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why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like horror? why do we like Volume #22 | November 2020
Horror: Why do we like it? #
04 05
Digging Deep into Horror Movies #
Spooked at Binus!
Can spooking ourselves make us happy? #
Popcorn: Horror Movie Suggestions #
Gone Adrift: An Interactive Story
The Art of Horrifying Fiction
Volume #22 November 2020
Editor in Chief
Kya Maldini Hill
Adhitya Fajar Ramadhan Kya Maldini Hill
Ahmad Fikri Adzhani
Yasmin Anggraini
Paramita Ayuningtyas, S. Hum., M. Hum.
Handiko Wijaya
Vera Benita
Joshua Renaldo
Kenzu Tandiah
Feliana Njowito Fransisca Feby Melliana
Cover Illustration ŠAlejandro D’Marco
Maldini Hill Editor in Chief Welcome to the 22nd issue of GLIDES! This month’s theme is horror and we have brought you several articles which talks about the many sides of horror. From films to literature to culture and even real-life occurrence! We are also very glad to welcome new members to our club and such, new staff in our magazine! We have Fikri, Handiko, Vera, Yasmin, Adhitya, and Feby. This issue is their first. We encountered challenges but, alas, we overcome it. We are excited to have our new members and cannot wait to collaborate more on future issues. We hope you enjoy our light-hearted issue as much as we enjoy making it.
Stay safe and healthy, Kya
Why Do We Like It?
Though the Spooky season has passed, our desire to be frightened is still there. There is something about the thrill of fear that made us want more. Why do people enjoy haunted houses, scary films and horror books? The answer is simple, it makes us happy. by Adhitya Fajar Ramadhan
Volume #22
hen listening to scary stories or
Some say video games make the perfect
watching a horror film, your brain
medium for horror. Unlike horror movies and
knows that it is fake and tells you
books, horror games bring a lot of immersion
that you are safe. When we get scared, our
to anyone playing, or even spectating. Games
bodies tend to enter fight, flight, or freeze
with the genre of survival horror brings more
mode; but since our brain knows that these
than just a simple jump scare. It engages the
things are fake, it tells us that we are free from
players with fear, terror and psychological
danger. That is also the reason why horror
films, games and books are so popular, as they tend to give us the feeling of “controlled” fear.
Then we have haunted houses and escape
We’d still feel the stress, fright and fear. How-
rooms. Many people can’t get enough of a
ever, we are aware that these conditions are
good haunted house experience. According to
happening in a
a research done
“safe zone”.
by Margee Kerr, a sociologist
Horror. The
who specializes
genre that in-
in fear, more
trigues us for its
than 50% of
ability terrify us
people that has
with our great-
gone through a
est fears. That
haunted house
is why we love
or escape
a good horror
rooms felt hap-
novel. A good
pier afterwards.
horror book
The feelings
provokes our
of anxiety and
minds, it takes
stress would
us into its world
decrease after
and keeps us
doing a fright-
there until the
ening activity.
very last page.
Especially when
Not just for adrenaline and endorphins, those
done with those who are close to us. When
who are fans of horror novels seek the sensa-
experienced with other people, intense fear
tion of being scared and mentally challenged.
can be very memorable.
Scary novels have a variety of emotions
What about films? The primary aims of horror
trapped within its pages. Detailed descrip-
films are to frighten, shock and horrify through
tions of a mutilated corpse or an old, rickety
visual and sound. When done correctly, horror
haunted house make readers feel as if they are
films might cause a rush of adrenaline, endor-
living the story.
phins and dopamine throughout our bodies.
We as humans are captivated by what scares us. Horror films are no different. People watch horror simply because they want to. They want to be scared as a form of entertainment.”
Movies like Halloween, The Shining and IT are
Extreme sport is one example of activities that
some of the most memorable horror films of all
gives us that adrenaline rush. Horror films are
time. What made these films spectacular isn’t
no different. The compulsion to feel scared for
just from how scary it is. It is from how they
fun seems somewhat counter-intuitive, yet we
perfectly execute the aspects of horror itself.
still do it anyway.
