Bds magazine spring 2017 (issue 366)

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British Driving

Issue No. 366

Spring 2017

Welsh Breeds

Leaf Spring Award


Area Activities

British Driving SOCIETY

Another year is upon us (a Happy New Year to you all) and I expect you are all getting up and at it although it’s apparent that a lot of you keep going, weather permitting throughout the winter. I applaud your robust nature! I note that there are a number of areas that have vacancies for ACs and I know from experience what a demanding job it can be but also very rewarding. However if the AC has a good supporting team it can make a huge difference to the work load, so if you feel this is something you can take on and persuade interested friends to get involved as well it can be less onerous. Reading the AC reports there are lots of events and activities lined up for the coming season so I’m looking forward to reading all about them in later magazines and please remember a photograph is worth a thousand words. The worthy winner of last year’s Junior competition was Llewelyn Chapman from Wales whose submission was in the Winter edition and he will receive a

year’s free subscription to the BDS. Well done Llewelyn! The standard was so high it must have been a very difficult task to find a winner. I hope we will get lots of Junior submissions for 2017 so get your pens and cameras out and at the ready. This year the BDS will be celebrating its Diamond Jubilee and so I am giving you all plenty of warning there will be an extra eight pages in the 2018 Spring edition of the magazine. This will enable you all to record any events put on by your areas to commemorate this special Diamond Jubilee Year with pictures and write-ups. I look forward to reading and seeing what interesting events you’ve put on to celebrate this special occasion. One thing I will guarantee is that there will be lots of tea and cake involved!! I can remember driving my little black cob Bramble at the Scottish BDS Show when it was at Holyrood which must be about forty years ago, how scary is that! As always it looks to be a packed and varied year of driving and social opportunities, enjoy yourselves and be safe.


Contents 4

Artificial Aids


Smith's Lawn


England Area Activities

28 Scotland Area Activities 31 Wales Area Activities 34 Junior Commissioners Report and Quiz

36 Northern Ireland Area Activities

Calling all Juniors for the 2017 Junior Competition. Write about your BDS experiences, add some photographs and maybe win a years FREE subscription.

Provisional Magazine Copy Submission Dates for 2017/18



Production Remous Ltd – 01963250920 Front cover T. Cribbs and Sons Successful Friesian Pair. photo: Bruce Deacon No part of the British Driving Society (BDS) magazine may be copied or reproduced in any form without the permission of the BDS. The views and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the BDS. The British Driving Society has tried to ensure that the information in the magazine is correct at the date of publication, however we cannot accept liability arising from its use and accordingly, the British Driving Society excludes liability for loss or damage arising from the use of information or any error or omission in the information. The British Driving Society or Remous Ltd will not be held responsible for the appearance of photographic material supplied without the necessary consent, copyright and or photographer’s details. Any advertisement designed by Remous Ltd on behalf of The BDS remains the Publisher’s Copyright and may not be reproduced unless prior written permission is obtained. The BDS and Remous reserves the right to edit all magazine submissions.

BDS Office British Driving Society Endersley, Church Road, Wingfield, Eye, Suffolk IP21 5QZ Telephone: 01379 384612


ARTIFICIAL AIDS AND UNACCEPTABLE PRACTICES Points raised, explained and discussed by BDS Judges Committee By Gary Docking, LHHI As a result of the BDS Judges conference and subsequent Judges Committee meeting it was thought pertinent to advise everybody of some practices that have been seen but are not acceptable and will not be tolerated in Private Driving or Light Trade classes.



Acceptable in Hackney Type classes only, this rein must be attached to a bridoon bit and not a tongue guard and only used with a top line (rolled leather in Private Driving classes and not cored as in Hackney Show or cob in harness classes) always un-hooked when the animal is stationary. The top line must be supported by a separate cheek piece with French snap like hook to bridoon bit (worn behind and above the Liverpool) adjustment must be correct so as wearer cannot put tongue between bits. Buckle and hole adjustment must be shown at centre pad turret.

TONGUE TIES This practice of tongue tying is not acceptable in private driving or light trade classes. Commonly we see a “pop sock” or specialist strap around the animal’s lower jaw and tongue to prevent the horse rolling his tongue back and putting it over the bit to evade contact or alternatively, swallowing his tongue. Although accepted by some Breed and Harness societies, the BDS does not allow this practice in any form. The perpetrators have found ways of disguising this practice so please be vigilant.


British Driving Society

These days we see many types of bits in driving bridles, and more and more “Ironwork” available as cult of fashion exists. Although we cannot legislate what is right or wrong we do not want horses with their mouths wide open trying to evade a cruel or ill-fitting mouthpiece. The commonly used and widely acceptable Liverpool Bit is usually quite adequate, with varying mouthpieces, (half-moon, ported, mullen etc.). Only one bit is acceptable in the horse’s mouth unless a properly fitting bridoon bit is fitted to a top line for a hackney-type only as mentioned above.

REIN ATTACHMENTS In any form of driving single, pair, tandem, unicorn or team be it trade, coster or private driving the reins only are connected to the horses bit (e.g. mouth). No extra-long reins buckled on long top lines or straps connected to driving reins are acceptable, in order to aid stopping or steering. Single reins for a single turnout only. Artificial aids of any type are not acceptable.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

53 rd BDS ANNUAL SHOW Sunday 25th June 2017

Diamond Jubilee 1957-2017

Smith’s Lawn, Windsor Great Park, Berkshire SL5 0PT by kind permission of Her Majesty The Queen



Royal Park Drive Parade in front of the Royal Box Country Vehicles Donkeys & Mules Exercise Vehicles Hackneys Hackney-Types Light Trade Miniatures Novices Pairs/Multiples Pleasure Driving Ride & Drive Veterans Vintage Vehicles Welsh World & Rare Breeds Young Drivers Osborne Refrigerators & HOYS Qualifiers

Classes start at 9.00 am in three arenas

RINGSIDE CAR PASS - A pass includes entry for all car occupants. Cars will be parked in a reserved spot overlooking the chosen ring. Numbers are limited, booking in advance is recommended.

GENERAL CAR PASS - includes entry for all car occupants. Cars will be parked in the car park. Passes may be reserved in advance or purchased on the day.

LUNCH - Lunch in the marquee can be reserved in advance.

COMPETITORS Entries close 22nd May

BDS Annual Show

FOR TICKET & SCHEDULE INFORMATION Please complete this form & post to Charlotte Lawson, BDS Show, Buckinghams Cottage, Fressingfield, Suffolk IP21 5QE or telephone 01379-586-686 or email Visitors/exhibitors at the 2016 Show will automatically be sent 2017 show information NAME ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………….. ADDRESS ………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………… …………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………. POST CODE …………………………………. EMAIL ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………………………….. TELEPHONE …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Please send me a ticket application form / schedule (Delete where applicable)


THE SHROPSHIRE DRIVING DAYS Many of you will not have heard of Shropshire Driving Days, those that have may be keeping it a secret. This is an event held the week after The Royal Welsh Show and consists of five days of driving on mainly quiet country roads and off road around Brampton Bryan near Lentwardine. Participants arrive on the Friday and can camp for the duration. Horses may be corralled with electric fence and there are a limited number of pens available in a barn for those that cannot be corralled. We have the use of the village hall which is on site and has toilet facilities. It is here that we meet for the pre-drive briefing and also for the evening get-together, usually accompanied by an evening meal for those that require it. Each day sees the start of a new drive. Preordered lunches are taken for us to a lunch stop where we can relax with our horses and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee which is also provided. There is drinking-only water for the horses and the stops are usually pretty with views or park-lands. Each drive is about twenty miles long and includes some quite long hills, some of them steep so your animals must be very fit. We have Shetlands that complete the drives so please don’t be put off. Any fit pony or horse will be perfectly capable. The drive is only for experienced whips and grooms and animals must be proven to be sensible in company and traffic. Carriages don’t have to be “posh” but must be in good fully working condition. Brakes are an advantage. It’s a great event where you can meet new people with a common interest and lose yourself in just enjoying driving. This year’s event will take place on Sat 29th July to Wednesday 2nd August with camping from the Friday to the Thursday. Wednesday’s drive is usually arranged so that people can get away. If you are interested in participating please contact me Peter Phillips by e-mail. with your name and address and I shall be pleased to send you an application nearer the time. Places are limited.

Driving day 3 black-hill





Download from The British

These cards help the BDS to identify and contact each qualified competitor and speed up the awarding process at the show. So they should be carried by each driver in the ring, and on qualifying handed to the judge. Please ensure that they are completed prior to entry into the ring.


British Driving Society


ITO r, competito COMPET qualified ntact each to identify/coss in the ring. the BDS proce enables awarding this card d up the and spee from - Download ing the ring. available enter e are inistrator, s befor er copie BDS Shows Adm r Section ion. Furth on, Competito ORS Type-Sect Charlotte Laws lete the COMPETIT ed for each SAE to Please comp  . card is need or send lk IP21 5QE. in the ring. 23rd September ociet A separate  shdrivings Fressingfield, Suffo card to the judge gton ge, www.briti correct Driving Addin ms Cotta e hand the in for the finals. Buckingha August in on pleas es uk ficati entri Upon quali send your vingsociet  mber to .britishdri on www And reme  available to Schedule t and sent lk IP21 finished. class has Results Shee ld, Suffo the after the to ingfie on hed Fress Judges Secti should be attac Cottage, lete the ons) inghams JUDGES ator, Buck Please comp card (both secti  leted s Administr The comp BDS Show  . fication. Lawson, the show f of quali Charlotte ritishdrivingso diately after is NOT proo 2 www.b 5QE imme card on its own 01379-384-61 5QZ Tel: Suffolk IP21 A completed eld, Eye,  of Completion

If you would like to be posted a card, please send an SAE to the BDS Shows Administrator, Charlotte Lawson, Buckinghams Cottage, Fressingfield, Suffolk IP21 5QE.

Ltd., Driving Society



Church Road,






The British


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Driver Telephone

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Road, Wingfie ld, Eye, Suffolk

IP21 5QZ

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Tel: 01379-3 84-612 itishdrivingsocie

Name &


Driver Name & Memb ership



Name &

Date Of

Judges Name







Driver Telephone


& Post Code

Driver Email addres s Horses/Ponie



Date Of Show

Judges Name

Driver & Post Code Telephone

ies Horses/Pon

& Signature

Exhibitor/Ow ner & Memb ership No

Driver Name No ership & Memb

Driver ss Email addre



Date Of Show

Judges Name

Name &


& Post Code

Driver Email addres s Horses/Ponie

Completion of this card enables the BDS to and speed up the awardidentify/contact each COMPETITO ing proce qualified RS ss in the ring. competitor  FORM , Please comp RESULTS lete the Comp NED WITH  A separate & RETUR Sectio ETITIOnN card is neede etitor before enter THE COMP www.britis E AFTERd for each Typeing the ring. hdrivi JUDG ngsoc THE Section. BY Bucki iety.c nghams Cotta Furth COMPLETED N TOBE Upon ge, Fressingfieor send SAE to Charl er copies are availa qualificatio THIS SECTIO otte Lawso ble - Down n please hand ld, Suffolk IP21  n, And reme BDS 5QE. Shows Admi load from the corre mber to send Show nistrator, ct card to Schedule Date Of your entrie the available Name & on www.britis s in for the finals judge in the ring. . Driving JUDGES hdrivingsoc S HIPgton Addin ure - 23rd Septe & Signat MPIONS  AL CHA in August mber. Judges Name Please comp NATION lete the Judge  The comp TORS sBDS Section after 2017 letedERA N RIG card (both Charl COMPETITIO CARD the class E REF TOfinish Rns) sectio otte Lawso has ITO PRIOR shoulETITO OSBORN n, BDSPET ed. d R 5QE imme COM ShowsBY THE COMP be attached to diatel LETED Administrator,  COMP A completedN TOyBEafter the Buckingham the Results Sheet show. and sent s Cottage, THIS SECTIO card on its own to Fressingfiel Carriage/ is NOT The British d, Suffolk proof of qualif Driving Society Vehicle IP21 ication. Ltd., Endersl ey, Church

Driver ss Email addre


Exhibitor/Ow ner & Memb ership No Driver Name & Memb ership

Driver & Post Code Telephone

And put the finals date in your diary! Driving Addington 23rd September 2017

Driving Society



Tel: 01379-3 84-612 itishdrivingsocie


Driver Name No ership & Memb

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& Signat


Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

& Signature



“Have a Go at Attelage de Tradition”

2017 AIAT Attelage de Tradition events The AIAT advised us in January 2017 that the BDS will not be invited to pay the AIAT subscription for 2017. This means that the BDS can no longer organise any events under the AIAT rules.

Concours d’attelage de Tradition is putting the “oomph” back into Private Driving by encouraging more people to drive traditional carriages which can then be used to swell numbers in the show ring. Thanks to enthusiasts in France and now many other European countries we have been introduced to this new event, which not only preserves and displays the elegance of old carriages but also tests the skill of the Whip and the obedience of the equine. Yes it is purely for traditionally built carriages preferably pre 1945. That is the sole aim of the founders of this competition, to give traditionalists the same buzz that is found in driving trials with modern carriages, only more refined. Some may call it “Elitist” others call it “Purist”. but it makes for a great sociable weekend. There are no barriers to taking part, from single donkeys to Road Coaches and any combination in between. See the Suffolk, Cambs and Huntingdon Area news for details of how you too can, “Have a Go”

The AIAT will, of course, welcome BDS members to AIAT events both in the UK and abroad as has always been the case.

Eunice Hopton Euston CIAT 2016

Geoff Dudley Euston CIAT 2016

AAC Eunice Binder.

Bob Alexander Euston 2016

Prizegiving Euston CIAT 2016

NOMINATIONS FOR BDS COUNCIL Are your views being represented?

The BDS Council of 12 members, manages & administers the BDS and they are your voice, so this is your chance to nominate someone who will reflect your views. There are four vacancies.



All BDS members over 18 years old on 1st January 2017 can nominate a member. As a proposer, you will be asked to give information on your candidate (no more than 100 words) for the voting paper, explaining why they would be an effective member.

NOMINATION FOR BDS COUNCIL 2017 We the undersigned being two current adult members of the British Driving Society, hereby nominate the following current member for inclusion on the Council voting paper.

CANDIDATE'S NAME & MEMBERSHIP NUMBER (Consent of the Member nominated must be obtained)


Carriage/ Vehicle








If more than four nominations are received, these details will be included on a voting paper with the Summer newsletter.





Carriage/ Vehicle





The person you nominate must be willing to attend Council meetings, normally held four times a year, and take an active part in the work involved throughout the year.




Proposed by:-




..................................................................................................... Membership No......................

Name......................................................................................... Membership No......................





To nominate your candidate fill in the form opposite and return it to the BDS Office to arrive not later than 5th May 2017 British Driving Society, Endersley, Church Road, Wingfield, Eye, Suffolk IP21 5QE

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Seconded by:Name......................................................................................... Membership No...................... Signature..................................................................................................................................

British Driving Society



Area News

Area Activities Beds, Bucks & Herts

Members with turnouts will be very welcome at all meets and drives. The areas are defined for administration only and all members are welcome at events in any area. However, Area Comissioners would welcome a phone call to know that you are on your way


AC Linda Swain Tel: 07850-706978 Email AAC Shirley Higgins Tel: 01923 267919 Email: AAC Tanya Howard Tel: 01923 284462 / 07788 275267 Email: Publicity Officer Sylvia Sullivan Tel: 01767 677906 Email: ROW – Brian Worrell Tel: 01442 258602 Email: Our Facebook page is `BBH BDS` where events and photographs are regularly published. Feel free to add your own driving photos, adverts or ask questions there. Road drives are not so popular in our area any longer, but if any members need help in finding suitable parking places and / or suitable routes to drive please contact Linda, Tanya or Shirley for local advice which may be of help. 15 Apr – Easter Saturday Fun day on the show ground near Biggleswade, Beds SG18 9BU. A chance to take part in unaffiliated and informal show classes with your new turnout perhaps. Learn about ring craft, what to wear, how to act as `groom`, Try some Trec skills or maybe a small cones course with a novice horse or pony. Learn about correct harnessing up, putting to, and also long reining. Or simply bring your turnout for the experience. There will be one charge of £20 per turnout for the day which must be paid in advance please by 1st April. Spectators £5 each on the day. 29 Apr – Area 10 Spring show near Biggleswade, Beds SG18 9BU. Details in the BDS Yearbook. Schedules on the website

Jo Cordell at Peterborough donkey show 2016

20 May – Treasure Hunt drive. Drive out individually or in small groups. Parking at Shuttleworth EC, Old Warden Beds SG18 9EA after 12 noon. Contact Linda to book in before 10 May please. 21 May – BDS Area 24 show is at Wells Park Farm, Whittlesford, Cambs CB2 4PG with many different classes for all types of turnout. Contact the secretary Wendy Winney on 01473 685835 for details. No entries on the day.

British Driving Society

Assistant Area Commissioners Colin Pawson LHHI Email: Tel: 01189 842619 Clive Collins Email: Tel: 01635 862863/07799 892007 Joanna Holland Email: Tel: 01635 230486 Martin Pink Email: Rights of Way: Margaret Pawson Email: Tel: 01189 842619

The Berkshire BDS gang have started the 2017 driving seasons in style with a fun supper at the Spring Inn Theale, great company and good food what more could we need – oh yes of course, Polos and carrots for the ponies. We are now looking forward to Clive and Fee’s quiz evening on 31st March which always provides great brain teasers.

25 Jun – Do support the BDS Annual show at Smiths Lawn, Windsor, Berks. 13 Jul – Coffee morning at Blossoms Café at the rear of the Home & Garden Centre, Bedford Road, Willington, Beds MK44 3PR from 10am. All welcome. Remember that your BDS membership card should be with you at all driving events as proof of insurance and may be checked before each event. Those aged under 14 years must wear hard hats at all times whilst in a carriage and the wearing of highviz gear for driver, groom, horse and carriage is highly recommended on any road drives – be seen ! We need more ideas for BBH venues and events! If you can host a rally or social, please get in touch.

