GLIDES 19th Edition

Page 1

NEW. NEWER. NEWEST. Volume 19 | January 2019

contents: page 1

New Year Around the World

page 2 New Perspective from New Voters page 3

A Letter to the New Voters

page 5

Is There a Newer Me?

page 7

An Afternoon Walk at The Newest Binus

page 8 New Year with the Newest Graduate

editor’s note— Hello and Happy New Year! Finally it’s 2019, and Glides is back again. Thank goodness. It’s been a long, long time. I am really excited to meet you guys. Psst.. This is my first time writing this Editor’s Note, please don’t be too hard on me. Anyway, how was your holiday? I hope you all had a good time. Noticed something different? Yes, Glides comes back with tweaks here and there. And I do wonder, after these months, can I say that we are in an epic comeback? Comeback is real, my friend. Nuff said. To start this new year, we’re gonna talk about everything new. Well, not everything but we’ve covered things that will prepare you to deal with 2019. From the hottest topic in Indonesia, 2019 Election, to the most inevitable -- Adaptation. As the holiday’s smell is still in the air, we will also quench your curiosity about new year traditions around the world. Whoa! It’s long, I guess I need to stop rambling right here. Happy Reading!

Reporters // Writers Writers Reporters

GLIDES Manager

Stefanny Vanessa Puspita Ayu Alifah Stefanny

I Gde Swastika Arya

Advisor Udiana Puspa Dewi, S.S., M.A.

Editor I Gde Swastika Arya

Designer Feliana Njowito

Feliana Njowito

I GdeKenzu Swastika Arya Tandiah Sherenna Aurafani Feliana Rumaiza Njowito I Gde Swastika Arya

—the team

new Year d n u o r a the world by Vanessa year again. The time where firework is set everywhere around us and the loud noise of people having party followed behind. For us, it’s a basic tradition to celebrate new year. Yet, don’t you know there are several celebrations which are different from other countries? Here are some new year traditions around the world that are rather peculiar but interesting. Well, see if any of those will make you excited to try!


Irish people have this tradition called, “Bread Power”. They hit walls with bread which they believe to have power against evil spirit.

south africa

In some parts of South Africa, they dispose furniture as new year tradition.

It is believed that disposing unnecessary


New year is spent by families sleeping at cemetery. This tradition purpose is to accompany their beloved one that has

clutter is great for a new start.

en paz descanse Norma Bates



passed away. So, are you ready to try those next year? Because I am so fond of the Bread Power that I might try it next year. Anyways, happy new year!


p Raffy


Vote is my answer. It’s true that both sides are not as good as what they are promoting.

I will vote because I care about my country and its future. I think that the current political

One keeps on giving us false promises and

climate is chaotic, so my advice to people

the other keeps on promoting the other’s

out there is, whoever will be chosen as the

cons. Personally, I’d choose another candi-

president, we have to believe in him that he

date, but since there’s no third

can bring positive changes to this

choice, I will vote the best



NEW perspective from

NEW VOTERS by Feliana Njowito April is closer than ever, and the 2019 Presidential Election is coming. Many students in Binus’ English Department will finally get their first voting experience. The question is, will they vote? Our own


designer Feliana asks them to find out.

I don’t care as it gives me no benefit. But the election

Rianty I’ll vote this year because

every vote counts. This country

gets interesting when DilDo joined the line

will be worse if one decides not to vote as he

up. Though Nurhadi and Aldo are fictional

or she thinks that it doesn’t matter. Of course,

candidates, their promises are actually really

I will choose someone whose works have

great! Well, if they actually participated for

already been proven in these past few years,

real, I’m sure they would win it. For the future,

not someone who is famous by his name. To

I just hope there will be less traffic jam in Jakarta and better infrastructure in other parts of Indonesia.

know that some people may choose someone by his fame, it scares me of how this country will become.


a letter to the new voters. by Stefanny


ew Year, new story, and for Indo-

elections process, you have the ability to

nesia, 2019 may be a new gov-

decide on what is important to you in this

ernment. It’s that time again to take


the most basic action in a democratic society which is to vote. Since the be-

Even if you are an individual, in the case

ginning of 2019, each candidate has

of a draw, your voice holds the power to

marched their campaign to the public,

turn the table during the election and

promoting their policy and their plan

change the whole game. So yes, the re-

for the country’s future. But here are

sponsibility as a voter should not be tak-

the questions that we face every single

en lightly. Change can only happen when

time, “Why should I vote?”, “Does one

we take action, big or small.

