have made Abbotsford House at the Glebe Centre part of their lives for years didn’t realize what the senior’s centre across from Lansdowne Park really meant to them until the forced lockdowns and isolation caused by COVID-19. Before the pandemic hit in March 2020, Judith Hoye took three exercise classes a week at Abbotsford. Then she’d stay after class for social time, coffee, treats and laughs. “All that ended as COVID took over,” said Hoye. But just because she couldn’t go to Abbotsford, it didn’t mean her interaction with other members needed to end. Hoye was one of the volunteers who made regular phone calls to half a dozen other seniors, keeping them up to date on how the centre and its staff might help them out, such as by lending them computer tablets. She encouraged those isolated from friends and family to get involved in Zoom programming, like online art classes. The phone calls and interaction benefitted her too. “Some of those people have become friends and, although I have never met them, we will meet when the world rights itself and we can meet face-to-face,” said Hoye. With vaccine mandates now in place, she plans to get back to some of the centre’s activities. “Abbotsford is a place where people meet and laugh,” said Hoye. “It provides a place where interesting people gather, do something useful and keep our minds and our bodies stretched and resilient.” Fitness classes are one reason Merilyn Neilson is glad to be back at Abbotsford after months away. She says the functional fitness class she has joined helps with strength, mobility, balance and muscle tone. “I love it,” said Neilson, who is also looking forward to further easing of restrictions, possibly in the new year, so the Abbotsford bridge group can get back to playing cards.

CELEBRATING YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW Four decades ago, Liz and Joe watched as CHEO’s Emergency Department staff diagnosed their infant son with listeria meningitis. It was a terrifying time they never forgot. CHEO helped their child survive, inspiring them to give back. When Liz was faced with terminal cancer in 2019, she and Joe made creating the Waldron Family Endowment Fund a celebration.

A legacy gift to CHEO helps to build a healthy and happy future for our children and youth.

“I think it’s an excellent facility. There should be more Abbotsfords. I think it saves a lot of senior people in many ways with the friendships and the exercise.” Even though she’s not a “techie,” Neilson said she did adjust to taking Zoom art classes, using watercolours and acrylics. “I was glad I did, it was better than nothing.” Being able to go back to the centre this fall has lifted her spirits. “Abbotsford is something we truly appreciate,” said Neilson. “It helps us stay in the community rather than finding other ways of living.” Muriel Scott Smith is another member who recently came back to the centre to rejoin her mahjong club, an activity she’s been part of for the past 10 years. While Scott Smith didn’t take part in Zoom classes, she was able to get rides to medical appointments through Community Support Services. She’s now looking forward to the day when coffee and lunches are back on track at Abbotsford. Pat Goyeche, the coordinator of community programming, is pleased to see folks back in the building and hopes that by January most of the favourite classes, clubs and social gatherings will be “in the house” and at capacity. The November and December programming of online and in-person classes and clubs are listed on the Glebe Centre website ( under “current program guide.” Abbotsford is your seniors active living centre for adults 55+. It houses the community programs of The Glebe Centre Inc., a charitable, not-for-profit organization that includes a 254-bed long-term care home. Find out more about our services by phoning 613-230-5730 during regular business hours or by checking out all The Glebe Centre facilities and community programs on our website at Julie Ireton is a journalist who contributes regularly to the Glebe Report on issues affecting Abbotsford.

A big thank you to everyone who helped make this year’s annual pumpkin giveaway such a success! It was amazing to visit with so many of you in the community, and we were able to raise $1000 for Special Olympics Ottawa! We’re already looking forward to next year’s event and we hope to see you there!

This gift, and the one included in their estate, Be part of CHEO’s will be a source of support from one generation life-saving work of parents to the next, and the next, and forever. today and tomorrow. FOR INFORMATION CONTACT MEGAN DOYLE RAY AT: or 613 297-2633 Visit to learn how you can make a forever difference.

©2021 Engel & Völkers Ottawa Central, Brokerage. Each brokerage independently owned & operated. Dominique Milne, Broker. Lyne Burton, Sales Representative.

Glebe Report November 12, 2021




Join us on our Presentation Centre patio every Wednesday and enjoy delicious snacks and refreshments including fall-inspired tea, scones, and sweets, as well as a live musical performance. If you have questions about what life will be like at our upcoming senior lifestyles residence, this is your chance to meet our team members and ask any questions you have about Amica The Glebe. Every Wednesday in October and November, 12:00 - 2:00pm Presentation Centre – 117 Glebe Ave

No RSVP required. Please drop by at your convenience.



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16 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Poetry free-for-all!

As this heavy-hearted year of the pandemic comes to a close, Poetry Quarter contributors have taken this moment to sit back and take stock, reflect on what was lost and what was found. Cherish the unremarked, the memories of happier times – indeed, the very nature of time. And to launch new passions. The Glebe Report’s Poetry Quarter is curated by poet, author and educator JC Sulzenko.


Time Lapse Maureen Korp

I miss you so much Since you left so abruptly After seventy years Living along so close to me. We were so close, We even have the same genetic code.

Is it

You were a living companion. Nothing can replace you. It is hard to fill the void, It has left me incomplete.


true? Are you back? For now, for long? Wait. Stay. Two minutes. Let me. . . focus on you. Here. Patterson Creek Ducks Louise Rachlis

Do you miss your companions— The insolent Incisors, the cunning Canines, The presumptuous Premolars, all usurpers Sitting pretty in the front, seen by all, And you, way back pushed to the wall.

They swim beak to beak in the unfrozen creek, while I run by, cold hands, cold feet. If I gave them some food,

A Summer Romance Dawn Steiner

they’d just want to stay.

you would think this chipmunk who stuffed his cheeks all summer with peanuts laid out on my deck would be in a good place this fall

C’mon ducks, it’s December 13th – fly away!

he visited regularly seemed in good spirits robust health stable home behind the shed plenty to eat I sometimes saw him with a companion the sun shone the days were long and lazy we bonded shared snacks he ate from the palm of my hand

I miss the laughter of children at the playground after school. And wonder how much they understand about the new rule, The frequent washing of their hands, the need to stay inside and things they can no longer do, Video games replacing all the friends they knew. They should be romping in the fallen leaves, so spectacular this year. They’re shuttered in the house because of this new fear. It’s strange to be without the noise of their happy voices. They must wonder what has happened to their choices? We went to bed and in the morning, discovered our whole world had changed, Forcing us into having every aspect of our lives re-arranged. No more laughter, sharing smiles, being hugged or kissed. It’s too dangerous, they said, though this is what we’ve missed. We may be dressed to kill, but hidden behind the mask Do we not appear to be all bandits? Well, you might ask. We recognize our neighbors only by their eyes. They do the same. We pass each other, mumbling goodbyes. There is something unnatural about this atmosphere. It is charged with tension – a threat over all we hold dear. Is it a groaning of our Mother Earth crying in her pain? Pouring out her grief to us in flood and fire and hurricane? Can we do more to reverse this backward motion? Try to care more deeply about our air, plant life and ocean? In this fight for the future of our earthly home, and for the children’s sake We have no wish or right, to let them inherit our mistake. So let’s awaken from our hypnotic sleep, dress ourselves, in masks and all And beat back this monstrous event, showing it we’re ten feet tall By doing everything we can! Rising up bold and strong! Then on a coming day, may we find we’ve righted our share of the wrong. We need a plan, not a press release Diane McIntyre

on rainy days I imagined him busy with burrow renovations a bedroom extension a guest room perhaps definitely more shelving he seemed an industrious fellow yet here he is haggard, winter-worried frantically foraging in my sepia toned garden

Magical Thinking won’t work. It is “code red for humanity” warned the UN. What actions are planned or is it all wishful thinking… We need a plan, not just a press release - a roadmap, not promises. Tell us what’s being done for a future that’s based on science and dreams. We must all plant trees, grow them tall, protect our forests and parklands.

what generated this decline a breakdown of sorts? did his partner leave taking half the storage with her? I hadn’t seen any signs I find a container of sunflower seeds trail a path along the deck across the lawn round to the back of the shed to let him know I am here

A Paddler’s Prayer Darren Power Dip me in water when my madness runs deep When it drips from my brain, out my mouth as I weep Don’t bother to ask for I won’t comprehend When wet withdrawal controls, all thought starts to bend Sink me deep where I’ll breathe, the truth not the noise Where the fluid-filled silence will filter mind’s lies Yes, I beg for immersion, no matter the time For the water, it soothes me, like a womb of sublime Don’t hesitate if you love me, just throw me right in For asking won’t work, my madness will grin On the bottom, I’ll open my eyes and I’ll see The ache, like an anchor, I’ll let go, paddle free Dip me in water when my madness runs deep When it drips from my brain, out my mouth as I weep From the darkness I’ll float, to life’s light I will rise On my altar of water, by submersion baptized

A clear roadmap for real action is needed now - not just promises, but Direction - more open green spaces, blue sky and clean air for all with local food, safe shelter, free transit, a clear path with a solid vision for change - not smokescreens.

Lansdowne Michelle Desbarats An exhibition used to anoint summer’s end, transforming a parking lot. Overnight the trucks came in and from these was birthed, in a racket of hammering and pounding, a world complete with popcorn and hotdogs scented air, cotton candy on paper tubes; spun sugar swirled in a huge vat to a transparency that would melt in the mouth, almost too fast to taste. Every ride’s music – a calliope impossible to ignore – the merry go round for kids. Bigger rides, not needing to have gone on all for the thrill to begin. Games to try winning at. The workers had built for the duration, it seemed a different sky, stars they would take down when they dismantled everything, leaving the stars from before. Once I crept through the dark’s back hedge with someone I liked, suggested if anyone caught us, to kiss like we’re in love. Yes, he said, as we entered our one night world strung with lights

We need a plan, not a press release. We need actions now, a promise of hope for all. Now. Not just empty words. We need a plan, not a press release to emerge from this “code red for humanity”

and to protect a rich biodiversity of plants and animals and humankind.


