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“I am leaving a legacy in my Will to support bursaries in appreciation of what the School gave me and what it has meant to me, in the hope that someone who might otherwise not get the chance, can benefit as I have done. The benefit, gained in so short a period, lasts a lifetime. Surely it is a worthwhile investment.” Jane Reekie (Mrs Nicholson) E’59 Leader, The Torchbearers’ Society
The prize is a fair one, and the hope great. School motto
“The torch logo, originally the School’s ‘badge’ and now the Old Girls’ emblem, is ideal for The Torchbearers’ Society. As Old Girls, many of us may feel that we have benefited from the opportunities resulting from a Sherborne Girls’ education and would now like to give something back to help others. I view the prize as one of continued educational excellence through first class teaching and facilities and the hope that girls with talent will be able to enrich their lives and the School’s, by attending Sherborne Girls, whatever their background. I hope that many Old Girls will join me in acting now to leave a legacy to Sherborne Girls in their Will.”
“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”
Lord Coe CH, KBE helping Jane Reekie (Mrs Nicholson) E’59 to launch Pass on The Light at the Candlelight Ball, June 2013
Pass on the Light
legacy giving at Sherborne Girls You are welcome to visit the School at any time. Please contact the School’s Development Office to make arrangements.
The Development Office Sherborne Girls Bradford Road Sherborne Dorset DT9 3QN T: 01935 818320 E: development@sherborne.com www.sherborne.com
“The flaming torch, passing rapidly from hand to hand of one eager runner to the next, the light borne on through the darkness to the goal, speaks so strongly of co-operation, of the sinking of the individual in the grand aims of a Community, of the great Prize, and the fair Hope, the amaranthine wreath of which Socrates dreamed - surely we could not have a badge with deeper significance for the School.” Extract from a letter by the School’s first headmistress, Beatrice C Mulliner, in the Sherborne Girls Magazine, dated December 1920.
Gill Buzzard (Mrs Blenkinsop) DH’62 Sherborne School for Girls registered Charity No 307427. Registered in England as a Company. Limited by Guarantee No 306828
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“I undertook to give to the Old Girls’ Bursary Fund when I left school in December 1961. I continue to do that but now feel very strongly that the School needs support in other ways if it is to serve future generations as well as it served mine. That is why I have decided to become a Torchbearer and to leave a legacy to the Where the School Needs it Most fund to give the School maximum discretion in the use of any money I might be able to give them when I die. I hope that many of you will be able to do the same.”
June Taylor W’61
What your legacy can support The opening of new Aldhelmsted West, June 2013
building for the Future In a rapidly changing world, Sherborne Girls is thriving. The ‘Growing for the Future’ strategic plan, which began in 2010, has provided new and improved buildings and facilities and extra space for the girls, along with enhanced academic and extra-curricular provision. With high calibre teaching and outstanding pastoral care, Sherborne Girls is an excellent school in great shape, but we cannot afford to stand still. We will always need to keep pace with the times, whilst retaining our best traditions in an enduringly green and beautiful environment.
Your Gift to the Future With no endowment to speak of, fees and philanthropy are the lifeblood of the School. As costs rise and rise, building philanthropic support is as critical as building fee income. Legacies are commonly a girls’ school’s biggest and most important source of charitable income as, for many alumnae, significant lifetime gifts may not be possible. A gift in your Will is a simple way of helping Sherborne Girls to fund its future.
You can choose for your legacy to support any of the following funds: • The Candlelight Bursaries Fund To help fund 100% boarding bursaries and extras for girls with promise and character who really need a boarding education (often in association with and co-funded by children’s charities, including Kids Company). • The Scholarships & Bursaries Fund To top up scholarships with meanstested bursaries for highly talented girls whose families cannot afford to pay full fees. • The Buildings & Facilities Fund To support the School’s future physical development. • Where the School Needs It Most An unrestricted fund allocated to the highest priority need at the time.
The Torchbearers’ Society
legacy information
Everyone who pledges a legacy to the School is known as a Torchbearer and invited to join The Torchbearers’ Society. Torchbearers are held in high esteem by the School and will be thanked and updated on the School’s progress and successes every year at a special lunch. Every new Torchbearer will receive a pin of the Old Girls’ torch logo and a special candleholder to say thank you for passing on the light of a first-class education to future generations of girls.
