Muthaiga Country Club Magazine April - June 2019

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The M u tha i g a Country Club M agazi n e April – June 2019

Front Cover – Pinks

C o nte nts page 8

page 6

page 1

Letter from the Chairman

page 2

Letter from the Secretary

page 3

Membership Matters

page 4

Balloting Report & Finance Report

page 5

Roving Eye

page 6 House Wines & Messing page 7

Staff News

page 8 Events

page 17

page 10 Forthcoming Events Chart page 11

Bird Quiz

page 12 Muthaiga Sports Round-Up page 14 West Wing Renovations page 16 Members’ Achievements page 18 100 Years On…The Hunter Family page 20 Opera & Ballet

page 17

page 21 Library Book Reviews page 16

page 22 A Life in the Day of … page 24 Reciprocal Clubs Reviews page 26 Hatches & Matches page 27 Obituaries page 23

page 16

The Muthaiga Country Club Magazine is published by MCC for Members Editor - Yoyo Volak Magazine Production - Matthew Rudd, Lucy Muregi, Mercy Wanyeri, Diana Waithaka, Eunice Mulwa, Yvonne Magambo, Vincent Ford, Martin Musyoka Contributors - Stephen Mills, Julia Lawrence, Peter Usher, Edita Camm, Nigel Hunter, Deborah Goodhart, Barrie Thomas, Gail Langton. Design & Layout by Shelleys the Printers Printed by Graphite Lounge page 26


Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

From the Chairman Dear Members I hope 2019 is panning out well for you and your families. Let’s hope we have some good rain. It is great to see so many of you using the Club. Pinks is busy and I am delighted to report that usage in the formal area of the Club is on the increase. We would, however, like to see more use of the Club’s accommodation, if you haven’t seen the newly furbished West Wing rooms, then please ask the Secretary to show you around, the new Muthaiga Room (formerly West Wing 26) is spectacular and take a look at the centre spread of this issue. So, please encourage your friends and family to stay at The Club. We throw in a very reasonable B&B rate and the breakfast served is top notch. You will see two obituaries published in this edition of the Magazine. Firstly, we pay tribute to a great Member of the Club, Tim Vaulkhard, who was the Club’s architect for many years and he should take a lot of the credit for how stylish the Club looks today. Secondly, in honour of Bill Deverell, a great servant of Kenya and a longtime Member of the Club who sat on the Main Committee for many years. I will never forget the advice Bill gave me when I joined Main nearly twenty years ago: “Don’t say a word for six months. Just listen.” I struggled with that directive from my very first meeting! May they both rest in peace. This edition also contains a fascinating article written by Nigel Hunter about how involved his family has been in the Club, right from its inception. If you feel that you have an interesting article to contribute on your own family or relating to something interesting that you may have done, then please contact Yoyo Volak through the Club office, and don’t underestimate how interesting your family’s history may be to the Membership. Thank you to those fascinating and passionate Members who have attended Chairman’s Table this year. I find them most informative, and I promise we listen! In March Signora Edita Camm brought to an end eight years of producing live operas for Muthaiga audiences and we thank her most sincerely for providing first class entertainment for our Members and their guests. I am delighted to announce that there has been some interest shown from our younger Members in putting on entertainment and we greatly look forward to our very own Jason Dunford and Juacali performing for you all. Expect a big splash! Henry Njoroge and Dr Rueben Mutiso have kindly agreed to organise an art competition for our Members, and we should expect to hear more from them soon. Enjoy the magazine and keep using your Club.

Philip Coulson, MCC Chairman

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


From the Secretary Welcome to the second magazine of 2019. May I start by thanking those of you who took the time and trouble to get in touch with such positive feedback about the new rooms. We are very proud of them, From the Secreta r y possibly most proud of those created by our own Member, Per Geheb. As with I am delighted to announce the received from people who have not yet all things, opinions are many; some even appointment of Rupert Elliott as the new seen them, which isSecretary interesting! Club taking over from our interim secretary Fritz Walchli. Rupert's permit has finally been approved and he We have seen more and more of you will staying athis thepost Club late, far exceeding the use by overseas and take up with of immediate effect. temporary Members. January’s attackIndid not help these visitors’ figures it must be said, but we hope welcoming Rupert to the Club I would like to thank Fritz for all he has done this has more to do with the reduced room rates and the inclusioninofhisfull breakfast in the price now. interim role where his steady hand guided Our priority remains pleasing our own Members and their while keeping prices sensible for an excellent performance withguests both cash Out-going Secretary Fritz Walchli with some of the andhesitate quality above budget. visiting reciprocal guests. Please never to ask us what we can do for you rate-wise for visiting MCC Staff at his leaving party. The staff presented him with a splendid cake and a carved wooden elephant. Rupert Elliot has moved to us from the Capital Club friends, family and colleagues. We would much rather they were here than in a dreary hotel. Nairobi and prior to that was running a large 4-Star Hotel in Botswana. He has an excellent track record in quality and dining financial room results and formally After years of decline we see more ofdelivering you in the Main andwashope this will be a continuing trained in London’s 5-Star market with international experience in trend. We work hard behind the scenes to keep prices as lowHisascommercial possible experience and menus interesting. It may France, Bahrain and Africa. includes UK houses of excellence. be worth reminding you that we offercountry a 3-course table d’hôte menu at Ksh 1500/- (Ksh 1250/- for Rupert is joined by his fiancée Heidi. two courses) and on Mondays, free vino with your meal. It is an exciting time with many new challenges and projects and I hope you will join me in wishing our new Secretary the very best of good fortune. Security remains a thorn in some sides and my apologies for that. While your security is important,

of course it should not be a cause for hesitation, when contemplating visiting or bringing friends to your Club. We are in the process of upgrading the system to speed things up, meaning visitors will only have to register fully once and processing repeat ofentries Bimb Theobald, Chairman Committeeswill be very quick. A gentle reminder that the rules apply to all and, whilst the majority of Members are fabulously patient, there is a small minority who feel the rules must surely not apply to them. There is never an am thrilled take over as Secretary of Muthaiga Country excuse for rudeness to our guards orIany of thetoClub team, however frustrated youClub, may and be. delighted to join a team of like-minded professionals and enthusiasts who, together, strive to ensure Members can take pride in their Club. My last job anour excellent clubbottled in Nairobi before I ran a glass We continue to wait patiently to be allowed towas sellwith you water, onand site, in that recycled prestigious hotel in Botswana. I firmly believe that Muthaiga is one of the bottles at very reasonable prices. Patience, we are told, is a virtue. brightest stars across Africa in the hospitality sector, and I look forward to exploring ways to keep enhancing this historic place for the benefit of all Members, whether or more recently. Lastly, a warm welcome to Abdelhamid Mousa, our they newjoined Headlong of ago Recreation. He joins us from I am very grateful to Members and Staff alike who have already made me Kempinski and has significant experience across the region withopen Four oneyour of the world’s feel so welcome. My door is always andSeasons, I will welcome feedback suggestions. am excited get to work belly on thedancing next stage of the Club's finest hospitality outfits. He tells me and to watch this Ispace for to upcoming lessons! evolution, while ensuring that we preserve the values and traditions that make this Club such a great one.

Rupert Elliot, Club Secretary

Rupert Elliott, Club Secretary

2 Muthaiga Country Club April–June 2017


Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

Although Members’ correspondence is invariably illuminating and erudite, with complaints and compliments all geared towards enhancing service and improving facilities, some issues seem insoluble. Who better then to turn to than our own Aunt Beryl, font of behavioural, sartorial and, er, coital wisdom…

Dear Auntie B…

Q. I recently invited for dinner a guest who would like to become a Member. When we were leaving the table (after an excellent meal) he insisted on thrusting cash into the hand and then pocket of the waiter (who had looked after us superbly). I know this is out of order but it happened quickly and I couldn’t prevent it. What should I have done? CN A. It’s odd that someone who wishes to join an institution such as this is

unaware that most proper Clubs are always entirely cash-less. At least your guest felt inclined to tip, but you ought to have reminded him of the form before he arrived.

Q. I am confused. I come to the Club for dinner and wear a jacket and tie. In the dining room I see a group of fellow Members not wearing anything but a shirt, an attire formerly known as “Planters”. The next time I came, I arrived without a jacket and was told I had to eat at Pinks. Why can’t the rules be made clearer? JM A. Don’t be confused: Planters order requires you to wear a tie but no

jacket, while shirt-sleeve order needs neither. At any rate, the rules are clear: You should wear a jacket in the evening if you are eating in the Main dining room. There was a time during the hottest part of summer when guidance became more relaxed, and the Secretary allowed Members to wear “shirtsleeve” order, but things are more rigid again.


Q. Help! I understand that the Club has a duty of care to ensure that no lunatic infiltrates our sanctum with a sawn-off shotgun and a bad attitude, but please, how do you advise I curb my own anger-management issues when faced with the mission impossible of getting a non-member into the club as a guest? Ethan Hunt would never get through these defences and Tom Cruise would lose his sang-froid if he had to cope with unsmiling intransigence. How do I keep myself from assault, or worse? JP A. Your mission, should you choose to accept it… I get the picture. You should invest in those excellent rubber masks to roll over your face, rustle up one of those magic voice boxes, and conjure up fake ID. Practise your deep breathing and stay calm. This message will self-destruct in ninety seconds. If you’re still being processed at that time, then sorry, I can’t help. Q. I hear you are the one to run to for advice. I am a waiter at Pinks. What should I do next time I see a member wearing nothing copurating by the poolside with a Member or non-Member it was hard to tell? I asked him to go to his room but he told me to go away and she said yes, yes. What could I do? Anon A. You were too polite. Next time pour water on them, the colder the better. If you had been able to do this from a distance, unseen, in the dark, you would have been safe, ardour would have been diminished, enthusiasm dampened, and the only unseemly rush would have been in the direction of the car park.