voice actually matter?” For example, in the 2017 British ColumNowadays, it is easy to get lost in the

bia provincial election, all eyes were on

media buzz around elections and the

Courtenay-Comox where, after the initial

candidates. Sometimes we lose sight of

count, 9 votes were all that separated the

what is really important. Elections pro-

two sides vying for one remaining seat.

vide the opportunity to make our voic-

Can you believe how small the gap is?

es heard and make sure the issues that

Even for this upcoming election between

affect us and the issues that we care

the two candidates Prabowo-Sandiaga

about are a part of the conversation.

and Jokowi-Ma’ruf, a survey made by says that Prabowo-San-

As an Indonesian, have you ever wished

diaga are currently ahead by 3% with

that this country could advance more or

51,5 percent and Jokowi-Ma’ruf with

just simply wished that the government

48,5 percent. Again, look at how small

would do something to lessen the traf-

the gap is. I know it’s just a survey, but

fic and keeping the sanitary well? This

it can be an indication of how tight it will

small issue or even the big one can be

be later when the ballots are finally open.

something that a new policy may be able to solve and, surprise surprise,

In short, voting is an important right in

your voice is the only power that can

our society. By voting, you make your

make it happen.

voice heard which can register your opinion on how you think the govern-

Well, a country this big cannot be main-

ment should operate. Enough voices in

tained alone. Each and every one of us

unison can elect someone to office, re-

plays a part in building it. You should

affirm or even change the course of our

vote because as far as it is fundamen-

government. Therefore, do your part as

tal, it is your rights as a citizen to decide

a citizen. Exercising your right to vote is

who best represents you. Voting keeps

a perfect example of a small action that

our system of democracy and leader-

can lead to real change. So, show your

ship working on our behalf. Through the

confidence and speak up. Happy Voting!


is there a newer me? ?

by I Gde Swastika Arya


? ?

countries dealing with countless divisive issues

In his last edition, our beloved editor, Arya opens up about why should not think too much about ‘changing’ yourself.

these days. People simply don’t like to be in that awkward situation. Ever. Society itself has played a big part in this equation. For so long, we have been set to conform to certain standards made by God knows who

Whenever life puts me in an awkward situation of facing a new environment—be it a school, a workplace, a neighborhood—I always doubt

to conform to those standards, wrapping ourselves in a little invisible cocoon.

myself and all the traits that come with it. It

However, after all the changes in so many awk-

feels as if I always try to alter myself, rather too

ward situations throughout my life, is there ac-

hard, and create a ‘newer’ version of me to be

tually a ‘newer’ me?

able to fit in. This thing has happened too many times in my life.


back then. We keep believing we must change

As a senior Binus student, I’ve done two internships already. The first one was at a place some-

Of course, it’s natural to feel that way. Human

where deep in Meruya, so deep that I Goog-

beings, at least in my opinion, are susceptible

le Maps could not even help me to find it on

to unfamiliarity. Heck, just look at many diverse

the first day. Long story short, it is a place that

We keep believing we must change to conform to those standards, wrapping ourselves in a little invisible cocoon.”

supplies teachers to schools, and I was making

ing true to myself, and I did miss thinking slowly,

English quizzes there, helping one of my lec-

walking around, and listening to music from my


fancy in ear monitors. The only thing left was

The way I worked there was… hmmm. How do I explain it? I was slow, I was walking around the office whenever I got bored, I kept listening to music when working, I came late often, and

that, surprisingly, I still came on time day after day. Despite that, like I did in the first internship, I still completed all the tasks with flying colors, and my manager was really happy, actually.

