The Laws
of the
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas
Revised and Annotated 7/15/2023

of the
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas
Revised and Annotated 7/15/2023
of the
Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas
Revised and Annotated 7/15/2023
The following pages were revised in 2007: 32,59
The following pages were revised in 2008: 60
The following pages were revised in 2009: 28
The following pages were revised in 2010: 12,12A,128,26,28,42,66,66A,668,99,100,101,105,108,110, 113,116,117,124,128
The following pages were revised in 2011: 12, 12A,46,66,66A,93,111
No pages were revised in 2012:
The following pages were revised in 2013: 46A, 468, 66, 66A
The following pages were revised in 2014 : 30,40,41,45,46,47,47A,478
The following pages were revised in 2015 : 15,16,39,31,32,32A,328,33,34
No pages were revised in 2016:
The following pages were revised in 2017: (17-20, & 218 added), (29-30), (35-36), (39-40)
No pages were revised in 2018:
The following pages were revised in 2019: (43-46)
No pages were revised in 2020:
The following pages were revised in 2021: (13-14), (45, 46, 46A, 468), (55, 56, 57, 58)
The following pages were revised in 2022: (15-16), (39-42), (45-46), (55-58), (65-66)
The following pages were revised in 2023: (29-32), (42-43), (53-54), (65-66)
Revised 2023
The Grand Lodge , in February 1942, authorized the appointment of a Committee on Revision of Laws. As the result of action at subsequent Communications, appointments were made annually thereafter until the completion of the revision work at the Annual Communication in February 1946. Changes in personnel of the Committee were made from time to time, and the following brethren have served: ROSCOE E. PETERSON, 1942-45 inclusive; ARTHUR H. STRICKLAND, 1942-45 inclusive; GEORGE F. BEEZLEY, 1942, JAY 8 KIRK, 1942-43; OTTO R SOUDERS , 1942-43; ELMER F. STRAIN, 1943-44; HENRY S. BUZICK, JR., 1944-45 ; GEO. M ASHFORD , 1944-45 ; JAMES H. TRICE, 1945.
The revised Constitution was presented to and approved by the Grand Lodge in February 1944 At the February 1945 Annual Communication , more than two-thirds of the Lodges having agreed to the revision, the new Constitution was proclaimed by the Grand Master to be in effect from and after February 14, 1945.
A tentative revision of the By-Laws was prepared prior"to the 1945 Annua l Communication, but the wartime restrictions upon attendar:ice prevented consideration. At the Annual Communication in February 1946, this revision, with a few changes, prompted by further study, was presented to and approved by the Granct Lodge, and became effective upon publication with the Annual Proceedings on June 26, 1946. At the same Communication the Grand Lodge authorized the appointment of a committee to arrange for and supervise the publication of the laws in book form This comm ittee consists of the same brethren who served on the committee on Revision in 1945.
The following Grand Masters have appointed and counseled with the several -Committees: M :. W :. CLINE C. CURTISS , 1942; M:.W:. CHARLES S . McGINNESS , 1943; M:.W:. JAMES H. TRICE, 1944; M :.W: HARRY D. EVANS, 1945; M : .W:. SAMUEL G. WILES, 1946
The Constitution adopted i n 1885 was amended from time to time , but its form and arrangement remained unaltered until the adoption of the present Constitution The scope of legislation remains substantially the same as that of the 1885 Constitution; but a complete rearrangement of articles and sections has been made , and each article now deals with a designated subject. A few of t he amendments make material changes in the law, but the greate r number are intended to make the rules of law more easily understood.
A notable change is the adoption of a list of Landmarks of Masonry as a part of our organic law On this subject, the Committee on Revision , in presenting the revised Constitution to the Grand Lodge for its consideration at the 1944 Ann ual Communication, said: ·
The Landmarks of Masonry furnish the underlying basi s for Masonic legislation. The re is a divergence of opinion among Masonic scholars as to what are and what are not Landmarks . Our present Constitution does not officially recognize any one list of Landmarks , although twenty-five formulated by DR. MACKEY have been given a position of prominence in the publication of the 1913 and 1929 editions of our Laws. Your Committee realizes fully that Landmarks ca n not be made or unmade by legislat ion ; but we also real ize the Craft would better comprehend o ur system of jurisprudence if our Grand Lodge could declare that, so far as Kansas Masonry is concerned , a certain designated li st of Landmarks is accepted as the foundation for our superstructure of laws. This need n o t inv ol v e a rejection or denial of other Masonic principles, which have been asserted to be Landmarks by eminent Masonic authorities. To this end we are proposing t h at the revi sed Constitution include a provis ion officially recognizing twenty-five Landmarks of Masonry. These a re identica l with the MACKEY l ist as publis h ed in forrner editio ns , w ith a q u al ification upon the right of
visita tion stated in the 14th Landmark, which qualification is recognized by DR. MACKEY in his work on Masonic Jurisprudence
The revision of the By-Laws also involved a complete rearrangement, and division into chap ters , articles and sections. With the consent of Brother C. D. YETTER, who was compiler of the Re vised Statutes of Kansas in 1923, and who originated the numbering system used in that and subsequent editions, a similar system has been used in numbering the re vised By-Laws. Each number is a complete designation of chapter, article and section. To illustrate , the number 3-421 des ig na tes Section 21 of Article 4 of Chapter 3. This system also affords opportunity to enact additional sections in any article without disturbing the continuity.
The explanatory notes, and the approved decisions of Grand Masters, which appeared in previous editions, have not been included, as such, in the revision. In each instance where it was believed that the note or decision expressed a rule of law that should be retained, it was incorporated in the re vised Laws.
The revised Constitution and By-Laws are accompanied by a system of cross-references, des ignating other legislation upon related subjects.
Throughout the course of revis ion of the Constitution and By-Laws, there have been three principal objectives:
1. To provide legislation that meets the present needs of Kansas Masonry;
2. T o make the laws easy to find;
3. To make the laws easy to understand.
Whi le no one will claim that these objectives have been perfectly atta ined, it is to be hoped that the Craft will find that the result has justifi~d the effort.
The finished book is now presented wi th the hope that it will meet the requirements of the Grand Lodge for many years. We urge Lodge officers and brethren to refer to it constantly. It conta ins the whole laws of Masonry in the Grand Jurisdiction, and all former laws are re pea led . It is suggested that users of the book read carefully the whole t ext of each article relating to the matter under investigation, and not merely the section dealing specifically with the point involved.
In his address to the 1951 Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, our Grand Master, M : . W : . LYNN R. BRODRICK called attention to the LAWS OF MASONRY and the Appendi x thereto , which had been prepared over a period of severa l years and the publication thereof in 1946.
He paid fitting tribute to the work of M:. W:. BRO. ROSCOE E. PETERSON , under whose direction the whole system was revised, codified, and published He said : "M :.W:. BRO. PETERSON and his committee are responsible for one of the finest works of Masonic literature ever printed----a volume that contains the whole law of Masonry in this Grand Jurisdiction, and which is recogn ized by other Grand Jurisdictions as being an outstanding achievement and a mode l system of law."
"Too few of our members have read , or even seen, the Book of the Law. This should not be. Every man as he is raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason , should know what laws , rules and regulations he is obligating himself to obey. A copy of the Book of the Law should be presented to him on that occasion."
Subsequent to the recommendation of M:.W:. BRO. BRODRICK, which was approved by Grand Lodge (see By-Law 2-506) our Grand Master, M :. W :. BRO. CLARENCE G. NEVINS and the Council of Administration by action taken on April 28, 1951 placed responsibility for preparation and distribution of the book upon the Committee on Masonic Education.
The text of the Revised Edition (1951) has been prepared by the Committee on Jurisprudence which committee has also very courteously rendered every assistance in presenting to the Craft a volume which contains all the changes in our Law to the date of publication.
While this edition is prepared primarily for presentation to the newly raised Master Mason , it is being made available to the Lodges and members of the Craft generally. Your Committee on Masonic Education feels that it cannot be given too wide a distribution among those entitled to p lace it in their libraries.
Your committee feels that the "Making a Man a Mason" is a cont in uing process, and that as we advance in knowledge our obligatio ns to ourselves and to our brethren correspondingly i ncrease . We believe that although the perfect Mason does not ex ist , yet each of us as we advance in knowledge can more nearly approach perfection. The Mason's labor, therefore , is to s t rive to make himself informed; to study the philosophy, the work, the lectu r es, the Landmarks , the Ancient Charges and Regulations, the literature of Masonry and finally the Laws of Masonry as they apply to him in this Grand Jurisdiction.
Particularly would we recommend that every newly made Mason give careful thought and study to Chapter One of the By-Laws - DUTIES OF MASONS. A thorough consideration of t hese two pages in this book will go far toward equipping any Mason with a distinct understanding of his obligations and responsibilities.
It is not intended that any part of this volume should suffice or complete one's education Rather it is our thought that the study of this book will arouse and stimulate the ind ividu al to seek out and explore much of all avai lable material which surrounds our Frat ernity.
A well-informed Mason is a better Mason , and better Masons make for a more st ron gly cemented brotherhood. The good name, the rep utation and honor of our great Fratern ity are concerned with these things.
Fraternally submitted ,
This is the Twenty-second printing of the "Blue Book" since the edition in 1951. The distribution of this Edition will increase the total number of copies of the Laws of Masonry in Kansas to 76,600.
Each year after the Annual Communication of Grand Lodge the book is revised to include all changes in the law which were made during the sessions. In this manner we are able to keep the "Law Book" up to date and composed of all the effective legislat ion in fo rce at that time. Th is seems much more satisfactory than having a supply of gummed inserts to mai l out each year and then get misplaced before they are pasted in the book.
Each Kansas Mason may provide himself with a copy of the current Laws of Masonry in this jurisdiction by purchase from the Secretary of his Lodge or by sending .80 to the Grand Secretary The provisions of By-Law 2-506 require that each newly raised Master Mason shall be presented with a copy of the Laws of Masonry on the night that he is raised. For the purpose of assisting each Lodge to maintain a revolving supply of books, the Grand Secretary wil l send to each Lodge as soon as possib le after each Communication of Grand Lodge, a number of books equal to the number shown to have been raised in that Lodge during the previous yea r, and reported on the Annual Report of the Lodge. Additional copies may be secured from the Grand Secretary at .80 per copy (Amended 1979)
Fraterna lly,
In the Proceedings of the Grand Lodge, 1 981, M :. W :. F. Warren Starns recorded the following:
"Last year, with the permission of M :. W :. Nolan Artz , then Grand Master, I appointed th is committee, chai red by M .-. W :. Robert D. Caplinger, to update and clarif y the word ing of some of our By-Laws."
The committee: Robert D. Caplinger, PGM; John H Murray, PGM; Ben 8. Boyles, Deputy Grand Master; and A lbert 0. Arnold , Jr., Grand Secretary
Duri ng the Annual Communication of March 13 , 1981 , t he committee made report.
The Jurisprudence Comm ittee at that same Communicat ion reported , "To the best of o ur knowledge, the report has not had general circulation of the Craft and the Committee on Jurisprudence fee ls it would be wise t o carry the report over to a year from now to perm it general discussion and consideration " This mot ion was sustained.
The following year, M :. W:: Ben B . Boyles, Grand Master, asked that further study be applied to refine the several changes and additional considerations.
Accordingly, M:.W:. John H. Murray, PGM, was appointed Chairman ; M:.W:. Robert H Arnold, PGM, as Committeeman, and R:.W:. Albert 0 Arnold, Jr. , Grand Secretary
JOHN H . MURRAY, PGM , CHAIRMAN ROBERT H . ARNOLD, PGM , COMMITTEEMAN ALBERT 0. ARNOLD , JR., GRAND SECRETARYM:. W:. Conrad F. Johnson, Grand Master appointed the following as COMMITTEE ON BY-LAWS REVISIONS: M :. W :. Don E. Robinett, PGM , Chairman , R :. W :. Albert 0. Arnold, Jr ., Grand Secretary and R : W :. Franklin Dean Wyant as said committee. This committee was to review, recommend, spell-check and proofread the Laws of Kansas Masonry.
Upon .completion, the entire work was submitted to the Committee on Jurisprudence for examination as to its form and correctness.
Report was made by the committee at the One Hundred T hirty-Sixth Annual Communication held in Salina, Kansas.
M:.W:. Conrad F. Johnson requested that BY-LAW 3-103, FEES; BY-LAW 3-203, FEE FOR WARRANT OF CONSTITUTION; AND BY-LAW 3-207 LOSS OR DESTRUCTION OF WARRANT OF CONSTITUTION be removed since he promised he would not propose motions. M :. W :. Don E, Hobinett, PGM , instructed Brother Robert Davis on the Jurisprudence Committee to remove these three By-Laws.
In the beginning of this report , your committee made the following observations: First, several of the reviewed Laws were structured when our fraternity was double its present size. This while having an undesirable effect on our numbers has created still other problems. Likewise, the side effect has reduced the needs of other duties and services performed by and for the individual Lodges. We must also note in that same period of time the reduction of 120 Lodges .
Under direction of M .-. W .-. Morris L. Fisher, Grand Master, and the Council of Administration , the "Law Book" has been entered into the Grand Lodge computer. This was done as a cost saving move for future years. For the first time this book will be published in a loose-leaf binder. In future years as laws are changed just the pages that are changed will be printed and mailed to those with these books.
The office staff have put in many hours of work entering this in the computer and are to be complimented This 1995 Edition contains all the changes in ou r law to the date of publication.
