Pine Ridge & Lorraine Federation

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Pine Ridge & Lorraine Federation

Unlocking Each Child’s Potential

Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Independence and Resilience. “Our Federation provides an aspirational and rounded early education for all children in our distinct community. We want our children to have the very best start in life and are fortunate in being able to offer a wide range of family services through our Children’s Centre.”

Unlocking Each Child’s Potential

“Almost all pupils throughout the school behave very well and feel safe. They are courteous to others and respectful of each other’s feelings, beliefs, ideas and property”.



Welcome to Pine Ridge & Lorraine Federation Welcome to The Pine Ridge and Lorraine Federation; I hope you will find this prospectus informative and helpful in discovering more about our school. Our Federation aims to provide an aspirational and rounded education for all children in our community. We want our children to have the very best start in life and are fortunate in being able to offer a wide range of family services through our excellent Children’s Centre. In our schools, our aim is for children to grow into confident, thoughtful and highly motivated learners, unlocking their potential through continually expanding what they believe to be possible. We have wonderful grounds at both schools, enabling us to provide rich indoor and outdoor learning environments, where we can cultivate the habits and attitudes of curious, confident, independent learners. As well as achieving well academically, we believe that it’s important for children to build the mental, emotional and social skills to enjoy challenge, and to cope with complex

world they live in. Above all, we aim to instil a passion for discovery and curiosity in our pupils and for them to develop the capability and confidence to pursue what they excel at throughout their lives. In February 2017, we became an academy within GLF Schools. Through this partnership, we benefit from sharing outstanding resources and practice across a range of schools. This prospectus aims to give you an insight into our character and ethos. However, to fully appreciate everything our schools and nurseries can offer, we warmly invite you to come and see for yourself. On behalf of all the staff and pupils, we look forward to welcoming you and your family soon. Claire-Louise West Executive Headteacher


A future of opportunity Pine Ridge Infant School:

Lorraine Infant School:

Pine Ridge Infant School caters for children aged 2-7 years in our nursery and infant classes. The school was opened in 1972 and consists of specialist Early Years Foundation Stage units and several Key Stage 1 teaching areas. We have wonderful outdoor learning areas, which are well resourced. The Foundation Stage garden, to which children have free access, is designed and resourced to support all areas of children's early development. Our KS1 outdoor learning environment has climbing equipment, a den making area, a MUGA sports pitch, sensory area, a large playground, trim trail and field area.

Lorraine Infant School caters for children aged 2-7 years in our nursery and infant classes. Historically, the school was built on part of the site of a Free French Camp during the 2nd World War. General de Gaulle visited the camp on many occasions and was often seen in Camberley. He later gave his permission for the school to bear the name of 'Lorraine' from the French 'Cross of Lorraine'. In June 2005 surviving members of the Free French Lorraine 342 Squadron visited Camberley and presented a plaque to the school, which can be found in our hall.

In addition we are very fortunate to have an area of woodland, raised growing beds and a wildlife pond, all of which offer rich opportunities for active learning outdoors. The school hall is equipped with a wide range of PE apparatus and equipment. Appetising and nutritious meals are cooked on site and served in the hall from a servery. We have a well-resourced library and a small room that is used for targeted group work. Our nursery unit is run by a Nursery Teacher and qualified nursery assistants. Parents / carers can choose sessions flexibly over the week, subject to availability.

The school consists of specialist Early Years Foundation Stage units and several Key Stage 1 teaching areas. We also have wonderful, well resourced outdoor learning areas. The Foundation Stage garden is designed and resourced to support all areas of children's early development. Our Key Stage 1 outdoor learning environment has climbing equipment, a theatre, a MUGA sports pitch, a large playground, trim trail and field area. In addition we are fortunate to have a wonderful nature garden with a pond, minibeast area, flower and vegetable gardens, meadow area and raised sensory beds, all of which offer opportunities for active learning outdoors. The school hall is equipped with a wide range of PE apparatus and equipment. Appetising and nutritious meals are cooked on site. We have a well-resourced library with an area that is used for targeted group work, and a food tech area where children can enjoy cooking. Our nursery unit is run by a Nursery Teacher and qualified nursery assistants.

Pine Ridge and Lorraine Nurseries: Our two Nurseries provide wonderful, secure yet spacious environments for your child to explore, learn and develop whilst having fun. The Nurseries cater for children from the age of two to four. Each Nursery is run by a qualified teacher and staffed with qualified nursery staff. Our aims for all our children are that they are: • • • •

Happy and secure in the Nursery environment Having fun whilst learning Developing their self-esteem and confidence Becoming independent

Both Nurseries follow guidance from the Early Years Foundation Stage. The Early Years Foundation Stage is Government guidance for children from birth to five years of age. Young children have a wide range of different experiences, skills and interests when they join Nursery. They need a well-planned and resourced curriculum to take their learning forward. The Nurseries have inside and outside areas which the children can use daily. As part of our policy to ensure that our provision meets the needs of each individual child, we take account of any special needs a child may have. We recognise positive relationships and special responsibilities between carers and children, so our nurseries operate a ‘Key Person’ system. Your child will be allocated a 'Key Person' when they start Nursery. The 'Key Person' will form an effective partnership with you and have responsibility for your child’s continued care and welfare. The 'Key Person' will offer security, reassurance, continuity and will be responsible for understanding and meeting each child’s individual learning and development needs.


