Ceremony for Installation of Officers of Subordinate Lodges

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Ceremony for Installation of Officers of Subordinate Lodges

Ceremony for Installation of Officers of Subordinate Lodges Introduction The installation of lodge officers has been a function of the Grand Master, or an officer he designates since time immemorial. No officer of a Masonic lodge may take up his elected or appointed duties until formally installed to his office by proper authority. This ceremony, revised in 2013 relies heavily on the work of the prolific Masonic author and commentator, Robert Macoy who first set it down in writing in 1885. The Assistant Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York, Macoy was instrumental in writing and recording Masonic ceremonies, and he was the author of the Adoptive Rite of the Order of the Eastern Star. Beginning in March of 2014, officer installations should use the following ceremony for all installations, whether performed by the Grand Master or his designee. The installation of lodge officers is an important function of the Grand Lodge, and one of the few occasions that local lodge officers, and the public can observe Grand Lodge ceremonies – it is, therefore, only fitting that we adopt a standard ceremony that emphasizes with due solemnity, these important occasions, and that we deliver a presentation of which will bring credit to the Grand Lodge.

The Importance of Preparation The Grand Master acknowledges the importance of installing lodge officers and will make every effort to schedule and attend these presentations. In the event he cannot attend, he will select a Grand Lodge officer, or an Area or District Deputy to make the presentation. In turn, the lodge must make every effort to ensure a turnout of all officers who are to be installed, as well as properly publicizing the event (if a public installation), and make those preparations necessary to ensure that the event is a success. In the case of public installation, it is critical that the lodge puts its best foot forward, the officers should dress for the occasion, and the event should be given the importance and dignity that the occasion requires.

Lodge Secretary In addition to proper planning, as above, the lodge Secretary also has a role to play in the ceremony. He must:    

Print out the script of the proceedings (below) with each brother who is to be installed listed. Notify the lodge chaplain that his services are required for this event, or nominate a chaplain pro tem to lead the assembly in prayer according to the script. Secure the services of an installing marshal or notify the Grand Lodge that a marshal will be needed from among the Grand Lodge officers. Collect all officers’ jewels and place them on the altar for the installing marshal.

Expectations If we agree that the installation of officers are some of the most important occasions the lodge, or Grand Lodge, can facilitate, then there is absolutely no excuse for a shabby presentation; anything less shows Masonry in a very poor light. Because of this, please observe the following expectations: 

Timely notice is required for Grand Master to attend

RSVPs are required for the officers who are to be installed

The lodge room and facilities should be clean and inviting

Ushers should be on hand to seat any members or guests with disabilities

The remarks of the presenter should conform to this ceremony

Conclusion Officer installations are important events for not only our fraternity but for our brethren being installed and their families. It is therefore only proper that Grand Lodge and local officers work together to ensure a meaningful ceremony. For Grand Lodge presenters – they must act both as an emcee and an ambassador and it is of the utmost importance to create a positive impression both for our members and any potential members who may attend an emblem ceremony. Grand Lodge officers should dress formally if the occasion requires it, or ear their appearance suit at a minimum, as well as collar, jewel, and apron to all installations. District and Area Deputies should wear coat and tie (at the minimum) with their jewel of office. Lodge officers should also wear coat and tie, and ensure that the lodge is squared away and in proper shape to receive visitors, some of whom may have never visited a Masonic lodge before. A proper appearance is augmented by professional behavior. All officers should be prompt; arriving and starting the ceremony on time. Finally, be certain to display a positive attitude, and above all, enjoy the time you spend with our newly installed officers. 2

Roster of Officers To Be Installed Master Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer Secretary Chaplain Senior Deacon Junior Deacon Senior Steward Junior Steward Tyler


Prior to the start of the ceremony, the Installing Master should remind the audience to silence their cell phones.

The Master Brother Marshal, have you carefully examined the Master elect, and do you find him well skilled in the noble science and the royal art? Marshal‐‐‐ Worshipful Master, I have carefully examined and so find.