Whereas every Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons is the tr ue representative of all the Fraternity in communication therewith, and is a sovereign and independent body, with supreme legislative , judicial and execut ive authority, processing the inherent power to form a Constitution as its fundamental law , and to enact such other laws and regulations for it s own government and for the government of its constituent Lodges and the Cra ft as w ill promote the general good of Masonry: Provided, always, That the Ancient Landmarks and Usages of Masonry be maintained inviolate: Therefore, Upon these principles, which have never been disputed the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas does hereby ordain and establish the following as its
Landmarks of Masonry
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 5,(1).
Section 1. Landmarks Recognized This Grand Lodge recognizes the following Landmarks of Masonry as the foundation of Masonic Law and Jurisprudence in this Grand Jurisdiction.
I. The modes of recognition.
II. The division of symbo lic Masonry into three degrees.
Ill. The legend of the third degree.
IV. The Government of the Fratern ity by a pres id ing officer called a Grand Master, who is elected from the body of the Craft.
V. The pre rog ative of the Grand Master to preside over every assembly of the Craft , wheresoever and whensoever held.
VI. The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for conferring degrees at irregular times.
VII. The prerogative of the Grand Master to grant dispensations for opening and holding Lodges.
VIII. The prerogati ve of the Grand Master to make Mas ons at sight.
IX. The necessity for Masons to congregate in Lodges.
X. The government of every Lodge by a Master and two Wardens.
XI. T he necessity that every Lodge, when congregated, s hould be duly tiled.
XI I. The right of every Mason to be represented in all general meetings of the Craft, and to instruct hi s representatives . · Rev.
XIII. The r ig ht of every Mason to appeal from the decision of his brethren in Lodge convened, to the Grand Lodge or General Assembly of Masons.
XIV. The right of every Mason to visit and sit in every regu lar Lodge, subject to exclusion for sufficient cause.
x:,.,/. That no visitor, not known to some brother present as a Mason, can enter a Lodge without undergoing an examination.
XVI. That no Lodge can interfere in the business or labor of another Lodge
XVII. That every Freemason is amenable to the laws and reg u lations of the Masonic jurisd iction in which he resides.
XVIII. That every candidate for initiation must be a man, free born and of lawful age.
XIX. That every Mason must believe in the existence of God as the Grand Architect of the Universe .
XX. That every Mason must believe in a resurrection to future life.
That a book of the Law of God must constitute an indispensable part of the furniture of every Lodge.
That all men in the sight of God are equal, and meet in the Lodge on one common level.
XXIII. That Freemasonry is a fraternal society, i n possession of secrets that cannot be divulged.
XXIV. That Freemasonry consists of a speculative science founded on an operative art
XXV. That the Landmarks of Masonry can never be changed.
Section 2. Not Exclusive--The foregoing list of landmarks is declared to be exclusive.
Grand Lodge- Name and Jurisdiction
Section 1. This Grand Body shall be known as THE MOST WORSHIPFU L GRAND LODGE OF ANCIENT, FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS OF KANSAS (Am ended 2001)
Grand Lodge--Authority and Powers
Section 1. Source and Extent of Authority--This Grand Lodge recognizes ONE
Rev 2006
SUPREME AUTHORITY--THE ALMIGHTY GOD , THE GRAND ARCHITECT OF THE UNIVERSE. It possesses superintending authority within the territorial jurisdiction of the · State of Kansas, over Ancient Craft Masonry Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec 1-101
Section. 2. Restrictions in Business and Charity-Masonic Home-- The Grand Lodge shall not engage in business of any kind or character whatsoever, nor shall it be a party to, or shareholder in, any partnership or corporation , nor shall it undertake the founding or support of any charitable or educational institution : nor shall it ever render itself liable to pay any sum of money for any purpose, except for the necessary expenses attending the exercises of its proper functions as the governing head of Freemasonry within its jurisdiction: nor shall it ever assume or exercise any supervision or censorship over any association, for whatsoever purpose organized: Provided , Nothing herein contained shall be construed to limit the Grand Lodge in its charities, by the payment of any sum of money out of its treasury for the support of the poor, for the relief of the distressed, or for any other purpose which shall tend to ameliorate the condit ion of the human family or any individual thereof: And Be It Further Provided, That nothing herein before contained shall be construed to limit or prevent the Grand Lodge from founding , organizing and maintaining a Masonic Home within the State of Kansas, for the relief and benefit of distressed and destitute Master Masons, their wives, widows and children. And Be It Further Provided, Tha t nothing herein shall be construed to prevent sponsorship of a Chapter of the O rder of DeMolay by ·a Lodge (Amended 1958) ·
And be it Further Provided, That nothing herein shall be construed to limit or prevent the Grand Lodge from founding , organizing or administering a Foundation Fund for purposes that are Charitable or Educational or both. (Amended 1958, 1971 )
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs 2-302 ; 3-608; 3-620.
And Be It Further Provided, That with due consideration to the above restrictions the committee on publications will be permitted to select advertising for insertio n in the Kansas Mason or other Masonic Publications from outside entities (Amended 1988)
Section 3. By--Laws--The Grand Lodge shall have the power to enact By-Laws in aid of the provisions of this Constitution for the proper government and regulation of Freemasonry, and shall also prescribe forms for the transaction of business (Amended 1992)
Section 4. Retroactive Laws-In the exe rcis e of its powers, the Grand Lodge shall never apply to any case any Law or Regulation not existing at the time the cause of action arose.
Grand Lodge --Revenue
Section 1. The revenues of the Grand Lodge shall be derived from : First, An annual per cap ita tax on the members of the Lodges ; Second, Fees fo r Letters of Dispensation and Warrants for new Lodges ; Third, Such other sources as maybe provided by law. The per capita tax shall be collected by the Lodges , and each lodge shall annually pay the whole amount due on account of its membership. No rebate shall be allowed to any Lodge by reason of the neg lect of an y of it s members to pay dues, or by reason of any member being borne on its rol ls as exempt for dues. The Grand Lodge has authority from time to time to make special assessments on the Lodges ratably on their membership, to meet its current or any extrao rdinary expenses.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Secs. 2-301, 2-302 , 2-303, 2-304, 2-305
Grand Lodge-- Membership
Section 1. Members--The Members of Grand Lodge shall be: Past Masters, Masters, Wardens, Treasurers and Secretaries of the Lodges within this jurisdiction. Other Voting members shall be the appointive subordinate Lodge officers, and the present subordinate Grand Lodge officers of this Grand Jurisdiction. (Amended 1980, 1994, 1995).
Section 2. Qualifications of Members--Every member of this Grand Lodge must be a member in good standing of some Lodge in this Grand jurisdiction ; and any cessation of such Lodge membership shall, while it continues, automaticall y deprive such dimited, suspended or expelled persons of all rights of membership in the Grand Lodge .
Grand Lodge--Officers and Committees
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Ch. 2, Art. I.
Section 1. Grand Lodge Officers--The Officers of the Grand Lodge shall be: (1) Grand Master; (2) Deputy Grand Master; (3) Grand Senior Warden; (4) Grand Junior Warden; (5) Grand Treasurer; (6) Grand Secretary; (7) Grand Chaplain; (8) Grand Senior Deacon ; (9) Grand Junior Deacon ; (10) Grand Marshal; (11) Grand Sword Bearer; ( 12) Grand Senior Steward; (13) Grand Junior Steward; (14) Grand Pursuivant; (15) Grand Tyler; (16) Assistant Grand Tyler; (17) Grand Orator; (18) Grand Musician. (Amended 1992 )
Section 2. Eligibility--Any brother shall be eligible to any elective office in the Grand Lodge who , has been previously elected and installed Master of a Lodge in this Grand Jurisdict ion Any Past Master who moves into this Grand Jurisdiction from any other recognized Grand Jurisdiction shall, on his becoming a member of a Lodge herein, be entitled to all the rights and privileges of a Past Master in this Jurisd ict ion. (Amended , 1975)
Section 3. Election and Terms-(1) The Grand Ma ster shall be chosen by ballo t by a majority of all votes cast therefor at each Annual Communication, and serve one year as Deputy Grand Master and the following year shall be installed as Grand Master and shall hold office until his successor is installed. (2) The Grand Senior Warden, Grand Junior Warden , Grand Treasurer and Grand Secretary shall be chosen by ballot by a majority of all votes cast therefor at each communication and shall hold their offices until their successors are installed. The subordinate officers shall be appointed by the Grand Master elect (Deputy Grand Master) and shall serve at his will a nd pleasure during his tenure. (Amended 1992)
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 2-101, 2-102.
Section 4. Title of Grand Officers-The elective officers of the Grand Lodge shall be addressed as follows: The Grand Master as Most Worshipful, and all others as R ight Worsh ipful. The subordinate officers of the Grand Lodge shall be addressed as Worsh i pful. Past office rs shall be addressed as present officers of like ran k.
Section 5. Duties and Powers of Grand Master--The duties , powers and prerogatives of the Grand Master shall be those which are required of, exercised by, and accorded to this high office ( Rev. 2006
by the Ancient Constitution, General Regulation and Landmarks of Freemasonry and the Constitution and Laws of this Grand Lodge. It shall be his duty to preside over the Grand Lodge, to conduct in person or by a Past Master appointed by him, all public ceremonies of the Grand Lodge , to require strict conformity to Masonic law and usage in this Grand Jurisdict ion , and to perform such other duties as may be provided by law. He shall have power:
(a) To preside over every assembly of the Craft;
(b) To arrest the Warrant of any Lodge;
(c) To authorize the installation of a Master elect who is not a Past Warden, if there be no Warden or Past Warden willing to serve as Master;
(d) To abridge the t ime within which one can petition for and receive the three symbolic Degrees;
(e) To authorize or ratify the performance of acts, the doing of work and the transaction of business in an irregular manner or at irregular times , which by the la ws and regulations, may be done in regular order;
(f) To create additional offices in the Grand Lodge;
(g)To require the attendance of and information from, any Grand Officer, Grand Lodge Committee of Lodge officer, respecting his or their duties:
(h) To preside as Chairman, ex-officio, i n all Committees he chooses to attend;
(i) To interpret the laws, and require their observance;
U) To exercise all the executive powers of the Grand Lodge during the interim between Communications thereof;
(k) To require all Masons who are members of any organization which predicates its membership upon Masonic affiliation to conform to all rules of conduct required of Masons by this Grand Lodge and by the Usages of the Fraternity ;
(I) To superintend the transactions of the Craft , to interfere in all congregations of Masons and prevent the commission of wrong, and to see that the Landmarks and Usages of Masonry , and the Constitution and Laws of the Grand L odge and of every L odge in this Grand Jurisdiction, are preserved and obeyed ;
(m) And to exercise such other powers which may be granted by law , and such other powers and prerogatives as are inherent in and pertain to the office of Grand Master
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. I, Sec. 1, Landmarks IV, V, VI, VII, VIII; Art. VI , Secs. 10, 13; Art. VII, Secs. 1, 4; Art. VIII, Secs. 1, 3; Art. IX, Secs. 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 , 13; By-Laws,
Section 6. Deputy and Wardens-The Deputy Grand Master, Grand Sen io r Warden and Grand Junior Warden shall severally perform the duties of t heir re spective offices according to established usage, and they shal l actively assist the Grand Master in the proper government of t he Craft, and counsel and support him in every laudable undertaking and whenever commanded , they shall attend and aid him in conducting t he public ceremonies.
Section 7. Council of Administration
T he Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior Warden and Grand Jun ior Warden shall constitute a Council of Administration, in whom shall be vested the lega l title to, and right of possession of, all property and records of the Grand Lodge , with full power and authority to exercise this right of ownership and possession, and such other powers as may be granted by l aw, whenever in the judgment of any three of them the best interests of the Grand L odge require it. Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 2-1 06, 2 - 108, 2- 130 , 2-303, 2-304, 2305, 2-311, 3-602, 4-402.
Section 8. Grand Treasurer--The Grand Treasurer, in addition to the duties which devol ve upon ( him by usage, shall make an annual report to the Grand Lodge of the transactions of his office, and render an account of all moneys received and paid out, accompanied by vouchers fo r disbursements, and shall perform such other duties as may be provided by law.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 2-108, 2-109, 2-302, 2-303, 2-304.
Section 9. Grand Secretary-- The Grand Secretary, in addition to the duties which devolve upon him by usage, shall make an annual report to the Grand Lodge of the transactions of his office , rendering an account of all moneys received, accompanied by the Grand Treasurer's receipts therefor, and shall perform such other duties as may be provided by law.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 2-110, 2-111, 2-135.
Section 10. Subordinate Officers--The Subordinate Officers shall perform such duties as by usage appertain to their respective offices. They shall attend the Grand Master when commanded and be obedient on all occasions to lawful authority. Every officer sha ll perform such other and additional duties as may be required by law or reg ulation; but no service shall ever be required from anyone, which can in any manner conflict with the duties he owes his GOD, his country, his neighbor or himself.
(a) Grand Chap lain-In addition to such duties as may devolve upon him by general usage and direction of the Grand Master, the Grand Chaplain or his approved designee shall, at the Annual Communication, make appropriate reference and tribute to the memory of those of our own brethren who ha ve passed away during the preceding year.
Section 11. Vacancy and Succession--lf a vacancy shall occur in the office of Grand Master, o r { in case of his absence or inabil ity to perform his duties, the order of success ion to the office of Grand Master shall be: First, Deputy Grand Master; Second, Grand Senior Warden; Third, Grand Junior Wa rden; Fourth, The Junior Past Grand Master with in the Jurisdiction who is able to serve. If a vacancy shall occur in the office of Deputy Grand Master, the order of succession thereto shall be: First, Grand Senior Warden; Second , Grand Junior Warden. If a vacancy shall occur in the office of Grand Senior Warden, the Grand Junior Warden shall succeed thereto . If a vacancy shall occur in any other office, it sha ll be fil led by the Grand Master by appointment.