Glebe Report November 12, 2021


The Work of saying goodbye By Sarah Prospero It’s hard work letting go of the past. Concentrating on the here and now while all our yesterdays knock at the cellar door, wanting still to matter, wanting at least not to be forgotten. Just trying to ignore them takes work. It’s exhausting. But it occurs to me that maybe we are not meant to leave the past behind, even were it possible to do so. Maybe the past is simply the baggage we must find room for in our unlit attics or the recesses of our basements. Maybe it’s even worth the trouble to cart it along with us from house to house and maybe it becomes less of a burden over time as bits and pieces get lost from our memory. Besides that, the effort of trying to forget sometimes leaves us more unhappy at the end of the day. In a film I watched last night, a woman told her husband: “You’ve tried to forget the past for so long, but it has caused you nothing but unhappiness. Maybe it’s time you tried to remember.” I think remembering can be a way to be happy, even if it’s hard. But I’m in an almost sad, almost melancholic, autumn-ish mood this pale grey, weak-sunned morning, back at home after a long, lovely long summer at the cottage. I am cozy without having to tend to a fire and there are no mice in my pantry or poop on its shelves. It is nice to be back here again – isn’t it? Nice to have a pot of vegetable stock simmering on the stove, to look forward to soup, not salad, for dinner for

a change – n’est ce pas? Yesterday’s wind swept nearly all the golden leaves from my walnut trees, the grass is now littered with them and I didn’t feel its chill nor hear the old verandah windows rattle. I wonder whether the wind is up at the bay, whether the steel-grey October waves are racing their frothy whitecaps to the shoreline in that relentless stormy way they do at this time of year. I remember, suddenly, the lines of a favourite sonnet, That time of year thou may’st in me behold, and the picture of Hopkins’ Margaret “grieving over Goldengrove unleaving,” and suddenly I feel I could cry too. So I get up and go stir the broth, knowing that a little dose of reality can douse the fire memory threatens to light. And it works. I used to cry all the way to Perth on our drive home to Toronto after spending Thanksgiving weekend at the cottage and putting it to bed for another year. I used to hug the walls outside my little room and pat the wood and tearfully tell them that I would be back, that I always come back, my throat constricting, my heart heavy with sadness. My whole self filled with longing until we’d passed the beautiful, bright Silver Lake, and then everything lifted, and the sun shone on me again. I always feel tender towards the child I tote around with me and I open the door when she comes knocking, especially in the fall. I do the same after Christmas has been tucked back in the cupboard each year. My mother used to scoff at my sentimental nature, tell

me I was just like my father. He used to feel sorry for scraps of paper he would see in the street with handwriting on them; I felt sorry for the teaspoons that didn’t get used in the spooner on the cottage sideboard. It is sometimes hard to remember sad things – but it’s worth doing. As the song goes, I could have missed the pain – but I’d have had to miss the dance. The sun has emerged from hiding and is brightening the leaves outside my window; the stock is nearly done, and I need to strain it through cheesecloth. Sitting patiently by my front door is a basket of this year’s sheets and towels, all clean and ready to go back to the cottage. I am going to drive up if it stays sunny, have a look around, maybe haul the shutters out of the shed. I will

go inside and admire the mouse-proof pantry, maybe clear out the fridge too. Maybe I’ll just go for a walk and be reminded of other walks, marvelling again at the beauty of the place. Maybe some hearty neighbour will have a little fire going and woodsmoke will fill the air and I will go inside to share with them a cup of coffee or even a bit of soup while we talk about the summer that was. Or maybe I’ll just stay here and think about doing so, remembering how I love the cottage. Easier that way. Sarah Prospero is a former English teacher now happily living and writing at her home in Almonte – when she isn’t living and writing even more happily at her cottage on the Ottawa River.

From the author’s beach, looking northeast towards the mouth of the Mississippi River one spectacularly beautiful late afternoon in early October. “I just had to go down to the beach to capture the light.” PHOTO: SARAH PROSPERO

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18 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Flavours of the world By Marisa Romano My Sunday visits to the Ottawa Farmers’ Market at Lansdowne often end in a lineup at one of the food stands clustered behind the Aberdeen Pavilion. There, visitors can satisfy their cravings for street food with authentic international bites like Punjabi pakoras, Venezuelan arepas and Syrian falafels, all flavours brought to our plates by people who arrived from other corners of the world and made Canada their new home. Canada, land of immigration, has been changing its social and economic landscape over time with large periodic influxes of diverse cultures. After colonization by French and British powers, Canada became a refuge for other people who arrived in waves, escaping the economic downturns and humanitarian crises in their native countries. The first influx was from China at the turn of the last century; from the 1940s to the 1960s, Canada continued its steady journey towards multiculturalism with the arrival of other Europeans, South Asians and Hispanics. Since the 1970s, new Canadians have overwhelmingly been from developing countries, including the boat people from Vietnam and, more recently, refugees from Syria. They departed their native lands, leaving behind possessions and sometimes family, bringing with them courage, resilience, strength and perseverance; they arrived with the hope for opportunities and a better life, and they brought the gift of their culture. Too often though, what we hear about those lives are only statistics and pain, devastation, war horrors and human tragedies. What we miss are the stories of human fortitude, endurance, hope and joy that define peoples’ memories and the history behind their rich and diverse cultures. Raouf Omar, owner of the Jericho café, is very aware of all this. The book that he co-authored with Claude Weil (Light Behind the Darkness, General Store Publishing House, 2008) is all about those missed stories. A Palestinian born and raised in Balata – the largest United-Nations-administered refugee camp in the West

Bank – Omar landed in Canada in 1982 looking for the opportunity to establish a good life, indulge in his passion for art and show his talent. Shortly after arriving in Ottawa, he landed a job as a waiter at the former Glebe Café, the restaurant at 840 Bank Street. A few years later, he became its new owner. He renamed it Jericho, reworked the menu and indulged in culinary art, introducing Glebites to Palestinian flavours. Then he picked up brushes and paints and indulged in visual art, developing his own painting technique and depicting stories and culture of his beloved Palestinian homeland. Omar’s restaurant has been listed among the best international cuisines in Ottawa (Ottawa Life Magazine 2020), and the vibrant colours of his paintings – many hanging on Jericho’s walls – are known well beyond Canada. This is his way of showing his love for his native land and sharing his culture. Customers appreciate the delightful art made by his talented hands and keep coming back. In line at the farmers’ market, I smile with the person next to me about the food that we are about to savour and the culinary riches brought to us by new Canadians. We both acknowledge that the next influx, sadly enough, is just around the corner with the unfolding humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan. Beyond the sadness of the situation and the reported horrors of that peoples’ tragic history, we may be at the cusp of the discovery of yet another ancient culture, a little-known history and new flavours, a gift brought to us in exchange for opportunities and a better life in a safer and peaceful society. Raouf Omar shares (somewhat) his recipe for Chicken and Fattoush, one of the most popular dishes on Jericho’s menu. Everything in the restaurant is made from scratch, including the pickles for the fattoush salad. The ingredients are skillfully balanced to reproduce the flavours of Omar’s childhood table. Marisa Romano is a foodie and scientist with a sense of adventure who appreciates interesting and nutritious foods that bring people together.

Raouf Omar’s Chicken and Fattoush Ingredients for the chicken: Chicken breast, sliced Olive oil Lemon juice Pomegranate juice For the fattoush: Romaine lettuce Tomato Cucumber Pickled turnip and cabbage Toasted pitas, broken in bite-size chunks Dressing: Olive oil Lemon juice Dried mint Sumac Salt Directions: Chicken: mix the ingredients for the marinade, brush over the chicken breast and grill. Salad dressing: mix equal parts of lemon juice and good olive oil; add mint, sumac and salt to taste Salad: cut Romaine leaves, chop the tomato and slice the cucumber, mix with pickles and bites of toasted pitas; toss with the dressing and serve with the grilled chicken on top.

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Glebe Report November 12, 2021



A Tangle of time and truth The Father

Directed by Florian Zeller (UK, 2020)

Review by Kate Roberts What’s the point of telling a story out of order? Usually, it’s to build mystery and suspense (I’m looking at you, Memento). Sometimes, in more exciting movies, it’s a necessary part of time travel (no way around it, eh Looper?) But on rare occasions, the only way to tell a story truthfully is to take the pages of a linear plot, toss them into the air, and tell it how they land. It won’t make sense to anyone – least of all the storyteller – but sometimes nonsense is someone’s reality. When all the pages get jumbled and the sun rises in the evening, both character and audience settle into a point of view that is mystifying, deceiving and, most of all, distressing. When a story proceeds in a linear way for every character except the main one, two things fight for dominance in every scene: truth and kindness. Is it better to tell the truth to a protagonist lost in time or to play along and be kind? That is the reality for Anthony (Anthony Hopkins). Anthony, now in his 80s, lives independently in his beautiful London flat. He listens to opera, drinks tea and suffers regular visits from his daughter, Anne (Olivia Colman). Anne thinks her father could benefit from a live-in nurse or at least a caregiver, but Anthony is perfectly capable of taking care of himself in her flat. Hang on. Her flat? When did

the walls change colour? Why have all the pictures moved? The Father covers an indiscernible period of time as Anthony’s mind slips a little more each day, first forgetting events, then faces, then his surroundings. Scenes start at the end and end at the beginning as Anthony’s mind muddles with time. All the while, Anne stumbles behind, trying to put his broken pieces back in order, juggling the choice between being truthful and being kind. The Father breaks the mold. As confusing as the storyline is, the story itself is not confusing at all. We immediately recognize the signs of dementia and understand Anne’s position. Once those two points become clear, everything else is just dressing. It’s hard to tell if The Father takes place over one day, one week or one year. Anthony seems to decline quickly, but given that dinner is served at 8 p.m. when the sun is coming up, who’s to say for sure? Anthony has a knack for asking the same questions and losing the same things, and there’s strong symbolism in the object that he loses the most: his watch. Anthony, like the audience after just a few scenes, has lost track of time both physically and metaphorically. It’s the eventual recognition of the second that’s the most frightening. I can’t see how The Father would have worked without Hopkins or Colman. Anthony isn’t crazy, he’s confused, and it takes a master to jump through all the moments of a life, from childhood to old age, in a single scene. Sometimes he’s the old man contemplating his

surroundings, and the next minute he’s a young flirt telling wild stories to make a girl smile. When his people occasionally choose truth over kindness, Anthony plays along like he’s up to speed when we know, of course, that huge swaths of time are missing or misremembered. On the receiving end stands Anne – sometimes. That is, when Anthony’s mind hasn’t replaced her with someone else. Anne is unshakably patient, and if it were anyone else, we might ask why. Why endure the abuse? Why care for a father who loves your sister more? Why sacrifice your happiness for his cruelty? Because love. Very few actors could stare into the void and make us see love, but in Colman it’s just obvious. We don’t need words to know this is the hardest thing she’s ever done, the hardest days she’s ever lived, and that after every episode, she weighs whether it’s all worth it. Of course, the answer is always yes. Because love. The Father doesn’t so much tell a story as get caught up in one. It’s a series of spirals that twist around each other, mixing up places, people and conversations. Like hair trapped in a brush

A Well-told story that holds up The Nightmare Before Christmas Directed by Henry Selick (US, 1993)

Review by Angus Luff The Nightmare Before Christmas is a 1993, stop-motion, animated musical directed by Henry Selick. The story was written by Tim Burton, who also produced the movie. Jack Skellington (Chris Sarandon/ Danny Elfman) is the king of Halloween Town, which is filled with ghouls, vampires, ghosts and other creatures who celebrate Halloween as their main source of happiness. However, Jack gets tired of Halloween and while wandering in the dead of night, he discovers doors that lead to their own respective holiday towns. He accidentally enters the Christmas Town door, quickly falls in love with the holiday and decides he will celebrate it and even take it over with his own Halloween twist. But Jack’s secret admirer, Sally (Catherine O’Hara), has a horrible premonition that the Christmas plan will end in flames. She tries to stop it, but Jack and the town are fully convinced they should pursue this new holiday. It seems I’ve been on a Halloween roll lately in terms of movies, a horror-themed binge that was not limited to just October. There’s something so addicting about watching movies with similar motifs and flavours, one after the other, during a particular time or setting that fits the mood. Thankfully, The Nightmare Before

