The M u tha i g a Country Club M agazi n e
January–March 2018
The M u t hai ga C oun t ry C l u b M ag az i n e
MCC Swimming Pool The leak in the swimming pool was finally located and repaired after much upheaval, but newly restored, our glorious pool has been enjoyed ever since and throughout the festive season.
C o nt e nts
January–March 2018
page 1
Letter from the Chairman
page 2
Letter from the Secretary
page 3
Membership Matters
page 4
Balloting Report & Finance Report
page 5
Roving Eye
pages 24 & 25
page 6
page 6 House Wines & Messing page 2
page 7
Staff News
page 8
page 10 Forthcoming Events page 11 Poppy Ball page 12 Muthaiga Sports Round-Up page 14 Gilgil Outreach Luncheon page 7
page 8
page 16 Members’ Awards page 18 Bird Quiz page 19 Hatches & Matches page 20 Opera & Ballet page 21 Library Book Reviews
page 11
page 14 & 15
page 22 WWI in East Africa page 24 MCC Christmas Draw Prize Winners 2017 page 26 Legacy Project & Competition page 27 Obituaries
page 17
page 16
The Muthaiga Country Club Magazine is published by MCC for Members Editor - Yoyo Volak Magazine Production - Matthew Rudd, Lucy Muregi, Mercy Wanyeri, Mercy Nyambura, Diana Waithaka, Eunice Mulwa, Lucia Muli, Yvonne Magambo Shumy Ahmed, Vincent Ford, Martin Musyoka Contributors - Stephen Mills, Julia Lawrence, Peter Usher, Edita Camm Design & Layout by Shelleys the Printers Printed by Graphite Lounge
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
Letter from the Chairman Let ter from the Chairman Letter from the Chairman Happy New Year to all Members, to all Staff and to all our Families.
All years areDear a challenge but 2017 was up there with the tough ones. We worked Members, Dear Members, hard to improve our Club but usage levels remained hesitant for a Welcome to ourofferings, second Newsletter of 2017. Welcome to our second Newsletter significant part of the year.the It was one ofofthose timesClub that, private aslate we are,year of 2017. We concluded selection our next Secretary last We nation concluded the selection Club Secretary late last year we get reminded that we part of the vibrant of Kenya andcompleted. thatof our next but could notare announce it until all the formalities were It but could not announce it until all the formalities were completed. It is therefore with relief in and pleasure that we welcome Rupert national happenstances affectgreat our Club more ways than many of us care to page 17 is therefore with great relief and pleasure that we welcome Rupert Elliot to Muthaiga and to the leadership of our Management Team. admit. The last decade has been one of significant economic progress with Elliot to Muthaiga and to but the leadership of our Management Team. Rupert is a seasoned hotelier with an eye for quality and welcome understanding of financial y q increasing security concerns in line with global trends. The traffic in our home city seems thewelcome changingundersta Rupert is a seasoned hotelier with an eye y for quality qto defyand results. He is therefore an Club n eexcellent xceellent ffind ind tto o ttake ake tthe he C lu forward in pursuit of the excellence infrastructural developments, at every corner. During our fragile each in pursu results. He 2017, is therefore Club forward an n eexcellent xeconomy ceellent ffind inwas d tto obuffeted ttake ake tthe hethis C luand that you as Members Club. Muthaiga diverse errs rrequire equire off oour ur C lu ub. M uth haiga hass a d iver Membership and we must that you asattendant Members Club. Muthaiga diverse errspoor rrequire equrains, ire off and oour ur C lu ubyear-long .M uth haigdalliance a hass a d ivwith er Members way by all these factors. The weather our haveexternal a common thatthe pursuit. simple might be: on understanding unders standing g of of and pursu uit. A sim mplee oone ne m ight well have a common understanding of that pursuit. simple one might o n u n d ers s t anding g o f p ursu u i t . A sim m ple e o ne ight well be our political‘delivering arrangements factors affected us they are them ability day and on without ever being ng to to the th hare e best beprobably st of of our our the abi iltwo ity every daythat an ndmost on every ev veryy occasion occcas siolast n -year. w Luckily, ‘delivering ability ng to to the th he best best of of our our abi ility every day day and an nd on on every evveryy occasion occcassion - witho w ones least likely toedrecur year. satisfied with ourselves’. withthis ourse elvesThe ’. short rains have been good, and the elections are over. The Club is in satisfied ed with with ourselves’. ourseelves’. good shape all and ahead. Theround e Committee Comm m ittelet’s e and anlook d Officers Offorward ficers have hato ve aevery evfabulous ery confidence confiyear dence e that that we we have haave the Team Team to to take us to the The Committee and Officers have every confidence e C o mm m i t t e e a n d O f f i c e r s h a v e e v e r y c o nfidencee that that we we have haave the Team Team We had a very next our esuccessful xt level levvel of of Outreach ou ur eternal eteernaLunch l pursuit. pu ursuin it.Gilgil in September, graciously hosted by Mary Coulson at her next ext level levvel of of our ou ur eternal eteernal pursuit. pu ursuit. lovely home.We were sotto many and our all those Fritz Walchli stewardship off far the Club as Interim WWe e owe ow e tons toonhappy s of gratitude grtoatisee tude oF ritzMembers Walchli for fcome or his his from stewanear rdship theand Club as thanks Inteeri toSecretary. We Fritz We owe owe tons toons of gratitude gratitude tto oF ritz Walchli Walchli for for his his stewardship stewardship off the the Club Club as as page who 9 Serving months, he Serv vinjoin g for fous r over ovand ver nine ntoine monwho ths,encourage he was was capable, capus abltake e, sensitive sethis nsitiprogramme ve and and available avaiilaforward. ble to to Members. Mem mber rs. He racedfor were able to those The suggestions Serving Servving for for over ovver nine nine months, months, he he was was capable, capable, sensitive sensitive and and available avaiilable to to Me Me around the Club the hee n no upon assignment, he aro ound th he C lub like with th he tteenager eaeride nageon rh o llonger ongtrain er iiss service. aand nd u poWatch n fi ffinishing nish hingspace the Club as ssigand further 2018 include Mombasa, perhaps around the Club the hee n no upon aro outhe nd new th he C lub like th he tteenager eenagethis rh o llonger ofor ngenews r iiss aand nd u pon fi ffinishing nish hing the C has been beeen asked askked by his Doctor Doctor to to take take a good good rest! rest! We We wish wish him him well and and a quick quickk return retu ur to the information on the Outreach Programme. has been beeen asked askked by his Doctor Doctor to to take take a good good rest! rest! We We wish wish him him well and and a qu qu tranquility retirement. Fritz. trranqquiilityy ooff his retire ement. Thank Thank you you F ritz. retirement. you Fritz. tr ranqquiito lityyallooffofhisyou retire emattended ent. Thank Thanink person you F ritor z. by proxy. The Our AGM in November was a great success, tranquility thanks who Based Outreach Based on the the feedback f edback off our fe our ssuccessful uccessful O utreach Day Day in in Nanyuki Nanyuki lastt year, yearr, we we plan plan n to t repeat Based on the Outreach Bathe sed Club theasfeedback fpresented. fe edback off our oThere ur ssuccessful ucwere cessfu lO utreMembers ach Day Day in in Nanyuki Nanyuki lastt year, yearr, meeting approved the Financial Statements of no new the same the social social at at around the sa ame ttime ime ooff tthe he yyear. ear. The The format format will be largely larggely the th he same but bu proposed the at same the social social all at around the sa ame ttime ime ooff tthe he yyear. ear. The The format format will be largely larggely th h for election hopefully retiring willthe be more Members the htoop pCommittee efu fully there thereand Meones mberwere s ssupporting upporre-elected. ting th he event from f om ourr Nairobi fr Nairoobi town toown base. b hopefully the hop pefu fully there there will be more Members Members ssupporting upporting th he event from f om ourr Nair fr Nair Gail Paul was re-elected another as anhOfficer Chairman. Given the of ourterm membership, choosing not easy dice is with Given the spread sprtoead membersh ip, ch hooand singVice the next venue was n ot ea asy but thee d Given membership, choosing not easy Given the the spread spread of our membersh hip, ch hoosing the next venue was n ot ea asy There is a great time30 and diligence2017. that .Committee Members thecoming greater good the Club Gilgil September Further will follow Gilgamount il on on Saturday Saatof urday Further details f devote fo llow in ntothe the comi ing months m o ofbut Gilgil Gilgil on on Saturday Saaturday 30 September 2017.. Further Further details will follow f llow in fo n the the co please look to welcoming as many Members possible Rift pleethose asse save sawho ve the th hcontinue e date date and fserve. fo rward dWe towould Meefrom mberrother s aass p oMembers ssibble from and we thank towe offer toforward also like to hear who would please pleeasse save save the th he date date and we look forward f rward fo d to to welcoming as many Members Meemberrs aass Valley, and of course Members country are very Valley, Western W for We stern n Kenya Kenya to M em bers fr ffrom om or other parts oof f tthe he co oun ntry ar reMembers like to be considered proposal election the Committee who wish to suggest who ooff tthe Valley, Western and of course Members coun Vatolley, W We stern n Kenya Kenya M embother ers fr ffrom om other parts he co oun n welcome. welcome. perhaps might be unaware of their suitabilitywelcome. Committee. wto elcome. The have been The Security project proj o ecct is is approaching approoaching conclusion conclusion as as reported reported d on on page 5. Theree h The AGM also approved the extension of Short Membership (STM) The Security project conclusion The Term proj o ecct is is approaching appro oacbut hingno coextension nclusion as ashall s reported reponow rted dbeon on page 5. The page 16 necessary which wee aapologise ceessary inconveniences inconveniencces to to Members Mem mbers ffor or w hich w pologise and thank yyou ou ffor your necessary which wee aapologise ceessary inconveniences inconvenienc ces to to Members Mem mbers ffor or w hich w pologise and thank yyo o available if Full Membership isunot obtained forbearance. Concurrent with project a very eaarance. Concu rrent wiith the theduring projecthe t has haSTM s been beenperiod. very deliberate re-focus re-ffocu of attention to forbearance. Concurrent with the project has been a very deliberate re-foc ea a r a n ce. Concu u rrent wi i t h t h e p r o j e c t h a s b e e n v ery re-f f o c Entrance fees subscriptions alsolooking reviewed andifpassed. Thetelatter theand Club which magnificent the Our over the last b grounds, grounds, w hwere ich are magni icent despite despit the delayed dhad elayeeseen d rains. raino increase the Clubb grounds, which grounds, w hich are looking magnificent magniificent despite despitte the the delayed delayeed rains rai who passion ionthe s tto oEntrance the sstaff taff fees w hoare cclearly learly y have ap ason ssioapplication. n ffor or ttheir heir eemploy. mplo three years. congratulations One third tiof now payable Previously, no fees were due until congratulations who passion tiions tto o the sstaff taff w ho cclearly learlyy have a p asssion ffor or ttheir heir eemploy. mplo At theof AGM lastt November, we discussed Nooffer vembto er,Membership. discu usseed the the need need d for f r some fo som me form form of an endowment trust after notification successful At the AGM lastt November, November, we discussed discu usseed the the need need d for f r some fo som me form form of an end dedicated to the longterm sustainability of the our Companies Club further workenacted is in terrm our sustarticles ainability C lub aand nd oour heritage. The AGM passed resolutions to align with andSome the amendments dedicated to the longterm sustainability of our Club terrm Act sust2015 ainability C lub aand nd oour heritage. Som progress with assistance and the Officers of the Club Rlonger oger Bebbington, Bepermissible bbington Oliver Oto haveFowler to it in 2017. The amendments makefrom it noRoger a share only of and the Of progress with assistance from Roger Oliver Fowler Rogcapital, er Bebbington, Bebbwhich ingtonconsists O and we hope to see the project take off before the end of the year. Once again, Members are and we to therefore see the project take offFounder’s before theShare, end ofwhich the year. redeemable shares, as we had prior to the AGM. Thehope AGM created one will Once aga encouraged to consider bequeathing appropriate gifts to the Club even as we prepare suitable encouraged to consider bequeathing appropriate gifts to the Club even as w have no voting economictorights the and/or Club nointerests longer has Members. legalorstructures holdunless the assets thereof. And Members’ views and legal to holdstanding the assets and/orbyinterests thereof. and Andthis Members’ v The Founder’s Share willonbesimilar held byendeavours a Member of structures atalways least 20 selected the Committee experiences are veryyears welcome. experiences on similar endeavours are always very welcome. page 12 be announced shortly. will With best wishes for 2018.
