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Hot & Cold Friday, June 2 6:30 - 8:30 pm / Age: 7 - 9 Children can work up a sweat playing active games and then cool down at the ice cream bar, where they'll build their own sundaes.

World Wide Bridge Contest Saturday, June 3 See page 64 for more information about this contest.


Little Chefs - Spring Creations Saturday, June 3 2:30 - 4:30 pm / Age: 3 - 5 Children love learning to cook. Teaching them skills like how to measure, how to stir, how to crack an egg, etc. will foster independence and increase self-esteem. Children will learn to follow recipes to create their own masterpieces.

Yamuna® Body Rolling Saturday, June 3 & 10 This technique will give you the knowledge to release muscle tension, increase circulation and improve mobility in a wide range of joints.

Junior Chefs - Spring Creations Sunday, June 4 1 - 4 pm / Age: 6 - 8 Beginner chefs take it to the next level with this intermediate cooking class! From multi-step directions to more complicated recipes, students will create yummy things to eat and share.

North American Open Pair Qualifier - Bridge Tuesday, June 6 Mark this date on the calendar. The Glencoe Club will be hosting three North American Open Pairs Qualifiers. These games allow members to play in special events at the fall North American Championships to be held in San Diego this year. North American Open Pairs are the pinnacle of competition and you must qualify to play. Hopefully we will bring our best games to these important games.

Climb, Dine & Play Friday, June 9 5:30 - 8:30 pm / Age: 7 - 9 Children can experience the thrill of climbing, enjoy a kids’- style dinner and finish with fun and games in the studio while parents have a quiet dinner, work out in Fitness, get a massage or play a game of tennis.

Father/Daughter Ball A Night at the Circus Saturday, June 10 6 - 9:30 pm Join us in the Ballroom for a night of face painting, cotton candy, roaming characters, dinner and dancing. Reservations via Reception 403-243-2506.

Wibit Days June 9 & 25 / Age: 7 & up Join us for some aquatic adventure as you climb, jump and splash your way through the Wibit obstacle course.

Junior Club Tour Saturday, June 10, Noon Tours are offered monthly. You can also set up a private tour with our Duty Manager by contacting tducklow@glencoe.org or 403-243-2506 e350.

Ladybugs & Butterflies Saturday, June 10 2:30 - 4:30 pm / Age: 3 - 5 Children are fascinated by ladybugs and butterflies and other insects that come out in the spring. We'll explore insects with facts, games, a snack and a craft.

Father's Day Gift Giving Sunday, June 11 1 - 4 pm / Age: 3 - 5 Children love to create their own gifts. They'll play games, enjoy a snack and make something special for Father’s Day.

Intro to Top Rope Climbing June 12 & 19 Develop the skills required to top rope climb independently during drop-in climbing times. This twohour introductory course covers equipment use, etiquette and basic movement techniques. This class can also be arranged as a private or semi-private lesson.

Can One Story Change Everything? Tuesday, June 13, 5 - 7 pm Alberta Family Wellness Initiative (AFWI) invites all Glencoe members, families (ages 16 and older) and guests to a reception and presentation to learn how early childhood experiences impact outcomes including mental health and addictions (see page 51 for more details).

Squash Junior Club Championships Wednesday, June 14 See the Squash department for more information.

Glencoe Invitational June 15 - 17 The Glencoe Invitational attracts the best amateur golfers in the world by way of the WAGR and Golf Canada's Order of Merit ranking systems. For full details call the Golf Shop.

Youth Pizza & Plunge Night Friday, June 16 6:30 - 8:45 pm / Age: 6 - 9 Enjoy a dinner of pizza and then go into the outdoor pool for a refreshing dip and slide! There will be no shortage of fun on this Friday night!

Tennis Tropical Social Friday, June 16 Cardio Doubles on four courts with a dress-up theme along with tropical drinks and snacks. $25/person.

