GLIDES 21st Edition

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Volume #21 | August 2020



Meet The Team



Stay-at-Home Diaries: Interview with Lecturers and Students





COVID-19: A World on Pause



Meanwhile, What Has Happened?



Media vs Twitter


Popcorn: Contagion & Host

Volume #21

August 2020


Editor in Chief Kya Maldini Hill

Advisor Paramita Ayuningtyas, S. Hum., M. Hum.

Designer Feliana Njowito

Writers Feliana Njowito Kenzu Tandiah Kya Maldini Hill Joshua Renaldo Vanessa



Kya Maldini Hill Editor in Chief Welcome to the brand new 21st edition of GLIDES! We have notably been MIA due to a

interview, and an opinion piece

shift in our internal structure within

to really get the discussion going.

the department but, worry not

This is arguably GLIDES’ most

‘cause we are back again! We are

ambitious issue. Not only did we

also in the middle of recruiting new

revolutionize our entire system but

talents. We hope some of you can

we also changed our approach in

join our team. We have information

writing, reporting, and taking up

regarding that on the back, check it

topics we would like to bring on

out! We would also like to welcome

our table. We hope this will be

our new advisor, Miss Mita. She will

the beginning of something new

be the one guiding us from now on.

and fresh. GLIDES is very grateful

We are absolutely delighted to have

to have you as our reader and the

her on board. Welcome aboard,

team are more than happy to do

Miss Mita!

what we love. We hope you enjoy

In this edition, we are addressing The COVID-19 Pandemic and how it has affected all of us. What has happened? How did the world react? How did that affect us? We have come up with an editorial, an

it as much as we do. Stay safe and stay healthy! Kya


meet the team


advisor changes




behind GLIDES magazine

ramita Ayunin


Va nessa


more than 20 writers alumni

u m ., M . H S. H um






revived in


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d ia h


Volume #21

Experience working as professionals, starting in Journalism Club. Join us now!

3 editor in chief changes


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volumes published






editor in chief








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designer changes






80++ article written



COVID-19: A World on Pause Who would have thought that just three months into 2020, we would be facing such a catastrophe to the point of no return? by Kya Maldini Hill & Kenzu Tandiah COVID-19, what started as a regional outbreak

forcing countries to close down into a battle-

in China’s Wuhan has turned into a global dis-

ground fighting a rival we cannot see.

aster. Not one single country in the world was


prepared for the devastation that is followed

It has also uncovered the unsavory character

by the outbreak. The pandemic has caused

of the government and public health services.

a recession that swept off even the most

More than ever, world citizens have kept a

powerful nation such as the USA and escalated

careful watch of their leaders and how they are

issues like mental health which has traumatized

handling the crisis. Those who were miserable

many generations, especially the millennials.

as Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil to those who did

The pandemic becomes an invisible enemy,

an amazing coordinated response as Jacinda

Volume #21 Ardern of New Zealand. Another country with

got up and transported to their office, now

a good reputation with a few cases is Taiwan,

wake up to open their laptops and conduct

which has Tsai-Ing Wen as its president. This

Zoom meetings.

has brought another interesting issue to discuss, Do female leaders govern better than the males? We can’t help but are lost to navigate where this is going. Humanity is helpless with the cure is still on test. In April, New York City looked slowly dying, the crowd disappeared, imitating a pre-apocalypse scene where human is gradually going extinct. Nonstop sirens blaring across the city, leaving those who quarantine at home with fear and harsh reality. In Indonesia, the East Java province became the epicenter, with an increase of cases and deaths reported every day. This has made everything scary.

New terms also have entered the dictionary. The term “Body Mullet” means wearing nice tops but undergarments for the bottoms to attend Zoom meetings.

Health services around the world are overwhelmed with jam-packed emergency rooms, insufficient hospital beds, a shortage of PPEs,

This caused a new phenomenon: online

and overcapacity flooded hospitals every-

activities for everything. Our campus is no

where. Adding fuel to the fire, a big number

exception to this change. We started online

of health workers have succumbed to the virus

learning from March up until our final exam

they were fighting to overcome. It happened

in June. Even thesis defenses are conducted

in China, it took a great toll in Italy, Spain, the

online through a Zoom session. Graduates of

USA, and Indonesia. We lost some veter-

the year 2020 experienced a bittersweet event

an, acclaimed doctors, nurses, and medical

like no other. Admit it, we miss meeting our

researchers. It begs the discussion of evaluat-

friends, our lecturers, even the security and

ing health systems and protecting those who

canteen staff. For our new students, we give

sacrifice their lives for the sake of healing or

our sympathy for you wanting to feel the real

saving people.

college experience.

The uncertainties caused by the pandemic

Important events were overshadowed by and

continues. Quarantines have become part of

clashed with the pandemic. For example,

our lives, whether we are infected or not. We

SpaceX and NASA successfully launched astro-

have halted the close-contact activities once

nauts into the ISS. This might develop into the

done in the old normal era. People who once

possibility of humans traveling to outer space


GLIDES for leisure. Everyone should have clapped, but

it or not, wearing a mask each time we go out,

we just wanted to be safe, cooking at home or

washing our hands with two Happy Birthdays,

streaming Netflix for now.

and keeping a-two-meter distance have been our norms. We have to live in a world where

This circumstance has taught us a valuable les-

cautiousness and awareness are the keys to

son about life. Nothing is certain, but we need

survive. The world as we know it can change

to know that everything is temporary. Our old

overnight and it may never be the same.

normal is put to a good end. Whether you like

Our old normal is put to a good end. Welcome, new normal.