Christmas satisfies as both a Halloween and a Christmas film, which means I get another excuse to do a “scary” movie that also fits around Christmas time. It’s such a unique idea – this sort of holiday swap hadn’t really been done before in a popular, mainstream, family film. The creativity doesn’t end with just the basic idea of the film. The sets, puppets, lighting and colours are all so vibrant and imaginative that you’re not surprised it was based on a storybook – the whole film feels like a storybook come to life. Stop-motion animation also has a certain power above all other forms of animation that brings out a nostalgic, warm feeling that perfectly fits holiday films you’ll revisit year after year. There’s a reason I started with a plot synopsis – the film is so quick and breezy that it gets to the point very effectively without any extra fat or content. It’s so efficient at building this unique world, but also at explaining what’s happening using catchy, wellcomposed, total earworms of songs that are staples of the season they represent. It’s so simple that you can’t really start a review with anything but the plot – the film just doesn’t provoke any complex discussions about how the legacy of older films detracts from their goal or how directors are hated simply because they are different. It’s just accepted nowadays as The Nightmare Before Christmas. The only discussion to have in 2021 is how well the film has held up. The simplicity is one of the best things about it. Its short runtime, simple plot and unique look and feel seem like a

real treat now, when many of kids’ films are overly long and date themselves. This film only gets better with age as we crave simpler, well-told stories. The Nightmare Before Christmas is such a breath of fresh air with great music, breath-taking animation and

– countless lines of truth all tangled up in each other with no beginning or end. It’s a beautiful, frustrating mess. The Father illustrates what it must feel like to have dementia, not just from the family’s point of view, which we’ve seen before, but from the patient’s perspective. It’s sad, yes, very sad (thank you, Colman), but it’s mostly terrifying. It’s like Alice falling down the rabbit hole, saying “curiouser and curiouser” all the way, but with no hope of ever climbing back out. The Father is a must-see movie that will rifle through the sock drawer of your emotions before stuffing them back in, disheveled and with all the left socks missing. It’s a masterpiece 9/10. Running time: 1 hour 37 minutes Available on Prime Video Kate Roberts grew up in the Glebe and is a movie addict who has been writing reviews since 2013. Her reviews can be found at Originally published online at plentyofpopcorn.wordpress. com/2021/10/13/the-father. looks, and it has a good time with its darkly funny and simple story. It’s everything a holiday movie should be because it’s so easy to watch and immerse yourself in every year. The Nightmare Before Christmas gets extra points for often being watched twice a year around both Halloween and Christmas, adding to the iconic imagery burning into our memory. I’m sure most people have seen and loved it, but if you haven’t, don’t expect a big, epic scale – it’s a way simpler story, but that’s what makes it work. Available on Disney Plus Running time: 76 minutes Angus Luff is a student at Glebe Collegiate. He grew up in the Glebe and is obsessed with movies.


20 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Peace and remembrance Picture books for kids young and old By Susan Townley The Ottawa Public Library has an extensive collection of picture books that appeal to both younger and older readers. In the month when we recognize Remembrance Day, war and conflict are subjects that children might be discussing in school while adults ponder the same issues. Here are some recent titles, which can be found in the library’s special picture book collection. The Eleventh Hour is a fictionalized picture book by cartoonist Jacques Goldstyn that tells the story of the last Canadian soldier to die in the First World War. Friends Jules and Jim grow up together in a small town. Jim was born just two minutes ahead of Jules and was always quicker to learn. Jules looks up to Jim, and Jim looks out for Jules. When war breaks out in Europe, Jim enlists, and Jules is right behind him. Expecting glory, they instead find

the horrors of war, which author and illustrator Goldstyn does not hide. Just minutes before the armistice is signed, Jules’ habitual dawdling saves his life when Jim goes into a field first and is fatally shot. Jules’ life is haunted by the loss as he struggles to move forward. Goldstyn’s text is powerful in its spareness, and his cartoon-style illustrations successfully capture the story’s tone and mood. Goldstyn has also illustrated a wordless picture book inspired by Amnesty

What Your Neighbours are


Here is a list of some titles read and discussed recently in various local book clubs: TITLE (for adults)



John A.: The Man Who Made Us

Richard Gwyn

The 15 Book Club

The Truth Be Told

Beverley McLachlin

The 35 Book Club

The People We Meet on Vacation

Emily Henry

Abbotsford Book Club

Indians on Vacation

Thomas King

Broadway Book Club

Rabbit Foot Bill

Helen Humphreys

Can’ Litterers

The Leopard

Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa

Helen’s Book Club

Mona Lisa: A Life Discovered

Dianne R. Hales

Seriously No-Name Book Club

Hamnet and Judith

Maggie O’Farrell

The Book Club

If your book club would like to share its reading list, please email it to Micheline Boyle at

International’s global Write for Rights campaign. Letters for a Prisoner reveals the story of a man and his young daughter who attend a peaceful political protest where he is arrested and thrown into solitary confinement. As the man counts the days of his confinement, a bird delivers first one and then many letters of support. Guards rip up and burn the letters, but the flood of support becomes so great that the man can escape on wings made from his many letters. The illustrations are simple and showcase Goldstyn’s political-cartoonist style. The book was originally published in French and is dedicated to imprisoned Saudi activist Raif Badawi. Peace Train is newly published and beautifully illustrated by Canadian storyteller, writer and illustrator Peter H. Reynolds. The 1970s anthem by Cat Stevens is captured in Reynolds’ colourful, psychedelic, flower-power illustrations. This is a wonderful reintroduction of the song for a young audience at a time when we could use some of Stevens’ energy and optimism. The book is dedicated to Greta Thunberg, all the children of this beautiful world, John Lennon, Yoko Ono and all the creative “Peace Cats.” Creatively and cleverly illustrated, The Hawk and the Dove by the late Paul Kor dares us to imagine peace and challenges us to see how close peace and war really are to each other. Quarrelsome Hawk tires of conflict and changes himself into peaceful Dove, and that changes leads to other as the

pages turn – tanks are replaced by tractors, guns shoot bouquets of flowers instead of bullets. Kor uses papercuts and a balance of full pages and half pages to illustrate how quickly a story can change. The Dove and the Hawk is published posthumously as Kor envisioned it, a beautiful and powerful message of hope to be shared. Global Conflict by Louise Spilsbury and Hanane Kai offers gentle explanations and illustrations to answer childrens’ challenging questions about why our world is so often in conflict. The book provides some general definitions of war and terrorism that are simplified and easy for young children to understand. For example, terrorists are described as people who feel badly treated or disagree with others’ beliefs. The text discourages fear and encourages kids to rely on people trained to find common ground with others when there is conflict. The soft artwork and age-appropriate language make this an accessible picture book for young children to explore a difficult subject. Finally, a charming true tale of a goat’s adventure from the prairies of Saskatchewan to the trenches of France during the First World War. Sergeant Billy: The True Story of the Goat Who Went to War, by Mireille Messier and Kass Reich, is a charming tale of a mischievous goat who becomes the mascot of the Fifth Canadian Battalion. Despite the objections of the battalion’s colonel, Billy is smuggled aboard a ship to England and brought to France. He does well in the trenches, eating scraps, terrorizing rats and comforting the soldiers. Morale hits an all-time low when Billy is jailed for eating secret documents, but he is eventually released and promoted to sergeant when the colonel realizes how important he is to the troops. When the war ends, he returns to Saskatchewan as a hero. The plot is quick paced and filled with twists and turns; the art is clear and charming. All these titles can be found at the Sunnyside Branch of the Ottawa Public Library. Susan Townley loves to sing, dance and have fun every day in the Children’s Department at the Sunnyside Branch Library.


Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Potter Debbie Gilmer hard at work on her creation, in advance of the upcoming Ottawa Guild of Potters sale December 10 to 12 in the Horticulture Building.

One potter’s journey through COVID By Suzanne Denney Working from her own studio, Debbie Gilmer has run a full-time pottery business since 2009. But last year, her livelihood was hit hard by COVID-19 and she was forced to pivot to try to save it. “The pandemic lockdown wasn’t all bad news,” she says now. “It forced me to retool my business, make it more flexible and diverse.” At the onset of the pandemic in 2020, Gilmer had applied to four in-person shows in March and April, but all were cancelled. She experienced depression and didn’t touch clay for awhile. To help herself out of this funk, she took an online workshop. In June last year, she started to do custom work again and sent a newsletter to customers to float the idea of a Studio Open House and Christmas Sale. It worked – the event went ahead with COVID-19 masking and social-distancing restrictions, and it turned out to be a great success. But she wasn’t out of the woods yet. Gilmer continued to apply for in-person shows, but all were eventually cancelled. This cut deeper into her sales and livelihood. One creative alternative to in-person shows did help. The Merrickville Artists Guild organized a virtual studio tour in which artists were interviewed on camera and showed their studios online. Another pivot was revamping her online sale portal on Square, a point-of-sale app and service. Gilmer put lots of effort into keeping it updated and maintaining inventory for online purchases. She also signed up on The Northern Kiln, an online platform for selling pottery. Sales gained some momentum but have never reached the volume of in-person events. Still, Gilmer says these alternative outlets are



helping. “Not all my eggs are in one basket anymore.” And prospects of boosting sales back to pre-pandemic levels now look brighter with the return of in-person shows. As pandemic restrictions ease, Gilmer is busy building inventory for the Ottawa Guild of Potters Holiday Sale. The sale will take place Friday, December 10, 3–9 p.m.; Saturday, December 11, 10 a.m.–6 p.m.; and Sunday, December 12, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. in the Horticulture Building at Lansdowne Park. “The format of the sale is uniquely c o o p e r a t ive , ” s ay s G i l m e r. “Customers can browse displays unattended and still have access to participating potters for questions and assistance.” Gilmer is thrilled to be heading back to normalcy after 18 months of head scratching and uncertainty. She hopes you will come see her and many other potters in person. Suzanne Denney is a member of the sales committee of the Ottawa Guild of Potters.

They belong here. From kindergarten through graduation, these friends have been part of a community. Elmwood students are science enthusiasts, art lovers, athletes, math whizzes, and writers. And they support and celebrate one another as they discover their aspirations and head out into the world to make them happen. • Financial aid program • Transportation available

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Visit us to see why you belong here.


22 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

St. Matthew’s Online Treasures Auction

Art, books, fashion, food, travel

By Margret B. Nankivell The online auction is back for a second year at St. Matthew’s Anglican Church. Like last year’s fun and successful event, it will feature art, travel, home cooking and more. The site opened for bidding on Friday, November 12 and runs until 4 p.m. on Saturday, November 20. The selection of items on offer is extraordinary and (as is usual for St. Matt’s auctions!) eclectic. More than 300 items are listed, including some lovely works of art such as paintings and exotic sculptures, antique and intriguing books, and travel certificates for resorts in Antigua, Bermuda, the Grenadines and Panama. New this year will be the use of a large Quebec cottage for a week in 2022. Last year’s offerings of Christmas baked goods and delivered meals were so popular that they will be featured again. And fashion is a new category so there are opportunities to bid on chic gifts, including quite a range of designer purses. The auction’s major sponsors last year have renewed their support: McKeen Metro Glebe, Tracy Arnett Realty Ltd. and Capital Home Hardware. They are joined this year by Amica The Glebe, which is opening a “seniors’ lifestyles” building in the Glebe next spring. These

This convivial group of companions can be yours if you bid well.

sponsorships will cover most of the event costs, such as the auction website and software, graphic design and promotion. This year’s outreach partner is the FACES refugee group representing First Avenue churches and community members. The group, which has sponsored and supported families from the Middle East and Africa, is in the process of arranging a sponsorship for

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Joel Harden


another family. More than 20 per cent of the auction’s net profits will go to help FACES raise the money needed for this initiative. Registration for the auction can be reached through St. Matthew’s website 109 Catherine St. Ottawa, ON. K2P 2M8 613-722-6414


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Margret B. Nankivell is a long-time St. Matthew’s parishioner and regular contributor to the Glebe Report.