One of the first aspects is tension. A horror
Everyone has their own interpretation of hor-
film must be able to provide the feeling of sus-
ror. What is frightening to us might be pleasant
pense, mystery and fear to the audience. Then
to others. Some people look forward to be
we have sound. Eerie background music that
scared for personal pleasure, while others
would lead up into a jump scare, or silence
avoid it the best they could. Now, it’s down
that builds tension and anxiety.
to your own preference. Can you handle the spooks?
Volume #22
ovies – a series of moving pictures
can actually be considered as a form of “good
that can serve as a great source of
stress”. “The research my colleagues and I have
entertainment. People often choose
done show a high-arousal negative stimuli im-
watching movies as their getaway. There are ap-
proves mood significantly. The different neuro-
proximately 20 genres of movies out there, not
transmitters and hormones released during the
including the sub-genres.
Regardless of what type of
that,” stated Margee Kerr a
genre people might prefer,
sociologist and fear expert.
the most important things that they want to feel after
watching a movie are the
will also boost your adrena-
feeling of joy, satisfaction,
line level, which make your
relief, and entertainment.
heart beats faster. Do you know that the higher our
Every type of movie is able to
heart rate is, the more cal-
ories we might burn?
feeling of joy in its
A study done by the
unique way. Whether
University of West-
it is a comedy, ro-
minster showed that
mance, sci-fi, or even
watching a 90-minute
horror. Yes, you didn’t
horror movie is the
read it wrong. Horror
equivalent of burn-
movies can also bring
ing 113 calories. It
joy! Studies showed
is almost the same
that watching horror
as a 30-minute walk.
movies can help you
release stress. Still in
consider saving up
doubt about it? Let’s
your budget on gym
get into it a bit further.
by Vera Benita
using it for a Netflix subscription instead!
Scared and terrified are probably the first thing you feel when you’re watching a horror mov-
Lastly, you can use the horror movie you watch
ie. While you’re feeling like so, your body will
as a temporary distraction from all of the hectic-
subconsciously start to release “the feel-good
ness you already had. You can even enjoy hor-
chemicals” such as dopamine and serotonin.
ror movies with your loved ones. Lay back for a
These hormones are not only in charge to con-
while and enjoy the spookiness!
trol our mood, but they also produce the feeling of pleasure and happiness. While it seems
Turns out, spooking yourself is not so bad after
like horror movies are stressing you out, they
ctober has just passed and it’s time
Suzanna thrilled us with her performance. But,
for a throwback on our favorite horror
have you ever wondered why local horror mov-
movies. As horror movie lovers, we
ies look so different from Western horror? Indo-
realized that Western horror is different from
nesians see the word Horror in a different way
Indonesian horror. In this article, we will tell you
from their Western counterpart. Take a look at
all about the differences between the two; how
Suzzanna’s movies. It’s either santet or what we
can their culture be turned into horror movies
know globally as black magic, a partnership
and how locals enjoy them.
with demon or jealousy in the society. It’s the formula that has always been used in many In-
With smart eyes, you will notice it firsthand. A
donesian horror movies until the present day.
lot of religious exorcism and demon possessions can be found in Western horror while
Those characters who practice santet always
Indonesian horror leans more towards folklore
ended in a bad fate in the end of the movie.
and the traditional supernatural element, using
Either they die horribly; burned alive with fire
characters such as Kuntilanak or even a dukun. As Indonesians, you must already know our Queen of Horror, Suzzanna Martha Frederika van Osch or better known as Suzzanna. The actress behind Kuntilanak or the lady in the white dress. The unforgettable actress who made everyone sleepless in the late ‘80s.
DIGGING DEEP INTO HORROR MADNESS by Handiko Wijaya & Yasmin Anggraini 05
Volume #22 or nails coming from their body. Whenever In-
Even though it’s almost half a century, The Ex-
donesians watch a horror movie, they will watch
orcist (1973) remains one of the most influen-
it not only for the thrilling experience but also
tial horror movies of all time. It is the mother of
for the morale aspect. The gore may partic-
the exorcism movie that we watch nowadays.
ipate a lot in the scary part, but the makeup
Most exorcism and demon possession movies
and atmosphere are not the main contributing
are based on true stories. Another movie called
factors. Indonesian lore and beliefs of the local
The Possession of Hannah Grace (2018) is a
supernatural mythology makes Suzzanna scary.
gradually built horror that will break the audi-
The sight of a red intestines and a head that
ence’s mind into fear. Not only that, the gradual
was chopped down by an invisible ghost may
plot is covered with various mysteries and sur-
also be terrifying. What Indonesian feared from
prises that are ready to jolt the audience.