What we can do as college students during the pandemic? 1.

To be scared is okay but keep your

Wear that mask while hanging out with

mental condition healthy. Seek help

your friends, cover your mouth if you

if you need to. We have the advisory

sneeze or cough.

center (SASC) as a professional place to


fears. 2. 3.



It’s okay to say no if you’re scared to go

Memes may be a light to this desperation but keep the joke grounded as we don’t

complain, to confide, and to confess your

want to be insensitive. 6.

Everything is harder now, we believe.


To be language-learning students, our

Donate. In any kind of donation, money,

creativity feels like chapped lips, dry and

food, or tips to your food deliverers, if

unpleasant. What we can do is try to

you can.

adapt to the situation and understand it,

Follow the protocol. Don’t be ignorant.

and do what is right.

Volume #21

2020 2 Meanwhile, 2020 2 What Has 2020 2 Happened? 2020 2 by Kya Maldini Hill & Vanessa

Half a year has passed in 2020. It seems as though the pandemic has been going on forever. It

is possible that while we are all focused on getting by, preventing the spread, and surviving, we forgot that this year isn’t just all about the virus. A number of things has happened and to put things to perspective, here is a reminder of that.

Australia Bushfires Since December 2019, bushfires have been devastating Australia. Peaking in January 2020, the Australian bushfire season which is widely known as black summer, has caused uncountable losses and damage. It killed people and several wild animals, burned homes and buildings, and has affected the rest of the population immensely.

Indonesia Floods Along with Jakarta, other areas such as Sulawesi and West Java faced long heavy rain since early January 2020. Dozens of people and houses were drowned in water for days. It was such an unprecedented welcome and caused devastation around the country.


2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 GLIDES

Meanwhile, What Has Happened?

The Death of Kobe Bryant On the morning of January 26, 2020. The world was stunned with the news of a helicopter accident in California involving Los Angeles Lakers legend, Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna. The father and daughter were on their way to Gianna’s basketball practice when their fates were sealed that day.

Harvey Weinstein’s Ruling The disgraced former Hollywood producer was sentenced to 23 years in prison on February 24, 2020. The rapist was found guilty of rape in the third degree and criminal sexual act in the first degree. His sentence came following a series of serious sexual harassment and rape accusations by multiple women in Hollywood who came forward against him. These confessions were one of the leading causes of the #MeToo movement.

Olympics Postponement The 2020 Tokyo Olympics was officially declared to be postponed on March 24th. Previously, the sporting event was scheduled to be held at the end of July this year. Later, the International Olympic Committee announced that The Tokyo Olympics will be postponed to 23 July 2021.

2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 07

Volume #21

S tay at Home diaries

Exploring Ways To Cope by Joshua Renaldo & Vanessa

As the Coronavirus outbreak shows no sign of stopping, some people are still forced to stay at home. IT’S BEEN 5 MONTHS. No wonder if they

other’s goals. However, she believed “Every

have been facing a state of boredom, starting

cloud has a silver lining,” means that regard-

things they haven’t tried before or continuing

less of the challenge, this condition teaches us

things that have been on pause. Few days

to be lifelong learners as well.

ago, our writers; Joshua and Vanessa got a chance to ask lecturers and students’ opinions

On the other hand, Miss Jessie uttered that we

regarding the change in their activities while

can’t avoid the shift. There are pros and cons

staying at home and what they have been

regarding this matter. As for the pros and cons

doing since the changes happened.

of this shift, she told us that “One of the pros, of course, we can utilize many applications

“This is kind of a drastic change, I might say,”

and online platforms to support the teaching

told one of the lecturers, Ma’am Wiwik, on

or learning experience; while the cons are we

Monday afternoon in a phone call. From her

get less human interaction and look at screens

perspective, the shift led to a challenging time

most of the time.”

for both teachers and students to achieve each


ing and doing assignments, he also kills time by improving his drawing skills since there are plenty to be improved. To do this, he watched drawing tutorials online and followed them step by step. He is also working on a poetry book which he is trying to finish. The last interviewee, Shaffira, stated that she was not expecting the pandemic; and the biggest challenge she felt while staying at home was the sudden change of energy when she was forced to study. “Being at home makes us feel more relaxed or comfortable which When being asked whether they are bored or

destroys your will to do anything”. She also

not, both Ma’am Wiwik and Miss Jessie told

stated it was hard to adapt to the fast change

us that they certainly don’t feel bored at all. “I

which is pretty scary.

spent a huge amount of quality time with my parents; we talk, cook, eat together. Some-

Shaffira said she spent most of her time doing

thing that I cherish the most,” said Miss Jessie,

her hobbies for example, reading books and

mentioning about various things that she has

redesigning or continuing writing stories that

been doing in her parents’ house. Sharing the

she hasn’t finished. “It feels nice to take back

same circumstances, Ma’am Wiwik spoke of

the things that we used to love”. She also

the fact that there are many things to be done.

tried to learn new things such as tips and tricks

“I still have lots of books, the house needs an

when doing an internship which she will be

arrangement, and I do my exercise regularly,’’

doing in the following semester.

she said, explaining the activities she has been doing.

