Scholarship Information
We are proud to be a co-educational boarding and day school, focused on challenging the individual to achieve more than they thought possible. We encourage this in a traditional environment, with proud country roots, superb facilities and huge opportunities. We nurture and promote academic, artistic, sporting and musical talent. As a Round Square School, we also encourage international understanding, democracy, environmental awareness, adventure, leadership and service. The School offers scholarships annually to talented girls and boys at 11+ (Dorset Scholarship only, for Year 9 entry), 13+ and 16+. The following awards are offered:
11+ (for entry in Year 9) The Dorset Scholarship is for those in Year 6 at the time of assessment who live in Dorset or attend a school in Dorset. The Dorset Scholarship carries 20% remission on the day fee at Milton Abbey. 13+ Academic All Rounder Art Design Technology Drama Music Sport
16+ Academic Art Performing Arts (Drama) Music Sport
All scholarship candidates with the exception of Academic Scholars are required to pass the School’s entry exams. Scholarships at 13+ and 16+ carry 10% remission on school fees but may be increased where financial need is demonstrated. A bursary award form may be obtained from the Admissions Office ( and should be submitted with the scholarship application form.
Entry procedure Further particulars and the relevant entry form may be obtained from the Admissions Office and can also be downloaded from the website ( Completed entry forms for all scholarships should be returned to the Admissions Office by the closing dates listed on the entry form. In addition, a confidential character and academic reference will be sought from the entrant’s school. It is, therefore, essential that the candidate’s current Head is informed before an application is submitted.
General expectations of scholars Scholars are expected to be ambassadors for their specialism and for Milton Abbey and should be happy to act as role models for their peers. Scholarships are retained subject to good behaviour, academic endeavour and a full commitment to the whole life of the School and are reviewed annually.
All Rounder
Milton Abbey prides itself on challenging the individual to achieve more than they thought possible. Teachers at the School are passionate, experienced and have high expectations of their pupils. Through the process of regular progress review and internal data analysis, pupils reach their potential and beyond, and are fully supported in their applications to a wide range of universities and other educational establishments.
At Milton Abbey we welcome a wide variety of pupils into the School and realise that some pupils have a breadth of talent across different areas. The All-Rounder scholarships are awarded to candidates who show outstanding all-round ability and leadership potential and who will make a major contribution to the extra–curricular life of the School.
Expectations of an Academic Scholar • Maintaining a high standard of effort in academic work • Serving as a role model for other pupils • Supporting academic societies within the School
Procedure for selection In addition to an interview with the relevant Heads of Department and the Headmaster:
Scholarships are awarded annually according to the criteria of academic excellence, academic effort or potential. Milton Abbey takes great pride in the success of its academically able and ambitious pupils who set the standard for their peers.
Procedure for selection In addition to an interview with the Assistant Head (Academic) and the Headmaster:
13+ SCHOLARSHIP: Candidates should be under 14 on 1st September and will be asked to sit the Common Academic Scholarship papers set by the Independent Schools Examination Board in May of each year. Candidates will be entered online by Milton Abbey and candidates will normally take the examination at School. 16+ SCHOLARSHIP: The examination takes place in February and consists of a General Studies paper set by Milton Abbey designed to test a pupil’s reasoning skills through a series of extended writing and reading tasks.
Expectations of an All-Rounder Scholar • The ability to lead and be part of a team • To take an active role in the extra-curricular life of the School • Personal qualities including enthusiasm, motivation and consideration
13+ SCHOLARSHIP: Pupils will be asked to complete entrance papers and should be able to demonstrate talent and enthusiasm in any two of the following: • Art • Design Technology • Drama • Music • Sport Candidates should show strong academic potential, supported by a full school report and will be assessed alongside scholarship candidates for each area. Candidates will be expected to submit a portfolio for assessment which should include the candidate’s interests and achievements.
Art and Design Technology Scholarships are awarded for a high level of technical skill together with an imaginative, enthusiastic and original approach to the subject which demonstrates great potential.
Standards at Milton Abbey are consistently high thanks to dedicated and enthusiastic staff. A number of pupils leave Milton Abbey to continue their studies at Art Schools including Central St. Martins and The Slade. Design pupils may be entered for Arkwright Awards and recent pupils have studied at universities as far apart as Bournemouth and Napier (Edinburgh). Expectations of an Art and Design Technology Scholar • Play an active role in the Art/Design Technology department, attending activities and undertaking projects • Work in the department during activity times to develop and further skills and inspire others • To take Art at least up to GCSE for 13+ and A Level for 16+ • To take Design Technology at least up to GCSE for 13+ • Act as an ambassador for the subject throughout the School • Take part in voluntary art clubs, such as life drawing or assist in such areas as set design for the theatre productions
Procedure for selection In addition to an interview with the Head of Art/Design Technology and an interview with the Headmaster:
13+/16+ SCHOLARSHIP - ART: Candidates should submit a portfolio of recent work which should include: • • • •
Drawing in pencil, charcoal, chalk or oil pastel, pen and ink of still life subjects or natural studies from plants, animals or the human figure Painting should show a range of work in various media, acrylic, watercolours, gouache or oils on subjects either from imagination, landscapes, life or still life Graphics should show work ranging from design based projects for packaging or illustration Other possibilities could be: 3–dimensional work in clay or other plastic materials, model-making, sculpture, print-making or textile work
13+ SCHOLARSHIP - DESIGN TECHNOLOGY: Candidates should produce a portfolio of recent work to include: • • • • •
Design sketches Technical drawings Photographs of recent work Models of larger artefacts Evidence of use of computers in design (memory stick if appropriate)
The Dorset Scholarship
A 13+ (Year 9 entry) Scholarship open to Year 6 pupils endorsed by their current Head as having a particular academic ability and passion which will be successfully nurtured at Milton Abbey. We believe in tailoring each pupil’s education to make the most of their individual skills and talents. The Dorset Scholarship offers a Milton Abbey education at a 20% saving on the very competitive day fee.
