The Beacon School Prospectus

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BEACON SCHOOL Achieving together - leading the way




Achieving together-leading the way

Welcome to The Beacon School. We know that you want the very best for your child a school in which they will achieve academic success and thrive as happy, responsible young people. At The Beacon we believe that all of our students deserve the best possible education. Our commitment to academic excellence is underpinned by our dedication to providing a safe and supportive environment in which students can learn effectively. We aim to equip every student with the knowledge, skills and resilience they need to be successful and fulfilled. We do this by setting the highest expectations of behaviour, attitudes to work, manners and uniform. We have high ambitions for every student, regardless of their background or academic starting point. We work in partnership with you to ensure that every child is given the best opportunity to achieve success.

“At The Beacon School we believe that all of our students deserve the best possible education.” Mr R Bennett, Principal

At The Beacon School we develop our students’ confidence and leadership skills, to prepare them fully for the challenges and opportunities which lie ahead.

Our curriculum offers a broad, balanced and relevant range of subjects to suit the individual needs of each student. We ensure that students are stretched and challenged to excel. Our extensive enrichment provision ensures that students are given every opportunity to make the most of their talents. I am very proud to lead this school. This prospectus is designed to give you a flavour of the ways in which we transform students’ lives. If you would like to gain a deeper insight into the work of the school, I encourage you to visit and see us in action. We would be delighted to show you around. I am sure that when you meet staff and students, and experience the ethos of this ambitious school first hand you will see what makes The Beacon a unique place to learn.

Mr R Bennett – Principal



Mission Statement and Values

BEACON SCHOOL Achieving together-leading the way

Mission STATEMENT Every individual is valued, learning is enjoyed, success is celebrated and responsibility is shared, enabling our students to grow into responsible, questioning citizens who play a full and active role in society.”

“Your students were the most positive advert for the school. They were the perfect role models for the other children taking part demonstrating resilience, determination, honesty, teamwork and excellence.”


“We are committed to providing an outstanding education where all students achieve academic success. Our inspirational and challenging curriculum enables abilities to flourish and self-confidence to thrive.

South East Surrey School Games Organiser

Our school has four key values on which we base all our work. These are:

We care

We aim high

We achieve together

We lead the way


Potential High Achievers


Students will find learning at The Beacon School exciting, challenging and enjoyable. Our aim is for them all to develop a love of continuous learning. We provide rich, diverse and inspiring learning experiences to enable them to achieve academic success; to become independent learners, creative thinkers and confident communicators. Our staff, of dynamic, forward thinking teachers, care about every student. They are inspirational role models who show true passion for their subject. Our teachers know how to bring the curriculum to life, motivate and help individuals to engage with their subject and capture their imagination. They are committed to delivering high quality learning experiences both inside and outside the classroom. They undertake ongoing professional development to ensure they enable students to achieve the highest standards.

Potential High Achievers (PHAs) are identified through information from their Junior School, assessment upon entry and through our tracking and reporting systems. These students are developed through a bespoke programme led by our PHA Coordinator. This includes accelerated learning tasks, the opportunity to take additional qualifications, as well as a variety of enrichment opportunities to stimulate their intellectual development. We enable our students to attain by providing further education opportunities available to them e.g. Russell Group University courses or studying abroad.

“Teachers plan carefully to meet the needs of students of different abilities. Teachers check progress and understanding thoroughly and know how to reshape teaching and learning activities in response to students’ feedback.”

Achieving Success We know that students respond best to clear academic guidance. At The Beacon School, we set challenging targets, regularly monitor each child’s development and set work that enables them to make the rapid progress we expect. Parents and students are provided with regular feedback on how their child is progressing.

Ofsted 2012


the Curriculum Our innovative curriculum has been carefully designed to meet the needs of all our students. High quality teaching enables the students to develop in-depth knowledge across a broad and balanced range of subject areas and achieve the highest standards.

Key Stage 3 (Years 7 and 8)

Sixth Form (YearS 12 and 13)

When students arrive in Year 7, we build swiftly on their knowledge and skills from Key Stage 2. The school follows the National Curriculum with a strong focus on the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science. In addition, students study a broad range of subjects each year in preparation for GCSE study.

