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10 Family Fun Tips

for Getting Outside This Summer


by Gordon Lam Director of Climbing & Outdoor Programming

The beginning of summer usually sparks a few images in my brain: Beach scenes with athletic lifeguards running in slow motion; Families playing fetch with their dogs in fields of flowers; Iced Cappuccinos on the Tim Hortons menu again! Whatever your ideal image of summer might be, here are 10 family fun tips to maximize your enjoyment of the great outdoors!

1BE INFORMED ABOUT LOCAL EVENTS Pop by the Visit Calgary – Festival & Events page and mark dates in your calendar that interest your family. My personal favourites include The Taste of Calgary (August 10 - 13) and Global Fest (August 15 - 26). visitcalgary.com/things-to-do

2TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FREE NATIONAL PARK ADMISSION That’s right! Entry into any National Park in Canada is free to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday. Take a look at all the amazing adventures you can have in Banff and Jasper. 10hikes.com/canada/banff-hikes

3LEARN A NEW OUTDOOR HOBBY Ever wanted to start mountain biking, kayaking or rock climbing? Invest in an introductory course and let a professional show you the way!

4TRY NEW RECIPES & GO ON A PICNIC Now is the time to take advantage of the fresh summer produce available at your local farmers market. Try out that new summer recipe you’ve been eyeing on your social media feed. For recipe ideas, check out: delish.com/cooking/recipe-ideas/ g2801/summer-dinner-recipes/

5CHECK OUT LOCAL HIKES & PATHWAYS There are a ton of great hikes near Calgary! If you are looking for a morning walk with family after a fulfilling brunch there are loads of options! Check out the City of Calgary’s mobile application to show you the best pathways closest to you! App: City of Calgary Pathways & Bikeways

6RENT A RAFT One of my favourite activities is to rent a raft and just float on the Bow River. Once you’ve returned your raft, head over to Prince’s Island Park and grab some ice cream! Lazy Day Raft Rentals: lazydayraftrentals.com

7FILL YOUR PARTICIPACTION 150 PLAYLIST Now is the perfect time to fill your Participaction 150 Playlist. Haven’t heard of this initiative yet? Check out participaction.com/en-ca

8GO ON AN OUTRAGEOUS ROAD TRIP Do you need to leave the city to really escape? Check out these exciting short road trips from Calgary: avenuecalgary.com/ Things-to-Do/Worth-the-DriveRoadtrips-from-Calgary/

9LEARN SOMETHING NEW It doesn’t matter if school’s out for the summer! Keep the learning going. Take your family to the Glenbow Museum, the Calgary Zoo or Telus Spark.

10 KEEP IT SIMPLE Spend time with your family outside on the patio. Gather around a fire, throw some food on the grill and pour some refreshing drinks. It’s the best way to spend your afternoon if you aren’t feeling too adventurous. A

Left: The view on top of Sulphur mountain with the newly constructed upper gondola station in the background, Banff National Park.

29th Annual Icebreaker a Success!

by Cindy Bonyai

Cindy Bonyai Youth & Teen Director 403-287-4168 cbonyai@glencoe.org

The Glencoe Club’s 29th Annual Icebreaker 10K Roadrace was held on Sunday, April 9, attracting 575 finishers. Conditions were perfect for running: overcast and cool, with no wind. Our overall male winner was Matthew Travaglini with a time of 31:50. The overall female winner was Maria Zambrano with a time of 36:36. Chris Hooper and Trev Williams represented The Glencoe Club well, finishing second and third, respectively, with times of 35:41 and 35:58. Approximately 75 volunteers helped with the event and once again they did an awesome job encouraging the runners and directing them safely along the route. Their commitment and enthusiastic involvement added to the day’s success.

Anyone who has participated in the race before will tell you they come for the brunch and the draw prizes! Our sponsors play a vital role in the success of this event. They provide prizes for the overall age group winners and draw prizes for the participants and volunteers. Lougheed Investments of Raymond James, Valentine Volvo and Burnco were our major sponsors with Valentine Volvo providing the Volvo S90 Sedan as the pace car. I’d like to thank all our sponsors, including our new ones, Via Bar, RnR Wellness THE SPA and Fairmont Palliser Hotel and Alpine Sport Therapy Centre for their involvement with the run.

A big thank you also goes to our kitchen staff for the awesome brunch and to Food & Beverage for the set up and take down in the Ballroom. I also want to acknowledge Ken Clarke, our race starter and brunch announcer and our incredible Maintenance department, who made sure Stanley Park was clear of gravel and twigs. Congratulations to all the participants for an excellent race! A complete list of results is available at racepro.ca/races/icebreaker. A We look forward to seeing your faces again next year for the 30th Annual Icebreaker.

40 glencoe.org Top: Male winner Matthew Travaglini (31:50) Below: Female winner Maria Zambrano (36:36)



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