Section 12 . Powers of Temporary Officers--Every officer or brother who shall according to law succeed to any office, or act in th e Grand Lodge or elsewhere under its authority, for or in place of, any other officer or brother, or who shall perform any duty in the pl ace of another, shall, while so acting , have all the powers and be required to perform all duties of the office or place to wh ich he has succeeded
Section 13. Standing Committees--The Stand ing Committees of the G ra nd Lodge shall be:
(1) On Credentials;
(2) On Finance;
(3) On Jurispruden ce ;
(4) On Trial and Punishments;
(5) On Masonic Edu cation;
(6) On Public Schools;
(7) On L odges and Bui ldi ngs;
(8) On Ritualistic Wo rk, consisting of at least five members each;
(9) On Reports of Grand Lodg e Officers; Rev. 20 1
(10) On Foreign Relations and Correspondence;
(11) On Publications; consisting of at least one member each;
(12) On Membership, consisting of not less than seven members.
The Grand Master shall appoint the membe rs of the above committees as soon aspractical after his ins ta llation , and they shall serve during his term of office, subject to such changes as he may deem expedient. (Amended 1949, 1952, 1959, 1969 , 1990 , 1991, 2011.) Cross-R eference: Bylaws , Secs. 2-113 to 2-124G. ·
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The Grand Master shall appoint the members of the above committees as soon as practical after his installation, and they shall serve during his term of office, subject to such changes as he may deem expedient. (Amended 1949 , 1952 , 1959, 1969, 1990, 1991 )
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 2-113 to 2-1248 .
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Ch. 2 , Art. II Grand Lodge--Communications
Section 1. Communications--The Annual Communications of this Grand Lodge shall be held at such time and place as may be designated by law or resolution. Special Communications for business may be called by the Grand Master or by twenty-five or more Master of Lodges. Special Communications for Ceremony may be called by the Grand Master.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 2-201 to 2-206.
Section 2. Opening--Quorum--To authorize the opening of the Grand Lodge at any Annual Communication or Special Communication for Business, there must be no less than twenty-five Lodges represented by their Masters in person, and if at any time afte r the Grand Lodge has been opened, a less number than twenty-five Lodges are found to be represented, the Grand Master shall suspend business until a quorum shall be present, and may in his discretion enforce the attendance of twenty-five Masters by summons, or declare the Grand Lodge at refreshment , or closed. (Amended 1982)
Section 3. Opening-- Roll Call--At the time and place designated for the meeting of the Grand Lodge, the Grand Master shall assemble the members and direct the Grand Secretary to call the roll of Lodges , and if it shall appear that a quorum is present the Grand Lodge shall be opened; but if a quorum shall not be found present, the Grand Marshal shall make proclamation of adjournment to some hour certain , when in like manner the roll of Lodges shall be called , and so from time to tim e until a quorum shall be present.
Section 4 Opening Ceremony--The ceremony prescribed for opening the Grand Lodge shall be strictly observed , and when it is conducted by the Grand Master or by any Past Officer en t itled to be addressed as Most Worshipful, it shall be declared "opened in ample fo rm. " When it is conducted by any Officer or Past Officer entitled to be addressed as Right Worshipful , it shall be declared "opened in due form " Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. XI, Sec 2
Section 5 Voting--Every member of the Grand Lodge at any ele cti on by ballot , or upon any question under consideration, shall have one vote; Provided , In ca se of a t ie , the Grand Mast er shall have one additional or casting vote. All voting in the Grand Lodge , exce pt as otherwise provided by law , shall be by a show of hands , or by a secure aut omated voti ng system ; if a division is called for by three or more members the vote shall be taken by ris ing , when the count shall be made by the Grand Stewards.
Cross -Ref er e n ce: By-Laws , Sec. 2- 101 (Amended 2021)
Lodges Under Dispensation
Cross-Reference: By- Laws , Ch 3, Art I
Se c tion 1 Authority--Th e G rand Master may grant Lette rs of D ispensati o n to se ve n or more
Master Masons, authorizing them t o assemble from time to time at such place as may be ( designated, and open and hold a Lodge and the rein confer the Degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry upon such candidates as they may accept subject to the regula tions governing in such cases, and discharge all their duties according to the prescribed form. The authority so g ranted shall continue in force until it shall expire by express limitation, u nless sooner surrendered by the petitioners, or rev oked by the Grand Master. Cross-Reference: By- Laws , Secs. 3-101 , 3-102, 3111.
Section 2. Petition --The Letters of Dispensation mentioned in the preceding section shall be granted only on the petition of the Brothers who are to be authorized to open and hold the proposed Lodge and to work therein. In such petition there sha ll be nominated one Brother for Master, one Brother for Senior Warden and one Brother for Junior Warden. Eve ry petitioner shall produce satisfactory evidence of membership in, or di mission from a regular Lodge , or show th at such Lodge has ceased to exist. Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 3-102, 3-112.
Section 3. Consent-- Before acting upon the petition mentioned in the next preceding section, the Grand Master shall inquire of each Lodge in the County of the proposed New Lodge, whether such Lo dge desires to offer objection to the granting of such Letters of Dispensation . Each Lodge shall take action upon such inquiry at its next Stated Communication after re ceipt thereof, and promptly report its decision to t he Grand Master for his consideration. (Amended 1982)
Section 4. Powers and Duties--The Grand Master shall attend or appoint a representative to attend and call together th e Lodge to which Letters of Dispensation have been granted, and if the officers are found proficient in their work shall deliver to the Master of the Lodge Under Dispensation the Dispensation from the Grand Master. Thereupon the Master shall appoint th e officers subordinate to the Junior Warden, and may fill any vacancy in their station. The powers o f a Lodge under Dispensation are limited to the transaction of such necessary business and t he payment of such necessary bills as required for th e purpose of its temporary organization, making a record of its proceedings , accepting candidates for the Mysteries of Masonry, and conferring the degre es on such candida tes Within ten days after th e expiration of his authority t o work , the Master sha ll report t o the Grand Secretary a transcript of the proceedings of the Lodge under Dispensation and a return of its work.
Section 5. Jurisdiction-- Each Lodg e Under Dispensation holds jurisdiction over candidates for the Mysteries of Masonry u nder the same rules and to the same extent as a chartered Lodge during the continuance of such Lett ers of Dispensation
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec. 3- 104, 3- 105, 3-107, 3-109, 3-110.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, C h. 3, Art. I I
Section 1. Warrant of Constitution--The Grand Lodge may at any Annual Commun ica tion grant a Warrant of Constitution to seven or more Maste r Masons who shall petition therefor, or who shall have been actin g under Lett ers of D i spensat ion, to o rg anize a new Lodge at any place with in this Grand Jurisdiction, o r in any territory or district or country over wh ic h no ot her Grand Lodge has , or exe rcises the right of exclusive jurisd ict ion . The authority so granted shall not be in force unt il the new Lodge shall be regularly constituted, and t he Master and Wardens appointed in the Warrant are installed by the Grand Master, or by some other competent office r.
Cross-Reference: By- Laws, Sec. 3-20 1 Rev. 2006
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Sec. 3-201.
Section 2. Jurisdiction--Each lodge situated within the Grand Jurisd iction shall have concurrent jurisdiction over all candidates residing within this jurisdiction. This shall not preclude the Grand Master from issuing a waiver. (Amended 1974 and 1978)
Section 3. Officers--Selection and Installation-- The officers of a Lodge shall be: (1) Master; (2) Senior Warden; (3) Junior Warden; (4) Treasurer; (5) Secretary; (6) Chaplain ; (7) Senior Deacon; (8) Junior Deacon; (9) Senior Steward; (10) Junior Steward ; (11) Tyler. The first five officers in the order named shall be chosen annually by ballot, at the Annual Communication , and installed on or before St. John's Day in December, and shall hold their offices until their successors are installed; Provided, No one shall be eligible to the office of Master until he has been installed and served a Warden in the Grand Jurisdiction , except by Dispensation of the Grand Master. All other officers shall be appointed by the Master immediately after his installation , and shall hold their offices during his pleasure. (Amended 1961 effective March 14 , 1962 , 2022)
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Ch. 3 , Art. Ill.
Section 4. Title of Officers-- The Master and Past Masters of Lodges shall be addressed a Worshipful. All other officers of Lodges shall be addressed as Brother, the address common to all Masons
Section 5 Quorum--A Lodge of Entered Apprentices consists of seven of more , and may be composed of one Master Mason and six Entered Apprentices. A Lodge of Fellow Crafts consists of five or more, and may be composed of two Master Masons and three Fellow Crafts. A Lodge of Master Masons consists of three or more, and may be composed of three Master Masons ; and any Lodge so constituted may be opened for the conferral of Degrees , but in no case shall any business be transacted in any Lodge on any Degree , unless there shall be present at least seven Master Masons, who are members of such Lodge and entitled to vote therein.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 3-402 , 3-405 .
Section 5A. Quorum - When a Lodge has less than fifty (50 ) Master Masons on its roll as reported on the previous years Annual Report to the Grand Lodge, it shall be allowed to transact the business of the Lodge, when there shall be at least five (5) Master Masons present who are members of that Lodge and entitled to vote. (Adopted 1996) (Amended 2015)
Section 6. By-Laws--Any Lodge may enact such By-Laws as may be necessary for the proper transaction of its business, and may amend and repeal the same, whenever the proposit ion therefor shall be agreed to by two -thirds of all the members present and voting , at some Stated Communication subsequent to the time of its submission; Provided , That none of such Bylaws shall conflict with any provision of the Constitution and By-Laws of this Grand Lodge.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs . 3-311 , 3-610, 3-611, 4-305.
Section 7. Removal of Lodge--Any Lodge may remove from the place of its location to any other place with the approval of the Grand Master, when it shall appear: First, That such removal will better accommodate the members of th e Lodge ; Second , That two -thirds of the resident members present and voting desire such removal ; Third , That the Lodges within the County to which the Lodge proposes to move have consented th e reto. The proposition for removal may be submitted at any Stated Communication wi thin ten days thereafter ; all resident members shall be notified of the proposition and if, at the next Stated Communication after th e expiration of said ten days two-thirds of all the me mbers present and voting shall agree thereto , the proceed ings shall be certified to the Grand Master, who may issue his edict for the removal ; Provided , That when a Lodge is located in an inco rporated town or city it may , by majority vote of th e members
present and voting, remove to any other place within the corporate limits without obtaining the consent of any other Lodge; but the foregoing requirements as to notice to resident members and approval of the Grand Master shall be observed. (Amended 1982)
Section 8 . Consolidation of Lodges--When two Lodges desire to consolidate , a proposition therefore may be submitted to the Lodges at any Stated Communication. All the members shall , within ten days thereafter, be notified of the proposition and , if at the next Stated Communication of each Lodge after the expiration of said ten days two-thirds of the members present agree thereto, the two Lodges shall be consolidated under the Warrant, name and number of the Lodge as may be agreed upon between the said Lodges, subject to the approval of the Grand Master. The officers of the Lodge which retains its Warrant shall be officers of the consolidated Lodge. The proceedings of each Lodge shall be certified to the Grand Master, who may issue his edict for the consolidation and order the Master of the Lodge surrendering its Warrant to transmit the same to the Grand Secretary , together with the seal of h is Lodge. (Amended 1964, 1982 , 2002)
Cross-Reference : By-Laws , Secs. 3-618 , 4-109 , 4-124.
Section 9 . Annual Report and Dues- -Every Lodge shall make an annual report in such form as the Grand Secretary may prescribe , show : First, The full names of the officers of the Lodge; Second , All the changes in membership during the year; Third , The work done since the last report , and date and place of birth of each Brother receiving the First Degree, or admitted, or restored, and giving such other information as the Grand Secretary may require. The report supplied by the Grand Secretary shall be immediately examined , corrected if need be , and returned to the Grand Secretary on or before the thirty first (31) day of January of each year. No Lodge shall be represented by its Master or Wardens in the Grand Lodge at any Annual Communication until each such report is received , nor until its annual dues are paid as provided by law. (Amended 1992) (Amended 2015)
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Secs. 2-301 , 3-306 , 3-309.
Section 10. Arrest of Warrant--When the Warrant of Constitution of any Lodge has been arrested, all of the property, funds and records of such Lodge shall , whi le the order of arrest remains in force , be held in the custody of a Master Mason to be designated by the Grand Master as his representative for that purpose, and such representative shall have such powers and perform such duties pertaining to said property , funds and records as may be provided by law , under the direction of the Grand Master. Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Secs. 3-209 , 5-308.
Section 11. Surrender of Warrant--Any Lodge may surrender its Warrant of Constitution whenever a less number than seven resident members are desirous of continuing the organization. The proposition for such surrender may be submitted at any Stated Communication. All the resident members shall , within ten days thereafter, be notified of the proposition , and if at the next Stated Communication after the expiration of said ten days , two-thirds of all the members present agree thereto , and less than seven resident members oppose the same , The Warrant shall be surrendered. The proceedings shall be certified to the Grand Master, w ho shall issue his edict of dissolution , and order the Master to transmit to the Grand Secretary the Warrant, seal , jewels , furniture , record s, funds, and property of the Lodge .