MEMBERSHIP M AT T E R S With the winding down of a communications committee, this page is devoted to being more GOLDEN I am an overseas Member and of an opinion page, where prevailing moods and sentiments of Members on current Club issues, and mails, are echoed. As always, we want to know what’sWEDDING on have notexpressed visited in thecomments Club for your mind, and will always welcome your feedback. many years but when I stayed ANNIVERSARY recently I was delighted to see Alan and Mary Collis how many female staff are now celebrated 50 golden employed at MCC. Despite years of wedded bliss its illustrious history as a surrounded by family “Gentlemen’s only Club” it is and friends at a good to see the Club moving wonderful luncheon with the times! GS R ECEN T LY, A D EC I S I ON WA S MA D E TO O "All the girls are off sick!" hosted by the Club. … O FFE R B REAKFAS T ON LY AT P I NK S…

at Pinks

‘We had a fabulous and memorable celebration of our Golden Wedding. Thank you to the Club and all the staff management and staff in all sections (rooms, Reception, bars, Your German sausage has not seen Germany who made our day so very Appalled by people’s behaviour atfor Pinks, and help and courteous restaurants and grounds) their service[sic] was notinvolved and the saurecraut cooked. It special. The food was absolutely delicious disappointed to have to have breakfast there… I am tasted okto as Ibe wasa very hungry. PE during my stay. Being able to stay at the Club proved an overseas Member and come to the Club for the and, as always, the service was impeccable. We are so grateful.’ MC tranquil away from theFPnot so tranquil Nairobi city. BB Club, not toblessing come to an average hotel. It was recently necessary for Do meaway to come Breakfast at Pinks only is a mistake. with to Nairobi for the the and four cook toyears orderand as it used O R E Gthe E N E R A L LY firstchafing timedishes in over I would like toMthank to be. TP

While I agree with the economic reasons for having only one venue for breakfast, I do not agree with the argument that economy alone justifies

Why is it that there are never any ice-creams in the fridge? Also, never any low-fat milk. RH Not the place it used to be. WR

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


balloting c ommittee It may be worth reminding Members way and they should be encouraged also of the process for objecting to a particular to write in, describing the nature of candidate’s proposal. Of course once the objection. One Member’s written in the Club, it is much easier to keep objection initiates an investigation; two others out, but that’s not the spirit we objections make the investigation much are trying to create. Muthaiga Members more straightforward. would surely never use their ‘status’ as an b al l o t i ng c o m m i ttee Once again, all objections are received opportunity to settle scores with those in the strictest confidence and, even who aspire to become Members. Instead, when theinvolved meritswith of aballoting particular case – there areare no many years, and her terrific diligence we are surely looking to attract ‘clubable’ short committee, no one is probably what has made the being discussed people to the Club, while perhaps The results are coming in. There chairmanship look so easy. The rest of from the Club Secretary and the (apart Finally, crucially, we urge Members to the committee have discouraging those whose values and enjoyed and are has been a favourable response to the takeofthe time to examine thewho names Chairman Balloting) knows theof grateful herour friendly, behaviour might be at oddsfor with own.forthright Candidates when they are posted on revised method of balloting and already objectors are. It is only the nature of the leadership – we’ll miss her. the Board and, if there is the slightest we are reaping rewards. Encouragingly, Don’t you love ‘clubable’? No one objectiondoubt thatabout is considered. their ‘clubbability’, to So now it’s me, and I’d like to begin the Membership is taking a more active really has the faintestwith idea what it means voice any concerns to the Secretary. All a few words about the waiting list Thanks to all for active interest and role in vetting potential candidates and objections are treated with the strictest for prospective Members. (apart from those wielding a rolling pin It is long. involvement. The and system is still in confidence, are followed up its Candidates can expect to wait at least it is heartening to discover how many of when you get back, late, again, from the early stages and we welcome all feedback. diligently. We really do want to ensure 18 months between being proposed you are actively monitoring names on the Club) but you know and it when seetoit. the selection bar for prospective being you invited attend a balloting noticeboard and, where necessary, writing Members is maintained at a very high meeting – and will then wait a further If a Member objects to a particular in to condemn or condone. level. two months while their names are It’s important, when handing over the seen candidate, having a name the made known on to Members. That’s right: some Members reins are of any committee, your him/her using a pink boardtoorassure noticed The second point to note is that there wide-eyed successor that “It’s a doddle: writing to endorse a particular candidate’s card Club, then are are nothe short cuts. Members huge fun, doesn’t Candidate’s take much time, all around proposal. The jury is out as to whether not to use their the Member write toadvised the Club pretty straightforward really”. should strongly this constitutes lobbying, but for the time influence to have Candidates move up Secretary, describing the nature of an Yeah, right. the list more quickly. However friendly being such letters are being received in the objection. If the candidate really is as Paul has done an outstanding job Matthew Rudd your relationship might be with the same positive spirit in which we Gail are sure bad as all that, then there will bewith other overseeing the Balloting committee for Secretary – or Chairman Balloting Committee anyone else Matthew Rudd they are intended. Member(s) who might feel the same

Chairman Balloting Committee

house & financ e

finance various initiatives that we hope will appeal to, and attract a better turnout from these sectors. In terms of projects, we are making increased substantially. Whereas we have London Clubs that have ‘modernised’ and reasonablethrough headway on our security improved our room offering it may be that we need to adopt a more project and expect to complete in early renovation, pricing still talks. radical approach. We will certainly engage May….on budget! The library project with hason been revitalised and we hope to Members to ensure that we maintain We have a clear strategy the way forward and remain fit for purpose. This present a plan at the next AGMtradition later it and would request Members to support he year. will not happen overnight but rest assured our Club in terms of accommodating Finally, we expect to complete the will remain work in progress. guests. For those not Mukutano aware, Members Room this quarter, which are able to sign in guests as temporary All in all, the Club facilities are in good will offer Members a state-of-the-art The Club continues to make good “ I can complete the Members without theMeeting need toRoom. stay at the shape and cash holdings are reasonable. progress in our key strategic initiatives. project under budget Club and withour guests their We need to improve the profitability in So we havevisit. plentyPlease of work in progress Revenues are on budget cash during ahead schedule, defining the desires position is ‘safe’. We talkdotohowever the Secretary tobutfind out how this and the short run toand ensure our of sustainability but you’ll need to requirements of our diverse operate on very thin margins at three works. Raising accommodation revenues and continued investment in our Club. allocate additional time Membership remains paramount and per cent profit on turnover. will be most critical inourimproving overall success will lie in our ability ” andwe money that. Weto are confident that are onfothe right Dear Members Our challenge remains how to increase financial performance. satisfy these. utilisation of the Club, particularly the track! The last quarter has been challenging Main Dining Room the sports Inand terms of dining, Pinks continues to in terms of achieving budgets and in facilities. break records, but covers in the Main particular, profitability. Lower than We have identified certain sectors of the Gidoomal VVijay ij Gid Clubhouse are falling. We are exploring expected room occupancies fromMembership that do not use the Club Chairman House & Finance options to halt this trend including the frequently, temporary and reciprocal Members (who and we are working on limited use of mobiles and other devices. pay premium rates) have had the largest We will be circulating a survey in due Vijay Gidoomal impact on performance. The truth is that 4 Muthaiga Country ClubThere April–Juneare 2017 several examples of course. Chairman Finance competition from high-class hotels has


Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

roving eye

Eye often wonders how well-intentioned people, working in common cause towards greater good, can so often come to violent disagreement. Take that gentlemanly game, cricket, for instance, where so many committees actively promote the benefits of sport for young people, yet somehow manage to drown themselves in a perfect storm of rancorous debate, conflicts of interest, and egofuelled connivance.

Just saying Or take that most genteel of English establishments, the reciprocating Hurlingham Club, where grass tennis courts blend with bowling greens amidst luxuriant grounds in the heart of London, SW6, and whose committee has been hounded out by vicious smears, in a well-orchestrated social media campaign. As its Chairman wrote in his resignation letter, “I am afraid that the pressures of being chairman have taken their toll. Most members are wonderful people who, as I do, want the best for their club, even if we may disagree on what that might be. Unfortunately, there is a minority who are unacceptably rude, prone to lengthy, detailed and aggressive email correspondence, and willing to engage in personal attacks via social media, often anonymously.”

Just imagine Curiously for this new age, it was the older generation that took greatest exception to improvements (to their West Wing, imagine!) recommended by members of the Hurlingham’s Main Committee. An anonymous social media warrior, “Bernie Boverill”, set up a website and launched a series of sniping attacks. After a flurry of electronic activism, a large number of disaffected members disrupted the AGM and, in what was described as a “cleansing tsunami”, a number of septuagenarians were voted in – none of whom have apparently seen fit to sign the Committee’s Code of Conduct. The declared aim? To make the Club a more congenial place for its membership. The execution? No rise in subscriptions; no new members; no catering for non-members; and a revision to the proposed improvements.

Well Eye never Members of more than a few years’ standing at this Club might recognise what lies next in store for the poor old Hurlingham. Standards fall, facilities decay, members accept reality, and levies and large subscription increases follow.

So Eye hear Muthaiga’s new Club Chairman vows to get younger members joining committees and the current committee claims to address the needs and tastes of the youth. How long before an anonymous “Martie Martyrmite” tweets ‘Enough!’ and lets slip the snap and snarl of social media?

Eye say Be glad at least you’re not a member of another Nairobi-based club. There, the membership divined sufficient skulduggery at committee level to warrant immediate overthrow. Allegations of corrupt procurement, tribalism and general malpractice abounded. Courts were involved, injunctions sought, and “pursuant to article 65(a)”, several committee members – some of them august pillars of the general establishment – were thrown out of the Club.

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


wines & mes sing

Visiting Chef Harangad Singh

Multi-award winning Chef Harangad Singh is the Corporate Chef of Biggie Hospitality, responsible for two very distinct restaurants in Gurgaon, India. The critically acclaimed Prankster and the whimsical wonderland of a restaurant called PraPraPrank. In both the restaurants, the ambience showcases Chef Harangad’s philosophy about food - it is fun, textural, appealing to the eye and, above all, tastes great. Chef Harangad specialises in Indian cuisine, and he is famous for his innovative Nostalgic Indian food, which focuses on freshness and the use of local ingredients. Trained under some of the finest Indian chefs, Chef Harangad has travelled extensively across India garnering inspiration from the diverse flavours of the subContinent, and the bounty of local markets. Scooping Best Chef of the Year 2018 at the Indian Restaurant Awards Chef Harangad will be visiting MCC in June to bring some of his whimsical culinary wonderland to Members to sample for themselves.

Sunny Sky Bauer @ MCC

Sunny Sky Bauer from Germany spent two weeks in the Club learning how different departments run.

Young intern from Germany Sunny-Sky Bauer recently spent two weeks shadowing various members of staff as they went about their daily tasks, to explore the different aspects of working in the hospitality sector. Sunny-Sky is a student at Landheim Ammersee School in Munich and he is pictured here being shown how to set a formal table for lunch, by MCC waiter Vincent Gacheru. Sunny-Sky enjoyed his internship at the Club, with the different environment, culture and language to understand, but of all the departments, he liked working in the bars most, preparing different drinks and cocktails. He would like to return one day, but next time as a Member!

Whisky Pairing Evening MCC’s Whisky Pairing Evening had to be postponed due to many Members embarking on a ‘Dry January’ after the excesses of Christmas! The new date for Whisky Pairing is still to be confirmed, but watch out because two new Scotch Whiskies will be launched and Members will have the exclusive opportunity to sample a pair of hitherto little-known single malts, among other peaty distillations.

Bulletin Board NEW PINKS MENU Pinks has a delicious new menu, which includes a fabulous selection of exciting culinary experiences.

GLOBAL SELECTION OF WINES BY THE GLASS W&M now serves over 30 different wines from ten different countries around the world, by the glass. Come and sample from our wide and delicious range, which includes vintages from the Mediterranean (France, Spain, Portugal, Israel, Portugal and Italy); from the USA and South America (Chile and Argentina) and from Australia and South Africa.

FREE WINE EVERY MONDAY! Enjoy a free glass of red or white wine with your lunch and/or dinner every Monday in the Club Dining Room.


Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

CHRISTMAS DRAW PRIZES Any Christmas Draw prizes that are not claimed by 30 April 2019 will be kept by the Club and put back into this year’s Christmas Draw. #@TWITTER In addition to our app and Instagram account (muthaigacountryclub) the Club has also just introduced an MCC Twitter account @muthaigaCC. Please follow us for news, updates and notifications and do #tag, tweet and talk to us in return! MCC SHOP The Club shop has got an exciting new range of MCC merchandise including Water Bottles, Travel Mugs, Silk Pocket Squares and …the MCC Duck! The challenge this issue is to name him and win dinner for two in the Main Dining Room, with a bottle of wine.

staff news



Elisha Jamhuri, Waiter - Pinks Restaurant; Naomi Kimani, Demi Chef - Kitchen; George Njuguna, Gardener - Grounds.

(From left) Moses Matila, Porter - Front Office; Anthony Nganga, Cleaner - Housekeeping; Bryon Visendi, Waiter - Club Dining; Bahati Mwendwa, Security Officer - Security.

Long Serving Staff November 2018

Long Serving Staff December 2018

Samuel Muturi F&B Controls Clerk (10 years); Eunice Mulwa ICT Manager (15 years); Maria Odongo Awori Head Chef (10 years); Caroline Wanjira Purchasing Officer (5 years) and Francis Muya Credit Control Accountant (10 years.)

Lawrence Kioko Assistant F&B Manager (5 years); Nancy Thuo Room Steward (20 years); Nicholas Mucwe F&B Captain (10 years) and Daniel Mukwala Cleaner (10 years)


Fire Marshall Training Fire Marshall Trainees underwent coaching in firefighting skills in the event of an accident, including the use of different fire extinguishers and first aid emergencies. As part of the fire prevention training they were also given instruction in raising levels of emergency preparedness among all employees to promote a culture of corporate safety.

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club



GILAD – Live @ MCC

One of Africa’s most up-and-coming artists GILAD aka ‘King of Love’ for his Swahili love songs, gave a sellout performance at MCC recently. The capacity crowd of fans were treated to a musical extravaganza beginning with Happy Hour on the Chairman’s Lawn followed by Gilad Live, and a sumptuous Brazilian menu for dinner also served on the Chairman’s Lawn. Gilad mingled with delighted fans and gave away copies of his CDs to a lucky few.

Romantic Valentine’s Dinner

Over 80 hopeless romantics enjoyed a magical Valentine’s Dinner, which included lobster, oysters, confit of duck, desserts for lovers to share and all in a haze of red roses!


When MCC’s own opera aficionada Edita Camm discovered that the Kenyan baritone, Zachariah Kariithi, was home in Kenya for a short Christmas holiday she invited him to bring his ‘Home Coming’ recital to the Club. He readily agreed to squeeze in a spectacular musical evening for MCC Members before his return to Germany where he is a much-valued member of the Hamburg Opera Studio. Zack was accompanied by the pianist Gacigi Kungu and joined by the well-known soprano Doreen Ziegler as a cameo guest performer.

Edita and Club Chairman Philip Coulson (far right) welcomed Zachariah and his supporting artists, giving each a souvenir present from MCC.

Muthaiga Book Club

‘The Old Maid and the Thief’

The eighth and last live staged opera produced by Edita Camm for OPERAtion Classics, ‘The Old Maid and the Thief,’ was performed at the Club in March. The evening was a tremendous success and a suitably dazzling finale to OPERAtion Classics’ illustrious repertoire that has spanned eight glorious years. Final Curtain Call for the cast of ‘The Old Maid and the Thief,’ and sadly, for the foreseeable future, to OPERAtion Classics. 8

Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

The Muthaiga Book Club members enjoyed meeting Eric Waithaka (pictured centre) the author of the novel – ‘Fireflies and Butterflies.’ The book meet spent an engaging evening together discussing the novel with Eric who also appreciated his readers’ comments and reactions to his first novel. The next Muthaiga Book Club Meet will be on the 7 May 2019 in the Blue Room. Book Club members have chosen to read ‘An American Marriage’ by Tayari Jones - a 2018 book pick by Barack Obama.


Austrian Pianist

Anna Magdalena Kokits Austrian born virtuoso pianist Anna Magdalena Kokits received her first piano lesson at the age of four and graduated from the Vienna Conservatorium Private University in 2013. As a prize winner of several national and international competitions, Anna Magdalena was giving her first solo performances with orchestras such as the Tonkünstler Orchester Niederösterreich and the Moscow Virtuosos, while still in her teens. Anna Magdalena devotes much of her time to contemporary music and is particularly interested in rediscovering lesser-known or forgotten repertoire. She has performed at major concert venues throughout the world, and will be performing live at the Club, courtesy of the Austrian Embassy in Nairobi, on 22 June. Be sure to book early to see this exciting young artist.

Nikon photography Workshop for Kids Introduce your kids to a fun new hobby this Easter Break. MCC will be hosting a 5-day photography course with professional Nikon photographer Caitlin Nordahl of MOD Photography. From the basics to advanced techniques, Caitlin will cover Framing & Composition, Exposure & Focus, Shutter speed, Aperture and Getting the Shot! Nikon DSLR cameras will be provided and at the end of the workshop there will be a photography exhibition where the kids will display their work. The Exhibition will coincide with the Children’s Easter Carnival on 19 April and parents and Members are all welcome. The course will be held on 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th & 17th April, from 10.30am - 12.30pm. There is limited space so sign up now to avoid disappointment. Nikon Photography Club is open to all children from 10 years old and up.

AFTERNOON BOOK CLUB The very popular MCC Book Club, which was set up last year by Tehmeena Manji, meets every six weeks in the Club in the evening to discuss a chosen book and, on some occasions, to meet the authors. Several more Members are tempted to join the Book Club but are unhappy about having to drive to the Club at night, so Rhodia Mann has proposed starting an Afternoon Book Club. If you are interested in joining or would like more information please contact Rhodia on rhodiamann@

CHILDREN’S EASTER CARNIVAL on Friday 19 April 12 noon – 5.00pm Pinks Lawn

MCC will be hosting a fabulous Easter Carnival for junior members. Kicking off at noon on Good Friday (19 April) kiddies will enjoy an afternoon full of fun and entertainment, starting with a special Easter buffet lunch, followed by games, crafts and face-painting; a puppet show and clown and ending with a wonderful Easter egg hunt to launch into a very Happy Easter weekend!

MCC Bollywood Ball 8 June 2019 Pinks Lawn 7.00pm until Dawn

A DAY AT THE RACES 14 April 2019 Kenya Derby MCC Marquee 12 Noon Ngong Racecourse April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


forthcoming events

Larry Soffer – Mentalist, Illusionist & Magician Larry Soffer always dreamed of becoming an international star in the fascinating realm of magic and mentalism. Inspired by the artistry and showmanship of famous magician David Copperfield, Larry enrolled at the College of Magic in Cape Town at the age of 13.

Larry is an extremely popular live show performer, his shows are a highly interactive combination of mind reading, metal bending, telekinesis and comedy. By revealing their inner most thoughts, controlling their actions and predicting their every move, Larry captivates his audiences with his unforgettable style of entertainment.

Four years later, he graduated with a Silver Medallion, the highest accolade bestowed by the College, and scooped several National and Provincial Championships.

Larry Soffer - Mentalist, Illusionist & Magician - will be performing live at MCC on Friday May 10, in the Ballroom at 7.00pm. Book early for what promises to be a truly mind-blowing evening.

Fo r t h c o m i ng E v e n t s APRIL 2019 World of Wines – Wine Tasting with Jimmy Smith

1–4 April, CDR, 7.00pm.

Junior Members Sports Camp

1–12 April, MCC Fitness Centre, Monday – Friday 9.00am – 12.15pm.

Millinery Hat Exhibition – Lali Heath 5 & 6 April, Peristyle 6.00 pm – 9.00 pm on Friday Wine & Cheese Fair

6 April, Centenary Lawn, 11.00am – 4.30pm.

Opera Night – ‘Anastasia’

11 April, Ballroom, 6.30pm.

A Day at the Races - Kenya Derby

14 April, Ngong Racecourse, 12.00 noon.

Children’s Easter Carnival

19 April, Pinks Lawn, 12.00pm – 4.00pm.

Easter Sunday – Special Lunch

21 April, Pinks & CDR, from 12.30pm.

Squash Tournament – Eastern Squash Tournament

24-26 April, Squash Courts, 4.30pm.

Live Musical Evening – Agakura and Hannah Emmrich

25 April, Ballroom, 6.30pm.

Tennis Tournament – ‘Les Grands Chats’ - Mixed Doubles 55+ players

28 April, Tennis Courts, 9.00am.

Club Night – Happy Hour (50% off all drinks)

26 April, Popsy Bar, 5.30 – 7.30pm.

Pinks Film Night – ‘Mrs. Henderson Presents’

27 April, Mkutano Room, 6.30pm.

Bowls Tournament – MCC vs Caledonian Society

28 April, Bowling Green.

MAY 2019 Art Exhibition – Geraldine Robarts

2–5 May, Peristyle, 9.00am – 8.00pm.

Bowls Tournament – MCC vs. KCC (Mackenzie Shield)

4–5 May, Saturday at KCC, Sunday at MCC.

MCC Book Club Meet – ‘An American Marriage’ by Tayari Jones

7 May, Blue Room, 7.00pm.

Ballet Night – ‘Margot’

9 May, Ballroom, 6.30pm

Magical Evening – with Magician & Illusionist Larry Soffer

10 May, Ballroom, 7.00pm.

Mothers’ Day Lunch 12 May, CDR Terrace & Centenary Lawn, from 12.30pm. Tennis Tournament - Wilson Cup - MCC vs. Karen Club

19 May, Karen CC.

Live Concert – Doreen Ziegler & Cody Thomas

23 May, Ballroom, 6.30pm

Pinks Film Night - ‘Angela’s Ashes’

25 May, Mkutano Room, 6.30pm.

Club Night Special - Live Band - Happy Hour (50% off all drinks)

31 May, Chairman’s Lawn, 5.30 – 7.30pm.

JUNE 2019


Bollywood Ball

8 June, Pinks Lawn, 7.00pm until dawn.

Bowls Tournament – Club Pairs

8–9 June, Bowling Green.

Tennis Tournament – MCC’s King & Queen of Clay

9 June, Tennis Court, 9.00am.

Film Night – ‘Shakespeare in Italy’

13 June, Ballroom, 6.30pm.

Fathers’ Day BBQ – Cars & Whisky

15 June, Chairman’s Lawn, 11.30am.

Live Piano Recital – Anna Magdalena Kokits

22 June, Ballroom, 6.30pm.

Chairman’s Reception

25 June, Garden Room Lawn, 6.30pm.

Club Night – Happy Hour (50% off all drinks)

28 June, Popsy Bar, 5.30 – 7.30pm.

Pinks Film Night – ‘Corelli’s Mandoline’

29 June, Mkutano Room, 6.30pm.

Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

Dates and times of events were correct at the time of going to Press. They may change post printing so please check with the Events Office when making your bookings.