Young Driver champion Leah Marshall at the 2016 Area 10 Spring show


AC Joanna Holland Mob: 07766 751 352 Tel: 01635 230486 Email:

New Season Supper

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News BDS Events 2017

7th May – Dennis Walmsley Memorial Drive contact Colin Pawson 0118 9842619 4th June – Brockhurst drive, Hermitage contact Clive Collins 0779 9892007 6th August – Bramshill Forest Drive TBC 25th June – Ashe Warren Drive contact Colin Pawson 0118 9842619 3rd September – Engelfield Drive, Mortimer contact Clive Collins 0779 9892007 24th September – Windsor Great Park Drive, contact Martin Pink 01753 575081

Elaine Kearney & Jan Bowerman at Andrew Counsell training day with new turnout

1st October – Windsor Great Park Drive, contact Martin Pink 01753 575081

Cheshire To be Announced

Cornwall Email: AC Maureen Ryder-Gordon Tel: 01566 785241 Mob: 07782 413307 AAC Bryony Maunder Tel: 01752 851800 Mob: 07966 069099 Email: Friday October 14th over twenty members travelled to Duchy College at Stoke Climsland to enjoy a film evening conducted by Principal and BDS member Andrew Counsell. We were able to use the lecture theatre which is a wonderful facility and were fascinated by the film collection Andrew has amassed illustrating so many types of horses and their way of going.

Jane Talbot-Smith at Andrew Counsell training day

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Mary Venner at Andrew Counsell Training Day

during the season, Pat and Paul Maunder for the renovation of the BDS trailer and directional signs, also to all the helpers who turn up come rain or shine to stand on a junction or man a gate for many hours. Thank you to John Gordon who did many miles behind the scenes to make things happen, to the drive organisers who know their venues so well and can identify and deal with potential hazards in advance, and to the Annual Show sponsors who are so very generous. Lastly and by no means least, thank you to the participants who make it all come to life. 2016 events were summarised for everyone making it easy to identify the most popular drives. Thirty-five different turnouts have attended a BDS Cornwall event this year. We are delighted to have fostered a good relationship with BDS Devon and are very pleased to welcome all BDS members to our events. Colquite was the most popular drive of the season with sixteen turnouts attending. The most popular talk for the year was Attelage de Tradition with Lester Dagge with forty one people attending.

Well done to Caitlin Barnett who was awarded the Junior Whip cup this year and Sheila Sexton took the Shetland cup. Jane Talbot-Smith was delighted to receive the Area Commissioner’s cup. Maureen Ryder-Gordon and Anne Honeywell were officially presented with their Leaf Spring awards. We were all very pleased to officially Mel Wilton at Andrew Counsell Training Day with new pair of horses congratulate Jane TalbotSmith, Sheila Sexton and Roger Sunday of the same weekend we were Derryman for flying the flag for BDS Cornwall and privileged to have Andrew Counsell conduct a obtaining their tandem bars earlier in the year. training day. Andrew listened to what the ten participants wanted to achieve and assessed what else might be done to enhance their turnout. It was good to watch Andrew assess from the ground, backstep, passenger seat and driving seat, taking the reins on occasions. Judging by the smiles everyone enjoyed their tuition and some expressed a wish to book in for next year. On Friday September 11th over twenty members gathered at Slades House Country Inn, Sladesbridge (by kind permission of Jackie and Alan Jennings) for the Annual Meeting. The meeting began with lots of thanks. Thank you to John Gordon for all the running around and miles covered

Jane Talbot-Smith receiving the Area Commisioner's Cup

British Driving Society


Area News

Anne Honeywell & Maureen Ryder-Gordon with their Leaf Spring awards

BDS Cornwall were delighted to invite Dr. Kieran O’Brien MA MVB(Hons) PhD MRCVS of Penbode Vets to give a talk on Travelling Horses on November 18th at Jamaica Inn, Bolventor. It was a fascinating talk which covered the basics of how to prepare your horse for travelling, some case studies on travelling, energy expended and what can happen when things go wrong.

Sheila Sexton receiving the Shetland Cup

December 3rd we went back to Jamaica Inn for our Christmas lunch. Bryony Maunder (AAC) would like to add that Maureen Ryder-Gordon and her husband, John did a great job at providing the entertainment for this Christmas lunch. It ranged from the “head or tails” whiskey game to pass the parcel, a very enjoyable few hours with friends. In addition Maureen was able to present in person the Shetland cup to Sheila Sexton who supported just about all the BDS Cornwall events in 2016. Well done Sheila!

A prize in every layer of Pass the Parcel

Another circuit for pass the parcel

Once again, thank you to all the helpers no matter what seemingly trivial input you provided. It is all appreciated and without you it wouldn’t happen – thank you!

Happy and safe driving!

Maureen Ryder-Gordon Area Commissioner Tel: 01566 785241

Some dates for your diary April 2 – Halvana Plantation drive with Michael & Jane Talbot-Smith Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241 or Jane on 01579 320593 April 14 – Talk with Barry Hook of Horse Drawn Promotions at Jamaica Inn, Bolventor, PL15 7TS Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241 April 29 – Minta Winn Training Day at Lower Croan Farm, Sladesbridge, Wadebridge. PL27 6JH Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241 May 28 – Colquite Estate drive with Maureen Ryder-Gordon at Colquite, Bodmin, PL30 3AF Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241 June 25 – Annual Show at Bugle Football Ground (Brian & Brenda Ball 01726 851144) more details to follow July 2 – BBQ hosted by Lyn & John Downes at Cheesewring Farm, Minnions, Liskeard PL14 5LJ Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241 July 23 – Enys Gardens drive with Lynda Chapman & Diane Hirst at Enys Gardens, St. Gluvias, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9LB. Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241

August 6 – Treolwyn drive with Brian & Brenda Ball at Treolwyn, Bowling Green, St. Austell. PL26 8RN Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241 or Brian/ Brenda on 01726 851144 September 3 – Boconnoc drive with Brian & Brenda Ball at Boconnoc, Lostwithiel, Cornwall. PL22 0RG Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241 or Brian/ Brenda on 01726 851144 September 24 – Brazacott drive with Vicky Wilson & Maureen Ryder-Gordon at Lower Brazacott Farm, Brazacott, Launceston PL15 8NE. Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241 October 1 – Tregamellyn drive with Philip & Marjorie Crew at Tregamellyn, Lansallos, Looe. PL13 2PY Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241 or Marjorie on 01503 272218 November 10 – Annual Meeting - Slades House Country Inn, Sladesbridge, Wadebridge. PL27 6JB Please book in by contacting Maureen Ryder-Gordon on 01566 785241 December 2 – Christmas Lunch – to be confirmed

Tandem stars


British Driving Society

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News Cumbria To be Announced

Derbyshire Staffs Joint AC Margaret Norris Tel: 07900 211634 Email: Joint AC & Press Sally Cowan Tel: 07802 470167 Email: AAC Rita Stevens Tel: 07920 282334 Email: Treasurer – Sharon Allsop Tel: 07764 309436 Email Support Officer – Carolyn Bryers Tel: 07791 069107 Email: ROW – Reg Muggleton Tel: 07896 878571 Email: Rights of Way Officer David Kent Tel: 07929 193769

Annual Meeting 12th November 2016 Review of 2016 by Sally Cowan / Margaret Norris Welcome everyone to our 2016 Annual Meeting. You may remember that this time last year Sally and I stood here, having resigned our posts, asking members if they would like to step up and take the reins. Well…. here we are 12 months on and still standing here! Don’t tell anyone-but I think we’re actually quite pleased! We feel we have had a good year and would like to remind you of the highlights…. 2016, a year of amazing weather on the whole, may have had fewer events than previous years but we hope those of you who have supported them have enjoyed them and appreciated the years new ventures. We had a great variety of events:April saw an indoor training day at Barleyfields Equestrian Centre with Nicola Salter doing a great job advising and encouraging whips on how to improve dressage and their show ring craft. May was a busy month with the Safe and Sound Day at Redhouse Stables. This is specifically aimed at newcomers to driving but is a great reminder to us all of the need for vigilance in all matters to do with safety relating to our driving activities. We also had our cross country at Anslow, a great favourite with everyone and a very good way to get ourselves and our ponies back into the swing of being together again. In June was the Chatsworth Challenge, a great day of fun and competitiveness. It had five very different elements this year testing the versatility of both horses and whips. It was most encouraging to see four new turnouts there who all entered in to the spirit and were thrilled with their achievements at the end of the day. Later in June was the Anslow road drive hosted by Ann and Bernard Greer and now famous for its afternoon tea with Ann’s legendary meringues! Many thanks also to Reg Muggleton and his

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

family for planning the route and marshalling so efficiently on the day. July saw the ever popular Chatsworth Drive. It has been hosted at Park Gate Farm every year since 2010 and this was the first time that it didn’t rain. Result! August is traditionally busy with shows and although we did not hold our own area show this year we amalgamated with the Northern Hackney Horse Society’s show at Bakewell showground. Although this was not an ideal arrangement it did give members the opportunity to have their own showing classes. It was very well attended with eleven turnouts all of whom did themselves and our area proud. We must thank Carolyn Bryers and Christine Basset for stepping in at almost the 11th hour and working very hard to make this possible. Without their enthusiasm and commitment there would simply have been no show for our members. The good news is in 2017 we will be holding our own show again on 4th June at Mercaston. Classes and details TBC but venue and judge already booked. August was also the month of the Brick Kiln Drive hosted by Rob and Jan Hutchinson. Always a great drive with a stunning route this year planned by Rita Stevens. September saw the BDS Trec at Chatsworth Country Fair and later that month we tried a new venture, hiring the course at Catton Country Park. This stunning venue boasts a six mile off road course. Members not only had their skills as whips tested but had to use the grey matter and follow a map which proved quite challenging at times. Most turnouts went round the course twice and some had a go at water splashes and other obstacles to test their skill. It was a great day and one we hope to repeat in 2017. October was the Freehay Drive hosted by Helen and Graham Lovatt. As always a very pretty drive and again the sun shone on us. At this event Helen was awarded our rally driving trophy to hold for one year. Many thanks to John and Mary Stubbs, our trusty back car, for judging and to Helen and Eddie for winning it.

Derby Staffs Christmas Drive from Redhouse Stables best Christmas Turnout won by Emily Hulme

BDS AGM – Sally recently attended the BDS AGM in Warwickshire to represent our area. Unfortunately Margaret was unable to join me as she was on Halloween Witch duty at Chatsworth. Key things from the AGM – the BDS are working more closely with the British Horse Society , in particular on the BHS road safety campaign “ Dead Slow “ We are being encouraged to use the BHS’s website to record horse accidents and incidents on the road as they are pulling statistics together to present to Government to try and educate road users when they come into contact with horse riders or drivers. 2017 will be the BDS’s Diamond Anniversary and we were asked for ideas from the Areas as to how to celebrate this – if you have any suggestions please let us know. BDS Chairwoman Angela Sixsmith has made a conscious effort to visit as many areas as possible in the last year, she hadn’t visited us here in Derbyshire / Staffordshire yet , hopefully we will see her in 2017 giving Members the opportunity to discuss the running of the Organisation. The BDS Finances were presented by Jo Halnan Blackwell which I have to say felt much clearer and in control. Back to 2016 At this point we must thank all those who have hosted events this year and those who have helped in so many ways behind the scenes. Without your hospitality, time, hard work and enthusiasm we could not offer such a variety of venues and activities. Thanks to you all. We hope we behaved well enough that you will have us back and if anyone else feels they could offer to host an event-don’t hold back(!) let us know-soon as you like! And now to the future of 2017. On your tables there are ‘survey’ forms asking for your thoughts on what you would like to see on the events list for next year. This is your opportunity to put forward ideas, all of which will be considered. So please fill them in before you leave as Sally/ Margaret will soon be meeting to plan the 2017 diary. Finally, you may be wondering why you have been asked for a contribution to the cost of your supper tonight, well –you may not be aware how many event venue costs are paid out of area funds. Barleyfields cost £105, Anslow is £12 per turnout and cost £144, Chatsworth Challenge is £6 per turnout plus £126 toilet hire. Rosettes per event Add to this that, as we have had fewer events,

British Driving Society


Area News this has meant that raffle money, a good source of income, is down. Many branches charge turnouts a fee for every event whatever it is. We have no wish to do this and will continue to subsidise events where we can but we must protect our funds for the purpose they are intended, to promote and encourage driving and provide opportunities for everyone to develop the skills associated with this. But finally finally 2016 has been a great year and here’s to 2017 which with your support will be even better. Thank you. Joint AC’S Sally Cowan/Margaret Norris

Hard Hat Ruling for Young Drivers Following a consensus of opinion of BDS Council and the BDS Safety Panel it is now considered that in the interests of our duty of care to our younger members, the Society wishes to introduce a formal Ruling on the wearing of hard hats. That Ruling reads as follows: With effect from May 1st 2013, Drivers, Grooms and Passengers who are under the age of 14 years and who are participating in any British Driving Society officially organised event, activity or competition, will be required to wear a hard hat which fits whilst on any horse drawn vehicle and this will include Grooms who have dismounted to assist with the horse.

Diary Dates Please ensure you let one or other of your Area Commissioners know you would like to attend any event. Sunday 2nd April 11am – 1pm Event Training Day – MOT Safe and Sound. An ideal event for new or inexperienced members . Bring your turnout to be checked over or come and watch. Also open to non BDS Members Venue Redhouse Stable. Darley Dale Contact Sally Cowan / Margaret Norris Sunday 30th April 11am – 3pm Event Training Day with Gary Docking. Come and take the opportunity to be helped and advised by one of the leading Carriage Drivers in the UK. With Turnout £10 . Without Turnout £5. Non BDS Members welcome too. Join us for what will be a very informative and fun Training Day Venue Scropton Riding and Driving Centre. Scropton. Derbyshire Contact Sally Cowan / Margaret Norris Sunday 14th May 11 am start Event Anslow Cross Country off Road drive. Drive this off road course at your own pace. Ideal for new and establish Members alike Venue Poplars Farm. Anslow Nr. Burton on Trent Contact Sally Cowan / Margaret Norris

Sunday 21st May 1pm start Event Road Drive approx 12 miles Venue TBC Contact Sally Cowan / Margaret Norris Sunday 4th June Event Area Show open to BDS Members only. Ideal first show, friendly and encouraging. Venue Cutler Park. Mercaston. Derbyshire Contact Christine Bassett/ Carolyn Byrers Sunday 11th June 1pm start Event Road Drive approx 12 miles Venue TBC Contact Sally Cowan / Margaret Norris Sunday 2nd July 11am start Event Chatsworth Challenge. All sorts of different Driving Disciplines to test whip, groom and equine. All off Road. £3 per person Venue Chatsworth Park Contact Margaret Norris / Sally Cowan Sunday 16th July 1pm start Event Anslow Road Drive. Approx 12 miles Venue Anslow, Nr Burton on Trent by kind invitation of Anne and Bernard Greer Contact Sally Cowan / Margaret Norris


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British Driving Society

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News Devon

Events planned for 2017


AC Noel Danagher Tel: 01409 261322 Mob: 07768 173177

Dear Members, Thank you for all your support in 2016 especially anyone who has stewarded for us because without your help our events cannot be held. We have quite a few events already arranged for 2017 and I look forward to meeting more of you over the coming year. Best wishes

Noel Danagher

Past Events Wednesday 16th November 2016 Devon BDS Annual Meeting was held at Hatherleigh when twenty four members were present. Member’s commented on how they enjoyed the events held throughout 2016. Suggestions were taken for 2017, most of which have now been organised. Saturday 26th November 2016 We had a great Christmas Fun Day at Cholwell Equestrian Centre organised by Angie Shailer with eight turnouts many of which were in fancy dress. Whips had a chance to long rein their horse/ponies around the indoor obstacle course as well as drive it later on. As it was a dry day there was a fun cones course in the outdoor sand school. It was lovely to see so many spectators and members taking part in finding the deliberate mistakes of a harnessed up pony and vehicle, while they enjoyed the hot soup and rolls along with the traditional mince pies. The afternoon finished with the arrival of Santa (Noel) on a carriage with gifts for all, courtesy of Jonathan Mathys. The same evening many of us attended a Dinner Dance at Betty Cottles, organised by Nick and Gail Palmer and Abbie Jones for members of the BDS, Great Western Harness

Xmas Fun Day Nicky Buxton & Anthony Martin with the Jester (AC Noel Danagher) in fancy dress

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

All drives to start at 12 noon, there will be a charge of £5 per turnout, unless otherwise stated. Friday 7th April 2017 2 to 8pm Training Suzanne Dufty on (01837 811728 or e-mail Afternoon / Evening with Geoff & Jessie ). Dudley and Georgina Turner at the Sunday 13th August 2017 Fun Day at Grange Equestrian Centre, Northlew Road, Evergreen Farm, Ashwater, Beaworthy, Okehampton, EX20 3DA. For more details EX21 5HE. To include Road Drive, Cones and or to book please contact Jane or Greg Dressage. Please book with Noel. Dowle on 01769 520790 or Noel. There will Sunday 17th September 2017 Trudie’s Fun be food available at the venue. Day, at Great Sloncome Farm, Morton Sunday 23rd April 2017 Drive from Leasefield, Hampstead, TQ13 8QF. Please book with Halwill Junction, Beaworthy, EX21 5XU, Trudie on (01647 440595). please book with Noel. There will be bring Sunday 15th October 2017 Haldon Forest and share tea at the end of the drive. Drive, from Harcombe Horse Box Park, Sunday 21st May 2017 Drive from Ashwater, EX6 7XS behind the Haldon Forest Diner. Beaworthy, EX21 5EY. Please book with Please book with Gina Saunders on (01392 Noel, more details to follow. 832529). Sunday 18th June 2017 Drive from Pat Saturday 25th November 2017 Christmas Martin’s, Little Thriverton, West Putford, Fun Day, at Cholwell Equestrian Centre, Holsworthy, EX22 7XA. Pat and family will Lewdown, Okehampton, EX20 4PT. Please put on tea at the end of the drive. Please contact Noel. book with Noel. Saturday 9th December 2017 Christmas Sunday 16th July 2017 Devon BDS Show Lunch at Fingle Bridge Inn, Drewsteignton, at Evergreen Farm, Ashwater, Beaworthy, EX6 6PW, please book with Iris on (01409 EX21 5HE, for schedules please contact 261322). Please remember to carry your BDS membership card with you at all driving events. FOR ALL EVENTS PLEASE BOOK ONE WEEK IN ADVANCE SO WE KNOW WHO IS COMING, AS IF WE ONLY HAVE ONE OR TWO TURNOUTS BOOKED WE MAY NEED TO CANCEL. IF YOU HAVE BOOKED BUT CANNOT COME TO THE EVENT PLEASE LET US KNOW, EVEN THE SAME MORNING.

