Merstham Park Prospectus

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Merstham Park School

Igniting a passion for learning

Merstham Park – a learning community where we work together to inspire and succeed.

Everyone here makes a difference!


A journey beyond expectations I am delighted to be Headteacher at Merstham Park School opening in September 2018 for the benefit of the East Surrey community. Merstham Park will be a student-centred school, one that promotes family identity and values. Our aim at all times is to develop quality partnerships with families, effective learning for our students and success for all members of our community. To achieve this and more, we will be working in collaboration both with GLF Schools and with other schools and academies. Learning is central to our ability to function within tomorrow’s world. Our students will be equipped with the tenacity to pursue their dreams and ambitions to become successful citizens of the future. Bringing the real-world to life through practical exploration and a project based curriculum will be a priority for student learning at Merstham Park. We will welcome parents to be true partners in

in their children’s education, working with us to enable all students to achieve beyond their expectations. We will provide our students with outstanding resources and support in every aspect of school life from learning and teaching to staffing and subject specific expertise. The community will benefit from the brand new state of the art facilities tailored to develop students’ unique skillsets. We will furnish the school with inviting and interactive classrooms and learning environments, providing fresh opportunities to explore the unknown. This will all be informed by up to date research and initiatives delivered by enthusiastic and passionate staff committed to providing your children with the very best education experience. I look forward to taking the next step with you on our journey through the next stage of your child’s education Martin Beard Headteacher

"I am delighted to be Headteacher at Merstham Park School opening in September 2018 for the benefit of the East Surrey community. Merstham Park will be a student-centred school, one that promotes family identity and values." Martin Beard, Headteacher, Merstham Park


Our mission It is our mission to ensure that ‘everyone at Merstham Park makes a difference’ to the future life chances of the young people who join our family. We endeavour to: Build a school to serve our community Provide a safe, exciting and inspiring learning experience for all Ensure everyone feels valued – celebrating the individual achievements of all Bring the real-world to life through practical exploration and project based learning

Merstham Park – Where students are immersed in their learning


Our vision Igniting a passion for learning - everyone here makes a difference! Our school is a place where we can be adventurous in our learning and teaching, working collaboratively and valuing each other’s contributions. Staff strive to enable every student to reach their full potential in a safe, stimulating and culturally rich environment.



- We strive to meet each child’s needs through a personalised, bespoke curriculum - We respect each other for our unique characteristics and embrace equality for all - We work as a team to enable all to achieve their goals and aspirations - We promote courage and resilience in all members of our community


- We promote leadership skills in our students through involving them in all aspects of school life - We inspire our students to be self-motivated, confident and resilient - We encourage our students to be independently minded whilst respectful of others


- We have high expectations of our learning community - We encourage all to be their best and achieve their goals - We lead by example, demonstrating professionalism and resilience in the face of challenge


- We aspire to inspire all students to achieve their personal goals - We prepare and equip our students for their future - Through a broad and creative curriculum, we demonstrate the possibilities and opportunities available to our students, encouraging them to grow, learn and flourish


- We care for and take care of each other - We value the support from our wider community and involve them in our learning journey - We celebrate achievement in all forms and for all

Merstham Park Our ethos “Igniting a passion for learning” is our motto and guiding principle. We will establish an achievement culture in which every single student is encouraged to succeed. We aim to develop each pupil’s talent and release their individual, unique potential. We will be an inclusive school and strive to meet the needs of all students. STEAM is our curriculum approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. At Merstham Park we teach through a specialist and thematic project-led curriculum. This enables us to explore concepts, skills and knowledge in its broadest sense examples of the topics studied can be found on the school website.

We will offer: Acceleration, extension and enrichment will challenge our More Able Learners (MALs) Early morning enrichment classes in English, Science, MFL (Modern Foreign Language), Music and Mathematics. Our Special Education Needs provision will deliver a supportive environment to empower all students to fulfil and exceed their ambitions Excellent support and intervention for students with Special Educational Needs including an intensive reading programme, spelling and handwriting clubs, homework support, speech and language classes and in-class support. Our SEN base will provide an environment where ASD and SEN students can thrive.


Our values Our Values

Our Rewards

We believe in traditional values and high expectations. We promote a structured learning environment with an emphasis on the importance of always giving your best. We expect high standards of behaviour, excellent attendance and positive attitudes. We encourage courtesy, respect, consideration for others and will not allow students to disrupt the learning their peers. We expect students to be punctual and to wear their uniform with pride.

We will provide a happy, safe, secure school and a caring environment for all students. We believe you get the best out of children through praise, encouragement and reward.

We encourage all our students to contribute to the local community and to remember those less fortunate. We will develop a rich tradition of charity fundraising at the school.

We will reward for effort and participation to motivate and inspire through: achievement points, vouchers, reward trips and excursions for excellent behaviour, attitude and organisation. We will also host an Awards Evening every year in June to celebrate the success of our students.

Awaiting Photo


Home-School Partnership Working Together

Student Care

We warmly welcome all forms of parental contact with the school since a close, three way partnership between students, school and parents always results in greater mutual understanding for the benefit of the students concerned. All our teachers will have a full classroom commitment and so an appointment must be made prior to coming to school, and we ask that all visitors should always report to reception on arrival. Many of the points parents may wish to raise are dealt with, in the first instance, either by the tutor or Head of Achievement.

We pride ourselves on treating our students as individuals. We will achieve this through our Tutoring System, which will support students within our large community, providing meaningful opportunities for personal and social development. High standards of appearance, behaviour and achievement are set and every opportunity is taken to praise, reward and encourage. Each student entering the school is placed in a tutor group with others of all abilities and backgrounds. These students remain together in the care of a tutor who has particular concern for each student’s personal welfare. Each team of tutors is led by an experienced Head of Achievement who has responsibility for the overview of the academic and social progress of each individual student.


Community matters Merstham Park School has high expectations of all students. We will provide a nurturing, caring, calm and orderly environment to ensure children can enjoy learning. We will encourage students to respect property and take a pride in their school and the community in which they live. Great behaviour, learning and achievement are valued and celebrated by the whole school community. We look forward to working with the whole community to ensure Merstham Park is the school of choice for all.

C onsiderate of everyone’s learning in school O rganise yourself and your learning materials M ake a focused effort to succeed M eet all deadlines U tilise your skills to advance yourself and others N ever give up - be resilient I nvolve yourself in the full life of the school T olerant of alternate views and opinions Y ou are responsible for your own actions


Student Leadership All students are encouraged to assume responsibility for their own actions, but as they progress through the school more is expected in terms of service. The School Council, with elected representatives from each tutor group will meet regularly and discuss issues raised by the student body. The school council is consulted on school development issues and the chair also presents to the Leadership Team and Governance Board. Students will be encouraged to take on leadership roles throughout their time at Merstham Park to experience roles of responsibility and broaden their communication skills. A group of Senior Students including Head Boy/Girl and Deputies will lead the student body, whilst Prefects will support around the school. Peer Mentors will eventually work closely with Year 7 students in their first year at Merstham Park and departments will have Ambassadors who support and promote particular subject areas. Students will also be encouraged to join School Council sub-committees focusing on Teaching and Learning, The Learning Environment and Healthy Schools.


Merstham Park School Headteacher: Martin Beard Taynton Drive, Merstham, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 3PU 01737 919 491

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