& 9.00 am – 5.00 pm on Saturday.


Bird Quiz These photographs of water birds were taken in Karen Can you identify the nine water birds in the two pictures? And which is the odd one out? Answers on Page 29.

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


bow ls The Captain’s Day Spoon 2019 was well supported with 20 bowlers participating. The winning team is pictured here from left - Grace Cunningham, John Porter (Captain), Ian Stamp and Mike Craig. For my first tournament as Bowls Captain we hosted the Kenya Irish Society (KIS). Thanks to the hard work of Gerry Cunningham who trained up many members and encouraged their participation, we numbered 32 MCC bowlers on the green. Having given the KIS a generous handicap of eight shots per game it was looking like my term as Captain would be the shortest ever at the coffee break, but MCC held their nerve to turn it all around and win by a ten shot difference overall. Gerry Cunningham donated and presented a perpetual trophy, along with prizes for the winning pair - Alan Collis and Willie Watson; Mike Craig the winning skip of the KIS; and both Lesley Mullan and David Smith - the winners of the Spider.

Captain's Day Spoon players.

The 2-4-2 Pairs sponsored by Gail and Eric Langton was played in two leagues. Using a very effective new technique, Alan Collis and Essie Ndungu won the Spider. Ian Stamp and Gerry Cunningham won the main competition with Oliver Fowler and Alan Collis runners-up. For the Two Wood Triples sponsored by Sheelagh Zagoritis congratulations go to the winners Oliver Fowler, Rob Porter and Marion Smith. Sheelagh kindly sponsored a Spider won by Ian Stamp and Maureen Lilygreen and prizes for both the winners - Oliver Fowler, Rob Porter and Marion Smith and runners-up Ian Stamp, Pam and Lesley Mullan. It has been a very encouraging start to the New Year and I urge all Members to take advantage of this wonderful facility. Ian Stamp Bowls Captain

Fo r t h c o m i ng E v e n t s 28 APRIL – MCC vs. Caledonian Society 4/5 MAY – MCC vs. KCC (Mackenzie Shield) Saturday at KCC, Sunday at MCC 8/9 JUNE – Club Pairs – Sponsored by Marion and Gordon Weston


TENNIS VS SQUASH CHALLENGE 2019 This year the Squash Section won the Racquets Trophy emphatically, winning both on the squash and tennis courts. Victorious Squash Section with the Racquets Trophy held by triumphant Captain Walter Kuoni with humbled Tennis Captain John Goodwin (far right.)

Fo r t h c o m i ng E v e n t s The Eastern Squash Tournament will be held between 24 & 26 April starting at 04.30 pm. Closing of admission will be Tuesday 23 April.


Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019


MCC TENNIS REPORT – MARCH 2019 It has been a busy quarter for competitions and noticeably, I am happy to note, that more players are out on the courts during the week and ‘Evening Tennis’ is beginning to take off at last.


Our first ‘Grand Slam’ Tournament - the Aussie Open attracted only eighteen players who competed on a roundrobin basis within two graded Pools. ‘The Dingos’ (Claudio Acioly & Patsy Chapman) were the outright winners of the stronger Pool whilst the “Echidnas” (Sebastian Wichman & Naomi Ndolo) emerged as winners of the Intermediate Pool. Aussie Champs ‘The Dingos’ Patsy Chapman & Claudio Acioly, winners of the stronger Pool.

‘The Echidnas’ Naomi Ndolo & Sebastian Wichman, winners of the Aussie Open Intermediate Pool.


In our annual encounter with the Squash section, in the Racquets challenge, embarrassingly and unexpectedly, the Tennis team was beaten at tennis. Furthermore, we were absolutely trounced on the Squash courts by 36 – 1 games. Hardly a successful day for the Tennis section, nevertheless we all enjoyed the morning of sport and a friendly, joint lunch afterwards at Pinks!

M ATATA T R O P H Y 2 0 1 9

This was a mixed doubles competition for spouses and partners. Preliminary rounds were held on a round- robin basic within two mixed ability Pools; the winning pair in each group faced each other in a Grand Final to determine who would be the next holders of this most prestigious wooden “Matata Trophy”. The two finalists, Pamela Bitenge and Bitange Ndemo facing up to Tamara Krautkramer and Harold Zagunis entertained everybody with some superb play. Pamela and Bitange eventually came out on top with a 4/2 win. Finally, despite the lack of water-pressure for watering the courts, Omega and his crew should be congratulated for their efforts for maintaining the courts in difficult, dry conditions. John Goodwin – Tennis Captain

MEN’S AND L A D I E S ' D OU B L E S This event was introduced for the very first time in February. Pairings were decided on arrival, by picking names out of a hat. Separating the two sexes for a change, surprisingly, appeared to be quite a popular move! Competition was fierce in both sections with Pamela Bitange and Suzi Tilson dominating the Ladies’ section and Paul McLellan & Gachara Ng’ang’a emerging as outright winners in the Men’s Pool.

Winners of the Men’s Doubles Paul McLellan & Gachara Ng’ang’a.

Winners of the Ladies’ Doubles Suzi Tilson & Pamela Bitange.

Forthcoming Tennis Events


Les Grands Chats Mixed Doubles Competition for our 55+ players.

19 MAY

Wilson Cup - MCC vs. Karen Club (to be played at Karen) supporters welcome.


MCC’s ‘King & Queen’ of Clay.

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


Muthaiga Clu

The West Wing of Muthaiga Club was built in 1947 and over infamous) guests. They have also had a lot of wear and tear an the Committee embarked upon a total overhaul of the rooms proofed and reconfigured.

Three different designers, including MCC Member Per Geh ensure a variety of styles and give the rooms a significant upg club rooms for our Members, foreign and domestic.

Most of the renovated rooms now have elegant new bathrooms showers, a mini bar, Nespresso-style coffee machines, in-room hair dryers as well as smart TVs and air conditioning. The bed Hypnos mattresses, feather pillows and duvets with Egyptian co

These twelve beautifully redecorated and modernised rooms use and have been very well received by those booking them. Members has actually gone down while visiting, reciprocating rates competitive with the Nairobi market place.

The remaining ten rooms on the first floor are slated for refu July and we look forward to many more of you staying at the C


Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

ub West Wing

the decades has hosted many famous (and sometimes nd no major maintenance work over the decades. Recently s – twelve of which have been completely gutted, damp-

heb, Savannah Designs and Purple Dot, were engaged to grade in look and feel. The mission was to create world-class

s with walk-in m safes and ds have luxury otton linen.

are now in The price for g Members pay

urbishment in Club.

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


members’ ac hievements

Ladies’ Polo International All Africa vs. England (also from Kenya) Sally Jellis and Tiki Brown, both from Zambia. Tiva’s team put up a fierce challenge for the tournament but lost by one goal in the final seconds of the match.

Young MCC Member Tiva Gross (pictured far right) was selected to captain the Ladies’ All-Africa team to play against England in the King’s Head Hotel Ladies’ International at Cirencester Polo Club last year. The team was selected by a variety of committees throughout Africa and Tiva led a strong team, which included Izzy Parsons

Tiva - currently world number 6 in the Ladies’ polo rankings – has played polo for Kenya in over ten countries including Singapore, Florida, Australia, New Zealand, Barbados, France, Spain and Argentina. “Representing our continent against a prestigious England team was a great privilege and it was an honour to captain such a talented and enthusiastic team, who displayed the depth of talent that we have in women’s Polo in Africa. We were thrilled with our achievement and look forward to a rematch in Africa in 2020.”

Tiva Gross Captain All-Africa Ladies Polo Team.

Young Member’s Crusade Against Single-Use Plastic Five-year-old Eco-warrior Aaryan (son of MCC Members Kunal and Ekta Bid) is on a crusade to rid the world of single-use plastic, in a mission to save our oceans and environment. His campaign to rid the world of plastic litter began when he saw how much trash was dropped in the National Parks and public areas he visited around the country, and he was horrified by the amount of floating plastic litter he saw washed up on the beach, on a recent visit to the coast. “We only see the litter on the beach, most of it stays in the sea and gets eaten by the fish and turtles and it kills them. My campaign is to try to get people to stop using plastics and to give the oceans, and all the sea creatures, a chance.”

In his undertaking to sensitise people on the dangers of littering our environment with plastic, Aaryan, with the help of his parents, has started a petition for the United Nations Environment Programme through So far Aaryan’s crusade has inspired over 2,300 people to sign and he hopes that MCC Members will also join his campaign and help him reach his target of 2,500 signatures. To sign Aaryan’s petition click on this link: “Our parents have only borrowed this world from us, so please help me ensure it is still around for many more generations.”

Eco-warrior Aaryan Kunal Bid ridding the world of single-use plastic straws.


Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

Aaryan Kunal Bid (age 5)

members’ achievements

Bucket List Takes Flight Working through his ‘Bucket List’ Bruce Field recently went to UK to take a flight in a vintage Tiger Moth aircraft. On a slightly overcast day, flying from the rear command seat, Bruce took off from the lovely all-grass airfield out of White Waltham, in Berkshire with Robin Russell (ex Tigoni) in his 1930s Tiger Moth. Here he describes how high on his Bucket List he managed to loop, roll and dive. “Flying in the open cockpit to an airfield west of White Waltham, Robin executed several loops then, on our return, he talked me through three more, wildly exciting, as when inverted the Gipsy engine cuts out and only coughs back into life when the propeller ‘windmills’ once speed is gained heading for the ground! Back at base base we headed for the pumps to refuel, and behind us up pulls a Hurricane and a Spitfire! The RAF had being doing displays close by to celebrate its centenary. While chatting with the RAF support team they suggested that I contact Aero Legends to continue my Bucket List trip, so I headed for Headcorn near Ashford in Kent. The dual control Spitfire has a busy schedule, taking off on the hour. My slot was 4pm. Another all-grass airfield and a stunning blue day. I’m introduced to ‘Parky’ - ex Red Arrows and every other fighter jet going, recently retired from the RAF. His pre-flight briefing was brief....“Put the parachute on, this is a vintage air craft, if I say jump, jump!” Oh, I thought Robin had offered no such option in the Tiger Moth!” “Having got airborne Parky immediately handed control over to me. We slipped into a 60° turn to the right and I caught sight of that legendary elliptical wing against the blue sky - I had read about these planes in comics when I was a kid and unbelievably, here I was taking the controls. In minutes we were flying over the white cliffs of Dover, France looked so close I thought I could reach out and touch it. We flew level with the top of the cliffs, skimming past people walking their dogs. Parky took over and dipped the nose for speed and pulled up into a gentle loop, we did a few more on the way home, together with a series of rolls - I’m still reveling in the recall...” Bruce Field

Bruce back in Kenya with his more regular flying machine.

From left – Mini Members Georgiana Fernandes, Coco Llewellen, Edith Hobbs (and not so mini, Caroline Thouless and Yoyo Volak) Elsa Dyer, Lily Llewellen and Bimbi Dyer.