Xmas Dinner Members and Friends enjoying their lunch

Club and friends of Easter Hall Park. A great time was had by all. Saturday 10th December 2016 Our annual Christmas lunch was held at Fingle Bridge Inn, Drewsteignton when thirty three members and friends enjoyed a lovely carvery and choice of pudding with crackers and party poppers, it finished with hot mince pies and coffee. Nicky Buxton was presented with the cup for attending the most events during 2016. Sunday 8th January 2016 We held a road drive at Burrator Reservoir, the event was well supported with eleven turnouts (three pairs and eight singles). The whips had a choice to follow the shorter four mile level route around the Reservoir, or, the longer 7.5miles route which included driving through the village of Sheepstor taking in the stunning moorland views. The event finished with a well deserved cup of tea and cakes. We received a lot of interest from the general public and we felt like celebrities with the amount of photos taken.

Burrator Drive Gina Saunders with her new horse

Burrator Drive Jonathan Mathys with his pair of Gelderlanders

British Driving Society


Area News Dorset and South Wiltshire AC to be announced Website coordinator and Treasurer Ann James Tel: 01202 886501 Email: Newsletter Editor Sandy Smyth Tel: 01258 880197 Email: Rights of Way Officer Trevor Poole Tel: 01929 47149 It is with great sadness that we record the death on January 17th of our Area Commissioner, Dryden Pennington. Dryden took on the role of Assistant AC in January 2015, becoming Area Commissioner in May of that year. A dedicated optimist, he brought enthusiasm and good humour to the task, earning the affection and respect of our membership. His aim, in his own words, was ‘to make every member proud to belong to the British Driving Society’ and he was keen to encourage new recruits to join and to share in his passion for carriage driving. Dryden had a gentle way with horses, who responded to his quiet reassurance and praise. Always mindful of the welfare of others, he was concerned with Area activities and plans even in the last months of his illness. He will be much missed.

Past Events 3rd November 2016: ‘Thrills and Spills’ A nail-biting evening watching videos of competitive driving at its thrilling best but including hair-raising footage of crashes and crunches, some of them involving wellknown names (and one Royal!). Thanks to Tony Munt for putting together the show and keeping us on the edge of our seats, it certainly gave us plenty to think about! 8th December 2016: Area Annual Meeting It was a foggy night, but twenty one members gathered at the Bere Regis Sports Club for our Annual Meeting which this year was chaired by Sue Wiles. She opened the proceedings by reading out a letter from Area Commissioner Dryden Pennington explaining that he was not well enough to attend but had asked Sue to stand in for him. He sent his best wishes, his thanks for our support and a glass of bubbly for each of us. The meeting then took its official route and Minutes can be accessed on our website. The evening was rounded off by a scrumptious buffet, and we each raised our glass of Dryden’s generous gift as we toasted him and looked forward to a new season of carriage driving. 11th December 2016: Christmas Lunch Once again our Christmas lunch was at The Fox Inn, Ansty, where twenty four members enjoyed a festive meal and good company. The carvery produced its usual bounty and lunch was followed by a raffle of lovely


British Driving Society

prizes, several of them with an alcoholic theme! The occasion, as always, provided an opportunity to meet and chat with old friends and to reflect on the year gone by.

Forthcoming Events NB If you wish to attend an event with your turnout you must complete and return a booking form in advance of the event and by the date specified. Tuesday 11th April: Talk on equine dentistry with Clare Vincent, Bere Regis Sports Club, Bere Regis, Wareham BH20 7LA, 7.45pm. Sunday 30th April: Harness and carriage fitting – with Tony Munt at Nutley Farm, Winfrith Heath, Dorchester DT2 8DT by kind invitation of Ann Roots. For further details contact Tony on 01305 849056. Sunday 14th May: Fun Day at East Holton Carriage Driving Centre for the Disabled, Holton Lee, BH16 6JN. Entry: £10 contribution to Driving for the Disabled. Short drive and cones starts 10am. Tea and cakes available. For further details and booking form (also available on our website) call Gill Smith on 01202 885444. Book by 10th May. Sunday 28th May: Training Day at Kingston Maurward College, Dorchester DT2 7PY. Individual training sessions with Caroline Douglas. Limited places – book by Friday 19th May. Cost per 45-minute session £35. Pre-payment essential. Spectators welcome - £3 for BDS members, £5 for non-members. Refreshments available. For further details and booking form (also available on our website) call Yvette Cheeseman on 01929 553814. Sunday 11th June: Dorset & South Wiltshire Area Show 10.00am. The Turnpike Showground, Motcombe, SP7 9PL – just South of the A303, between Gillingham and Shaftesbury. Classes: In hand, Novice Whip, Novice Horse, Mountain & Moorland, Exercise Vehicles, Pleasure Driving, Light Trade, Concours d’elegance, Private Driving, Fenix Red Rover Show Drive, Cones and Dressage. Lots of rosettes and trophies. Carriage Driving Magazine Pleasure Driving Award. Osborne Refrigerators BDS National and Victoria Foods championships qualifiers. Overnight stabling available. On a superb showground with plenty of room to work in, good size rings and a warm welcome assured to both regular showing competitors and also those new to show driving. A perfect outing ahead of the BDS Annual Show. Full schedule available on the Area website (www.dorsetandswiltsbds. or send an A5 SAE to the Show

Secretary - Mrs Alison Trevett, Mill House, West Street, Winterborne Stickland, Blandford Forum, Dorset, DT11 0NT. For further details please contact Alison Tel: 01258 881295 (evenings & weekends) E-mail: Sunday 2nd July: Interval Drive and Hog Roast, Highsteppers, Pallington, Dorchester DT2 8QU by kind invitation of Tony Munt and Sue Wiles. A donation towards the hog roast would be appreciated. For further details and booking form (also available on our website) contact Tony or Sue on 01305 849056. Book by 28th June. Sunday 13th August: BDS Trec, Dogdean Farm, Furzehill, Wimborne BH21 4HB, by kind invitation of Ann and Terry James. Starts 11am. Tea and cakes available. For further details and booking form (also available on our website) contact Ann on 01202 886501. Book by 9th August. Sunday 8th October: Treasure Hunt from Chilbridge Farm near Wimborne, BH21 4DY by kind invitation of Wendy Richards. Charge (in aid of The Brooke) £5 per person, to include tea and cakes. For further details and booking form (also available on our website) call Wendy on 01258 857203.

Essex & North London Email: AC Eunice Hopton Tel: 01268 773291 Mob: 07948 221297 AAC Roger Hopton

Well we’re still here! As the queue to take over as Area Commissioner for the Essex area was rather short to say the least, we are plodding on for another year. However, the queue for tickets for our Christmas Meal was anything but short. We had fifty four booked in, but due to the dreaded flu bug, and the fact that we had picked the foggiest day for many a year, only thirty eight of us sat down to a very pleasant meal provided by the Rettendon Bell and hastily arranged musical entertainment in lieu of our missing guest speaker. Well done to those brave souls who made it all the way down from Suffolk we hope the Christmas pudding was worth it! Once again we would welcome your suggestions for activities other than our two area shows which will be:SUNDAY 11th June – ASHFIELDS CARRIAGE DRIVING CENTRE SUNDAY 10th September – BATTLESBRIDGE

Eunice Hopton Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News Hampshire AC Sarah McBride Tel: 07717 467562 AAC Barbara Mills Tel: 02380 813141 AAC Sam Searle Tel: 01420 564129 Mob: 07883 538591 ROW Mrs Gail Johnson Tel: 01962 736556 2016 was a busy year for your committee, who organised several high profile events, which included the inaugural BDS Hampshire Area show at New Park, Brockenhurst. This was a great success, with over fifty entries which kept the show ring busy all day. We will be holding another show this year on Sunday August 20, and we hope more members will be tempted to have a go this year. Schedules will be available later in the year. We also held a very successful Queens 90th Birthday interval drive from Burley Park in Burley, with over seventeen turnouts in Sunday Best mode. This was followed by a really super hog roast kindly provided by Steve Croll from The Rising Sun. Ginny and Tom Parker held a very successful BDS Trec at their farm in Droxford, with over ten entries forward. This included a lovely drive across the farm, and culminated in tea and cakes at the end of the day. We held our usual spider drives in the New Forest throughout the season and a big thank you to all of those who organise them. I would especially like to mention AAC Sam Searle, who has organised drives from her farm in Medstead and not only provides some super rosettes for all entrants but also provides some excellent catering at the end of the drives! Sam also organised our Christmas barn dance which was a resounding success.

Christmas drive Nick Dardini driving Woody

Once again we hope we have provided something for everyone and we are also reintroducing our Young Drivers Day, which will be held at Lowhill Farm on Sunday August 6, all juniors are welcome, no experience needed and they do NOT need to be BDS members. So an opportunity for all juniors not to be missed! We are hoping to organise a Traditional Vehicle day at a prestigious location later in September and of course there will also be our New Forest Driving Weekend and a trip to Olympia. Please keep a look out on Hampshire BDS website and Hampshire Facebook for more events to be held later in the year.

Christmas Drive from the Rising Sun, Wootton Accompanied by our host, Steve Croll with his pair of Freisans, participants of the Christmas drive left the Rising Sun for a gentle foray through Wootton and Wilverley inclosures. Then it was back to the inn for mulled wine mince pies and carol singing accompanied by a brass quartet. The fancy dress and Grayswood Perpetual Trophy for the best decorated horse/ carriage was won by Nick Dardini, with Peter Preen and Carole Brewster runners up.

Corhampton Drive Sadly, after a generally mild and dry autumn two of our five drives were lost to bad weather. It is always a difficult decision to cancel an event. Usually if you cancel early on seeing the weather forecast, by 11 o’clock the rain stops and the sun comes out! However, for our first planned drive at Corhampton, cancelled early, the forecast was spot on, an atrocious wet and windy day, definitely the right decision! Two weeks later, on a much more settled day, four turnouts met at The Hunters Inn, Swanmore, for a pleasant drive along the leafy lanes of Mislingford, Soberton and Swanmore, returning to the pub for lunch.

Drive From Medstead

Barn dance

We kick-started this year with a very interesting and informative talk by Jo Broadbent. She told the story of how she took on a team of wild, unbroken Welsh ponies in 2010 and had turned them into a bronze medal winning team at international level by 2015. Mark and Joanna also offered a fantastic raffle prize of a day at Fenix Carriages in Somerset, with a ride on either the Lorna Doone road coach or a rooftop brake. The winner was Gillian Riley who couldn’t believe her luck.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Sam Searle’s drive on December 30 was the second to be affected by the weather. This time it was fog and ice. Most people did turn up and when it was obvious it was not safe out on the roads we were treated to hot soup, crusty bread, mice pies and trifle by Sam and her family. Thank you Sam.

Christmas drive

Christmas drive

Christmas drive Ginny Parker driving Roger Page’s Philandera and Lightfoot

British Driving Society


Area News Dates for the Diary

Christmas drive Carol singing to the brass quartet

New Year’s Day Drive Our New Year’s Day drive was held at West Stratton, near Micheldever. It is always a joy to drive here. The countryside is lovely, much of the drive is off-road and Terry and Pam Newman are generous hosts. Just when you think you have eaten enough over Christmas, Pam provides a wonderful array of tempting homemade savouries and cakes. We were given a warm welcome too at The Wonston Arms, our coffee stop for the day. Donations are collected by Terry for Naomi House children’s Hospice, a very worthwhile cause. Many thanks go to all the organisers, hosts and stewards who make these wonderful drives possible.

Herefordshire Email: AC Kay Walton Tel: 01981 540209 Mob: 07786 628274 AAC Mandy Reddock Tel: 01568 720395 AAC Roy Moore Tel: 01568 797776 AAC Jane Friend Tel: 01568 708074 We have a busy year ahead of us again and the diary filled up very quickly at the meeting in January. We have a number of events for newcomers and some for more experienced drivers, but everyone is welcome to come to anything with or without a four legged friend. Our Christmas Show this year on 30th December will be something very different and we have an Agility day on May 14th which proved very popular in 2016 If you would like to do something specific or could organise an event with or without four legs please contact one of us to talk about it. We are hoping to have some social evenings with and without speakers, if anyone has an idea


British Driving Society

Sunday April 9. Easter egg interval drive from Lower Soldridge Farm, Medstead (GU34 5JF). To start at 11.00 a.m., names to Sam Searle on 07883-538591. Good Friday April 14. Drive with Mark Shaw in the Bighton, near Alresford area. This is a processional drive of approximately 10 miles with a pub stop for lunch. It will be mostly off road or on quiet country lanes and tracks. To book in please call Mark on 07818-427747. Early May. Annual bluebell drive led by Terry Newman. Call Terry on 01962-774271 for date and timings as this will depend on the bluebells!! Sunday May 14 Le Trec at Tom and Ginny’s Parker’s farm at Droxford. Please call Ginny on 07801-668677 if you are interested in participating. Sunday May 21 – interval drive from Bisterne Manor, near Ringwood. Picnic at 12 noon, with the first carriage away at 1.00 p.m. Names to Sue Kennedy on 01425-272211. Wednesday June 7. Spider drive and lunchtime BBQ to Anderwood car-park in aid of Cancer Research UK. £10 per head, to include salads, bread, strawberries and cream, tea and coffee and soft drinks. Bring your own meat etc, to put on the BBQ. To arrive from 12.30 p.m. Names to Georgina Burrows on 02380-283433. Sunday June 11. Drive to Oakleaf Cottage, Minstead. Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided. To arrive from 12.30 p.m. Names to Barbara Mills on 02380-813141. Sunday July 9. Spider drive to Deerhurst Cottage, Bank, with cream tea on arrival. To arrive

Sunday June 18 – BDS 60th Anniversary drive to be held at Manor House Farm, Old Park Road, Bishop Sutton, Alresford, SO24 OB4, by kind permission of Lord & Lady Vestey. Further details will be available later in the year, but for any enquiries please call Sam Searle on 07883-538591. Sunday July 30. Picnic drive from Lower Soldridge Farm, Medstead, (GU34 5JF) to start at 11.00 a.m. The drive will be approximately nine to ten miles. Please bring own picnic. To book in please call Sam Searle on 07883-538591. Sunday August 6 – Young Driver’s Day to be held at Lowhill Farm. Open to all juniors, who do NOT have to be members of the BDS to join in. Please call Sarah McBride on 07717-467562. Sunday August 20. BDS Hampshire Area show, New Park, Brockenhurst. Enquiries to Caroline Douglas on 01590-682678. Friday December 15 Coach trip to Olympia for Extreme Driving. Ticket prices have not been finalised yet, but are likely to be in the region of £60-£70 per head to include coach travel and entrance ticket. Further details from Sam Searle on 07883-538591.

about a speaker or an activity or a visit please let us know. I look forward to seeing you all at something this year. We wish Neville Jones a speedy recovery, he is definitely improving as this goes to press. One sad note, Bridget Smith who was my predecessor sadly died in January. Bridget was AC and I was her AAC and I took over when she and Geoff moved to Shropshire. She provided a driving group for the disabled from her house in Sellack and did the same from her home in Clun. She was a lovely lady with a big heart, and took great pleasure from her ponies. See you in the Spring.

Wednesday 24th May Ladies Lunch Sunday 11th June Kays Rally/Dressage/Cones and BBQ Sunday 18th June LLantillio Rally – Helen Manns Wednesday 21st June Ladies Lunch Sunday 2nd July Eldersfield Rally Sunday Best – Russell and Julie Saturday/Sunday15th/16th July Attelage at Erddig Wednesday 26th July Ladies lunch Sunday 13th August Begwyns Rally – Katja Jones Sunday 20th August Welsh Trec at Builth Wells – Ann Ham Wednesday 23rd August Ladies Lunch Sunday 3rd September Ledgemoor Rally – Sarah Wildy and Katja Jones Sunday 10th September Fun Show Wednesday 20th September Ladies Lunch Monday 2nd October Possible Test day – Sarah Wildy Wednesday 18th October Ladies Lunch Saturday/Sunday 21st/22nd September Welsh Cob Sales – Carriage Harness Sale Sunday 5th November Poppy Drive – Wolverley Wednesday 15th November Ladies Lunch Sunday 17th December Annual Dinner Saturday 30th December Christmas Show Please keep an eye on the website and facebook page.