ce Mulwa,
Ngugi Chairman N ug Ng u i Kiuna, K una, MCC C Ki
Ngugi N Ng u i Kiuna, ug K una, MCC C Ki Chairman January–March April– June2018 2017 Muthaiga Muthaiga Country Country Club Club
April– June 2017
From the Secretary
253 days have whistled past since joining this amazing place and yet again I wonder how much of this missive will hit the cutting room floor. From the I Secreta Security grumbles seem to have died down meaning, suppose, thatriny general the Membership is getting used to theI am new regime, or the team delighted to announce the is getting better at appointment of Rupert Elliott for as theMembership new implementing it. It is terrific to see spouses being proposed as well Club Secretary taking over from our as friends who might have been enjoying than (ahem) visits a year hitherto. interimmore secretary Fritz Walchli.six Rupert's permit has finally been approved and he bars from the While on Security, we have removed the wooden and metal anti-theft will take up his post with immediate effect. newspapers, opting instead to trust Members (trust has come upClub a great deal when talking In welcoming Rupert to the I would thank Fritz for all he has done in his of Security) not to nick them. Let’s see howlikeittogoes. interim role where his steady hand guided I was very pleased, in late November, to have been to plant a tree an excellent performance withasked both cash Fritz Walchli and quality above budget. and mix the Christmas pudding in the same day. This exhausting work Out-going wasStaff Secretary MCC at his leaving party. T with a splendid cake and a carved moved to us from the Capital Club completed and I hope thoseRupert of youElliot whohassampled said pud over Christmas Nairobi and prior to that was running a large 4-Star He has an excellent track record in appreciated the effort! The Hotel tree, inweBotswana. shall see. delivering quality and financial results and was formally We shall be launching our new APP in March andmarket are testing it now. For trained in London’s 5-Star with international experience in France, Bahrain and Africa. His commercial experience includes UK those of you with smartphones (IOS or Android - search ‘Muthaiga Country country houses of excellence. Club’) it will give you the same kind of information as the website, only on Rupert is joined by his fiancée Heidi. your hand-held device. YouItcan instantly events, book and I hope is ancheck exciting time with on manyupcoming new challenges and projects youread will join me in wishing oureven new Secretary thebill. very best them at the touch of a button, Roving Eye and pay your All of good fortune. you need is your website log-in, which we can give you. Special thanks to those of you on the Mums’ Advisory group helping to search for better and more interesting ways to entertain the kiddos to relieve Bimb Theobald, Chairman of Committees the pressure on Mums and Dads - even if only for a few hours. We have some exciting plans for 2018 around our core areas of food and am thrilled toTea take over as Secretary Muthaiga drink. We have an enhancedIAfternoon menu comingofsoon, theCountry Club Club, and delighted to join a team of like-minded professionals and enthusiasts Dining Room menu will be renewed in February, Pinks in March who, together, strive to ensure Members can takeand pridewe in their Club. hope to be renovating some bedrooms. events calendar too will fuller My last job wasThe with an excellent club in Nairobi andbe before that I ran a prestigious hotel in Botswana. I firmly believe that Muthaiga is one of the than ever. brightest stars across Africa in the hospitality sector, and I look forward to ways and to keep enhancing thissometimes historic placelessfor the benefit of all Thank you, as ever, for so many genuinelyexploring good ideas even for the Members, whether they joined long ago or more recently. than-positive feedback. It all helps us look at everything again to see how it can work best I am very grateful to Members and Staff alike who have already made me for you. feel so welcome. My door is always open and I will welcome your feedback andNew suggestions. Happy Year! I am excited to get to work on the next stage of the Club's evolution, while ensuring that we preserve the values and traditions that make this Club such a great one.
Rupert Elliot, Club Secretary
Rupert Elliott, Club Secretary
2 Muthaiga Country Club April–June 2017
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
MEMBERSHIP M AT T E R S With the winding down of a communications committee, this page is devoted to being more
Goodness, some youprevailing have become almost speechless with of an opinion page,of where moods and sentiments of Members on rage currentduring Club the last few months and, what with the pen being issues, expressed in comments and mails, are echoed. As always, we want to know what’s mightier than the sword, not shy of scribbling your ire. We welcome on it and love it because, happily, there is an harmonious your mind, and will always welcome your feedback. counter-point from others who are good enough to write saying how much they enjoy so many different aspects of the Club.
at Thank Pinks you Muthaiga for
This is a great idea, not only do you end up with old friends getting together but end up with making new friends. Great institution - Muthaiga Club; so glad we joined. PB
ruining my Saturday… RE CE NTLY, A D E Cit’s I S I OaN WA S M A DE TO O waste of time… O F F E R BRE A K FA S T O NLY AT P IN K S … shame… we need help… Breakfast at Pinks only is a mistake. very disappointing… it’s Do away with the chafing dishes and cook to order as it used an embarrassment… Club to be. TP needs to snap up a bit. HE
Such a lovely gathering. Thoroughly enjoyed the delicious lunch and so glad we came. Thank you. CM
Appalled by people’s behaviour at Pinks, and disappointed to have to have breakfast there… I am [Ed: More, much an overseas Member andmore, come to in the the Club for the Club, to come an average hotel. samenot vein. Intothe interests ofFP
Your German sausage has not seen Germany and theWe’re saurecraut [sic] wasfor notcontroversy cooked. It [Ed: looking tasted ok as I was very hungry. PE
and debate but clearly the Chairman’s Outreach Lunch in Gilgil was a roaring success and you were all very appreciative.] Why is it that there are never any ice-creams
brevity, we reserve the right to in the fridge? Also, never any low-fat milk. RH While I agree with the economic reasons for having edit.] only one venue for breakfast, I do not agree with BREAKING IN Not the place it used to be. WR the argument that economy alone justifies dispensing with breakfast in the old restaurant in a I’m RS sorry to be child-free environment. I am sure youarehave all this but the system of There only heard three things wrongbefore, with Pinks: 1. Service. Service. 3. DNwife into the Club when so honest, but I getting my guest2.and sometimes No waiters, tables not laid, multiple trips required, haven’t been so no logic to layout, food in chafing dishes cold, she doesn’t have her card or ID is ridiculous. JK disappointed in a table not cleared as food finished, coffee disgusting.AB long time. EB
Just because you want to monitor everyone’s movements doesn’t mean that you need to monitor mine. I thought you wanted to track those who B UT IT WAS N ’ T AL L B A D … are not Members, not those who are. DN
AND BETTER ONES Just a wee note to say we had dinner last night at the Club and it was excellent. The food was really delicious, the staff very friendly and happy and the service was great. Well done! We’re going to be there much more often. ZM
Very impressed with the changes that have taken place since this time last year, especially at “Pinks” which is furnished more appropriately. All staff welcomed us by name, very friendly and so helpful… A large thank you to all the Staff! JR
Thank you to the team for a wonderful Red Room made a special evening and Yesterday mydinner… driver Itsaid heforwas a Member and a great meal. DB
was waved through without a second glance. Are you trying to keep us safe or aren’t you? DS April– June 2017 Muthaiga Country Club
I forgot my membership card at home and arrived at the Club. It was interesting to observe the process and I have to say that registering my ID took no more than 90 seconds. I think this system will work well. NK Great to see some common sense at the gate the other day when it was clear that one of the security guards recognised us. She didn’t check all the occupants (we were all Members, though not all of us had our cards) but instead gave us a smile and a friendly wave. TC BREAKING OUT The dinner dance playing the music of 60’s was really good. My wife and I enjoyed it. The band playing was fantastic. Please have such events more often. NB
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
balloting c ommittee balloting committee involved with balloting – there are no many years, and her terrific diligence carry out – her plan to have a bumper introduction meeting, and relying short cuts. is probably what has made the issue ofchairmanship the magazine,look brimming on our Members to assess them, so easy. The rest of Finally, crucially, we urge Members to with obituary. Apart have fromenjoyed our dearand are properly and thoughtfully, once the committee take thenames time to names of departed, a good leave forthright the candidates’ areexamine posted the on the grateful fornumber her friendly, Candidates when they are posted countryleadership and resign, oblivious to the Board. Remember: where there is on – we’ll miss her. the Board and, if there is the slightest charms of reciprocating Clubs. And, any doubt, there should be no doubt doubt about their ‘clubbability’, Soincreasing now it’s me, and I’doflike to begin – if you sadly, an number people have reservations about a to voice any concerns to thewarmly Secretary. All with a few words about the waiting list who are unfortunate enough to live on prospective Member you are objections are treated with the strictest for prospective Members. It is long. the wrong side of town find that it’s invited (and strongly encouraged!) confidence, andconfidence are followed can expect to wait at least to write all too Candidates much for them, and surrender in strictest to up diligently. We really want to ensure 18 months between proposed the Club their membership for lackbeing of use. Secretary to let do him know. the selection bar for prospective and being invited to attend a ballotingMembers’ opinions are appreciated and Each year we expect to invite around What to do? There is a waiting list of Members is maintained at a very high meeting – and will then wait a furtherrespected. 200 new Members to join the Club, Candidates at least 18 months long. level. two months while their names are and we usually aim to welcome at Shouldn’t we just wave them through, It’s important, when handing over the made known to Members. least 75 young family members astoFull beef up the numbers and live happily reins of any committee, assure your (18-29) Members. Sounds a lot, and The second to notehue is that there ever after? Those point of gingerish wide-eyed successor that “It’s a doddle: perhaps ithuge is, but somehow the Club’s might like to argue that we would are no short cuts. Members are fun, doesn’t take much time, all Membership continues to decline at a hardly need ever to raise subscription strongly advised not to use their pretty straightforward really”. fairly constant rate of about minus 1% fees again; otherstomight say that more influence have Candidates move up per year.Yeah, right. scrutiny – plusHowever the abilityfriendly theand listpatience more quickly. to monitor level of demand GailitPaul done Matthew Rudd your the relationship might befor with the Why? Well, mayhas look likean outstanding job joining our Club – is no bad thing. overseeing committee for Secretary – or with anyone else Chairman Balloting Committee carelessness, but wethe do Balloting lose an awful lot
of Members. The Editor of this august organ could easily execute – sorry,
house & finance
So we’ll stay as we are, speeddating 20-odd candidates at each
Matthew Rudd Chairman Balloting Committee
various initiatives that we hope will appeal to, and attract a better turnout from these sectors. and activities in order to become First of all, thank you for attending In terms of projects, we are making the AGMreasonable and supporting the various headway on our security operationally profitable before Membership joining fees. These will resolutions, all and of which carried in early project expectwere to complete be preserved for project expenditure so with large majorities. In particular, May….on budget! The library project supporting the subscription increase has been revitalised and we hope to that we can continue to make our Club was of paramount importance, given present a plan at the next AGM lateraitvenue of choice for all our Members. the future sustainability of the Club he year. Finally, I take this opportunity to thank and the key strategies going forward. Finally, we expect to complete the all our staff for working diligently In the current financial with Mukutano Roomyear, this quarter, whichthroughout 2017. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas and Festive season hopes ofwill an offer improvement tourism Membersina state-of-the-art The Club continues to make good I can complete and, as we look“forward to 2018, I the now thatMeeting politicalRoom. stability has progress in our key strategic initiatives. remain confident that we are heading returned, key projects will be the project under budget So we have plenty of work in progress Revenues are on budget and our cash in a positive strategic direction. renovation of our rooms and the and ahead of schedule, but defining the desires and position is ‘safe’. We do however planning of the new library, both of but you’ll need to requirements of our diverse operate on very thin margins at three which will inject more life into the allocate additional time Membership remains paramount and per cent profit on turnover. Main Clubhouse. our success will lie in our ability to and money fo that.” Our challenge remains how to increase satisfy these. utilisation of the Club, particularlyPinks the continues to be a beehive of Main Dining Room and the sports activity and, with small additions, we will continue to make further facilities. Ultimately, it’s We have identified certain sectors ofimprovements. the Gidoomal ij Gid all about increasing utilisation in VVijay Membership that do not use the Club Vijay Gidoomal Chairman House & Finance frequently, and we are working on accommodation, Food &Beverages Chairman Finance
Muthaiga CountryCountry Club January–March 2018 2017 4 Muthaiga Club April–June
roving eye
Eye tea
Eye draw
Granny always said a tea cosy was common – and who is Eye to argue? But ‘cosies’ do keep tea warm which is a good thing – as anyone who has ever wrestled with those ghastly stainless steel tea pots (dribbling more on the table than in the cup and turning tepid before top-up) will tell you. Worse, they look like the kind of pot you’d expect to find in, well, another kind of club. So let’s hope this Club invests, soon, in some proper teapots. China – made of, not in – or even enamel, with pretty milk jugs alongside. (Or that the Secretary starts knitting, just like Granny.) Pleeease?
A great turnout for the Christmas Draw. Amazing prizes, astonishing fun, our own Steve Mills at his theatrical best; a gathering of the great-and-good, the not-so-good and the downright-naughty. And all of course in the best possible taste. Turns out the chance of winning a prize is about one in a hundred – which actually doesn’t sound too bad, given that there were such rattling good prizes this year.