Learning is paramount The Federation of Pine Ridge and Lorraine Schools offers a vibrant, broad and balanced curriculum with English forming the backbone to all learning experiences. Our mission is:

‘To work in partnership inspiring a community in which everyone feels safe, empowered and resilient, becoming a life-long learner’. In committing to achieve our mission we lead by example in demonstrating the core values of the Federation: • • • •

RESPECT - both for yourself and others TOLERANCE - patience and empathy TRUST - the ability to trust, feel safe and secure HONESTY - to be open, honest and true to yourself and others

The curriculum for children between the ages of 2 and 7 years is based on The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and the National Curriculum for Key Stage 1, supported by the Cornerstones Curriculum. Our creative curriculum connects with that of Cordwalles Junior School to create a seamless education for children across the 2 to 11 years age range. This is achieved through personalising our curriculum to reflect the uniqueness of our school and our community.

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Guiding Principles underpin our curriculum: Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.

Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.

Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between adults in the setting and parents/carers.

Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.


Achievement for everyone The Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Reception) In planning and guiding children’s learning experiences, staff in our Nursery and Reception units reflect on the different ways that children learn and cater for these in their daily practice. Three characteristics of effective learning in the early years are: • • •

Playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’ Active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements Creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things

Learning experiences for Nursery and Reception children are planned around seven Prime and Specific Areas of Learning and experience. Early Learning Goals summarise the knowledge, skills and understanding that all young children should have gained by the end of the Reception year. Playing and exploring with the willingness ‘to have a go’, alongside being an active learner engaging in ‘hands on’ experiences, develops each child’s ability to make links, share views and express ideas in a safe and supportive learning environment.

Early Years practice is developed in line with ‘best practice’ guidelines and supports the concept of continuous provision, free-flow, and a predominantly child-led learning environment both indoors and outdoors. At the heart of this is the development of communication and language skills.

Key Stage One (Years 1 and 2)

Pine Ridge Children’s Centre

In Key Stage One a topic-based curriculum is taught through Cornerstones themes, which are used to deliver all subjects. There is a particular emphasis on the core subjects of English and Maths, which are also taught discretely. RE is taught using the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey Schools. The Early Years Foundation Stage ‘Characteristics of effective learning’ are further developed in KS1 by embedding opportunities to develop four key learning skills in all learning experiences:

Our children's centre is located on the Pine Ridge Infant School site and offers support and services to families with children aged 0-5 years who live within the North Camberley area of Surrey Heath. The centre is open daily Monday to Friday 8.30am-4.15pm. Confidential, independent support is available for families and all our services can be adapted to meet individual needs. Support includes:

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Resilience – the ability to persevere, manage distractions, absorb learning and notice things Resourcefulness – the ability to make links in learning, question, imagine and reason your findings Reflectiveness – the ability to plan, distil and revise ideas, and reflect and improve learning Reciprocity – the ability for inter-dependence, the ability to collaborate and work with others, to empathise and listen and imitate.

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Behaviour Management Parenting support Post-natal depression Isolation Play tips Introducing family foods Breastfeeding support Benefit advice

‘Quality First’ teaching ensures that lessons are exciting, engaging and appropriately challenging, building on what children already know. All teachers use a wide range of teaching approaches to suit all learning styles and children are encouraged to extend their learning through a range of differentiated activities and experiences. Learning is targeted and personalised at all times, providing high challenge and skilful support in the relentless drive to raise attainment regardless of starting points. This is achieved through approaches such as extended curriculum tasks, small group and 1:1 learning contexts. Our rich topic-based curriculum includes engaging and motivational planning, visitors to our schools and educational trips to develop successful learners who embrace challenge, enjoy making progress and achieving their best.


Community matters We value our links with pupils’ families, the Surrey Heath community and the local organisations that support our work. The relationship between home and school plays a vital role in the success of our children. Parents and carers are encouraged to get involved in their child’s education, especially in relation to home learning, listening to them reading and visiting the school to see their progress and achievement. Home learning helps children to develop the research ability, independent thinking and self-motivation required for success in secondary education and eventually, the workplace. Clear and frequent communication helps families to understand how their children are progressing. All parents and carers are invited to meet their child’s teacher at our parent consultation evenings to review progress and we encourage their attendance at our Parent’s Forum which supports our school improvement. We also involve families in our school community through newsletters, Twitter feeds,

our Facebook page and our website. Sport at the Federation is an incredibly important part of school life and we have a strong sporting tradition. Sport provides an excellent way to develop motivation, perseverance and teamwork, characteristics that not only support academic success but are also highly valued by employers. It provides fitness and a healthy lifestyle whilst being a source of fun. Pupils in the Federation enjoy excellent sports facilities in our main halls and around the school sites. We encourage everyone to participate in a broad range of activities both outside and indoors. The Gugafit Academy, also delivered at Cordwalles, runs at both Infant schools.


Enjoyment is key The Federation offers an extensive range of extra-curricular activities that develop pupils’ individual aptitudes and collaborative skills, whilst a wide range of educational trips broaden their understanding of their learning and makes links to real life contexts. We provide many opportunities for our pupils to showcase their artistic, dramatic and musical talents. Productions are staged at Christmas and at the end of the Summer Term, and pupils participate in an annual Class assembly. Life in the Federation is further enriched by regular visits by authors, artists and scientists, theatre visits and workshops.

We host enrichment weeks throughout the year, when the timetable is suspended to allow everyone to take part in a variety of challenging activities on a theme, for example science or the arts.


Pine Ridge & Lorraine Federation

Executive Headteacher: Claire-Louise West Pine Ridge Infant School Esher Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 4AL 01276 23207

Pine Ridge Children’s Centre Esher Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 4AL 01276 401605

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An Academy within GLF Schools

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Lorraine Infant School Highland Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 4EX 01276 65649

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