“For me to draw or write, the inspiration doesn’t always come for us, we need to see

Alex, one of the students, said the sudden

existing arts and then create something from

changes from his normal activity to lockdown

those.” Shaffira claimed. Having the same

drives him crazy. “As social beings, we need

thought, Alex also emphasized technology as

to socialize with others directly. That’s why it

a source of inspiration for his writing, “By using

is hard for me, but as time passed, I was able

technology, I could see more perspective from

to cope with the situation and use my free

other people around the world and that is very

time to study and brainstorm my drawing and


writing.” This change is inevitable. Many people have


Asking whether he is bored or not, Alex stated

adapted to this situation. And… How have you

that he was bored since he needs to socialize

been doing? Keep up the good work and we’ll

to be able to get things done. Besides study-

see you in the next edition!

GLIDES @ShouldWeMakeTwitterForGlides

Media vs Twitter: Who’s Winning? by Kenzu Tandiah

All Twitter users must have known this fact —

other hand, media who have Twitter accounts

the app is a champ when it comes to the quick

also upload their news on the platform, letting

update of news and topics that may turn into

people react and comment afterwards. This

top trending hashtags. Thanks to the internet

interaction, though, may bring change or cor-

and social media age, where people post

rection if the news is wrong, poorly reported,

about their lives, surroundings, and current

or biased.

issues. This is doable in one easy click, tweet¸ and there it goes, your life is online. Users

Today, news sources often come from Twitter,

can interact with other people’s tweets, so

as real amateur videos are taken from camera

there is a chance of two-ways communication.

phones. We often encounter the theory of how

Twitter is also an escape when its fellows,

the media is powerful enough to sabotage a

Facebook-owned Instagram and WhatsApp

real story, and broadcast only for the benefit

go down.

of some communities. Meanwhile, information that is spread on Twitter is somehow more

While mainstream media perform on their

trusted than ever. Did the media popularize

own professionalism, they don’t involve the

the Mannequin Challenge? Was media the

audience’s role in a necessary point. On the

first to bring up an unspeakable rape issue?


GLIDES @ShouldWeMakeTwitterForGlides

Twitter is a package of postmodern communication and free debate.

No, Twitter did all of that. On the other side, irresponsible Twitter users enjoy the privilege of leaked contents - like a musician’s upcoming song or a video full of controversy. On Twitter, we see the real incidents of what is happening. We hear unheard stories, help people’s lives through retweets and likes, sign up petitions, and these acts are called “Twitter, please do your magic.” The most valuable thing is we learn the other side of the story, the bad guy’s perspective, new theories, unpopular opinions, that force us to train ourselves to stand in someone’s shoes. Otherwise, a lot of people have realized they can’t rely 100% on what is shown on the television. Other than risk-taking reporters and relationships with the powerhouse, the mainstream media is declining.

Anyway, do you think that GLIDES needs a Twitter account? Let us know! We’ll be glad to hear from you.


A quick Tweet search for “Twitter Please Do Your Magic”

POPCORN by Feliana Njowito

After almost six months being in a quarantine-quarantino, you may feel like running out of movies. Cinemas are closed, new movies are getting postponed, but chin up! We have curated two movies that are guaranteed to blow your mind.



IMDb: 6.7/10 Rotten Tomatoes: 85%

IMDb: 6.7/10 Rotten Tomatoes: 100%

Absolutely not new, but the 2011 movie

The pandemic forces us to adapt quickly,

starring Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, and

especially in how we are socialising. Due to

Laurence Fishburne is scarily relevant today.

its versatility, Zoom has been our first choice

What happens now with the pandemic may

for online-conference or just hanging out with

be scary and confusing, especially when you

friends. Packed in less than an hour, the fresh

don’t understand how a tiny organism crip-

from the oven movie, Host, drags you to the

ples the world. Contagion gives you pretty

murky side of Zoom. The theme brought up

accurate insights on how an outbreak starts,

for this movie is cliché - the séance, spirit

how to deal with it, and finally how to end it,

summoning gone wrong, however how they

well of course in fast-forward. The movie itself

execute the theme in such new media, low

is pretty much gripping, on point, and grim.

budget is brilliant. The characters and perfor-

So, if you are looking for a little drama and

mances are great, especially their improvi-

warmth, you won’t find it here. But, if you are

sation that adds into the horror and humour.

looking for the pandemic being sped out, go

Host is sadly a SHUDDER exclusive movie,

watch this on Netflix or your trusted online

however you always can find it in your trusted

movie provider.

online movie provider.


Volume 19 | January 2019

pe sum m p ud ah a


Volume 20 | October 2019







For more info, contact Kya (+6281213019495) Ms. Mita (+628121863487)

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