The curriculum offers a broad range of A-Level and BTEC subjects to ensure progression to university courses, apprenticeships or employment. Each student is interviewed and provided with high quality careers guidance to support informed choices. In addition, the Sixth Form curriculum includes: Critical Thinking, Extended Project Qualification, Duke of Edinburgh and Sports Leader Award. Our students are fully prepared for the next stage of their lives.

Students are set by academic ability in the majority of their subjects. The Express Stream provides an opportunity for our brightest students to take additional qualifications and accelerate their progression. For students who have been identified as needing further support with the move from primary to secondary, our Transition Group offers this additional provision.

Key Stage 4 (Years 9 - 11)

“We work hard to ensure all students experience a broad, balanced, relevant and stimulating curriculum. The school produces a culture of students valuing their time in education, working together as a community and achieving their full academic potential.”

Enrichment Programme The Beacon School has a unique enrichment programme, which forms part of the students’ timetabled study. For further details of this exciting programme see the section titled ‘Beyond the Classroom’ on pages 10/11.

During Year 8, our Options Programme guides each student on to the most suitable academic pathway. There is a focus on mastery of the core subjects with every student taking English Literature, and opportunities for Further Mathematics, Statistics and Triple Science. In addition, there is a wide choice of subjects, including those within the English Baccalaureate, a range of Modern Foreign Languages, Computer Science, Media Studies and disciplines within Performing Arts. There is the opportunity to study the Extended Project Qualification as excellent preparation for more independent Sixth Form study and we also offer a number of carefully selected vocational courses with progression routes into the Sixth Form. For the specific details about the full range of subjects available please see our further information booklet.

Vice Principal 9

beyond the Classroom A Beacon School education focuses on the development of the whole child. This is why we offer a wealth of opportunities beyond the classroom. Our unique timetabled enrichment programme ensures our students take part in activities that broaden their experience, build on their individual aptitudes and develop a range of skills. Enrichment activities include: team and individual sports, instrumental lessons, astronomy club, creative writing and computing coding. Each child builds up a portfolio of enrichment activities and many of them lead to recognised qualifications. We also believe in the importance of selfexpression, self-direction, effective communication and strong leadership. Our peer elected Student Council and House Councils provide an excellent forum to develop these skills. Our structure of leadership responsibilities also include: Peer Mentors, School Officials and Heads of House. From the Mock Trial Competition to the Duke of Edinburgh Award, your child will have a chance to discover themselves both as an individual and as part of a team. The Beacon School community is enriched by regular inter-house competitions, Year 7 team building days, visiting scientists and authors, theatre trips and university visits. A wide range of educational trips broaden the students understanding of the world including our annual ski trip to America. The school has been credited with the International Schools Award in recognition of the opportunities we provide for the development of foreign languages and cultural understanding. For example,

there are well-established links with a number of schools abroad, including Ganquan Foreign Language School in Shanghai, China. Our students really feel part of our exciting exchange programmes.

“During my time here, I have taken part in many amazing extra-curricular activities, including transforming our form room into an African country as part of Africa Week. I really enjoyed the Enterprise Challenge and taking part in the cricket club where I helped younger students perfect their bowling skills.�

Year 11 student 11

Care, Guidance and Support A strong pastoral system is at the heart of our school which provides real personal guidance and ensures the well-being of every student. It is the foundation that underpins their academic and personal success. Year Leaders, Form Tutors, subject staff, Careers Advisor and the Inclusion Team, all work to offer support and advice as part of our holistic approach. Academic and pastoral mentoring, strong relationships between staff and students, means that each student’s individual needs are met. The Aim Higher Programme and careers advice and guidance set aspirations high and encourage every student to fulfil their potential. We have strong transition programmes to support a smooth and happy transfer from Primary School to The Beacon, from Key Stages 3 to 4 and into our Sixth Form. At every stage, students are guided in selecting the best courses to help them to achieve their ambitions for the future. Our house system fosters a sense of community built upon positive relationships; every student can make a valued contribution. Students are placed in one of the four houses which are named after Space Shuttles who have ‘led the way’. Discovery (red), Explorer (green), Atlantis (blue) and Endeavour (purple). House activities provide students with opportunities to take on responsibilities, share experiences and offer practical support top each other. House members work together to compete in sporting and other competitions further building a strong community ethos.