Yoga Backbends Saturday, June 17 1 - 2:30 pm Learn techniques and postures to prepare your body for back bends. This workshop will break down breathing, strength, alignment and mobility required in the body for successful backbends.

Science for Preschoolers Saturday, June 17 2:30 - 4:30 pm / Age: 3 - 5 Science is fascinating for preschoolers as they watch things explode or change colour. Children will participate in science experiments and take home some of the end results. Be prepared to release the scientist in your child.

Father's Day Brunch Sunday, June 18 10:30 am - 12:30 pm In the Grill Room. Reservations via Reception 403-243-2506.

Achievement Awards Thursday, June 22 By invitation only.

Woodland Creatures Saturday, June 24 2:30 - 4:30 pm / Age: 3 - 5 From foxes to chipmunks to little hedgehogs, children love to imagine these creatures in their own environment. From playing Fox, Fox, Chipmunk to creating a woodland craft, children will become more enthralled by these adorable creatures.

Learn to Lead & Build Anchors June 24 - 25 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Ready to make the transition from indoor to outdoor climbing? Set yourself up for a successful summer of outdoor sport climbing by spending a weekend covering all aspects of outdoor lead climbing, including anchor building and equipment retrieval. This program has a 1:4 guide to participant ratio. J U N E 2 0 1 7

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Father/Daughter Ball, June 10

Glencoe Invitational, June 15 - 17

Learn to Lead & Build Anchors, June 24 - 25

Recreational Summer Badminton Camps July 3 - 6, 24 - 27 & July 31 - August 3 10:30 am - 3 pm/Age: 8 & up These camps will focus on badminton specific skills as well as non-badminton activities. They are targeted towards children who have had some badminton experience.

Pool & Play Mini Camp July 3 - 14 & July 31 - August 11 Age: 3 - 5 Bring your child for a day camp experience that includes a certified swim lesson. From Monday to Thursday, children will participate in a 30-minute Canada Red Cross pre-school swim lesson with a qualified swim instructor and then enjoy all of the benefits of day camp (games, crafts, park outings, time in the Play Zone and even a mini climbing session on our climbing wall). Friday, they will participate in activities based on a special theme.

Kinderclimb July 4 - 7 / Age: 4 - 5 11:30 am - 12:15 pm Support your child’s inclination to climb anything and everything! This seven-session program emphasizes fundamental movement skills, basic climbing equipment use and teamwork through climbing activities and games.

Fitness Outdoor Prep July 4 - 25 & 6 - 27 This class will focus on muscular and aerobic endurance as well as core conditioning, keeping you strong and healthy for any outdoor activity.

Yoga 101 July 4 - 25, 6:30 - 7:30 pm New to yoga? This is a wonderful place to start. The practice will guide you through basic yoga techniques so you can easily enjoy growing your practice. It's a non-traditional class that will include elements of Ashtanga, Iyengar, flow, athletic and more. This class is also appropriate for expectant moms with no contraindications, PARmed-X for pregnancy required.

Therapeutic Yoga July 4 - August 29 7:30 - 8:45 pm Therapeutic yoga is a valuable tool for relieving pain, releasing tension and developing the ability to relax and recover. Through a purposeful selection and sequencing of poses, this practice will enhance balance and stability of the joints. This class is ideal for beginners, those recovering from injury and those looking for a gentle practice.

Bridge - North American Pairs Qualifier Wednesday, July 5 Mark this date on the calendar. The Glencoe Club will be hosting three North American Open Pairs Qualifiers. These games allow members to play in special events at the fall North American Championships to be held in San Diego this year. North American Open Pairs are the pinnacle of competition and you must qualify to play. Hopefully we will bring our best games to these important games.

Wibit Days Friday, July 7 & 21 1:30 - 4:30 pm / Age: 7 & up Join us for some aquatic adventure as you climb, jump and splash your way through the Wibit obstacle course.