Calendar for 2017 Monday 17th April Easter Monday Drive - Sunday Best drive at Eldersfield - Russell and Julie Wednesday 26th April Ladies Lunch Monday 1st May Boughrood/Erwood Rally – Katja Jones Saturday 6th May Possible Test Day with Sarah Wildy at Ledgemoor Sunday 14th May Agility day Sunday 21st May BDS Monmouth Show – Pat Dutson

Please note that Driving Weekend 2017 has been moved back a week, and will now take place from Thursday September 28 to Sunday October 1 to enable everyone to attend the Osborne Championships at Addington and to come driving on the New Forest. We will also be repeating the format we used this year, i.e. entry by entry form only.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News Kent AC Antonia Gallop

Tel: 07976729862 Email:

ROW Officer – Anne Rillie AAC Julie Elliott AAC Tania Thompson

Tel: 01622 710582 Tel: 07768 348123 Email: Tel: 07772 429346 Email:

2017 already? It seems like only yesterday I was sitting behind a freshly broken four year old in my charity shop jacket, borrowed lamps and a painted on smile. That little welsh pony with a big heart is now twenty four years old and looking back on the years, I can honestly say we have some fantastic memories. The BDS will be celebrating 60 years as an organisation this year and I hope you will all be able to look back on your time as a member and recount your own memories with a smile. Perhaps you have an idea on how we can celebrate this anniversary year? If so we would love to hear from you. We are delighted to have a brand new AAC, Tania Thompson who joins us from The Isle of Sheppey and I hope lots of you will meet her over the next few months. We are really looking forward to working with her as she is lovely and clearly passionate about this role and promoting the society. Here is a little introduction from Tania; Tania has had horses in her life from a very early age, even at one point managing a stud farm, but only took up driving about six years ago when she asked the lady up the road who drives if she could go out on the carriage with her. Happily, that lady up the road was Mandy Burdick with her horse, Horseman’s Momentum, and from the infamous words “I only want to potter round the roads”, it’s a passion that has grown into two ponies, several carriages for different occasions and a lot of time and energy. Unfortunately, her full time day job in the construction industry means she can’t devote as much time as she’d like, but she competes regularly in the Kent IHDT, takes part in pleasure drives, the London Harness Horse Parade and last year, started showing in exercise classes with a vehicle her partner has recently restored. A relative newcomer to driving it has been a steep learning curve. Local BDS members have been an invaluable mine of information - never too busy to guide, help, put right or advise. May will soon be upon us and our area show is once again at The Hop Farm, Paddock Wood. We are very proud of last year’s show, the move and increase of classes was a big step up for just Julie and I to attempt but with the invaluable help of all those people who came forward as sponsors, stewards and volunteers, it was a great success. Julie has been hard at work already securing sponsors for this year so if you would like to be part of the day please contact her. Remember we welcome any photographs of you enjoying your driving for inclusion in the magazine, Facebook and web pages or any write ups. It would be lovely to hear from anyone who has been a member since the very beginning of the society or thereabouts. I have been a member for twenty five years but there are many who can beat that I’m sure. I am celebrating a significant birthday this year as well and have set myself a few challenges

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

one of which involves that twenty four years old Welsh pony. Now, I have a Penny Richmond jacket, my own lamps, an extra chin to go with that painted on smile and a further addition, my young pony ‘Cabbage’ in the lead to attempt my tandem bars. 40th Anniversary meet of the Tandem Club, 50th birthday for me and 60 years of the BDS, this is a year of milestones! Whatever you have set yourself to achieve this year, I wish you the very best and above all, happy, safe driving.

Bruce and Duke Having a Good Scratch

Whether you continue driving over winter or give your horses a seasonal break, Spring is a time to recap on schooling and fitness, ready for the longer Summer drives and competitions


Diary Dates 7 May – Kent Area Show at The Hop Farm, Paddock Wood TN12 6PY Osborne, Hackney Horse Society and Victoria Foods Qualifiers. Beautiful Rosettes, prizes and trophies. 7th–9th July – Kent County Show at Detling. Driving classes are back at this show so please support if you can. th

John and Sergeant Pepper in Training

Lancashire AC Pat Calderbank LHHI Tel: 01772 423630 Mob: 07734 176827 ROW Alistair Mitchell Tel: 01706 872698 AAC Hellen Perry BHSI Tel: 01282 436821 Email:

We have had a particularly sad event since I last wrote on 3rd November, our very special, much loved 32 year old Irish Draft Cross Orlov Trotter Brewster, known as Bruce went to Horsey Heaven. I was lucky enough to have owned him for the last 23 years, during which time he taught many people to ride and drive and pass their BDS Proficiency tests and Road assessment. He had an outstandingly patient temperament and was much loved as a Wedding horse, on Pony Club Acheivers days, taking Santa and the Lord Mayor on Seasonal journeys, being a reliable schoolmaster alongside younger horses and being a cheeky character who was always lots of fun to have around. He is missed by us all and especially by his friend Duke, a Friesian he has been stabled next to him for the past nineteen years. I hope by the time you read this the worse of winter will be behind us.

Vivian Ball carriage driving with Pat Calderbank

Dates for Your Diary Sunday 2nd April Spider drive Monday 17th April Easter Egg hunt and Social Monday 29th May Drive and Jacobs join Thursday 22nd June Evening drive Saturday 24th June Drive to local country inn, TBC Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th August Lowther Carriage Driving and Country show If members would like to join training towards BDS Road Assessment and other Proficiency tests please give me a ring Please contact me for further details on the above events and if you can recommend a suitable venue for a drive Tel. 01772 423 630 Happy carriage driving, hope to see you soon:) Very best wishes,

Pat British Driving Society


Area News Leicestershire and Rutland AC Linda Cotterill Tel: 0116 2776242 / 07939 150079 AC Jane Stretton

Tel: 0116 2707732 / 07711 084142 Email:

The Christmas drive was well attended. Nine hardy turnouts drove a seven mile route with mulled wine before and after the drive followed by a hot meal with mince pies and Christmas cake back at the stables. Unfortunately the New Year’s Day drive had to be cancelled due to rain.

We hope you have had a good Christmas and New Year and look forward to seeing you all in 2017 Please contact us if you have any dates you would like to arrange an event.

Linda and Jane

Dates for your Diary 16th April – Easter Trec from Springbridge Stables contact Linda or Jane One of santas many visitors to the grotto at Springbridge


Dawn Moore driving Empress trimmed up and ready for Xmas

Thank you for all your support and help at the Christmas grotto it was great success and the total raised for the Springbridge Disability Group was £750 pounds

AC Mary Janes

AAC Gill Reynolds AAC Kenina Fallon Platts AAC Jayne Hayes ROW Officer Lt. Col Peter Robinson

Tel: 01778 440449 / 07790979147 Tel: 01522 778332 / 07932550475 Tel: 01526 398637 / 07713882289

Having said I wished to stand down as AC this year, I am still here as no one else wished to have a go. I have lots of support from AAC’s so hope this year will be a good one with lots of members attending the rallies. Lincolnshire is starting off the new season by introducing a points scoring system to encourage safer driving, one point for each item of Hi Viz and five points for safety hat. At the end of the season a trophy will be awarded to the person with the highest number of points. We hope to encourage people to safer driving habits. We are also reintroducing the Trec point’s league with four planned competitions throughout the summer season, Again a points trophy will be presented at the Annual Meeting in November. The planned events should by now be on the events page of the BDS website and we are starting off on 27th Jan with a visit to Bransby Horses Rescue Centre followed by a lunch and team quiz on 19th February.

Sue with Magic ready to lead the Xmas drive


British Driving Society

Throughout the year we are encouraging members to take up the opportunity of training sessions and have a WATO training and test ready to run in May. We have some interest so far and if you are interested you should register your interest to be included. We are also looking to assist members with Road Safety Driving

Tel: 01778 343383

Tests, and helping those with new ponies or those new to driving by running confidence building sessions.

Norfolk Email: AC Miss Deleyse Masters-Brown Tel: 07769960695 ROW Officer Ann Melhuish Tel: 01366328057 Support Officer Justin Cowles Tel: 07887 890016 Email: AAC Miss Jenny Sewell

Northumberland and Durham AC Ali Wrangham Tel: 016682 17329 Mob: 07970 857603

Email: Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News North Wiltshire and Gloucestershire Email: Web: AC Hazel Woodbridge BEM Tel: 01793 770862 AAC Joyce White Tel: 01249 720608 AAC Richard Berry Tel: 01380 828034 Email: AAC Stephanie Dale Tel: 01666 505051 Email: ROW Wiltshire Hazel Woodbridge Tel: 01793 770862 Email: ROW Gloucestershire Stephanie Dale Tel: 01666 505051 Email: We did finally have an Area Drive just before Christmas from just outside Tetbury which AAC Stephanie Dale kindly hosted. The weather was pleasant and the going on the Fosse Way was very good and the handful of turnouts enjoyed the eight mile drive which also meandered around the country lanes. Unfortunately the good weather did not last, fog and frost forced the cancellation of several of our New Year events. However on a brighter note, there are lots of different activities due for the Spring and Summer and I do hope that more of you will come out to play! Some of you will have realised that the Sponsored Drive has not appeared on the list of events, this is because Penny and Nigel Bunter have sold Barbury Estate and we still need to make arrangements either with the new owner or at a new venue. This drive is very important to the Area as over the years we have now raised several thousands of pounds for our local RDA Driving Group at Kennet Valley. As soon as we have it sorted the information will be made known. However, we are hoping to return to Stowell Park in the Autumn as Lady Vestey has indicated that she hopes that we will go again. I think the answer to that from everyone who attended is yes please! The first main event to start the year off properly is the Joint Area BDS Trec at Eynsham Park unbelievably in our 12th year. This will be on Sunday April 30th. The drive is almost entirely off road and usually the Bluebells oblige and flower in profusion in the woodland through which we drive.

Birds eye view from the driving seat Hazel Woodbridge's Stanley making his way through the woods at the BDS Trec on May 1st

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Returning along the Fosse Way December 2016

Finally our sad news has been the loss of Sue Johnson’s lovely Cob Toby who competed in so many events over the years. As a consequence, Sue has decided to stand down for a year as one of my Assistant Commissioners and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Sue for her help and support over the years. Please remember our web site can be accessed via the BDS web site link or directly at www.

Hazel Woodbridge BEM Area Commissioner.

Diary Dates Sunday April 2nd Tea and Cakes –An informal Area get to-together, by kind invitation of Stephanie Dale at Merchants Barn Farm. Long Newnton Nr Tetbury Gloucestershire GL8 8RP .Meet up with old friends and meet new ones, suggest ideas for the 60th anniversary of our Society. This will be followed by the Area’s Annual meeting. Come for 2pm. If you can share your transport with another that would be great. To book in and for further details contact Stephanie Dale on 01666 505051 or email – cotswoldcarriagedriving@ Sunday April 9th Area use of the Indoor school between 11 and 1pm at Breach Lane Equine Centre, Breach Lane, Royal Wootton Bassett SN4 7QR. The cost to hire is £20 per hour2-3 people could drive together. You can do your own thing or we can set up some cones or a skill. Please contact me to book in and let me know what you want to do. Set training sessions can also so be arranged. Please contact Hazel on 01793 770862.or email Sunday April 23rd Area Drive from Woodward’s Farm, Dog Trap Lane Minety by kind invitation of Mr and Mrs Shepherd. Hosts Ann and John Wadsworth 11 for 11.30 start. Drive as a group or individually with a map. Some

Jon and Diane Sivita making their way through the parkland on the Joint Oxford and North Wilts BDS Trec on May 1st

off road Byways and good country lanes. For further details and booking in please contact Joyce White on 01249 720608 Sunday April 30th BDS AREA TREC at Eynsham Park joint North Wiltshire and Gloucestershire and Oxfordshire BDS Areas. To book in and for further details contact Hazel Woodbridge 01793 770862 or email .Schedule is available on web site now or send a sae. Sunday May 28th North Wiltshire and Gloucestershire BDS Area Cotswold Driving Show, Worcester Lodge, Badminton Estate. Schedules and entry forms will be on the web site All qualifiers and Pleasure Driving Class. For any other information please contact Hazel Woodbridge 01793 770862 or email Sunday June 4th North Wiltshire and Gloucestershire BDS Area Spring Show, Warneford Place, Shrivenham Road, Highworth. Schedules and entry forms on the web site. All qualifiers and Pleasure Driving Class. For any other information please contact Hazel Woodbridge 01793 770862 or email wiltsandglosbds@gmail. com Sunday July 2nd Area Drive from The Clump, Eastleach by kind invitation of Jane and Chris Fenton 11 for 11.30. Refreshments on return. Road with some off road in group or with map. To book in, directions and for any other information please contact Joyce White on 01249 720608 Sunday July16th North Wiltshire and Gloucestershire BDS Area Summer Show, at the Fox Purton. Schedules and entry forms on the web site . All qualifiers and a Pleasure Driving Class. For any other information please contact Hazel Woodbridge 01793 770862 or email wiltsandglosbds@gmail. com Sunday July 30th Area drive from the Village Green, Poulshot, Nr Devizes by kind invitation of Ivor Sault and family some off road and country lanes. Refreshments on return 1.30 for 2p.m drive off. To book in and for further details contact Richard Berry 01380 828034 or email richberry60@ Sunday July 16th North Wiltshire and Gloucestershire BDS Area Summer Show, at the Fox Purton. Schedules and entry forms on the web site. All qualifiers and Pleasure Driving Class. For any other information please contact Hazel Woodbridge 01793 770862 or email wiltsandglosbds@gmail. com Sunday August 2nd North Wiltshire and Gloucestershire BDS Area Poulshot Driving Show Nr Devizes A full day of carriage driving including Osborne and Victoria Foods Qualifiers Schedules and entry forms on the web page. For any other information please contact Hazel Woodbridge 01793 770862 or email wiltsandglosbds@gmail. com If you can offer a venue for a drive or have any ideas please can you contact either Hazel or any of the Assistant Area Commissioners? Hazel Woodbridge 01793 770862 or email

British Driving Society


Area News Oxfordshire


Email: AC Karen Harvey Tel: 01993 880445 ROW Officer June Collier Tel: 01869 331255

The Annual Meeting scheduled for the 20 Jan was cancelled and it will most likely take place later in the year, but we are having a Start the Year Lunch on the 25th Feb. Susan Ellis has been very supportive in taking the reins on this during what has been a very difficult time for me. There are other activities taking place, these are being organised by Susan for the ODC. Many of our BDS members are also members of the club so at least our winter dates are being filled. th

I have had wonderful support from driving friends and members including Hazel who has stepped in to organise the date for our Show and Fun Day on the 13th August. Details will be posted on the webpage in the near future. There is of course the Annual Joint BDS Trec on the 30th April at Eynsham Park with Wilts & Glos area, details are usually posted by Hazel.

AC Philip Holder

Tel: 01952 242495 Email:

AAC Elisabeth Lawrence AAC Dorothy Moreland ROW Janet Mees-Robinson Website Philip Holder

Tel: 01691 656805 Tel: 07718 060547 Tel: 01952 502433 Tel: 01952 242495

On November the 6th AAC Lizzie Lawrence once again organized what has now become our annual drive around Lake Vyrnwy, three pairs and three singles turned out for the twelve mile drive. This year the weather did not smile on us. We made our way to the venue and tacked up in the cold and rain. Thankfully the rain stopped as we set out and everyone completed the drive and returned to the car park safely. With horses boxed up with their hay nets we were all very thankful when Russell Hand served us with hot drinks and jacket potatoes and beans or chilli from his machine.

I would ask members to contact me please if they can offer a drive so that we can get some dates on the calendar. Any suggestions for training venues also welcome as sadly Chris Van Reen is now out of our area, so wishing her the best and hope we can stay in touch as all of us who attended her training days really had a great time. We usually have a Queen’s Birthday drive in June so hopefully this will take place around the usual date probably still on the Ridgeway. Looking forward to seeing people and receiving those ideas for what members want in the area. Many thanks

Meeting with Chairman

Karen Harvey

We were delighted that Angela Sixsmith was able to join us for our annual lunch at Shrewsbury football stadium. Angela chatted with members and after lunch spoke about the BDS and listened to members concerns and thoughts about the society and I believe reassured us that she has our interests at heart. The event was organized for us by Rebecca Taylor. It was unfortunate that a few more members had not been able to join us and meet Angela in person.

AC Oxfordshire

Family Group Boxing Day


British Driving Society

New Years Day dawned wet and cold. In spite of the weather five brave souls turned out for the drive organized as usual by AAC Dot Moreland. By the time the turnouts arrived in Whitchurch the rain had stopped and the participants enjoyed mince pies and wine while the town Mayor presented the rosettes and trophies. The turnouts returned to the Raven at Prees where they were able to take advantage of the carvery. Many thanks to the marshals who helped to make the drive a safe and successful event.

A large crowd which had gathered for the hunt meet in Newport on Boxing Day witnessed seven turnouts parade through the town before driving out to Edgmond. At the Lamb Inn the carriages, including two pairs, some adorned with seasonal decoration stopped in the car park. The Steventon family had donated a memorial trophy in memory of the late John Steventon who started the event over forty years ago. After returning to Newport and boxing up, members enjoyed refreshments in the Barley Mow where a raffle raised £90 for the Air Ambulance.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News We welcomed two members from Oxford, Karen Harvey and Joan Smith, who brought their ponies for the beach experience. The Christmas lunch was at Oake Manor Golf Club on Sunday, 4 December. Thirty-two members attended and we were able to welcome a member who has moved to Somerset Mrs Barbara Foti and her husband Steve. We had fewer members this year because of a clash of dates.

Diary Dates 17 April Easter Bonnet Parade Whitchurch contact Dot 07718060547 or Helen (01939 200212) 23 April Horse Blessing at Aston Hall contact Lizzie 01691 656805 1 May Sheriff Hales contact Ted 01952 462861 27 May Shropshire Show contact Philip 01952 242495 11 June Stoneyford (date to be confirmed) contact Will 8 July Newport Show contact Felicity 01785 284279 15 July Erddig details from BDS Wales 28th July – 2nd August Shropshire Driving Days contact Peter Phillips 01994 453571 3 August Burwarton Show Details http:// 20 August Church Stretton Show (not BDS affiliated contact the show direct) September Attingham Carriage Parade (date to be confirmed) contact Philip 01952 242495 17 September BDS Trec at Sweeney Mountain Nr Oswestry contact Lizzie 01691 656805 September/October Alkington drive (date to be confirmed) contact Dot 07718060547 or Helen (01939 200212) 5 November Lake Vyrnwy contact Lizzie 01691 656805 Further details of these events will be published when they are available

Somerset & Avon Email: AC Mrs Kathleen Hill Tel: 01823 672377 Mob: 07860 608501 Newsletter Sarah Cartwright Tel: 01984 623605 Email: On Sunday, 16 October ten turnouts enjoyed a drive of eight miles along the sands at Brean Cove. The weather was kind and after the drive we enjoyed a lunch at the National Trust café.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

On New Year’s Day an interval drive took place of either six or twelve miles from Sampford Farm. Seven turnouts came and braved the wet and cold weather. On their return they were welcomed into the warm parlour with soup, hot drinks, cheese and mince pies. It was a festive, social gathering. Horses and ponies were rugged and left with their hay nets. Remember to carry your membership card with you. [Interesting headlines 1937: Horse Drawn Carriages were banned from London’s West End.]