“I work in lots of schools, but no other school looks after the children’s welfare to such a high standard.”

Family Support Worker 13

building Community

“The Beacon School is a fabulous place to learn. We are a school with a strong community and everyone works really well together.” Year 8 student

The Beacon School is a community of over 1200 students and 140 highly qualified staff. We are proud to be the local school of choice. We work very closely with local primary schools through the North Downs Schools’ Partnership and this strongly supports smooth transition to us. The house system gives students a clear sense of belonging. Older students are entrusted to act as role models for the younger years. Students are encouraged to contribute to their school and wider community through volunteering, charity work and leadership roles. At the core of our success is the value we place in working with families. We believe that students achieve their best when staff, students and parents/carers work together. As part of our Primary Transition Programme parents / carers and students attend an interview in the summer prior to year 7 and this provides us with a thorough knowledge of each family.

The school provides regular information about how students are progressing and there is clear and frequent communication including, written reports, curriculum evenings and subject based parents’ evenings with an easy to manage on-line booking system. There is also regular communication by email, texts and our half termly newsletter. Parents/carers are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education, including the monitoring of homework and organising family visits to support the school’s curriculum. Indeed, many of our parents/carers play an integral part in the life of the school through The Beacon Parents’ Association, Parental Workshops and hosting our exchange partners. The school also has a number of well-established external links including our 14-19 Partnership with local secondary schools and local business links with companies, such as Toyota, Legal and General, Banstead Arts and the local Rotary Club. Our students really benefit from these links.



The Beacon school Sixth Form

The Beacon Sixth Form is a dynamic and vibrant part of our community, offering a wealth of new opportunities and freedoms. What defines our Sixth Form is the capacitiy to support, develop and inspire young minds in an environment where they have access to excellent resources and high quality teaching.

Boy/Girl, Heads of House and Sports Captain, as well as through the mentoring and coaching of students at The Beacon School or in our local Primary Schools. Sixth Form students continue to benefit from excellent pastoral support in order to achieve their best.

The curriculum offers both A-Level and vocational pathways, supporting an ethos as an inclusive Sixth Form. Whether the ambition is for a place at Oxbridge, a Russell Group University, or a high-level vocational pathway, The Beacon School can provide the right preparation and guidance. We know it is important to stand out from the crowd; this is why our students also take part in an extensive enrichment programme as part of their Sixth Form course of study. This includes: the Extended Project Qualification, Critical Thinking, Duke of Edinburgh and Sports Leaders Award.

The Sixth Form programme includes dedicated careers advice, a two-week work experience placement and professional lectures. Coupled with university visits, these opportunities help our students make those important post-18 choices. In addition, they receive practical and personalised support with their applications to university, to gain access to top universities or secure those valuable apprenticeships or employment in what is a highly competitive market.

Our Sixth Form students are excellent role models and great ambassadors for our school. Opportunities are provided to develop their leadership skills by taking on roles such as Head

For more information about our excellent Sixth Form provision see our Sixth Form Prospectus.

BEACON SCHOOL Achieving together-leading the way

“The Beacon School has given me the best chance to do well in my exams and I appreciated the extra half term and the Easter revision schools. The Oxbridge meeting earlier this term has inspired me to apply next year.� Year 12 student


“The Enrichment Programme is brilliant. I never thought I would try archery or learn Computer Coding. I am looking forward to continuing my studies in Computer Coding, as well as trying something new.”

“Your choir really blew us away with its performance. I really appreciate students and staff giving up their time in aid of a super local charity – it speaks volumes for the morale and spirit that exists at The Beacon School.” Local Councillor

Year 8 student

For further information, or to arrange a visit, please see our website:

THE BEACON SCHOOL PICQUETS WAY - BANSTEAD - SURREY SM7 1AG TELEPHONE: 01737 359103 FAX: 01737 365200 E-MAIL: Principal: Mr R. Bennett BA (Hons) The Beacon School: a company limited by gurantee. Registered in England: Company number 07836232

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