GLIDES 20th Edition

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pe sum m p ud ah a Volume 20 | October 2019

contents: page 2

Spirit & Symbol

page 3 Unravelling Sumpah Pemuda in Modern Indonesia page 5 Story from Abroad: How the World Perceives Indonesia page 7

The Longing

page 8

Film Review: Gundala

editor’s note— Hello! October is here and Glides comes back! It’s been… 9 months since our last edition. We are really excited to share another one with you all after ups and downs we faced. Anyway, this is the first time for both of us writing the Editor’s Note. And we would like to welcome our freshmen and the 2 fresh new members of Journalism Club, Kya and Joshua! Hooray! In this edition, Glides will cover some issues regarding Sumpah Pemuda that is celebrated annually this month. Still with the same theme, we also take a look on how people perceive our country. To satisfy you more, we bring you a review of Gundala, Indonesia’s answer of MCU and DCEU. Anyway, we got lots of reader submissions for this edition. Thank you for the submission! Sadly, we had to choose only two submissions but we will try to publish all your endearing writings in the next volume! Enjoy the magazine!

GLIDES Manager Kenzu Tandiah & Vanessa

Advisor Udiana Puspa Dewi, S.S., M.A.

Editor Feliana Njowito

Designer Feliana Njowito & Vanessa

Vanessa & Kenzu

Reporters / Writers Stefanny Kenzu Tandiah Puspita Ayu Alifah Kya Maldini Hill I Gde Swastika Arya Joshua Renaldo Sherenna Aurafani Rumaiza

Reporters / Writers

with guest writers

Dian Farah Nabila Leandro Limjadi

—the team

OPEN RECRUITMENT Journalism Club is finally opening its door and looking for new writers and designers!


Requirements: ● Highly committed ● Passionate, Dedicated, and Proactive ● Fluent in English, both speaking and writing ● Creative ● Able to work together in a small team ● Able to work under a timecrunch

For future designers, a plus point if you know typography and how to use Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator, or any digital publishing programs.

if you find Journalism Club is for you


Send your portofolio to our email: 1


Message us at Instagram: @SastraInggris_Binus

Spirit Hearts of Gold and Steel Unified under a vow For Eternity Symbol Shimmering crimson Symbols of Bravery rise Lustering white stands

Spirit Hearts of Gold and Steel Unified under a vow For Eternity

Symbol Shimmering crimson Symbols of Bravery rise Lustering white stands

a poem by Leandro Limjadi 2


SUMPAH PEMUDA in Modern Indonesia by Kya Maldini Hill


ome might say that Indonesia is going through one of its crucial time. With the rise of diverse political identities, ideological differences, and parliamentary crisis (with multiple bills deemed to be illogical), one

can’t help but wonder about what is the role of Indonesian youths in this incredibly challenging time. One of the ways to look for answers is to refer back to Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Pledge) and the essentiality of the event that marked what is said to be a turning point for youths across the country. Unity is the silver lining of the Youth Congress which eventually gave birth to the pledge, the Sumpah itself. Indonesian youth at the time was determined to unite every race, every group, and every ethnicity to have one common purpose. To be an Indonesian. To recognize the fact that they have one motherland, one nation, and respect the language of unity, Bahasa Indonesia. With the recent conflicts surrounding the nation, we need the youth to voice out their pleas for unification more than ever and fear not, they are doing it. This can already be seen with multiple movements on the street as well as on the cyberspace. The millennials are now joined by the centennials, marching the streets and raising awareness, shouting the need for inclusivity in diversity, for tolerance, for peace and the most important of all: unity. The pledge aren’t explicitly shouted, but the youths of Indonesia are in fact practicing the same spirit as their predecessors. They saw trouble, they saw problems, they saw divisions. Their concerns mirrored those in 1928 trying to unify the diverse population of Indonesia. Urging them to remember the fact that they have the same motherland, the same nation, and the same language. It is only right to unite under the same purpose.


The spirit of Sumpah Pemuda echoes through generations. We have seen the evidence of the spirit of the youth through how they marched to end the new order, to fight against racial issue in Papua, and to express disagreement towards the new bills proposed by parliament (RKUHP and RUU KPK). All these are in the spirit of being one. To unite under the same thing, being an Indonesian. Sumpah Pemuda and the spirit of the people who pledged 91 years ago are highly relevant in modern Indonesia and will no doubt continue to be. The youths are essentially all forces of change. Their spirit has always been the same: for a better, for a peaceful, and for a united Indonesia. These are all the ideals of our predecessors, ourselves in the present and will definitely be the ideals of our future. The youths are and will always uphold what Indonesia has always been standing for, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, unity in diversity.

“The youths are essentially all forces of change. Their spirit has always been the same: for a better, for a peaceful, and for a united Indonesia.� 4


ello, Greetings from the United States! I

Then, the first thing that hit me as a snobby lit-

am Kenzu Tandiah from Binusian 2021.

tle boy was the weather. It was 21 degree Cel-

I am currently studying at Johnson and

sius, I thought it would be mildly chill, like the

Wales University, Rhode Island, as a part of my

coldness of the air con, but it turned out to be

fifth-semester enrichment program.

windy and jacket-worthy cold. So, I learned that every season and temperature in every place

I took this wonderful chance to do study abroad

are different – 21 degree Celsius in Jakarta and

because why not? In this opportunity, I will

the U.S. Northeast region are not twins. I was

share some experiences and also things that I

waiting for the shuttle bus at the airport – but

noticed about the impression of Indonesia in

it was full. The bus driver told me to “use the

the international cauldron. It was the third day

backdoor”, little did I know it means “wait for

of September, I arrived in the United States

another bus”.

through the city of Boston for the first time. I was scared and excited about the unknowingness of what to expect.