Section 12 . Forfeiture of Warrant-- Every Lodge which shall act w ith contumacy to the authority of the Grand Master, or of the Grand Lodge , or be willfully disobedient to the Constitution or Laws of the Grand Lodge , or depart from the original plan of Masonry , or neglect
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to meet in Stated Communication for one year, or to make annual returns and pay its obligation to the Grand Lodge for two years, or shall neglect to procure the Work through authorized instructors and practice the same , shall be guilty of an offense against the Body of Masonry, and on due trial and being found guilty, shall forfe it it Warrant of Constitution; and it is expressly provided that every Lodge so found guilty shall forfeit and transfer its funds and property of every kind and character whatsoever to the Grand Lodge
Section 13. Revocation of Warrant--The Warrant of Constitution of any Lodge may be revoked for such causes and by such proceedings as may be prescribed by law The Declaration of Forfeiture shall vest all of the property of such Lodge in the Grand Lodge , and shall be conclusive upon the Lodge and all of its members. As soon as the forfeiture is declared, the Grand Secretary shall certify that fact to the Grand Master, who shall issue an Edict of Revocation, and may himself, or by any Master Mason authorized by him to do so, take possession of the Warrant, seal, jewels, furniture, records, funds and property of such Lodge and deliver the same to the Grand Secretary; and it shall be the duty of the officers of such Lodge to aid the Grand Master or his representative in the proper execution of such order.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 5-307 to 5-310.
Section 14. Proceedings After Surrender or Revocation--When a Lodge has surrendered its Warrant of Constitution, or when such Warrant has been revoked , the Master and Secretary shall make a report to the Grand Secretary for the period commencing with the date of the last annual report, and ending with the date of such surrender or revocation. This report shall contain all information required of an annual report, and shall include the names and last known addresses of all members , and of all those suspended in the preceding five years, an inventory of the property which belonged to the Lodge at the time of such surrender or revocation, and a statement of balances due from the members on account of annual dues or otherwi se. The Lodge Master and Secretary, under the supervision of the Grand Secretary shall collect all such balances. All members, having no indebtedness to the lodge (certified by the lodge Master and Secretary), at the time of Revocation or Surrender of the lodge charter shall automatically be transferred by the Grand Secretary to the closest geographical Kansas Lodge, after that lodge, upon due notification from the Grand Secretaries Office, ballots in the affirmative to accept all the members of the affected lodge. When such transfer is executed by the Grand Secretary, the current amount of per-capita tax will be transferred to the receiving lodge for each member transferred, to cover the members per-capita ta x for the current year in the new lodge , if lodge funds exist to cover such expense. Thereafter , it will be the responsib ility of the lodge secreta ry of the receiving lodge to bill each new member for, and collect such dues and /o r assessments as may be required by the receiving lodge, just as any other regu lar member of said l odge. Those members holding Prepaid Perpetual Life Memberships will be transferred as prescribed above, to and including, their PPLM deposits to the receiving lodge.
In the case the closest geographically located lodg e does not vote in the affirmative to accept the members of the affected lodge, the Grand Secretary will issue a Grand Secretary Cert ifi cate of Dimission to each qualifying member of the affected lodge , so they may petition any lodge they desire.
Nothing in the prev ious statement would preclude a member of a lodge in jeopardy of los ing its charter, to transfer , dimit or withdraw his membership in said lodge, prior to the Revocation / Surrender event, or afterwards, from th e receiving lodg e he would by default become a member of. With the exception of the pa rameters contained in Constitution, ARTICLE X, Petitioners. Cross-Reference : Constitution, ARTICLE X, Pet itioners, Section 4. Membership and Dimission Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec. 4-409. (Amended 2017) Rev 2017
Section 15. "Kansas Lodge of Research"--The Kansas Lodge of Research is hereby established with the authority to conduct research, hold d isc ussions, gather and p reserve ( Masonic information , assist in the maintenance of the Grand Lodge library , supply papers or speakers at the request of Lodges when convenient, and conduct a program of general service to the Craft in the field of Masonic Educ ation and Information subject to the provision of the law."
"It shall establ is h its fees and dues; it shall hold its communications when and where it determines; it reports annuall y to the Grand Lodge ; it has no other duties or powers of Chartered Lodges."
" Any Master Mason who remains a member in good standing of a Kansas Lodge is eligible for active membership in the Kansas Lodge of Research. Oth er classes of membership may be established for other persons, institutions, or organizations as prescribed by its By-Laws ."
Sectio n 1. Residence of Petitioner for Mysteries--A Lodge shall not receive a peti tion fo r the Mysteries of Masonry from any candidate, unless he is at th e tim e and has been for six months next preceding an actual resident of the State of Kansas; Provided, The petition of a soj ourner in the Na val or Military service and who is stationed i n the S tate of Kansas may be received without regard to the period of residence. (Amended 1970 and 1982)
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Secs. 4-103, 4-204.
Section 2. Qualifications of Petitioners for Mysteries--Candidate for the Mysteries of Masonry must be a man , a believer i n God , freeborn , of good morals and repute, of sound mind, not less than eighteen years of age , able both mentally and physically to support h imself and fam i ly, and without physica l defect by reason of which he is unable to receive and impart the ceremonies of the several Degrees; Provided , That not hing herein contained shall be so construed as t o disqualify any person, otherwise eligible, who can by the aid of artificial appliances conform to the necessary ceremonies; and Provided, Further, Tha t no physical disabil ity occurring after a candidate has been made a Mason shall disqualify him from Advancement. (Amended 1982) Cross-Reference: By-Laws , 4-103, 4-204.
Section 3. Removal of a Candidate-- If after a Lodge has accepted a candidate, and befo re it shall have conferred upon him any or all of the Degrees, he shall become a sojourner, any Lodge may receive such candidate's petition for advancement to all , or to su ch Degree or Degrees as he may not have previously received; Provided, Such petition shall be accompanied by a request or waiver from the former Lodge fo r the completion of the Work ; and Provided , Further, That the Lodge completi ng the Work shall do the same according to the laws and regulations of th is Grand Jurisd iction , and if upon request , i t shall be done as an act of courtesy .
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, 4-104 , 4-111, 4-112, 4- 113 , 4-114, 4 - 115 , 4-1 16 , 4-117.
Section 4. Membership and Dimission--A Lodg e may re ceive the petition of an applicant for membership from any Master M ason in good standing , who shall produce satisfactory evidence that he has been r egularly dimited from the Lodge with which he was last affi liated, or when such petition is accompanied by a Certificate of Good Standing, a Grand Secretary's Certifi cate, a Certifica te o f Transfer from the Lodge with wh i ch he was la st affil iated, or any other documentary in strument or authoriza tion which is legal f or transfer of membership in the Grand Jurisdiction from which he is transferring , w ithout regard to his place or period of resid e nce,
whether it is within or without the limits for this Grand Jurisdiction. No dimit shall be required for the final acceptance of a transferring member from a Grand Jurisdiction , which does not issue dimits in connection with transferal of membership. Any member of a Lodge, not at the time holding any elective office therein, against whom no charges are pending , and who is not under any pecuniary liab ility to his Lodge, shall be granted a Dimit or a Certificate of Transfer upon making application therefor at a Stated Communication. (Amended 1955 and 1960)
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs 4-401, 4-404, 4-405 , 4-406, 4-407, 4-401 A, 4-401 B, 4-401 C.
Section 5. Proceedings Upon Petition--The petition of a candidate for the Mysteries of Masonry, or of an applicant for Membership may be received at a Special Communication of the Lodge ; and a period of not less than two weeks must elapse from the date the petition is received and referred to the Committee of Investigat ion, and the time of the ir report and fina l action thereon by ballot. Provided, that in no case shall final action by ballot be taken at any meeting other than a Stated Communication. When a candidate for the Mysteries of Masonry has been accepted, he may immediately, or at any time thereafter, be in iti ated as an Entered Apprentice. (Amended 1968, 1996)
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 5 (d); Bylaws, Secs 4-119, 4-119A, 4-202.
Section 6. Ballot--Renewal of Petition--Proficiency--A unanimous ballot shall be required for the acceptance of a candidate for the Mysteries of Masonry, or of a sojourner for Advancement , or of an applicant for Membership; Provided, If but one negative ballot appears the Master shall order a second ballot, when if one or more negative ballot appears the petition shall be rejected. The petition of such rejec ted candidate shall not be renewed w ithin six months; but the petition of such rejected sojourner, or such rejected applicant, may be renewed at any time. Before any candidate is advanced to the Second or Third Degree, he must exhibit su itable proficiency in the preceding Degree, and on demand of any member of the Lodge the ballot must be taken in the same manner as on the petition Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 4-128, 4-129, 4-130 , 4-206
Section 1. Degree of Masonry--The Degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry are no less and no more that three in number, to-wit: (1) The First Degree, or Degree of Entered Apprentice; (2) The Second Degree , or Degree of Fellow Craft; (3) Third Degree or Degree of Master Mason. No Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction shall ever assume to confer any other degree, and these only in the order here given
Cross-Reference: Constitution , Art I , Landm ark II.
Section 2. Degrees for Business--The Grand Lodge shall be opened on the Third Degree for the transaction of all business, except as may be expressly provided by law, or shall be contrary to Masonic usage; P rovided, When conducting public ceremonies, except funeral , it shall be open on the First Degree. A Lodge shall be opened on the Th ird Degree for the transactio n of all business, except as may be expressly provid ed by law , or shall be contrary to Masonic usage. Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 3-403, 3-4 07, 3-409, 3-412.
Section 3. Webb Work--Th e Work of the Three Degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry , including the Lectures appertaining thereto, is the Webb Work, as exemplified by the Board of Custod ians before the Grand Lodge at its session in the City of Leavenworth in the month of October, in the year one thousand eight hundred sixty-seven ; and such Work shall be done in conform ity with the authorized Floor Plans on file in the archives of the Grand Lodge Every Lodge shall procure this Work through authorized instructors, and shall practice the sa me in all th e ceremonies of conferring the several Degrees. Cross-Reference: By- Laws , Secs. 3-601, 4-205.
Section 4. Offense Against the Body of Masonry--Every Mason who shall wil lfully vio late the Moral La w o r an y of the Ancient Landmarks or Charges of Freema son r y, or the Constitution or Laws of the Grand Lodge , or the By-Laws of the Lodge to which he belongs , or the Laws of th e Country in which he resides, or disregard h is obl igations or t he established usage ' s of the Fratern ity, or do any act which shall tend to impair the purity of the Institution of Freemasonry, shall be guilty of an offense against the Body of Masonry, and on due trial, and being found guilty shall be punished in such manner and to such extent as may be provided by law; Provided, No penalty shall be prescribed other than reprimand , or suspension or expuls i on from all the rights and privileges of Masonry. Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Ch 1, Sec 5-104.
Section 5. Jurisdiction for Discipline--The Grand Lodge shall have origina l juri sdiction for discipline, trial and pun ishment in all cases where any of its Elective Officers , or the Master of a Lodge, is charged with an offense against the Body of Masonry , or where any of its Past Elective Officers is charged with an offense against the Body of Masonry by reason of any official act of such Offi cer while hol ding office , or where any Lodge may be subject to discipline, or in any controversy between two or more Lodge, and shall have appellate jurisdicti on in all other cases Subject to the fore-going limitat ions, concurrent original ju ri sdiction for the discipline , trial and punishment of Masons charged with any offense against the Body of Masonry, is vested in : First, Th e Lodge of which the accused is a member; Second ; Th e Lodge within whose territory the offense is alleged to have been committed; and Third, The Lodge on whose behalf the accused is first summoned to answer charges shall be held to have acquired exclusive jurisdiction; and Provided , Further, That the Committee on Trials and Punishments shall ha ve jud icial supervision over and conduct all trials i n cases where a Lodge has original jurisdiction , and in cases under the original jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge t hat sha l l be assigned to it , as ma y be prov ided by law.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Ch 5 (
Section 6 Rules of Procedure and Ceremonies--The Grand Lodg e shall prescribe Rules of Proced u re in matters of discipline , controvers ies between Lodges, and Mason i c trials and punishments , which shall be applicable, as nearly as may be, to causes before a Lodge and to causes before the Grand Lodge; and shall also prescribe general forms for the proceedings. These rules and forms may be amended or repea led , and additional rules and forms prescribed at any Annual Communication , if the proposition therefor shall be s ustained by two-t hi rds of the members present and voting. The Grand Lodge shall also prescribe the ru les and forms of conducting the private and publ i c ce remonies of the Order, and these may be cha nge d at any Annual Communication, if the proposition shall be sustained by a maj ority of all the members present and vo t ing.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Ch. 5.
Section 7. Amendments to Constitution This Constitution or any Article or Sect ion or any By- Law or any sub- heading, may be amended , repealed or added thereto in the following manner: Every such proposition shall be submitted to the Grand Secretary's o ffi ce by November
1. The proposition shall th en be forwarded to the Committee on Jurisprudence f or review as to its proper form If then approved, the proposition will be mailed to all lodges by Decemb er 15 and w ill be printed in the Advanced Report for presentation at the Annual Communication. If approved by two-thirds majority at said Annual Communication, it will become law with t he printing of the Annual Proceedings or 120 days after the Annual Communicati on whichever event comes first , at which time the Grand Secretary will have notified each constituen t lodge , all Area Deputy Grand Masters, District Deputy Grand Masters, Grand Officers, a ll Past Grand Masters , and all Grand Lodg e Committ ee Chairmen of all newly enacted legislat ion concerning this Const itution and By-Laws. (Amended 1 992, 1 999) Cross- Reference: By- Laws , Sec 2-50 7, 3-617.
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1-101. Duties to God--The duties of Masons toward God are to revere His name , to exalt His Honor as the Grand Architect of the Universe, and ever to allude to Him w ith that profound respect which is due from the creature to the Creator.
1-102 . Duties to Country--The duties of Masons to their country are to submit to t he decisions of the law, to yield obedience to lawful authority, and to encourage and support it s institutions for the moral and intellectual culture of its people
1-103. Duties to Neighbors--The duties of Masons to their neighbors are to deal honorably with all men, to suffer none to be injured in character or property , and to be charitable in the times of thei r destitution, and humane in the times of their extremity
1-104. Duties to Self--The duties of Masons to themselves are to avoid all irregu l arities, which tend to impair their faculties or debase their manhood, to labor diligently and to live creditably
· 1.-105 . Duties to Brothers-~The duties of Masons to their Brothers are to avoid all piques and quarrels, to defend them so far as honor and truth will warrant, to give them good counsel , to sustain them when falling , to keep their secrets , to invoke their protection and to aid them.