Art Lending of Ottawa show December 11 By Christiane Kingsley Art Lending of Ottawa is happy to invite the Glebe community to our next art show and sale at the RA Centre on Riverside Drive on December 11. This holiday show will be only our second show since March 2020 when COVID-19 stopped all our in-person events. What a great opportunity to celebrate, rent that special artwork for your holiday décor or buy a unique gift, all while supporting local artists. Our last show was held in September and was a success. Twenty-six artists participated, and close to 100 artworks were displayed. We were thrilled by the number of visitors, rentals and sales that day in spite of the pandemic regulations.

MPP, Ottawa Centre

( or

In December, we will continue to follow public health guidelines for COVID-19 to ensure a safe, enjoyable experience for all. Social distancing will be respected, and masks and proof of double vaccination will be mandatory. Art Lending of Ottawa is a unique not-for-profit organization established in 1970. Since we are dedicated to making art affordable for as many people as possible, our patrons have the option to buy, rent or lease-to-buy. Renting allows you to change art whenever you are ready for something new or to simply enjoy the piece before committing to the purchase. If you are planning to move, you can increase buyer interest by renting art when staging your home. What great options! Our December 11 show will be a fun event with several door prizes and a great selection of artwork. There will be free admission, free parking, no HST. To ensure that we are offering you work of the highest quality, all our artists are admitted through a jurying process. Our artists are busy creating beauty for you, and we hope to see many of you in December. Until then, we invite you to visit our website to view a selection of our artwork ( Christiane Kingsley is one of the artists participating in Art Lending of Ottawa.

Art Lending of Ottawa Art Show December 11, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. The RA Centre, Main entrance Outaouais Room 2451 Riverside Drive More info: Website: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter: artlending613


Glebe Report November 12, 2021


The Glebe according to Zeus


A Child's Christmas in Wales, Illustration by Fritz Eichenberg

Holiday celebrations this time around

By Eleanor Crowder

How did Christmas in the pandemic unfold at your house? It’s likely to become a storied time: the Christmas that almost wasn’t and then was saved. But how? With us, it was by a shared outdoor meal in the rain. A neighbour’s screened porch, candles, a tourtière and four of us wrapped in blankets over our winter coats. It felt Nordic and brave and put a huge grin on our faces, which countered only being able to see by Zoom. Close-up smiles made it truly Christmas! And there somehow is the essence of Christmas. What makes it special for you? This year, here’s what’s special for us! We can be in a theatre again. Our audiences are masked, vaccinated, careful but revelling in the joy of theatre in company. This year, as members of Bear & Co. working alongside Pierre Brault Productions, we get to welcome you back to the Gladstone Theatre. Consider this your invitation! Bear & Co. will produce Dylan Thomas’ classic tale, A Childs Christmas

in Wales. Actors Nicholas Amott and Rachel Eugster invite you to remember Christmases gone by and to cherish the Christmas Eve hush with the golden glow of candles. We cannot invite you to ring out carols to the rafters, but we can invite you to share the tunes and to hum along! Not a carol sing, but a carol hum! And Pierre brings you his solo rendition of Charles Dickens’s A Christmas Carol. His showmanship and wicked twists of humour rival Dickens’ own! Our own Ottawa star brings us a true star turn in this hour-long show. You can see both shows in one night, or enjoy them separately. Each show runs under an hour. They play alternately at 7 and 8.30 p.m. from November 30 to December 18. Tickets and information on livestreams at We wish you the merriest of holidays and hope to share this restored pleasure with you. Eleanor Crowder is an actor, director, producer and playwright. She will direct for Bear & Co., and also teaches theatre classes at GNAG. She has very much missed theatre as celebration!

Parts of speech Nouns and pronouns

By Michael Kofi Ngongi Like actors in a play, words in a sentence play different parts. They can be nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions or interjections. These “parts of speech” may be a bit fuzzy in some minds, so here’s a refresher. Nouns are really the foundation of all communication. The origin of the word “noun” can be traced back to the Latin word “nomen,” meaning name. And that’s what nouns are, simply the names of things. And so many things there are, from the concrete and tangible to the abstract and intangible. Rocks, plants, language, time – everything we know and don’t know is a noun. Pronouns serve as proxies for nouns. We call on them whenever a noun risks becoming tedious or tiresome through repetition and overuse. Pronouns can take several forms. They can be personal (I, you, him, her, they, them, etc.) They can be demonstrative (this, that, these, those). They can be indefinite (any, either, many, etc.) They can be reflexive (myself, yourself, themselves, etc.) They can be interrogative (who, what, which, whom, whose). Pronouns are very much in the spotlight these days and have become a hot

topic of discussion, as we strive to be more inclusive and respectful of diverse gender identities. Nouns and pronouns are the objects and subjects of our thoughts and actions. They are the people, places, animals, objects, concepts, emotions, ideas and sundry things around which we construct conversations and stories. Without them, we would literally have nothing, and no one, to talk about! So, three cheers for nouns and pronouns and the fantastic work they do – the pillars of all that we say and do. Join us next time for an action-packed sequel on verbs. Michael Kofi Ngongi is a new Canadian originally from Cameroon, another bilingual country. He has experience in international development and is a freelance writer interested in language, its usage and how it can unite or divide people.

Rodenne snags two prestigious awards: art & film! As one of the world’s most prestigious awards for visual art, the Turnip Prize provides recognition to artists who have devoted hours, and sometimes even days, to a piece of art without the certainty of a sale or even community interest. Sometimes controversial, the prize, sponsored by the Ate Modern, is secretly coveted by even the most selfeffacing of artists. Similarly, Tennis Bienball’s Golden Lion award is internationally regarded as one of the most prestigious awards for YouTube videos or Instaham reels. “No one has ever won both awards in the same year. It’s unheard of,” stated a dispassionate Hugo von Taavi, a renowned (and sometimes disliked) art and film critic from Chelsea, Quebec. “I visited Rodenne in her studio in 2020. I recall with some clarity the strong smell of Tremclad. I was asked at that time to hold Camille up to reach some top areas of the now-famous canvas that earned a Turnip. I shudder to think I was part

of its creation,” offered Taavi with an inscrutable undertone. In an interview in the Gourdian newspaper, Rodenne explained her approach to Instaham reels. “It’s quite challenging, you know, working an iPhone with no thumbs. Sometimes it just drops, but I seem to catch the best footage that way,” mused Rodenne about her winning montage of reels entitled “Fell, Fall, Fallen.” Rumours are swirling on Twigger and Geddit, however, that the real talent lies with Camille and Claudel, not Rodenne, especially given the sheer scale of the painting and the nothumbs issue. When asked, Rodenne’s response is unequivocal: “We’re not a collective, you know.” Rodenne’s winning piece, “The Physical Impossibility of Life in the Mind of Someone Dead” (pictured), will soon be shown at the Glebe Community Centre, and her reels can be viewed on Instaham: @Rodenne_Arteest.


24 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

During our COVID confinement we’ve all been staring at our excess “stuff,” wondering how that happened. In this occasional series, Martha Tobin will answer some of your organization and decluttering questions and provide some tips and tricks for making the process easier. Send your questions to (confidentiality guaranteed and no names mentioned).

Conquering your clutter By Martha Tobin

How and where to donate your stuff Dear Martha, My husband and I are going to be downsizing to a two-bedroom retirement residence in January. In anticipation of this move, we have started decluttering our current fourbedroom home and realize we have too much stuff! We would like to donate much of it, but we don’t know where we can take our books, CDs, clothing and linens. We also have some working electronics that we would like to donate (i.e., a couple of old laptops, a monitor, keyboards and a fax machine). Where can we take items like these and know they will have a second life? Signed, Determined to Donate Dear Determined, Thank you very much for making donations a priority as you downsize. By finding homes for items that can have a second life, you are not only diverting them from landfills and helping our planet, but you are also ensuring that others in need in our

community have access to them. Thank you very much for making a difference! There are many charitable organizations in Ottawa that will give your donations a wonderful second life. A site called Charity Wish List ( is a great resource for determining where you can donate items. Just click on their “Find Charities by location and types of items wanted” button and plug in “Ontario and Ottawa” and you’ll get a list of items and where you can take them. For books, you can reach out to Friends of the Ottawa Public Library, St. Joe’s Women’s Centre, Saint Vincent de Paul, Second Hand Stories, Twice Upon A Time and Ability First Ottawa. For CDs, you can reach out to Friends of the Ottawa Public Library or Ability First Ottawa. You can also take them to thrift stores like Saint Vincent de Paul, Value Village and Salvation Army. For clothing and linens, you can donate to Shepherds of Good Hope, Caldwell Family Centre and Big Brothers Big Sisters Ottawa. For working electronics, you can donate them to Hartwood House,

Maybe someone else can benefit from things you no longer need. Why not donate? PHOTO: M. TOBIN

Immigrant Women Services Ottawa, Ottawa Valley Search and Rescue Dog Association and thrift stores like Saint Vincent de Paul and Salvation Army. To protect your personal information, it’s a good idea to wipe your devices clean before you donate them. You can find out how to do this on the Recycle My Electronics site. ( how-to-wipe-your-device) For e-waste (electronics that cannot be used again), you can ensure the parts are recycled by bringing them to retailers who participate in a “return to retail” initiative. You can find these authorized locations at the Recycle My Electronics program link ( To donate other items like used appliances, baby clothes, magazines,

vehicles, food, furniture, musical instruments, pet-related items, sports equipment/sports clothing, office, home and school supplies, new and used toys and other miscellaneous items, you can also refer to the Charity Wish List site. If you need further help finding a charity for a specific type of item not mentioned in the list, you can email A great resource indeed! As Aesop said, no act of kindness, however small, is wasted. Martha Tobin is a Glebe resident who launched her new business, Room2Breathe – Organizing & Decluttering, when COVID forced a change in career. She can be reached at

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Glebe Report November 12, 2021


