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Letter from the Chairman
From the Chairman
A warm welcome to this, the latest edition of the Club magazine, put together by Yoyo Volak and her team. We are delighted to have it back in printed form.
Mother Earth continues to spin, but in a rather curious way, doesn’t she? The ongoing pandemic continues to wreak havoc, particularly for those experiencing their winter months, and it has left in its wake restrictions to our liberty and economic wellbeing. However, despite the massive impact it has had on our economy, we continue to hold our collective breaths in Kenya. Covid infections and deaths are there, but not in the same proportions as elsewhere, and we hope that we will all benefit from vaccinations in the near future.
At the Club I think we have struck the right balance - we are treating the threat of the virus with the greatest of respect but without abject fear – and, thanks to the wonderful support of you, the Members, we are keeping our head very much above the water.
I was at the Club recently on a Friday night and it was a hive of socially-distanced activity – the sound of a Classical music quartet counterpoised with the rhythmic beat from Young Members night. That’s how it should be!
I sense we all feel that a visit to the Club is an enjoyable and safe experience, and for that we thank the Club management and staff.
I hope you enjoy reading this magazine. It has been slightly repositioned. Given that the Secretary issues his regular newsletters, the magazine will now concentrate more on what you the Members are doing. So, this is an opportunity for you to tell us all about you, perhaps about your family too, your experiences - in the Club or elsewhere - and for us to bid farewell to departed Members.
Please let Yoyo know if you would like to contribute an article, her e-mail address is: yoyovolak@gmail.com
So, in this issue we take a look at one of the most Covid-safe occupational pursuits – Fly fishing – and how the post-lockdown surge in popularity of this singular sport during the summer months in UK and Europe, has helped one small business in Kenya.
And, if you are angling to try a new hobby, or casting about for new fishing waters, read about the recently established Chemususu Fly Fishers Organisation, set up by Club Members and passionate Fly fishermen, Tony and Colin Church and the late Tommy Fyastad.
A century after the Great War in which over 45,000 African soldiers and porters lost their lives, MCC Member Tom Lawrence enlightens us on why the “Forgotten War” should be remembered. Kenya will hold its own annual Remembrance Day for the Fallen of the Forgotten War on 25 November, the day the armistice was signed in East Africa in 1918.
Please do have a look through our Forthcoming Events Diary on Page 7. We have a wonderful range of cultural, musical, and sporting events lined up, as well as courses for young Members, fine dining, live cooking and a fascinating talk on snakes – love ‘em or hate ‘em, it’s worth knowing about ‘em!
And finally, to all the lucky winners of the Christmas Draw, those who have not already done so, please kindly collect your prizes before the end of April, otherwise they will be donated to this year’s Draw.
Sit back and enjoy it!
My best wishes to you and your families