1 minute read
Mass is celebrated in the Old Chapel onTuesdays and Fridays at 7.40 a.m., except on days when Mass is celebrated with the School in the Abbey Church.Anyone who would like to assist with reading or serving at the morning Mass is asked to see one of the Chaplains.
OnThursday evenings at 9.00 p.m. in the Old Chapel there are House Masses or House reconciliation services.
CONFESSIONS are heard before Sunday Mass in the Abbey Church in St Benedict’ s Chapel (from 9.40 a.m. when the Mass is at 10.00 a.m.). Confessions are heard onThursdays before and during the evening Mass in the Old Chapel, or at other times by private arrangement with one of the Chaplains.
LECTIO DIVINA groups meet once a week, arranged by the Leader of the Group.
The ROSARY GROUP meets everyTuesday in the Old Chapel at 9.15 p.m.
DAY PUPILS attend a weekly service with the Chaplains.