Helen Epstein on the Holocaust and intergenerational trauma By Benita Siemiatycki Building upon previous programs offered for descendants of survivors, the Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship (CHES) is proud to welcome writer Helen Epstein. On November 14, as part of Holocaust Education Month, she will deliver a presentation entitled, “The Shadow of the Holocaust on the Lives of Descendants of Survivors – Is it Possible to Move Beyond Its Grip?” As there are declining numbers of survivors to share their stories, we are slowly transitioning from the age of witness to the age of memory. Epstein is the author, co-author, translator or editor of 10 books of narrative non-fiction and was the first tenured female journalism professor at New York University (1981). As a journalist, she has published many articles in prominent publications. Epstein first explored the world of children of survivors more than 40 years ago when she travelled throughout Israel, Europe and the United States searching for young people like herself. What did these children of survivors have in common? Could she relate to their experiences growing up? This inter-continental research resulted in her book, Children of the Holocaust (1979). “I set out to find a group of people who, like me, were possessed by a history they had never lived,” she says. Children of the Holocaust became the seminal piece of research and analysis that started the conversation about generational trauma and how survivors’ experiences came to be transmitted to their children. “The transmission of trauma is part of a larger question: the inter-generational transmission of culture and history,” Epstein says. “Each person deals with it in their own way, and there are many variations.” Following the death of her mother in 1989, Epstein started to research her family’s pre-Holocaust history. That resulted in Where She Came From: A Daughter’s Search for Her Mother’s History (1997). The late Elie Wiesel praised the book: “Helen Epstein’s

literary pilgrimage to her past will move and enrich our quest for memory and understanding.” Earlier this year, Epstein published a memoir of her late mother, Franci Rabinek Epstein, called Franci’s War. Asked if hard work or luck was most important in researching her mother’s history in the Czech Republic, Epstein says, “I was lucky to have a very special set of variables in my life that allowed me to explore this topic early on. In no particular order: I had two parents who had returned to their country and pre-war lives after 1945; they were not estranged from their history; they reintegrated into the Czech society of Prague which they loved and fled only because of the Communist takeover in 1948.” Her presentation will shine a light on her family history and intergenerational trauma. For children of Holocaust survivors, understanding the transmission of trauma from their heroic parents can perhaps answer questions which have dogged them their entire lives. While her presentation is aimed at second and third generations of Holocaust survivors, it will be of interest to all. We are currently discovering gruesome facts about Canada’s role in the cultural decimation of First Nations and the subsequent impact on their descendants. Around the world, genocides continue to take place. Antisemitic incidents in Canada continue to rise, and Jewish students in public schools are facing so much bullying that many are switching to schools with higher Jewish populations. The evening will open with a short presentation by Chaim Katz, a PhD student at the University of Toronto and a grandson of survivors. He has been involved in many aspects of student life on campus and shared his story and message at the Emergency Summit on Antisemitism. This advocacy has led Katz to roles in Jewish student life and to collaborating with various Jewish groups on and off campus. He knows what antisemitism can lead to if ignored. Katz will share his personal story and impressions of Jewish

Holocaust Education Month virtual event Helen Epstein on “The Shadow of the Holocaust on the Lives of Descendants of Survivors – Is it possible to move beyond its grip?” Introduction by Chaim Katz, PhD student and child of survivors, on “Antisemitism in universities, a hidden social pandemic.” November 14, 2021 7 p.m. online Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship For more information and to register: holocaust-education-month-nov-14/ students and antisemitism on university campuses today. For information and registration visit holocaust-education-month-nov-14. Benita Siemiatycki is a member of the Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship committee which organized the Helen Epstein event. Her parents are survivors of the Holocaust from Poland, and they arrived at Pier 21 in Halifax in 1948 as refugees. They settled in Montreal where they raised four children. Ottawa has been home to Benita Siemiatycki since 1982.


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26 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Yasir Naqvi MP Ottawa Centre

N 613-946-8682 E

My priorities as your Member of Parliament SINGLE MALTS COCKTAILS VINYL





BAR 613.737.6654


I am thrilled to be submitting my first column as your new MP for Ottawa Centre. First and foremost, I’d like to thank you for putting your trust in me to represent you as Member of Parliament. I am more than ready to hit the ground running and start working on key issues that are important to our community. Through countless conversations during the election campaign, you outlined clear priorities for me.

Affordable Housing

I want to tackle the housing and homelessness crisis in Ottawa. I am committed to working with local notfor-profit housing organizations and all levels of government to secure more funding for affordable housing and social housing and to see the social-housing waitlist reduced as much as possible. Delivering real affordable housing is critical but it is also key to improving the policy so that we are making a true impact in our communities.

Climate Action

Cozy Up!

Cochrane Photography

And help us to support the Ottawa Food Bank. For every outdoor coat and jacket we sell in November, we will donate $5. to help keep our community fed. Mon. - Wed.: 11-4 • Thurs. - Sun.: 11 - 5 • 1136 Bank Street, Ottawa 613-730-9039 •

I presented a Climate Action Plan for Ottawa Centre that I am committed to seeing through as your Member of Parliament. As part of this plan, I am prepared to advocate for stable funding for our winter trails along the Ottawa River and to consult the community on extending the project to close Colonel By Drive to vehicle traffic for a full year. I will engage with our community and the city to identify additional opportunities for active transportation, such as dedicated bike lanes. I will work to integrate the Ottawa LRT with the new world-class Civic Hospital to reduce emissions and build a better transit system for hospital workers and users. I am committed to working with community partners and advocates to identify bad air quality hotspots in Ottawa Centre and develop strategies to improve it. I am also committed to partnering with communities to develop an urban tree canopy strategy to protect

and expand our community’s trees and native plants. Last but not least, I will introduce a law to protect the Central Experimental Farm forever.

End Systemic Racism

All of us have a role to play in telling the truth about our past and a responsibility for reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples in a meaningful way. We must work together to eliminate systemic racism and fight back against the injustices that Black, Indigenous Peoples, the LGBTQ2 community and people of colour are experiencing every day. I will use my privilege and experience to put inclusion at the centre of our public policy with a diverse public service, and I will work towards ending racial profiling in federal law enforcement across Canada. I want you to know that being an MP who is accessible to you is of upmost importance to me. I am building a committed and hard-working team to assist you through exceptional service. We are in the process of setting up the office. In the meantime, please reach out to me at or call 613-9468682 to let me know how we can help, invite me to your events or let me know what you think about important issues in our community. I can’t wait to hear from you!

Online Auction OPENS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2021 CLOSES SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2021 Art, Books, Experiences, Vacations, Valuables, Beautiful Things R E G I S T E R AT W W W . S T M AT T H E W S OT TAWA . C A


Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Collaboration with federal and provincial partners key to Ottawa’s success

Standing up against hate I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Ottawa Centre never ceases to amaze me. From hurricanes to massive floods, from bus crashes to a historic pandemic – I’ve seen our community rise in the face of adversity. In October, it happened again on Broadview Avenue. A bigot from British Columbia arrived intent on protesting “gender ideology” in our public schools. The previous week he had filmed and photographed children outside Toronto schools while displaying transphobic messages. These are acts of open violence against queer, transgender and gender non-conforming people. At least half of homeless youth in Ottawa were rejected by their families for their gender identity, and rates of suicide and suicidal ideation among transgender youth denied access to necessary health care are alarmingly high. As my colleague MPP Suze Morrison noted in a crucial private members bill on this issue, we have much more to do. In this context, a bigot arrived on Broadview Avenue on October 18. He filmed, postured and displayed his hate outside public schools. He told his online followers he’d be back the next day. But the next day, he wasn’t alone. Rainbow Carleton, a queer/transgender student group at Carleton University, put out a call for a counter-demonstration before and after school. When I arrived at 8:30 a.m., the intersection of Broadview and Avondale was crammed with people – at least a hundred students, parents and neighbours. When the bigot appeared, we challenged him, told him he wasn’t welcome and asked him to leave. When he refused, we turned our backs, still blocking his signs. We

Ignoring hate is dangerous.

chanted queer-positive and transgender-positive slogans to drown out the hate. After an hour of this, and a memorable stand-off with Councillor Catherine McKenney (a trans nonbinary elected official), the bigot left and pledged to come back after school with more people. Classic bully tactics. But this time, the students were ready. Hundreds mobilized to insist the bigots leave, and after 20 minutes they did, but not before inciting violence and shoving at least one student to the ground. But, some might ask, was this the best community response? Why not ignore the bigotry and deprive it of attention? Alas, history isn’t kind to those who suggest that strategy works. Ignoring hate is dangerous. As the Southern Poverty Law Center explains, “in the face of hate, silence is deadly. Apathy will be interpreted as acceptance – by the perpetrators, the public and, worse, the victims. If left unchallenged, hate persists and grows.” Queer, transgender and gender nonconforming folks are proud of the response, and that is a victory in itself. Our community organized against hate, and I was proud to be there as your MPP.

By Jim Watson I am proud of the relationships we have maintained with our federal and provincial counterparts over the years, which have allowed our city to engage in meaningful dialogue to deliver on priority issues. In order to make real progress on important city building initiatives, all three levels of government must work together with our residents and community groups. Most recently, these strong partnerships have kept our residents safe and informed throughout the pandemic. Due in large part to our effective collaboration with the province of Ontario, Ottawa boasts one of the highest vaccination rates amongst large cities in Canada and across North America. With the federal election now behind us, we can once again look ahead to all the work the City has started with our partners at the provincial and federal levels. The new year will be a great opportunity for us to roll up our sleeves and continue to make headway on key city-building projects like the following, to name a few: • the addition of hundreds of new affordable housing units • continued dialogue and action

to address ongoing public safety concerns • the “Adisōke” net-zero central library • the Chief William Commanda Bridge for active transportation • our electric bus conversion program • improving internet connectivity for our underserved residents • Stage 3 LRT I also look forward to working with my former colleague on City Council and the newly elected MP for Kanata-Carleton, Jenna Sudds, to secure funds for Stage 3 LRT, which will bring train service to Kanata, Stittsville and Barrhaven, three of the fastest growing areas of the city. Congratulations on your election, Jenna! Finally, I am keen to work with our partners at the federal and provincial levels to ensure that Ottawa makes a strong economic rebound in the coming months with another big push on vaccines and a safe return to workplaces – especially in the downtown core – that will give a boost to our small businesses, which have been so impacted over the last 19 months. Jim Watson is mayor of Ottawa.


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28 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Re-engagement Plan 2021 Hand sanitizer, masks and social distancing in our schools are paramount to maintaining a safe learning and working environment. The Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) spent millions of dollars to ensure our students, families and staff felt comfortable and confident returning to school. Safety remains our number one priority – this will never change. Yet, I think we sometimes forget to honour all we have done to ensure our students felt supported and included as they headed back to in-person learning or joined our two new virtual schools this September.

Supporting Inclusion and Belonging

A safe, inclusive and accepting school environment is necessary for our students to succeed. Returning to school following a worldwide pandemic required more than a new pair of shoes. We needed to be honest with our students and address the fact that living through a pandemic was complicated. We will need to work together more than ever. We can do this by listening and acknowledging that not everyone experienced the pandemic in the same way. So what has the Ottawa Catholic School Board done to make the return to school

more manageable and better for our students?