Junior Squash Camp July 10 - 14 & July 31 - August 4, 10:30 am - 3 pm Our beginner/intermediate summer squash camps are for young athletes looking to stay active throughout the summer months. Our goal is that they develop FUNdamental movement skills including the ABC’s of movement: Agility, Balance, Coordination.

Golf & Paddling Camp July 10 - 14, 9 am - 4 pm Age: 7 - 14 Golf instruction will cover etiquette, rules, chipping, pitching and putting and the basic golf swing fundamentals. In the afternoon campers will be at the Calgary Canoe Club experiencing the fun of trying out a variety of boats such as the canoe, kayak, and dragon boat.

Outdoor Climbing Camps July 10 - 14 & 24 - 28 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Age: 10 - 14 Spend a week in the sun with ACMG Guides touring local climbing venues in the Bow Valley and Kananaskis. Each day we’ll load up the van at the Club and head out to a new climbing area within an hour's drive of the city. Once there, instructors will set up the ropes and cover the fundamentals of equipment use, climbing specific movement, stewardship in the outdoor environment and rappelling.

Intro to Top Rope Climbing Monday, July 17, 6 - 8 pm Develop the skills required to top rope climb independently during drop-in climbing times. This two -hour introductory course covers equipment use, etiquette and basic movement techniques. This class can also be arranged as a private or semi-private lesson.

Intro to Badminton July 17 - 20, 11 - 11:45 am Age: 3.5 - 5 This class will focus on coordination, fitness, stroke introduction and fun! A parent/ caregiver is welcome to join in but it’s not mandatory.

Little Tyke Adventure Camp July 17 - 21 & 24 - 28 Age: 4 - 5 Enjoy a morning or afternoon filled with bowling, time in the Play Zone, crafts, swimming, park excursions, field trips, climbing and much more in this exciting camp. It's a great way to keep your little tyke busy.

Mini Mountaineer Activity Camp July 17 - 21 & 24 - 28 Age: 4 - 5 Little ones experience the basics of climbing in this camp where each day they're on the climbing wall, learning basic equipment usage and movement skills. Then it’s back to base camp to continue on with the fun. Time will be spent exploring our Play Zone and we’ll make sure to throw in some crafts, games and a splash in our outdoor pool.

Junior Club Tour Saturday, July 22, Noon Tours are offered monthly. You can also set up a private tour with our Duty Manager by contacting tducklow@glencoe.org or 403-243-2506 e350.

Yoga & Art Camp July 24 - 28, 9 am - Noon Age: 5 - 7 Half day adventure incorporating kids yoga and art. The children will learn about yoga through various games, stories, music, breathing techniques and guided relaxations. In the art portion of the class, children will express themselves through various art techniques. At the end of the week they'll put on a short performance for their families. J U L Y 2 0 1 7

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Fitness Outdoor Prep: July 4 - 25 & 6 - 27

North American Pairs Qualifier: July 5

Junior Club Tour: July 22

Wibit Days Friday, August 4 & 18 1:30 - 4:30 pm/ Age: 7 & up Join us for some aquatic adventure as you climb, jump and splash your way through the Wibit obstacle course.

Fitness Outdoor Prep August 8 - 29 This class will focus on muscular and aerobic endurance as well as core conditioning, keeping you strong and healthy for any outdoor activity.

Intro to Badminton August 8 - 11 & 21 - 24 Age: 3.5 - 5 This class will focus on coordination, fitness, stroke introduction and fun! A parent or caregiver is welcome to join in but it’s not mandatory.

Yoga 101 August 8 - 29, 6:30 - 7:30 pm New to yoga? This is a wonderful place to start. The practice will guide you through basic yoga techniques so you can easily enjoy growing your practice. It's a non-traditional class that will include elements of Ashtanga, Iyengar, flow, athletic and more. This class is also appropriate for expectant moms with no contraindications, PARmed-X for pregnancy required.