Bequests can be made in memory of someone special to you. Recognition can also, for major benefactors, include the naming of a development project or award after you, or someone of your choosing. There are a number of ways you can help Sherborne Girls by a gift through your Will: • specific legacy A legacy need not be in the form of money. You can leave specific assets such as property, stocks and shares, works of art or other valuables.
Our Promise to You Taking the decision to remember Sherborne Girls in your Will is very personal. Any information shared with the School will be treated as confidential. Where anonymity is requested this will, of course, be respected. If you would like your legacy gift to support anything other than the funds outlined in this leaflet then we would be happy to discuss your wishes with you.
“Speaking as someone who owed her place at Oxford to read a science subject – in an era when girls were in the minority in both respects – to the inspirational teaching I received at Sherborne School for Girls (as it then was), I feel passionately that a girls’ boarding school, with traditional values but a commitment to preparing students to succeed as leaders in the modern world, is valuable not just to those lucky enough to go there but to society as a whole. I therefore fully support the building of an endowment to fund bursaries that will enable the school to broaden its intake and I have already made provision for a legacy in my Will. I hope that you will do likewise.” Susan Lloyd (Mrs Black) AE’59
• a pecuniary legacy This is a simple legacy of a specified sum of money. You can index-link this gift to preserve its future value; your solicitor will be able to provide you with suitable wording for this. • residuary legacy A residuary bequest is the most common and most valuable legacy gift, being a gift of all or part of what remains of your estate once liabilities such as funeral expenses, tax and other
bequests have been allowed for. It is recommended to specify whether you intend to leave a percentage portion or all of your estate to the School. • reversionary legacy This allows you to place your estate in trust so that named beneficiaries will be entitled to the income during their lifetime. After the death of the named beneficiaries you can provide the whole or a percentage portion of the capital in trust to the School.
Tax Benefits A gift to Sherborne Girls in your Will has, under present arrangements, tax advantages to both the School and your family. As a registered charity, bequests to the School are free from Inheritance Tax. Gifts of shares and property will be free from Capital Gains Tax.
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“I undertook to give to the Old Girls’ Bursary Fund when I left school in December 1961. I continue to do that but now feel very strongly that the School needs support in other ways if it is to serve future generations as well as it served mine. That is why I have decided to become a Torchbearer and to leave a legacy to the Where the School Needs it Most fund to give the School maximum discretion in the use of any money I might be able to give them when I die. I hope that many of you will be able to do the same.”
June Taylor W’61
What your legacy can support The opening of new Aldhelmsted West, June 2013
building for the Future In a rapidly changing world, Sherborne Girls is thriving. The ‘Growing for the Future’ strategic plan, which began in 2010, has provided new and improved buildings and facilities and extra space for the girls, along with enhanced academic and extra-curricular provision. With high calibre teaching and outstanding pastoral care, Sherborne Girls is an excellent school in great shape, but we cannot afford to stand still. We will always need to keep pace with the times, whilst retaining our best traditions in an enduringly green and beautiful environment.
Your Gift to the Future With no endowment to speak of, fees and philanthropy are the lifeblood of the School. As costs rise and rise, building philanthropic support is as critical as building fee income. Legacies are commonly a girls’ school’s biggest and most important source of charitable income as, for many alumnae, significant lifetime gifts may not be possible. A gift in your Will is a simple way of helping Sherborne Girls to fund its future.
You can choose for your legacy to support any of the following funds: • The Candlelight Bursaries Fund To help fund 100% boarding bursaries and extras for girls with promise and character who really need a boarding education (often in association with and co-funded by children’s charities, including Kids Company). • The Scholarships & Bursaries Fund To top up scholarships with meanstested bursaries for highly talented girls whose families cannot afford to pay full fees. • The Buildings & Facilities Fund To support the School’s future physical development. • Where the School Needs It Most An unrestricted fund allocated to the highest priority need at the time.
The Torchbearers’ Society
legacy information
Everyone who pledges a legacy to the School is known as a Torchbearer and invited to join The Torchbearers’ Society. Torchbearers are held in high esteem by the School and will be thanked and updated on the School’s progress and successes every year at a special lunch. Every new Torchbearer will receive a pin of the Old Girls’ torch logo and a special candleholder to say thank you for passing on the light of a first-class education to future generations of girls.