Mental Health and Equity

The OCSB is using an asset-based approach in this post-pandemic era. We have created a new role that will allow a counselling psychologist or social worker to be present in 15 of our schools. Their primary role will be to support principals and partner with educators in promoting mental health concerning cultural sensitivities and associated demands. In the simplest terms, an asset-based approach focuses on strengths. It views diversity in thought, culture and traits as positive assets. Asset-based teaching seeks to unlock students’ potential by focusing on their talents and celebrating what makes them unique.

be deployed to a few of our schools to support extracurricular activities. The schools chosen share common traits that include: • low EcoSchool Program uptake • limited green space on their schoolyards • limited access to community parks. The hope is that by creating a space for extracurricular activities, students will feel a sense of community, belonging and wellbeing.

English Language Support

The OCSB will be initiating an individualized and centred approach to support Grade 7 and 8 English Language Learners in five different schools. An ELL teacher will monitor literacy and language acquisition while building relationships with families.

Addressing Learning Disruption

Two high schools will offer additional sections to address learning disruptions that happened during the pandemic. Some students found it more difficult to learn online. As a result, OCSB has created smaller/personalized class sizes to support re-engagement in two of our high schools.

Indigenous Community Partner Support

As a board, we understand that community outreach and supporting

families are privileges and responsibilities. Students do better academically and emotionally when there is a positive relationship between school and home. We have attempted to develop this partnership by hiring a temporary Indigenous Community Partner. They will help Indigenous students create school engagement pathways on the road to graduation.

Black Community Partner Support

We also recognize that we need to build better partnerships with the Black community. To do this, we are supporting a new program called Program Village. This program will be offered in eight of our schools and include tutoring, sessions on financial literacy and Black business supports.

Together We Can Build Back Better

“Build Back Better” is a phrase being used by community leaders around the world. And it is one I take to heart. We must learn from the pandemic. The measures I outlined above are just a few of the strategies underway at the OCSB to ensure everyone in our community has a voice. We as education leaders must now listen so we can build on what we learned during the pandemic. Wouldn’t it be amazing if what comes out of this worldwide tragedy is that we are a more faith-filled and kind society?


Extracurricular activities are sometimes viewed as “nice to have.” While that may be true, these activities breathe life into school for some students and help them develop social skills, collaboration and a sense of community. That is why the OCSB established an Outdoor Education local program to

Lyra Evans, Trustee, OCDSB

Wishing You Happy Holidays from the Glebe Christmas Tree Lot We are pleased to announce that The Glebe Tree Lot will be returning to the Kunstadt Sports’ parking lot, located at 680 Bank St., the weekend of November 27th. We understand that this year is not normal. As a result, due to the daily challenges we are all facing, we will be offering a new service for those required or choosing to self-isolate. Free of charge, this service will allow you to place a simple phone call to our staff with your tree requirements. Our staff will pick a tree of your choice and deliver it right to your front door. If you are interested, please CALL or TEXT Richard or Judy at 613-266-8979 to arrange for your delivery. We wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe holiday season. The Glebe Tree Lot

The Glebe Report has not received a report from the Trustee for Zone 9 of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.


Glebe Report November 12, 2021


Getting the immune system ready for the winter By Emilie Paradis As the leaves fall and the trees are left bare, it is a sure sign that the cold season is upon us. Just like we prepare the backyard, our wardrobe and the car for the coming winter, we should do the same with our body. The immune system is a wonderful and complex body defense that adapts to its internal and external environments. It warns us of the state of our health. Paying attention to signs and symptoms can help slow down and maybe prevent certain illnesses. Because we cannot always get all our nutrients through food, taking supplements from a reputable brand can help maintain and strengthen the immune system. Below are some supplements proven to do just that. Although supplements are usually very safe, it is always important to talk with your health-care provider to make sure that they are safe for you. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant and increases immunity. Vitamin C supplements are best taken on an empty stomach. When using capsules, be

careful to get a non-ascorbic form. Many supplements on the shelf are ascorbic acid from synthetic GMO corn crops. One of the best supplement sources of Vitamin C is Camu Camu powder. Vitamin D The best source of Vitamin D is obviously sunlight! However, living in Canada, we suffer a sunshine shortage during the winter and cannot soak up enough rays. Vitamin D is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, and it is a precursor for many other hormones and calcium that helps to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis. Researchers from the University of Geneva found a clear correlation between geographical latitude and hip fractures, one of the main consequences of osteoporosis, meaning that in the northern countries the incidence is higher than in the sunnier south. There are a few options to replace the loss of sunshine – we can fly to the sunny south during the winter, or we can supplement with Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is fat-soluble which means it is best absorbed

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with food. Select a liquid or gel capsule for better absorption. Zinc is essential for a healthy immune system and is also beneficial for the skin and neurological growth; it is a great antioxidant and anti-inflammatory mineral. It is best taken on an empty stomach. Studies show that Zinc picolinate is more easily absorbed. Probiotics Much research demonstrates the connection between our gut and our mental and physical health! Probiotics are known to nourish and increase the growth of the good gut bacteria which results in positive effects on the body. Probiotics can be taken in supplement form but are also easily found in fermented food sources like kimchi, sauerkraut and natto. It is not only about taking

supplements, it’s also important what else you do! Adopting good habits and a healthy lifestyle also benefit the immune system. Fresh air Breathing fresh air can strengthen your immune system, increase oxygen in your body and boost energy and mental clarity. During the winter season, opening the window in the bedroom for an hour or so can help to oxygenate the room and make it cooler for a better night of sleep. Sleep Many studies show the health benefits of sleeping between seven and nine hours a night. Not only does it have positive effects on the immune system, it also helps to prevent weight gain, regulate hormones, improve your mood and increase productivity, performance and memory. Water Our body is more than 60-percent water, so we need to drink water. It helps to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells, and it removes toxins. How much should you drink? Depending on your size, activity level and where you live, it is recommended to drink ½ to 1 oz of water per pound of body weight each day. The colour of your urine can be a great indicator of your hydration level. Don’t wait to be thirsty to drink water! Be healthy, be happy! Emilie Paradis is co-owner of InStep on Bank Street, where she is a holistic nutritionist, personal trainer and mobility coach.

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30 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

By Jenny Demark It is likely fair to say that most of us developed some strange screen habits during the early days of the pandemic. News bingeing, Netflix marathons and constant texting with friends and relatives became common occurrences. Given the unusual circumstances we were living in, these were probably healthy ways to manage our stresses and fears. If we had kids at home (all day! every day!), most of us allowed them more screen time than we were previously comfortable with. Again, this was not a bad thing. Our children and teens needed things to do, and we needed them to be occupied so we could get work done. But now that we are getting back to some “normalcy” (written with fingers tightly crossed), how can we re-establish rules for our children around technology? We know that excessive screen use is problematic and that most kids cannot regulate it on their own. The following tips may help you to find better screen balance in your home. Model healthy screen use – Children learn so much from the behaviour of their parents, so an important first step is to become aware of how much and when we are using our own screens. Do you have the TV on even when doing

other things, such as exercising, doing chores or making meals? Do you have a phone in your pocket at all times? Do you jump from the dinner table whenever a notification pings? Before we can expect good screen behaviour from our children, we may need to curb some of our own unhealthy habits first. Help them find other things to do – One of the first complaints from kids when they are told to turn off their devices is that they have “nothing to do!” (insert dramatic eye roll here). Because they have been relying on screens for so long during the pandemic, they legitimately may have forgotten their other options. Exercise and getting outside are obviously great non-screen choices. Quiet, creative activities (such as building with Lego, reading, drawing, playing music, listening to music, colouring, etc.) are very soothing. They restore our self-regulation abilities and decrease stress in ways that screens simply do not. Face-toface interactions with friends, when COVID-safe, are also great ways to rejuvenate. Use technology together – Watching a movie, playing a video game or researching information are ways to share screen time with our kids. Shared screen time, while still not as healthy for us as exercising or creating, is a much better

option than every family member being alone in their rooms on different screens. Create a screen-time contract – Sit down and collaboratively develop the rules of screen use for the family. Basic elements of the contract could include the allotted time for individual screen use per day, with weekends being different than weekdays. Then add specifics that apply to your family (e.g., no screens at the dinner table, screens turned off 30 minutes before bed, screens allowed during car rides longer than 20 minutes, screens only after homework is completed). It’s important to add information about the consequences when rules are broken – penalty of lost screen time can be very motivating. Be aware of developmental and individual differences – Toddlers and preschoolers do not benefit from screen use and do they need screens in their daily lives. School-age children often require some level of technology for school and socialization, but they do not need a personal device on them at all times. Many teenagers feel pressure to be available to friends at all hours of the day, and they will likely be resistant to efforts to curb their usage. However, parents can still establish rules (such as no phones in the bedroom overnight, putting phones aside while concentrating on homework) to promote a healthier balance. And regardless of age, some kids become quite dysregulated when using technology and are more prone to screen addiction, while others can manage screens in a more mature way. Different children may need different rules. Be flexible with your expectations and realize that they will change over time as your children grow and mature. Screens, with their myriad benefits and problems, are undoubtedly here to stay. As we emerge from pandemic isolation, parents have an important role in helping children develop healthy technology habits. Jenny Demark, Ph.D., C.Psych, is a psychologist who lives in the Glebe and works nearby.

Children’s storytelling festival to feature Jacqui Du Toit By Karen Sinclair and Karen Fee Stories breathe life into children. And that’s what children and youth need right now! Stories that help them figure out what is happening in their world. The 27th annual Ottawa Children’s Storytelling Festival will run November 22–27. The festival will be held online through the Ottawa Public Library’s website and, with limited in-person seating, at the Odawa Native Friendship Centre. Listening to stories builds self-confidence and creativity, and it teaches an appreciation for the arts. It improves memory and concentration – woe betide a parent or grandparent who has tried to skip a paragraph or two in a favourite bedtime story. “But you didn’t say. . .!!” Actor and educator Jacqui Du Toit, known as Kitchissipi’s Storyteller, describes storytellers as those who take an audience on a journey, who bridge the gap between reality and imagination. “They open the door and help the audience step into their imagination,” she says. Du Toit was born, raised and educated in theatre arts in South Africa. After moving to Ottawa in 2008, she sought out the diversity, colours and vibrancy of the arts community she left behind in Cape Town. She set out to become part of the arts scene in Hintonburg/Kitchissipi. Her enthusiasm and love for her craft is infectious. Stories have existed since the beginning of time, and storytelling in all its formats around the world enables “cross-pollination, a weaving of reality and imagination.” For Du Toit, it always comes back to the beginning of time. “We can look at how to inspire the next generation,” she says, to apply lessons learned not only from each other but from the

“four-legged and winged creatures.” The Conseil des écoles catholiques du CentreEst (CECCE) school board believes in the power of story as a learning tool that conveys language, culture and a foundation for literacy. The CECCE is partnering with Ottawa Storytellers, the Ottawa Public Library and Odawa Native Friendship Centre to produce the festival. Public health restrictions have once again forced the annual festival online, which means that entire classrooms can join in the fun! Proven to benefit children’s mental and emotional health, storytelling is also an effective way to transmit cultural knowledge, beliefs and values, and it is also a powerful tool for socialization. Storytellers at this year’s festival reflect the experiences, wit and wisdom of Indigenous people, Francophones and Anglophones. By listening to stories from other cultures, children broaden their emotional intelligence and empathy, identifying what feelings they have in common rather than focusing on differences. While in-person storytelling provides the richest experience, “the move online in 2020 because of COVID-19 resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of families attending the festival,” said festival coordinator Ruth Stewart-Verger. Come hear Jacqui Du Toit’s tales of that Trickster Rabbit! Traditional stories from her South African homeland, on Tuesday, November 23 at 12:30 p.m. The festival will be available for free on the Ottawa Public Library website’s Kids’ Zone. Jacqui Du Toit, storyteller extraordinaire, will be featured at this Karen Sinclair is a local author and storyteller, and Karen Fee is a storytelling grandmother. Both Karens are members of Ottawa StoryTellers.

year’s Ottawa Children’s Storytelling Festival, to be held online on the Ottawa Public Library website’s Kids’ Zone, November 22-27. PHOTO: OST


Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Glebe Collegiate gets ready to celebrate 100 years By Christy Griffin We will fight and we will battle for the good of Glebe We are proud of the yellow and blue, On the track and in the gym and on the football field We are first and our equals are few. Eus Protus, ever foremost is the shout of Glebe and her name ever greater shall be. Glebe Collegiate, Glebe Collegiate we will fight for thee Our school G L E B E.

