Lightwater Village School
Together we Learn, Enjoy, Grow and Achieve
A New Beginning Welcome Thank you for expressing an interest in Lightwater Village School. We look forward to welcoming you and your child into our school. Our school stands at the heart of the village community of Lightwater. We offer an outstanding start to education for children from 4 to 7 years old, consistently achieving excellence, yet also engaging children in imaginative and exciting themes whereby learning comes alive.
Together we Learn, Enjoy, Grow and Achieve
Together with Hammond School we form part of the Federation of Lightwater Schools, and we welcome applications from all the local villages to join our caring community. We work closely in partnership with our local schools in Surrey Heath and as an Academy within GLF Schools, we benefit from sharing outstanding resources, facilities and support. We warmly invite you to visit us to see our school in action and look forward to meeting you. Sarah Evans Executive Headteacher
Karen Ney Head of School
Our expectations and values Our set of core values lies at the heart of our high expectations for all. Our six values of Respect, Resilience, Thoughtfulness, Cooperation, Trust and Responsibility are actively taught to children so they know what this looks like, and the 6 values they entail; these values then form the basis of our expectations for behaviour and learning throughout the school.
Learning is very carefully planned to match individual needs in each class whilst also supporting children to
understand their next steps. This enables children to be encouraged to achieve more than they hoped and provides the self-belief to reach high. Our school consistently achieves extremely high attainment results at the end of Key Stage 1, well beyond national expectations, ensuring children are well prepared for their next stage of education.
We have a strong programme of personal and social skills, actively teaching children core values and beliefs that support their growth as young people. We encourage children to develop opinions, beliefs and character traits that enable them to build healthy relationships with others, work cooperatively, build resilience, and to self-reflect, all of which enable them to mature into well rounded individuals.
An inspiring curriculum Learning at Lightwater Village School is exciting and imaginative, stimulating and challenging. We believe that young children learn best when they are motivated by what they are learning and are actively involved. Children are encouraged to question and discover, care and understand, imagine and believe.
We run flexible timetables to enable children to become immersed in their learning whilst still retaining a core emphasis on the key skills of literacy and numeracy. This creative curriculum is regularly enhanced by Focus Weeks in which the whole school takes time to study a particular theme.
We believe every child has the right to a rich and varied curriculum that challenges, inspires and promotes very high standards of achievement for all. We are judged to be an ‘outstanding’ school, where excellent teaching enables the curriculum to come alive. This is further enhanced through visits, visitors and workshops.
“The school encourages a love of learning and a curiosity about life.”
Extensive facilities Our impressive facilities include an extensive school field shared with Hammond School, a dedicated library and music space, a children’s kitchen, and suite of computers. Our hall, with stage and sound system, is the place for school performances, assemblies, P.E, workshops and parent meetings and our weekly celebration assemblies. We have an onsite kitchen where delicious, nutritious cooked meals or packed lunches are prepared for our children to enjoy.
We are a school that does not sit still; we are constantly looking for opportunities to improve what we can offer. The use of mobile technology is
being developed to complete our ICT suite, enabling our children to utilise amazing electronic and online resources as a tool for learning. Each classroom enjoys the benefit of an Interactive Whiteboard and other digital equipment such as visualisers and web-cams to enhance learning. Our outside environment is used to enrich learning through stimulating play, physical activity, a wildlife area and outside classroom space which is used throughout the curriculum.
Together we Learn, Enjoy, Grow and Achieve Our forward thinking approach and dedicated staff team aim to provide the best education for our children, bringing our vision of Together We Learn, Enjoy, Grow and Achieve to life through imaginative and challenging learning.
A collaborative approach to learning It is extremely important to us that we build a strong, mutual partnership with parents as we believe this supports each and every child and is the key to successful learning.
We actively encourage our parents to be involved in their child’s learning, through regular and effective communication, information about what and how your child is learning, engaging homework opportunities, and listening to and responding to concerns through our open door policy and the effective regular parent forum meetings we hold.
Over the years we have forged strong community links enabling us to offer a varied approach to learning. Getting children involved in their community through links with local business, the church, sports and musical opportunities and the Lightwater Country Park, nurturing a sense of community responsibility which we value. We have an insightful and proactive governing body who work across both schools in our federation and who share the vision and values of our school. We also have an active and supportive Parents’ Association who help the school through their social and fundraising activities and welcome your involvement.
Lightwater Village School
Executive Headteacher: Sarah Evans Head of School: Karen Ney Catena Rise, Lightwater, Surrey, GU18 5RD 01276 473346
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An Academy within GLF Schools
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