Mount Up 4 Mount Kenya Mini Members saddled up their ponies to take part in the 10to4 Altitude Horse Ride to raise money in support of the Mount Kenya Trust. As part of the 10to4 Mountain Bike Challenge, the Altitude Horse Ride took seven hours to complete, riding 22km through the beautiful wilderness of Borana Conservancy. The mini Members, were part of a posse of 25 riders, who between them raised over 1.2 million shillings. The money will

go towards funding conservation projects on Mount Kenya including fencing, horse patrols, education, fire fighting, tree nurseries, re-forestation programmes and maintaining the elephant corridor. Organised by Ride@Altitude, the horses were supplied by Borana and Ngarendare stables and a delicious picnic lunch was provided by Caroline Thouless. April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


Hunter History

…100 Years On


The first of my family to arrive in Kenya was my great uncle, Ewart Grogan in 1904. He was followed by my grandfather and grandmother, Wilfred and Dorothy Hunter (Ewart’s sister) in 1906. Uncle Ewart was an active entrepreneur and in 1912, he organised Major Archie Morrison, a very wealthy man undertaking a Kenya safari, to stay at his previous home, Chiromo. This initiative brought about uncle Ewart introducing Archie Morrison to a business agent called Freddie Ward, who was leasing Chiromo. This three way interaction led to Archie Morrison committing to large investments, including purchasing land at Muthaiga. However Archie Morrison made it conditional that the development of the land must include a club and he made out a cheque for £60,000 for that purpose. Interestingly Archie Morrison never visited Kenya again. Whilst uncle Ewart was the ‘get up and go getter’, his enterprises were not always without problems and so he turned to his brother-in-law – my grandfather William C Hunter, who had a more solid and steady personality, to be his trusty lieutenant and factor. My grandfather’s loyalty and professionalism in that role, led to him being appointed in a similar role to Lord

W.C. Hunter Delamere and a host of other settlers under his own company – W.C. Hunter & Sons. It is therefore not surprising that Freddie Ward turned to him for taking on, with others, a major role in overseeing the building of Muthaiga Club. The Club officially opened on New Year’s Eve 1913, with 14 members attending the dinner. The start was a struggle in terms of getting Members, let alone committee members, with the situation not being helped by the 1914-18 war years, on account of which, no AGM was held until January 1920.

Ewart Grogan 18

Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

That AGM brought about my grandfather becoming ‘Chairman of Committees’ which he continued to be until 1950 – a period of service for some 30 years. In 1932, he was also elected President and in that capacity continued for a few more years after 1950. Charles Taylor took over in 1950 as Chairman of Committees for a couple of years, and I will come back to him later in this story. My grandparents had three sons of which the youngest Alan Hunter was my father. In 1927, Hunter & Sons was sold to Dalgety’s, but my Grandfather and my uncle Geoffrey were retained and in 1931 my father, aged 18, returned

Hunter History In 1935 my father married Diana Graham, daughter of Nigel and Lilian Graham. My Graham grandparents came to Kenya in the early twenties under the soldier settler scheme and took up residence on a farm at Njoro. The farming did not do well and the marriage was also falling apart. These circumstances led to Nigel Graham becoming Club Secretary in 1932, a position he held until September 1939. But the maternal family link does not end there. My grandmother Lilian Graham took on the role of Club Cateress in 1957, and served in that capacity until 1961. She was marvellous in producing great food, and helped the Club maintain its well-deserved reputation of having an excellent cuisine. I mentioned that I would come back to Charles Taylor. My uncle Donald Graham married Charles and Kit Taylor’s daughter, Kathini - thus forming another family link with close ties to the Club.

Nigel Hunter to Kenya and joined them. I am not sure when he was elected to the Committee, but he became Chairman of Committees in 1952, which he held until resigning in 1962, on being posted to London by Dalgety’s. So for some 40 years my grandfather and father oversaw the running of the Club. My grandfather was involved in the smooth transition of a proprietary club owned by Morrison Estates to its status as Muthaiga Country Club. He also oversaw the transition from a club struggling financially, particularly during the thirties, to a prosperous situation as evidenced by the membership reaching a ceiling of 850 members in 1951, with a waiting list of 59. My father went on to help the Club come through the difficult ‘emergency’ period, in terms of staffing problems from 1952 to 1957, in addition to membership conflict and the run up to independence.

My own links to the Club are a lot less illustrious. Living in Muthaiga as a child, I got to enjoy using the Club’s facilities and taking part in many activities. In 1962, when I came back to Kenya for a gap year, I no longer had a home base, so the Club became my home when staying in Nairobi. This and my family connections led to my being requested to oversee the Muthaiga Tent at the Annual Agricultural Show in 1962, which I enjoyed doing, but thereafter until 2001, I lived and worked away from Kenya. But in the 60s, the Club was offering Life Membership for what my memory says was a one-off fee of £20. I paid up and I have been a Member of MCC for 56 years, but with hindsight, the life membership offer must have benefitted me far more than it has benefitted the Club. To conclude my family have therefore been part of the Club ever since it opened in 1913, a total of 106 years. There cannot be many families left with that length of involvement.

Nigel Hunter – April 2019

COMPETITION Question: This is the brother of a famous person – name him. Prize: The first correct entry that we receive will win dinner for two with

a bottle of House Wine in either Pinks or the Club Dining Room. Please send your answers to Answer to our October – December 2018 Competition QUESTION: This is the Dustpan Store taken in 1918. What did it sell and on which road in Nairobi was it located? ANSWER: The Dustpan Store sold household goods on Government Road (now Moi Avenue.) WINNER: Annelise Schonneman

DID YOU KNOW? Government Road was one of the first roads to be built in Nairobi. It was initially known as First Station Road as it was the road on which Nairobi Railway was located. The road quickly became home to many government offices and buildings - and the Dustpan Store - and in 1901 it was renamed Government Road. Politician Tom Mboya was gunned down on Government Road on 5 July 1969 and there is a monument in his memory in front of Hilton Park. The road was later renamed Moi Avenue, after President Daniel Arap Moi.

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


edita’s ballet and opera programme This quarter starts with a highly dramatic ballet - ‘Anastasia’. Choreographed by the great Kenneth MacMillan to the atmospheric music by Tchaikovsky with Natalia Osipova in the title role. ‘Anastasia’ explores one of the great historical mysteries of the 20th century only recently resolved. This is a powerful psychological challenge for the lead dancer who has to portray the distorting mirror of memory, time and place. ‘Anastasia’ will be screened on Thursday 11 April in the Ballroom at 6.30pm. To celebrate Prima Ballerina Margot Fonteyn’s centenary (born 19 May 1919) I have chosen ‘Margot’ the most comprehensive documentary about her life from birth to her death. Margot Fonteyn was the greatest dancer of her era that England had ever produced. In her life she transcended the world of dance and became a tabloid darling and a true celebrity. And when already in her forties Margot teamed up with the young Rudolf Nureyev. Their artistic and sexual chemistry electrified the world. Her façade of fastidious primness masked a dark torrent within. Margot‘s life was the stuff of unimaginable fiction and the film contains a wealth of excerpts from her most famous ballets.

Music a la Carte with Doreen Ziegler and Cody Thomas. German coloratura soprano Doreen Ziegler, who has enchanted audiences at MCC and in Kenya for many years, will be giving her last performance at the Club in May. In this live concert she is partnered by tenor/pianist Cody Thomas, music teacher at West Nairobi School and Music master of OPERAtion Classics. During his stay Cody has been very busy on the Nairobi classical music scene, mostly as a pianist, but he is also fully trained tenor with a lovely voice. Doreen & Cody’s repertoire will be a delightful variety of excerpts from musicals and operettas, producing a light, amusing and entertaining farewell performance.

‘Musical a la Carte’ with Doreen Ziegler and Cody Thomas will be performed on 23 May, in the Ballroom at 6.30pm. This quarter ends with a documentary about Shakespeare. Seven years of Shakespeare’s life have never been accounted for. Nobody knows where he went or what he was up to. The documentary ‘Shakespeare in Italy’ finds evidence that he probably spent these years in Italy since over one third of his plays are set there. Filmed in Verona, Venice and Rome, with some stunning photography, this documentary offers an unexpected slant on some of his best-known plays.

‘Margot’ will be screened on 9 May, in the Ballroom at 6.30pm. 20

Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

‘Shakespeare in Italy’ will be screened on 13 June, in the Ballroom at 6.30pm.

book reviews

New Arrivals HOUSE OF GLASS by Susan Fletcher The story opens on the verge of WWI. It is a somewhat gothic tale, often reminiscent of the Brontes. A young girl, orphaned and semi-crippled by a bone abnormality, becomes interested in tropical plants and flowers. She accepts an offer to create a greenhouse for a large country house, allegedly haunted by a member of the family who previously occupied it. But no one will talk about these nightly incidents. The current owner is absent, only returning occasionally, locals either gossip, inventing what they don’t know, or remain ominously silent. A psychiatric ‘ghost expert’ arrives, but mystery follows mystery. When the dénoument comes, it is extremely complicated, and not entirely convincing, but one reads on, for the story is certainly intriguing, and an interesting study of women and rural England before WWI.

HEADS YOU WIN by Geoffrey Archer A new novel by Archer is always well received, but at the same time can occasionally disappoint, probably because he has set himself impossibly high standards which his readers have come to expect of him. ‘Heads You Win’ has a dramatic beginning in Russia. After the first few chapters Archer uses a strange technique, in some ways similar to ‘Cain and Abel’, but is confusing until one realises his modus operandi has changed. The settings are mainly Britain and USA. One becomes used to the style he has chosen and the story continues readably until its conclusion which does not seem to fit in with the rest of the book. It is as though Archer suddenly and unaccountably grew tired and sought the quickest and easiest way out to end a long and sometimes complex plot, leaving readers with a story that surprises, but suddenly just fizzles out.

DAMAGED by Martina Cole Retired detective Kate Burrows is summoned from her home life to solve another case: a serial killer has murdered schoolgirls, all from the same school. Helping her previous colleague Annie, Kate sees the situation grow more critical with each murder. Cole is a master storyteller, but she has chosen a nasty subject peopled mostly by even nastier characters. One point she does bring out loud and clear is the damage done to young girls through living their entire life on the internet, consequently losing any grasp on a real life they might have had. Cole’s persistent use of the ‘f’ word, is tedious and only adds bad taste to an already sordid story. It’s difficult to understand how she has more number one best sellers under her belt than any other author.

THE MAN WITH NO FACE by Peter May Peter May always writes an original story with more than average skills. This particular novel was first published in 1981 when May was probably relatively unknown. The action takes place in 1979 Brussels, with a British general election imminent. As we know, this was a pre-computer/internet age, consequently news did not move as fast as nowadays. May has rewritten and altered the original text as necessary, although the setting remains the same. It is a tale of murder, politics and intrigue that is complicated and compelling, also involving a small autistic girl, Tania, her carer and a reporter. The plot keeps you reading, but sharpen your wits to its complexities. You may, as I did, feel more involved with Tania’s fate than with any other side of the story. As yet, no book of May’s has excelled the brilliance of the Lewis Trilogy.