The Glebe Collegiate girls field hockey team kicks butt! The GCI girls won the city wide field hockey championship! Their coach, Colin Harris is “just amazing.”

If this song rings a bell, you might be a Glebe Collegiate alum of. . .um. . .a certain age. The school is readying to welcome back all students and staff on what promises to be a funfilled anniversary weekend. Reserve May 13-15, 2022 in your calendar, and join us for a stellar Opening Night, parading from Lansdowne to the back campus for the Student Council barbecue, visiting decade rooms, the return of the Saturday night dance and so many more events. The volunteer committee is still looking for a few hands to help with the planning and for the weekend event itself. Contact Paddy via for more information. The website is regularly updated, and registration for the anniversary weekend will be open mid-November. If you have walked by GCI recently, you will see the newly installed outdoor classroom, a recent development made possible by the support of the Ottawa Carleton-District School Board, the school council and the Ottawa Community Foundation. We look forward to seeing you next May! Christy Griffin is chair of the 100th Anniversary Committee of the Glebe Collegiate Parent Council.

Glebe Collegiate’s outdoor classroom is one response to the exigencies of the pandemic. PHOTO: LIZ MCKEEN

Live concerts return to Southminster By Roland Graham After the forced closure for the past 19 months, the doors of Southminster United Church are open for music once again. The church’s celebrated Wednesday noon-hour concert series restarted in September and has concerts planned for live audiences until the end of 2021 and beyond. The symbolism of open doors – a plain reference to accessibility and welcome – has been central to the identity of the series since its debut on the Ottawa music scene in 2012. DOMS, which stands for “Doors Open for Music at Southminster,” has always been open to all and offered freely, with admission being by donation only. Music lovers in Ottawa have been unrelentingly supportive; the series has survived for nine seasons on the strength of donations alone, including through the pandemic when concerts were streamed to the Internet and accessible for online viewing only. DOMS will continue following a hybrid model of being both live and live streamed simultaneously, the one positive change for live music production in response to the pandemic. The fall 2021 DOMS lineup includes a fine roster of new and returning artists, performing everything from solo keyboard and chamber music to jazz ensembles and more, each week until Christmas. “Pianophiles” and folks

who supported the acquisition of Southminster’s new nine-foot Steinway will have several opportunities to hear D606 (serial number and colloquial moniker for the piano) in action this fall. Last month, days before DOMS kicked off, legendary conductor Ricardo Muti addressed a firsttime live audience in Chicago, reminding them of the importance of live music in our lives. Paraphrasing, he said: in promoting culture, we uplift souls, minds and relationships, which are just as important as salvaging the economy. “We are here to give – and you to receive – the sounds of beauty and harmony ... without which the world becomes more savage.” The pandemic has laid bare the suffering that comes from isolation, not only to under-employed artists and waiters, but to each one of us as humans and as a society. Our fervent hope at Southminster is to restore a bit of the lost equilibrium in the world through our musical presentations, and we hope you will be able to participate. DOMS concerts are presented weekly on Wednesdays at noon hour at Southminster United Church (15 Aylmer Avenue). Doors open at 11:40 a.m., and proof of vaccination is required on entry. View the complete DOMS line-up online and find links to past and present live streams at

November 17 – “The Classical Piano” In his debut solo recital, pianist Jeremy Hare-Chang (student of Roland Graham) explores contrast in idiosyncratic works by J. S. Bach, Beethoven and Chopin. November 24 – “French Connection” Duo Cecilia – Gertrude Létourneau (flute) and Catherine Donkin (piano) – plays a colourful program of music by Mel Bonis, Jules Mouquet and Claude Debussy. December 1 – “An Afternoon in Paris” Andrew Sords (violin) and Cheryl Duvall (piano) unite to play works by Poulenc, Chopin, Ravel and Saint-Saëns in this characterful and impassioned program. December 8 – “Firebird” Alexis Reed (soprano) and Lucas Porter (piano) offer a blended 19th/20th century program of vocal and solo piano works by Granados, Stravinsky, Strauss and Grieg. December 15 – “Shakespeare’s Viola” A pairing of music and poetry: works by Prokofiev, Tchaikovsky and Ichmouratov arranged for viola interspersed with Shakespeare, Walter and Misbakhova. Elvira Misbakhova, viola Irina Krasnyanskaya, piano Alina Ichmouratov, narrator December 22 – “Christmas with Caelis” Caelis Academy Ensemble, directed by Matthew Larkin, presents a traditional Christmas Festival of Lessons and Carols in the English high Cathedral style.


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32 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

Back at Good Morning, 30 years later By Emma Gale Even as an adult, fall gives me the feeling of a new year. I came full circle this September as I started at Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool for the second time. I first began at GMCAP (formerly Good Morning Playgroup) as a child in 1989 and have now joined the ranks as a parent. My daughter Aisling is part of the toddler program two mornings a week. It’s in the same building and the same main room as when I attended. I love that the books were where I expected. The walls continue to be covered in children’s art. Three decades later, it still has a cheerful atmosphere and smiling teachers. The familiarity brought a smile to my face on the first day. My siblings and I were part of GMCAP for eight consecutive years. It’s fun to relive it through fresh eyes and share my experiences with the family. I called my mum when I wanted to hover out of view at the window to see and hear how quickly the drop-off tears stopped;

Mom Emma Gale, who attended Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool as a child, is now introducing her daughter Aisling to the joys of creative arts and play. PHOTO: KAREN CAMERON

she reassured me that she did the same thing many times and that my kid is fine. With COVID-19, Aisling hasn’t had the chance to see all her aunts and uncles regularly. They can now imagine her at preschool because it’s a space they all know. Being back at GMCAP is one of the ways we can connect from a distance. Endless thanks to the teachers Karen, Mikkaila and Lauren. Their positivity and kindness have made a big transition feel easy. Aisling isn’t much of a talker yet, so her reports of the mornings’ activities are limited. She does show that she’s settling in by waving

goodbye and blowing kisses to Karen at the end of each day. She brings home art, and I can see new skills developing already. I know that her generation will experience the same joy of play, learning and lasting friendships as mine did in this wonderful space. For more information about any of

Good Morning’s amazing programs, please contact Karen at 613-276-7974 or, or check the website at Emma Gale is a preschool alumna and current mom of a Good Morning Creative Arts and Preschool student.

The Glebe Coop Nursery School playground just outside the Glebe Community Centre and St. James Tennis Club, and across the street from a busy school, allows the children to experience the world around them. PHOTO: JULIE LEBLANC

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Enjoying the simple things By Julie LeBlanc As many of us grown-ups start our days by grabbing a coffee and rushing around, little ones at Glebe Cooperative Nursery School (GCNS) start their days taking in and learning from all the hustle and bustle around them. The GCNS playground in the heart of the Glebe is a perfect spot for young children to experience the world. The neighbourhood is a busy place with lots to see. There are cars and trucks driving by. There are little babies being walked in strollers. There are bigger kids walking by or riding their bikes on their way to school. There are all the shapes and sizes of dogs being taken out for a morning stroll. So much going on gives lots of opportunities for naming and counting! Little ones love big things that move and make noise! With an elementary

school across the street, big yellow school buses arrive every morning to drop off students. The occasional sightings of police cars and fire trucks driving by always bring lots of excitement too. Spending time outdoors every morning also allows children to observe the weather and feel the changing seasons. Children learn that we all dress differently as the weather changes. They also experience how our activities and modes of transport can change from season to season. They notice the air changing, the trees changing and will soon look forward to watching giant snow ploughs on the street! Looking at the world through a child’s eyes is a good reminder to slow down and enjoy the simple things. Julie LeBlanc is responsible for the communications for Glebe Cooperative Nursery School.


Glebe Report November 12, 2021


When visiting Vietnam, don’t neglect Sapa By Douglas Parker

A few years ago, my wife and I spent three weeks in Vietnam, a ribbon of land in southeast Asia, home to 92 million people, with an impressive coastline that runs for 3,200 kilometres. Our final destination was a three-night stay in Sapa, where we met our fascinating guide Cham and her family. It was a long road to get there. After a brief visit to the Mekong Delta, the rice basket of Vietnam, we headed north from Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon, towards the capital Hanoi. Stops along the way included the Imperial City of Hue, the ancient port town of Hoi An and Halong Bay – all three are UNESCO World Heritage sites. Then finally to Sapa, a mountain town in northwestern Vietnam close to the Chinese border, 315 kilometres from Hanoi. It is easy to neglect Sapa, especially when you consider the five-hour bus trip from Hanoi that includes a final hour along a narrow cliffside road with hairpin turns, but neglecting it would be a colossal missed opportunity. Sapa is nestled in what are dubbed the Tonkinese Alps. One source calls it “a quiet hill town,” but that description hardly applies. Tourists have discovered its charms. Youthful and not so youthful backpackers and trekkers flock to it because of the challenging hills that swaddle the town. Souvenir shops abound, selling gewgaws of various sorts. Women from hill-tribe villages, dressed in their distinctive colourful attire, hawk hand-made textiles. The real charm of Sapa are the five hill tribes (among 54 tribes in Vietnam) that live high above the town. Our guide Cham knew three tribal dialects because she was a member of the Red Dao (pronounced Zao) tribe and still lived in the village with her parents and three sisters. Cham came to our hotel on a motor scooter to collect us. Once our driver arrived, we set off for her village. Because the road is narrow, precipitous and not well maintained, the ascent was a harrowing, white-knuckle ride. We walked through the entrance gate into the village while Cham filled us in on Red Dao life and culture. Although she lives among her people, Cham no longer accepts large segments of the Red Dao culture. She opposes arranged marriages and no longer believes marriage outside the tribe should be forbidden. In her tribe, a woman’s duty is to marry and to spend her day working in the fields and sewing. Cham told us that if a woman couldn’t make her own clothes, no man would marry her even if she were very attractive. Married women are marked by red kerchiefs that they sport on their heads and chunky silver bracelets from their husbands. Married women must shave their hair from the top of their foreheads to about halfway back along their scalp. Legend has it that a woman once served her husband a meal into which one of her hairs had fallen. The husband choked on the hair and died. After that, head shaving became an essential part of the marriage ceremony. Because she objects to what women must do to satisfy tribal rituals, Cham claims she will never marry. When I asked Cham about tribal religious beliefs, she told me that the religion was “ancestral,” without explaining