1-106 Duties to Strangers--The duties of Masons to strangers are to be courteous in behavior, discreet in speech , and to divert any discourse with them on the subject of Maso nry, or manage it for the honor of the Fraternity.
1-107. Duties to Grand Lodge-- The duties of Masons to the Grand Lodge are to obey its Constitution , By-Laws and all its Regulations , in spirit as well as in letter, to up hold all its lawful interests, and to extend the honor of its name throughout the Masonic world
1- 108 Duties to Body of Masonry-The duties of Masons to the Body of Masons are to maintain the customs of Masonry unimpaired , and so transmit them to their successors, and to see that none of the Ancient Landmarks and usage's of Masonry is infringed , set as ide or removed.
1-109. Duties of Members to their Lodge- The members shall perform such duties as the Lodge or the Master may require of them, ever being reverential toward God , obedient to the laws of t heir country, and humane , charitable and just to their ne ighbors and all others. They shall observe the Moral Law , and support and enforce the Regulations of Freemasonry, defend i ng , maintaining and extend i ng the honor of its name. Cross-Refe r ence : By-Laws , Sec 4-118
1-110 . Duties of Members of Organizations Predicated upon Masonic Affiliation-- Every Mas on who is a member of any organization which predicates it s membership upon Maso ni c affiliation, is bound by the s ame standards of conduct while present at an y meeting or fun ction held or sponsored by such organization , as he w ould be if such meeting or function were held or sponsored by his Lodge . Cro ss-R eference: Constitution, Art . VI , Sec. 5 Subd . (k).
1-111. Manufacture or Sale of Intoxicating Liquor-- The unlawful manufacture or sale of
intoxicating liquor by any Mason shall be deemed an offense against the Body of Masonry. (Adopted 1949, Amended 1973.) Interpretation: 1950 Proceedings , pp 256,330.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec. 3-619.
Grand Lodge Officers and Committees
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI.
2-101. Election of Officers--The election of officers shall not take place before the afternoon session of the first day of the Annual Commun ication. It shall be held under the supe rvision of the Grand Master, who shall select such tellers as may be necessary properly to receive , count and report the vote. The Grand Master may exclude visitors during the election and no other business shall be in order while the election is pending except during such time as the tellers are engaged in counting the votes.
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI, Secs. 13
2-102. Installation-The officers elected and appointed , if present, shall be installed by the Grand Master or by such Past Grand Master as he may appoint. Those who are absent may be installed, by authority of the Grand Master, in any Lodge
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 3, Subd. (z).
2-103. Vacancies--A vacancy in any office in the Grand Lodge shall be created by death, suspension, expuls ion, or upon a majority determination of the Council of Administration of insanity, disability or inability of the officer to perform his duties. (Amended 1992) Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI , Sec. 11 .
2-104. Decisions of Grand Masters During Tenn of Office--Every opinion and ruling of the Grand Master given as an interpretation of Masonic law shall have the force of law during his term of office unless revoked by him . Upon the approval, disapproval or modification of such opinion or ruling by the Grand Lodge, such action by the Grand Lodge shall thenceforth have the force of law, and shall be published in the Annual Proceedings Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 5, Subd. (i)
2-105. Address of Grand Master--The Grand Master shall include in his annual address a digest of his opinions given upon the construction and application of Masonic law , and a review of the condition of Masonry , with such recommendations as he may deem for the best interests of the Craft .
2-106. Duties of Council of Administration-The Council of Administration shall have supervision over and give special attention to the Grand Lodge Library and Museum, ha ve in mind the almost priceless collection of books, magazines, periodicals and other material composing our Library, and the jewels, relics ,' old documents and other property composing our Museum, some of which have been placed in cha rge of the Grand Lodge for safe-keeping. It shall also employ such help as may be necessary in the circulation of the reading matter. It shall also exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be provided by law. Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art VI, Sec. 7; By-Laws, Secs. 2-108, 2-130, 2- 303, 2-304, 2-305, 2-311 , 3-602, 4-402.
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2-107. Report of Council of Administration--The Council of Administration shall make an annual report of its official acts, particularly specifying transactions relating toJunds.and property of the Grand Lodge, and of all such matters as may come within the scope of its duties, or may be referred to it for advice or action.
2-108. Duties of Grand Treasurer--The Grand Treasurer shall have charge of all funds of the Grand Lodge, rendering a fonnal receipt to the Grand Secretary for all moneys received, accounting for the same annually and at such times as the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge may order. All funds of the Grand Lodge shall be deposited and kept by him in the name of the Grand Lodge, in a depository or depositories designated by the Council of Administration, and shall be paid out only on the standard form of warrant authorized by the Grand Lodge , and after it shall have been signed by the Grand Secretary and countersigned by the Grand Master. He shall also perform such other duties as may be provided by law. Cross-Reference: Constitution , Art. VI, Sec. 8; By-Laws, Secs. 2-302, 2-303, 2-304. .
2-109. Report of Grand Treasurer--The Grand Treasurer shall include in his annual report a statement showing receipts and expenditures during the year on account of the general and charity funds, and a statement showing the investment of the surplus, giving the character of the securities, the rate of interest, and time of maturity. His report, books , vouchers and securities shall be referred ' to the Committee on Finance for examination and report thereon. Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI , Sec . 8.
2-110. Duties of Grand Secretary--The Grand Secretary shall:
(a)Act as custodian of the Grand Lodge library and Museum ;
(b)Collect all moneys due to the Grand Lodge, rendering a formal receipt therefor when requested, and with proper endorsement immediately transmi t all evidences of payment to the Grand Treasurer, who shall receipt for the same;
(c)Render an account of all financial transactions of his office , annually and at such other times as the Grand Master may order;
(d)Record the proceed i ngs of the Grand Lodge ;
(e )Conduct the correspondence of the Grand Lodge;
(f)lssue the orders of the Grand Lodge;
(g)Have the custody of the books, papers , records and seal of the Grand Lodge ;
(h)Prepare checks covering the mileage and expenses of those entitled to the same, and mi leage to the representative of Lodges ; and any others as provided by law, at each Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge , and submit them to the Committee on Finance , together with a payroll setting forth the amounts of mileage and allowances ;
(i)Transmit to his successor all the records , books , and papers belonging to his office;
U)Employ such help as may be necessary and expedient i n properly conducting the affairs of his office, and the maintenance of the Grand Lodge Bui lding;
(k)Publish the Annual proceedings of the Grand Lodge as soon as practicable after the close of t he Annual Communication, including therein all reports and resolutions and action of the Grand Lodge thereon, the transactions of any Special Communication he ld during the year, the Report on Correspondence, all orations ; addresses and lectures no t esoteric , delivered befo r e the Grand Lodge , and the customary statistical tables;
(!) Perform such other duties as may be provided by law.
2-111. Report of Grand Secretary--The Grand Secretary shall include i n his annual report a record ( of the receipts and disbursements of his office, a condensed tabulation .of the statistical reports of . the Lodges for the preceding year, and an estimate of the revenue for the ensuing year, giving the various sources f rom which it may be derived, and an estimate of the expenses for such year, giving in detail the purpose for which provision should be made.
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI. Sec. 9.
2-112. Official Bonds- - The Grand T reasurer and Grand Secretary shall execute bonds in such sums and with such securities, and upon such conditions, as the Council of Administration may prescribe.
2-113. Standing Committees--Reports--The Chairman of the Stand i ng Committees shall be a Presen t or Past Master, and the Committees shall make re ports at the Annual Communication upon all matters re fe rred to them, including questions submitted for their opinions by any officer or member of the Grand Lodge , and upon matters referred to them during the recess of the Grand Lodge by any elective Grand Officer, advisory as to his official duties. (Amended 1996.)CrossReference: Art. VI, Sec. 13.
2-114. Report at Variance with Law--lf a report of any Grand Lodge officer or committee contain any statement, opinion or recommendation at variance with any provision of the Constitution or Bylaws of the Grand Lodge, without any provis ion for the enactment of a change in the law, the mere adoption of the report will not change the law Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. Il l , Sec. 3; Art. XI, Sec. 7.
2-115. Standing Committees-Duty of the Grand Secretary-- The Grand Secretary shall send ( to the chairmen of Standing Committees, for their consideration, all matters upon which they may be required to report , for the purpose of affording them ample t ime for due consideration, and for the correction of errors, whenever practicable, before reporting
2-116. Committee on Credentials-The Committee on Credentials shall report the members present as follows: (1) Present Grand Officers, (2) Subordinate Grand Officers; (3) Pas t Elective Grand Officers, (4) Area Deputy Grand Masters (5) District Deputy Grand Masters; (6) Grand Representatives; (7) Past Masters; (8) Masters and Wardens or their proxies . The name of a member shall not be included more than once in the report except as a District Deputy Grand Master or as a Grand Representative (Amended 8/92)
Cross -Reference: Constitution, Art. V.
2-117. Committee on Reports of Grand Officers--The Committee on Reports of G rand Officers shall review the address of the Grand Master and the re ports of the o th er Grand Officers, making such comments as they may deem for the best interest of the Craft, and distribute all the various subjects embraced in such address and reports to the appropriate standing committees for their consideration.
2-118. Committee on Finance-The Committee on Fin ance shall each year, with the approval of the Grand Master, employ a firm of licensed public accountants, or an individual licensed public accountant, who shall audit the accounts of the Grand L odge, examine the books and vouchers of the Grand Treasurer and the financial records of the G rand Secretary, comparing them with the original reports of L odges and other sources from which funds are received, and shall report to the Chairman of the Committee upon such audit and as to whether the records of these Officers are kept in a business like and efficient manner, and posted up to date The Committee shall examine ( the investments of the Grand Lodge, seeing that all coupons are collected and that all interest is
reinvested, or transferred to the genera l funds as needed. The Committee shall audit the expense bills submitted by those entitled to expenses in. attending the Annuat Communication issuing checks to them , and they and none other shall deliver checks to the representatives of Lodges and others entitled to mileage, which checks shall be drawn on the Grand Treasurer, signed by the Grand Secretary and approved by the Grand Master, and the Committee shall recommend such appropriations for the General Fund as may be necessary to meet the current expenses for ensuing year, and for the purchase of books and necessary equipment for the library, and for binding books and pamphlets, as they may deem expedient. They shall consider carefully all proposed special appropriations , assessments or extraordinary expenditures, having in mind the financial condition of the Grand Lodge, our Masonic Home, and the welfare of the Craft in this jurisdiction, · making such recommendations as they may deem best. It shall be the further duty of the Committee, annually, or oftener if required by the Grand Master, to examine the records and files in the office of the Grand Secretary, ascertain if they are complete and posted up to date, and make a detailed report concerning the condition of each, either to the Grand Master or the Grand Lodge , as the case may be and recommend any necessary changes in the system of keeping the records , and giving special attention to:
(1) Historical registry of membership , seeing that all data has been entered from the last Annual Reports , and that all corrections have been made ;
(2) Data File Entry to Grand Lodge Proceedings ;
(3) Filing of the transcripts of Lodges;
(4) Filing to the transcripts of trials;
(5) Filing of Annual Reports;
(6) Filing of Charters;
(7) Filing of historica l data and pictures sent in by Lodges ;
(8) Indexing of negatives of photographed Charters;
(9) The Lodge Secretaries are examining the roll of members supplied by the Grand Secretary and reporting corrections as needed ;
(10) The answering of correspondence and fi l ing of same ;
(11) The filing of all books, periodicals, magazines , pamphlets, and publicati ons for th e Library, ascertaining that all articles and data intended for the Museum have been properly inscribed and placed either on file or in the display cases provided therefor; and
(12) Inspect and report on the condition of all other records , and whether the legislation of the Grand Lodge at the last Annual Communication has been complied with. The Committ ee shall carefully examine the Grand Lodge Building and the personal property contained therein, reporting as to the condition of both, and recommending any needed improvements, repairs and replacements (Amended 1955, 1992).
2-119. Committee on Jurisprudence--The Committee on Jurisprudence shall advise the Grand Officers, Grand Lodge and committees upon all questions of Masonic law, considering and reporting upon all propositions for the amendment of the Constitutio n and By-Laws, and upon all Decisions and proposed Standing of other Regulations. It shall also perform such duties in the matter of Masonic trials as may be provided by law. Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 2-104, 2-105, 2-114; Chapter 5.
2-120 . Committee on Trials and Punishments--The Committee on T rials and Punishm ents shall have general supervision over, and conduct all trials in cases where a Lodge has orig inal jurisdiction , and in cases under the original jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge that shall be assigned to it. All testimony may be taken by the entire Committee or by the Chairman or any me mber or commissioner desig nated by him. The Committee shall submit a report to the Grand Lodge at each Annual Commun ication , making such recommendations as may be deemed neces sary or expedient. Cross-Reference: Co nstitution, Art. VI, Sec. 13; By-Laws, Ch. 5.
2-121. Committee on Lodges and Buildings--The Committee on Lodges and Buildings shall carefully examine such Annual Report of Lodges as may be referred to it by the Grand Secretary, noting the errors, and make such recommendation s regarding such errors as may be necessary or expedient. It shall also examine and report upon any matters which may be referred to it by the Grand Master, Grand Secretary, or Grand Lodge It shall examine the reports and transcripts from all Lodges which have been working under Letters of Dispensation , noting particularly the nature and progress of the work, and shall report upon applications for Warrants of Constitution for new Lodges, and for the restoration of Warrants which have been arrested.