LIBRARY CHARGES The Library Committee has decided to change the way we charge Members for using the Library and revert back to the old system. We will keep the option for Members or guests to be charged Ksh 200/- per book if they do not want to take out a full membership, but will reinstate the Family Membership category. This means any family member can take a book out under one family subscription; the existing rules on the number and category of books taken out per individual will remain the same. The charge will be Ksh 3,000/- for the year payable on 1 July each year or, if you join later in the year, the annual fee will be prorated. This charging will start on 1 July 2019 and the existing subscriptions and terms will continue until then.

Patrick Fox Library Committee

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club



A Life in the Day of …

Terry Stevenson - Ornithologist, Birdwatching Tour Leader and Author.

As one of Africa and India’s foremost bird-tour guides, Terry Stevenson leads bird watching safaris across the African continent and India. Terry is the senior author of the Field Guide to the Birds of East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi, and also coauthor of Birds of the Horn of Africa: Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Somalia and Socotra. He is currently working on a new guide to the Birds of Greater Southern Africa, and, when not on tour, lives with his partner Jane on their farm near Mount Kenya.

What does your work entail? I am responsible for developing and leading birding tours in Africa and India for the worldwide Bird-Watching tour company – Field Guides. A typical safari lasts up to 28 days but we have just introduced a shorter trip to accommodate clients with short vacations. The aim of my tours is to show clients as many different species of bird as possible. There are more different habitats in Kenya than anywhere 22

Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

else in Africa and, although Ecuador, Columbia and Peru have more species of birds, there are no big mammals. If you want to see a combination of birds and mammals, Kenya is unbeatable anywhere in the world.

How did you come to do this? My passion for birding began when I was 12 and living in Yorkshire. I knew very little about Kenya but I did know there were more birds there than in Yorkshire! I came to Kenya when I was 21 while I was studying at Art School. I thought visiting Kenya would inspire my art and satisfy my dream of seeing more exotic birds. I walked from Maralal to Lake Baringo and eventually set up camp on the lakeshore. I soon found myself pointing out birds to tourists and Jean and Michael Skinner, who owned Baringo Lodge in 1974, hired me as the Lodge bird guide. I never went back to Art School.

Your typical day starts at…? Birds are most active immediately after dawn and they sing to announce their territory, so I get up before dawn when it is easiest to find and identify them from their song.

On a typical bird tour in Kenya we will visit Samburu (semi-arid land) Lake Baringo (water birds) Maasai Mara (grassland) and the coast (Sokoke Forest) and we will see up to 700 bird species and over 60 mammals. We either return for a late breakfast or take a picnic. In hot places the birds are quiet in the middle of the day, so we go out again in the late afternoon and evening. If we are not in one of the National Parks, which close at 7pm, we will also go out at night to try and spot nocturnal species.

What is your most memorable occasion? Breaking the world record (three years in a row) for seeing the most species of birds in one day. In 1986 a bird spotting competition was held to raise money for Gertrude’s Garden Children’s Hospital and my team set a new world record for seeing 330 species in one day in Kenya (and hearing an additional 12) the record, all done in Kenya, still stands today. I am also very proud to have helped get Kenya known as a worldwide birding destination and internationally recognised as one of the world’s greatest birding areas.

Interview What is the best part of your job? I really enjoy being out in the wilderness pointing out birds to people who have travelled across the world especially to see what Africa has to offer. I never get tired of pointing out the birds, telling them something about their life history and then sharing their enthusiasm. Every trip has unique magical moments. In the last 15 years a number of young Kenyans have become fantastic local guides, and I am proud that, together with my co-author John Fanshawe, we have given away hundreds of copies of our book, helping them identify more species and make a living as local guides. It is particularly satisfying to work with these young guides as they offer protection for birds in their area – especially the rarer species. The only way to keep habitats intact and safe for the future is to engage the interest and support of young Kenyans.

Terry leading a bird tour in the Arabuko Sokoke Forest in Kenya And I still have a love of the art scene and really enjoy visiting galleries, particularly of contemporary art.

What ambitions/future plans What is the worst part of your do you have for your work? job? One day I’d like to visit New Zealand to see the Accounts! I don’t enjoy the paperwork and reports I have to write after each trip.

What do you enjoy doing in your downtime after work? When I’m not leading a bird tour I love just being at home with my partner Jane and my dogs. I also enjoy travelling to places I wouldn’t typically go to on a birding tour.

birds there, but I am currently working on a revision of the Field Guide to the Birds of East Africa, which contains 1400 species of birds. Since it was first published in 2000, 15 species of birds have occurred in East Africa for the first time and they need to be added to the new edition. I am also working on another book in the same format – ‘Field Guide to the Birds of Greater Southern Africa.’

If you weren’t an Ornithologist what would you like to do? I would love to be a painter – I like abstract art (the kind that needs thinking about!)

And as a child, what did you want to grow up to be? Even as a child I wanted to be a Bird Watcher. I mentioned this to my Careers Adviser at school and he told me not to be ridiculous!

Terry at home

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


Reciprocal Clubs Reviews

The East India Club Staying at the East India Club on St James’ Square in the summer was a delight. The welcome was warm, and the service, throughout my week there, was first-rate. Founded in the middle of the 19th century, The East India Club, as its name suggests, was the London “home” to many of the ‘servants of the East India Company’ and Commissioned Officers of Her Majesty’s Army and Navy. The legacy of those early members, home on furlough from far-flung lands, continues today and the club retains its international connections through its reciprocal arrangements with similar clubs throughout the world. It is an ideal base for those Muthaiga Members visiting the west end of London. Now amalgamated with the Public Schools Club, the Sports Club and the Devonshire, it carries a great deal of tradition within its history. It was to the East India Club that the Duke of Wellington’s dispatch announcing victory at Waterloo was delivered, and the American Bar is so named after it was bomb-damaged in the 1940s and allied officers persuaded the club to rebuild in the half timbered style that was so cherished in pubs across the land at the time. Situated in a fine classical building on St James Square in the heart of historic London, it is an easy fifteen-minute walk to the West End theatres including the Royal Opera House at Covent Garden, and should your business require it, Buckingham Palace and Westminster. St James’ Church Piccadilly is two minutes away where there are free music recitals at lunchtimes, and the fabulous shops of Jermyn and Regent Streets.

As well as a formal dining room, gym, snooker room, business centre, library, drawing rooms, bars, private dining and meeting rooms, the East India Club has sixty-six bedrooms with a selection of single and double rooms with en-suite bathrooms. All bedrooms have air-conditioning, Wi-Fi, satellite TV, tea and coffee tray, telephone and daily maid service. I had a single ensuite bedroom, which was modern and well appointed and the breakfast, included in the reasonable room rate, was delicious and very generous. The club boasts excellent, moderately priced food and wine and a friendly, clique-less atmosphere. The fare is classic British Club food alongside Indian and simple French dishes. I recommend the East India Club, it maintains high standards of dress, but it was a great place to stay, entertain friends and make the most of London.

Deborah Goodhart

The Pretoria Country Club On a recent visit to Pretoria, we called in on the Pretoria Country Club for lunch. The Pretoria Country Club dates back to 1910 when, 300 members gathered and formed the founder members group. Even back then the facilities offered to members included the use of a Club House, a lake, tennis courts and croquet lawns, and an 18-hole golf course. Ever since the Pretoria Country Club has been renowned for being a quality sports and social venue. Nobody could tell us the exact acreage of the Club grounds, but they are extensive, and is located in Waterkloof, one of the city’s most prestigious suburbs, and represents a welcome ‘green oasis’ in Pretoria’s otherwise rather dense concrete jungle. With two top class bowling greens, six allweather tennis courts, six squash courts, a lake and the 72-hole golf course which underwent a major redesign in 2005 by the Gary Player Group (currently rated in the Top 50 courses in the country) the Pretoria 24

Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

Country Club has become a landmark in Pretoria. The Pretoria Club is steeped in ‘good taste’, but we found the buildings were overly dark and sombre for us. However, the staff were very friendly and welcoming. The heavy decor was relieved by a quite exquisite lunch on the terrace of the Club’s Blu Saffron restaurant, offering a spectacular view over the finishing greens of the golf course. Jean had what she described as the best roast duck she has ever had, and my grilled salmon, followed by Gurnard (first time ever for me) were both excellent. The dessert selection also looked impressive, but our return flight prevented us from sampling! Nevertheless, well worth the visit and guests should look out for the Sunday Lunch Menus in the Pavilion. Pretoria Country Club is a gourmet and golfer’s paradise, and well recommended, despite the fact that it is non-residential.

Barrie Thomas

Reciprocal Clubs Reviews

Leander Club Leander Club, with 124 Olympic and 3 Paralympic medals to its credit, is the most successful rowing club in the world. It is home base to Olympians Sir Steve Redgrave CBE, Sir Matthew Pinsent CBE, and James Cracknell OBE, among many others. Leander Club has around 3,600 members from around the world, who can enjoy a full calendar of events, services and privileges throughout the year including, most famously, Henley Royal Regatta. First established in 1818 on the south bank of the River Thames, Leander Club moved several times until, in 1897, land was purchased in Henley-on-Thames, where the current Clubhouse was built.

But Leander Club is far more than a rowing club. It is a boutique B&B in the heart of Henley-on-Thames with eleven well-appointed en-suite bedrooms, many of which have stunning views of the Henley Royal Regatta course. All the bedrooms have a rowing-themed décor with en-suite bathroom – reflecting the image of some of the more famous rowing clubs around the world – all with tea and coffee-making facilities, TV, telephone and Wi-Fi, and complimentary English breakfast.

Last year MCC sent an email out to all MCC Members forwarded from The Leander Club inviting reciprocating members to attend the Royal Regatta at Henley. We know nothing about rowing but thought it must be a fun day out, so we signed up. Our tickets and programme arrived in due course and it included the dress code details. Cue for me to head off to the shops as it clearly stated, “Hats for ladies are not compulsory but much encouraged.” I needed no more encouragement.

The Regatta took place in early July. Upon arrival, we were greeted by the Maitre d’. We were intrigued to see how rigorously the dress code was enforced – gents without jackets were requested to purchase a Club jacket and ladies with hemlines above the knee were shown the nearest dress shop. We wandered round the main viewing area (seeking out the Champagne and oyster bars) before heading back to the Club for lunch. The dining area was superbly laid out in the Club colours of pink and green and the four-course luncheon was

magnificent. And, just like the River Thames, the Champagne kept flowing. We watched a couple of races and then took a boat trip down the Thames to watch a few races up close. We were made to feel like old friends by the Leander Club members and going down the river it was lovely to see the people who had set up along the riverbanks on the race route with their picnics and hampers. We got back to the Club after a quick walk round the stands and the competitors’ area, just in time for a magnificent late afternoon tea. Scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream and many other English teatime delicacies were served along with, what was now becoming an almost compulsory glass of Champagne. One of my best moments was when I asked a lady to take our picture and she turned out to be the wife of the Committee member who had sent out the invitations to reciprocating clubs. As we chatted, she confessed she could not attend the next day as she had arranged “to get the alpacas mated.” I have heard some excuses in my time but this was the most amazing one! We reluctantly left the Leander Club shortly after the last race. It had been an incredible day full of new experiences, meeting some wonderful people, enjoying good food and lovely wine. We took a taxi back to the hotel, and to top off the whole marvellous day, our taxi driver told us his brother lives in Nairobi and so we got a discount. Would I go again? In a shot!

by Gail Langton

MCC Members Gail and Eric Langton enjoyed a day at Leander Club, as Reciprocal Members, over the Henley Regatta weekend and had this to say about it…..

