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The Autumn term, although it now seems a very long time ago, finished with the Sixth Form Students organising Rag Day, with events including cake sales, fancy dress for staff and students, collections in town and three performances of I’m a Teacher Get Me Out of Here. The day managed to raise £1,767.06 for The Dorset Children’s Foundation.

For many Year 13 students the new year started with their PPE’s – their opportunity to test themselves before the real thing in the summer and find out whether they are on target to achieve the grades they are hoping will enable them to make the next step in their careers. All in plenty of time for them to make changes if they are not where they want to be as they utilise feedback from their teachers. Year 12 and Year 13 Students on BTEC courses experienced ‘the real’ thing when they took the exams which will count towards their final qualifications.


In January, a group of students attended the National Apprenticeship Show at Westpoint, Exeter. This enabled students to engage with a wide range of employers and apprenticeship providers as they consider their future careers. This event was appreciated by all who attended so next year we hope to be able to take all of Year 12 as part of their information gathering for future pathways. On March 22nd Year 12 will be attending the UCAS Discovery Day, also at WestPoint, again to allow then to make informed decisions about their progression beyond Shaftesbury School.

As the Year 13s approach the end of their time in school – and their final exams! –

Ski Trip

During February half-term, 63 students from Years 10 to 13 embarked on a great adventure to discover the mountainsides of Austria. During the course of the week, we were blessed with incredible conditions - blue skies and fresh snow - and students made outstanding progress on the slopes: showing great perseverance, resilience and camaraderie. The adventure didn’t stop with the skiing either - every evening offered a new experience, from curling to watching an ice hockey match. It was a truly unforgettable experience for all. Danke schön, Wagrain!

many of the Prefect Team want to be able to concentrate on their studies, so are beginning to step back from their Prefect duties, which they have performed so well. Fortunately, an outstanding group of Year 12s have stepped forward and we look forward to working with them over the coming year, and selecting our new Head Prefects in the summer term. A number of Year 12 students have also asked to join those Year 12 and 13 students who have been trained as Peer Mentors, providing ongoing support to students throughout the school.

July 10th – 14th will be a Work Experience Week for all Year 12 student, who are currently contacting employers to arrange their placements. The Somerset Work Experience Partnership has a huge list of potential employers, but they are also able to add more employers not currently on the list for those students who get themselves

Ski Poem

There once was a school on a ski trip

It all began with a bit of a blip

We got to Dover

But couldn’t get over

We just couldn’t get on that ship

26 hours had passed

We feared it may be our last

At 3 in the morning

Everyone was yawning, But still hopeful of having a blast organised early enough. This will provide Year 12 with the opportunity to experience the world of work first hand and give them even more information to make informed decisions about their futures.

The Sixth Form Team are proud of everything our students have achieved so far this year, and we look forward to celebrating their successes with them later in the year.

A short 6 days later

With ski skills being much greater

We had survived it all

Despite many a fall

Even Jamieson could ski a bit straighter

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