The committee shall also act in an advisory capacity to the Grand Master upon all matters pertain ing to the sale or purchase of property, the construction of buildings and major remodel ing of Masonic Buildings including the financing of such projects. It shall be the duty of th is committee to study all plans and projects which may be referred to them by the Grand Master and to report their findings and recommendations thereon to the Grand Master when called for and to report the activities of the committee to the Grand Lodge at each Annual Communication. (Amended 1993) Cross Reference: Constitution, Art VI II; Art. IX, Secs. 1,9 , 1O; By-Laws, Chapter 3, Art. 1; Secs. 3-201, 3-209.
2-122. Committee on Foreign Relations and Correspondence--The Committee on Foreign Relations and Correspondence shall examine carefully all correspondence with other Grand Jurisdictions with reference to fraternal recommendations. The committee shall revie w and report upon Proceedings of other Grand Lodges , gleaning therefrom such matters as may be of general interest to the Craft and noticing all matters relating to the usage's, privileges and work of such other Grand Lodges as may appear at variance with the common law of Masonry and also the membership and number of Lodges in each jurisd iction. (Amended 1993)
2-123. Deleted 1993 .
2-124. Committee on Necrology Deleted 2010
2-124A. Committee on Ritualistic Work--The Comm ittee on Ritualistic Work shall preserve uniformity of the ritualistic work; shall assist the Grand Master in seeing that the work is disseminated by a competent Lecturer or Lecturers or Assistant Lecturers ; shall reconcile any and all differences in the interpretation of the ritual that may exist among the Lectu rers or A.ssistant Lecturers ; shall assist in the selection and arrangement of those subjects in which instruction is to be given at District Meetings; and shall consider and act upon all other matters relating to ritualis tic work in the Grand Jurisd iction All actions and decisions of the Committee shall be subject to the right of the Grand Master to modify or disapprove the same. The Comm ittee sha ll submit a report to the Grand Lodge at each Annual Communication. (Adopted 1949 1950; Amended 1952, 1992.)
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 13; By-Laws, Secs. 2-126, 3-618.
2-124B. Committee on Masonic Education--The Committee on Masonic Edu cation shall formulate and develop an educational prog r am, and superintend the dissemination of Mason ic information among the Craft ; shall render assistan ce to the Grand Master, Lodge Officers , and the membership generally in the preparation and distribution of program materia l; and shall undertake such other means of assistance to the constituent Lodges as may tend to increase the interest of the members . It shall have no concern with the ritual or other matters which come w ith in the duties of the Committee on Ritualistic Work, and its work sha ll be carried on under the supervision and with Re v 2010
the approval of the Grand Master. It shall submit a report to the Grand Lodge at each Annual Communication with its recommendations. (Adopted t952). Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI , Sec. 13.
2-124C. Committee on Total Youth and Education-The Committee on Total Youth and Education shall guide and advise the Grand Lodge in supporting and strengthening the free public school system and may develop programs for that purpose, upon approval of the Council of Administration. It shall also be charged with the responsibility of encouraging and supporting the work of DeMolay, Order of Rainbow for Girls and Job's Daughters and to supervise and promote the Scholarship Program of Grand Lodge . (Adopted 1959). (Amended 1993). CrossReference: Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 13.
2-124D. Deleted 1993.
2-124E. Deleted 1993
2-124F. Committee on Publications-The Committee on Publications shall be charged with the editing, publication and distribution of the "Kansas Mason" and all other official publications of the Grand Lodge. It will also solicit, receive, and approve all advertising to be carried in the publications. Although the sale of advertising is allowed, the advertising of liquor, tobacco, or other products deemed detrimental to one's hea lth, or not in good taste socially, will be prohibited. The Editor of the "Kansas Mason" shall be the chairman of the committee and its work shall be carried out under the supervision and with the approval of the Grand Master. (Adopted 1988).
2-124G. Committee on Membership-The Committee on Membership :shall formulate and develop a membership program, and superin tend the dissemination ofmembership information among the Craft; shall render assistance to the Grand Master, Lodge Officers, and the membership generally in the preparation of membership material; and shall undertake such other means of assistance to ' ·the constituent Lodges as may tend to increase the interest in obtaining new members. It shall carry on its work under the supervision and approval of the Grand Master. It shall s ubmit a report to the Grand Lodge at each Annual Communication with its r e·commendations. (Adopted 1988).
2-125. Grand Representatives--The Grand Master may appoint a Grand Representative to reside near each Grand Lodge in correspondence with this Grand Lodge, who shall have the rank of Past Grand Junior Warden of th is Grand Lodge , and shall hold his office subject to the will a nd p leasure of the Grand Master, and report annually upon the condition of Masonry in the Grand Jurisd iction to which he is accredited. Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI, Sec.4.
2-126. Lecturers and Assistants--The Grand Master shall appoint such Lecturers and Assistant Lecturers as may be necessary to meet the req uirements of the Lodges; the district meetings, and brethren seeking Lette rs of Dispensation. They shall possess the rank of a Past Grand Junior Warden during their term of office. They shall perform such duties as the Grand Master may order, making report thereon when required by him. (Amended 1978).
2- 127. Lodge Instruction- The Grand Master shall send a competent Lecturer or Assistant Lecturer to any Lodge applying to him for instruction, to all district meetings, and to instru ct brethren seeking Letters of Dispensation. He shall send such Lecturer or Assistant Lecturer to any Lodge which he may determine requires instruction, and as directed by the Grand Master such Le cturer or Assistant Lect urer may hold a school of instruction for officers of the Lodges at such times and places as may be conven ient for the several Lod ges supporting such schools. Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. XI, Sec. 3; By-Laws, Sec . 2-132.
2-128 . Grand Orator--The Grand Master may appoint a Grand Orator, who shall be a Master ( Mason of reputation and of ability for the particular service required , and at the Communication for which he is appointed, he shall deliver an address appropriate to the occasion
2-129. Sub-Officers--The following sub-officers are authorized, who shall perform such duties as may be required by the officers appointing them, and shall serve during the pleasure of such appointing officer: Private Secretary and Assistant Grand Tyler, to be appointed by the Grand Master; Assistant Grand Secretary, and an official Stenographer for the Annual Commun icat ion, to be appointed by the Grand Secretary with the consent of the Grand Master.
2-130. Areas, Area Deputy Grand Masters, Masonic Districts and District Deputy Grand Masters-- This Grand Jurisdiction shall be divided into such Areas and Districts, the number and boundaries of which Areas and Districts shall be determined from time to time by the Council of Administration. The Deputy Grand Master shall, as soon as practicable after his installation, appoint an Area Deputy Grand Master for each such Area and one District Deputy Grand Master for each such District and each of whom shall be a Master or Past Master and resident of his Area or District unless otherwise approved by the Council of Administration, who shall then be an apprentice to the current District or Area Deputy Grand Master in such manner as may be determined from time to time by the Council of Administration The Deputy Grand Master, or his designee , shall be responsible for provid ing other training that shall be required (Amended 1982, 1990 and 1991, 1992, 2009, 2010).
2-130A. Appointment of District Deputy Grand Masters-- Repealed 2010
2-131. Title and Reception of Area Deputy Grand Masters and District Deputy Grand Masters--An Area Deputy Grand Master and a District Deputy Grand Master, during the time that each holds office , shall possess the rank of a Past Grand Junior Warden; and w hen he makes an official visit to any Lodge in their Area or District, he shall be rece ived in the same manner and with the same ceremony as is prescribed by the usage's and customs of the fraternity for the reception of elective Grand Officers other than the Grand Master. (Amended 1982) Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI , Sec. 4.
2-132. Duties of Area Deputy Grand Masters and District Deputy Grand Masters--District Meetings--(a) Duties of Area Deputy Grand Master. Each Area Deputy Grand Master shall arrange for and hold in his Area at least one general meeti ng each year at such time and place as may be designated by the Grand Master, to which meet i ng all of the Lodges of his Area shall be invited and the principal purpose of which meeting shall be for carrying out the program of the Grand Lodge He shall be responsible for assembling information and data from lodges and districts in his area in such a manner and form as shall be determ ined from time to t im e by the Grand Master or the Council of Administration, to include necessarily but not be limited to summary of find i ngs for report to the Grand Master, Council of Administration or the ir designees. He shall function as the coordinating officer for his area fo r such Grand Lodge programs and efforts as he may be directed by the Grand Master. (b) Duties of District Deputy Grand Masters. Each District Deputy Grand Master shall visit each lodge in his District at least once each year. He shall not be charged with ritualistic instruction, but shall be the persona l repre sentative of the Grand Master in his District and hold at least one gene ra l meeting each year at such time and place as may be designated by the Grand Master , at w hich meeting all of the Lodges of his District shall be invited , the principal purpose of which meet ing shall be for instruction in the work. He shall make reports of his doings to t he Area Deputy Gra nd Master of his Area, or upon request to the Grand Master or his designee, on blanks furnished for the purpose and add itional special reports when reques ted by the Gr and Master. (Amended 1982, 2010) (Rev. 8/91)
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Area/District Deputy Grand Master who has served the preceding year shall be the official representative. (Amended 1992 , 2000)
2-134 . Jewels, Official Ciphers and Other Property Held by District Deputy Grand Masters- The jewels , ciphers and Books of Instructions issued to the District Deputy Grand Masters shall be and remain the property of the Grand Lodge , and a receipt for such property shall be given to the Grand Secretary by each; and they shall deliver said property, together with the filing case , Laws, Proceedings , blank forms, stationery , sample standard minutes , and any other supplies necessary for performing the duties of District Deputy Grand Master , to their successors in office at the conclusion of their services as such District Deputy Grand Master, or to the Grand Secretary upon his request. (This also applies to Area Deputies .)
2-135 Printing and Distribution of Advance Reports--The Grand Secretary shall cause the annual address of the Grand Master, and the reports of the Grand Treasurer, Grand Secretary , the Kansas Masonic Home Board and such other Committee Reports, when available, to be printed several days before the Annual Communication and shall furnish copies to the chairmen of the Committees on Reports of the Grand Officers, Finance , Jurisprudence , Trials and Punishments and Committee on Lodges and Buildings, to give them time for preparation of the reports . The printed copies shall be distributed to the members in attendance at the Annual Communication. (Amended 1990 , 1992).
Communications of Grand Lodge
Cross-Reference: Constitution , Art. VI I.
2-201. Annual Communication--The Annual Communication shall be held at such hour on the third Friday of March in each year as the Grand Master may appoint, and at such place as may be designated at the preceding Annual Communication, or as the Grand Master may order ; and no member reported present at any Annual Communication shall absent himself from any session without leave from the Grand Master of Grand Lodge (Amended 1955 , 1969, 1982). CrossReference : Constitution , Art. VII , Sec. 1.
2-202. Special Communications for Business -- Special Communications for business may be called by either the Grand Master, or by twenty-five or more Masters of Lodges of this Grand Jurisdiction. In either case , notice of the time and place ahd the special purpose f or such special communication shall be given to all Lodges of the Grand Jurisdiction by mail placed in the United States Postal Service at least 21 days prior to such meetings Such Notice shall be mailed to the Master and Secretary of each Lodge. Only the business set out in the Notice convening the same may be transacted. (Amended 1982)
2-203. Special Communications for Ceremonies-Special Communications may be held at such times and places as the Grand Master may direct , for the purpose of performing Masonic ceremonies, and when so held , shall be opened in the name of the Grand Lodge. In the absence of the Grand Master, he may commission some Present or Past Master to act. Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art VI , Sec. 6.
2-204 Annual or Special Communications-- Call to Labor- The hour for commencing labor hav ing arrived , the members shall co ngregate in the Lodge room at the first stroke of the Grand Master's gavel , and at the second stroke they shall be seated and then ceforth remain in order and maintain silence.
2-205. Annual or Special Communications-- Clothing--The officers shall be clothed as Master Masons and shall bear the jewels which , by established custom, are appropriate to their stations. (Amended 1992
2-206. Annual or Special Communications --Call to and from Labor-- The calls from labor to refreshment and from refreshment to labor shall be at such hours as the Grand Master may direct.
2-207. Working Tools--The Grand Lodge shall be provided with the Working Tools and the Implements of Masonry required for the proper execution of Masonic work and of the ceremonies of the Order.
2-208. Obedience to Grand Master--The members shall be obedient to the Grand Master, and when desiring to speak they shall rise and first address the Grand Master by h is title; if he fails to recognize them , or first recognizes another, they shall patiently resume their seats.
2-209. Parliamentary Rules--General parliamentary rules shall be observed , but not strictly construed; nor shall they authorize the calling of the previous question; Provided, that they may be suspended by the Grand Master in their application to any question under discussion.
2-210. Discussions--The discussions shall be conducted with propriety , and without any interruption of one by another while speaking, except to rise and state a point of order. A point of order , when stated, shall be decided by the Grand Master without discussion , and his decis ion shall be final.
2-211 . Decision of Grand Master While Presiding-- While the Grand Master is presiding over the Grand Lodge , there can be no appeal to the Grand Lodge from any of his decisions or rulings .
2-212. Termination of Discussion--Grand Master may terminate any discussion, when in his opinion, its continuance will not tend to any beneficial result to Masonry; and when he rises all debate shall cease.
2-301. Grand Lodge Per Capita Tax and Special Assessment- Every Lodge Working under a Warrant of Constitution shall pay annually to the Grand Lodge a Per Capita Tax of $35.00, $2 00 of which will be used for the Kansas Mason Furthermore $1 00 per year shall go to The George Washington Masonic National Memorial. Provided , That any increase in the per capita tax shall become effective on th e Lodge roll of membership determined on December 31st , the following year. (Amended 1974 , 1978, 1982 , 1988 , 1991 , 1993 , 1996, 2003 , 2006 , 2014 , 2017 , 2023.)