April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club



m at c h e s

Photo Mia Collis

h at c h e s

er of

Jay Macleod & Venetia Philipps

Curtis Lemon, youngest son of Jack and Valerie Lemon of South Charleston, Ohio, USA, married Abigail Stogdale, only er of daughter of David and Nicola Stogdale, of Tigoni, Kenya. The wedding was held on 27th October 2018, at Highwood Farm in Tigoni, Kenya.

Jay David Macleod, eldest son of the late Jamie Macleod and Jane (Roberts) Macleod of Naro Moro, married Venetia Margaret Philipps, youngest daughter of Charlotte Philipps of Henham Bishops Stortford, UK and James Philipps of Dalham-Newmarket, UK. The wedding was held on 12th January 2019 at Laragai House, Borana Ranch, Kenya.

Photo Mia Collis

Curtis Lemon & Abigail Stogdale

Toby Dunn & Mairo Retief Toby James Dunn, eldest son of Marcus and Annie Dunn of Soysambu Ranch, Kenya, married Mairo Retief, youngest daughter of Jill and Renaldo Retief of Loldia, Naivasha, Kenya. The wedding was held on 2nd Feb 2019, at Loldia Leshau, North Lake, Naivasha, Kenya.

Benjamin Harrington & Daisy Marvin Coulson Benjamin Torras Harrington, youngest son of John and Fernanda Harrington of Shelburne, Massachusetts, USA, married Daisy Marvin Coulson, oldest twin daughter of Deborah and David Coulson of Karen, Nairobi, Kenya. The wedding was held on 20th of October 2018 at the Harrington family farm in Shelburne, Massachusetts, USA. Ben and Daisy are currently living in Bozeman Montana, USA.

Geoffrey Morley & Allison McDonnold Geoffrey Charles Powys Morley, eldest son of John and Patricia (Tisha) Morley of Timau, Kenya, married Allison Elizabeth McDonnold, daughter of Kyle and Hollyce Hill McDonnold of Midland,Texas, USA. The wedding was held on 20th October 2018, at the First Presbyterian Church, Midland, Texas, and after at the Midland Country Club, Midland, Texas.

All newly-weds who send in their wedding er of photo for publication will be offered a romantic dinner for two with a bottle of House wine, either at Pinks or in the Club Dining Room. Send your photos and details to secretariat@mcc. and please send high-resolution images. 26

Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019


Tim Vaulkhard Tim Vaulkhard was born in Nottingham in 1946 to Audrey and Patrick Vaulkhard. His father was a county cricketer, and was at the crease at Lords when Tim was born, so his birth was announced on BBC wireless from the home of cricket - a place that Tim would spend many a happy day later in life as a member of the other MCC. Tim was educated at Oakham School in Rutland and then studied architecture at Nottingham University before joining the Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and being posted to Kenya. He was sent to Kisumu to be the Provincial Architect, Nyanza Western Province, and then returned to Nairobi to work on recording the state of all the hospitals throughout Kenya, which he found fascinating. In 1970 Tim joined Braz Menezes’ practice working mainly on the Buru Buru Housing Estate. After that he joined Triad Architects for whom he worked for over forty years. Triad became one of the most successful practices in Nairobi, working throughout East Africa. Tim’s interest

Helen Thornton-Mutiso

Helen was born in Devon England to Geoffrey and Fay Thornton. She went to Marlborough College in the Sixth Form and then on to Cheltenham College of Art and Design to study fashion. Naturally creative and highly intelligent (she was a member of MENSA) Helen was frustrated by the teaching methods and left College early. She had several different jobs, including setting up her own millinery

June 1946 – February 2019

was principally in development architecture - schools, hospitals and research centres. Some of the projects he was proudest to have worked on include - The Isiolo Hospital, The Nairobi National Museum, Moi University Library, his work on the Rwanda genocide sites and finally the Cathedral in Kericho, which won awards in Europe in 2017. Tim married Libby in 1978 and four children followed - Harriet, Alexander, George and Jamie. Tim enjoyed both riding and sailing and he competed moderately successfully in both sports. He was Chairman of the Board of Management of Nairobi Hospital for several years and held various positions at the Naivasha Yacht Club as Commodore and the Kenya Yachting Association. Tim was also passionate about conservation, and one of his proudest achievements was replanting the valleys on his farm in Tigoni with thousands of indigenous trees, creating a precious little expanse of natural forest in an area that was otherwise barren of trees.

Tim became a Member of the Club in 1976 and was quickly recruited as its architectural adviser. With the generous support of his partners, the Committee came to rely on the wider Triad for advice and guidance. Scrupulously aware of potential conflict of interest, he took on the small things without complaint, but true professional that he was, disqualified himself when it came to major works, lest his independence and objectivity be questioned. The Club will be poorer for the loss of Tim’s quiet wisdom. He was a Member of MCC for 42 years.

May 1966 – October 2018 business, working for Principles for Men, and in IT, but her heart and genes were firmly rooted in nature. Her maternal grandfather, Fred Nutbeam, was Head Gardener to the Queen at Buckingham Palace for 25 years and had an Azalea named after him. Helen first came to Kenya in 1999 and began working in IT with Protec, but her love of nature was impossible to stifle. She met Kenya Mutiso in 2005 through their mutual interest in trees and forestry. Together they founded African Forest in 2006 at their home on Soysambu Estate with a vision to plant forests all over Africa and create the first indigenous tree seed bank in Kenya. Using organic methods and predominantly indigenous varieties, their tree nursery today has over 80 species of hardwood timber trees, and an initiative dubbed Planet Positive Forestry, which involves inter-cropping indigenous and exotic

trees to create forest food gardens to support rural wealth generation. Research & development, forest management, carbon offsetting, developing the medicinal values of trees and sustainable timber are all part of the African Forest business model. Helen and Kenya married in September 2008. Helen was a fabulous cook who often adapted recipes; she was very widely read and knowledgeable with an encyclopedic memory. She applied her inexhaustible energy to everything she embarked upon, including her battle with cancer, which she fought stoically and with great courage for ten years. Helen is survived by her husband Kenya, daughter Zinzi, her parents Geoffrey and Fay and brother Simon. Helen leaves behind a legacy in African Forest, which Kenya will continue to develop and grow in her memory. She was a Member of MCC for 16 years. April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club



May 1938 – December 2018

Bill Deverell

William Shirley Deverell was born in Oxford, England on 17th May 1938, the second son of Sir Colville Deverell and Lady Margaret Deverell (née WynneWillson). His father played cricket for Ireland and was later Governor of the Windward Islands (1955-1960) and Governor of Mauritius (1959-1962). Universally known as Bill, he was one of three gifted brothers. He spent part of his early childhood in Kenya where he was a pupil at Nairobi Primary School. He then attended Swanbourne Prep School in England before going on to St. Edward’s School in Oxford. He graduated from Trinity College, Oxford with an LLB and sat for the Bar at Gray’s Inn in London. He was

admitted as a barrister-at-law in 1961. Bill then returned to Kenya where he joined Kaplan & Stratton, was admitted as an advocate in 1963 and became a partner in 1965. He served as Senior Partner of the firm for many years. Widely regarded as one of the finest lawyers anywhere, Bill had the respect of all who had the privilege to work with, and against, him. He specialised in commercial litigation and arbitration and was an astute adviser in tax matters. During his years in private practice, he is remembered particularly for the Njonjo enquiry. In April 2004, he was appointed as a Judge of the Court of Appeal, a role he performed with great distinction. Among several notable decisions, he was instrumental in achieving a major change in matrimonial law through his decision in the case of Echaria vs. Echaria, the principles of which were later enacted in the Matrimonial Property Act, 2013. Despite suffering from polio at a very young age, Bill was a keen sportsman. He more than held his own on both tennis and squash courts and he excelled at sailing - a sport that he loved. He won every trophy on the Kenya sailing calendar at least once, as well as many others across the wider

East African region. He represented Kenya in the 505 Class at the World Championships in Adelaide (1966), Santa Cruz (1971), Hong Kong (1973) and San Francisco (1981). Bill was a Governor of Kenton College for many years. He served on the Committee at Muthaiga Club from 1996 until his appointment as a Judge in 2004. As Commodore of the Naivasha Yacht Club, he put an enormous amount of time and effort into promoting youth sailing. Outside of his professional life, he was a devoted father and family man who relished the social and outdoor life Kenya has to offer. He married Susan Anderson at Tigoni in 1967 to whom he was happily married for 51 years. A fearsome competitor in court or on a boat, Bill had a mischievous sense of humour, his family and friends remember him as a most gentle, generous and mild-mannered man. He is survived by his wife Susan, son Nick, grandchildren Chloe and Jonathan, and brother Mark. Bill was a Member of MCC for 52 years The family would like to collect and keep your memories of Bill. Please send your stories, anecdotes or memories by email to:

A Celebration of Bill Deverell’s life will be held by his family at All Saints Cathedral, Nairobi on Wednesday 10 April 2019 at 2:30 p.m. All friends of Bill and the Deverell family are warmly invited to attend.