Story from Abroad:

How The World Perceives Indonesia by Kenzu Tandiah


The conversation made me realize that our country is ... unexpectedly not popular.”

I always come up with generic question: “Do you know Bali?” Yes, I ask this question to anyone who has no idea where it is. Surprisingly, most of them who know Bali are Australians. Half of them still think Indonesia is in Bali or even worse, Bali is a country in the middle of the Indian Ocean and Indonesia is non-existent. A friend even asked me: “Do you guys have McDonald’s there?” Yes, we do. Let’s talk about the culture shock that happened to me. First, it’s the toilet matter. There is no bidet here. I took bidets for granted so much. Second, social life is more flexible here. A stranger walking

During the orientation period, as I expected

through might smile at you and that is not awk-

there will be some introductory questions

ward. If you don’t smile back, that’s considered

such as “What’s your name?” and “Where

rude. Once, a stranger came to me when I was

are you from?”. A friend from New Jersey

eating in the dining hall and invited me to play

asked me where I was from when I said In-

unicorn cards with him..

donesia, she reacted in awe. I thought she knew Indonesia was far from the US but

However, it’s still great here. There are function-

didn’t know exactly where it was.“Is it in

ing sidewalks everywhere. The air is clean and

some parts of India?” said a friend when

I don’t have to wear a mask all the time. Me-

guessing where Indonesia is.

dium size means extra-large. Soda is cheaper than water – and tap water is drinkable. Still,

The conversation made me realize that our

I’ve lived in Indonesia for almost 20 years. In-

country is unexpectedly not popular. Some

donesia has many things that America doesn’t.

of my Korean or Chinese friends know in

If you’re thinking what I’m thinking, yes, it’s the

which continent it is, but they are still guess-

food. Nasi Padang is like $18 here. The last

ing in which region. They tend to confuse

thing is the weather which is very ironic be-

Indonesia with Malaysia or India. They know

cause I dislike heat that much. But here, once

Singapore, but why don’t they know about

the temperature drops, it’s freezing. How I miss

Indonesia that much?

Indonesia and its tropical climate.



loudy noon, with the cold breeze and

“You know my favorite.” she curved a smile

dried leaves of cherry blossoms falling off.

while pulling out the book she was dying to fin-

A usual sight in autumn. A girl, Sherry Zhou is

ish from her sling bag.

the name, left her apartment in Seoul. A cozy bar with an amiable owner and sedating It was Sherry’s weekly routine to visit her fa-

music. A soothing place to read, she thought.

vorite place. A bar in a small district far from her

Her order came a few minutes later.

place. On this chilly day, she decided to go on a date with a book.

Hours passed. She stretched a bit then sipped her drink.

4 PM was when she arrived at the bar. “Why is it so quiet today?” Sherry talked to “Oh- you come.” welcomed by Rei in Korean,

Rei, trying to break the silence. “You know, this

a Japanese man in his 20’s whose skin was tan

place is hidden at the end of the road. Nobody

with manly appearance, who owned this place

comes on busy days” He shrugged. “But me,”

for at least three years, as if he had been wait-

“But you, and some jobless folks.” They gig-

ing for this regular all day. No wonder, she was


the only customer Rei had this Tuesday. The two had chit-chat for a while before they Sherry sat down on her usual seat.

returned to their own activity.

“A glass of beer and fried calamari, huh?”

The serene atmosphere around this bar and

the longing by Dian Farah Nabila

the melody of a ballad song Rei played got her thinking about something in the middle of her reading. The thoughts of a guy that she missed a lot came across her mind all of a sudden. Her best friend. First love to be exact. He moved to Korea all of a sudden when they both were in high school. She couldn’t even contact him anymore, as well as his family. It was one of the reasons why she chose this country to continue her study. ‘No one deserves no explanation’ that’s why she still insisted to hear his explanation, even though she had no idea where he was right now. She shook her head, trying to focus on her reading and get rid of the senseless thought.



REVIEW by Joshua Renaldo

Indonesia has given the answer to Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Extended Universe with the release of Bumilangit’s first movie, Gundala. The first installment of Bumilangit Cinematic Universe, directed by Indonesia’s infamous director Joko Anwar, carries a burden of quenching the hypes of its comic fans and movie enthusiasts, but in the end, can the thirst be satisfied? Adapted from its 1969 comic, Gundala has few differences in plot. However, the story is interesting and is delivered in rather straightforward. The movie begins with the Gundala’s family and their background. This has already contradicted the comic where Gundala’s background is never told. Next, there are scenes that describe


★★★★☆ IMDb: 7.6/10 8/10

the hardship of life in the modern metropolitan

repetitive. Then again, technical-wise, Joko

city. How Gundala, to survive, has to become a

Anwar and his team succeeded to deliver the

mechanic which then is replaced by robots. This

movie with great CGI, cinematography, and of

leads him to change job and become a security

course, the choreography.

guard. Through this, we are able to see how difficult it is to survive in modern urban life.

Anyway, a tip for watching Gundala — beware of plot holes! Some of the scenes drive

With the small budget, Joko Anwar managed

us to speculate. More important, Gundala has

to utilise CGI technology to its fullest. Yet, some

quenched audience’s thirst for local comic

of the computer-generated background looks

book-based films.


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