Bequests can be made in memory of someone special to you. Recognition can also, for major benefactors, include the naming of a development project or award after you, or someone of your choosing. There are a number of ways you can help Sherborne Girls by a gift through your Will: • specific legacy A legacy need not be in the form of money. You can leave specific assets such as property, stocks and shares, works of art or other valuables.
Our Promise to You Taking the decision to remember Sherborne Girls in your Will is very personal. Any information shared with the School will be treated as confidential. Where anonymity is requested this will, of course, be respected. If you would like your legacy gift to support anything other than the funds outlined in this leaflet then we would be happy to discuss your wishes with you.
“Speaking as someone who owed her place at Oxford to read a science subject – in an era when girls were in the minority in both respects – to the inspirational teaching I received at Sherborne School for Girls (as it then was), I feel passionately that a girls’ boarding school, with traditional values but a commitment to preparing students to succeed as leaders in the modern world, is valuable not just to those lucky enough to go there but to society as a whole. I therefore fully support the building of an endowment to fund bursaries that will enable the school to broaden its intake and I have already made provision for a legacy in my Will. I hope that you will do likewise.” Susan Lloyd (Mrs Black) AE’59
• a pecuniary legacy This is a simple legacy of a specified sum of money. You can index-link this gift to preserve its future value; your solicitor will be able to provide you with suitable wording for this. • residuary legacy A residuary bequest is the most common and most valuable legacy gift, being a gift of all or part of what remains of your estate once liabilities such as funeral expenses, tax and other
bequests have been allowed for. It is recommended to specify whether you intend to leave a percentage portion or all of your estate to the School. • reversionary legacy This allows you to place your estate in trust so that named beneficiaries will be entitled to the income during their lifetime. After the death of the named beneficiaries you can provide the whole or a percentage portion of the capital in trust to the School.
Tax Benefits A gift to Sherborne Girls in your Will has, under present arrangements, tax advantages to both the School and your family. As a registered charity, bequests to the School are free from Inheritance Tax. Gifts of shares and property will be free from Capital Gains Tax.
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“I undertook to give to the Old Girls’ Bursary Fund when I left school in December 1961. I continue to do that but now feel very strongly that the School needs support in other ways if it is to serve future generations as well as it served mine. That is why I have decided to become a Torchbearer and to leave a legacy to the Where the School Needs it Most fund to give the School maximum discretion in the use of any money I might be able to give them when I die. I hope that many of you will be able to do the same.”
June Taylor W’61
What your legacy can support The opening of new Aldhelmsted West, June 2013
building for the Future In a rapidly changing world, Sherborne Girls is thriving. The ‘Growing for the Future’ strategic plan, which began in 2010, has provided new and improved buildings and facilities and extra space for the girls, along with enhanced academic and extra-curricular provision. With high calibre teaching and outstanding pastoral care, Sherborne Girls is an excellent school in great shape, but we cannot afford to stand still. We will always need to keep pace with the times, whilst retaining our best traditions in an enduringly green and beautiful environment.
Your Gift to the Future With no endowment to speak of, fees and philanthropy are the lifeblood of the School. As costs rise and rise, building philanthropic support is as critical as building fee income. Legacies are commonly a girls’ school’s biggest and most important source of charitable income as, for many alumnae, significant lifetime gifts may not be possible. A gift in your Will is a simple way of helping Sherborne Girls to fund its future.
You can choose for your legacy to support any of the following funds: • The Candlelight Bursaries Fund To help fund 100% boarding bursaries and extras for girls with promise and character who really need a boarding education (often in association with and co-funded by children’s charities, including Kids Company). • The Scholarships & Bursaries Fund To top up scholarships with meanstested bursaries for highly talented girls whose families cannot afford to pay full fees. • The Buildings & Facilities Fund To support the School’s future physical development. • Where the School Needs It Most An unrestricted fund allocated to the highest priority need at the time.
The Torchbearers’ Society
legacy information
Everyone who pledges a legacy to the School is known as a Torchbearer and invited to join The Torchbearers’ Society. Torchbearers are held in high esteem by the School and will be thanked and updated on the School’s progress and successes every year at a special lunch. Every new Torchbearer will receive a pin of the Old Girls’ torch logo and a special candleholder to say thank you for passing on the light of a first-class education to future generations of girls.