Eye watch It’s an odd irony that so many of those who attend the AGM have usually set their minds against any measure that might ensure the Club does not fall into the red. Surely the Club is immune to inflation! Surely there is enough money, somewhere, for subscriptions to be reduced, not raised? Surely those who don’t use the Club should pay more? Or less? Hang on, Eye meant Eye should pay less! Still, 10% of the Membership took time to vote by post, by proxy and in person and all resolutions were passed. Subs are going up, quel horreur!
Eye watering As Eye’s Saffa friends say, “Eish!” Getting past the security team and into the Club is a “Mussion!” Perish the notion of bringing a lunch-time friend, or of your other half not having his card with him – or, worse, that your better half might not have hers. As for your three-year old neglecting to bring its ID... I mean, don’t they know who Eye is? Surely Eye doesn’t need an ID, does Eye? And, by the way, don’t start blethering about a duty of care – just let Eye in!
Crafty Eye Although, thinking about it, Eye has figured out that if the husband gets given a driver’s pass he can then accompany Eye, willy-nilly, so to speak, around the Club. And then he can drive me home again, sober for once. Ha! Eye might just give it a go…
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
hou se wines & mes sing
Taking the Heat in the Kitchens Aspiring young chef Moses Otuoma from the Restart Home for orphans in Gilgil, founded and run by MCC Member Mary Coulson, was given two weeks work experience and training in the MCC kitchens over Christmas. MCC Executive Chef Joseph Macharia (pictured right with Moses) gave him some hands-on catering experience, working in the heat of both the Main kitchen and with the sous Chef, during one of the Club’s busiest times of year.
Visiting Chef Executive Chef at Radisson Blu Manchester Kevin Whiteford recently visited MCC where, in the course of a week, he produced some of his signature Scottish/European cuisine and served a total of 537 lunches and dinners to discerning and very appreciative Member diners. He is pictured here with his wife Emma and Executive Chef Joseph Macharia who presented him with a copy of ‘Muthaiga – The First 100 Years.’ In return he left a selection of his sumptuous recipes, including Cullen Skink Soup, Whisky-cured salmon and Double braised belly of pork in cider, which for those who missed it before, will be retained on the menu.
Top Christmas Draw Prize Winner
From left – Secretary Rupert Elliott, MCC Member Justus Ogalo, Area Manager for Ethiopian Airlines Mr Yilma Goshu and MCC’s Systems Manager Eunice Mulwa.
A delighted Justus Ogalo is pictured here being presented with the top prize in the Christmas Draw 2017. Justus won two Business Class tickets to any Worldwide Destination served by Ethiopian Airlines. The top prize was kindly donated by Area Manager for Ethiopian Airlines Mr Yilma Gochu. Justus is planning to use his tickets to fly to Abu Dhabi to watch the Formula 1 Grand Prix later this year.
Christmas Pudding of
Wines & Messing Notices Coming soon
to a Club near you…
...A la Carte Afternoon Tea
~ á la Ritz!
suitably Biblical Proportions
In preparation for Christmas Lunch the MCC catering staff all turned out to lend a hand in mixing the Christmas pudding. Nine kilos of dried fruit and nuts and 10 bottles of Brandy and Rum went into pudding. The Secretary – who was enlisted to help ensure the recipe was right – insists that the contents of the bottles did all go into the mix.
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
Because the Main Club Dining Room is rarely used after lunch on Sundays, it is with regret that it will be closed on Sunday evenings, effective January 2018.
staff news
New Employees The Club is pleased to welcome the following new employees. Thomas Omondi Gori Security Manager Thomas has over 17 years experience in the hospitality industry having worked in numerous hotels as Security Manager. He is responsible for the safety of MCC premises and occupants at all times.
Yvonne Kinanu Magambo Events and Communications Manager Yvonne has worked in several communication and advertising firms in Nairobi for a number of years. Her responsibilities are to fill the Club’s Events Calendar with new, creative and exciting events to entertain Members and increase patronage of the Club.
Robert Andale Likokha Chef de Partie (Pastry) Robert has over 16 years’ experience as a pastry chef and has worked in various hotels in Kenya. Members are encouraged to sample his creative pastries and desserts.
Mwanapili Mohammed Mixologist Mwanapili has over four years’ experience as a bartender but her passion is creating and mixing cocktails. Self-taught and naturally talented Mwanapili’s creations are imaginative and delicious. Members must come and taste her inspired and delightful cocktails at Pink’s Restaurant.
Employees of the Month Employees of the Month nominees came from across the departments this quarter. All the candidates were proposed for their dedication, enthusiasm and teamwork. From left – Erastus Ngethe, Housekeeping, Senior Room Steward; Kevin Mutiso, Waiter Club House; Charles Sila, IT Assistant ICT; Agata Wambui, Gardener Grounds; Winfred Ndambuki, Waitress Pinks; Erastus Kamau,
Senior Staff Christmas Outing MCC Senior Staff members enjoyed an action-packed day out in the run-up to the busy Christmas season. En route to a splendid luncheon at Sopa Lodge Naivasha, they stopped off for some team-building activities in the Kereita Forest in Limuru, where they tried to kill each other PaintBalling and then, those that survived, had a go at zip-lining across the river. Some of the staff are pictured here, clearly happy to have survived without PTSD and no more than a few bruises! The team-building was a great success as evidenced by the superb service all the MCC staff gave Members over the hectic Christmas season.
Staff Kiddies’ Christmas Party Delighted totos mobbed Santa Claus when he arrived to distribute presents at the annual Christmas party held for all the MCC staff children. January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
The Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives The vastly talented Maimouna Jallow recently gave a star performance of “The Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives”, adapted from the novel by Lola Shoneyin, a powerful tale of deception, betrayal, love and friendship. Maimouna is pictured here together with her co-star, partner-cum-drummer Neno after their dazzling performance at the Club.
20th Christmas Carol Service Goodwill, glad tidings and huge thanks to Mike Craig & Steve Mills who, for the last 20 years, have conducted the Club Christmas Carol Service bringing good cheer, plenty of Christmas spirit, mince pies and mulled wine launching Members into the festive season in full voice. Mike (left) and Steve are pictured here with some angelic little songsters.
Moipei Sisters
Poppy Day Remembrance Service
Members were given a rare treat when, during their brief return to Kenya from the US for the Christmas break, the famous Moipei sisters gave a Live concert at the Club. In a sell-out performance the exceptionally talented Kenyan triplets treated a spellbound audience to an eclectic selection of Opera classics and popular pieces from Broadway musicals. Accompanied by pianist Cody Thomas and joined by their equally talented sister Seraphine, the girls put on a Christmas Spectacular.
The British Legion of Kenya held a Remembrance Day Service at the War Memorial in the Club grounds in tribute to those fallen in combat. Soldiers of the KAR and MCC Member (Honorary Consul for New Zealand) and retired RSM of 1st Battalion Transvaal Scottish, Stewart Henderson were among those present.
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
MCC’s Maiden Pop-Up Market MCC’s Maiden Pop-Up Market was launched just before Christmas, offering a wonderful opportunity for Members and friends to do some last minute, stress-free shopping in the tranquil grounds of the Club. A total of 18 exhibitors took part selling an exciting range of goods including artwork, fashion, crafts, books, wines & spirits, jewellery and techno-gadgets.
In the wake of its success a Valentine’s Pop-Up Market will be held on Sunday 11 February 2018. Come and enjoy a leisurely Sunday shop, have a Valentine coffee with friends or indulge in a delicious family Sunday Lunch without having to go anywhere further. Any Members who would like to take part in the next Pop-Up and showcase their products should contact MCC Events to secure a booth.
Class, Sass & Pizazz! One of Kenya’s most sought-after entertainers June Gachui, will be performing Live at the Club this February. A highly accomplished singer and actor on both screen and stage, June has over a decade of experience performing live all over the world including in the US, Australia and UK, and she has refined her act to “an exquisite melding of class, sass and pizazz!” June will be performing Live at the Club on 16 February 2018. Book early for what is sure to be a sell-out.
“A striking new satire on the rise and fall… …and rise of an unlikely tyrant .” Writer, Queen’s Council, Chairman of the George Adamson Wildlife Trust, retired Labour MP and MCC Member, Bob Marshall-Andrews will be giving a talk and signing copies of his latest book ‘Dump’ at the Club on 1 March 2018. His latest novel is a thrilling satire on the rise of Donald Trump, and the complacency that put him in the White House. Darkly funny, extremely topical, furiously compelling, and with a cast of strangely familiar characters, it is a sideways look at our turbulent political times.
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
forthcoming events
The “Irish Cooking Queen” Visits MCC Author of 15 best-selling cookery books, and a teacher at the world famous Ballymaloe Cookery School in Ireland, Celebrity TV Chef Rachel Allen will be visiting the Club this January. Throughout her visit the “Irish Cooking Queen” will be serving up some of her celebrated menus for lunch and dinner in the Club Dining Room, in addition to giving a live cooking demonstration and signing two of her bestselling books - her latest “Home Baking” and her popular book “Coast” - which focuses particularly on Irish food.
and her style of cooking is practical and simple and ideal for family and friends. Members are warmly invited to come and meet the “Irish Cooking Queen,” get a signed copy of her best-selling cookery books and sample some of her delicious, Irish cuisine. Rachel Allen will be visiting the Club between 22 – 27 January 2018. Look out for more details of her live cooking demonstration and book-signing event.
Rachel’s culinary influences are both regional and global
Fo r t h c o m i ng E v e n t s JANUARY 2018 Live Concert - ‘Keys vs. Strings’
9 January, Ballroom, 6.30pm.
Dinner Dance – Central Jazz East Africa Band
12 January, Club Dining Room, 7.30pm.
Visiting Chef Week – with Celebrity TV Chef Rachel Allen
22-27 January, Main Club Dining Room, Lunch & Dinner
Fitness Boot Camp
27 January, Chairman’s Lawn, 9.00am.
Pinks Film Night – Chariots of Fire
27 January, Pinks Lawn, 6.30pm.
FEBRUARY 2018 Film Night – Film ‘Dancer’ & Talk ‘Joel’s Story’
1 February, Ballroom Room, 6.30pm.
Talk & Book Signing – ‘And They’re Off!’ by Shel Arunsen
7 February, Ballroom, 6.30pm
Quiz Night – with Quiz Master Steve Mills
9 February, Ballroom, 6.30pm.
Valentine’s Pop-Up Market
11 February, Centenary Lawn, from 11.00am – 6.00pm.
Valentine’s Dinner Dance
14 February, Club Dining Room, 7.30pm.
Live Performance – by June Gachui
16 February, Ballroom, 7.30pm.
KMS Speakers’ Evening
17 February, Ballroom, 6.30pm.
Live Opera – ‘The Barber of Seville’
22 February, Ballroom, 6.30pm.
Pinks Film Night
24 February, Pinks Lawn, 6.30pm.
MARCH 2018 Talk & Book Signing -‘Dump’ by Bob Marshall-Andrews
1 March, Ballroom, 6.30pm.
Piano Recital - Cordelia Williams
3 March, Ballroom, 6.30pm.
Imre Loeffler Speakers’ Evening
7 March, Ballroom, 6.30pm.
Dinner Dance – with the Ark Band
9 March, Club Dining Room, 7.30pm.
Ladies’ Brunch – Celebrating International Women’s Day
10 March, Pinks Lawn, 10.30am.
Opera Night – Remembering Dimitry Hvorstosvsky
15 March, Ballroom, 6.30pm.
Ballet Night – Film ‘Mata Hari’
29 March, Ballroom, 6.30pm.
Pinks Film Night
31 March, Pinks Lawn, 6.30pm.
KMS Speakers Evening
7 April, Ballroom, 6.30pm.
Lawn Bowls Coaching Lawn Bowls Mix-Ins Pinks Film Night
every Monday, Bowling Greens, 4.30pm. every Thursday, 4.30pm – 6.00pm, and Sundays, 9.30am, Bowling Greens. last Friday of every month, Pinks Lawn, 6.30pm
Closure of Club Dining Room on Sunday’s, effective Jan 2018.
Dates and times of events were correct at the time of going to Press. They may change post printing so please check with the Events Office when making your bookings.
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
the mcc poppy ball 2017
The MCC Poppy Ball 2017 was a tremendous success once again with many gongs and uniforms in evidence. The evening raised over Ksh 600,000/- for the British Legion of Kenya
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
bow ls
Bowls Report The Club Handicap Singles kindly sponsored by Oliver and Sheryl Fowler was played over two hot days and attracted 14 bowlers. Rob Porter and Seamus Burns junior met in a gripping final which Seamus junior finally won by 7 shots.
straight and very nearly did so by winning two games but losing the important third match by one shot! Although we lost two of the three games in the return match, Muthaiga retained the Mackenzie Shield by winning overall 4-2.
The popular Club Singles competition was generously sponsored by Ian Stamp and attracted 18 bowlers out onto the green. It was a wonderful two days of bowls in which there were a number of games worthy of being the final. Another thrilling final was interrupted by heavy rain, but upon resumption, competition was just as fierce between Maureen Burns and Oliver Fowler as it was before, but Oliver finally won by 3 three shots. A truly great final and wonderful spectator value.
