Cuddington Croft PrimarySschool Prospectus

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Cuddington Croft Primary School

Inspire - Enrich - Succeed

Inspire, Enrich, Succeed Welcome A very warm welcome to Cuddington Croft. We are a two-form entry nursery and primary school for 3 to 11 year olds, with currently just under 500 pupils. Children at Cuddington Croft thrive in a caring and nurturing environment where they are safe, happy and enjoy school. Our goal is to promote lifelong learning through an enriched curriculum, alongside a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities.

As an academy within Glyn Learning Foundation (GLF) Schools, we benefit from sharing outstanding resources, facilities and support with our sister schools within the trust. We also work closely in partnership within the network of Epsom and Ewell Schools and regularly participate in local events. Cuddington Croft is a learning community, where staff are of the highest calibre and parents are encouraged to be active in school life.

Visits are warmly welcomed and encouraged, and I would be happy to show you around on one of our regular parent tours. Mr S. Maclean Headteacher


Our expectations and values We are a highly successful school that encourages each child to thrive personally, socially and academically. We aim to give pupils every opportunity to develop an enquiring mind, a lifelong love of learning and to become a well-rounded member of the community. As a values-led school, we are extremely proud not only of our strong SATS results but of the exemplary behaviour that our pupils show. Our ‘6Cs’ approach enables us to develop a range of learning skills as well as talk about how we treat each other.

We firmly believe in celebrating every success and preparing our children for the future.

The 6C’s are: Caring, Committed, Courageous, Creative, Cooperative and Calm These are part of our daily life at Cuddington Croft and underpin how we learn together. They are celebrated through assemblies and in weekly newsletters, with awards being given to year 6 leavers who have been exemplary examples of these values throughout their time with us.


Early Years At Cuddington Croft we celebrate the fact that every child is unique. Our nursery and reception classes are a safe and secure place for children develop an enthusiasm for learning, supported by experienced and qualified practitioners who nurture their independence and confidence. All children develop and learn at different stages and rates, but they are all given the best possible start to their education through imaginative activities based on their own interests and needs. Free flow play encourages children to interact with their peers, with engaging outdoor learning spaces to help develop their enquiring minds in a stimulating but friendly environment.


Working in partnership with families is particularly key at this crucial stage of a child’s development. We regularly welcome parents and carers into the school

and, by keeping in close contact, we make sure that all individual achievements from both home and school life are recognised.

"The school promotes an engaging, stimulating curriculum. My children have made excellent progress. Staff are supportive and available when discussion is needed. The school develops the whole child, not just the academic child." Parent


An inspiring curriculum Our curriculum is rich and inspiring – and we are immensely proud of our pupils’ wide range of achievements across the board. We take a rigorous approach to the teaching of key skills in literacy and numeracy, alongside a diverse range of stimulating topics where our pupils learn about the world around them.


But learning and achievement go way beyond the classroom thanks to the many extra-curricular opportunities available to pupils. Our sports teams compete at both local and county level and we run a regular programme of activities and competitions within school, offering every child the chance to be involved in both competitive and non-competitive sport. Our links with the local community also

enable us to work with local sports coaches and groups such as golf and tennis clubs to further extend the opportunities for pupils. The performing arts also play an important part of life at Cuddington Croft. Pupils regularly participate in assemblies and perform alongside their peers in year group productions, including our infamous year 6 summer musical. We have an active school choir who take part in local and national events such as ‘Voice in a Million’ at Wembley Stadium and the GLF Schools’ musical festival. Our dance club participates in the annual Epsom and Ewell Schools’ Festival of Dance, and pupils’ art work is also celebrated through events such as the annual schools’ art exhibition held at Bourne Hall in Ewell.


Extensive facilities We are a very well-resourced school benefitting from our own indoor swimming pool on site, a playing field, excellent ICT provision and a new, well- stocked library which is used regularly by all pupils. Our hall provides a space for the whole school to get together for assemblies and is also used for indoor PE as well as other activities including workshops, drama lessons and clubs. Fresh, nutritious lunches are prepared on site in our modern kitchen and children enjoy eating their lunch together in the hall. Flexible breakout learning spaces enable our pupils to lead their own education in innovative ways, such as working collaboratively on our giant whiteboard walls. We are also very fortunate to have a fabulous new studio space where learning happens in a range of different ways, and the children can enjoy a range of extra- curricular activities including drama and dance.


There are further opportunity for learning outside the classroom thanks to our eco- garden, environmental area and dedicated Early Years outdoor learning space.

Our location within walking distance of Cheam village enables us to use local facilities for trips and a range of additional learning opportunities. We also have close links with our local church and are fortunate to be able to use this venue as an additional performance space for events such as Harvest Festival and our end of year musical. And beyond the school day, we provide a range of clubs and after school activities run by our both own staff and professional local clubs. We also work closely with an outside provider to offer before and after school care and have a dedicated space on site for this purpose.


A collaborative approach to learning We believe that every child’s learning community extends way beyond the classroom, and the vital role that parents and carers play in their education cannot be underestimated.


We greatly value the strong links that we have with families, and, when it comes to home-school communications, we have an ‘open door’ policy. This is supplementary to parents’ evenings, reports and workshops - not forgetting our weekly newsletters, which provide parents with an insight into what is happening around the school, celebrate the childrens’ numerous achievements and suggest ways

you can further support their learning at home. On top of this, our website and other social media channels (have you checked out our Twitter yet?) ensure that families stay regularly updated with information about events taking place during the term. We also work closely alongside our Parent Forum to discuss and develop new ideas and initiatives throughout the school year, and we actively welcome support from parent volunteers who would like to become more involved in school life.

We have a proactive and informed governing body who are very prominent in the school and work closely with our leadership team, teachers and pupils. Our enthusiastic Parent Teacher Association (PTA) also support us through fundraising, arranging all kinds of social activities throughout the year from firework nights and summer balls to sponsored reads and film nights. Our links with other local schools and our partnership with the GLF academy group enable us to develop and share best practice with other professionals to make sure that we are always striving for the best possible outcomes for our pupils.

"I feel informed about my children's strengths, areas to develop and if I have any questions I know I can ask." Parent


Achievment for all Cuddington Croft is committed to promoting equality and providing the very best opportunity for all. Through our school values, we share an ethos where all children are encouraged to aspire to the best and are supported to achieve their full potential.


Our skilful practitioners carefully plan learning outcomes to suit each child, setting ambitious targets and enabling pupils to experience success in achieving them. Learning opportunities are engaging and differentiated to provide a personalised experience that supports all groups to make excellent progress and high achievements. Alongside the knowledge and skills gained within the core curriculum, our pupils learn about the characteristics

of a successful learner and how to develop these skills so that they will leave Cuddington Croft as a well-rounded individual who is ready to embrace challenge and experience successful, lifelong learning.

"My son has had a fantastic year at Cuddington Croft. He has been motivated and pushed himself to excel beyond his own personal expectations which to me is a sign of great teaching‌ I feel lucky that my son has had fantastic, dedicated teachers." Parent

Cuddington Croft Primary School

West Drive, Cheam, Surrey, SM2 7NA 020 8642 4325 twitter @CC_Primary

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