Bequests can be made in memory of someone special to you. Recognition can also, for major benefactors, include the naming of a development project or award after you, or someone of your choosing. There are a number of ways you can help Sherborne Girls by a gift through your Will: • specific legacy A legacy need not be in the form of money. You can leave specific assets such as property, stocks and shares, works of art or other valuables.
Our Promise to You Taking the decision to remember Sherborne Girls in your Will is very personal. Any information shared with the School will be treated as confidential. Where anonymity is requested this will, of course, be respected. If you would like your legacy gift to support anything other than the funds outlined in this leaflet then we would be happy to discuss your wishes with you.
“Speaking as someone who owed her place at Oxford to read a science subject – in an era when girls were in the minority in both respects – to the inspirational teaching I received at Sherborne School for Girls (as it then was), I feel passionately that a girls’ boarding school, with traditional values but a commitment to preparing students to succeed as leaders in the modern world, is valuable not just to those lucky enough to go there but to society as a whole. I therefore fully support the building of an endowment to fund bursaries that will enable the school to broaden its intake and I have already made provision for a legacy in my Will. I hope that you will do likewise.” Susan Lloyd (Mrs Black) AE’59
• a pecuniary legacy This is a simple legacy of a specified sum of money. You can index-link this gift to preserve its future value; your solicitor will be able to provide you with suitable wording for this. • residuary legacy A residuary bequest is the most common and most valuable legacy gift, being a gift of all or part of what remains of your estate once liabilities such as funeral expenses, tax and other
bequests have been allowed for. It is recommended to specify whether you intend to leave a percentage portion or all of your estate to the School. • reversionary legacy This allows you to place your estate in trust so that named beneficiaries will be entitled to the income during their lifetime. After the death of the named beneficiaries you can provide the whole or a percentage portion of the capital in trust to the School.
Tax Benefits A gift to Sherborne Girls in your Will has, under present arrangements, tax advantages to both the School and your family. As a registered charity, bequests to the School are free from Inheritance Tax. Gifts of shares and property will be free from Capital Gains Tax.
15446 8pp_14374 Sherborne Girls - Legacy Brochure 17/12/2013 12:59 Page 2
“I undertook to give to the Old Girls’ Bursary Fund when I left school in December 1961. I continue to do that but now feel very strongly that the School needs support in other ways if it is to serve future generations as well as it served mine. That is why I have decided to become a Torchbearer and to leave a legacy to the Where the School Needs it Most fund to give the School maximum discretion in the use of any money I might be able to give them when I die. I hope that many of you will be able to do the same.”
June Taylor W’61
What your legacy can support The opening of new Aldhelmsted West, June 2013
building for the Future In a rapidly changing world, Sherborne Girls is thriving. The ‘Growing for the Future’ strategic plan, which began in 2010, has provided new and improved buildings and facilities and extra space for the girls, along with enhanced academic and extra-curricular provision. With high calibre teaching and outstanding pastoral care, Sherborne Girls is an excellent school in great shape, but we cannot afford to stand still. We will always need to keep pace with the times, whilst retaining our best traditions in an enduringly green and beautiful environment.
Your Gift to the Future With no endowment to speak of, fees and philanthropy are the lifeblood of the School. As costs rise and rise, building philanthropic support is as critical as building fee income. Legacies are commonly a girls’ school’s biggest and most important source of charitable income as, for many alumnae, significant lifetime gifts may not be possible. A gift in your Will is a simple way of helping Sherborne Girls to fund its future.
You can choose for your legacy to support any of the following funds: • The Candlelight Bursaries Fund To help fund 100% boarding bursaries and extras for girls with promise and character who really need a boarding education (often in association with and co-funded by children’s charities, including Kids Company). • The Scholarships & Bursaries Fund To top up scholarships with meanstested bursaries for highly talented girls whose families cannot afford to pay full fees. • The Buildings & Facilities Fund To support the School’s future physical development. • Where the School Needs It Most An unrestricted fund allocated to the highest priority need at the time.
The Torchbearers’ Society
legacy information
Everyone who pledges a legacy to the School is known as a Torchbearer and invited to join The Torchbearers’ Society. Torchbearers are held in high esteem by the School and will be thanked and updated on the School’s progress and successes every year at a special lunch. Every new Torchbearer will receive a pin of the Old Girls’ torch logo and a special candleholder to say thank you for passing on the light of a first-class education to future generations of girls.