Suzzanna is the reason why such a thing comes into existence. Say they may have done some-
Putting the question of who is the real figure
thing that their religion forbids or they are jeal-
or the legend of Western horror movie is hard.
ous of others, and so on.
We got a lot of options. From slasher horror to ghost horror and to… alien horror? It is a thing, like the Alien franchise from Ridley Scott. People can say Michael Myers from Halloween with his iconic mask.
On the other hand, Western horror has a different build from us in Indonesia. It’s always portrayed with a person that enters an empty house, that person got possessed by a demon and then the family will try to bring that person to a priest. It’s the usu-
Others can say Ellen Ripley, a woman who killed
al Catholic ceremony and demon possession.
the queen of Xenomorph. At the end of the
Nowadays, Hollywood has raised the bar and
day, The West and Indonesia have their own
we as the spectators are satisfied because the
way to define horror.
films have reached our expectations. Each year, Hollywood released a minimum of one new
Don’t forget to grab a coke with a bucket of
film regarding fiendish possession. What makes
popcorn, and check out some of the best horror
Western horror movies so special is that it can
movies ever made!
bring us to a whole different universe, in which people can create their own fantasy.
The Art of Horrifying Fiction
Bates Motel from Psycho
by Kya Maldini Hill
Volume #22
“[Horror fiction] shows us that the control we believe we have is purely illusory, and that every moment we teeter on chaos and oblivion.”
—Clive Barker
ovember 1st was Authors’ Day. In relevance
novel by Mary Shelley is arguably one of
to this month’s theme, I am highlighting the
the most popular stories and characters
brilliance of horror books. Horror movie en-
ever created. It has been two centuries
thusiasts exist all over the world. But, do you
since it was written and published and yet
know that reading horror is no less fun than
here we are still familiar with it.
watching it? The Silence of The Lambs is a 1988 novel Horror is one of the most popular genres
written by Thomas Harris, which is a part of
of books. The ability to write something
a series of four books including Red Drag-
that causes ghastly feeling for readers
on, Hannibal, and Hannibal Rising. To be
is a talent in itself. It takes time to
able to write a character as menacing and
write a consistently good fiction.
psychologically threatening like Hannibal
Nonetheless one that send chills
Lecter is no easy feat. Last and definitely
down your spine.
not least, the infamous Stephen King. You have definitely heard of his works. The
Stories like 1962’s The Case
Shining, Carrie, and IT. We are no stranger
Against Satan by Ray Russell
to his works that terrifies us in the most en-
combines horror with theologi-
tertaining way.
cal perspective. Priests were assigned to check on a girl who be-
Reading horror really brings the expe-
haves oddly and then of course
rience to a whole new level. You cannot
chaos ensues. The Exorcist by
close your eyes when scary parts emerge,
William Peter Blatty, which was
the experience last days not hours, and it
released 9 years later, deals with
really is an immersive intimate experience.
a similar theme. Yet, the two is
The sensations are visceral yet it took a
still very distinctive and unique
major cerebral ability to produce such
in its own way, thanks to their
outcome. There are no visuals. Only words
respective authors. Psycho, the
and the imagination in our head, which
thrilling 1960 film directed by
makes it horrifyingly better.
Alfred Hitchcock, was based on a novel written by Robert Bloch
Authors really are a different breed!
in 1959. Frankenstein, the 1818
Spooked at BINUS! by Joshua Renaldo & Vanessa People say ghosts exists. Around you, around us, everywhere. Even our university is not an exception! Stories related to ghosts are always popular to their lovers. As students of BINUS University, we believe many of you have heard some of the stories. Stories about echoes of crying sounds where no one is around on a certain floor, haunted places when the night comes, the eerie feeling of having someone around you and watching you when you are certainly alone in a room, and many more. That’s why we have come up with some spooky, goosebump-inducing, and scary sighting stories in BINUS Kemanggisan campuses. Just so you know, these stories are based on true encounters!