Events for Your Diary Sunday, 2 April 2017: Annual Easter Egg Hunt drive, by invitation of Jo Green, at Higher Newland Farm, Witheridge, Tiverton, EX16 8QF, starting at 12 noon. Please tell Jo Green (tel. 01884 860591 mob. 07979-714563) by Saturday 25 March if you wish to attend. Monday, 1 May 2017 (Bank Holiday): Interval drive from Sampford Farm, Sampford Arundel, Wellington, TA21 9QN, starting at 12.00 noon. Lunch afterwards. Please let Mrs Kathleen Hill (tel. 01823-672377, mob. 07860 608501) know by 24 April if you wish to attend. Sunday, 7 or 21 May 2017 (date to be confirmed): A Victorian-themed drive in the park at Tyntesfield House, by invitation of the National Trust. For further details please contact Kathleen Hill (tel. 01823-672377, mob. 07860608501). Sunday, 14 May 2017: Jo Green invites Somerset members to a drive at Filleigh near South Moulton. Parking is at the shooting lodge on the Castle Hill Estate, Filleigh. Starting time will be 11.00 am. The drive will be approximately 6 miles to Jonathon and Fiona Waterer’s farm for lunch. Lunch (£10) must be prebooked and paid direct to Fiona. The first mile there and last mile back will be through the woods and gardens of the Estate. Please contact Jo (tel. 01884 860591, mob. 07979 714563) for further details, and Fiona (tel. 01769 540222) concerning lunch. Sunday, 28 May 2017: BDS SOMERSET AREA SHOW, Taunton Race Course, TA3 7BL. For schedules and further details please contact Mrs Kathleen Hill (tel. 01832-672377, mob. 07860-608501). Sunday, 25 June 2017: BDS Show at Smith’s Lawn.

Sunday, 2 July 2017: BDS Trec at Sampford Farm, Sampford Arundel, Wellington, TA21 9QN. Schedules from Mrs Kathleen Hill (tel. 01823 672377, mob. 07860-608501). Sunday, 22 July 2017: Mid Devon Show. Monday, 31 July/Tuesday, 1 August and/or Wednesday, 23/Thursday, 24 August 2017: Two-day training and camp at Fenix Centre, Higher Hill Farm, Clayhidon, Devon, EX15 3TW. Junior members are invited. For further details please contact Kathleen Hill (tel. 01823672377, mob. 07860-608501). Sunday, 6 August 2017: Chris and Sue Popham have invited us to an interval drive from their home, Harpers Stud, Trull, Taunton, TA3 7NZ, starting at 12.30pm. Tea afterwards. Please let Sue know (tel. 01823-421103) by Sunday, 31 July if you are coming. Sunday, 17 September 2017: Horseman’s Sunday. Linda King hopes to arrange a driving weekend away, following the success of last year’s week-end in the New Forest in May. Details to follow.

Suffolk, Cambs and Huntingdon AC to be announced AAC Jean Clayden Tel: 01473 658400 / 07788 484623 Email: AAC Eunice Binder Tel: 01473 830326 / 07584 692686 Email: ROW Officer Wallace Binder Tel: 01473 830326 Our AC Elaine McCarthy has sadly decided to retire, leaving this position vacant. The two AACs, assisted by Linda Twitchen and Wendy Winney will be running the area events until a new AC is appointed. Please respond to the vacancy notice from BDS Head Office so this can be achieved ASAP.

Diary Dates 2nd April Introductory Attelage. Bring your turnout for advice on presentation and practice driving all three phases: Presentation, Routier and Maniablité. All will be explained in theory before practice. Come on foot and learn by stewarding if you prefer. BYO picnic and stop watch. Briefing 10am sharp. £15 per Turnout. Stewards free. Venue: Blandings EC, Badlingham, Chippenham, Ely, Cambs CB7 5QQ. Contact AAC Eunice Binder by 20th March to book a place.

British Driving Society


Area News 21st May Area 24 Spring Show at Wells Park Farm, Whittlesford, Cambs CB22 4XY by kind permission of Mrs Tessa Reeve. Schedules will be available on the Events section of the BDS website, from AAC Jean Clayden or from Entries Secretary, Wendy Winney Tel: 01473 685835 after 8pm. Closing Date 8th May. 4th June Pleasure Drive from Low Barn Sutton, Woodbridge, could include dressage practice or cones if required. Drive start time 11 am, Picnic Lunch, £10 per turnout. Contact AAC Eunice Binder by 21st May to book. 2nd July Area 24 Champagne Driving Summer Show at Ashfields Carriage and Polo Club by kind permission of Mr Terry Chambers. Schedules will be available on the Events section of the BDS website from Jean Clayden, or from Wendy Winney. Closing Date 19th June. Wishing all our members, happy and safe driving in 2017.

Surrey Diary Dates Monday 17 April Harness Horse Parade South of England Showground, Ardingly, W. Sussex Saturday 29 April BDS Surrey Area Trec Bookham Equestrian Centre, Gt. Bookham – Safety Presentation, Drive & Skills for driver and groom. Suitable for beginners to advanced. For details send sae to David/Helen Pritchard, Durfold Hatch Cottage, Fisher Lane, Chiddingfold. GU8 4TF tel: 01428 288301. Offers to steward welcomed. Sunday 14 May BDS Meet Royal Windsor Horse Show Sunday 29th May Use of Indoor School between 11am and 2pm at Warnham Equitation Centre, Warnham, Nr. Horsham RH12 3SQ. The cost to hire is £20 per hour – 2/3 people could drive together. You can do your own thing or we can set up some cones. Please contact me to book in and let me know

Sussex East Sue Page AAC Helen Bridges AAC Louise Woodward ROW Pearl Hudson

Surrey Email: AC Jane Brightwell Tel: 0208 6579393 AAC David Pritchard Tel: 01428 288301

In November we held an early Christmas get together with West Sussex Area at the Bat and Ball, Wisborough Green. This was a very enjoyable evening with some forty members attending. Social non-horsey events certainly seem popular in the winter months. Thanks to Elaine Leslie for organising this for us. We hope to have more joint events with West Sussex Area in the future.


British Driving Society

Tel: 07842 806855 Email: Web: Tel: 01825 872030 Tel: 07854 460305 Tel: 01323 509986

And the Winner Is … We are very pleased to announce that the winner of the 2016 Achievement Award was Rosie Fieldwick with her gorgeous Shetland Milly. Hearty congratulations to you both. Helen Bridges presented Rosie with the rosette and a gift token worth £20 from a local equestrian supply shop. Rosie was thrilled to have been the first member to win this award. A big thank you to all of you who took part and submitted your achievements in 2016.

Helen Bridges with Finn

January saw the beginning of our 2017 events with our annual meeting and meal at the Punch Bowl at Okewood Hill. The meeting was followed by a very informative talk on the Coach Roads from London to Brighton by Geoff Hewlett. Thanks must go to Gail Brownrigg who organised this for us and found such an interesting speaker. We are now looking ahead to our 2017 driving season and look forward to welcoming you to our events. Any offer of help at events or suggestions of a new venue always welcome.

what you want to do. Set training sessions can also be arranged. Please contact Jane on tel. 0208 657 9393. Sunday 9 July BDS Surrey Area Show Horton Country Park, Epsom, Surrey. Classes for everyone from the beginner to the experienced (classes include Private Driving, Country Turnout, Light Trade, Exercise, Best Surrey Whip, Hackneys in Wagons). Osborne and Victoria Food Qualifiers. Schedules available end March 2016. (sae) Jane Brightwell, Highfield, 2 Tandridge Gardens, Sanderstead, Surrey. CR2 9HU. 020 8657 9393 Remember that your BDS membership card should be with you at all driving events as proof of insurance and may be checked before each event. Those aged under 14 years must wear hard hats at all times whilst in a carriage.

2017 Achievement Award Following on from the success of our Achievement Award in 2016 we are again offering this in 2017. This is open to anyone who regularly attends our events.

Fieldwick winning the Achievement Award 2016

This year we would like to open it out to appeal to more members. With this in mind and to reflect the work that goes into attending driving events, points will be awarded for placings at shows and attendance at any driving event.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News As before a rosette and prize will be awarded to the member who has achieved the most at points. This will include Private Driving, Horse Driving Trials, private drives, showing master class, cones events, etc. In fact, any event involving driving or harnessed horses. Points will only be awarded for a placing at a show and attendance at a driving event. The points are awarded as follows: 1 place = 6 points 2 place = 5 points 3rd place = 4 points 4th place = 3 points 5th place = 2 points 6th place = 1 point Attendance = 1 point st


There will be no points awarded for Best in Show, Reserve Best in Show, Champion, Reserve Champion, etc as a First place will already have been accounted for. The points will be totalled up at the end of the year and the member with the most points will be awarded the rosette. This award is for the member, not the horse. So if you win with different horses throughout the year, it will all count towards your points. In the event of a tie, each will get a rosette and a prize. To be considered for this award, simply email the date, event, class and placing (if applicable) to our AAC Pearl Hudson at This will be reported in this magazine and on the website so you will be able to monitor your progress. Please see our website for more details.

Teresa Whitehead with Duke

2017 Event Calendar Thank you to everyone who responded to our request for ideas for events. We hope that this year will offer you more interesting events. We have a new drive at Pevensey which offers five routes of varying lengths from 12.9 miles to 5 miles. The shortest route would be suitable for small ponies. The scenery is outstanding with a full 360 degree view across the Pevensey marshes.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

We are also holding a picnic drive with a treasure hunt at Fletching and we also have an evening drive arranged for the Summer Solstice. This time from Golden Cross and will incorporate the by-way too. Old favourites are also repeated. Gary Docking’s Showing Master Class is highly recommended as both very entertaining and extremely informative. If you haven’t attended before it is definitely one to add to your schedule. Our area show is again at Stuckles Farm. This is a superb venue and Helen and Pete take great pains to ensure that the going is flat. The popular Framfield, East Hoathley, Havenswold and Waldron drives will also be held again this year. We have also received another invite to the drive at Windsor Great Park in September. So if you missed last year’s drive you have another opportunity to go this year. 5th April Showing Masterclass with Gary Docking at Golden Cross Equestrian centre. This is well worth attending. £35 for half hour tuition with your horse or £5 for spectators. 14th May Highview/New Place drive. This is new for this year. This is a 14 mile drive, 10 miles of which are off road around fields and through woodland. Your horse will need to be fit and the cost is £5 per turnout to pay for the off-road access. 4th June East Sussex BDS Area Show, Stuckles Farm, Chiddingly. This year there is a trade class included. st 21 June Summer Solstice Evening Drive from Golden Cross Equestrian Centre. A lovely evening drive around Sussex lanes and through picturesque villages. This will also include the by-way. Route suitable for small ponies available. 2nd July Pevensey Drive, Little Downash Farm, BN27 2RN. This is a new drive. There are 5 routes available ranging from 12.9 miles to 5 miles. Quiet country lanes with extensive 360 degree views across the Pevensey marshes. Route suitable for small ponies available. This is to be recommended. rd 23 July Havenswold, Hailsham, BN27 3PR. Plenty of off-road driving as there are 3 by-ways that can be driven at this time of the year. Route suitable for small ponies available. th 27 August To be confirmed. “Sunday Best” Sheffield Park/Fletching village drive. 3rd September Fletching Picnic Drive and Treasure Hunt. New for this year. A drive round Fletching’s quiet country lanes. Finishing with a treasure hunt in Sue Page’s lovely woodland, following by a picnic. Please bring your own food and a chair. th 17 September Waldron Drive, Well Cottage TN21 0LY November To be confirmed. A pub meal and Driving Quiz at the Roebuck Inn, Laughton, BN8 6BG

This is by no means complete as there are some more events being organised but have not been firmed up yet so please check out our website for more details or send your email address to Pearl Hudson at You will get a personal reminder a week or 10 days in advance and this will ensure that you do not miss any events. We are always looking for more venues to hold BDS drives, so if you would like to host a drive please let Pearl know. Website – Please check our area’s website for news, photos and updates. You will also find the calendar of events there. Please check back from time to time as we are planning some more events and we do update the website fairly regularly. We also have a For Sale and Wanted section where you can advertise for as long as you like for free.

Rights of Way Officer Pearl Hudson is stepping up to the mark by taking on the role of Rights of Way Officer from Cathy Millard. Pearl has been checking the by-ways in East Sussex for suitability for carriage driving as many of our by-ways are in need of maintenance. So far this year Pearl has walked the length of 5 of them with her Rough Collie Diva. Pearl is hoping to get the council to maintain those routes, which would offer a good drive. We all wish her, the very best of luck in that respect.


We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Cathy for her many years in this role.

STOP PRESS – Pearl has just enrolled on a BHS course on ROWs

Sunday 16th October – Havenswold Drive There were only six turnouts for this lovely drive as some early rain had deterred some members from attending. However by the time everyone had arrived the sun had come out and stayed out for the rest of the day. We were pleased to welcome some members from the Kent area and a couple of members brought a sprightly pair of British Spot ponies who made light work of the 10 mile drive completing it in record time.

British Driving Society


Area News Nearly everyone did the full 10 miles taking in the Abbots wood by-way. This is particularly lovely at this time of year as the trees change into their golden mantel. Many members took advantage of this secluded track and were able to safely canter their horses.

Gina Jeffries with Beau

Everyone enjoyed the drive and the chat and refreshments afterwards, which were generously provided by the hosts Dick and Mary Tanner.

Dick Tanner with Bob and Donna with her pair of ponies

New Year’s Day Drive – Golden Cross Equestrian Centre Our usual drive from Golden Cross on New Years Day was again held jointly with the Oaks Driving Club. The cold rain deterred quite a few from attending and those that did attend got very wet indeed. However, it being the first drive of the year, it was good to catch up with friends. Despite the rain, the horses all performed well. Everyone returned to some much appreciated hot soup provided by the Oaks Driving Club

Saturday, 21st January Havenswold Drive A cold morning of only 2C greeted those attending the drive from Havenswold. Nevertheless there were six turnouts and two riders. The recent cold weather meant that the paths through the woods were dry underfoot and we were able to incorporate two of the local by-ways into the route. Members were able to canter their horses through the woods and give them a good workout. This drive was held in celebration of Dick Tanner’s birthday and gave everyone the opportunity to thank him for the many lovely drives he hosts for us throughout the year. The cold air gave everyone an appetite and on our return we were greeted with hot drinks and hot food and, of course, some birthday cake.


British Driving Society

Sussex West AC Colin Hurd Tel: 01243 776809 Mob: 07973 682861 (eves only) Email: From the depths of January with ice, fog and freezing temperatures the coming season seems a long way off. Once again we will be holding our annual BDS Trec at the lovely facility of Jeff Osborne who has also kindly allowed us to return for our Area Show, our old venue of the museum now proving to be out of financial reach. The Trec will be on April 15th, as this is Easter Saturday we can expect both the skills and prizes to be either egg or chocolate based, probably both. The following weekend we will be returning to Jeff’s home for our Area Show, the date is Sunday April 23rd, once again we have been offered many Osborne Final qualifiers and the schedule will be arranged to offer each of you the opportunity to enter as many classes as possible. The Judge for 2017 is the highly respected Minta Winn who we are sure will not only be a popular choice but with her years of driving experience in many fields she will be able to offer positive feedback to all. Schedules will be sent to all who entered last year and will hopefully be available on the BDS website. Easter Monday and once again the London Harness Horse Parade at Ardingly will hopefully have better weather than last year’s storms which prevented many entrants from coming forward. As in prior years many of our members will be at the parade both with turnouts as well as spectating. We do have a very keen member who is trying her hardest for us all in trying to arrange all sorts of events and outings that carriage drivers can take benefit and enjoyment from. When we have more details of what she has achieved they will be on the website, as now required by the BDS for insurance purposes. April 15th Area BDS Trec, Ryefield farm, East Ashling West Sussex, Entries limited to single turnouts and always very popular, lots of fun and challenges and space also limited. Details from Colin Hurd. April 23rd West Sussex BDS Area Show, Ryefield farm East Ashling West Sussex, schedules on website or SAE to Colin Hurd, Entries Close April 16th.

Warwicks West Mid and Northants AC to be announced AAC Oliver Belcher AAC Dianne Austin

Tel: 01926 815240 Tel: 01922 637191

Yorkshire & Cleveland Email: AC Leah Swindlehurst Mob: 07799 884560 AAC Lynda Smith Tel: 01964 602081

Sorry, not much to report on the driving front at the moment as there were sadly “no takers” for the Rally Drive/Arena Cones Day at Great Ayton on 23 October 2016. Likewise, there were insufficient numbers forward for the proposed Training Day at The Red House Stables on 26 November 2016. On a more positive note hopefully there may be more people interested in the forthcoming “Safe and Sound Day” at the Red House on Sunday 2 April 2017 (see Events Programme for more details). Our ‘Facebook’ Page “British Driving Society Yorkshire & Cleveland – Area 34” is now up and running so if anyone has anything they would like to post, or items for sale, just let me know and I will do the necessary. Some more photos of us all ‘doing our thing’ would be brilliant. If Facebook aficionados could ‘like’ and ‘share’ that would also be great. If there are any members who do not currently have a turnout, or don’t have horse transport, or their turnout is not yet ready for events, you are welcome to come along to Rally Drives anyway, and get involved. It’s a great way to learn, meet new friends, and generally have a good time! There is currently a vacancy for a volunteer AROW Officer for Yorkshire & Cleveland – Area 34. Please contact AC Leah Swindlehurst if anyone is interested in taking this on.

EVENTS PROGRAMME: WINTER/SPRING 2017 Sunday 2 April 2017 10:30am – 1:00pm “SAFE AND SOUND” TRAINING DAY WITH CAROLINE DALE-LEECH LHHI FREE (open to BDS Members only) The Red House Stables, Old Road Matlock Derbyshire DE4 2ER theworkingcarriagemuseum. PLEASE CONFIRM ATTENDANCE IN ADVANCE TO AC LEAH SWINDLEHURST TO ENSURE A PLACE. Sunday 16 April 2017 (Easter Sunday) 10:30am for 11:00am drive off “HAPPY VALLEY” RALLY DRIVE AT NORLAND MOOR, WEST YORKS FREE inc free tea/coffee and cake Venue details to follow (secure off-road parking with toilet facilities) Group/Interval Rally Drive on quiet moorland roads with spectacular views. Optional pub meal after the drive – at cost.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News We are having an Area Lunch on Saturday 8th April in the beautiful surroundings of the historic coaching inn, Ye Olde Bell, Barnby Moor, near Retford, and we are really pleased that Minta Winn is going to join us to give us a talk on her carriage driving life. Minta is a uniquely versatile carriage driver having competed in all aspects of carriage driving with singles, pairs, tandems and teams, she is a BDS LHHI, UKcc level 3 coach and is president of the Tandem Club. Tickets for two course lunch and speaker £22.50. AREA 34 RALLY ROSETTE TO ALL PARTICIPANTS. PLEASE CONFIRM ATTENDANCE IN ADVANCE TO AC LEAH SWINDLEHURST AND ENSURE YOU BRING YOUR BDS MEMBERSHIP CARD ON THE DAY AS THIS MUST BE CHECKED BEFORE SETTING OFF

South Yorkshire & Nottinghamshire AC Nicola Salter Tel: 01777 248210 AAC Graham Schofield Tel: 01709 586829 AAC Joy Ashton-Beard Tel: 01777 817679 AAC Malcolm Salter Tel: 01777 248210 Happy New Year to you all. I am sure that by the time you are reading this you will have forgotten all about Christmas and will be looking forward to the summer, let’s hope we all have fun. Back in December the area had a Christmas get together in our church at Cottam with all the Christmas trimmings, tree, candles, mulled wine, mince pies and a few carols. Linda Swain joined us and it was lovely to see her. We will have had our Area meeting by the time you receive this newsletter and have some dates for area events. I will send a list out to all area members.

