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Downside Sport
Our sports development philosophy for players and coaches is based on a positive mental attitude and exceptional work ethic, and this is expected from all pupils participating in Sport and Physical Education at Downside School. Our aim is to coach the whole child to ensure that they find a sport in which they can participate, excel and learn the values of being part of a team.
Discipline | Honesty | Stewardship These foundational values of Downside Sport are derived from our Benedictine traditions and underpin an integral framework of sports coaching at our school that aims to develop young people as strong,resilient leaders of character that can excel in sport,school and life.Our emphasis on ‘Talent Development’ recognises the power of teamwork and the importance of moral and performance character.All pupils at Downside,regardless of ability,will participate in sport and physical activity during their time here,affording us the opportunity to offer all pupils a foundation of sporting experiences,leading to a development of ability/interest and culminating,for those who represent the school competitively,to an attitude focusing on the fulfilment of talent.
‘Talent Development’ remains central to our mission.Our sports coaching staff are committed to developing the potential in each and every pupil.By way of emphasising this pursuit of the best that we can be,the notion of establishing a positive coaching climate has been paramount.Whilst some schools may adhere to a ‘ win at all costs ’ mentality,the Benedictine values to which we hold so dear have supported Downside ’ s staff and pupils in developing a sports coaching philosophy that has prioritised attitude and effort in both training and competitive performances,above simplified performance values such as winning and losing.It is nice to have both of course,but it is much easier to realise the latter if you can first develop a culture that celebrates the former.
We believe that in these changing social times,the significant majority of young performers will recognise the
value of attitudes and behaviours that are indicative of a climate of development in sport.These include effort & improvement,a growth mind-set,sense of belonging and fundamental movement skills.It is our aim to establish this climate of development in all areas of sport at Downside School. Our most able or more senior pupils,in a representative pathway for their specialist sport or fortunate enough to play for their respective ‘A’ or 1st team in school might experience attitudes and behaviours indicative of a climate of performance,e.g.:performance training & specialisation.We are justifiably proud of the culture of sport at Downside School and we are equally proud of the achievements of our talented performers and the growing reputation of our sports teams.
Downside School believes that physical activity plays an important role in every child’ s development.The aim of Sport & Physical Education at Downside School is to provide a high quality balanced curriculum of team and individual activities which allows each student to gain understanding of his or her own physical ability,to provide experiences which help to promote character and provide the opportunity for high levels of performance. ‘Sport for All’is a central part of the school’ s philosophy as is the desire for every pupil to enjoy physical activity and achieve their own personal best.Whilst our curriculum distinguishes between Physical Education and Sport,the notion of excellence permeates throughout.We are unashamedly aspirational for all our sports performers and challenge all our pupils to be “the best me I can be ”in every aspect of school life.
Our Athlete Development Programme has been designed to support Scholarship holders and other talented pupils, ensuring that every lesson,coaching session and mentoring meeting is designed to reinforce and support attitudes and behaviours that will create excellence and high performance conditions that are full of challenge,creative thinking,critical thinking,problem solving and student choice.Adhering to the core Downside Sport values participants will have access to subject specific mentoring & support from our experienced team of outstanding