Location: Kijang Campus
Sherdy Tanzarez or Igna believes that his first
He thought they were one of the TFI students
supernatural encounter took place in Kijang
taking class in Kijang. But it happened very
Campus. On one cold night, he had to go
early in the morning when there should be no
back home late for an event. As he walked
class from TFI.
out from the room, he suddenly felt hot and heavier than usual. Sweats dripped and shivers ran up to his spines. At the same time, Igna thought of some beings in the campus he had seen before. It led to the assumption that the sensations he got might be caused by them! Another encounter happened early in the morning when he was walking on the backleft hallway near the toilet to attend class alone. Unexpectedly, he saw two children passed by and felt one of them bumped him. He did a 180-degree turn to see who it was, but he found no one. The children were dark skinned, bald, and had red t-shirt on.
Volume #22
Location: Syahdan Campus
Muditha Visakha also told us her scary
She thought it was just her other friends and
encounter. It happened not only to her but
said, “Help me bring this down.” No one
also her friends, specifically in Syahdan
answered back. She immediately turned
campus. One evening, she went to her Aikido
around and saw no one, yet the shadow was
practice on the 5th-floor sports hall. Her two
still there! Thinking of a logical explanation,
friends were with her, let’s just call them R and
she recalled some rumors about a huge black
J. To get there, they used one of the front-side
figure in the men’s bathroom. That’s probably
stairs. As they walked to the hall, J suddenly
what she saw that day.
told them that her parents had picked her up and went home.
Believe it or not, the events above have happened to Igna and Muditha. We doubt
The next morning, J went to Muditha and
that these are the only encounters.
asked if anything happened last night. J began to recall that on her way down to the
How about you? Do you have your own story
entrance, a red figure was standing on the
of encounters with ghosts? We’ll see you
other front-side staircase, mirroring Muditha
again in the next edition!
and R going upstairs. The red figure looked at J and smiled at her. She was scared and immediately ran to the entrance. Her second encounter also took place in Syahdan. At 7 pm, Muditha went to the 3rd-floor hall for her Aikido practice. Only one person was present. As a tradition, the first ones to arrive should bring down the mattresses located on the 5th floor. When taking those mattresses, one would be positioned against a lamp and a shadow would appear on the mattresses. At that moment, she saw a shadow bigger than usual. She brushed off her fear, thinking it was just a light trick. As she walked to the mattress, the shadow should have followed her position. But it didn’t.
POPCORN by Ahmad Fikri Adzhani
It’s 2 AM. You cannot sleep, you feel lonely, and want to stop feeling that way. Well, fancy watching good movies that will make you feel like someone’s watching over you from the window?
Rotten Tomatoes: 83% | IMDb: 7.6/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 90% | IMDb: 6.6/10
Directed and written by Alejandro Amenabar,
Directed by Joko Anwar, this is a remake
this movie is a masterpiece that deserves
of a movie with the same title produced in
more attention from people. Grace, a mother
1981. The plot of this movie is actually quite
with 2 children (Anne and Nicholas) whose
simple. A small family encountered financial
husband, Charles, went off to World War II,
problems because they spent a lot of money
lives in a large gothic style house. She accepts
on the mother’s medical treatment due to
the arrival of 3 people who want to apply as
an unknown disease and finally died. That’s
servants. This movie gave a different type
it? No. The mother returns to come after her
of chills with the narrative of the children
child. Secrets from the family’s past started
suffering photosensitive disease and Grace,
to unravel. This movie has some vital aspects
who cannot hear loud noises. Brilliantly acted,
that does not exist in most horror movies:
seriously-effective scoring, arresting-attention
strong characterization, intense storyline,
character development, and the twist in this
brilliantly-designed audio approach, stunning
one is really jaw-dropping.
cinematography, and horrific visual effects. You won’t find any predictable jumpscares, it will appear in moments you don’t anticipate.