Our final competition of the year was our annual battle of the sexes – the Ladies vs Gents match! Twenty-four bowlers turned out to take part in this popular competition which was played in a trips format and which was won comfortably by the Gents 4-0, but the Ladies were missing two very good and useful players, so who knows what the result may have been had they played.
In November we crossed town to play Karen Country Club for the Mackenzie Shield. I’m proud to say that MCC had a clean sweep and comfortably won all three trip matches 3-0. The following day Karen Club came to Muthaiga to try to set the record
In 2018 the Bowling Section will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary and the Bowls Committee is organising a number of events to commemorate the occasion, which will continue throughout the year. But for now, on behalf of the Bowling Section members I would like to say a truly big thank you to Shumy Ahmed who, as well as arranging the
decoration of the marquees for our competitions, also organises the Club caterers who have produced delicious refreshments for morning tea and sumptuous lunches throughout the year.
John Porter receiving the much coveted Battle of the Sexes Trophy on behalf of the winning Gents Team.
The green has been closed for annual maintenance but is scheduled to reopen in mid-January. Bowls is fun, it’s healthy and it caters both young and old and we welcome all MCC Members to come along to the green and join our Mix-ins - so why not give it a go in the New Year to mark our 25th Anniversary! John Porter Captain Bowling Section
Forthcoming Bowling Events 27 - 28 January Club 2x4x2 Pairs 25 February MCC vs Kenya Irish Society (social) From left - Club Singles Oliver Fowler (winner), Ian Stamp (sponsor), Maureen Burns (Runner-up) and John Porter (Bowls Captain.) 12
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
17 March St. Patrick’s day Spoon
tennis and fitnes s
Tennis Report In October, MCC hosted our ‘Cup of Nations’ annual Competition, which included teams representing Europe, Kenya, UK-Brexit, USA and Zanzibar. This involved a total of thirty players with three pairs representing each team competing on a Round-Robin basis. The Kenya team - Christian Vater & Aida Kimemia, Jonathan Chapman & Fiona Fox and Ashley & Ariana Issaias - emerged as the overall winners - but only just. Team Europe, just one point short of equalising, were the runners-up. Our ‘Christmas Crackers’ Annual Tournament was, as expected, a thoroughly enjoyable session. Despite being a festive occasion with good will to all mankind, competition was fearsome. Twenty-eight players participated in two graded Pools allowing for various levels of play. Each pair completed six matches within their own group. At the end of the morning, when combining both sets of results, the Red Noses Team - Erik Habers & Philippa Chapman and Alec & Edward Davis - were the overall winners. Our last tournament of the year was the ‘Mighty Gladiators Tournament’ for players 55 years and older. Twelve players took part in the competition (their combined age totaling roughly 960 years.) With almost a millenium of experience on the tennis courts, we enjoyed an exceptionally high standard of performance. Played on a Round-Robin basis, six pairs fought hard for the championship, but it was Gladiators Manlio Blasetti and Chris Shaw, representing
From left – Triumphant winners of the +55 Competition representing Sicilia, Manlio Blassetti and Chris Shaw.
Sicilia, one of the regions of the Roman Empire, who battled through to glory and took the ancient laurels. Our last hurrah this year was the grand switching on of the tennis court floodlights. Long-awaited, the lights mean players can now enjoy the courts for another two hours every day. Courts are available for evening play from 6.30pm – 8.30pm and players will be charged Ksh 500/- per person per hour to play under the spotlight. Finally, my sincere thanks on behalf of all our tennis Members, to Omega and his assistants, who are tireless in the daily maintenance of the courts. Similarly, my thanks to the MCC catering department for providing such a wonderful selection of refreshments during our monthly tournaments. John Goodwin Tennis Captain
Forthcoming Tennis Events Sat 13 January
Tennis vs. Squash
Sun 28 January
Muthaiga’s Aussie Open (Mixed Doubles)
Sun 11 February
Men and Ladies’ Singles
Sun 11 March
Matata Cup (Mixed Doubles)
WELLNESS BEYOND THE FITNESS CENTRE - BACK CARE Do you stretch in the morning? When cats and dogs wake up, they stretch out their front paws and bend their backs. It increases mobility and helps improve circulation. It can work for us too. Morning stretching is a great way to start the day and get your body going. Most of us ignore that and just stumble out of bed...
Start off the day better and try one of the following :On waking up lie on your back, with your chin dropped into your neck, interlock fingers and rest you head on your hands at the base of your skull. Push back the elbows squeezing the shoulder blades, bend your legs and drop them from side to side. OR Stretch your legs out straight with your arms straight above you and rotate your ankles. Roll into a ball by hugging the knees into your chest.
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
Over 100 Country Members from up and down the Great Rift Valley enjoyed a wonderful afternoon at this year’s Outreach Luncheon, kindly hosted by Mary Coulson in the gardens of her beautiful home in Gilgil. The Club kitchens and a team of MCC staff relocated to produce a fabulous BBQ lunch with open Bar, courtesy of the Club.
Lucy Njoroge with Ben & Wanja Arentz
Mike Turner & Kat Combes
Diane & Sandy McLe
MCC Outreach Catering Staff & chef de partie James Shepherd (far right)
Rachel Robley, Susie Millar & MJ Nuijten-Coulson
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
The Lord D
Paul & Jane Chemng’orem with Kingangi Njoroge & Bella Ki
Such was the success of the afternoon, the Committee is planning to hold a similar event for coast Members in 2018. If any of our coastal Members would like to offer their home as a venue to host the occasion please do get in touch with the Secretary. The aim is to remind country Members who cannot visit the Club as frequently as town Members, that they are not forgotten and that their Membership is valued.
MCC Secretary Rupert Elliott, Mary Coulson, Philip Coulson, MCC Resident Manager Michael Krop, MCC Chairman Ngugi Kiuna
eish, Denise Campbell
is Outram
Gordy Millar, Brian Perry & Chr
Samatha McClennan, Mark Low & Katie McClennan
Spence Dry & Sally Dudmesh with MCC Secretary Rupert Elliott
MCC Chairman Ngugi Kiuna with The Lady Delamere
Jay Hewett & Jessie Githanga
Karen Shepherd, Rickie Stewart & Dudu White
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
members’ awards MCC Member, best-selling author and ardent conservationist Kuki Gallmann has been awarded the prestigious ‘Premio Honoris Causa Gambrinus Mazzotti’ by the Jury of the ‘International Premio Letterario Gambrinus Mazzotti’ prize for adventure and ecology, in her native Italy. The annual award was established 35 years ago in memory of Italian Renaissance man and pioneer Giuseppe Mazzotti, who was one of the most active and many-faceted figures of contemporary Italian culture, and who was one of the first to take a stand on safeguarding the environment and landscape of his native Veneto. He wrote many articles and publications, organised exhibitions, and was a constant promoter of art, as well as a keen climber and a much-admired writer and essayist. He was a man of culture and, for present and future generations, an inspiration. The Literary Prize is dedicated to the things Giuseppe Mazzotti was passionate about and to which he devoted his time as a writer and enthusiast. Every year prizes are awarded to the best authors and works - written in Italian or translated - and published for the first time. The annual ‘International Premio Letterario Gambrinus Mazzotti for Adventure and Ecology,’ is dedicated to those who love books, their territory and adventure. The ‘International Premio Letterario Gambrinus Mazzotti’ prize is considered one of the most important and prestigious international literary awards, due to the interest aroused by the specific subjects involved, the qualified jury and the strict criteria applied in selecting the books. In recognition of her sheer determination, willpower and imagination, the Jury was unanimous in its decision to award Kuki the ‘Premio Honoris Causa Gambrinus Mazzotti’ (Lifetime Achievement Award) 2017 ‘for her tireless and courageous commitment to the protection of the Environment and of Ol Ari Nyiro, Laikipia Nature Conservancy in Kenya and to the numerous activities in support of the local Kenyan communities through The Gallmann Memorial Foundation, that she founded to honour the memory of Paolo Gallmann and Emanuele PirriGallmann - her husband and son - who both died tragically in Africa, and are buried on her land Ol Ari Nyiro, a wild oasis of biodiversity. 16
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
As a not-for-profit charitable organisation the Gallmann Memorial Foundation is dedicated to the preservation of the biodiversity of Ol Ari Nyiro, through creative, innovative and sustainable conservation, in addition to promoting harmony between people and wildlife through research, education and the arts and generating jobs and income and improving lives through community service and public health programmes. Kuki has published five best-selling books, which have been translated into over 20 languages and she is currently finalising her sixth book. Her autobiography, ‘I Dreamed of Africa,’ was made into a Hollywood feature film. She is an Honorary Warden of the Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS).
I am deeply moved and honoured to receive from my native Italy this prestigious award. This is positive recognition not just for me, but for Kenya, my adoptive country, my home of 45 years, to which I owe my inspiration. I would like to express my gratitude in particular to my family, the staff and team of Ol Ari Nyiro, Laikipia Nature Conservancy without whom no achievement would have been possible. Kuki Gallmann
members’ awards
El Karama Lodge Wins Eco-Warrior Award 2017 El Karama Lodge in Laikipia, owned by the Grant family who are long-standing Members of MCC, has received the Eco-Warrior Award for Sustainable Development 2017, for its ecological and responsible approach to tourism. The Eco-Warrior Award is a Kenyan tourism award that recognises and celebrates outstanding contributions to ecotourism practice in Kenya. The award scheme is endorsed by the government and focuses on globally recognised eco tourism practices and has aligned its winning categories with the country’s 2020 Development Goals. The scheme reflects the efforts by many tourism operators and suppliers in attaining the highest standard of environmental sustainability in travel. El Karama Lodge is based on a private 14,000-acre ranch in Laikipia, owned and run by the Grant family. Tucked away on the banks of the Ewaso Ngiro River, just over 40km from Nanyuki and Mount Kenya, this delightful eight cottage Lodge offers stunning landscapes and a staggering number of mammals and birds - 429 species to date. El Karama is run totally on solar energy and harvested rainwater and makes use of paraben-free natural soaps and natural rock and sand filtering systems for grey water. Indigenous trees have been planted to utilise the recycled grey water and the lodge uses eco jikos for all cooking, powered by eco charcoal prepared on the ranch. The lodge maintains a ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ policy and with the chemicalfree swimming pool systems, local procurement strategies and wildlife education initiatives with local partners El Karama Lodge has become an example of how investment in renewable energy and local purchasing strategies can have a positive impact on the environment and the neighbouring communities. El Karama supports around sixty families directly through employment on the ranch and creatively managing the natural resources to improve the livelihood of its people while offering a personal and
unforgettable wilderness experience for wildlife enthusiasts. Known as the ‘Hidden Gem of Laikipia’, the Grant family and their dedicated team have created an experience for every safari budget, offering lodge based experiences, glamping and even natural camping by the river. El Karama’s training and events programme is the only one in the region and speakers are invited year-round to offer weekends of learning in the beautiful natural surroundings of the ranch. Short courses are aimed at enthusiasts in all areas relating to natural history and wildlife and range from tracking, bird watching, bee keeping, photography, creative writing, painting and safari cooking. The judges bestowed the Eco Warrior Award on El Karama Lodge because the Grant family and their team’s approach to conservation touches on more than five Sustainable Development Goals addressing poverty, quality education, good health, climate action, decent work and sustainable production and consumption. This little lodge is becoming a hub for new ideas and inspiration and provides a model for how similar businesses in the region can be run.
Our aim as a family is to preserve this exceptional habitat for the wildlife, birds, insects and people of Laikipia, so we are absolutely delighted that our efforts have been recognised through the EcoWarrior Award. The journey we’ve been on for the past nine years has been challenging and I feel really proud of our whole team. It is wonderful to be able to demonstrate to them finally that hard work and vision really does pay its rewards. We still have lots to do but El Karama is a very special place and we hope to create a hub here at the lodge, where guests who wish to come and explore this fantastic region, can do so with us while learning something new.
” Sophie Grant
Card holding Members of Muthiaga Club will be eligible for an introductory early bird discount on their first booking with El Karama Lodge. Please contact the Events office for more information.
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
members’ ac hievements
Birds Eye View From November to March, hundreds of thousands of birds migrate from Europe and Asia in order to winter in Africa. Many fly at night and you might never see them on their passage to and from Southern Africa. However, research ornithologists trap some of these birds of passage recording the species and examining their health before sending them on their way. Among the many migrating species are tiny warblers as illustrated below.
Can you identify them?
ANSWERS Top Row Garden Warbler & Willow Warbler Middle Row Blackcap Warbler & Irania Bottom Row Basra Reed-Warbler & Ictarine Warbler. 18
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
hatches & matches
er of
Charlotte Olivia Allen Charlotte Olivia Allen born on 30 April 2017 in Nairobi To Adrian & Roisin Allen (nee Perrett) of the Mara. First grandchild to Brian and Di Allen of Nanyuki and tenth grandchild to John and Amanda Perrett of Rumeruti.
er of
er of
Converse Dry & Morganne Carroll Converse Reddig Dry, youngest son of James and Sally Dry of Kenya, married Morganne Grace Carroll, daughter of Timothy and Jennifer Carroll of the US. The wedding was held on 15 April 2017 at Hightower Falls in Cedartown, Georgia, USA.
