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Student Voice Updates
It has been a busy term for the Student Voice team at Shaftesbury School. Meeting every Tuesday during our weekly ‘drop in’ sessions, students from all year groups continue to contribute and reflect to ensure they are shaping the school and supporting its improvement and development. As always, their feedback goes directly to the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team so they can pursue and support with the student’s ideas and requests.
To date they have been instrumental in organising and supporting a range of initiatives, including the Red Nose Day mufti and cake sale, the quantity and quality of food in the canteen, supporting our Breakfast Club and Peer Mentoring programmes, and ensuring there are more bins placed strategically around school.
Alongside the Youth Town Council that advises the Deputy Mayor on local issues and supporting with their projects, the voice of the students is playing a pivotal role in the development of Shaftesbury School.
Remember, if you have something to share or say, come along every Tuesday at 1:45 to Room B1.