Volume #22
Rotten Tomatoes: 95% | IMDb: 6.8/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 90% | IMDb: 7.5/10
With only a 2-year gap, Joko Anwar returned
The release of this movie immediately
with a movie whose script he has worked on for
caught the attention of all movie geeks. Two
about 10 years. A young woman from a village
top-class actors, Willem Dafoe and Robert
who worked in the city as a toll gate keeper
Pattinson, compete with each other’s abili-
returned to her village to dig up information
ties. The two acted as lighthouse keepers on
about her past. After arriving in the village with
a remote island with stormy weather almost
a friend, despair gradually appeared before
everyday for 4 weeks. This psychological-hor-
their eyes. This cult-psychological horror
ror movie is emotionally tense due to the
movie unnerves the audience by showing
keepers’ unpleasant feelings of being stuck
bloody-sadistic scenes. Set in a remote village
in the middle of nowhere. It is definitely for
in Java, this movie has a strong Javanese
those of you who want to enjoy the story by
cultural approach through architecture, art, and
thinking more. Collecting all the information
language. The characterization and the script
and put them into one complete puzzle.
are very complex and solidly supplemented
Once you finish, you will know that this is a
with a twist at the end.
treasure. Isolated, depressing, hallucinating, common sense-disturbing makes this movie a complete treatment for your mental health.
GONE ADRIFT An Interactive Story by Kenzu Tandiah This is a short, dumb, cliché, but fun game! Let’s play! Instruction: There are three choices in the game. After choosing them, refer to the numbers and find your ending. Cover and don’t read the other endings and remember:
“One choice can destroy you” -Veronica Roth You walk through the
You wake up and find yourself on a hospital mattress, above you is a dirty ceiling dripping with brownish liquid. You notice there are bed bugs scouting near your pillow, so you move away. Beside you, there are a light blue bucket and a gun lying to the floor.
The room is almost blank dark as there is only an oil lamp sitting on the end table across the bed foot.
disorganized damaged bunks. There is a mysterious, sketchy stomping sound glides through your ears. You walk to a door. The door is locked.
Choice 02 Will you take the lamp?
Choice 03
Choice 01
a. Yes
What do you do?
Which one will you take?
b. No
a. Break down the door
a. The Bucket
b. Give up, return to the
b. The Gun
opposite direction
Now, remember your choices and flip to the next page! 13
Suster Ngesot catches you, but you shoot her until she is not moving. Next, you walk forward and find another door. You open
Results If you:
Break down the door, have the oil lamp, and the gun, go to number 1.
Suster Ngesot hastily grabs your left leg and scratches you until you die. This is because of the lamp attracts her. The bucket is useless as she can’t die from the bucket slams.
There is a strange scraping
Break down the door,
Rats with screeching sounds try
have the oil lamp, and the
to gnaw your face, but the buck-
bucket, go to number 2.
et saves you. A man opens a hidden door and helps you out.
Break down the door, don’t
The lamp catches his attention.
have the oil lamp, but have either the bucket or the gun, go to number 3.
You fall into a foul basement. Give up, return to the op-
The light keeps the starving rats
posite direction, don’t have
away. The oil lamp is about to
the oil lamp, but have the
blow when a man rescues you,
bucket, go to number 4
but he is suspicious about the gun. He thinks you are a criminal
sound, but you ignore it. You walk to a safe door, open it, and
Give up, return to the op-
find yourself in bright, anime-like
posite direction, have the
grass ground. The other items
oil lamp, and the bucket,
you bring (bucket or gun) don’t
go to number 5.
You fall into a foul basement.
it and leave the haunted asylum. You win!
Volume #22
Give up, return to the opposite direction, have the
You fall into a foul basement.
oil lamp, and have the gun,
Rats with screeching sounds
go to number 6.
try to consume your face, but
and stabs you with a pitchfork.
You fall into a foul basement. Starving rats jump to your face and gnaw it with their shabby fangs. You shoot aimlessly, killing a few of them. The pain is unbearable, you kill yourself with the gun.
the bucket protects it. You are
Give up, return to the op-
still trapped. In the end, you
posite direction, don’t have
suffocate to death.
the oil lamp, but have the gun, go to number 7.
How was it? Did you die or get to live? Go back to page 13 to receive different results. Keep trying! We hope you enjoy this mini story.
English Department