KVPS Open Evening

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Welcome to Kilnwood Vale Primary School

An academy within GLF Schools

Welcome & introductions ● ● ● ●

Natalie Broad - Education Partner Carole Davies - Project Officer Sarah Lynagh - Director of Shared Services Jo Newton - Headteacher, Forge Wood Primary School

What is an academy? ● An Academy is a state-funded, community school serving local residents ● Academies are accessible to all families and remain part of the family of local schools ● They provide free education for students of all abilities

GLF Schools & Kilnwood Vale

Key principles within GLF Each school exists in its own right, maintaining its own unique characteristics and individual identity. However, all GLF Schools share a common purpose: ● all children are highly valued and expected to achieve their full potential ,no matter what their socio-economic background ● all children will enjoy their learning, attain high outcomes and be helped to become confident individuals and responsible citizens whilst making excellent progress ● all children will benefit from an inclusive ethos, excellent teaching and a broad and balanced curriculum underpinned by strong leadership, in a local school ● all children will be supported and encouraged to lead healthy and active lives, making sensible choices whilst respecting the views and attitudes of others

Our track record • 24 schools within GLF have had an Ofsted judgement. 23 of these are at least ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’. This equates to 96% compared to a national average of 86% • We have opened nine new schools. All those which have been inspected have been judged at least ‘good’ with ‘outstanding’ aspects; the most recent new provision school (Chestnut Park) to be inspected was judged as ‘outstanding’ in all areas.

Our new school

Our new school - images

Our new school

Kilnwood Vale Primary School Calvert Link Faygate Horsham RH12 0AF

September 2019 ● Two forms of entry with a capacity of 420 children once full ● Reception class for 30 children ● Nursery class for 2 and 3 year olds

Staffing ● Currently recruiting our leadership team working in partnership with Department for Education and GLF/Education Partner ● After Christmas recruitment for teachers will start ● Summer term recruitment for support staff and admin staff

Our vision & aims Kilnwood Vale Primary School aims to deliver an outstanding education for all our children by providing an exciting, broad and challenging curriculum. Establish a welcoming school within a new and growing community providing a unique opportunity for stakeholders to influence the Vision and Values of the school as we evolve. Create an ethos of respect which values and embraces diversity.

Our values GLF values - Where children Grow, Learn & Flourish ● Appreciative of our children, students and their families ● Commitment to excellent education for all ● Friendly and caring ● Positive and passionate in everything we do ● Honest, open and keep our commitments Kilnwood Vale ● Evolve from GLF values ● Personalised to the school ● Developed with all stakeholders - children, staff & parents ● Integral part of our school

Our uniform ● We are still designing and finalising it ● Initial thoughts - grey and jade green to compliment the logo ● Winter uniform & summer uniform ● Logo bookbag/rucksack ● Tie ● PE kit

Our curriculum ● Exciting, engaging and innovative curriculum linked to The National Curriculum ● Topic based curriculum - each half term linking all foundation subjects ● Cornerstones curriculum ● IT - integrated throughout curriculum ● Values based education

Potential topics

Our curriculum ● ● ● ● ●

Read Write Inc phonics programme Discreet English and maths teaching Maths mastery approach from nursery to Y6 Trips - planned and organised linked to topics Enrichment - visitors, experiences, topic weeks,

Early Years ● Baseline assessment called EExBA to develop an understanding of children’s starting points when they start Reception. This will allow us to plan children’s next steps in their learning. EExBA is based on teacher observations of the children rather than a test. ● We will use the EYFS curriculum in nursery and reception and activities, provision and learning on this. Activities will be both teacher-led and child-initiated and will be based on the children’s interests and needs.

Early Years (continued) â—? We want to work closely with you to help your child learn, develop and enjoy school. You will be informed regularly of how your child is doing and their next steps and we welcome and value your feedback and input. â—? You will receive an end of year report showing how your child has achieved against the EYFS expectations, next steps and her/his attitude towards, and style of, learning.

Why chose Kilnwood Vale School? ● An exciting opportunity to develop a modern and purpose built school ● An opportunity to work together in partnership with the local community ● A school with the latest technology and resources ● A new school with high expectations for every child ● A school which shapes the future; tailoring the curriculum to meet the present and future needs of our children ● A school for the local community and family learning

A collaborative approach ● ● ● ● ● ●

Working in partnership with parents and carers Build our school community together Parental involvement in all aspects of school life Open door policy Family learning events PTA - Parent & Teacher Association

Before & after school provision

● We hope to provide wrap around care, however this will depend on the demand within the first year ● Tender process to look at possible providers ● Local schools use different providers so we can draw on their experiences

Admissions - September 2019 Nursery ● Apply via the school website ● Apply by 12th February 2019 Reception ● Apply via the school website (for Kilnwood Vale) and the Local Authority link below (for other school preferences) ● Apply by 15th January 2019 ● https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/education-children-andfamilies/schools-and-colleges/

Opportunities to find out more TEL: 020 8716 4987 Email: info@kilnwoodvaleschool.org admissions@kilnwoodvaleschool.org Website: http://www.kilnwoodvaleschool.org Twitter: @kilnwoodvale Facebook:@kilnwoodvaleprimaryschool https://www.facebook.com/kilnwoodvaleprimaryschool/?modal =admin_todo_tour

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