Gift Declaration Name _________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Telephone _____________________________________ Mobile ________________________________________ Email _________________________________________ Please treat this donation and all future donations until I inform you otherwise as Gift Aid. I declare that I am a UK tax payer and have paid enough income tax or capital gains tax to cover the amount claimed by the Charity in any tax year.
Tax Efficient Giving
I wish to remain anonymous Signed ________________________________________ Date __________________________________________
Leweston’s Bursary Fund
I enclose a cheque for the sum of £ _________________ made payable to: Leweston School Trust.
Fund target £27,360 This would represent a year’s fees for one full boarder in years 9 - 13, or would assist several pupils on partial bursaries.
I would like to pay by Standing Order monthly, the sum of £ _________________ To:
Account Name: Leweston School Trust Lloyds TSB, 8 High Street, Yeovil, Somerset BA20 1RN Sort Code: 30-99-98 Account Number: 01896528 Account Name __________________________________ Sort Code _________ Account Number ______________ Bank Name and address __________________________ ______________________________________________ Start Date ______________________________________ Signed _________________________________________ Date ___________________________________________
Registered Charity Number 295175
The award of bursaries is embedded in Leweston’s culture and is something in which we passionately believe. A bursary can open up a world of opportunities to a talented young person, by enabling them to access a Leweston education when
they otherwise would not have the means. A large capital investment is required to generate support for even one bursary and one of the school’s main priorities is therefore to focus on increasing its annual Bursary Fund. Any support you may
be able to give in helping us to extend our Bursary Fund, and to offer a Leweston education to more children, can and will change for the better the lives of those young people.
If you are a UK tax payer Leweston could claim an additional 25p for every £1 you donate at no additional cost to yourself. In order for your gift to qualify for Gift Aid, you will need be a UK taxpayer and must pay an amount of income tax/and or capital gains tax at least equal to the Gift Aid amount which we can claim back on your donation.
• Donate online now: www.leweston.co.uk/developmentmenu/senior-ways-to-give/online-giving.html
If you are a higher rate tax payer then you can also reclaim 25% or even 35% of the value of your donation and offset some of your own tax liability to help Leweston.
• Send a cheque: Send a cheque in the reply envelope payable to Leweston School Trust together with the Gift Declaration Form attached. • Standing Order: If you would like to make a regular donation please complete the Gift Declaration Form attached and return it in the envelope provided.
Leweston’s Annual Fund
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT: Mrs Margo Liddle Development Office, Leweston School Sherborne, Dorset DT9 6EN E. Liddlem@leweston.dorset.sch.uk T. 01963 211015
Leweston recognises that to continue to offer a first class education for years to come we must continue to enhance and develop our facilities. Our mission to offer a first class education rooted in the Catholic tradition is one that we want to make available to as many deserving families as we can. Although an education is more than the building it takes place in, the facilities we make available to our pupils are, of course, of major importance. Leweston has invested over £1 million in its infrastructure over the last four years. Projects include the Senior School classroom upgrade and new reception, both completed in the summer of 2010, the opening of our enclosed swimming pool in the summer of 2012
• Classroom upgrade completed 2010
and this year has seen the completion of our Sixth Form Centre. These investments in our school campus translate into tangible results. This year has been one of exceptional achievements across all areas of school life, with Leweston coming top of the DfE performance tables for Dorset and Somerset, 10% of our Upper Sixth receiving Oxbridge offers and three International sportswomen and six pupils from both the Prep and Senior School being selected to represent Great Britain at the 2013 Biathle Championships. The musical and dramatic life at Leweston remains a real strength of the school and this year audiences have been entertained by a wonderful
• Swimming Pool Enclosure completed 2012
Annual Projects 2013 This year’s fund is targeting several carefully selected projects that will benefit all areas of school life. You are kindly asked to consider supporting the following:
array of exceptional performances and concerts. As always we must continue to look to the future. Leweston is a school that has a unique educational offering which we need to support with the necessary infrastructure. Our annual fund invites you to make a donation to support our endeavours and any amount received towards the individual projects outlined in this document would be gratefully received. Your support will ensure we continue to inspire and challenge our pupils, enabling them to achieve to the best of their ability and go on to take their place in the world with confidence.
• Sixth Form Centre completed 2013
SPORTS COACHING AND DEVELOPMENT FUND £1,000 will provide a term’s coaching Fund target £10,000
CHAPEL KNEELERS £15 each Fund target £5,000 St Antony’s chapel is at the heart of Leweston School. We are looking to replace 320 kneelers in a splendid array of Leweston House colours to aid the spiritual life of the school and indeed of each girl. No gift is too small; we would welcome a donation for a single kneeler as much as a donation for several.
This fund will enhance the impressive sporting opportunities already available at Leweston by enabling us to increase the variety and quantity of specialist coaching on offer for all pupils across the Leweston campus. The fund will also be used to provide additional equipment where needed, which will enhance the training and practice programmes for our pupils.
GRAND PIANO Fund target £8,000 Music at Leweston is exceptional and permeates all aspects of school life. The school’s tradition is strongly orchestral and choral with over half of the school learning at least one of the eighteen instruments on offer. This year the music department is looking to replace the grand piano which is used for all our school concerts.
For £4,000 the school will purchase a new sound desk, speakers and cabling which will provide a state-of-the-art sound system.
We believe that every young person should experience the world beyond the classroom as an essential part of their learning and personal development. Leweston Prep are investing in a new outdoor learning resource in the woodland next to the Prep School and as part of this exciting development we require the following items:
This new high quality sound system will benefit the Prep and Senior School productions as well as our GCSE and A level practical exams. It will also improve the school’s ability to host the many other important events that take place in the school theatre during the year.
A yurt (outdoor classroom) £8,000 A 24ft yurt will act as the outdoor classroom in our ‘enchanted wood’ and will provide opportunities for the children to learn more about their natural surroundings. Four playhouses £200 each These four playhouses will form part of the nursery village and provide the children in the Early Years Foundation Stage with the opportunity to engage in role play and develop their creative learning.
Gaudere et Bene Facere' - 'Rejoice and Do Well'
Leweston Annual Fund Why we are asking for your support: