The Muthaiga Country Club Magazine July - September 2022

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roving eye

Roving Eye

anyone to form an opinion – and who are the Welsh?” Answers on a postcard, please. Meanwhile our most recent of Club Secs has been Eyed up in the gym, hard at work on his pecs, beach-buffed, cap backwards, 75 reps, 15 circuits, 2 times a day, 7 days a week, just 12 weeks (that’s 84 days) since stepping aside, our most muscled of Secs in the whole history of the Club.

Eye is back, wide open, keeping a gimlet one on Club Secs, as Eye does. Rupert, our antepenultimate, has sloughed off Qatari dust for the urban confines of 127 Piccadilly. Eye expects he’ll fit right in, not least for his height and bearing. Too big for the nags, what kind of foot soldier might he be mistaken for at the Chav ‘n’ Guards Club? “The Grenadiers are Officers but not Gentlemen, the Coldstream are Gentlemen but not Officers, the Scots are neither; the Irish haven’t been around long enough for

Seriously, Eye believes that cometh the hour, so came Christian, and few could have shepherded the Club through the pandemic with as much highly komboocha-ed enthusiasm and vigour, or with so many modern Teutonic idiosyncrasies. As Club Secs come and go, who or what comes next? An East Coast hotelier, Eye hears. Can he – for he it is – be all things to all men, women, staff, tribes, ages and colours? Eye says good luck with that!

ICT Systems Developments & Enhancements SMS Notifications

Automated online payments postings

An SMS notification alert to Members when they utilise the Club’s facilities and when they make payments via MPESA was introduced last year, which we think is a useful tool for informing Members what is happening in their Club account. To receive these timely alerts, kindly ensure the Club has your latest working mobile number.

We have started automating and integrating online payments made via our Website or App to have them posted directly into the Club’s Jonas Management System. This will ensure payments go directly to Members’ accounts without posting manually. The team hopes to complete this enhancement by July.

If you have given out your mobile number and are NOT receiving these alerts, kindly dial *100#, go to My Subscriptions, proceed to promotional SMS, then go to Activate by Sender Name, which is MuthaigaCC. This will ensure your mobile line is not blocked from receiving the Club’s SMS notifications.

Automated MPESA payments postings The Club has completed automating and integrating MPESA payments with the Jonas Management system. This will ensure Members payments done via MPESA are posted directly into their accounts automatically.


Muthaiga Country Club July - September 2022

The above two enhancements will ensure Members’ accounts are up-to-date with timely information, increased accuracy, time saving and reduced human error. Members are asked to enter their full Membership Numbers as they appear on their cards, for the above to work seamlessly.

E-Mail addresses One of the major challenges the Club has been experiencing in using email as a form of communication is ‘bounced back’ messages. These mainly occur due to outdated email addresses in the Club database. Members are kindly asked to send their latest working address to:

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