Bequests can be made in memory of someone special to you. Recognition can also, for major benefactors, include the naming of a development project or award after you, or someone of your choosing. There are a number of ways you can help Sherborne Girls by a gift through your Will: • specific legacy A legacy need not be in the form of money. You can leave specific assets such as property, stocks and shares, works of art or other valuables.
Our Promise to You Taking the decision to remember Sherborne Girls in your Will is very personal. Any information shared with the School will be treated as confidential. Where anonymity is requested this will, of course, be respected. If you would like your legacy gift to support anything other than the funds outlined in this leaflet then we would be happy to discuss your wishes with you.
“Speaking as someone who owed her place at Oxford to read a science subject – in an era when girls were in the minority in both respects – to the inspirational teaching I received at Sherborne School for Girls (as it then was), I feel passionately that a girls’ boarding school, with traditional values but a commitment to preparing students to succeed as leaders in the modern world, is valuable not just to those lucky enough to go there but to society as a whole. I therefore fully support the building of an endowment to fund bursaries that will enable the school to broaden its intake and I have already made provision for a legacy in my Will. I hope that you will do likewise.” Susan Lloyd (Mrs Black) AE’59
• a pecuniary legacy This is a simple legacy of a specified sum of money. You can index-link this gift to preserve its future value; your solicitor will be able to provide you with suitable wording for this. • residuary legacy A residuary bequest is the most common and most valuable legacy gift, being a gift of all or part of what remains of your estate once liabilities such as funeral expenses, tax and other
bequests have been allowed for. It is recommended to specify whether you intend to leave a percentage portion or all of your estate to the School. • reversionary legacy This allows you to place your estate in trust so that named beneficiaries will be entitled to the income during their lifetime. After the death of the named beneficiaries you can provide the whole or a percentage portion of the capital in trust to the School.
Tax Benefits A gift to Sherborne Girls in your Will has, under present arrangements, tax advantages to both the School and your family. As a registered charity, bequests to the School are free from Inheritance Tax. Gifts of shares and property will be free from Capital Gains Tax.
15446 8pp_14374 Sherborne Girls - Legacy Brochure 17/12/2013 12:59 Page 1
“I am leaving a legacy in my Will to support bursaries in appreciation of what the School gave me and what it has meant to me, in the hope that someone who might otherwise not get the chance, can benefit as I have done. The benefit, gained in so short a period, lasts a lifetime. Surely it is a worthwhile investment.” Jane Reekie (Mrs Nicholson) E’59 Leader, The Torchbearers’ Society
The prize is a fair one, and the hope great. School motto
“The torch logo, originally the School’s ‘badge’ and now the Old Girls’ emblem, is ideal for The Torchbearers’ Society. As Old Girls, many of us may feel that we have benefited from the opportunities resulting from a Sherborne Girls’ education and would now like to give something back to help others. I view the prize as one of continued educational excellence through first class teaching and facilities and the hope that girls with talent will be able to enrich their lives and the School’s, by attending Sherborne Girls, whatever their background. I hope that many Old Girls will join me in acting now to leave a legacy to Sherborne Girls in their Will.”
“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”
Lord Coe CH, KBE helping Jane Reekie (Mrs Nicholson) E’59 to launch Pass on The Light at the Candlelight Ball, June 2013
Pass on the Light
legacy giving at Sherborne Girls You are welcome to visit the School at any time. Please contact the School’s Development Office to make arrangements.
The Development Office Sherborne Girls Bradford Road Sherborne Dorset DT9 3QN T: 01935 818320 E: development@sherborne.com www.sherborne.com
“The flaming torch, passing rapidly from hand to hand of one eager runner to the next, the light borne on through the darkness to the goal, speaks so strongly of co-operation, of the sinking of the individual in the grand aims of a Community, of the great Prize, and the fair Hope, the amaranthine wreath of which Socrates dreamed - surely we could not have a badge with deeper significance for the School.” Extract from a letter by the School’s first headmistress, Beatrice C Mulliner, in the Sherborne Girls Magazine, dated December 1920.
