Using sound principles to run a city effectively During these tough times, when all manner of measures are being considered to get the City of Tshwane back on track, there is particular value in focusing on the principles that underpin the management of organisational performance and performance information.
ithout having an effective guiding framework under and against which to reference operational performance, fixing what may be broken or what may need correcting is something of an impossible task. And it is for reasons such as this that the City of Tshwane has adopted numerous principles for the management of organisational performance and performance information. These principles include the following:
Evidence-based The management of organisational performance and performance information in the City of Tshwane is evidence-based. This requires that the development of all plans (IDP, SDBIP, business plans, etc.) is informed to a
large extent by the evidence gathered through an extensive environmental scanning process in order understand the trends that are present in the contextual environment and through gathering community needs through consultation processes that lead to prioritisation, which must be informed by the available resources (including budget, human resources, and other municipal capabilities). Internal prioritisation decisions during planning must also be conducted based on empirical evidence – i.e. there must be credible proof that prioritisation is well informed by consideration of baseline information (such as lessons learnt and demonstrable experience). This further requires that the results – the outputs and outcomes – or the deliverables – the milestones or
progress – that are reported against predetermined objectives are supported by adequate or complete, accurate, valid and credible audit evidence or portfolios of evidence. By taking this approach, the municipality will strengthen accountability and transparency.
Integrity Planning is to be conducted honestly, using reliable information. Reporting the performance of the municipality must always be underpinned by the desire to provide accurate information, without distortion, using performance information that is fit for purpose and of the highest quality possible.
Timeliness Adhering to the timelines as