5 minute read
Geogrids in civil engineering applications
from IMIESA July 2021
by 3S Media
Geogrid installation phases at Zimbali Lakes
Soil, from a mechanical interaction point of view, supports compression, but much lower tension stresses. For this reason, when tensional resistance is required, the use of geogrids is essential. By Samantha Naidoo, Pr Tech Eng,*
and Blaise Jacob, BSc (Eng)**
The uses of geosynthetics in civil engineering are relatively well defined according to their functions. They are employed, for example, to reinforce retaining walls, as well as sub-bases or subsoils below roads or structures. The following two case studies provide practical examples of optimum interventions that achieved the best engineered result.
Geogrid used: MacGrid™ WG MacGrid WG is a geogrid for soil reinforcement made from high-molecular-weight, high-tenacity polyester multifilament yarns. The yarns are woven on tension in the specified machine direction and finished with a polymeric coating. MacGrid WG geogrids are engineered to be mechanically and chemically durable, and resistant to biological degradation.
Zimbali Lakes – an elite, multigenerational living space – required the completion of various earthworks phases during its development. The initial construction required high fills to be constructed.
The in-situ soft rock can be defined as clayey sand, while the inferred material classification is G10+, with a very low inferred shear strength of ɸ = 21 degrees.
The high engineered fills were initially designed to reach a height of up to 15 m. They therefore required a high-strength geogrid with an ultimate tensile strength of 800 kN/m to improve the shear strength and global stability of the embankment. The in-situ cut banks beneath the fills were to be reduced to a maximum of 1:2 to reduce the differential settlement effects propagating from the road surface. Further to this, to reduce the water table, a rockfill heel using geogrids was created with varying lengths of grids for different heights of fill. A woven geotextile was used as a separation and filtration layer, while the WG 80 specified was used to provide the strength required.
The rockfill toe, with a layer of geogrid on the upper and lower bound, assists with the separation of material, and accelerates the consolidation of the fill.
The high strength properties provide muchneeded stability to the embankment by limiting differential settlement and base sliding, and protect the embankment against internal and global failures.

The design was carried out according to the guidelines prescribed in BS 8006-1:2010 – Code of practice for strengthened/reinforced soils and other fills. The design is based on limit state design principles where ultimate and serviceability limit state considerations are accounted for.
Soil parameters considered in the design of the embankment
A geotechnical investigation was performed to understand the current properties of the in-situ
TABLE 1 Mechanical properties of geogrid
Mechanical properties
Tensile strength (MD) Strain at max strength (MD) Tensile strength (CMD) Strain at max strength (CMD)
Unit Geogrid Test method
kN/m 805 EN ISO 10319 % 10 EN ISO 10319 kN/m 105 EN ISO 10319 % 12 EN ISO 10319
Demand analysis 2015 (millions per annum) 31.3 20.56 12.96
FIGURE 1 Zimbali Lakes: cross section of embankment with 22 m rockfill toe FIGURE 2 Zimbali Lakes: cross section of embankment with 16 m rockfill toe

TABLE 2 Factors of safety achieved
Method name FOS achieved 16 m rockfill toe
Simplified Bishop 1.320
Spencer GLE/Morgenstern-Price 1.319 1.318
Strain at max strength (CMD)
% Demand analysis 2015 (millions per annum) 31.3
FOS achieved 22 m rockfill toe
1.354 1.353 1.352 12 20.56

material. The unit weight, friction angle and cohesion were important parameters required for the design and calculations undertaken.
The high-strength geogrid mechanical properties can be seen in Table 1.
Design analysis
The Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion was considered in the analysis. Fundamentally, the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion represents the linear envelope that is derived from correlation between the shear strength of a material versus the applied normal stress. Factors of safety (FOS) required were above a minimum of 1.3, which was achieved (as shown in Table 2).

Geogrid used: ParaGrid 100 and ParaGrid 150 ParaGrid geogrids are planar structures consisting of a biaxial array of composite geosynthetic strips. The strips comprise a core of high-tenacity polyester tendons encased in a polyethylene sheath.

The Department of Transport together with eThekwini Municipality faced a major challenge as periodic heavy rainfall, coupled with a burst underground concrete pipe, resulted in major erosion of the embankment and the partial collapse of a section of the M4 highway.
There was an urgent requirement to develop a solution that would be functional, costeffective, environmentally friendly and timely. The client and consultant formed a project team with Maccaferri South Africa and the appointed contractors to derive the solution.

FIGURE 3 Cross section of the M4 embankment
The solution was a collaborated team design. Interventions included the installation of a new high-density polyethylene underground stormwater pipe, while the upper and lower embankment slopes were reinforced with a Green Terramesh system. Repairs were also undertaken to remediate collapsed road layer works.
The design of the soil-reinforced structure was conducted in accordance with SANS 207:2006 – The design and construction of reinforced soils and fills.
Toe protection has been allowed for in the design of the eastern embankment to increase the bearing capacity of the subgrade and the FOS. The toe protection comprised a reno mattress of 0.9 m in thickness.
The geogrid reinforcing comprised ParaGrid CMD 150/05 and ParaGrid CMD 100/05. For each layer that required reinforcement, two layers of geogrids were positioned in both longitudinal and transverse directions. The geogrids in the longitudinal directions were provided to increase the shear strengths of the soils and FOS against slope instability. The transverse geogrids were provided to assist in the reduction of settlement of the embankment (see Figure 3).
For nearly 140 years, Maccaferri has been developing innovative, sustainable engineering solutions. Our teams are available to offer full technical support including analysis and design, product selection and installation supervision.
Installation of geogrids on the M4
Installation of facia system
The completed installation
Geogrids used in soil reinforcement and ground stabilisation are among the most important interventions within the multifaceted field of geosynthetics. They increase the range of possible solutions, from the steepening of slopes to increasing bearing capacity.
There are many types of geogrids, with varying mechanical and chemical characteristics. Therefore, careful consideration should be given when assessing their properties so that they match the intended design and performance criteria. When installed correctly, geogrids add a dimension of engineered stability that blends in exceptionally well with the environment.
*Head of Sales: Coastal, Maccaferri **Project Manager: Coastal, Maccaferri