You will then present him at the Altar for installation.

Marshal‐‐‐ Worshipful Master, I present my worthy Brother __________ to be installed Master of this Lodge. I find him to be of good morals, and of great skill, true and trusty; and as he is a lover of the Fraternity, I doubt not that he will discharge his duties with fidelity and with honor.

My Brother, previous to your investiture, it is necessary that you

should signify your assent to those Ancient Charges and Regulations which point out the duty of a Master of a Lodge. (To each of the questions, the Master Elect responds by saying “I Do.”)


I. Do you agree to be a good man and true, and strictly to obey the

moral law?

II. Do you agree to be a peaceable citizen, and cheerfully to conform

to the laws of the country in which you reside?

III. Do you promise not to be concerned in plots and conspiracies

against the government, but patiently submit to the law and the constituted authorities?

IV. Do you agree to pay a proper respect to the civil magistrates, to

work diligently, live creditably, and act honorably by all men?

V. Do you agree to hold in veneration the original rulers and patrons

of the Order of Masonry, and their regular successors, supreme and subordinate, according to their stations; and to submit to the awards and resolutions of your brethren, in Lodge convened, in every case consistent with the Constitutions of the Order?

VI. Do you agree to avoid private piques and quarrels, and to guard

against intemperance and excess?


VII. Do you agree to be cautious in carriage and behavior, courteous

to your brethren and faithful to your Lodge?

VIII. Do you promise to respect genuine brethren, and to

discountenance impostors, and all dissenters from the original plan of Masonry?

IX. Do you agree to promote the general good of society, to cultivate

the social virtues, and to propagate the knowledge of the mystic art?

X. Do you promise to pay homage to the Grand Master for the time

being, and to his officers when duly installed; and strictly to conform to every edict of the Grand Lodge that is not subversive of the principles and ground work of Masonry?

XI. Do you admit that it is not in the power of any man, or body of

men, to make innovations in the body of Masonry?

XII. Do you promise a regular attendance on the committees and

communications of the Grand Lodge on receiving proper notice; and to pay attention to all the duties of Masonry on convenient occasions?


XIII. Do you admit that no new Lodge shall be formed without

permission of the Grand Lodge; and that no countenance be given to any irregular Lodge, or to any person clandestinely initiated therein, being contrary to the Ancient Charges of the Order?

XIV. Do you admit that no person can be regularly made a Mason in,

or admitted a member of, any regular Lodge, without previous notice, and due inquiry into his character?

XV. Do you agree that no visitors shall be received into your Lodge

without due examination, and producing proper vouchers of their having been initiated into a regular Lodge?

These are the Regulations of Free and Accepted Masons. Once again I

ask you: Do you submit to these charges and promise to support these regulations as Masters have done in all ages before you? (The Master Elect responds by saying “I Do.”)


My Brother, in consequence of your conformity to the Charges and

Regulations of the Order, you are now to be installed Master of this Lodge, in full confidence of your care, skill and capacity to govern the same.

You will now be invested with the insignia of your office.

The Marshall places the Master’s Jewel on his person.


I now place the Furniture and Implements of this Lodge in your


‐‐The Holy Writings, that great light in Masonry, will guide you to all

truth; it will direct your paths to the temple of happiness, and point out to you the whole duty of man.

‐‐The Square teaches us to regulate our actions by rule and line, and

to harmonize our conduct by the principles of morality and virtue.

‐‐The Compasses teach us to limit our desires in every station, that,

rising to eminence by merit, we may live respected and die regretted.

‐‐The Rule directs that we should punctually observe our duty; press

forward in the path of virtue, and neither inclining to the right nor the left, in all our actions have eternity in view.

‐‐The Line teaches us the criterion of moral rectitude, to avoid

dissimulation in conversation and action, and to direct our steps to the path which leads to immortality.


‐‐The Book of Constitutions you are to search at all times. Cause it to

be read in your Lodge, that none may pretend ignorance of the excellent precepts it enjoins.