Osberton Drive will be on Saturday 7th May this year, a little later than we usually have it, maybe we will have a warm sunny day!! This is a super drive all on the beautiful Osberton Estate, so no traffic to contend with.

Forthcoming Events Saturday 8th April – Area Lunch with guest speaker Minta Winn at Ye Old Bell, Barnby Moor – contact Malcolm or Nicola 01777 248210. Saturday 7th May – Osberton Drive, Osberton Estate, nr Worksop. – contact Malcolm or Nicola 01777 248210

Guernsey AAC Rose Yates Tel: 01481 258181 Email: We have been very lucky with the weather so far this winter and have managed to keep our fortnightly events going throughout. These consisted of Rallies and Scurries at the Club Field. A cross country on the lovely setting of Talbot Valley courtesy of Mr David Best who kindly lets his land be used by various sporting clubs in Guernsey. We also held a Christmas Rally which had decorated obstacles and the addition of turkey and reindeer models courtesy of the Bowmen of Guernsey. The course included things to do including post a letter, put a parcel in the sack, throw a chocolate penny in Santa’s bucket and move the silver top hat from one post to another. It was a very social occasion as well as driving and enjoyed by all. 2017 started well with a rally held in sunny but fresh conditions so we will have to see if we are lucky enough to hold events without the weather affecting them too much.

Notts Church at Christmas

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Millie Le Carpentier posting her letter to Santa

John Le Cheminant putting the penny in Santa's bucket

April Walker and Maggie May facing the turkey

Dave Fallaize and Billy doing the hat transfer

Nicola Fallaize and Missy

British Driving Society


Area News Isle of Man AAC Wendy Kirkpatrick Tel: 01624 851302 Email:

hot snacks and a welcome drink. Thanks go to Kathy and Mark, Robert and Sheila Young and all who helped, everyone said they enjoyed the drive and venue.

Isle of Wight

Happy safe driving in 2017

Margaret and Sarah.


AC Margaret Honeybourne Tel: 07845908444

Godshill Park Farm

AAC Gail Yardley Tel: 01983 873529 Mob: 07850 380616 Email: AAC Sarah Owlett Mob: 07876594766 We held our annual meeting at the Chequers and were pleased with the attendance. One of the things that came up was that the group like the cones events. This year they will be held on the last Tuesday of the month at Longcommon Farm from May to September weather permitting. I will also put on a Trec with a second Trec if members would like that. Sarah will organise the drives and please don’t forget to let the organiser know you are coming. You need to be a BDS member to bring a turnout to an event but all are welcome on foot.

Godshill Park Farm Refreshments

On 3rd December Sarah Owlett organised a Christmas dinner at the Horse and Groom, the meal was lovely followed by a raffle with mystery prizes. It was nice to see people and we all had a good chat.

Nikki McDonagh plays Father Christmas Godshill Park Farm Drive Ready to Go

On 27th Nov Robert Young organised a very successful drive from Godshill Park Farm with six turnouts attending. After the drive there were

Godshill Park Farm Drive


British Driving Society

Robert has encouraged some new members so we hope to see them in the New Year. Do tell us if you know of any venues where we could park and hold a drive. Cones will be held at two venues, Godshill Park Farm in the sand school and Longcommon Farm. Ring Margaret to confirm. Check British Driving Society Website events page for extra events, details and any changes. We have a Facebook page so join and keep in touch.

On 8th January thanks go to Marilyn and Andy Wilkins who hosted a drive along the old railway line to Freshwater and provided refreshments and a drink on return. All said they enjoyed the venue.

Events 2017 All drives start at 11am April 16th drive from Herb Farm, Bamfurlongs, Chine Lane, Yafford, PO30 3LX Tel Margaret 07845908444 May 14th Drive venue to be confirmed. Tel Sarah 07876594766 May 21st BDS Trec Longcommon Farm, Stroudwood Road,Ryde, PO33 4DA. 11am start Tel Margaret 07845908444 May 30th Cones evening start 6.30pm. Tel Margaret 07845908444 June 25th Drive venue to be confirmed Tel Sarah 07876594766 June 27th Cones start 6.30pm Tel Margaret 07845908444 Aug. 1st Cones start 6.30pm Tel Margaret 07845908444 Aug 20th Drive venue to be confirmed Tel Sarah 07876594766 Aug 29th Cones evening 6.30pm Tel Margaret 07845908444 Sept 26th Cones final points accumulator Tel Margaret 07845908444 Oct 1st Drive venue to be confirmed Tel Sarah 07845908444 Oct 7th BDS Trec Longcommon Farm, PO33 4DA Tel Margaret 07845908444 Oct 17th Annual Meeting Chequers 7pm. Meals available. Tel Margaret 07845908444 Dec 2nd Christmas dinner Horse and Groom 18.45 Tel Sarah 07876594766

Godshill Park Farm

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News Jersey Email:

AC Phyllis GouĂŠdart Tel: 01534 721151

Show Dates for 2017 May 21st June 24/25 August 12/13

tly dressed in seasonal attire and it was held as usual at Samares Manor. The Drive was led by the Seigneur Vincent Obbard with his new horse Rizzy, the drive took them around the quiet lanes of St Clement and Grouville before returning to the Manor for refreshments where Gillie Obbard presented prizes to everyone. The first of the 2017 indoor trials had thirteen entries, divided into four classes. The winners were Zoe le Marquand, June Vibert and Kim Murray who won the small pony and the pair class. It was a lovely sunny day for the anniversary drive on January 22nd from the Club field there were four turnouts led by John Vibert accompanied by the President Ian Le Marquand,the refreshments were laid on by Angie Fenlon and Bev Le Marquand.

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British Driving Society


Area News


Chairman: Clive Rushton Green Email: Tel: 07486 605898

Central Scotland AC to be announced

Dumfries & Galloway AC Mr Douglas Robertson Tel: 01387 247347/07825 291948 Email: AAC Miss Kirstin McBride Tel: 01461 758456/07854 120453 Email: AAC Mrs Janette Watson Tel: 01557 870342/07889 060498 Email:

Janette Watson and new AC Douglas Robertson and AAC Kirstin McBride

This is my last report as AC for Dumfries & Galloway, I have handed over the reins to Douglas Robertson as AC and Kirstin McBride as AAC both from Dumfries, although Douglas is fairly new to driving he is enthusiastic and keen to take the Area forward, I will stay on for a year as AAC to support them. I have enjoyed and gained an amazing amount of knowledge from my experience as AC for Dumfries & Galloway and met a lot of lovely people, but best of all is the generous support I had at all times from members and my on-foot team of helpers. By having such a good team on the ground I was able to complete the paperwork and preparation beforehand and leave it to them on the day, allowing me to continue driving my own horses at events. The last 3 months, November, December and January were quite eventful with the BDS Scotland Annual General Meeting being held in Dumfries & Galloway on Saturday 12th November at The Cally Palace, Gatehouse of Fleet. This new format was most successful and it was agreed to continue holding the AGM in a different area each year, this idea gives members in each area the chance to attend an AGM. The hotel staff served up a delicious three course meal, this was then followed by the AGM which was well attended by local and further afield members. On the Sunday a Scottish AC


British Driving Society

Christmas Presentation

and Assessor training was held at Barstobrick led by Jane MacInnes and in the other arena our own junior/ beginner training was fully subscribed with members being coached by Justine Hunter. Christmas Fun Day Sunday 11th December had an even bigger uptake than last year, with an amazing turnout of handlers and ponies decked in fancy dress. The standard Christmas Long reining Fun Day of long reining through obstacles has risen in the last Senior Fancy Dress few years, some of us had clear rounds but we 1st Sue Munroe 2nd Gillian McNinch 3rd Ian definitely need to do some circuit training to be Thomson fast enough to get in the prize list, although it Junior Fancy Dress has become competitive, the fun element is still 1st Lexie/Lydia/Lana Donaldson 2nd Sianna present. The ladies in the restaurant served up a Dove 3rd Arran Callander lovely Christmas meal for around sixty people in Team prize Mark with Ted, Mark with record time. Sparky, Graham with Magnum, Gill with Coco The Annual Sunday Lunch and General Meeting at the Cocoa-Bean, Twynholm, Castle Douglas in January once again proved most successful with a good turnout and a lovely meal.

Christmas Long reining Fun Day

Results: Long Reining Senior 1st Mark McCallie & Ted 2nd Graham Findlater & Magnum, 3rd Mark McCallie & Sparky Long Reining Junior 1st Sianna Dove 2nd Matthew Powell 3rd Arran Callander

Christmas Lunch

Diary Dates WDC Area Show-Sunday 9th July, Bladnoch, Wigtown, near Newton Stewart BDS Dumfries & Galloway Area Show-Sunday 20th August at Barstobrick, Ringford, near Castle Douglas

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News Lothian & Borders Email: AC Clive Rushton Green Mob: 07486 605898 AAC Nan Marshall AAC Ruth Martin The winter fun day at ISEC was cancelled as there was insufficient interest and also it is always challenging bringing horses distances by lorry in icy conditions, but there will be a couple of early events at ISEC arranged for members to get up and running indoors. Members will be emailed in due course and dates put on the Scottish website as well. All dates will be going into the Driver’s Diary, onto Facebook and our website. The BDS Scottish show will be on Saturday 29th July and will be a whole day of classes with a sufficient variety to make it worth coming and entering several. It is time to clip, shoe and get that fitness regime started and I look forward to seeing everyone out and about this season. Enjoy your driving and be safe.


Grampian Email: AC Ruth Skinner Tel: 01464 851204 AAC Anne Thwaite Tel: 07753 802917 Email: anne_thwaite@

Hello everyone, we at BDS Grampian hope all our members are well and looking forwards to the season ahead. Below is a list of events up to the end of July but first an update. Our End of Year Meeting and AGM took place at the usual venue, Keith Hall, Inverurie where we had a good turnout of over forty people. Following the usual agenda of AGM we had a presentation of rosettes, Stovie Supper and a talk from our Guest Speaker. This year, instead of awarding rosettes to those who have attended the most drives on the BDS Grampian calendar we decided to recognise and welcome the newcomers to our drives. Rosettes were awarded to Heather Reid, Alan Ross, Claire Molyneux and Rachael Stewart. Our guest speaker was Colin Henderson who gave an illustrated talk on carriages, lamps, his various film roles and memories of his time as head coachman to Her Majesty the Queen. Also taking place at the AGM was

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

a change in the BDS Grampian Committee and we welcome Alasdair Govan as a new committee member and after many years, and the organising of many wonderful drives in our region, our Anne Macdonald announced she was hanging up her driving gloves and stepping down from the role as AAC. Ruth Skinner announced she is happy to continue as AC, Ewan MacInnes as Treasurer and after votes of confidence received Anne Thwaite was voted in as AAC for BDS Grampian. We look forwards to organising some of Anne Macdonalds’ drives that we have decided to continue with and also to organise other events. Please if anyone has any thoughts or ideas do not hesitate to contact us. In the meantime I think we speak on behalf of our members when we say ‘Thank You’ to Miss Macdonald for all her hard work over the years and we all wish her well in her new hobby. And so for the events for BDS Grampian 2017. Up to end of July. 1st April (Saturday) – Introduction to Carriage Driving at Strathorn Farm Pitcaple, start time 10.30am contact Ruth Skinner 01464 851204 5th April (Wednesday)– Carriage Driving Day for Juniors at Home Farm, Maryculter 10am til 3pm contact Ruth Skinner 01464 851204 6th May (Saturday) – Dressage and Cones Practise. Open to members of BDS and SCDA, an opportunity for drivers to practise in competition standard arenas. Contact Jane MacInnes 01224 732310 10th May (Wednesday) – Haddo House Evening Drive, Methlick, Ellon. Start 7pm. Contact Anne Thwaite 07751326404 17th June (Saturday) – BDS Trec & BBQ, to be held at Rothienorman, Inverurie. Start time 10am. Contact Anne Thwaite 07751326404. Entries to this event are requested 2 weeks before the event. Rosettes will be awarded to both Whip and Groom up to and including 6th place and all entrants will receive a BDS Grampian Trec Rosette. If there is enough interest in this event then a 2nd date of Sunday 23rd July will be added to the calendar. There may be the opportunity for us to add further drive out dates to the first part of our calendar and if so we will update on the BDS Grampian FB page and BDS Scotland websites. Safe out, safe back. Regards Anne Thwaite AAC

West of Scotland & Glasgow Email: AC Kendall Young Mob: 07736 960081 AAC Carol McAllister Tel: 0771 3130103

Happy New Year to all our members although New Year seems rather a distant memory, no doubt many have ditched their new year resolutions, how many of us can keep up the momentum of getting thinner, fitter or more organised? January was a mild month here and thoughts were turning to perhaps bringing the ponies into work sooner or starting off youngsters but all that changed with an exceptionally wet February, the ground is sodden and new born foals haven’t even been allowed out in the paddocks yet. We held our annual meeting at the end of January at the Blair Inn, near Kilwinning, there were a number of absentees due to illness and we wish everyone a speedy recovery. Our finances seem to be secure for another year and we had a discussion about new activities for the coming year. Lunch as usual was delicious. Our first major outing is our Driving Extravaganza which is being held at Morris Equestrian Centre, near Kilmarnock, just off the A77, on Sunday, 9th April. Our judge is Mr Robert Smyth from Comber, County Down. We have put on a variety of classes hopefully to please as many people as possible. There is everything from potential driving horse or pony to ride and drive, novice, excerise and private classes and an arena challenge. We also have driven heavy horse classes, a ridden heavy horse class which is a qualifier for the Blair Horse Trials ridden Clydesdale final and it is also a qualifier for the Equifest ridden heavy horse final. There are also two showing venues on the weekend of 29th and 30th of April. Dundonald show on the Saturday has private driving and excerise classes and a style and performance class. Sunday classes are at the High Jinks show at Lanark with private and excercise classes. Please try to support as many of these shows as possible as smaller shows are finding it hard to continue and it is not much fun for the poor judge to travel a long distance to only judge a handful of turnouts. A driveout has been arranged for Sunday, 7th May at Barskimming near Mauchline, slightly later than usual, hopefully there will be no excuses of unfit ponies and horses by then. I look forward to seeing as many members out and about and if anyone has any suggestions or ideas for safe off road venues I would be delighted to hear from you.

British Driving Society



Welsh Breeds in Carriage Driving

A Winning Section A Pony

When thinking of a horse or pony suitable for carriage driving people often immediately think of the Hackney or Gelderlander but in fact over the years the Welsh breeds have been equally, if not more successful in carriage driving and are eminently suitable for the job whether it be showing in Private Driving or trade classes, horse driving trials (which used to be known as Combined Driving) or just for pleasure and enjoyment. Looking at the British Driving Society Supreme Champions over the last 50 years, the list features Welsh Section Ds, Welsh Section Cs and Welsh ponies B and A driven in team, tandem and single which just goes to show their versatility. The Welsh Pony and Cob Society Performance Awards frequently go to driven ponies – you will often find many overseas buyers at the Welsh Pony and Cob sales as they know the beauty and versatility of the Welsh pony and cob cannot be matched by their own pony breeds.

A Welsh D to a London Trolley

So what is it that makes the Welsh pony or cob so eminently suitable for carriage driving? First of all it is their conformation, a good front makes the collar sit well on a beautiful rounded strong shoulder, their movement looks spectacular in harness, their good strong hocks and short back gives them the power to push into their collar, a pretty neat head looks stunning in the bridle, but above all it is their temperament that makes them so willing to work and so trainable. When driving don`t forget that you only have three aids, reins, voice and whip and it is the ability of the Welsh pony to understand and respond to

these aids which makes them often the preferred choice for the carriage driving competitor.

Welsh Section B Pony to a Gig

Welsh Section C in Action

The British Driving Society promotes all Welsh breeds as well as other natives with special classes for them at many shows during the year, including the Society`s Annual show on 25th June in Windsor Great Park by kind permission of HM The Queen and then culminating in the Osborne Refrigerators BDS National Championship show to be held on Saturday 23rd September at Addington Manor Equestrian Centre in Buckinghamshire.

Handsome Welsh Section D

Welsh Section C Winner


British Driving Society

Successful Section D Turnout

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News


Chairman: Michelle Peters Email: Tel: 07966 515325

Mid East Wales Email: AC Mrs Ann Ham Tel: 01874 690253 AAC Anthea Birch AAC Elizabeth Powell Support Officer: Emily Ham

DON’T MISS our EXCITING EVENING TALK by Nicola and Malcolm Salter on Saturday April 1st at The Kings Head Llandovery SA20 0AB. BUFFET is included and we suggest you arrive by 6.30pm for the talk at 7pm. As you know the Salters are outstanding producers of driving ponies and have had amazing national success with their Welsh breeds so I’m sure this will interest any Welsh Pony and Cob enthusiasts. They are both BDS judges so you can get a whole range of advice! The talk is open to all and very reasonably priced at £10 a head with half of that going towards the cost of your food. The King’s Head do good B&B for those who are coming a distance and of course it is in an area of great

beauty near the National Park. Please order your tickets in advance with cheques made payable to The British Driving Society Area 56 and send to Anthea Birch, Waundu, Duffryn Crawnon, Llangynidyr Crickhowell Powys NP8 1NU. For enquiries email me on The area had a very enjoyable AM and meal in Brecon before Christmas, many thanks to those who attended. Nigel Craddock was awarded our Area Salt of the Earth Trophy for his huge input which added to the success of our area activities. Nigel volunteered at every event and in all weathers travelling many miles to support our drivers. We could not run events, especially the bigger ones like Trec and our annual show without the generosity of people like Nigel. Volunteers are truly appreciated!