A family photo of our guide Cham (second from left) and her mother and sisters

what she meant, except to say she no longer accepts that either. Though she speaks and understands English remarkably well, one of her goals is to learn to read and write it. She told us village boys are taught to read and write but not girls because custom assumes the only talent they need is sewing. Perhaps in a spirit of rebellion, Cham has let her hair grow long and colours it, and she wears a small stud on the side of her left nostril. Yet she still follows some tribal traditions. She makes her own tribal uniform – hemp pants and tunic, dyed black in a solution of indigo, with beautiful yellow silk symbols sewn on. She has never been vaccinated, never been to a dentist and visited a doctor only once when she was very ill. She found the experience unnerving and has no intention of repeating it. As we walked through the village, I noticed several black pigs and a cow wandering on the road, blissfully unaware that their next stop might be the village butcher whom we passed as he happily dismembered a recently slaughtered pig. Cham told us her people are largely self-sufficient – they eat what they grow and kill and suffer

A group of Sapa women sewing


few illnesses because, she claimed, their food is fresh and uncontaminated by hormones. The tribe makes it own wine from both corn and rice but buys beer. We passed a couple of caged roosters, staring menacingly at each other, kept apart until the illegal but apparently entertaining cockfight took place. By the side of the road, we noticed graves – humble affairs, merely piles of grass and dirt with no markers. Cham told us people are traditionally buried very close to where they lived, with the head facing east so the corpse can see the sun rising. Our final stop was Cham’s house, a modest affair with a dirt floor. We met her mother and two married sisters, all wearing the red kerchief. The mother’s headwear was bigger – several red kerchiefs sewn together – to signify her grandmother status. We were surprised to learn that Cham’s mother was only 53 years old. Her face was wrinkled, leathery and weather-beaten from years of field work under the

hot sun. Women and children are also tasked with collecting firewood higher up the mountain in forests inhabited by wolves and monkeys, and in the past, tigers. Back at our hotel, I wondered what might become of the semi-rebellious Cham. Whip smart and self-aware, she had taken the courageous step to depart from many tribal traditions to find her own path – it takes a special person to turn their back on cultural practices that are bred in the bone. Perhaps the questioning Cham was in quest of a new normal or an amalgam of what she is and what she aspires to be. Ostensibly, she seemed comfortable in her own skin, but I wondered if there were any dark nights of the soul in her life, the result of one culture tugging against another. Douglas Parker is a 29-year Glebe resident with an interest in English Reformation literature, history and theology – and travel.

34 Glebe Report November 12, 2021

This space is a free community bulletin board for Glebe residents. Send your GRAPEVINE message and your name, email address, street address and phone number to (or drop it off at the Glebe Report office, 175 Third Avenue). Messages without complete information will not be accepted. FOR SALE items must be less than $1,000.


VIRTUAL EVENTS: Nov. 14, 7 p.m. – Second Generation Program – The Shadow of the Holocaust on the lives of descendants of survivors – Is it ABBOTSFORD SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTRE possible to move beyond its grip? With keynote (950 Bank St.) is now open LIVE (in-person) to address by Helen Epstein. For more information visitors wearing masks and able to provide proof of double COVID-19 vaccination. Next time you are and to register, go to: – Nov. 24, 4:30–6:30 p.m. Teachers’ Workshop: Testimonin, you might find a book or a puzzle, a nice piece ies of the Holocaust, Inspiring Change Through of women’s clothing, the perfect homemade bear for a friend or for you, a lovely piece of jewellery, a Legacy: In-depth Exploration of the voices of Holocaust survivors. The workshop will be based hand knit baby outfit, a handmade craft, the peron the testimonies of Ottawa-area Holocaust fect card, a treasure or three. And you might find survivors recorded by CHES in 2016. For more a friend too! information and to register, go to: ABBOTSFORD SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTRE (950 Bank St.) will unfortunately not be able FRIENDS OF THE FARM CELEBRATION BENCHES to accept donations until early 2022. The only The Friends are now accepting sponsorships for exceptions to this are women’s clothing in good benches to be installed in the Arboretum in late condition and jewellery for our Dorothy’s Bouspring/early summer 2022. In order to allow time tique. We thank you for your generosity and for the benches to be ordered and delivered, our understanding. In the meantime, if you need to pass on goods, we suggest: Saint Vincent de Paul deadline for sponsors is Dec. 15. The Friends will be accepting a maximum of six bench sponsor(, Salvation Army ships in this cycle. Please see the Celebration ( other-ways-to-help/items-in-need/) and Diabetes Bench webpage for more details. Canada ( HERITAGE OTTAWA LECTURE VIA ZOOM Opportunities and Challenges in Protecting Our Cultural The ABBOTSFORD SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTRE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER PROGRAM GUIDE Heritage: ICOMOS International Collaboration Trajectory. Conflict, climate disasters, development 2021 is posted on our website at www.glebecpressures and now the pandemic are threatening under Abbotsford Community Program the overall integrity of cultural heritage in ways and Current Program Guide or What’s up at never seen before. Join Mario Santana-Quintero, Abbotsford. professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University, and Secretary General of ABBOTSFORD SENIOR COMMUNITY CENTRE ICOMOS, for a look at how ICOMOS is using its SPECIAL PROGRAMMING - LIVE IN–PERSON LECTURES! We are pleased to welcome back Amy technical expertise in keeping with a philosophical framework for protecting heritage developed Friesen, Founder and CEO of Tea & Toast, for a series of lectures that hit home as we live through over the course of 50 years to find ways of mitigating these threats around the world. The lecture the realities of the pandemic and its revelations will be presented via Zoom, and pre-registration is about the challenges of aging. Many people are required by going to: now re-thinking how and where they live. Amy register/WN_rO2VgxMVQZeZ2CbT95URww After will share her vast knowledge and experience of registering, you will receive a confirmation email working in this field, and we’ll have time to ask containing information about how to join the questions and broaden the discussion. Thurs., webinar. Nov. 18, 1 p.m.: Navigating Your Senior Living Journey – Understanding the LHINs role and how OLD OTTAWA SOUTH GARDEN CLUB Sun., Nov. to navigate the system. Thurs., Nov. 25, 1 p.m.: 28, 1:30–3:30 p.m. (In-person workshop): SeaNavigating Your Senior Living Journey – Understanding Care Levels and Retirement Homes. The sonal Decorating Workshop - Join Amber Tiede of Riverwood Gardens for a hands-on workshop. It’s lectures, free to current members, will be in the for gardeners wanting to transform their hanging Abbotsford Dining Room (limited to 14 participants per session). To register, call 613-230-5730. baskets, planters and window boxes into festive seasonal decorations; for people seeking handsBring your own vessel of water/coffee/tea and an on experience creating wreaths or urn inserts; for open mind. anyone seeking fresh greenery, cones, berries and ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE OTTAWA PUB NIGHT (af. other decorative materials; and for those desiring community socializing. Refreshments will be ca/ottawa/en/notre_culture/pub-night/#/) Nov. available. Fee: $40 per person with extra materi19, 18:00, The Gilmour Bar, 313 Bank St. Join us als at the “Flower Bar.” Registration by Nov. 25 to have a good time and learn French. This is a good opportunity to practise French while making through the Old Ottawa South Community Cennew friends. This is a free activity, but you have to tre (The Firehall), 260 Sunnyside Ave. Info: Old Ottawa South Community Centre (260 Sunnyside pay for food and drinks. Ave.) at and 613-2474946. ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE CAFÉ DISCUSSION, Nov. 17, 9 a.m. Free online activity animated by OTTAWA CANADIAN FILM FESTIVAL (OCAa French teacher and open to all French levels. NFILMFEST) Due to the ongoing COVID-19 Share an online breakfast in French with us and pandemic, this year’s festival (OCAN21) will talk about the news. Registration until Nov. 15. take place online on Vimeo’s On-Demand plat( and you will receive the Zoom link a day before the form from November 12 to 21. Info: ocanfilmfest. ca/#ocan21 activity. CENTRE FOR HOLOCAUST EDUCATION AND SCHOLARSHIP (CHES) (

OTTAWA NEWCOMERS CLUB Our club is a nonprofit social organization for women who have

PIANO LESSONS IN THE GLEBE! • 40+ years’ teaching experience • traditional method • affiliated with the Royal Conservatory of Music Please call 613-231-3966 for more information. recently moved to this area or who have experienced a significant life change and would like to meet new people of similar interests by joining our many group activities. More information about us and what we do can be found on our website at: or by contacting

AVAILABLE HOUSESITTER Snowbirds!!! Are you leaving town for an extended period of time and need a housesitter? Someone to immaculately care for your home while evading the cold weather? I am a young lady with current experience housesitting in the Glebe. I have excellent references and love to take care of animals, especially puppies! Sarah – 613-263-0590. RETIRED RN to help you care for your elderly loved ones. I have 35 years of nursing experience. Please give me a call at 613-286-7586.

FOR SALE The FRIENDS OF THE FARM’S NEW BOOK, Building Canada’s Farm: An Illustrated Guide to Buildings at the Central Experimental Farm, by Richard Hinchcliff and Patricia Jasen. The book which explores the many and varied buildings of the Central Experimental Farm and the history they so magnificently represent will be available for purchase from our online Boutique ( starting Nov. 18 at 8:00 p.m. at a cost of $25 plus HST. Copies will be available for shipping or curbside pickup at Building 72. Friends of the Farm new FALL GREETING CARDS are here! These lovely cards, featuring the stunning photography of our own Richard Hinchcliff, celebrate the Arboretum wrapped in all its autumnal glory with 6 unique images. Now for sale in our online boutique. Info: ( boutique)

WANTED BRIDGE (CARDS) INSTRUCTOR for 4 adults. We are beginners. Please contact Lisa at 613-8086678. HELP FOR LIGHT DOMESTIC WORK Retired couple living in a beautiful home in the Glebe need help. Regular housecleaning and gardening/yard work in the house are done by professional services, but help is needed for other light domestic tasks. About 4 to 6 hours per week, hours being flexible to suit the person applying. Rate: $16/hour. Telephone 613-236-8555 and leave message.


Glebe Report In addition to free home delivery and at newspaper boxes on Bank Street, you can find copies of the Glebe Report at:

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Glebe Report November 12, 2021


For rates on boxed ads appearing on this page, please contact Judy Field at 613-858-4804 or by e-mail

EXPERIENCED HOUSE SITTER Travelling this winter? I am a mature female available to live in (3 months or longer). I will care for plants, mail, yardwork/light snow removal and am willing to discuss care of a small pet. I have offered my services in the Glebe for over 20 years. So this location is ideal, but would consider other areas. Excellent references!! Fully vaccinated!! Jan Vincent Email: / Cell: 613 712-9642


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November 12, 2021

Harry Potter et son hibou Hedwig, by Mutchmor Class 3B


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