Bridge - North American Pairs Qualifier Wednesday, August 9 Mark this date on the calendar. The Glencoe Club will be hosting three North American Open Pairs Qualifiers. These games allow members to play in special events at the fall North American Championships to be held in San Diego this year. North American Open Pairs are the pinnacle of competition and you must qualify to play. Hopefully we will bring our best games to these important games.

Junior Club Tour Saturday, August 12, Noon Tours are offered monthly. You can also set up a private tour with our Duty Manager by contacting tducklow@glencoe.org or 403-243-2506 e350.

“Squashminton” Summer Camp August 14 - 17, 10:30 am -3 pm / Age: 8 - 12 This camp will focus on racquet basics and fun. There will be 1.5 hours on court for both badminton and squash daily, along with a mid-day lunch break (lunch is not provided) that will be accompanied by a fun, off-court activity. Some prior racquet experience is encouraged before signing up for this camp. White clothing and non-marking shoes are mandatory. Racquets and goggles are provided if needed.

Pool & Play Mini Camp August 14 - 25, 8:45 am - Noon Age: 3 - 5 Bring your child for a day camp experience that includes a certified swim lesson. From Monday to Thursday, children will participate in a 30-minute Canada Red Cross pre-school swim lesson with a qualified swim instructor and then enjoy all of the benefits of day camp (games, crafts, park outings, time in the Play Zone and even a mini climbing session on our climbing wall). Friday they will participate in activities based on a special theme.

Golf & Paddling Camp August 14 - 18, 9 am - 4 pm Age: 7 - 14 Golf instruction will cover etiquette, rules, chipping, pitching and putting and the basic golf swing fundamentals. In the afternoon campers will be at the Calgary Canoe Club experiencing the fun of trying out a variety of boats such as the canoe, kayak, and dragon boat.

Little Tyke Adventure Camp August 14 - 18, 1 - 4 pm Age: 4 - 5 Enjoy a morning or afternoon filled with bowling, time in the Play Zone, crafts, swimming, park excursions, field trips, climbing and much more in this exciting camp. It is a great way to keep your little tyke busy.

Artventurers Camp August 21 - 25, 9 am - 4 pm Age: 5 - 7 Enjoy a morning with a two-hour art lesson with Young Rembrandts followed by high activity games, trips to the park, climbing, fun in the pool and much more. Each day will have a different art theme with time for a small snack break to fuel your child for the fun to follow.

Summer Hockey School August 21 - 25 This program is designed to provide a comprehensive hockey camp giving young aspiring hockey stars a week of skating, puck handling and shooting in preparation for the upcoming hockey season. Full equipment is mandatory, including neck guards.

Bridge - STaC Game August 22 - 23 STaC is an abbreviation for a special kind of sectional tournament known as Sectional Tournament at Clubs. It offers sectional rating and is played in a number of clubs in a specific area over a period of several days. Silver masterpoints are awarded.

Squash Junior Rust Remover August 22 - 24 & 29 - 31 10:30 am - 3:30 pm The camps will consist of roughly 26 hours of court time over the two camps so hyper-development will be the name of the game. To put it in context…most Glencoe juniors partake in roughly two hours of squash during the usual school week. It would take 14 weeks typically to acquire the similar jump in development that we will be looking for. Sign-up via squash@glencoe.org

Summer Hockey Conditioning Camp August 27 - 31 This five-day program is designed to give the young hockey player 90 minutes of power skating and hockey skills. The drills are high tempo and comprehensive and are an excellent preparation for hockey players heading into their tryout.

Squash Adult Rust Remover August 29 - 31, 5:30 - 7 pm Get ready for the quickly approaching Interclub and Box League matches with this bite size pre-season training opportunity. Sign-up via squash@glencoe.org A U G U S T 2 0 1 7

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Little Tyke Adventure Camp: July 17 - 21 & 24 - 28

Summer Hockey School: August 21 - 25

Squash Adult Rust Remover: August 29 - 31

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