Procedure for selection Candidates in Year 6 will be expected to complete verbal and non-verbal reasoning tests as well as attend an interview with the Headmaster. In addition, each candidate should prepare a presentation based around a hobby or interest of their choice. Presentations should be no more than five minutes long and will demonstrate: • • • • •
Initiative Confidence Enthusiasm A willingness to engage with questions An understanding of why the candidate feels Milton Abbey will offer them the opportunities they are seeking in a School
A day education at Milton Abbey offers the boarding experience without the overnight stay to local families who are interested in taking advantage of the comprehensive academic and pastoral opportunities the School has to offer. Day pupils are fully integrated into School life and are assigned to a boarding house where they have space to work and the opportunity to participate in all House-based activities.
Scholarships are awarded to pupils who demonstrate a love of theatre and have high aspirations. Scholarships may also be awarded for technical expertise in the theatre at 16+. Our Drama Scholars participate in and attend a variety of productions. These include Milton Abbey’s own plays, the Edinburgh Fringe and acclaimed performances in London, Bristol and other neighbouring areas. Expectations of a Drama Scholar • To take individual Speech and Drama lessons from a teacher in the Department • To take Drama GCSE for 13+ and Performing Arts BTEC for 16+ • To show enthusiasm and motivation for drama in the School • Attend all performances of School, House and other drama Procedure for selection In addition to an interview with the Director of Drama and the Headmaster:
13+ SCHOLARSHIP: • Audition – candidate to perform two prepared speeches from published plays; • Candidates should be prepared to talk about their audition pieces in the context of the whole play and about why they have chosen them; • Involvement in an improvisation workshop.
16+ SCHOLARSHIP: • Audition – candidate to perform two prepared speeches from published plays; • Candidates should be prepared to talk about their audition pieces in the context of the whole play and about why they have chosen them; • Involvement in an improvisation workshop.
Scholarships are awarded annually according to the criteria of musical excellence, demonstrated musical effort or potential.
Milton Abbey offers superb music and performance facilities which include practice rooms, rehearsal space and music technology equipment. The Department is linked to the theatre for performance and regularly uses the magnificent 13th century Abbey for concerts, a building that can boast one of the best acoustics in the country. Scholars are expected to take part in a wide range of ensembles and concerts and participate in choir tours and trips. Expectations of a Music Scholar • To demonstrate a desire to improve as a musician through consistent practice; • To be actively engaged in a wide variety of musical activities • To attend and assist with concerts/recitals during term time • To attend regular Music Scholars’ meetings • To take Music GCSE for 13+ and Music BTEC or Music Technology A Level for 16+ • To set an example to others and display enthusiasm and commitment
Procedure for selection In addition to an interview with the Head of Music and the Headmaster:
13+ SCHOLARSHIP: Candidates should have achieved Grade 4 or 5 standard on their principal discipline and have passed Grade 5 theory or show evidence of progress towards the exam. During their interview, candidates will be asked about their general music knowledge, interests and ambitions.
All candidates are invited to spend a day at Milton Abbey in February with the Head of Music. The day will include the following: • Audition – two pieces in their principal discipline • Audition – one piece in a subsequent discipline • Ear tests to Grade 5 standard • Sight reading in their principal discipline
16+ SCHOLARSHIP: Candidates should have achieved Grade 6 standard in their principal discipline and a pass at Grade 5 theory or show evidence of progress towards the exam. During their interview, candidates will be asked about their general music knowledge, interests and ambitions. All candidates are invited to spend a day at Milton Abbey in February with the Head of Music. The day will include the following: • Audition – two pieces in their principal discipline • Audition – one piece in a subsequent discipline • Ear tests to Grade 5 standard • Sight reading in their principal discipline
Sport Scholarships are awarded to pupils who are all-round sportsmen or women who would benefit from the opportunities, facilities and coaching provided by the School. Sport Scholars are expected to be able to compete at County level, or demonstrate the potential to do so. They should be skilful and enthusiastic about their sport and show huge potential. Candidates should be able to display talent in two of the School’s major team sports, which include rugby, hockey, football, cricket, netball, lacrosse and tennis, or in an individual sport such as sailing, swimming, tennis, athletics, golf or shooting. Expectations of a Sports Scholar • Active participation in all sports at a high level • Demonstrate an impressive level of gamesmanship in all activities • Lead others and act as role models on and off the field • Share best practice with peers and fellow athletes • Attendance and commitment to all School training and fixtures
Procedure for selection In addition to an interview with the Director of Sport and the Headmaster:
13+ SCHOLARSHIP • A brief sports CV (one side of A4 only) that demonstrates sporting ability • Undertake general skill and fitness related tests • Assessment of two major team sport options, or an individual option
16+ SCHOLARSHIP • A brief sports CV (one side of A4 only) that demonstrates sporting ability • Undertake general skill and fitness related tests • Assessment of two major team sport options, or an individual option • The Director of Sport will observe the candidate playing in a competitive match
For more information about Milton Abbey Scholarships, please contact the Admissions Office: Milton Abbey School Blandford Forum Dorset DT11 0BZ 01258 882182