Isabella Sialo Sheldrick Olive Chemeli Karanja-Mutiso Olive Chemeli Karanja-Mutiso born on 6 March 2017 in Nairobi To Wayne Mutiso & Tatiana Karanja of Nairobi. First grandchild to Tim and Linda Mutiso and Ian and Ellen Karanja of Nairobi.
Isabella Sialo Sheldrick born on 26 September 2017 in Nairobi to Neville & Chantal Sheldrick (nee Migongo-Bake) of Nairobi. First grandchild to Elizabeth Migongo-Bake of Nairobi and sixth grandchild to Ken and Martha Sheldrick of Centerville, Ohio, USA. January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
edita’s ballet and opera programme 2018 is getting a very lively start with two Live shows! The first is a kind of competition between “Keys vs. Strings” or Jazz vs. Classical. I have persuaded the British pianist and Jazz expert Carl Attwood – who is in Kenya for a short holiday – to give us a rendition of his entertaining “History of Jazz” recounted from the keyboard in his unmistakably effervescent and witty style. He will perform in aid of the charity “Prescious Sisters”. The violinist Hilde van Susante - my exciting newly discovered talent - will conclude the programme with some popular and interesting Classical pieces. “Keys vs. Strings” will be performed Live on the 9 January 2018. I will be showing the fascinating documentary ‘DANCER’ about the Russian phenomenon Sergey Polunin, who became the youngest ever principal dancer of the Royal Ballet, but walked away at the age of 21, driven to the brink of self destruction by stardom – his talent more a curse than a gift. On the same evening, I will be telling the story of a vastly talented and inspiring young ballet dancer called Joel who, as a twelve-year-old pupil at Karen C Primary, a deprived school on the edge of Kuwinda Slums, joined ballet classes given by 13 year-old ballet student Annabel Shaw. Now Joel is in London training with the English National Ballet School having been offered a three-year academic 20
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
scholarship in Professional Dance. Joel’s story reads like a fairy tale taking him from Kuwinda Slums to joining the English National Ballet. The evening is a fundraising event for Opera for School Fees and to help with Joel’s up-keep. ‘Dancer’ and Joel’s story will be shown on 1 February 2018. Our second Live performance will be the long awaited and long rehearsed sixth Opera by OPERAtion Classics – ‘The Barber of Seville’. This hugely popular, comic Opera needs no introduction as everybody has seen or at least heard of it. Figaro’s dynamic aria ‘Figaro qua Figaro La’ is often played in concerts and used as sound track for advertising and has therefore become a household hum! This is typical Rossini his most popular Opera with a convoluted plot, fizzing with glorious music. ‘The Barber of Seville’ will be performed Live at the Club, by a cast of dazzling local talent on 22 February 2018. After the shocking, premature death of one of the best Baritones ever, Dimitry Hvorstosvsky, I will be holding an evening dedicated to his art, which is very well represented in a short concert recorded in St.Petersburg. This will be held on 15 March 2018. ‘Mata Hari’ The turbulent life of the Dutch spy and dancer Mata Hari is the theme of this large-scale ballet
production. As one of the most famous dancers of her day, the exotic, mysterious Mata Hari aka Margreet MacLeod, was accused – rightly or wrongly – of being a Double Agent during the Great War and she died in front of a French firing squad in 1917. The choreographer Ted Brandsen tells this story through ballet so clearly, it’s almost like watching a feature film. ‘Mata Hari’ will be screened on Thursday 29 March 2018.
2018 In the New Year I will be showing more of Jonas Kaufmann. He is still the hottest tenor in the world and very much in demand, but he appears in some awful productions! There is a ray of hope though –‘Othello.’ which I will be showing later in the year. Classical Ballet is changing dramatically from the old style. Now the acting side is as important as the dancing. This is particularly evident in Carlo Acosta’s new ballet ‘Carmen’. Recorded in 2016 ‘Carmen’ is Acosta’s farewell production for the Royal Ballet and I will be showing it in the New Year. Another new ballet that is more of a thriller is ‘Frankenstein.’ For months I resisted buying this, feeling very skeptical about how anyone could make a good ballet out of such a gruesome story. I was finally persuaded to watch it by the excellent reviews it received, and also out of sheer curiosity. I now agree with the critics wholeheartedly! The story is beautifully told and some of the choreography and dancing outstanding.
book reviews
New Arrivals THE LAST TUDOR by Phillipa Gregory Gregory’s subject for her final novel about the Tudor dynasty concerns the three Princesses - Jane, Katherine and Mary Grey, all of whom had a strong claim to England’s throne. Jane is the first to tell her short, sad story. Pleasure-loving Katherine tells of how she foolishly marries without the Queen’s permission and reaps resulting dire consequences. Crafty Elizabeth would never marry and produce an heir, as she knew her strength lay in her ‘singleness’ avoiding the many dangers were she to marry into European Catholic royal families. Mary, the youngest Grey sister, also wed without Elizabeth her cousin’s permission. Each account of what happened to the sisters has its own particular poignancy. The three are unfailingly loyal and loving to one another and all are united in their dislike of their imperious, tyrannical ‘cousin’ Queen Elizabeth. Gregory is a skilful storyteller, combining it with meticulous historical research in writing of an age that is full of drama and unforgettable characters. THE MISTRESS OF PARIS by Catherine Hewitt. Emilie Delabigne was originally a naive country girl who sought her fortune in Paris. After producing two illegitimate children, she fought her way out of abject poverty to become a courtesan, the highest and only form of prostitute socially acceptable in Paris. She possessed all a woman could desire – a place in society, palatial residences and money. Hewitt’s research is an impeccable account of the lively years approaching the twentieth century. Delabigne was vaguely involved in the notorious Dreyfus case, and was supposed to have had relationships with both Louis Napoleon and Edward VII. She experienced and enjoyed the advent of the railway train, the car and the telephone. This is an unusual book, which offers an interesting social study of Paris, especially after the Franco-Prussian war when the rich replaced the aristocracy as Parisian rulers of society. ENTITLED – A CRITICAL HISTORY OF THE BRITISH ARISTOCRACY by Chris Bryant School-taught history provides a framework for what happened and when. Bryant goes further, looking at it mainly from a socio-economic angle. His book is a masterful English history narrative of how the 1066 Norman invasion set the beginnings of an English aristocracy that developed over the centuries. ‘Barons’, the title he uses for what became today’s aristocracy, were usually rewarded with land in return for services in battle or conquest, but the land was still held by the king and thus the ‘the feudal system’ was created. Bryant’s research is extensive but he seeks one message only - the ‘bad news’. His approach will provoke disagreement among many, as he fails to appreciate that we cannot always judge history by today’s standards and beliefs. UNDER THE JACARANDA by Joy Odero ‘Under the Jacaranda’ documents the life of a Kenyan family, and in its telling, it amounts to a slice of post-independent Kenya history, covering many of its direst moments such as Tom Mboya’s killing, later the 1982 coup, and afterwards how people’s everyday lives were directly affected by such events. It is narrated by the daughter Serene, the youngest child of a Luo father and a Kikuyu mother. The marriage, although stable, has its difficulties, especially at times of family gatherings when the children suffer suspicion and hostility from both sides. Serene is distressed to watch her father decline as a result of what he suffered during his imprisonment after the coup, as he progressively seeks comfort in alcohol. Odero has tackled a difficult subject and has succeeded brilliantly. Although she describes some of her own people’s customs she remains unbiased, emphasising instead that, in life, all families produce both ‘nice’ and ‘nasty’ characters regardless of their ethnic origins.
More than 100 years of Racing in Kenya.
Written by Shel Arensen (of ‘Old Africa’ magazine fame) ‘And They’re Off!’ chronicles the history of horse racing in Kenya, starting at the turn of the last century when the only mounts were stocky Somali ponies. Racing gained pace when the likes of Lord Delamere and Sir William Northrup McMillan, who took their racing more seriously, began importing quality horses, and racing in Kenya became a fancied social past time. Race Week became the social event of the year with settlers trekking to Nairobi from all over the country for the occasion, many staying at the recently established MCC. The book gallops through the history of Kenya documenting the progression from colonial rule, through to Independence in 1963, but always from the intriguing perspective of horses, jockeys, breeders, trainers and owners. The going is good and the book kicks on to tell the story of how racing has continued since Independence to the present under the unfaltering guidance of The Jockey Club of Kenya. This absorbing book is studded with anecdote, treasured old photographs and race records meticulously researched and compiled by MCC Members Chuck Bengough and Rupert Watson, and ably assisted by Mary Binks. ‘And They’re Off!’ is both a valuable history of horse racing in Kenya and a delightful ride through the early years of the sport, encountering some of the eccentric and fascinating characters that populated and molded the racing world in Kenya over the last one hundred years, into the still thriving sport that it is today. Shel and Chuck will be giving a talk and signing copies of ‘And They’re Off!’ at the Club on 7 February 2018.
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
wwi in east africa
…..100 Years On For Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck, the victory against the British at the Battle of Mahiwa in Nobember 1917, in southern German East Africa, was a pivotal, but very costly one. Even though the German army only suffered between 500 and 600 casualties it was over thirty per cent of the German force and four days of fighting had expended almost a million rounds - nearly his entire supply of smokeless cartridges. Without sufficient ammunition for their modern weapons, the German force was reduced to using old Mauser rifles, which used black powder cartridges. By late November 1917, the Germans in East Africa were left with few options if they wanted to continue the war. Outnumbered, with only antiquated weapons and no way of resupplying, General von Lettow-Vorbeck decided to withdraw from German East Africa and crossing the Rovuma River, marched his troops south towards Portuguese East Africa (Mozambique) where he planned to regain strength by capturing supplies from the ill-prepared Portuguese Army there. There was no legal impediment to this attack; Germany had declared war on Portugal on 9 March 1916.
with experience fighting in Africa. Pinto had at his disposal 900 troops with six machine guns and a large supply cache, but his inexperienced force was no match for von LettowVorbeck’s battle-hardened troops, who crossed the river with between 1,500 and 2,000 veterans as well as a large number of porters. On the morning of 25 November, the Portuguese garrison at Ngomano received word from a British intelligence
Portugal was part of the Entente and a belligerent ally, enlisting João Teixeira Pinto troops in France and Africa, so a force under Major Joao Teixeira Pinto was sent to stop von Lettow-Vorbeck from crossing the border. General von Lettow-Vorbeck’s force was split up into several different columns by now, the two largest of these, under Hauptmann Theodor Tafel and Lettow-Vorbeck himself, were completely cut off from each other. Von Lettow-Vorbeck and his column were able to reach the Rovuma River, but Tafel and his detachment of 1,000 men, starving and exhausted, and out of ammunition, were forced to surrender to the pursuing 129th Baluchis, before reaching Mozambique. This was a severe and unexpected blow to von Leckow as he had been relying on Tafel’s detachment to augment the main striking force. Ironically, Von Lettow and Tafel were unaware that they were only one day’s march apart. Nevertheless, Von Lettow-Vorbeck continued his plans to attack the Portuguese garrison across the river at Ngomano. The Portuguese force was a native contingent led by European officers under João Teixeira Pinto, a veteran 22
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
Schutztuppe crossing the Rovuma River
wwi in east africa officer that an attack was about to commence. Nevertheless, when the attack came they were unprepared. In order to distract Pinto and his men, the Germans shelled the camp from across the river with high explosive rounds. While the artillery attacked the camp, the Germans moved their infantry forces upstream and crossed the Rovuma out sight of Pinto and his men. The Portuguese remained encamped at Ngomano expecting a frontal attack but the Germans flanked the Portuguese positions coming from upstream and completely encircled them with six companies of German infantry attacking the camp from the south, south-east and west. Having been forewarned about the assault, the Portuguese commander had begun preparations for the offensive but he had anticipated a frontal engagement and when the force came under attack from the rear he was completely disorientated. The Portuguese attempted to entrench themselves in their rifle pits, but they became totally destabilised after Pinto and several other officers were killed early in the battle. The inexperience of the Portuguese proved to be their downfall. The Germans had very little in the way of heavy weapons, as they had discarded most of their artillery and machine guns due to lack of modern ammunition,
yet despite the chronic shortage of weaponry von LettowVorbeck was able to move four machine guns up close to the rifle pits, using them only at close range to ensure his ammunition would not be wasted. Despite the Portuguese firing over 30,000 rounds, German casualties were extremely light. Having lost their commanding officer, and finding themselves hopelessly outnumbered and taking heavy casualties, the Portuguese surrendered despite the fact that they had enough military supplies to continue the action. The capitulation of the Portuguese enabled the von Lettow-Vorbeck to seize enough supplies to continue his campaign in East Africa for almost another year, until the end of the war. Once re-equipped, Von Lettow-Vorbeck did not stay at Ngomano for long and soon marched his force south to attack more Portuguese positions. With his caravans of troops and carriers he marched through Mozambique for the next nine months, avoiding capture, but unable to gain much strength. Although the British and Belgians were gaining territory at the Germans’ expense, they were being drawn deeper and deeper into Africa and further Gen. Von Lettow marching victorious through Portuguese EA and further away from their supply base. At one point, Britain and her Allies had 300,000 men engaged in the campaign at some level, yet with the victory at Ngomano, the Schutztruppe acquired quantities of much-needed supplies and ammunition, and 500 prisoners of war who they conscripted as porters. Nevertheless, the British forces continued to hunt down Von Lettow-Vorbeck and although he was losing men to desertion and disease he kept going. His force won several more victories and seized even more supplies and ammunition, but when Lettow-Vorbeck reached the Zambesi River, his troops were unable to cross, so he turned north again, moving back into German East Africa in 1918.