‐‐The Charter, by the authority of which this Lodge is held, you are

carefully to preserve, and in no case should it ever be out of your immediate control, and you should duly transmit it to your successor in office.

‐‐The By‐Laws of your Lodge, you are to see carefully and punctually


You will be conducted to the East, where you will take your seat in the

Oriental Chair. The new Master is now placed on the right of the Installing Officer

* * * Master, behold your brethren!

Brethren, behold your Master! Let us salute him with the Public Grand Honors which are three times three, right over left, taking your count from me. Applause. * 10

The Senior Warden Marshal‐‐‐ Worshipful Master, I present my worthy Brother ________ to be installed Senior Warden of this Lodge. My Brother, you have been elected Senior Warden of this Lodge, and are now invested with the insignia of your office. The Level demonstrates that we are descended from the same stock, partake of the same nature, and share the same hope; and though distinctions among men are necessary to preserve subordination, yet no eminence of station should make us forget that we are brethren; for he who is placed on the lowest spoke of Fortune's wheel may be entitled to our regard; because a time will come, and the wisest knows not how soon, when all distinctions, but that of goodness, should cease; and Death, the grand leveler of human greatness, reduce us to the same state. Your regular attendance at our stated meetings is essentially necessary. In the absence of the Master, you are to govern this Lodge; in his presence, you are to assist him in the government of it. I firmly rely upon your knowledge of Masonry and attachment to the Lodge for the faithful discharge of the duties of this important trust. Look well to the West.

You will be conducted to your station.

He is conducted to his proper station by the Marshal. 11

The Junior Warden Marshal‐‐‐ Worshipful Master, I present my worthy Brother ________ to be installed as Junior Warden of this Lodge. My Brother, you have been elected Junior Warden of this Lodge, and are now invested with the badge of your office. The Plumb admonishes us to walk uprightly in our several stations; to hold the scales of Justice in equal poise; to observe the just medium between intemperance and pleasure; and to make our passions and prejudices coincide with the line of our duty. To you is committed the superintendence of the Craft during the hours of refreshment; it is, therefore, indispensably necessary that you should not only be temperate and discreet in the indulgence of your own inclinations, but carefully observe that none of the Craft be suffered to convert the purposes of refreshment into intemperance and excess. Your regular and punctual attendance is particularly requested, and I have no doubt that you will faithfully execute the duty which you owe to your present position. Look well to the South.

You will be conducted to your station.

He is conducted to his proper station by the Marshal.


The Treasurer Marshal‐‐‐ Worshipful Master, I present my worthy Brother ________ to be installed as Treasurer of this Lodge.

My Brother, you have been elected Treasurer of this Lodge, and are

now invested with the badge of your office.

It is your duty to receive all moneys from the hands of the Secretary;

keep just and regular accounts of the same, and pay them out by order of the Worshipful Master and the consent of the Lodge. I trust your regard for the Fraternity will prompt you to the faithful discharge of the duties of your office.

You will be conducted to your place.

He is conducted to his proper station by the Marshal.


The Secretary Marshal‐‐‐ Worshipful Master, I present my worthy Brother ________ to be installed as Secretary of this Lodge.

Worthy Brother, you have been elected Secretary of this Lodge, and

are now invested with the badge of your office.

It is your duty to observe all the proceedings of the Lodge; make a fair

record of all things proper to be written; receive all moneys due the Lodge, and pay them over to the Treasurer. Your good inclination to Masonry and this Lodge, I hope, will induce you to discharge the duties of your office with fidelity, and, by so doing, you will merit the esteem and applause of your brethren.

You will be conducted to your place.

He is conducted to his proper station by the Marshal.


The Chaplain Marshal‐‐‐ Worshipful Master, I present my worthy Brother ________ to be installed as Chaplain of this Lodge.

My Reverend Brother, you are appointed Chaplain of this Lodge, and

are now invested with the badge of your office.

