Growing and Learning Together
A new beginning Thank you for expressing an interest in Windmill Primary School, one of the first primary academies in Wokingham. Choosing a school for your child is one of the most important decisions you will have to make and we hope the information in this booklet, along with a visit to the school and an opportunity to talk to the Headteacher, will provide you with all the information you need to choose Windmill Primary School.
and we want our children to be integral to the development of the school, its curriculum and its environment.
We are a new primary school for children aged 4-11 years located in brand new buildings in Woosehill. We pride ourselves in being a small school where all children are known, valued and their individual needs recognised and met.
Our aim is to develop learning skills for life and creative, independent thinkers. In addition, we place a strong emphasis on developing personal and social skills so that our children are happy, responsible citizens of the future who can actively contribute to society.
We are a growing school taking a new class each September until we have Reception through to Year 6 by 2019. We will grow and learn together over the coming years
Our curriculum is developed to excite and motivate children with a range of topics and projects that are of interest to them and to which they can fully contribute to so that their learning is engaging, interactive and fun.
As an academy within GLF Schools we benefit from sharing outstanding resources and support in every aspect of school life
from learning and teaching to staffing and educational expertise. In addition, we work closely with Wokingham Borough Council to meet the needs of our local community. We look forward to welcoming your family and you to Windmill Primary School. Bev Homer Executive Headteacher
Expectations We are committed to an ethos of high expectations and endeavour to treat our children as individuals, inspired with confidence to reach their full potential as twenty-first century citizens. In a stimulating learning environment, children are expected to be respectful, polite, honest and contribute to our school community. Care and support at Windmill Primary School is equally as important as academic success. It is paramount that your children are safe, happy and secure in their school environment to ensure they maximise their learning potential. We pride ourselves on our pastoral care at Windmill Primary School.
We have a ‘values led school’ where everyone is treated with respect. Our Behaviour for Learning Policy outlines very clear expectations of our children, enabling them to grow into responsible, resilient young people.
We reward and celebrate all the achievements of the children through praise, stickers and certificates and also more formally through our Special Awards Assembly. This is a lovely, positive experience for the children.
The curriculum At Windmill Primary School we believe that learning should be enjoyable and motivational, and must provide a variety of opportunities for all. We are proud of our ‘Creative Curriculum’, which is designed to capture our children’s interest and imagination; structured to meet their individual needs and aspirations. Our curriculum allows the children to develop and apply the skills they need to contribute positively to society.
Facilities Windmill Primary School is a brand new purpose built school designed for the 21st Century. We have a large hall for assemblies, concerts and a range of clubs and activities for the children and our local community. ICT is integral to learning and employment in the future and we are committed to preparing the children for this. The school has an ICT Suite, interactive whiteboards, laptops and tablets to enable children to enhance their learning and to develop their skills so that they can compete in this swiftly changing world. We have a library as well as small group and therapy rooms which ensure that Windmill Primary School is fully accessible.
We have excellent kitchen facilities where hot, wholesome meals are provided for each child.
Our grounds are efficient and compact and provide us with outdoor learning opportunities for all, a multi-use games area as well as quiet, reflective areas. There is easy access to local parks and the centre of town for trips, visits and events. Windmill Primary School truly is at the heart of its community.
A collaborative approach to learning
We place emphasis on the vital role that parents play in the education of their children and welcome parental involvement in all aspects of school life. We encourage parents, carers and other volunteers from the local community to become ‘Reading Rangers’ or ‘Parent Helpers’.
We have an informed and supportive Local Governing Body who work closely with our experienced and committed staff. We have an enthusiastic Parent Staff Association who arrange a series of fundraising activities over the year to benefit our children.
We are continually forging strong links with our local community allowing us to offer a range of experiences to our children from church-led activities to exciting after school clubs and sporting activities.
We value our relationship with our neighbouring schools, both primary and secondary, giving Windmill Primary School children the opportunity to mix with others and to prepare them for their journey through education.
Where Children Grow, Learn and Flourish
Smiths Walk, Fernlea Drive, Wokingham, RG41 3DR T: 01189 029 123 F: 01189 029 124
Designed and produced by Cleverbox 020 8466 7222
Executive Headteacher: Mrs B Homer BA(Hons) NPQH