Belgian troops
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
c h r i stm a s d r aw p r i z e w i n n e r s
Once again this year’s Christmas Draw was a tremendous success. More records were broken and enormous thanks go to all the Members who so generously donated a record number of spectacular prizes this year, which contributed to a record number of amazing prizes in total being given away. On the day, over 140 Members and their friends enjoyed a sumptuous pre-Christmas Lunch and Mini Draw (also with great prizes) – kicking off the Festive Season and the first of many happy social events.
Prize Winner
Prize Winner
2 x Ethiopian Airlines Business Class Tickets Worldwide 2 x Ethiopian Airline Economy tickets to Europe 3 x Nights for 2 at Bluebay Beach Resort, Zanzibar 4 x Nights for 2 guests B&B at Driftwood Beach Club . Dinner for 8 guests in the Red Dining Room, MCC 1 x iPhone 8 plus Protective Cover Jewellery from Lapigems Ltd 1 x Day Big Game Fishing for 2 Pemba Channel Safaris Ltd 1 x Samsung S8 phone plus Protective Cover 1 x 49” LED Smart FHD TV Dinner for 2 guests at Muthaiga Country Club 1 x Small Cool Box from Specialised Fibreglass Ltd 1 x Browns’ Cheese Hamper with Cheese Board & Knife 1 x Taylormade 2017 Golf Bag plus MCC Umbrella 1 x Kanga Weekend Bag Afternoon Tea for 2 guests at Lord Erroll Restaurant 1 x Home-made Christmas Cake with Cake Stand 1 x Kaufmann Cool bag with Picnic set 1 x 15,000/- Voucher for Carrefour Supermarket 1 x Luxury Christmas Hamper 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Mr Price 1 x Moon Safari Chair 1 x Kenwood 17 L Blender 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Palacina Interiors 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Mr Price 1 x Coffee Hampers - Safari Lounge 1 x Silver Bangle by George Simpson 1 x HP Deskjet Ink Advantage 3635 Printer with Ink Cartridges 1 x Voucher for 60,000/- Wood Charm 1 x Sandstorm Pioneer Bag 1 x Set of Bath Towels with Electronic Bathroom Scales 1 x Set of Large Lanterns 1 x Brookwood 2-Man Tent 1 x Sandstorm Mini Cooler 1 x Maglite Torch 1 x Luxury Christmas Hamper 1 x Bose Soundlink Wireless Portable Speaker 1 x Luxury Christmas Hamper 1 x Pure Wool Hand Wooven Rug 1 x Africana Mirror, Woodcharm 1 x Hand Made Mirror, Linda Camm 1 x Ornamental Egyptian Flower Vase 1 x iPod touch and 16 GB of Memory 1 x NutriBullet 600 1 x Safari Chef with a Barbeque Set 1 x Beats Solo2 Head Phones 1 x LG 145L Freezer 1 x 60 x 75” Slumberland Serenity Seal Mattress 1 x Set of 6 Moroccan Water Glasses 1 x Home Solar System 1 x 15,000/- Voucher for Carrefour Supermarket 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Palacina Interiors 1 x Luxury Christmas Hamper 1 x Manicure, Pedicure & Massage, Salon Malibu 1 x Samsung LED 32” Smart TV 1 x Philips Shaver Unit with Sandstorm Travel Wash Bag Dinner for 2 guests at Lord Erroll Restaurant 1 x Case of 6 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Duvet Set Queen Size & Throw 1 x Sandstorm Odyssey Large Bag 1 x iPad Pro plus Smart Keyboard 1 x Thermos Cooler Box 60 litre 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Palacina Interiors
1 x Whirlpool Fridge 242L 1 x Home-made Christmas Cake with Cake Stand 1 x Set of Kitengela Glasses & Water Jug 2 x Nights at Samawati House, Msambweni 1 x Brother Inkjet Printer with Refillable Cartridges 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Mr Price 2 x Return Tickets to Diani/Vipingo, Safarilink 2 x Nights for 2 guests at Medina Palms Watamu 1 x Hot Point Chest Freezer 200L 1 x Leatherman Wave Super Tool 1 x Resin Salad Bowl with Mountain Oils 1 x Christmas Hamper, Farmer’s Choice 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Palacina Interiors 1 x Case of 6 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Family trip to Ragati Conservancy for 2 days fishing 1 x Xuanpad S3 Mini Dash Camera, Car Camera 1 x Ring Digital Air Compressor 1 x Charcoal Barbeque set 1 x Set of Trays 1 x Bosch Washing Machine F/Load 6kg 1 x Browns’ Cheese Hamper with Cheese Board & Knife 1 x Voucher 10,000/- from Green Spoon 1 x Set Luxury Bathroom Towels 1 x 2 Person Dome Tent with 2 Sleeping Bags 1 x Bottle of Champagne 2 x Nights for 8 at Chingwede House, Msambweni 1 x Resin Salad Bowl with Pure Mountain Oils 1 x GoPro HERO5 Action Camera with Harness 1 x Luxury Christmas Hamper 1 x Ornamental Table Centre Piece 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Palacina Interiors 1 x 20000mAh Multi-purpose Power Bank 2 x Nights for 2 guests at Great Rift Valley Lodge 1 x Voucher 10,000/- for Healthy You 1 x Large Hand Made Glass Lamp from Turkey 1 x Nikon 10 x 42 Monarch Binoculars 1 x Sandstorm Nelion Backpack 1 x Original painting by Sophie Walbeoffe 1 x Case of 8 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Set of 2 VIP Suitcases 2 x Nights for 2 at Treetops Lodge, Aberdare NP 1 x Farmer’s Choice Christmas Hamper 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Palacina Interiors 1 x Voucher 10,000/- from Green Spoon 1 x 15,000/- Voucher for Carrefour Supermarket 1 x Leatherman Rebar Super Tool 1 x Case of 6 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Queen Size Cotton Comforter 1 x 15,000/- Voucher for Carrefour Supermarket 1 x Kenwood Sandwich Maker & Kenwood Kettle 1 x 15,000/- Voucher for Carrefour Supermarket 1 x Luxury Christmas Hamper 1 x Case of 8 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Bose Soundlink Revolve 2 x Nights for two at Mara Expedition Camp 1 x Set of Large Lanterns 1 x Original Oil Painting by Bettina Roedling 1 x Matching Morphy Richards Kettle and Toaster 1 x Coffee Hampers - Safari Lounge 1 x Set of Kitengela Glasses & Water Jug 1 x Night for 2 Turtle Bay Beach Club, Watamu 1 x Sandstorm Explorer Bag 1 x Pair of LG Subwoofer Speakers
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
J Ogalo P Wartnaby A Kamau J Minns K Mutiso C Danvers J Kimondo P Low D Mediratta P Scholes J Ogalo D Hutchison C Oulton L Inglis H Sutton K Mutiso E Mungai A Combos A Ker J Gethi A Lyon S Shah N Gituku P Gidoomal I Harvey S Jones G Day-Wilson R Muigai W Deverell C Rubia D Hutchison R Elliott M Kenyatta D Hutchison R Allen S Smith E Langton A Devani F Njenga J Martin M Duder D Haigh B Gitari E Mungai L Christoffersen M Karanja J Hewett I Sharp A Rego C Danvers D Kibaki R Evans B Wright S Smithers D Gray B Gitari M Hechle J Bell D Hutchison L Christoffersen M Weston R Monkhouse G Kariuki
J Aston C Church S Smithers S Ngaruiya J Block J Ogalo D Hutchison P Gidoomal N Warren F Wambua M Castegnaro S Smith J Parsons J Aston A Ker I Wamakau G Kariuki B Wright S Smithers A Combos C Church P Kameru J Muhoho K Mutiso A Njeru J Kimondo A Elwes J Ngure V Cole S Jones A Combos V Cole D Hutchison M Duder N Kobke M Hechle C Ngovi K Mutiso J Foster M Janmohamed S Smith R Muigai D Haigh S Smith M Rubia G Wahome G Kariuki C Fernandes R Omwela V Cole H Thornton D Hutchison M Muigai J Clark C Wilson N Davies G Muigai S Smithers D Kamau K Mutiso G Wahome S Raja-Shah M Muigai
c h r i stm a s d r aw p r i z e w i n n e r s
Prize Winner 1 x Ariston 3 + 1 Cooker with Electric Oven 1 x Home-made Christmas Cake with Cake Stand 1 x Ornamental Egyptian Flower Vase 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Mr Price 1 x Brace of Luxury Hot Water Bottle Covers 2 x Nights for 6 at Rhino Retreat, Abderdare NP 1 x Case of 8 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Case of 8 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Safari Chef with a Barbeque Set 1 x Car Breakdown Accessories plus Umbrella 1 x Home-made Christmas Cake with Cake Stand 1 x Voucher for 50,000/- Lapigems Ltd 1 x Moon Safari Chair 1 x Case of 8 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Night for 2 guests at Island Camp Baringo 1 x Brookwood 2-Man Tent 1 x Set of Kitengela Glasses & Water Jug 1 x 15,000/- Voucher for Carrefour Supermarket 1 x Brandy & Rum with Sundowner Tumblers 1 x Case of 8 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Set of Kitengela Glasses & Water Jug 1 x Car Breakdown Accessories with Umbrella 1 x Night for 2 FB at Lions Bluff Lodge. 1 x Night for 2 B&B at Hemingways Nairobi 1 x Ladies Handbag - Bush Princess 1 x Original painting by Frances Simpson 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Mr Price 1 x Kitengela Hand Blown Vase 2 x Nights for 12 guests at Kweisos House 1 x Sandstorm Weekender Bag 1 x Browns’ Cheese Hamper with Cheese Board & Knife 1 x Set Luxury Bathroom Towels 1 x Voucher for 60,000/- WoodCharm 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Mr Price 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Mr Price 1 x Ladies Handbag - Bush Princess 1x Queen Size Cotton Comforter 1 x Ladies Handbag - Bush Princess 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Palacina Interiors 1 x Brown’s Cheese Hamper 2 x Nights for 2 guests FB at Ashnil Samburu Camp 1 x Craig’s Sports House Gift Voucher for 30,000/- 1 x King Size Duvet Cover and Linen set 1 x Home-made Christmas Cake with Cake Stand 1 x Home-made Christmas Cake with Cake Stand 1 x 15,000/- Voucher for Carrefour Supermarket 1 x Pure Wool Hand Woven Rug 1 x Korkmaz Cookware Set (7 Pieces) 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Mr Price Meal for 4 guests at Tamambo Karen Blixen 1 x Kenwood Food Processor & Blender 1 x Bose Soundlink Wireless Portable Speaker 1 x Kindle Paper White with cover 1 x Home Solar System 1 x Home Solar System 1 x Home-made Christmas Cake with Cake Stand 1 x Korkmaz Cookware Set (7 Pieces) 1 x Sandstorm James More Bag 1 x Kenwood Blender & LG Microwave 1 x Black & Decker Cordless Drill Driver and Drill Bit Set 1 x Kanga Cooler Box 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Mr Price 1 x Luxury Christmas Hamper
N Mawenu H Dalton S Keshavjee L Sessions M Wanjigi D Omondi P Kameru D Hutchison P Hime F Njenga S Sharma D Hutchison N Kobke M Dawson T Proske A Combos N Ajania D Hutchison W Woodley A Rego P Nyakiamo B Plumbe S Smith S Herd L Christoffersen L Christoffersen M Dyer J Dry D Hutchison J Ngure J Gethi R Field A Njeru S Jones T Dhariwal J Evans B Zanetti Atkinson S Barker C Danvers Lynn Tundo V Gitobu M Prettejohn T Traexler N Davies D Gray A Rego J Parsons A Addison B Gitari M Manguyu E Mullan J Lloyd A Smith N Waweru G Grewal K Mutiso S Strong C Danvers N Poulton M Weston S Jones W Horne M Hechle
Prize Winner 1 x Ornamental Egyptian Flower Vase 2 x Night for 2 at Sarova Woodlands Hotel & Spa, Nakuru 1 x Case of 8 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Lyre Side Piano/Dressing Stool, Woodcharm Sales 1 x Dalle Kitengela Glass table and Chairs 1 x Luxury Christmas Hamper 2 x Nights for 2 at Kiboko Starbeds, Loisaba Conservancy 1 x GamePro Safari SpotLight 1 x Set of 10 litre & 30 litre Thermos Cooler Boxes 1 x Pure Wool Hand Woven Rug 1 x Kenwood Smoothie Blender 1 x Voucher 10,000/- Healthy You 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Mr Price 1 x Farmers Choice, Christmas Hamper 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Palacina Interiors 1 x Chuma Works Hand-Crafted Bird Feeder 1 x Voucher for 30,000/- Patrick Mavros 1 x GamePro Safari SpotLight 1 x Set of 2 VIP Suitcases 1 x 15,000/- Voucher for Carrefour Supermarket 1 x Luxury Christmas Hamper 1 x Home-made Christmas Cake with Cake Stand 1 x Voucher for 50,000/- Lapigems Ltd 1 x Spiralizer + Recipe Book plus Moulinex Hand Mixer 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Palacina Interiors 1 x Philips Shaver with Sandstorm Wash Bag 1 x Home-made Christmas Cake with Cake Stand 1 x 60 x 75” Slumberland Serenity Seal Mattress 1 x Night for 2 B&B at Diani Blue 1 x Poikie Pot 1 x Home-made Christmas Cake with Cake Stand 1 x Fit Bit Heart Rate & Fitness Wrist Band 1 x Browns’ Cheese Hamper with Cheese Board & Knife 1 x Luxury Christmas Hamper 1 x Night for 2 at Sarova Shaba Game Lodge Dinner for 2 at Sarova Stanley 1 x 15,000/- Voucher for Carrefour Supermarket 1 x Whirlpool Fridge 262L 1 x Set of 10 litre & 30 litre Thermos Cooler Boxes 1 x Duvet Set Queen Size & Throw 1 x Resin Salad Bowl with Pure Mountain Oils 1 x Ring Digital Air Compressor 1 Set of Hand Made Glass Lamps from Turkey 1 x HP Deskjet Ink Printer with Ink Cartridges 1 x Voucher for 40,000/- WoodCharm 1 x iPad Air2 and 128 GB of Memory 1 x 15,000/- Voucher for Carrefour Supermarket 1 x Original Oil Painting Bettina Roedling 1 x 10,000/- Voucher for Palacina Interiors 1 x GoPro HERO5 Action Camera with Harness 1 x 20000mAh Multi-purpose Power Bank 1 x Brown’s Cheese Hamper with Cheese Board & Knife 1 x Hand Carved Mvuli Mirror, White Heat 1 x Poikie Pot 1 x Case of 8 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Silver Bangle by George Simpson 1 x Case of 6 Assorted Wines & Spirits 1 x Downtown Abbey Complete Collection with DVD Player 1 x Sandstorn Odssey Large Bag 1 x Hand Carved Wooden Salad Bowl with Mountain Oils 1 x Hand Carved Wooden Salad Bowl with Mountain Oils 1 x Bakuli Blue Tea Set with Prince Charles Shop Tea Caddy 1 x Hand Carved Wooden Salad Bowl with Mountain Oils