It is your duty to perform those solemn services which we should

constantly render to our Infinite Creator; and which, when offered, by one whose holy profession is "to point to heaven, and lead the way," may, by refining our souls, strengthening our virtues, and purifying our minds, prepare us for admission into the society of those above, whose happiness will be as endless as it is perfect.

You will be conducted to your place.

He is conducted to his proper station by the Marshal.


The Senior and Junior Deacons Marshal‐‐‐ Worshipful Master, I present my worthy Brothers ________ and _______ to be installed respectively as Senior and Junior Deacons of this Lodge.

Brethren, you are appointed Deacons of this Lodge, and are now

invested with the badge of your office.

It is your province to attend on the Master and Wardens, and to act as

their proxies in the active duties of the Lodge; such as in the reception of candidates into the different degrees of Masonry, the introduction and accommodation of visitors, and in the immediate practice of our rites. The Square and Compasses, as badges of your office, I entrust to your care, not doubting your vigilance and attention.

You will be conducted to your places.

They are conducted to their proper stations by the Marshal.


The Senior and Junior Stewards Marshal‐‐‐ Worshipful Master, I present my worthy Brothers ________ and _______ to be installed respectively as Senior and Junior Stewards of this Lodge.

My Brethren, you are appointed Stewards of this Lodge, and are now

invested with the badge of your office. You are to assist the Deacons and other officers in performing their respective duties. Your regular and early attendance at our meetings will afford the best proof of your zeal and attachment to the Lodge.

You will be conducted to your places.

They are conducted to their proper stations by the Marshal.


The Tyler Marshal‐‐‐ Worshipful Master, I present my worthy Brother ________ to be installed as Tyler of this Lodge.

Brother, you are appointed Tyler of this Lodge, and are now invested

with the implement of your office.

As the sword is placed in the hands of the Tyler, to enable him

effectually to guard against the approach of cowans and eavesdroppers, and suffer none to pass or re‐pass but such as are duly qualified, so it should admonish us to set a guard over our thoughts, a watch at our lips, post a sentinel over our actions; thereby preventing the approach of every unworthy thought or deed, and preserving consciences void of offense toward God and toward man. Your early and punctual attendance will afford the best proof of your zeal for the institution.

You will be conducted to your station.

He is conducted to his proper station by the Marshal, just inside the door.


Charge to the Master I WILL NOW GIVE THE MASTER HIS CHARGE (The Master is asked to please rise) Worshipful Brother, having been chosen to preside over this Lodge, you cannot be insensible of the obligations which devolve upon you. The honor, reputation, and usefulness of your Lodge will materially depend upon the skill and ability with which you manage its concerns. As Master of this Lodge, it will be your especial duty to attend to the administration of its ceremonies, preserve the Ancient Landmarks of the Order now committed to your care, and permit no innovation in the principles or rites of the Order. Upon all suitable occasions remind the brethren that Masonry is founded upon the great moral principles set forth in the Sacred Volume, which we receive as the rule and guide of our faith and practice. Exhort them to govern themselves by these principles, as well with the world at large as with each other. Teach them to revere the three great lights, comprehending the Holy Writings, the perfect square, and the extended compasses, the beautiful symbolism of which is familiar to you, and the explanations of which include some of the most important duties inculcated in our Mystic Circle.


Be ever mindful that great care should be taken in the admission of members, lest by the introduction of bad materials the Institution should become corrupted. It should be constantly borne in mind that the respectability and usefulness of a Lodge does not consist in the number, but in the character of its members. It is better that no workman be added to the roll than even one unworthy foot allowed to cross the threshold of the Lodge. The uninitiated judge Masonry by the conduct of its individual members, therefore you should be as careful of the reputation of your Lodge as that of your own family. As you would admit none to the society of the latter whose character is bad, so should you carefully exclude such from the former. As it is the purpose of Freemasonry to create friendship; to make provision for the relief of poor and distressed brethren, to protect the widow and the orphan; to inculcate reverence for the Grand Architect of Universe; and to encourage the growth of the social virtues which dignify and adorn human nature, and render mankind peaceful and happy, the doors of the Lodge should be sternly closed against the idle, the profligate, the intemperate, and licentious. If, unfortunately, unworthy members gain admission, it will be your duty to exercise proper discipline to correct abuses, and restrain the refractory. Unruly members must be reduced to order. The first risings of vice must be suppressed, and when kind and affectionate admonitions fail, the unworthy should be removed as a blot upon the Order. 20