The per-capita tax shall not be assessed against the members , but shall be included in the amount for annual dues , and be paid out of the General Fund to the Lodge Any Lodge which neglects or refuses to pay all its annual per-capita tax or any special assessments on or before the 31 s t day of January in each year, or which shall fail o r neglect to transm it to the Grand Secretary its Annual Report on or before the 31 s t day of January of each year shall not be en t itled to representation in
the Grand Lodge at the Annual Communication following such failure The postmark on the envelope shall be accepted as evidence of the date of transmittal ; and in all such cases of failure , the Grand Secretary shall notify the Lodge to that effect and s hall not issue credentials to such
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Lodge. (Amended 1955, 1962 , 1967, 1992 and 2015). Provided , That no per-capita tax shall be paid by the Masonic Home Lodge for any of its members who are also members of the Masonic Home. (Adopted 1975). Cross-Reference: Constitution , Art. IV; Art. IX, Sec. 9 ; By-Laws , Sec 4-306.
2-302. Grand Lodge Funds--The Grand Treasurer shall keep two accounts ; one to be known as the "General Fund" and one as the "Charity Fund " That portion of the per-capita tax allocated to the Kansas Masonic Home Fund shall be turned over to the Secretary of the Kansas Masonic Home Board Ninety-five per cent of the remainder of the per-capita tax shall be placed in the General Fund and the remaining five per cent shall be placed in the Charity Fund. All other receipts except Special Assessments , initiatory fees and interest from investments shall be placed in the Fund in which the investments are owned . Funds derived from any special assessment shall be applied solely to the purpose for which such special assessment was made The Charity Fund shall remain inviolate , except for the relief of destitute Master Masons in good standing , their widows and orphans; Provided , That when the Charity Fund including bonds at market value and cash on hand shall exceed a total of $70 ,000.00 at the close of any annual accounting period there shall be no additional fund other than interest placed in the Charity Fund unless it falls below $70 ,000 00. When the Charity Fund reaches $80,000 00 all over that amount shall be transferred to the General Fund of the Grand Lodge. (Amended 1955 , 1962 , 1963, 1967 , 1980 , 1989).
2-303. Charity Fund--The Grand Treasurer shall make payments up to $1 ,000 with the consent of three or more members of the Council of Administration. Any amount over that sum will require the unanimous consent of said Council. The Council of Admin istration may transfer up to 50 % or one half the balance of the General Fund to the Charity Fund , if emergency requires it. (Amended 1990, 1998) .
2-304. General Fund--The Grand Treasurer shall not make any payment out of the General Fund except on the order of the Grand Master, countersigned by the Grand Secretary ; and no other shall be drawn or paid which exceeds the total amount appropriated for the purpose fo r which it is drawn , unless approved by the Council of Administration.
2-305. Investment of Funds--The Committee on Finance shall invest, from time to time , the surplus of the General and Charity Funds in approved securities , which shall be done and must comply with all current , written policy statements adopted by the Council of Admin i stration which are kept on file with Grand Lodge , estimating such surplus upon the receipts and expenditures of the preceding year, and making all investments in the name of the Council of Administration of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas. (Amended 2002)
2-306 . Salary of the Grand Secretary-An annual salary shall be paid to the Grand Secretary. This figure shall be set by the Council of Admi nistration The Grand Secretary shall be paid semimonthly Provided , Further , that there is hereby appropriated from the General Fund for use by the Council of Administration such additional sums as they deem proper to provide. (Amended 1951 , 1952 , 1959, 1961 , 1963, 1969 , 1978 and 2001 )
2-307. Allowance to Chairman-Repealed 2002
2-308 Expense Allowances--Allowances shall be made to the following for their expenses in atte nding the Annual Communication: all Grand Lodge Offi cers , both elected and appointed , and including the official Stenographer and re s ident Past Elective Grand Officers. The C ounci l of Admin istration may allow all ac tu al and necessary expenses for m e mbers of Standing
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Committees for performing duties as a member of such committee . (Amended 1951, 1952 , 1959 , 1961, 1963, 1975 , 1991 , 2002)
2-309. Allowances to Area/District Deputy Grand Masters-Repealed 2007
2-310. Allowances to Representatives-Repealed 2003
2-311. Allowances to Lecturers-- Each Lecturer and Assistant Lecturer shall be allowed such per diem as may be determined by the Council of Administration , and his actual and necessary expenses, including transportation , while actually engaged in holding schools of instruction in Lodges or at district meetings , and while traveling to and from such schools in instruction , or while performing any other duties under the direction of the Grand Master. Such allowance shall be paid by the Grand Lodge, or by the Lodge or Lodges, or prorated between them , as may be ordered by the Grand Master.
2-312. Allowances to Committee on Trials and Punishments-Each member of the Committee on Trials and Punishment shall be allowed , for his services in personally attending trials , the sum to Ten Dollars per diem, and shall also be allowed all actual and necessary expenses incurred while serving as a member of such Committee Said amounts , when approved by the Chairman, shall be paid out of the General Fund of the Grand Lodge on the order of the Grand Master.
2-313. Limitations on Salaries and Allowances-- No salary or allowance shall be paid for any constructive service or discharge of duty , nor shall a member entitled to compensat ion for one duty receive the compensation prescribed for any other duty , but he may elect for which duty he shall be paid These restrictions shall not apply to any officer or membe r who is requ ired to perform some extraordinary service during the recess of the Grand Lodge , but for such service he may receive reasonable compensation
2-314. Grand Master's Contingent Fund-At each Annual Communication the Grand Lodge shall set apart and appropriate a sum as a contingent fund for the Grand Master , the amount to be budgeted by the Finance Committee and approved at the discretion of the Council of Administration. He shall use such fund in defraying expenses incurred in the discharge of his duties. Payments will be made as follows: $1 ,000.00 in advance after installation , further payments to be made on presentation of vouchers to cover the advance and any other expenses , these to be given to the Grand Secretary The Grand Secretary will keep these vouchers on file according to Internal Revenue Service regulations. (Amended 1949 , 1959, 1963, 1975 , 1988 , 1989 , 1990 and 2001) Recommended by the Grand Master.
2-315 . Hospital Visitation Program--Masonic Service Association-- For the support of the hospital visitation program of the Masonic Service Association , the Grand Lodge shall contribute each year from the Charity Fund of the Grand Lodge an amount to be determined by the Council of Administration , for the support of the hospital visitation program of the Masoni c Service A ssociation (Adopted 1973)
2 -501. Great Seal--The Great Seal shall be of brass, circular in form , not more than two inches in diameter, bearing t he device of a white man hold in g in his left hand a book, and with h is right presen ting a square and compasses to an Ind ian, who is receiving the impl ements with hi s l eft hand, and ho lding in his ri ght a bow and arrows, the whole surmounted with the scroll, "Miste ria non Scripta," and su rrounded by the words, "Se al of the Grand Lodge of Kansas". It shall remain as it is now designed, and shall be i mpressed upon al l orders,
summonses, and commissions, Letters of Dispensation, and Warrants of Constitution. It shall be used to authenticate official documents, issued by the Grand Master in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, and when so used such writings shall be attested by the Grand Secretary. Acts of the Grand Master , performed in the exercise of his prerogatives , and his ordinary correspondence wi th Lodges and Brethren, require no other authentication than his signature.
2-502. Grand Master's Apron--The apron worn by the Grand Master shall be retained by him on reti ring from office.
2-503. Distribution of Proceedings--The Grand Secretary, at the expense of the Grand Lodge , shall send one copy of the Annual Proceedings to each of the Grand Officers, Area Deputy Grand Masters, District Deputy Grand Masters, Past Elective Grand Officers, Lecturers , Assistant Lecturers, Grand Representatives , Chairman of the Standing Committees, Kansas Masonic Home and Masonic Publications; one copy to each of the Lodges ; and copies to the Grand Secretaries of such other Grand Lodges as are in correspondence with this Grand Lodge , in the exchange of a li ke number of Pro ceedings of such respective Grand Lodges ; preserving all re mai ning copies in the Grand Lodge Building; Provided , That as long as surplus copies are available, the Grand Secretary may sell them to Master Masons of this Grand Jurisdiction who apply therefor, at a price set by the Council of Administration. Further, the Grand Secretary shall make such distributions in a current convenient format of communications widely adopted, and typically used at the time of distribution , and shall ascertain at that time , if the r ecipient would prefer a soft bound copy of the proceedings, which he will then send as requested , at the expense of the Grand Lodg e.
(Amended 1982 , 2015)
2-504 Bound Copies of Proceedings--Repealed 1955.
2-505. Official Notice of Grand Lodge Proceedings--A published copy of the Annual Proceedings, or a certified copy of any part of such proceedings, sent by the Grand Secretary to the Secretary of a Lodge , constitutes official notice to the Lodge of the action of the Grand Lodge included in such published copy or certified copy.
2-506. Laws of Masonry to Candidate--Each candidate at the communication in which he is raise d to the degree of Master Mason may purchase a copy of the Masonic Laws. (Amended 1979)
2-507. Repealed 1993.
Lodges Under Dispen sation
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VII.
3-101. Qualifications of Officers-- Preliminary to the issuance of Letters of Dispensat ion, the proposed officers shall be properly instructed, and shall furnish to the Grand Master satisfactory evidence of their proficiency in the work of all Three Degrees
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3-102. Qualifications of Master--The Brother who is recommended for Master shou ld be a Past Master or a Past Warden; but if none of the petitioners possess these qualifications , the Grand Master may appoint any Maste r Mason. Cross-Reference; Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 2.
3-103. Fees--Before Letters of Dispensation shall be granted for opening and holding a new Lodge of Masonic work, the petitioners shall pay to the Grand Secretary the sum of Twenty Dollars therefor. If the Letters of Dispensation be continued by order of the Grand Lodge , or renewed by the Grand Master, no additional fee shall be requ ire d.
3-104. Subordinate Officers-- The office rs of a Lodge under Dispensation , subordinate to t he Wardens, hold their offices a nd places during t he pleasure of the Master Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 4.
3-105. Representation in Grand Lodge--A Lodge Under Dispensation is entitled to be represented by its Master and Wardens at the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge held after the expiration of its authority to work, Provided, The Letters of Dispensation have not been surrendered or revoked; but such representatives sha ll not be entitled to participate in the business of the Grand Lodge , and shall not be entitled to mileage .
3-106 Letter of Dispensation--Expiration--Letters of Dispensation shall designate the time of expiration of authority to work under them , which shall be a least fifteen days prior to t he first day of the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge Cross-Reference: Const itution, Art VIII, Sec. 1.
3-107 Communications--AII Communications of Lodges Under Dispensation are to be cons idered Stated Communicat ions, at which pet itions may be recei ved , and all business pertaining to the Lodge transacted, observing the rules governing chartered Lodges in like cases. Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 4; By- Laws, Sec 3-404.
3-108. Roll of Members--Power of Grand Master--The Grand Master may at any time add to or drop from the roll of members of a Lodge under Dispensation the name of any Master Mason.
3-109. Transcript of Proceedings--Within ten days after the expiration of the letters of Dispensation , they shall be returned to the Grand Secretary with a t ranscript of the proceedings, showing the location and name of the Lodge , and the date of each Co mmu nication, and containing a full copy of the minutes of each meeting, which minutes shal l show the officers and craftsmen present, the petitions re ceive d , the action thereon , and the Degrees co nfe rred Such transcript shall also include a statement of r ec eipts and disbursements of such Lodge. CrossReference: Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec 4.
3 - 110. Return of Work- -The return of the work shall be substantially in the form requi red fo r the Annual Report of a C hartered Lodge , showing , in tabular form , the roll of officers and members, the name of each petitioner, and the dates of conferring the Degrees. CrossReference: Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec. 4.
3-111 Surrender or Revocation of Letters of Dispensation-- If the letters of Dispensation are surrendered by the petitioners, or revoked by t he Grand Master, the Grand Secretary shall return to the pet itioner any cert ificates of dimission which they may have produced with thei r petition for Letters; and if any wo rk has been done und er authority of such Letters the Grand Secretary shall give eac h Mason made thereunder a certificate showing his Deg ree and standing.
Cross-Reference: Con stitution, Art. VI 11, Sec 1; By- Laws , Sec 4-116
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3-112. Membership of Masons Acting Under Letters of Dispensation-- If a Warrant of Constitution is granted to Master Masons who have been acting under Letters of Dispensation, they shall become members of such Lodge , when constituted, and their membership in any other Lodges, of which they may ha ve been members when these Letters were grante d will cease when certificates of dimission are issued. When such action is desired , the Grand Secretary shall notify the other Lodges of this fact and their names shall be recorded as dimitted as of the date of issue of said certificate of dimission. Nothing in the above shall be construed as to prevent Plural membership within the Grand Jurisdiction. If the Warrant of Constitution is not granted , or if the Letters of Dispensation are surrendered or revoked , as provided in Sect ion 3-111, their membership in any other Lodges shall remain unaffected qy the fact that they have acted under Letters of Dispensation , and no Chartered Lodge shall be excused from paying percapita tax or any special assessments on such members during the time while such Lette rs were in force (Amended 1975 , 1990) Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VIII, Sec 2.
3-201 Warrant of Constitution--Roll of Members--The petition for a Warrant of Constitution shall state the name , number and location of the Lodge of which each petitioner is a member, or from which he has been dimitted, and shall nominate one of the petitioners for Master, one for Senior Warden, and another for Junior Warden, and this petition shall constitute the charter roll of members. Cross-Reference: Constitution , Art. XI, Sec. 1.