J Gethi P Issaias C Rubia N Waweru P Hime I McLean P Lotay G McKnight A Hopcraft A Ramirez S Shah A Rego I Gibson J O’Brien M Coulson D Hutchison D Hutchison A Addison B Clay H Thornton S Jones G Radier O Fowler E Goss G Day-Wilson R Muigai M Meinzingen A Ker J Evans K Mutiso A Sevak A Davis M Mediratta W Potgieter M Meinzingen D Kibaki A Pedersen N Hutchinson D Hewett S Smith J Wangai J Muhoho W Waibochi R Omwela S Jones J Block M Meinzingen N Hutchinson C Allen V Donati M Kontos W Waibochi S Smithers M Dunford A Combos G Kariuki D Hutchison M Von Lekow T Kariuki R Nzomo L Sheikh M Manguyu B Haworth
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
legacy and competition
OLD IS GOLD! ......... and this does not only apply to many of our Members but also to the history and memorabilia of our Club. In this modern day and age, many of our older Members are realising that their beautiful collections of furniture, paintings and other memorabilia will not be equally valued by their children and other heirs. This can be heart-breaking when thinking about down-sizing and wondering how and where to dispose of possessions. For this reason, a Legacy Project is planned to run in conjunction with the proposed Endowment Fund.
The objectives of this Legacy Project are three-fold. • To preserve the history of both the Club and the country, by offering safe custody of personal items of value within the Club premises. • To increase the awareness of this history by creating a display area for museum style exhibitions. •
To offer to Members the opportunity to store their personal papers, photographs and other items of interest, and to set up a research facility for historians and other researchers.
In order to achieve all this, a Sub-committee has been formed of interested Members who will drive the project forward.
Competition Question:
Name the actors, film and year.
Prize: Dinner for
two with a bottle of House Wine in either Pinks or the Club Dining Room. Please send your answers to
October – December 2017 Competition Answer QUESTION: Name this event, where it took place and the year. ANSWER: Launch of the African Balloonograph Expedition, Parklands, 1909. WINNERS Charlie Davies & Maria Danvers
A Little History - Launch of the African Balloonograph Expedition 1909 When President Theodore Roosevelt made his historical hunting safari to Africa in 1909 to collect specimens of wildlife to display in the Smithsonian, William D. Boyce, a newspaper publisher from Chicago, saw an opportunity to boost circulation of his newspapers. He financed an expedition to produce a photographic record of African animals in their natural habitat, which would outshine the specimens Roosevelt was collecting for taxidermists. Floating in a balloon the photographer could take panoramic views of the herds stretching across the horizon. However, it did not go quite according to plan. Here is an excerpt taken from one of the Nairobi newspaper reports of the time.
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
‘There was a great crowd gathered on the hill where the balloon was being inflated. The crowd thronged up pop-eyed and quivering with excitement. The eventful moment had arrived, and Fred Stevenson climbed into the basket. One by one the restraining bags of sand were taken off, but the balloon sat stubbornly on the ground. A wave of disappointment spread over the crowd. Suddenly inspiration struck the gallant aeronaut. He took off one of his heavy hunting
boots and cast it overboard. The balloon rose a foot or two and then sagged back to earth. Then the other boot was cast over and the balloon rose, swaying and whipping savagely over the crowd to a height of 150 feet. It wasn’t a great ascension but Fred Stevenson had gained the distinction of making the first balloon ascension ever in East Africa. He would have gone higher if his boots had been heavier…..’
Bethuel Kiplagat Ambassador Dr. Bethuel Kiplagat’s name is most closely associated with peace, but there was much more to him. He was a devoted husband to his wife Honorine, loving and supportive father to his three children – Richard, Sahondra and Nirina and daughter-in-law Eva, and a doting grandfather to Kigen, Nandi and Kendi. With his passion for knowledge Kilplagat could engage in discussion on any subject from indigenous plants to quantum physics, to the politics and history of any country. He kept himself fit working out every day; he was a man of deep Christian faith and he was a man of great humour. He loved to joke with people and dinner party conversations were always enlivened with his warm laughter. His colleagues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have described him as “…a distinguished Ambassador with an exceptional ability to grasp complicated issues, analyse them clearly, find solutions and resolve difficult problems.” Also as, “…a good listener, a dependable peacemaker and conciliator, a role model to many, whose charisma was a natural gift. His concern for others has also been central.” He was a truly exceptional man. Kiplagat’s professional achievements were numerous – to him, his job was a vocation to serve others, his country, the African
continent and the world. Highlights of his distinguished career include involvement in peace talks in Uganda, Sudan, Somalia and Mozambique; he was instrumental in setting up Operation Lifeline Sudan and Operation Save Innocent Lives (OSIL); he was part of the International Action Network on Small Arms whose campaign led to the signing of the Nairobi Protocol for the prevention, control and reduction of small arms and light weapons; he initiated the Concerned Citizens for Peace during the post-election violence in Kenya in 2008 and, one of his most significant achievements, was in bringing microfinance to Kenya when he cofounded K-Rep serving the urban and rural poor. Kiplagat was Chairman of the board of the Nairobi Stock Exchange, Nairobi Hospital, AMREF, Car & General, Church Army, General Accident, Alliance High School, Trustee of the All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC) and later, Chair of the Trustees of Alliance High School and Chairman of the board of the Special Olympics. Kiplagat received recognition in many guises, from being awarded the ‘Chief of the Burning Spear’ by President Mwai Kibaki in 2005; to receiving an impromptu “Guard of Honour” from taxi drivers when he landed in Mombasa, who all chorused “Karibu Mzee;” to a
November 1936 – July 2017
thumbs-up from a young boy who was in a matatu and saw him in traffic during the post-election crisis in 2008. Despite this, he always remained humble. Ambassador Dr. Bethuel A. Kiplagat was an exceptional individual who made an impression on everyone he met. He was a blessing to his family and his country, and he has left an imprint on the world. His work has changed lives, his counsel and wisdom have changed the course of history, his kindness and humility have inspired others – he will always be loved and always remembered. His legacy lives on. Kiplagat was a Member of MCC for 16 years.
Sylvia Davidson December 1926 - October 2017 part of her life was spent in Kitale where her parents owned a farm and which she and her husband Walter Davidson subsequently bought and farmed until it was sold in 1977. They moved to Makuyu in 1978 after a short period in England and became an integral part of the community there until 2002 when they moved to Muthaiga to be closer to family.
Sylvia passed away aged 90, after a short illness, surrounded by her family. Born in Zurich, Sylvia came to Kenya with her parents in 1936. A significant
Wherever they lived Sylvia and Walter created a lovely home that was always open to family and friends. Sylvia was an accomplished cook and keen gardener and was renown for her excellent vegetarian cooking and beautiful gardens. Walter died in 2009 and Sylvia lived the last eight years of her life in Muthaiga Gardens.
Trained as a linguist and well read, Sylvia had a wide range of interests as a result of her independent and curious mind that endeared her to people of all ages. Sylvia is survived by her elder sister Heidi aged 102 years and her four children Terry, Oliver, Colin and Jennifer and their families. Sylvia was a Member of MCC for 14 years and also a long-standing member of the EAWL in Kitale, Ruiru and latterly Rosslyn. She will be sadly missed by her many friends and fellow Members. There will be a memorial service for Sylvia at the Club on the 20 December 2017 at 3pm. All are welcome.
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
Githae Kiereini playful and beautifully mannered, They grew up into fine young men excelling in all they did and pursuing their separate careers with enthusiasm and energy. Githae followed a banking and Insurance career and for the past years was Head of Communications with Liberty Life Assurance. He was well-liked and highly respected by his work colleagues. Githae Kiereini was born in Nairobi on 6 April 1974, the second son of Jeremiah Kiereini and Eunice Muringo Kiereini. He went to St Mary’s Primary School, then attended Sherbourne School in UK, and finally received a Bachelor’s Degree from Bristol University. With his elder brother Mburu, Githae had a loving upbringing and a close bond grew between them and their parents while the latter pursued dedicated and successful professional careers. As youngsters the two brothers were inquisitive, inventive, cheeky and often up to some sort of mischief, but always
When Mburu died tragically six years ago Githae lost not only his brother but his oldest friend. This was a devastating loss to such a close, loving family and Githae spent a lot of time afterwards with his parents giving them support and hope. During that time he immersed himself in his work, building a reputation in the industry and assisting in the family businesses and the close bond between him and his parents grew even stronger and was a comfort to all of them and was regularly reinforced by a round of golf together. Githae was easy-going and his cheerful, welcoming smile and impeccable manners
Sarah Higgins Sarah was born Sarah Armitage in the Scotland in 1950. She was schooled in the West Midlands and brought up in the Malvern Hills. According to her younger sister Merial, she was always slightly shy socially, a bit awkward generally but physically tough to a fault. After secretarial college Sarah decided at the age of 20 to visit Australia. Her Aunt Marian, who was married to the painter Hobo Swift and lived in Subukia, was on leave at the time in UK and insisted that Sarah must visit Kenya en route to Australia. Sarah arrived in Subukia in late 1970. The Swift’s next-door neighbour was recently widowed Mike Higgins. After various parties and safaris Mike asked Sarah to marry him but initially she declined, on account of the 20-year age gap. After this Sarah returned to England but six months later a forlorn Mike appeared on her doorstep and announced that he could not 28
Muthaiga Country Club January–March 2018
April 1974 – April 2017 ensured he had a vast range friends and business associates. His care for people, his thoughtfulness and intelligence blended easily with the laughter, banter and happiness that so often surrounded him. He enjoyed discussions on a wide range of issues, enthusiastically participated in all activities and was always fun to be with. He never had a negative comment to make about anyone and was welcomed wherever he visited. Githae’s Memorial Service was a beautiful and heartfelt tribute to a very special son and friend, but also a tragic reminder that two wonderful parents had lost the second of their much-loved sons. Githae was a committed and loyal Member of MCC for 19 years. He greatly enjoyed the facilities and ambience at the Club, where he often socialised with and entertained his many friends. The Club is lonelier without him, but we were blessed to have met such a fine man and our lives are richer for having known him. Peter Zwager
October 1950 - April 2017
live without her. Sarah relented and Mike and Sarah were married in 1972. Mike sold his farm to The Settlement Scheme and move to Naivasha in 1973 where he set up a contracting business. Later he went into partnership with Terry Coulson and together they created very successful farming and business interests. Young and full of energy Sarah threw herself into all sorts of local activities and charitable causes including the Lake Naivasha Riperian Association, Rhino Ark and, closest to her heart, her Bird Sanctuary for damaged or orphaned raptors, which kept her going in the dark days after Mike’s death in 2009. For these endeavours she was awarded the highly prestigious ‘Member of the Burning Spear’ award from the Kenya Government.
many other wonderful qaulities that overshadowed her culinary shortcomings. Although she was much younger than Mike and Terry, her values were of their very special generation. Her spontaneous and enthusiastic attitude to life was inspiring to others and she was totally dedicated to her causes and her many friends. Her modest, low profile life combined with a total lack of either hubris or materialism was singular to Sarah and she will be sadly missed by her many friends and fellow MCC Members.
