20 Members’ Reasons
Alex Maclean (c, 1955)
Tim Stubbs (f, 1966)
Sherborne did a lot for me in those formative years which set me out on a good path for life, so I wish to give a little back. When cash-short, but asset long it can be tricky to raise funds to do so, but a legacy is affordable at that time, one can fairly assume. So sign up soon!
I want others who come after me to be fortunate enough to enjoy the same happy times, and the same remarkable benefits of a Sherborne education and upbringing that I did. And that is why I decided to leave a legacy to the School and became a member of the Bow Society.
James May (h, 1967)
Peter Tilley (a, 1964)
If education of the excellence of Sherborne is to be sustainable, it must become more widely accessible: this means being able to offer bursaries to promising students, and I believe legacies are a vital way to fund such bursaries.
I still feel very lucky and privileged to have been educated and prepared for life at such a durable and historic establishment, set in a beautiful part of England, and so I would like to help others, including those from a less advantaged background, to have the same opportunity in their formative years.
Nigel Mermagen (b, 1961)
Martin Wallis (b, 1977)
Why have I decided to leave a legacy in support of Sherborne? Because it has been part of my DNA for more than sixty years and has played a major part in whatever I have achieved in life. I would like to use some of what I shall leave behind to enable others to have the opportunities which Sherborne opened up for me.
I am very pleased to have the chance to give something back for the future of School. With the passage of time the gravitational pull of Sherborne is all the stronger and you appreciate far more all that it has equipped you for.
Peter Mosse (a, 1965)
Marcus Wills (b, 1961)
With all the pressure on our time and resources, it is good to be able to contribute to so worthwhile a cause in such an enjoyable (and painless!) way.
The third generation of my family is now fortunate enough to be enjoying a Sherborne education. In a troubled and unstable world, the high standards of learning, courtesy, common sense and fellowship abundant at the School remain an inspiration for the future. I will do what little I can to ensure that those qualities continue long beyond my lifetime.
Rodney Short (d, 1964)
John Woodrow (b, 1959)
A bequest to the Bow Society: the perfect response to a question to which the answer is otherwise all too often “now is not the right time”.
In recent years I have been struck by the story of Charles Bow, the local coal merchant, who left a legacy to the School as he thought the boys polite and caring. This act of generosity led to the formation of the legacy group named for him and I was moved to join in. Sherborne, I believe, is now a great school giving a good sound education to its boys but also instilling those virtues of caring generosity as epitomised by Charles Bow and I am pleased to do my part to further that good work.
20 20 Years of Legacy Giving
20 Members’ Reasons
Gavin Barlow (h,1962)
In 2018, the Sherborne Foundation’s Bow Society will celebrate its 20th Anniversary. The Society is proud of having supported the School with gifts in Wills during this time. Contributions have played a significant role in bursary support allowing boys to come to Sherborne who would otherwise struggle to afford the fees, as well as enriching the lives of those already in the School. Throughout 2018 we will be celebrating the contribution of the Bow Society with special events such as an exclusive day in Sherborne, a trip on the schools class locomotive on the Watercress line, and a drinks reception in a unique venue in London. Any Old Shirburnian or parent or other friend of the School is able to join the Bow Society simply by letting us know that you have made a gift in your Will in favour of Sherborne School Foundation. We hope you will consider becoming a member and joining our celebrations. The current members of the Society have varied reasons for supporting Sherborne with a legacy, and 20 of them are given here.
Tim Barnard (c, 1971) My reasons to leave a legacy to Sherborne were reinforced by my elder son’s words as he left Sherborne for the last time: “I had a thoroughly good time there, and I don’t think I could have done better anywhere else.”
Roger Fidgen (a, 1964) Leaving a legacy is for the future of boys at the School, and I am delighted to be supporting Sherborne with a gift in my Will.
20 Years of Legacy Giving
David Greenwood (d, 1960) It is rewarding to think that making a gift in this way could contribute to a boy being able to enjoy a Sherborne education that otherwise might not be possible.
To find out more about the Bow Society and how to include Sherborne in your Will in time for our 20th Anniversary celebrations in 2018, please complete and return this form to the Freepost address given. Please send me further details about the Bow Society I have already included the Sherborne School Foundation in my Will
William Haly (a, 1977) Richard Bond (a, 1965) I decided to support Sherborne by leaving a gift in my Will not only because I enjoyed my time at the School but also because it offers education in the broadest sense of the word. I observed it when my son was at the School and is something which it seems to me is becoming increasingly necessary and should be made available to as many as possible.
Angus Cater (c, 1970) I was at Sherborne at a fairly relaxed time - the last five years of Robert Powell - and it wasn't until I got older that I realised how much of the foundations of my life were laid at Sherborne. Contributing to the School Foundation through my will just ensures, in a small way, that the work of a great school will continue for future generations.
Each time I return to the School and see those lovely stone buildings and surroundings I realise how lucky I was to have been there. Leaving a legacy ensures that future generations can have that same opportunity.
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________
Andrew Harvie-Clark (a, 1956)
I feel that much of my success in, and enjoyment of, life has been due to my time at Sherborne and I was keen to enable others, who might otherwise not be able to afford it, to benefit from the same experience.
Email: __________________________________________________________________________________ RETURN ADDRESS: Freepost – RSBS-LCLH-BUBE, Sherborne School Foundation Sherborne School, Abbey Road, Sherborne, DT9 3AP
Michael Hatchard (c, 1973) Nick Chamberlin (d, 1961) I have always led a positive life, full of cheer and optimism. The source of my spirit was distilled during five years at Sherborne. My legacy would be satisfied if future Shirburnians were to obtain the same quality of life that I have been fortunate to enjoy.
When my end comes, it will be gratifying to know that my legacy will be an automatic and simple process that will augment the rich heritage of the school and that I will have been fortunate enough to give back something to the institution and stand alongside others without whose support Sherborne would not exist as we know it.
20 Reasons for Giving
I loved the School and today, still count many Shirburnians amongst my closest friends. It was, and still is, a fantastic example of learning, playing, fun & comradeship all within the confines of a beautiful old Dorset town. Further, I don’t think there is any doubt that the School’s academic achievements, the sport and the considerable number of the many & varied extra-curricular activities available are vastly superior today than they were 50 years ago. All this entails costs which is why I personally joined the Bow Society so that I could, in due course, give a little back for what the School gave me.
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