Try Trec

6th place. There is a best junior, best disabled AND best small pony rosette in every class and plenty of best novice ones too! We hope to put on some good rallies with training and fun days and hope to see you at an event or two!

Christmas Social

Finally my post of AC is up for renewal in August. I have totally loved supporting our drivers but we hope to move house and will probably be going outside of the area so it seems a good time to stand down in the summer. The area has and will have amazing support with Anthea Birch and I can’t thank her enough for her help and input as my AAC. She’s an absolute star! My daughter Emily has also been invaluable. Anyone interested should contact Michelle Reid (michellepeters2912@ ) or Anthea Birch ( birchanthea@ or telephone 01874 730724) for information about the post and its requirements.

North East Wales Email: AC Edwina Lawson Hart Tel: 01978 861638 AAC Zena Spencer

Great Day at the Area Show Nigel Caddock winner of our area Salt of the Earth volunteering Trophy

Tracey Jones Winner of the Pleasure Driving Class

Looking ahead we are arranging our BDS Trec event in late April or in May in the Brecon area and have the Brecon showground booked for our annual show on the Sunday 2nd July. It’s always a very sociable and popular show with two rings all day and LOTS of classes to enter so do phone or email for a schedule! There are fifteen Osborne qualifiers as well as Victoria Foods and Driver’s Dream and to encourage everyone rosettes go to

AAC and Health and Safety Officer Faith Sanders Email: AAC & Treasurer Lynda Roberts Email: AAC Janet Prytherc Email: AAC Julie Fergusson Email: Here we are in 2017 a BDS Jubilee Year. I have appointed two more AACs, Janet Prytherch and Julie Ferguson both these ladies have skills which complement our Area 37 Team.

Jack Kedward Cones Winner

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Young Drivers are Encouraged

Janet at heart is traditionalist good news for our showing members. I hear she has plans for a Jubilee Drive. Julie has “help and fun” written into her milieu, totally unselfish when organising our “Forage Drive” and Trec Qualifier, not taking part herself, she has been booked to organise another exciting Forage/Quiz event this year.

British Driving Society


Area News Zena, Fay and Lynda continue to help, organise and support me and all our Area 37 members. My AAC’s really are the reason that I feel able to carry on as AC, absolutely invaluable. In December we had our fun Xmas Cones and Music day at Maelor. Six super turnouts with music played on our own sound system. Thank you to Janet Williams (and Bob) for purchasing this equipment for the Area. It will be used for all our demonstration days and with the speakers at our Annual Show. Julie and Toby were the “Music” winner with Grandma was run over by a reindeer! Ably assisted by Sian GJ seen sampling their prize of Vintage Port. We had a problem with Julie winning as the prizes were Xmas Cakes made by??? Yes Julie! So I had put in a bottle of Port just in case!

Music most suited to the paces was Janet Prytherch’s choice for Maisi, another class for next year? Sarah Wildy is fully booked up for her Training day at Maelor on Jan 22nd and The Young Pony Training Day on Feb 5th at Maelor run by Fay and Gwyn is also fully booked. The Carriage Foundation is in Area37 on March 10th at Erddig Hall and AIAT Attelage is running an event in North East Wales in partnership with the National Trust at Erddig Hall on July 14/15/16 Spring dates at Maelor are on the website. All summer dates plus /bookings for Sontley Farm “Erddig Weekends” will be put on the Website.

North West Wales AC Morfydd Greatorex Tel: 01248 601012

Long Reining 1st Sue Roberts and Molly; 2nd Fay Sanders and Maisie; 3rd Sharne Bellis and Jaffa. Novice Cones 1st Fay Sanders and Maisie; 2nd Diana Rimmer and Kizzy; 3rd Morfydd Greatorex and Jac. Open Cones 1st Fay Sanders and Maisie; 2nd Morfydd Greatorex and Jac; 3rd Margaret Fearne and Jim. OAP Cones 1st Margaret Fearne and Jim; 2nd Fay Sanders and Maisie; 3rd Diana Rimmer and Kizzy. Non Senior Cones 1st Morfydd Greatorex and Jac; 2nd Sharne Bellis and Jaffa; 3rd Debs Burns and Sunny. Junior Cones 1st Sophie Thomas and Jac; 2nd Kelsie Bellis and Jaffa. Xmas Challenge 1st Morfydd Greatorex and Jac; 2nd Margaret Fearne and Jim; 3rd Sophie Thomas and Jac.

AAC Neil Buffery Tel: 01654 712727 AAC Michael Greatorex

With the New Year upon us and the weather being very mild we hope to have a good eventful year ahead. If you are attending any events please bring your yellow BDS membership card with you. If you would like a point’s card for 2017 please contact me.

Sophie driving Jac

Handy Pony 1st Sharne Bellis and Jaffa; 2nd Fay Sanders and Maisie; 3rd Tony Tharme and Wally.

In November we held our annual indoor cones event with good entries in all the classes, and many new competitors trying for the first time, well done to them all.

Points competiton presentation Grandma at Xmas with Julie and Toby

Santa’s Little Helpers = Sarah and Mum with Bella and Yogi were beautifully turned out (as you can see) and won best Christmas Dress.

Elizabeth Brown with Mel

Santa's little helpers

Xmas cones competitors


British Driving Society

In early December we held our Christmas Quiz and presentation night with a good evening had by all that attended, with lovely food at the Split Willow hotel. Thanks to everyone that brought prizes along for the raffle. This year’s

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

Area News points winner was Morfydd Greatorex with Jac, runners up Sharne Bellis; Sue Roberts; Neil Buffery; Pat Tharme; Tony Tharme and Sophie Thomas. We had a presentation of a special rosette to our junior drivers Sophie Thomas; Kelsey Bellis; Maisie Bellis and Tom Howie. Our up and coming new driver Sue Roberts and best groom Anne Gregory, well done to them all.

South East Wales

West Wales



AC Patricia Dutson Tel: 01495 791898

AC Penny Hopkins Tel: 01267 281738 Mob: 07850 589121

AAC Karen Morgan Tel: 01291 641244 AAC Bethanie Headworth Tel: 07920 016901

In Mid December we travelled down to Tywyn for an area Christmas meal, as we cover a large area it was only fair for us to go down, we all had a good night.

AAC Mrs Dee Williams Tel: 01994 453571 AAC Mrs Tina Rae AAC Mrs Maggie McMullen Mob: 07799704658 Treasurer: Mrs Susan Jackson

South Mid Wales AC Joanne Lambert Mob: 07814288369

South West Wales Christmas Meal in Tywyn

Forthcoming events 8th April Indoor cones competition at Bryn Derw, Nr. Llanberis to start at 10am entries close 2nd April. (Please note change of date from 9th to 8th) 22nd April Treasure hunt fun day at Neil Buffery’s Gilfach y Gog, Llanegrin, Nr. Tywyn. 6th May Cones day at Neil Buffery’s Gilfach y Gog, Llanegrin, Nr. Tywyn. To start at 11am. 21st May BDS area 55 show at Barn cottage, Llanllechid. 4th June Beach drive in Penmaenmawr to start at 12.30pm. 10th June Bethesda show. (non BDS event) 11th June Drive either to be in Newborough forest or a National trust venue if we can. 18th June BDS Area 55 Trec at Barn cottage, Llanllechid. 1st July North Wales Show (Caernarfon) (non BDS event) 2nd July Summer cones competition at Barn cottage, Llanllechid. 16th July Newborough forest drive to start at 12noon permit holders only. 12th Aug. Eglwysbach show (non BDS event) 15-16th Aug. Anglesey show (non BDS event) 19th Aug. Llanrwst show (non BDS event) 27th Aug Shire horse open day with a driving demo by BDS North West Wales. (non BDS event) 3rd Dec. Indoor Christmas cones at Bryn Derw, Nr. Llanberis to start at 10am 16th Dec. BDS Christmas quiz/Presentation night For more information on all of the above events please contact Morfydd Greatorex.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

AC Mrs Gwenda Kesans Tel: 01792 01792 651522 Mob: 07970 424128 Email: I have to start 2017 with an apology, at the moment my work/life balance is anything but balanced, leaving very little time to organise things BDS. So yet again I send a plea out to anyone in area 38 who would like to help by organising something this year. It can be a drive, training, quiz anything that brings people together. There is a Carriage Maintenance day in March, covering modern and traditional carriages, this includes tips on care, storage and maintenance with Simon Kesans. The BDS area 38 BDS Trec in April is kindly being run again this year by Avis and Janet Purnell along with a fun day for the less competitive. There is a charge for Trec competitors who can go on to the Welsh championships, but the fun day is free. The Annual Show is again at Penard Swansea with some class changes to make it more appealing and also this year there is a Show Drive to the coast. Contact me for the schedule. The magazine goes to print so far in advance not all dates can be confirmed so keep an eye on the web site for up to date information. If you’re not web sack ring me and I will put you on a contact list. Remember to bring your new 2017 membership cards to any driven events, most other events are open to all.

We have had a wonderful year in West Wales, with eighteen driving days including some weekends and an average attendance of ten turnouts per rally. I would like to thank my AAC’s for their help and all members for their support in making the time and effort involved so very worthwhile. The calendar for 2017 is looking promising, please see the dates below. They may be subject to change so please keep looking on the website. April 2nd. Maggie’s drive. April 22nd. Dressage & cones. May 5/6/7th Weekend rally. June 3rd Pendine beach drive. June 11th Dinefwyr Park. June 23/24/25th Preseli Weekend Rally July 2nd Crychan Forest. July 9th TREC. July 22nd Rally at Blaenycoed. August 13th BDS WALES SHOW September 9/10th Cross country challenge and Amroth drives. October 21st. Slebech Park Rally. I look forward to your continued support and for a great New Year with old friendships renewed and new ones made. Next year my term as AC comes to an end, I am willing to stand again but if anyone would like to stand for Area Commissioner would they please indicate their interest by sending a resume, proposer and seconder to the BDS Wales secretary Anthea Birch.

Diary Dates April 2 Sunday BDS Trec & Fun Day, Tyn Ton Farm, contact AVIS 07779 968219 or myself June 4th Sunday. BDS AREA 38 Annual Show, Penard , Swansea, sae for schedule G Kesans 2 Greenfield Cottages, Bonymaen, Swansea SA1 7BU nd

British Driving Society



Junior Commissioners report I think we all appreciate spring at last the days are getting longer and there’s more opportunity to do things with our horses provided the weather’s not too unkind! It’s time to think ahead and make plans for the summer, perhaps you’ll go to a training day? Try your first BDS Trec event? Hopefully you will have a go at a BDS showing class where there are lots of opportunities for our young drivers to join in and rosettes aplenty! Very few young drivers have been entering classes which is a great shame. It does mean that if you go and take part you will do well! There are fun days with cones to drive and training days with all sorts of interesting opportunities and perhaps the chance to drive a pony pair. I wonder how many of you keep a record of your driving and the times you help at events

or with pony care and driving at home or act as groom? Your driving diary can be great fun to do as you can design it just how you want! It can be very simply just a photograph or two with a caption and short account of what you’ve done and you can use the computer. If you like to be artistic you can create great effects. Older drivers might like to develop their record into a portfolio. It’s a lovely way of looking back over the year and can also be entered into the portfolio competition that the BDS run nationally. This is explained on the BDS website. I’d love to hear from you on my email with news and ideas that I can take forward to the newsletters and of course we have the Junior Competition where you can have your writing and photo published if you send it in to the

magazine. I would also love to have ideas from adults and ACs to help us move the young drivers forwards. Looking ahead to the summer the BDS is keen to encourage more juniors to come forward to the Brian Sims Scholarship day. Those who attended this year were pleased they had taken part even if they hadn’t won the bursary on this occasion. They all agreed it was a busy day and a very interesting and enjoyable experience – well worth travelling for! The venues for the scholarship now move annually and for 2017 the Springbridge RDA centre in Leicestershire are the generous hosts. The provisional date is Sunday 6th August! So do put the date in your diaries and if you are interested to know more please get in touch. The age categories are 10-14 and 15-17 inclusive. Hopefully you’ll be keen to enter the form can be found on the website and in this newsletter. Whatever your plans are, I hope you enjoy every minute of your driving!

Emily 01874 690253

Junior Quiz The photograph shows a popular breed of driving pony. Work out the answer to each of the questions below. The first letter of each answer should be written down and the 8 letters in order will spell the name of the breed. 1. The driving equipment put on the horse (7 letters) 2. The groom uses hand signals to do this (8 letters) 3. This adjusts round the horse to hold the saddle (5 letters) 4. Part of a full collar (4 letters) 5. A popular driving bit (9 letters) 6. Collinge, Mail and demi mail are all types of this (4 letters) 7. A horse’s call (5 letters) 8. Our sport! (7 letters) Quiz Answers Page 39


British Driving Society

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017


This year our prestigious Scholarship will be held at Springbridge Stables near Willoughby Waterleys in Leicestershire LE8 6UL on Sunday 6th August. All those who take part will also be invited to a special day out in September. The qualifying age groups are 10–14 and 15 –18 with the winner of each age group being awarded a prize of £500 Training Bursary. There is also an additional award for the best driver, the Barbara Stoddart Trophy and a Certificate and trophy (kindly presented by Mr Ian Townsend) for the Best Portfolios in each age group. We hope that Young Drivers from all parts of the country will take part and will have taken note of the Guidelines shown on the Young Drivers pages of the main BDS website.

Junior Scholarship Application Form 2017 Name of Young Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................................. .................................................................................................. Telephone number. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BDS Membership number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date of Birth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please state if you only wish to enter the Portfolio competition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes / No Name of driving teacher (s) if applicable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Driving Experience if applicable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................................................................................. Signature Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please return this completed form to the BDS Office, Endersley, Church Road,Wingfield, Eye, Suffolk IP 21 5QZ by 10th July 2017.

Publicity Committee Report Preparation for the coming season has kept us busy recently with stock taking and ordering as priorities.

Future venues for the stand will include the BDS annual show, Royal Norfolk show, New Forest and Hampshire County show as well as BDS Kent area show on 7th May and any other area

r 2017 NEW fo dy & a Junior, L an m e tl n e G LASS C IP H W

The Brian Sims BDS Junior Driving Scholarship 2017

events as requested. If you need something specific from the BDS stand, please reserve it before or early on the day in case we sell out. Hoodies, sweatshirts, polo shirts and fleece gilets are currently available in most sizes. Publicity literature will also be available at each of the forthcoming AC`s regional meetings,

so whatever is needed please ask your AC to collect when they attend. In an aim to encourage new members a two page article about the BDS has been written for the February issue of British Horse Society`s magazine `British Horse` and we hope to get similar pieces out to other societies and clubs.

28 & 29 JUNE 2017 All Private Driving competitions & championships on Wednesday 28 June

NEW Sponsors & Pr ize Money

Classes include: Private Driving & Concours d’Elegance, Light Trade & Vintage Vehicles, Country Turnouts th

60 sary iver ng n n A i Driv sh Briti ciety So

Exercise Vehicle and Donkey Driving. NOTE: Donkey In Hand classes (Thursday 29 June) NATIONAL QUALIFIERS •

HOYS Harness Horse and Pony of the Year Show Qualifier 2017 •

Victoria Foods Private Driving Championships Qualifier 2017 •


Osborne Refrigerators BDS National Championships 2017

Save time, make your entry online at Schedules and entry forms can be downloaded from our website or contact: Kim Austin, Equine Co-ordinator, Royal Norfolk Agricultural Association, Norfolk Showground, Road, Magazine Issue Dereham 366 – Spring 2017 Norwich, Norfolk, NR5 0TT T: 01603 731963 E: British Driving Society


Area News

Northern Ireland Chairman: Liz Kelly-Ward Hon. Secretary: Margaret Carlisle Treasurer: Mrs Staceyann Strain

Northern Ireland Email: AC Margaret Carlisle Tel: 02892 665893

Hope you had a very enjoyable Festive Season. You are all wished a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year. Drive safely and enjoy your sport.

NORTHERN IRELAND BRANCH-BRITISH DRIVING SOCIETY ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Annual General Meeting of the Northern Ireland BDS took place on Monday 14th November at 8.00 p.m. in the Bridge Community Centre, Lisburn.

Mrs Liz Kelly-Ward was unable to attend the AGM due to illness. Mr Eugene Larkin fulfilled the duties of Chairman and hoped Mrs. Liz Kelly-Ward would soon be back in the position of Branch Chairman, the Branch Treasurer is Mrs. Stacey Ann Strain with Margaret Carlisle as Area Commissioner/honorary Secretary. Eugene presented trophies to the competitors who had gained the highest points at selected driving shows in Northern Ireland during 2016. The winners were – ‘In Hand Classes’ -John Weir jnr (Ballyclare) (Rosehall Alexander): Exercise Vehicle Class -John Weir driving ‘Milltown Boy’: Trade Class: John Weir Driving ‘Rosehall Alexander’ to a Butchers Cart: Gigs/Traditional Type Vehicle any Height: Wallace Shaw (Castlewellan) driving ‘Clarvalley Jewel’ Margaret said that she was delighted that Eugene had agreed to serve on the Committee. The Area Commissioner –Margaret Carlisle had great pleasure in presenting ‘The Quaich’ (A Scottish Drinking Cup) to Eileen Weir for assistance and help beyond the call of duty to the Branch. The silver quaich was presented to the BDS Northern Ireland Branch in April 2013 by Mr. Alaister Gordon from Scotland, in recognition of kindness shown to him whenever he took ill on a previous visit to Northern Ireland. Mr. Gordon stipulated that the ‘Quaich’ was to be presented to a non ‘showing person’ and was to be selected by the Area Commissioner. The previous winners were Mr. John Powell, Mr. David Newell, Mrs. Liz Kelly-Ward and Mr. Eugene Larkin.