Gill Buzzard (Mrs Blenkinsop) DH’62 Sherborne School for Girls registered Charity No 307427. Registered in England as a Company. Limited by Guarantee No 306828
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“I am leaving a legacy in my Will to support bursaries in appreciation of what the School gave me and what it has meant to me, in the hope that someone who might otherwise not get the chance, can benefit as I have done. The benefit, gained in so short a period, lasts a lifetime. Surely it is a worthwhile investment.” Jane Reekie (Mrs Nicholson) E’59 Leader, The Torchbearers’ Society
The prize is a fair one, and the hope great. School motto
“The torch logo, originally the School’s ‘badge’ and now the Old Girls’ emblem, is ideal for The Torchbearers’ Society. As Old Girls, many of us may feel that we have benefited from the opportunities resulting from a Sherborne Girls’ education and would now like to give something back to help others. I view the prize as one of continued educational excellence through first class teaching and facilities and the hope that girls with talent will be able to enrich their lives and the School’s, by attending Sherborne Girls, whatever their background. I hope that many Old Girls will join me in acting now to leave a legacy to Sherborne Girls in their Will.”
“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”
Lord Coe CH, KBE helping Jane Reekie (Mrs Nicholson) E’59 to launch Pass on The Light at the Candlelight Ball, June 2013
Pass on the Light
legacy giving at Sherborne Girls You are welcome to visit the School at any time. Please contact the School’s Development Office to make arrangements.
The Development Office Sherborne Girls Bradford Road Sherborne Dorset DT9 3QN T: 01935 818320 E: development@sherborne.com www.sherborne.com
“The flaming torch, passing rapidly from hand to hand of one eager runner to the next, the light borne on through the darkness to the goal, speaks so strongly of co-operation, of the sinking of the individual in the grand aims of a Community, of the great Prize, and the fair Hope, the amaranthine wreath of which Socrates dreamed - surely we could not have a badge with deeper significance for the School.” Extract from a letter by the School’s first headmistress, Beatrice C Mulliner, in the Sherborne Girls Magazine, dated December 1920.
Gill Buzzard (Mrs Blenkinsop) DH’62 Sherborne School for Girls registered Charity No 307427. Registered in England as a Company. Limited by Guarantee No 306828
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“I am leaving a legacy in my Will to support bursaries in appreciation of what the School gave me and what it has meant to me, in the hope that someone who might otherwise not get the chance, can benefit as I have done. The benefit, gained in so short a period, lasts a lifetime. Surely it is a worthwhile investment.” Jane Reekie (Mrs Nicholson) E’59 Leader, The Torchbearers’ Society
The prize is a fair one, and the hope great. School motto
“The torch logo, originally the School’s ‘badge’ and now the Old Girls’ emblem, is ideal for The Torchbearers’ Society. As Old Girls, many of us may feel that we have benefited from the opportunities resulting from a Sherborne Girls’ education and would now like to give something back to help others. I view the prize as one of continued educational excellence through first class teaching and facilities and the hope that girls with talent will be able to enrich their lives and the School’s, by attending Sherborne Girls, whatever their background. I hope that many Old Girls will join me in acting now to leave a legacy to Sherborne Girls in their Will.”
“Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.”
Lord Coe CH, KBE helping Jane Reekie (Mrs Nicholson) E’59 to launch Pass on The Light at the Candlelight Ball, June 2013
Pass on the Light
legacy giving at Sherborne Girls You are welcome to visit the School at any time. Please contact the School’s Development Office to make arrangements.
The Development Office Sherborne Girls Bradford Road Sherborne Dorset DT9 3QN T: 01935 818320 E: development@sherborne.com www.sherborne.com
“The flaming torch, passing rapidly from hand to hand of one eager runner to the next, the light borne on through the darkness to the goal, speaks so strongly of co-operation, of the sinking of the individual in the grand aims of a Community, of the great Prize, and the fair Hope, the amaranthine wreath of which Socrates dreamed - surely we could not have a badge with deeper significance for the School.” Extract from a letter by the School’s first headmistress, Beatrice C Mulliner, in the Sherborne Girls Magazine, dated December 1920.
Gill Buzzard (Mrs Blenkinsop) DH’62 Sherborne School for Girls registered Charity No 307427. Registered in England as a Company. Limited by Guarantee No 306828