Aureus Prospectus

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Aureus School




At Aureus..... we believe in nurturing the hearts and the minds of all learners we provide a holistic education to develop the whole student we offer a positive, lifelong learning environment for our community

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn�. Benjamin Franklin


Welcome I am delighted to welcome you to Aureus School, a brand new, state of the art comprehensive 11-16 school that will open on the Great Western Park, Didcot in September 2017. I am excited to collaborate with local stakeholders to shape our offer as a STEM specialist mixed school to create choice for the wider community in southern Oxfordshire. Our mission is simple: we will strive to educate the whole student so that each individual in our community may ‘Grow, Learn and Flourish’. Our core values will underpin all of our decisions: Wellbeing, Hard work, Opportunities, Lifelong learning, Equality. Our motto: ‘nurturing hearts and minds’ will inspire our students, our staff, our parents and our community partners as we work together to serve the local community. Our vision for Aureus extends beyond the classroom and

the curriculum to the culture and ethos that will be at the heart of the school’s learning environment: Dedicated and passionate staff, Inclusive learning environment, Dynamic teaching and learning, Creative curriculum and resources, Outstanding leadership at all levels, Thriving students who are healthy and happy. Our pastoral systems, enrichment offer and extra-curricular activities will nurture each of our students so that all can thrive and become confident, articulate and aspirational global citizens. Growth Mindset, Philosophy for Children, Mindfulness and Gratitude Practices will develop the critical thinking, leadership skills and healthy habits necessary for a successful future.

As one of a family of schools within the successful GLF Schools Multi-Academy Trust, we have a wealth of experience and expertise to support the growth of the Aureus learning community, including the support of a successful and innovative Teaching School. We look forward to welcoming you to Aureus and we encourage you to follow us on our various social media platforms for regular updates. Hannah Wilson Headteacher

Aureus School

An outstanding school “When educating the minds of our youths, we must not forget to educate their hearts”.

Dalai Lama

I am delighted to welcome you to Glyn School, which I believe is one of the highest performing and exciting schools in the country. We are a vibrant school for boys aged 11– 16 and a successful mixed Sixth Form. Founded in 1927, we have a rich history of academic, sporting and artistic excellence and in 2014 we were designated a teaching school, one of a select number that represent the most outstanding and innovative practice nationally. At Glyn, we hold high expectations of all our students in every respect. We aspire to provide students with an outstanding learning experience each and every day. Every decision that we make is centred on their learning and achievement as we seek to enable each one to meet and exceed their potential. Our incredibly dedicated and talented staff never give up on a student. We have an outstanding pastoral system, which is focused on ensuring that our students succeed and leave us as confident, articulate and aspirational young adults.

The success of our school is based on a partnership of integrity and mutual respect. A key factor in achieving this is working closely with parents and carers, enabling students to progress and develop in all aspects of their lives – personal, academic, creative and sporting. Learn – Achieve – Enjoy – Succeed Our school motto articulates all we aspire to in every lesson and for every student. We want students to enjoy their learning and as a result achieve and succeed in all aspects of their academic and professional careers. We strive to ensure that their experience is founded on our eight core values: • • • •

Learning & Achievement Enjoyment & Community Challenge & Opportunity Respect & Integrity

‘Integrity and Respect’ underpin our entire philosophy. A school community motivated by integrity and embodying a true understanding of respect and care for others is a successful school. This prospectus aims to give you an insight into our character and ethos. However, to fully appreciate everything Glyn School can offer, we warmly invite you to come and see for yourself. On behalf of all the staff and students, we look forward to welcoming you and your family soon. Phillip Wheatley Headteacher


Our Ethos Every student is highly valued and expected to achieve their full potential Every student enjoys their learning and is a confident individual and a responsible citizen Every student benefits from an inclusive ethos, excellent teaching and a broad, balanced curriculum Every student is supported to lead a healthy and active life, embracing each new opportunity

“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world�. Nelson Mandela


Our Vision Dedicated and passionate staff Inclusive learning environment Dynamic teaching and learning Creative curriculum and resources Outstanding leadership at all levels Thriving students who are healthy and happy

“One child, one teacher, one book and one pen, can change the world�. Malala Yousafzai


Our Values Wellbeing Hard Work Opportunities Lifelong Learning Equality

“Be present in all things and thankful for all things�. Dr Maya Angelou


Our Curriculum Science specialism



Growth mindset


Philosophy for children

Performing Arts


“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education�. Martin Luther King Jr


Our Pastoral Care House System

Wellbeing culture

Vertical tutoring

Family dining experience

School Council

PSHE Programme

Student Voice

Rewards Policy

“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself”. John Dewey


Our People Our Staff:

Our Students:

Subject specialists

Confident individuals

Inspiring teachers

Responsible citizens

Strong leaders

Healthy and active young people

“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today�. Malcom X


Our Culture Inclusive ethos Innovative practice Community engagement Global citizenship

“Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace”. Confucius


Our Enrichment School choir


Team sports



Charity partnership

“Educating the mind without educating the heart, is no education at all�. Aristotle


Our Extra-Curricular Trips Year 7 Residential

Language visits

Ski trips

Theatre trips

“Learning is a treasure that follows its owner everywhere�. Chinese Proverb


Aureus School

Headteacher: Hannah Wilson Candytuft Way, Harwell, Didcot, OX11 6FF 020 8716 4987

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