4 minute read
The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly exposed the vulnerability of our societies and has unearthed our country’s stark social and economic inequalities.
By Ashton Busani Mpofu and Rivonia Pillay*
New committee takes the reins
The pandemic has further exacerbated the country’s ailing economy, with the unemployment rate increasing to a staggering 30.1%, with youth (ages 15 to 34 years) accounting for 63.3% (20.4 million people). This has emphasised the need for various stakeholders to work collaboratively towards social justice, collective empowerment, equitable and sustainable development.
The South African Young Water Professionals (YWP-ZA) committee will strive to strengthen inclusivity, particularly in accessing water and sanitation, and enhance the growth of its members’ skills, competencies and thought leadership. YWP-ZA looks forward to working closely with WISA branches and technical divisions, government, businesses, institutions of learning and civil society across the country. YWP-ZA needs your support.
Upcoming national activities 1.Annual strategic session – The YWPZA national committee will convene virtually in the next two months for its annual strategic session. This will be the first for the term and the first time that this annual session is held virtually.
2.WISA 2020 YWP Forum – YWP-ZA will be hosting a forum during the WISA 2020 Conference. This is a unique opportunity for YWPs to report on the conference in order to identify and contextualise major issues. These will be discussed by YWPs at the YWP Forum on the third day of the conference. The outcome of the forum will be presented and incorporated into WISA’s position paper. YWPs interested in the rapporteur programme should contact Niel Louw at niel.ramsay.louw@gmail.com.
3.Webinars – YWP-ZA will be hosting a series of exciting webinars in the coming months. Of note is the transformation webinar that will be held in August. The webinars will focus on celebrating young women in the water sector and will discuss the challenges and means of promoting women in the water sector. Interested individuals and stakeholders can contact Nontando Mkhize at nontando.mkhize@gmail.com.
*Ashton Busani Mpofu is the YWP-ZA national lead and Rivonia Pillay the YWP-ZA coordination lead.
YWP-ZA National Committee 2020–2022
Ashton Busani Mpofu
National lead, senior water sector analyst at GreenCape
Ramulifho Pfananani
Vice lead, postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Venda
“Being part of YWP means a great deal to me. This motivates me to continue shaping the future of the water sector in South Africa. This is the future we need as young people. The future where young professionals have access to information and use best-practice models to protect natural water resources.”
Nontando Mkhize
Vice lead, technical director at Lifalin
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Thulani Mlilwana
National financial lead, civil engineer

“What we fear doing most is usually what we most need to do.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Niel Louw
Gauteng lead, water security analyst for the SSA
Nompumelelo Deanah Mkolo
Mpumalanga lead, project manager: Water & Sanitation at Gert Sibande DM
Rivonia Pillay
Coordination lead, water engineer at the Department of Water and Sanitation

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” – Nelson Mandela
Raeesa Bhikhoo
North West lead, MSc Microbiology at North-West University in Potchefstroom

Claude Moshobane
Limpopo lead, scientist at SANBI/SMU
Experience should fear the strength of youth.” –Japanese proverb
Sibusiso Mhlongo KZN lead, technical sales representative: Water at Protea Chemicals
Now, more than ever, the world needs not only our strong voices but our swift action to create a reality that prioritises tomorrow’s leaders today.”
Amanda Mngeni
Eastern Cape lead, civil engineer
The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit. Work hard now!”
Anya Eilers Western Cape lead, hydrologist at Zutari (formely Aurecon)