ADDITIONAL SHOWS TO THOSE LISTED IN THE BDS YEARBOOK May 21 BDS Monmouthshire Area Show County: Monmouthshire. Contact: Patricia Dutson, Incline Cottage, Garn-yr-Erw, Blaenavone, Torfaen NP4 9RX Tel: 01495791-898 Email:

June 4

BDS Area 38 Annual Show County: Swansea. Contact: Mrs. G. Kesans, 2 Greenfield Cottages, Ty-draw Road, Bonymaen, Swansea SA1 7BU Tel: 07970424-128 Email: Website: www.bdswalesarea38


Winterton Show County: Lincolnshire. Contact: Stanley Wood, 25 High Burgage, Winteringham, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire DN15 9NE Tel: 01724-732-789 Email: winteringhamwood@ 23 Aldborough & Boroughbridge Agricultural Show County: North Yorkshire. Contact: Mrs. Pamela Duker, c/o 7 Albany Road, Harrogate, N. Yorkshire HG1 4NS Tel: 07527-056-360 Email: Website: www. 1


British Driving Society

30 Weeton Show County: West Yorkshire. Contact: Shelley L. Williams, The Granary, Crain Syke Farm, North Rigton, LS17 0AD Tel: 07415-232456 Email: Website:

August 3

Honiton County: Devon. Contact: Mrs. Marcelle Connor, Bank House, 66a High Street, Honiton, Devon EX14 1PS Tel: 01404417-94 Email: Website:


Brecon County Show County: Powys. Contact: Peter James, Brecon Agricultural Society, HBF Depot, Ffrwdgrech Industrial Estate, Llanfaes, Brecon, Powys LD3 8LA Tel: 01874-611881 Email: Website:

5-6 Northern Hackney Horse Club County: Derbyshire. Contact: Julie Howard, 10 Lenham Close, Brinnington, Stockport, Cheshire SK5 8NG Tel: 07798-762-519 Email:

Chest, Heart and Stroke was 2016 Charity. We look forward to better weather in the days that lie ahead so that we can enjoy the outdoor life once more. A calendar of events for the 2017 season will be available in the near future - dates of Private Driving Shows, private drives, training and health and safety courses etc.

Forthcoming events April 17th (Easter Monday) Private Drive in aid of charity – Marie Curie Cancer Care- meet at 1.00 p.m at Mossvale Equestrian Centre (by kind permission of Mr. Raymond Jess) 18 Church Road, Dromara,Co.Down BT252NS contact Liz 028406713 or Margaret 02892665893 11–13 May R.U.A.S. Show, Balmoral Park, Maze, Lisburn May 20th BDS Ballynahinch Annual Show (competitors -BDS Members only) contact Margaret 02892665893 May 17th Invitation Drive – Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Cultra. Traditional Type vehicles. BDS Members only. – contact Margaret 02892665893 June 3rd Lurgan and District Horse and Cattle Show BDS MEMBERSHIP 2017 is now overdue for renewal

September 11 BDS Essex & North London Autumn Show County: Essex Contact: Mrs. E. Hopton, The Grange, Grange Road, Thundersley, Essex SS7 3JA Tel: 01268-773-291 Email:

NEWS UPDATE CARRIAGE DRIVING MAGAZINE PLEASURE DRIVING AWARD More competitors will have the chance to win the Carriage Driving Magazine Pleasure Driving Award as the number of Pleasure Driving classes to count towards it will be three in 2017. Those taking part in these classes should download the application form on the BDS website, and when three classes have been attended send the form into Carriage Driving Magazine. Everyone achieving three classes will receive a special prize and be put forward for the grand draw for the overall award.

FENIX RED ROVER AWARD Responding to the number of shows that are able to hold show drives, the number needed to achieve the Fenix Red Rover Award will be eight in 2017. Full details in the BDS Yearbook.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

The The British British Driving Driving Society Society The British Driving Society The British Driving Society The British & Driving Society Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire South &South South Yorkshire Yorkshire Area Area Nottinghamshire && South Yorkshire Area Nottinghamshire Yorkshire Area Nottinghamshire & South Yorkshire Area

Lunch Lunch with with guest guest speaker speaker Lunch with guest speaker Lunch with guest speaker Lunch with guest speaker Minta Minta Winn Winn Minta Winn

Minta Winn Minta Winn

Private Private Dinning Dinning in thein1650 the 1650 restaurant restaurant and bar and bar Private Dinning in the 1650 restaurant and bar

Ye Olde Ye Olde Bell Hotel Bell Hotel & Restaurant & Restaurant Ye Olde Bell Hotel & Restaurant

Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire and South and South Yorkshire Yorkshire AreaArea are holding are holding a pre-season a pre-season lunchlunch with with guestguest speaker speaker MintaMinta Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire Area are holding a pre-season lunch with guest speaker Minta Private Dinning the 1650 restaurant Ye OldeVenue, Bell & Restaurant Winn. Winn. Venue, the Hotel histrionic the histrionic Coaching Coaching Inn, Ye Inn,Olde Ye Olde Bell in Bell Barnby in Barnby Moor, Moor, nrinRetford, nr Retford, North North and bar Winn. Venue, histrionic Coaching Barnby Moor, in nr Retford, North th thInn, Ye Olde Bell in Private restaurant andshe barshe Ye Olde Bellthe Hotel Restaurant Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire on Saturday on&Saturday the 8the of8April of April at 12.30pm. at 12.30pm. Minta Minta is aDinning LHHI is a LHHI andthe UKcc and1650 UKcc Level Level 3 Coach, 3 Coach, Nottinghamshire on Saturday the 8th of April at 12.30pm. Minta is a LHHI and UKcc Level 3 Coach, she has driven has driven in horse in horse driving driving trialstrials indoor indoor and are out andand out private and private driving driving all atall theathighest the highest levellevel with with greatgreat Nottinghamshire South Yorkshire Area holding a pre-season guest Minta has driven inand horse driving trials indoor and out and private driving alllunch at the with highest levelspeaker with great Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire Area are holding aBarnby pre-season lunch with guest speaker Minta success. success. Shehistrionic has She driven, has driven, team, team, pair,Inn, pair, tandem tandem and single. and single. Among Among her many her many achievements achievements was winning was winning the the Winn. Venue, the Coaching Ye Olde Bell in Moor, nr Retford, North success. She has driven, team, pair, tandem and single. Among her many achievements was winning the ththeat Winn. Venue, the histrionic Coaching Inn, Ye Olde Bell in Barnby Moor, nr Retford, North private private driving driving championship championship at Horse the Horse of the of Year the Year Show Show in 2009. in 2009. Minta Minta teaches teaches carriage carriage driving driving both both in in Nottinghamshire on Saturday the 8thatoftheApril atof12.30pm. Mintainis2009. a LHHI and UKcccarriage Level driving 3 Coach, private driving championship Horse the Year Show Minta teaches bothshe in the uk the and uk abroad and abroad and has and recently has recently returned returned from from a spell a spell in America. in America. Nottinghamshire Saturday therecently 8 of April at 12.30pm. Minta is aall LHHI and UKcclevel Levelwith 3 Coach, has driventheinukhorse driving trials indoor and out and driving at the highest great she andonabroad and has returned fromprivate a spell in America. Area Commissioner Commissioner Nicola Nicola SalterSalter would would likeand to like invite to invite members members and friends andthe friends from from neighbouring neighbouring BDS BDS areasareas has driven in Area horse driving trials indoor and out driving all highest level with great Area Commissioner Nicola Salter would like toprivate invite members andatfriends from neighbouring BDS areas success. She has driven, team, pair, tandem and single. Among herhotels many achievements was winning the to join to the join Nottinghamshire the Nottinghamshire and South and South Yorkshire Yorkshire group group in the in hotels the 1650 1650 restaurant restaurant for a for two-course a two-course lunch lunch success. She has driven, team, pair, tandem and single. Among her many achievements was winning the to join the Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire group in the hotels 1650 restaurant for a two-course lunch private with driving championship at Horse of the Year Show 2009. driving th with tea or tea coffee, or coffee, at this at fabulous thisthe fabulous old coaching old coaching inn. Ye inn. Olde Ye in Olde Bell rose BellMinta rose to fame toteaches fame and fortune andcarriage fortune in thein 19 the 19thboth in th with teachampionship or coffee, at this oldof coaching inn.Show Ye Olde Bell rose to fame and fortune in the 19 both in private driving atfabulous thereturned Horse the Year in 2009. Minta teaches carriage driving the uk and abroad from a spell America. century century in theand indays thehas days of recently stagecoaches of stagecoaches and highwaymen, and highwaymen, asinone as of one theofmain the main coaching coaching stopsstops on the ongreat the great northnorth century in and the days of stagecoaches andfrom highwaymen, as America. one of the main coaching stops on the great north theArea uk and abroad hasOlde recently returned spellinns in Commissioner Nicola Salter would like to ainvite members from neighbouring BDS road. road. Today Today Ye Olde Ye Bell is Bell oneis of one theofbest-preserved the best-preserved inns in England in and England –friends sheer – sheer luxury luxury everywhere! everywhere! With Withareas road. Today YeNicola Olde Bell is one of thelike best-preserved inns in England – sheerfrom luxury everywhere! With Area Commissioner Salter would to invite members and friends neighbouring BDS areas original original oak panelling oak panelling and beams, and beams, leaded leaded windows, windows, antiques, sparkling chandeliers, chandeliers, sumptuous sumptuous fabrics fabrics andlunch and to join the Nottinghamshire group inantiques, the sparkling hotels 1650 restaurant for a two-course original oak panellingand andSouth beams,Yorkshire leaded windows, antiques, sparkling chandeliers, sumptuous fabrics thand to join the Nottinghamshire and South Yorkshire group in the hotels 1650 restaurant for a two-course lunch crackling logat fires. log fires. with teacrackling or coffee, crackling log this fires.fabulous old coaching inn. Ye Olde Bell rose to fame and fortune in the 19th

with tea in orthe coffee, fabulous old inn. YeasOlde Bell to coaching fame andstops fortune 19 north century daysatofthis stagecoaches andcoaching highwaymen, one of therose main on in thethe great century in theYedays of Bell stagecoaches andbest-preserved highwaymen, as one the main coaching stops on the great north road. Today Olde is one of the inns inof England – sheer luxury everywhere! With road. Today Ye Olde Bell is one of the best-preserved inns in England – sheer luxury everywhere! With original oak panelling and beams, leaded windows, antiques, sparkling chandeliers, sumptuous fabrics and original cracklingoak logpanelling fires. and beams, leaded windows, antiques, sparkling chandeliers, sumptuous fabrics and crackling log fires.




The Versatile MintaMinta WinnWinn The Versatile The Versatile Minta Winn

The price for the lunchlunch and tea coffee with speaker is £22.50 each.each. For menu and booking pleaseplease The price fortwo-course the two-course andortea or coffee with speaker is £22.50 For menu and booking The price for the two-course lunch and tea or coffee with speaker is £22.50 each. For menu and booking please contact Nicola or Malcolm SalterSalter on 01777 248210 / 07787877378 or email mnosalter@hotmail. contact Nicola or Malcolm on 01777 248210 / 07787877378 or email mnosalter@hotmail. contact Nicola or Malcolm Salter on 01777 248210 / 07787877378 or email mnosalter@hotmail.

. .

Hotel Directions Hotel Directions Hotel Directions Ye Olde YeBell OldeHotel Bell & Hotel Restaurant & Restaurant Barnby Barnby Moor Moor Retford Retford Nottinghamshire Nottinghamshire DN22 DN22 8QS 8QS Ye Olde Bell Hotel & Restaurant Barnby Moor Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 8QS

The Versatile Minta Winn

From A1 Southbound: After J34 Blyth followfollow A1 forA1 approx miles take exitleft signed BarnbyBarnby Moor. Moor. Turn left at end of end roadofand theand the From A1 Southbound: After J34 Flyover, Blyth Flyover, for approx 3½and miles andnext takesmall next left small exit signed Turn left at road The3½Versatile From A1isSouthbound: After J34atT-junction. Blyth Flyover, follow A1 for approx 3½ miles andMinta take nextWinn small left exit signed Barnby Moor. Turn left at end of road and the diagonally opposite next T-junction. hotel ishotel diagonally opposite at next hotel is diagonally opposite at next T-junction.

The price for the two-course lunch and tea or coffee with speaker is £22.50 each. For menu and booking please

at signed A620 signed Ranby and Retford. road for almost miles and after Ranby House School, takeleft next left signed Moor. From A1 Northbound: Exit the atExit A620 Ranbylunch and Retford. Follow road for almost 2 speaker miles2 and after Ranby House School, take next signed BarnbyBarnby Moor. From A1price Northbound: The for two-course and tea orFollow coffee with £22.50 each. For menu booking please contact Nicola ortheMalcolm on 01777 248210 07787877378 email mnosalter@hotmail. From A1road Northbound: A620 signed Ranby andSalter Retford. Follow almost 2/miles andisafter Ranbyor House School, take nextand left signed Barnby Moor. Follow thisfor road forExit approx 2½and miles and theishotel is diagonally opposite atT-junction. next T-junction. Follow this approx 2½atmiles hotel diagonally opposite atroad nextfor Follow this roadcontact for approxNicola 2½ milesor andMalcolm the hotel is diagonally opposite at next T-junction. Salter on 01777 248210 / 07787877378 or email mnosalter@hotmail.

Hotel Directions

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring Ye2017 Olde Bell Hotel & Restaurant Barnby Moor Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 8QS Hotel Directions Ye Olde Bell Hotel & Restaurant Barnby Moor Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 8QS

British Driving Society


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BDS Leaf Spring Award 2017

One of the 2016 winners Steve Tubb from Kent with “Bertie Independence Warrior” (Welsh D) Skeleton Cut under Gig by Whitaker

This award is open to anyone who exhibits a traditional type turnout on ten occasions or more in one season at a BDS Affiliated Show or BDS Area Activity (Northern Ireland – four occasions, Channel Islands – three occasions.) To take part please obtain a Leaf Spring Award card from the BDS Secretary. Enter all the details of your turnout including vehicle type, makers name and age, also your horse, pony or donkey details and details of the driver. Carry the card with you at the Show/Activity attended, and present it to the judge/steward to verify the details against your turnout and sign. Not later than 30th September 2017 post your completed card to the BDS Secretary. A BDS specially commissioned china plate, sponsored by Mr. John Vyse & Family, will be awarded at the 2017 BDS AGM to all participants who have met the criteria above.


British Driving Society

Note: ♦ Traditional type turnout means a turnout in which vehicle has the traditional profile of an identifiable type to resemble the design of a carriage built prior to the First World War. The vehicle may be made from modern materials but must have traditional style springing and carriage lamps. ♦ A Show/Activity will count as one occasion regardless of the amount of classes entered. ♦ The award is open to private driving and trade turnouts. ♦ The turnout owner and whip must be a current BDS member.

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017


John Gibson 1928–2016 A number of BDS colleagues joined the large gathering at Telford Crematorium on 12th January 2017 to say a fond farewell to John Gibson. John had been an active member of Area 27 – Shropshire BDS for many years, including being Area Commissioner from 1996 to 2000. He was also, for a time, the Rights of Way officer for Shropshire. For approximately twenty five years he played an active part, including driving in the BDS Shropshire Driving Days (SDD) and in the last ten years or so, in the organisation of the event. Regrettably, health issues resulted in him handing over responsibility last year. Testimony to the success of this annual event is the support of members from across the country, including Wales and Scotland, who return year after year to enjoy a week of driving in idyllic surroundings on the borders of Shropshire, Herefordshire and Powys. It was good to see so many of John’s driving friends at the funeral service, despite the bad weather. John’s health had deteriorated for some time but it was still a shock to learn of his death. He will be greatly missed by so many but his legacy will live on particularly in the continuation of SDD, to which he contributed so much.

Hugh James Stewart

William James McCoosh

27 May 1932–7 January 2017 The death took place on Saturday 7th January 2017 in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast of Hugh James Stewart (fondly known as Jamsey) from Belfast. Jamsey had been in failing health. His wife Marie predeceased him some years ago. On 12th January Jamsey’s coffin was taken to the funeral service in Belfast City Mission by a pair of Friesian horses put to a ‘Marsden’ hearse with Alex Fawcett as whip. Following a service conducted by Mr.Lloyd Watson and Mr. Ian Stewart the burial took place at Ballygowan Churchyard, Co. Down. The hymns sung at the service were ‘When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound’ and ‘There’s a land that is fairer than day’. After the burial service everyone was welcome to join the family for refreshments at The Auld House, Moneyreagh. Jamsey was a keen supporter of private driving and enjoyed attending equestrian shows and drives and was a keen showman. A few years ago he owned and showed a Welsh pony ‘Tammy’ driven to a gig and was very successful, often in the ‘ribbons’.

The death took place on Thursday 19th January 2017 of William James McCoosh (Jim, as he was fondly known) of Lower Quilly Road, Dromore, dear husband of Rose and loving father of David, Paula, Julie and Gillian. A service of Thanksgiving for Jim’s life took place on Monday 23rd January 2017 in Seymour Street Methodist Church prior to burial at Lisburn New Cemetery Blaris. Donations, if desired, to N. I. Heart Chest and Stroke, C/o Ronnie Thompson, Lisburn BT281UF. Jim was a keen showman and spectator in equestrian circles and in the past had shown in Private Driving classes at many shows throughout the country. BDS Northern Ireland Branch regret to learn of the death of their long standing member Jim Mc Coosh and extend sincere and heartfelt sympathy to his dear wife Rose, son, daughters, daughter-in-law, sonsin-law, grandchildren, great grandchildren and the wider family circle. Jim you will be missed by us all.

He leaves to mourn his passing his sons, daughters-in-law, grandchildren and a wide circle of relatives. The Northern Ireland Branch of the British Driving Society mourn the loss of a long standing member and express sincere and heartfelt sympathy to their member Brian Stewart, Jamesy’s son, on the death of his father and also to all the family circle. Donations (if desired) to Alzheimer’s Society c/o Stephen Mc Cosh, Undertaker, Shankill Road, Belfast. BT131 FD

Junior Quiz Answers 1: Harness 2: Indicate 3: Girth 4: Hame 5: Liverpool 6: Axle 7: Neigh 8: Driving The breed is the HIGHLAND

Magazine Issue 366 – Spring 2017

British Driving Society


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