I dressed a bit too casual—all the things that

I’m telling you all this to answer the question

can describe my true self very well. Fortunately,

you’ve seen earlier. Yes, there is a ‘newer’ me.

the manager was fine with all that, and despite

I no longer came late. No, there isn’t a ‘newer’

being slow and all, I managed to finish all the

me. I still did my work like I did in the first in-

tasks I was given with flying colors.

ternship. Wait a minute. Why both? Well, the

Fast forward a year later, I made too big of a jump for my second internship period. I found myself at a very unknown place—a German conglomerate to be exact—called Siemens. I was a translator there. Of course, being at an unknown place, I started to show the symptom

answer can’t easily just fall into only one spectrum. What I’m trying to say here is that a new environment, in the end, is still something new. You still need to make some tweaks. However, you shouldn’t think too much or try too hard when it comes to those tweaks.

I have described in the opening part. I tried

I believe that, instead of trying to make too

so hard covering the ‘old’ me with a mask of a

many tweaks that you’ll change your whole

conglomerate employee. After all, the place is

self, you should try making some little ones.

owned by a German for heaven’s sake!

Too many tweaks can only give you the exact

I did manage to change myself, though. I was really focused at work, I dressed well, I didn’t listen to music, and I never came late. However, seven days down and I started doing what Arya did in his first internship period. I was exhausted. I felt that I was just pretending, not be-

same feeling I’ve had before: Exhausted. Don’t let doubts cloud your judgement and make you completely wipe your true self. As long as you don’t make any trouble and do what you need to do, then just be you. After all, only you can make yourself, well, you.


An Afternoon Walk at the Newest Binus

by Feliana Njowito

The newest Binus @ Bekasi has been around for quite some time, yet have you ever been there? A day before the New Year’s Eve, I took a walk there in the sunny afternoon to see what the new campus has to offer. Green, huge, and serene are three words that

Too bad it doesn’t have English Literature pro-

can describe Bekasi Campus at the first glance.

gram. It would be great to have a new family.

Walking inside, the five-floor integrated green campus looks very neat, compact, and modern. Weirdly enough, for a five-floor modern building, there is no escalators. But no worries, there are two elevators and stairs available for you.

caught in my eyes – the library is very pretty. Blue and orange fills the room. It looks rather like an excellent aesthetic photo-op than a library. A different concept is applied there.

Like every Binus main campus, it has many

While it is a must to store your belongings in

classrooms, AOC, SSC, library, canteen, and

the lockers in Anggrek Library, here in Bekasi,

parking lot. Of course, it has several laborato-

the lockers aren’t even there. You are responsi-

ries equipped the newest tech to accommo-

ble for your own stuff.

date the students’ learning experience.


After walking around the campus, something

That’s some insights brought to you. A small

So far, Binus @Bekasi has got these programs

reminder, before you go there for a visit, make

available: Business Management, Accounting

sure to fill your tummy, especially when you visit

Technology, Business Information Technology,

around the semester break. We don’t want you

and Hospitality Management – Culinary Arts.

to starve. Why? Just do that, please.

On the New Year’s Eve,

G: Do you miss Binus?

we’ve got an opportunity

What was your greatest

to interview Melody, the

and worst memory in

best graduate of Binus

university life?

English Department class

M: “I suppose it was the

of 2018.

freedom that I miss the most. Freedom in managing your own life, who you want to be friends with,

Glides: First of all, congratulations




tions or events you want


to join, etc. My worst

graduation! Maybe we’ll

experience in Binus is

start from what you are

when I got teamed up

currently doing. Teach-

with friends who were so

ing… I assume?

not cooperative. I cried

Melody: “Sure. I am cur-

my frustration out the

rently an English teacher

night before the dead-

for year-seven students

line, while my lovely

at Bukit Sion Middle




G: Tell me how was

G: Any words to our

it when you gave the

lovely readers who are

graduation speech as

still fighting their way

the best graduate of

towards graduation?

English Department.



M: “University life is the

M: “It was a lot of pres-

best part of my life, I

sure, speaking in front of

hope it is also the best

so many people. I even once regretted proposing myself to do the speech). It was spontaneous. I didn’t think that they will choose me. But then..yeah they did.”

new year newest graduate

with the

for the readers. Just enjoy it, but don’t get carried away. Remember why you are there in Binus. You are there for your future. Don’t waste or miss anything.”

by Kenzu Tandiah 8

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Instagram page.


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