The Club regrets to announce the deaths of the following Members EVANSON MWANIKI on 18 December 2018 BRENDA HART on 25 December 2018 RAJINDER KAPILA on 05 January 2019 TIMOTHY VAULKHARD on 07 February 2019 PATRICIA (PAT) WHITE on 14 February 2019 PAMELA VERNON-EVANS on 27 February 2019 JONATHAN SEEX on 10 March 2019 MICHAEL KLESH on 20 March 2019 If anyone would like to publish an obituary for a Member who has died recently, please send a tribute and photograph of the deceased to the


Muthaiga Country Club April – June 2019

candidates being considered for membership CANDIDATES BEING CONSIDERED FOR MEMBERSHIP 13 MARCH TO 1 MAY 2019






William Dolleman

Rizwan Fazal - Aleeda Fazal - Alyssia Fazal - Kayla Fazal - Liam Fazal James Kamau - Gladys Mburu - Matthew Mburu Simon Karo - Nancy Ngecu - Bianca Ngecu - Brianna Ngecu Tilman Stasch - Luis Alves Betty Maina - Alvin Maina - Angel Maina - Sean Maina - Oliver Maina Edward Gachichio - Mercy Gachichio - Samuel Gachichio - Lucy Gachichio - Sylvia Gachichio Olivia Howland Pankaj Nathwani - Rohini Nathwani Kush Nathwani - Anupa Nathwani - Rishaan Nathwani - Shivam Nathwani Shailender Singh - Geeta Singh - Keerat Singh - Harlene Singh Sachit Shah - Siya Raja - Aneya Raja Jade Mbai Benson Kahihu - Jedidah Wanjiku - Theo Muritu Kenneth Waiganjo Graham Villiers-Tuthill - Jane Villiers-Tuthill - Sean Villiers-Tuthill - Jack Villiers-Tuthill

Samuel Njuguna Nicole Gidoomal Wilson Boinett

Daniel Njuguna Ronald Pieters Henry Rotich - Trevor Lagat - Terrell Lagat Rajeev Gandhi Mercy Wanjau - Muriithi Wanjau - Michelle Wanjau - Priscilla Wanjau Mumbi Mathangani Alan Robinson Kunaal Samani - Seeta Samani Fred Matiang’i - Lynette Okengo Sonaar Shah - Shital Shah - Savir Shah - Laina Shah John Njiraini Eunice Lamba-Chacha Darminder Birdi - Mandeep Birdi - Jasleen Birdi Biju Mohandas - Lini Asokan - Sai Mohandas - Sharada Mohandas Michael Hopkins

Adan Mohamed Christina Andersen

Andrew Ritchie James Koome

Rufas Kanyogo

Robert Gasston Betty Musau Betty Musau

James Kariuki

Jay Mediratta Evans Githua Kinyanjui Muchai Anne Waiguru Jane Barnard


Answers to Bird Quiz Photo 1 shows a Reed Cormorant; Sacred Ibis; Yellow-billed Duck, Black-winged Stilt and Green Sandpiper.

Photo 2 shows an Egyptian Goose; Sacred Ibis; Common Moorhen and Little Grebe. The odd bird out is the Yellow-billed Duck that was photographed at a different location.

Surjit Ghataura Rufas Kanyogo

Joseph Ngae John Cokayne Alexandra Dietz Joseph Mucheru Avichal Sevak

Kibuga Kariithi Eric Mungai Josephus Verwiel Achal Kapila

Mike Eldon



Member Name



Mary Gabrielle Beckmann



Lorraine C. Cruickshank



Anders Rune Glimberg’



Ross Gordon Field



Raymond O’Shea



Sharon Simpson



Nathaniel Kang’ethe



George N. Kariuki



Eve Angela Kinyanjui



Member Name



Andrew T. Fraser



Maria Epsom



Nathaniel Kang’ethe



Dinesh Kapila



Sheila S. A. Amdany



Gerald Cunningham



Jerome Bruins



Mathew John Barton



Anna Muriel Barratt


April – June 2019 Muthaiga Country Club


MCC reciprocates with 114 Clubs in 24 countries around the world. The Reciprocity Committee invests a great deal of time ensuring that these Clubs are worthy of our association and Members are encouraged to submit brief reports if they visit or stay at any one of them. These reports will be published for the benefit and interest of other Members who may be planning to travel overseas.

more114 information and24 contact details ofaround reciprocating Clubs please the Secretary’s office. invests a great MCC reciprocatesForwith Clubs in countries the world. Thecontact Reciprocity Committee TURKEY INDIA AUSTRALIA deal of time ensuring that these Clubs are worthy of our association and Members are encouraged to submit Buyuk Kulup Cercle d’Orient Istanbul Tollygunge Club Ltd Kolkata Adelaide Club Adelaide brief reports if they visit or stay at any one of them. These reports will be published for the benefit and interest Umed Club Jodhpur Athenaeum Club Melbourne of other Members who may be planning toNadu travel overseas. UK Ootacamund Club Ooty, Tamil Australian Club Melbourne Melbourne Secunderabad Club Secunderabad Commonwealth Club Canberra Army Navy Club office. London For more information and contact details of reciprocating ClubsBangalore please contact the&Secretary’s Bangalore Club Melbourne Club Melbourne Queensland Club AUSTRAL IA Club of Australia Royal Automobile Royal Automobile Club of Victoria Adelaide Club Tattersall’s AthenaeumClub Club Tasmanian Club Melbourne Australian Club Commonwealth Club Union, University & Schools Club Melbourne Club United Service Club Melbourne Weld Club Savage Club Naval Military and Airforce of South Australia AUSTRIA Royal Automobile Club of Australia St. Johanns Club Club of Victoria Royal Automobile Tattersall’s Club Tasmanian Club BOLIVIA Union, University & Schools Club Circulo de La Union United Service Club Weld Club BELGIUM Western Australian Club

Brisbane Sydney Melbourne Adelaide Brisbane Melbourne Hobart Melbourne Canberra Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Melbourne Perth Adelaide Sydney Vienna Melbourne Brisbane Hobart Sydney La Paz Brisbane Perth Perth

International AUSTRIA Club Chateau Sainte-Anne Brussels St. Johanns Club CANADA


B OLIVIA Forest & Stream Club Quebec Granite Club Toronto Circulo de La Union La Paz Rideau Club Ottowa B ELGIUM The Hamilton Club Hamilton International Club Chateau Sainte-Anne Toronto Brussels The National Club The Ranchmen’s Club Calgary CAN ADA Union Club of British Columbia Victoria Cypress Club Medicine Hat University Club of Montreal Montreal Granite Club Toronto University Club of Toronto Toronto The Hamilton Club Hamilton Vancouver Club Vancouver The National Club Toronto The Ranchmen’s Club Calgary CARIBBEAN Terminal City Club Vancouver Union ClubYacht of British Victoria West Indies Club Columbia Caribbean University Club of Montreal Montreal University Club of Toronto Toronto CHILE Vancouver Club Vancouver Club De La Union Santiago CH ILE FRANCE Club De La Union Santiago Cercle de l’Union Interalliee F RANCE The Travellers Club Cercle de l’Union Interalliee The Travellers Club GERMANY GERMANY Anglo-German Club E.V Anglo-German ClubClub E.V Union International Union International Club HONG HONGKONG KONG The The Hong Hong Kong Kong Club Club

Paris Paris Paris Paris Hamburg Hamburg Frankfurt Frankfurt Hong Hong Kong Kong

IN DIA Tollygunge Club Ltd Kolkata Umed Club Jodhpur Ootacamund Club Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu

IIRELAND NDI A continued Kildare Street Club and University Club Secunderabad Dublin Secunderabad The Stephen’s Dublin Bangalore ClubGreen Hibernian Club Bangalore IJAPAN RE L AND Tokyo American Club Kildare Street and University Club

Tokyo Dublin

The Stephen’s Green Hibernian Club Dublin LUXEMBOURG JAPAN Cercle Munster Luxembourg Tokyo American Club Tokyo MALAYSIA LUXE M BOU RG The Royal Lake Club Cercle Munster

Kuala Lumpur Luxembourg

NETHERLANDS M AL AW I The Nieuwe of Littéraire Mulika Sociëteit De Witte

The Hague Blantyre

NE THE RL A N D S NEW ZEALAND The Nieuwe of Littéraire Sociëteit De WitteThe Christchurch Club Christchurch Hague The Canterbury Club Inc. Christchurch Hawke’s Bay Club Napier N E W Z E AL A N D The Northern Club Auckland Christchurch Club Christchurch The Wellington Club Wellington The Canterbury Club Inc. Christchurch PAKISTAN Hawke’s Bay Club Napier The SindNorthern Club Club

Auckland Karachi

The Wellington Club SINGAPORE S I NG APO R E Tanglin Club


Tanglin Club SOUTH AFRICA SCape OUTH R IC A TownAF Club



The Country Club Johannesburg Cape Town Club Durban Club The Country Club Johannesburg Inanda Club Durban Club Kelvin Grove Club Inanda Club St. Georges Club Port Elizabeth Kelvin Grove Club Club The Pretoria Country Port RandElizabeth Club St. Georges Club

Cape Town Johannesburg Cape Town Durban Johannesburg Johannesburg Durban Cape Town Johannesburg Port Elizabeth Cape Town Pretoria Port Elizabeth Johannesburg

The Pretoria Country Club SPAIN Rand Club Circulo Ecuestre SReal PAIGran N Peña

Johannesburg Barcelona Madrid

Circulo Ecuestre SRI LANKA Real Gran Peña The Hill Club S RI L ANKA THAILAND The Hill Club The British Club, Bangkok T HAI L AND


Barcelona Madrid Nuwara Eliya Nuwara Eliya Bangkok

The British Club, Bangkok


Buck’s Club London Cardiff & County Club Cardiff U K Carlton Club London Army & Navy Club London Farmer’s Club London Boodle’s London Garrick Club London Buck’s London Hurlingham Club London Cardiff & County Club Cardiff Lansdowne Club London Carlton Club London Leander Club Henley-on-Thames City of London Club London Naval Club London Farmer’s Club London Norfolk Club Norwich Hurlingham Club London Northern Counties Club Newcastle Ipswich & Suffolk Club Ipswich Oriental Club London Lansdowne Club London Oxford & Cambridge Club Henley-on-Thames, London Leander Phyllis Court Club Henley-on-Thames Naval Club London Reform Club London Northern Counties Club Newcastle Royal Air Force Club London Nottingham & Notts United Services Nottingham RoyalOriental Automobile Club London The London Royal Over-Seas League London Oxford & Cambridge Club London Savile Club London Phyllis Court Club Henley-on-Thames, The Reform Athenaeum Liverpool The Club London The Boodle’s London Royal Air Force Club The Caledonian Royal AutomobileClub Club London The Cavalry & Guards London Royal Over-Seas LeagueClub The Clifton Bristol Savile Club Club London East India Club London The Athenaeum Liverpool The Caledonian Club& Military Club London In & Out Naval The Cavalry & Guards London New Club Cheltenham The Clifton Club Bristol New Club Edinburgh The East India Club London Norfolk Club Norwich The New RoyalClub Northern & University Club Cheltenham Aberdeen The Edinburgh The New RoyalClub Scots Club Edinburgh The Club Norwich The Norfolk Sloane Club London The Northern Aberdeen The Royal St. James Club & University Club Manchester The Scots Club Edinburgh The Royal Western Club Glasgow The SloaneClub Club London Travellers London The James Club Manchester TurfSt Club London The Travellers London Ulster Reform Club Club Belfast The Western Club Glasgow The Turf Club London USA Ulster Reform Club Belfast The ArmyClub & Navy Club Washington DC Vincent’s Oxford Cosmos Club Washington DC USA Harvard Club of New York City New York The Army & Navy Club Washington DC Explorers Club New York Colony Club Club New York The Princeton Cosmos Club DC The Saturn Club BuffaloWashington City, NY State The Club New York The Princeton Standard Club Chicago The Saturn Buffalo City, NY State Union ClubClub of Boston Boston The Standard Club Chicago University Club of Cincinnati Cincinnati Union Club of Boston Boston The University Club Washington DC The University Club The Yale Club of New York City New York of Washington Washington DC The Yale Club of New York City New York ZIMBABWE ZI MB A B W E Bulawayo Bulawayo Bulawayo Bulawayo Harare Club Harare Harare Club Harare

MU THA IGA C OUNTRY CLUB P.O.Box 16526, Nairobi 00620, Kenya Email,,,,

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