Sarah’s indifference to food was legendary, as far as she was concerned it was an unnecessary irrelevance, but she had
Sarah is survived by her two stepsons, Dennis and Brian Higgins. She was a Member of MCC for 14 years.
candidates being considered for membership SWEEPSTAKES NOVEMBER 2017
CANDIDATES ON BOARD FOR THE 1ST MONTH Proposer Candidate Category Andrew Ndegwa
Kendi M’Mbijjewe
Edita Camm
Francesca Sauchella - Dario Cipolla - Letizia Cipolla - Giuseppe Cipolla
Alexander Andrewes
Marcus Dow
Ngene Gituku
Simon Gicharu - Jane Nyutu
Ngene Gituku
Kevin Nyutu
Ngene Gituku
Elizabeth Nyutu
Ngene Gituku
Nelson Nyutu
Violet Kairu
Timothy Masila - Siena Masila
James Mathenge
Gachara Ng’ang’a - Diana Gichaga - Ng’ang’a Gachara
Michael Monari
Judy Thuo
Michael Monari
Njeri Thuo
Benson Wairegi
Ida Maruti
Paul Spence
Dan Apungu
Jean Doyen
Nicolas Nihon - Pornprom Nihon - Ananda Nihon
Member Name
Raphael Kitur
Mwangi Maathai
Carole Hemmings
Nina Michaelides
Christopher Bannister
Robin K. Hollister
Marcus Dunn
Nova Morgan-Woods
Richard Hechle
Member Name
Ian Edwards
Simon Herd
Pamela Lynam
Richard Ashley
Sammy Juma
Nicholas Mararo - Jainaba Camara - Eli Mararo - Abdul Mararo
Jane Muigai-Briggs
Richard Ngumi
Anne Lyon
Ian Kabiru
David Kabundu - Anne Wairegi - Jayden Mugambi - Zahara Mugambi - Ngina Mugambi
James Gitoho
Grahame Vetch
Douglas Pinto
Vimalrai Patel - Darshna Patel - Anuja Patel
Robert Andersen
William Horne
Mumo Mwendwa
Vincent Lubia - Barbara Chesire - Laylah Chabbaga - Chloe Chabbaga
Richard Ndung’u
Onchera Maiko
James Ndegwa
Andrew Ndegwa - Anne Ndegwa - Antonia Ndegwa - Philip Ndegwa
Robert Dewar
Peter Wanday - Kamene Wanday - Lyn Wanday
Robert Dewar
Amy Wanday
Robert Dewar
Joy Wanday
SIMON J SMITHERS on 29 October 2017
Robert Dewar
Ted Wanday
JANET (JAN) CARMONY on 12 November 2017
Stephen Kunyiha
Eric Mwangi - Ory Okolloh-Mwangi - Gabriella Mwangi - Kalsum Mwangi - Olivia Mwangi
If anyone would like to publish an obituary for a Member who has died recently, please send a tribute and photograph of the deceased to the
DEATHS The Club regrets to announce the deaths of the following Members PHILOMENA NDANGA KARANJA on 30 August 2017 SYLVIA DAVIDSON on 4 October 2017 HEATHER STEWART on 23 October 2017
January–March 2018 Muthaiga Country Club
MCC reciprocates with 114 Clubs in 24 countries around the world. The Reciprocity Committee invests a great deal of time ensuring that these Clubs are worthy of our association and Members are encouraged to submit brief if theywith visit114 or Clubs stay at in any24one of them. Thesethe reports willThe be published the benefitinvests and interest MCC reports reciprocates countries around world. Reciprocityfor Committee a great of other Members who may be planning to travel overseas. deal of time ensuring that these Clubs are worthy of our association and Members are encouraged to submit brief reports if they visit information or stay at and anycontact one ofdetails them. These reports published for the benefit and interest For more of reciprocating Clubs will pleasebecontact the Secretary’s office. of other Members who may be planning to travel overseas. UK IRELAND AUSTRALIA For more information detailsandofUniversity reciprocating the&Secretary’s Army Navy Club office. London Kildare Street Club Clubs please Dublincontact Adelaide Club Adelaide and contact Athenaeum Club Melbourne Australian Club Melbourne AUSTRAL IA Melbourne Commonwealth Club Canberra Adelaide Club Adelaide Melbourne Club Melbourne Athenaeum Club Melbourne Royal Automobile Club of Australia Sydney Australian Club Melbourne Melbourne Royal Automobile Club of Victoria Melbourne Commonwealth Club Canberra Tattersall’s Brisbane MelbourneClub Club Melbourne Tasmanian Club Hobart Melbourne Savage Club Melbourne Union, University Schools Club of Sydney Sydney Naval Military and & Airforce United Club Brisbane of SouthService Australia Adelaide Weld Perth RoyalClub Automobile Club of Australia Sydney Royal Automobile Club of Victoria Melbourne Tattersall’s Club Brisbane AUSTRIA Tasmanian Club Hobart St. Johanns Club & Schools Club Vienna Union, University Sydney United Service Club Brisbane BOLIVIA Weld Club Perth Western de Australian Club Perth Circulo La Union La Paz AUSTRIA BELGIUM St. Johanns Club Vienna International Club Chateau Sainte-Anne Brussels B OLIVIA Circulo de La Union CANADA
La Paz
B ELGIUM Granite Club Toronto Rideau Club Ottowa International Club Chateau Sainte-Anne Brussels The Hamilton Club Hamilton CANNational ADA Club The Toronto The Ranchmen’s Calgary Cypress Club Club Medicine Hat Union Victoria GraniteClub Clubof British Columbia Toronto University ClubClub of Montreal Montreal The Hamilton Hamilton University Club of Toronto Toronto The National Club The Ranchmen’s Calgary Vancouver Club Club Vancouver Terminal City Club Vancouver Union Club of British Columbia Victoria CHILE University Club of Montreal Montreal Club De LaClub Union Santiago University of Toronto Toronto Vancouver Club Vancouver FRANCE CH ILE Cercle de l’Union Interalliee Paris ClubTravellers De La Union Santiago The Club Paris F RANCE GERMANY Cercle de l’Union Interalliee Paris The Travellers Club Paris Anglo-German Club E.V Hamburg Union International Club Frankfurt GERMANY
The Stephen’s Green Hibernian Club I NDI A continued JAPAN Secunderabad Club Tokyo American Club Bangalore Club
Secunderabad Tokyo Bangalore
ILUXEMBOURG RE L AND Cercle Munster Kildare Street and University Club
Luxembourg Dublin
The Stephen’s Green Hibernian Club Dublin MALAYSIA JAPAN The Royal Lake Club Kuala Lumpur Tokyo American Club Tokyo LUXE M BOU RG NETHERLANDS Cercle Munster The Nieuwe of Littéraire Sociëteit De Witte M AL AW I
Luxembourg The Hague
Christchurch Club Christchurch NE THE RL A N D S The Canterbury Club Inc. Christchurch The Nieuwe Littéraire Sociëteit De WitteThe Hawke’s Bay of Club Napier Hague The Northern Club Auckland The Wellington Club Wellington N E W Z E AL A N D SINGAPOREClub Christchurch
The Canterbury Tanglin Club Club Inc. Hawke’s Bay Club SOUTH AFRICA The Northern Club
Christchurch Singapore Napier
The Club CapeWellington Town Club The Country Club Johannesburg S I NG APO R E Durban Club Inanda Club Tanglin Club Kelvin Grove Club SPort OUTH AF RSt. ICGeorges A Elizabeth Club The Pretoria Country Club Cape Town Club Rand Club The Country Club Johannesburg
Wellington Cape Town Johannesburg Durban Johannesburg Singapore Cape Town Port Elizabeth Pretoria Cape Town Johannesburg Johannesburg
Durban SPAIN Club Inanda Club Circulo Ecuestre Kelvin Grove Club Real Gran Peña Port Elizabeth St. Georges Club
Johannesburg Barcelona Cape Town Madrid Port Elizabeth
The Pretoria Country Club SRI LANKA Rand Club The Hill Club
Johannesburg Nuwara Eliya
Barcelona Bangkok Madrid
Anglo-German HONG KONG Club E.V Union International Club The Hong Kong Club HONG KONG
Hamburg Frankfurt Hong Kong
S PAI N THAILAND Circulo Ecuestre The British Club, Bangkok Real Gran Peña
INDIA The Hong Kong Club
Hong Kong
Tollygunge Kolkata IN DIA Club Ltd Umed Club Jodhpur Tollygunge Club Ltd Kolkata Ootacamund Club Ooty, Tamil Nadu Umed Club Jodhpur Secunderabad Club Secunderabad Ootacamund Club Udhagamandalam, Tamil Nadu Bangalore Club Bangalore
Buyuk Kulup The Hill ClubCercle d’Orient
Istanbul Nuwara Eliya
T HAI L AND The British Club, Bangkok
Buck’s Club London Cardiff & County Club Cardiff U K Carlton Club London Army & Navy Club London City of London Club London Boodle’s London Farmer’s Club London Buck’s London Hurlingham Club London Cardiff & County Club Cardiff Lansdowne Club London Carlton Club London Leander Club Henley-on-Thames, City of London Club London Naval Club London Farmer’s Club London Northern Counties Newcastle Hurlingham Club Club London Oriental&Club London Ipswich Suffolk Club Ipswich Oxford & Cambridge Club London Lansdowne Club London Phyllis Court Club Henley-on-Thames, Leander Henley-on-Thames, Reform Club London Naval Club London Royal Air Counties Force Club London Northern Club Newcastle Royal Automobile Club London Nottingham & Notts United Services Nottingham RoyalOriental Over-Seas League The London Savile Club London Oxford & Cambridge Club The Athenaeum Liverpool Phyllis Court Club Henley-on-Thames, The Reform Boodle’s Club London The Caledonian Club Royal Air Force Club London Royal Automobile ClubClub London The Cavalry & Guards Royal Over-Seas League London The Clifton Club Bristol Savile Club London The East India Club The Athenaeum Liverpool New Club Cheltenham The Caledonian London New Club Club Edinburgh The Guards London The Cavalry Norfolk&Club Norwich The Club & University Club Aberdeen Bristol The Clifton Royal Northern The London The East RoyalIndia ScotsClub Club Edinburgh The Club Cheltenham The New Sloane Club London The ClubClub Edinburgh The New St. James Manchester The Norwich The Norfolk Western Club Club Glasgow The Royal Northern & University Club Aberdeen Travellers Club London The Edinburgh TurfRoyal Club Scots Club London The Sloane Club London Ulster Reform Club Belfast The St James Club Manchester The Travellers Club London USA The Western Club Glasgow The Turf London ArmyClub & Navy Club Washington DC Ulster Reform Belfast Cosmos Club Club Washington DC Vincent’s Club Club Oxford The Princeton New York The Saturn Club Buffalo City, NY State USA The Standard Club Chicago The Army & of Navy Club Washington DC Union Club Boston Boston Colony Club Club New York The University Washington DC Cosmos DC The YaleClub Club of New York City Washington New York The Princeton Club New York The Saturn Club Buffalo City, NY State ZIMBABWE The Standard Club Chicago Bulawayo Bulawayo Union Club of Boston Boston Harare Club Club Harare The University of Washington Washington DC The Yale Club of New York City New York
Bulawayo Harare Club
Bulawayo Harare
MU THA IGA C OUNTRY CLUB P.O.Box 16526, Nairobi 00620, Kenya Email,,,,