H E A LT H & S A F E T Y
THE ‘RIGHT’ As the world’s nations battle for solutions to protect their citizens, a great deal of controversy has come from proposals around mandatory vaccine passports. Meetings learns more.
here have been many unknowns surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic that have resulted in a great deal of speculation. The development, testing and release of vaccines intended to create a degree of immunity against the virus have been cause for a significant amount of upheaval, further exacerbated by talk that, eventually, it could become mandatory to be vaccinated to gain entry into certain public and shared spaces.
There is simply no way for us to control the rate of transmission if we cannot determine a person’s vaccination or health status. It’s very controversial and there are allegations of discrimination, but we really have to come to a point where we know in an environment with lots of people… whether they are a risk to others.” – Justin van Wyk, CEO, Big Concerts
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