It is also your duty, and will no doubt be your pleasure, to spread light and impart knowledge to the brethren of your Lodge; to preserve the purity of our Order, and maintain unimpaired its ancient rites and ceremonies. They are to be frequently reminded of the duties they owe to Almighty GOD, the giver of every good and perfect gift. They must be taught to be good men and true; to be sober, industrious, charitable, upright in their dealings, friendly in their social intercourse, and to live in love and peace, having consciences void of offence, and unspotted from the world. Thus Taught and Thus Acting, they will convince mankind of the value of the Institution, achieving happiness in so doing.


Charge to the Wardens * * The Wardens are asked to please rise. I WILL NOW GIVE THE WARDENS THEIR CHARGE Brothers Senior and Junior Wardens, you are too well acquainted with the principles of Masonry, to warrant any distrust that you will be found wanting in the discharge of your respective duties. Suffice it to say, that what you have seen praise‐worthy in others, you should carefully imitate; and what in them may have appeared defective, you should in your‐ selves amend. You should be examples of good order and regularity; for it is only by due regard to the laws, in your own conduct, that you can expect obedience to them from others. You are assiduously to assist the Master in the discharge of his trust; diffusing light and imparting knowledge to all whom he shall place under your care. In the absence of the Master, you will succeed to higher duties; your acquirements must, therefore, be such, that the Craft may never suffer for want of proper instruction. From the spirit which you have hitherto evinced, I entertain no doubt that your future conduct will be such as to merit the applause of your brethren and the testimony of a good conscience.


Charge to the Brethren of the Lodge These three raps are meant for ALL Members of this lodge. * * * FINALLY, I CHARGE THE BRETHREN OF THIS LODGE AS FOLLOWS: Such is the nature of our Constitution that as some must, of necessity, rule and teach, so others must submit and obey. Humility, in both, is an essential duty. The officers who are appointed to govern your Lodge are sufficiently conversant with the rules of propriety, and the laws of the institution, to avoid exceeding the powers with which they are entrusted; and you are of too generous dispositions to envy their preferment. I, therefore, trust that you will have but one aim, to please each other, and unite in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness. Finally, my brethren, as this association has been formed and perfected in so much unanimity and concord, in which we greatly rejoice, so may it long continue. May you long enjoy every satisfaction and delight which disinterested friendship can afford. May kindness and brotherly affection distinguish your conduct, as men and as Masons. Within your peaceful walls, may your children's children celebrate with joy and gratitude the annual recurrence of this auspicious solemnity. And may the tenets of our profession be transmitted through your Lodge, pure and unimpaired, from generation to generation. 23

The Proclamation Brother Marshal, you will make the proclamation. ‐‐‐ Marshal‐‐ In the name of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas, I proclaim the officers of __________ Lodge No. ____ duly installed.


Benediction Please rise for the benediction. The Chaplain will pronounce the Benediction. ‐‐‐ Chaplain ‐‐ GRAND ARCHITECT of the UNIVERSE, vouchsafe Thine aid to these solemn rites, and grant that these brethren who are now numbered among the rulers of the Craft, may be endowed with wisdom to comprehend, judgment to define, and firmness to enforce obedience to Thy law. Sanctify them with Thy grace. Strengthen them with Thy power, and enrich their minds with genuine knowledge, that they may be better enabled to enlighten the brethren, and, FINALLY, we ask that you consecrate our meetings to the honor and glory of Thy most holy name. AMEN. All respond—So mote it be. The Installing Office presents gavel to the Master and is seated. At this time, the newly installed Master may make a few remarks of thanks before dismissing the congregation (if in an open installation), or resuming the business of the Lodge. END 25

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