3-202 . All Three Degrees Necessary--Where a petition for a Warrant of Constitut ion is presented by petitioners working under Letters of Dispensation, their prayer cannot be granted until their return of work shows that all three Degrees have been conferred by them .
3-203. Fee for Warrant of Constitution--Before the Warrant of Constitution shall be delivered to the petitioners, they shall pay to the Grand Secreta ry, for the use of the G rand Lodge , Twenty Dollars, if Letters of Di spensation have been previously issued ; otherwise they shall pay Forty Dollars
3-204. Officers of Newly Chartered Lodge--When a new Lodge is constituted, and t he Master and Wardens thereof are installed, it is the duty of the Master to appoint and install all officers subordinate to the Junior Warden. No election of officers shall be held until the time prescribed by law for the annual election. Cross-Reference: Constitution , Art IX, Secs 1, 3.
3-205 Name of Chartered Lodge--The name of the city or town in which the Lodge is to be located shall be the name of the Lodge , unless the Grand Master for some good reason rules otherwise, in which event it shall be give n a name bearing some Masonic significance or in memory of some distinguished Masonic scholar, but in no event shall it be named for a living person; Provided, That no Lodge shall be given a name which has already appeared on the rolls in the Grand Jurisdiction within the previous 20 years. (Amended 2017)
3-206 Change of Name of Chartered Lodge- -A proposition to change the name of any chartered Lodge may be submitted at any Stated Commu n ication. If a majority of the members present agree to s uch prop osition all the resident members shall, within ten days t hereafter, be notified in writing of the proposi tion , and if , at the next Stated Communication after th e expiration of said ten days, two-th irds of the members present agree thereto the action shall be certified to the Grand Mast er, who shall report the same at the next Annual Com munication of the Grand Lodge with
his recommendation. If the Grand Lodge approves such action , the name shall be changed accordingly, and the Grand Secretary shall issue to the Lodge a certificate of such change of name suitable for framing.
3-207. Loss or Destruction of Warrant of Constitution-- When any warrant of Constitution shall have been lost or destroyed, the Lodge does not thereby lose any of its rights. Upon proof of the facts, the Grand Master may authorize the Gr and Secretary to issue a certified copy of the original Warrant, for which the Grand Lodge shall receive an engrossing fee of Five Dollars.
3-208. Photographic Copy of Warrant--Each Lodge will file its Warrant of Constitution in the archives of the Grand Lodge, and receive in exchange a certified photograph ic copy fro m the Grand Secretary. (Amended 2017)
3-209. Arrest of Warrant-- Duty of Custodian--When the Warrant of Constitution of any Lodge has been arrested, the Master Mason designated by the Grand Master as h is representat ive to have custody of the property; funds and records of such Lodge shall, under the direction of the Grand Master, take such action and perform such duties as in the judgment of the Grand Master may be necessary for the proper conservation of such property, funds and records , and for the protect ion of the rights of the members of such Lodge, while its Warrant is under arrest. Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. IX, Sec. 10.
Cross-Reference: Constitution , Art. IX , Sec. 3.
3-301. Eligibility to Office--AII officers of a Lodge must be elected or appointed from the membership thereof. No member shall be eligible to the office of Master until he has been installed and served as a Warden in this Grand Jurisdiction , except by dispensation from th e Grand Master. Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. VI, Sec. 5 , Subd. (c); Art. IX, Sec. 3.
3-302. Installation of Officers--The elective officers shall be installed by the Master or by a Past Master, but only when personally present, and on or before St. Jo hn's day in December , except by authority of the Grand Master; but the appointed officers may be installed at any time the Master may order.
3-303. Election and Installation at Irregular Times--lf for any cause the annual election is not held at the time provided by law, application must be made to the Grand Master to hold t he election at some Stated Communication. If for any cause the officers-e lect are not installed within the t ime provided by law, the Grand Master may authorize th ei r installation at a time specified by him. Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. IX, Sec. 3.
3-304. Private or Public lnstallation --lf the installation of officers is private, the Lodge shall be opened on the Third Degree. If the ins tallation is public, the Lodge shall first assemble in the Lodg e r oom or some adjoining apartment, open in due form on the First Degree , and proceed to the place of installation without calling off. Cross- Reference: By-Laws, Sec . 3-314 .
3-305. Powers of the Master--The powers and prerogatives of the Master are such as have been accorded to him by usage. He shall main t ain his authority with dignity, and may close the door against anyone who assumes to question his rulings or qualifications. When the Lodge is at labor, he may temporar ily dispose any officer , and order some other brother to perform the duties of such
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officer. Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Secs .. 1-109, 3-315, 3-316, 3-317, 3-404 , 3-407 , 3-417, 3-421 , 4-119, 4-127, 4-133, 4-307, 5-218, 5-221.
3-306. Duties of the Master--The Master shall perform the duties which devolve upon him by usage, •or are required by law, causing the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, the Ancient Charges and Regulations, and the Lodge By-Laws to be strictly observed. He shall attain such proficiency in the Cipher/Monitor as will enable him oversee the work and insure the Lectures are delivered in a creditable manner, and shall see that the Lodge records are properly kept, and that the Annual Report is duly and properly made and transmitted "on time". (Adopted 1992)
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. IX, Sec. 9; By-Laws , Secs. 3-204, 3-317, 3-407, 4-409, 4119, 4-127, 4-132, 4-133, 4-307 , 4-308, 4-404, 5-209, 5-210 , 5-215, 5-227 , 5-231, 5-304, 5-309.
3-307. Duties of the Wardens--The Wardens shall perform the duties which devolve upon them by usage, or are required by law , actively assisting and supporting the Master in the d isc harge of his duties counseling and instructing their subordinates, and keeping general supervision over the Craft. They shall attain such proficie ncy in the Ritual as will fit them to discharge the Master's duties , whenever they succeed to his office.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 3-317, 3-411, 5-208.
3-308. Duties of the Treasurer--The Treasurer shall perform the duties which devolve upon him by usage or are required by law, having charge of all funds, rendering a formal receipt of the Secretary for all moneys received, accounting for the same annually and at such times as the Lodge may order and give such bond as the Lodge may require . All funds of the Lodge shall be deposited and kept b y him in the name of the Lodge, and shall be paid out only on the standard form of warrant authorized by the Grand Lodge, and after it shall have been signed by the Secretary and countersigned by the Master.
3-309. Duties of the Secretary--The Secretary shall perform t he duties wh ich devolve upon him by usage , or are required by law, collecting all moneys due the Lodge , endorsing t o the order of the Treasurer all evidences of payment which together with any case , shall be immediately turned over to the Treasurer, who shall receipt for the same; and he shall render an account thereof annually and at such other times as the Lodge may order, and give bond as the Lodge may require He shall record the proceedings of the Lodge , keep an account w ith its members, conduct its correspondence , issue its orders and have the custody of its books, papers , records and seal.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Secs. 2-505, 3-408, 3-609, 3-614 , 4-109,
5-210, 5-227, 5-304.
3-310. Duties of Other Officers-- The other officers shall perform the duties which devolve upon the m by usage and custom, being obedient to the orders of the Master and Wa rdens , and qualifying themselves for the proper discharge of the duties required of them. T hey shall keep the Lodge room in order for the comfort of its members , and put it in suitable array for the admission of v isitors and the reception of candidates.
3-311 . Lodge Trustee--Each Lodge may enact a By- Law creating a Board of Trustees, to consist of three or more members , who shall be elected by a majo ri ty vote of th e members present at the Annual Commun ication, for such respective terms as may be provided in the Lodge By-Laws. The Trustees shall perform only such duties as the Lodge may fro m time to time d i rect, and they shall make due report to the Lodge at each Annual Communication, or oftener if ordered by the Master. All funds collected shall be promptly turned over to the Secretary, who shall receipt for the same and imm ediately turn them over to the Treasurer.
3-312. Lodge Officers--lne ligibility to Hold Other Office--No officer of a Lodge other than a Trustee, shall be eligible to hold more than one office in the Lodge at t he same time.
3-313. Trustee-Right to Hold Office or to Dimit--A Brother holding office as Trustee of a Lodge is not thereby made ineligible to ho ld any other office in the Lodge, nor is he thereby prevented from obtaining a dim it during the term for which he was elected as Trustee.
3-314. Vacancies in Office--A vacancy shall exist in any elective office upon t he death , suspension, expulsion or insanity of the incumbent, or should an elective officer for any reason be unable to attend regularly the Commun ications of his Lodge, or properly perform his official duties; Provided, That r emoval from the vicinity of the L odge does not make the officer ine l igible to continue to hold his office unless such remova l i nterferes with his regular attendance or p roper performance of his duties. Vacancies caused by death, suspension or expulsion shall not require any declaration by the Grand Master; but in any other case the vacancy shal l become effective only upon declaration by the Grand Master Upon declaring such vacancy, or upon the occurrence of any vacancy by death, suspension or expulsion , the Grand Master may order an election to fil l the vacancy; and, if an elective officer be chosen to fill the vacancy, the office held by him shall immediately become vacant and sha ll be filled by election at the same Commun ication. After any vacancy shall have been filled, the Brother vacating the office is entitled to a demit upon app lication therefor, under the l aws governing the granting of d i m its . .Any officer elected to fil l a vacancy, as herein provided , may thereupon be installed without ·dispensation from the Grand Master. (Amended 1982) Cross -Reference : Constitution, Art. X , Sec. 4; By- L aws, Sec. 4-404.
3-315. Succession and Appointm ent--lf a vacancy occurs in the office of Master, or in case of his absence or disability, the Senior Warden, if present, shall succeed to his duties for the time, and if not present, the Junior Warden shall so succeed. If a vacancy occurs in any other elective office or if such officer is absent or under disability, the Master may, by appointment, fill the vacancy temporarily.
3-316. Suspen s ion of Officers--The Grand Master may suspend a Master charged with an offense against the Body of Masonry: but such a suspension shall be only from office and shall not continue beyond the close of the Master's term, or to the close of the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge: and he may order charges preferred against any Brother where, in his judgement, it is in the best interests of the Lodge in particular and the Craft in general. T he Master may suspend any officer of his Lodge from office, but such suspension shal l not continue for more than one month un less charges be preferred against such officer. Cross -Reference: By-Laws, Sec 5-214.
3-317. Standing Committees-Every Lodge shall have six st anding committees . One on Mason ic Education , consisting of three members to be appointed by the Master, whose duty it shall be to he lp effectuate the programs of Grand Lodge relating to Masonic Education; one on Finance, consisting of three members to be appointed by the Master, who shall exami ne the reports of the Treasurer and Secretary, and audit all cla ims aga inst the Lodge; one on Charity, consisting of the Master and Wardens, who shall dispense the chari t ies of th e Lodge in such a manner as its By- L aws may require ; one on Publ ic Schoo ls, composed of not less than three members , whose du ty it shal l be to assist the Lodge in carrying out the program of the Grand Lodge in support of the publ ic schools and such further program as the Lodge may deem advisable; and a committee on the Masonic Foundatio n, consisting of three members, whose duty it shall be to coordinate the work of the Masonic Foundation with the constituent Lodge, to promote the Mason ic Foundation and seek contributions for and disseminate information concerning the operation o f the Mason ic Foundation: one on Membership , consis ting of th ree members whose duty it s hal l be to discuss
membership problems peculiar to their Lodges , to promote and implement membership programs of the Grand Lodge. (Amended 1967, 1993) Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec. 3-607.
3-318. The Annual Lodge Audit--The Annual audit of the accounts of the Treasurer and Secretary shall be made as soon as practicable after the Annual Communication , and a report shall be submitted to the Lodge at a Stated Communication not later that forty-five days after said Stated Communication, this to include finances , investments , property and membership records (Adopted 1992)
3-401. Place of Meeting-- A Lodge may be held in any safe and secure place suitable for Masonic work and ceremony, and may , with the approval of the Grand Master, share occupancy of a hall used by any other organization which has for its avowed purpose the mental improvement and moral elevation of mankind.
3-402. Labor, Work and Business Defined--When a Lodge is open on any Degree , it is deemed to be at "labor" in that Degree The "work" of a Lodge consists of all the ceremonies of initiation in the several Degrees , including proficiency examinations. The "business" of a Lodge consists of al l its transactions other than "work" and public ceremonies, while it is at labor.
3-403. Transaction of Business--AII business of a Lodge, other than voting on proficiency of candidates, must be transacted at a Stated Communication, and while the Lodge is open on the First, Second, or Third Degree Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec. 3-402.(Amended 1998)
3-404. Communications-Stated and Special--The Communications of a Lodge are either Stated, which are required to be held at certain times fi xed by regulation , or Special, which are called for some specified purpose by order of the Lodge or its Master. Cross-Reference: Bylaws , Sec 107.
3-405. Time of Stated Communications--Ea ch chartered Lodge shall prescribe in its By-Laws the time for holding each of its Stated Communications The time shall be fixed by specifying a certain day in one or more weeks of each month , and at least one Stated Communication shall be held in each month; Provided , That any Lodge may omit Stated Communications during any t wo months , so long as such omission of Stated Communications is prescribed in its Bylaws (Ame nded 2022). Cross-Reference: Constitution, A rt. IX, Sec. 3.
3-406. Time and Place Must Conform to By-Laws--Exception- A chartered Lodge cannot be ope ned in Stated Communication at any other place, or any other day , or before th e hour prescribed in its By-Laws except by dispensation from the Grand Master, or by order of one of the Grand Officers composing the Council of Administration.
3-407. Stated Communications--Opening--At the time and place prescribed in the By-Laws for holding a Stated Communication , the Master shall assemble the members and if a quorum is present, he shall open the Lodge on the First, Second, or Third Degree of Masonry. If less than a quorum is present, he may summon any or all of the members t o attend forthwith . The summons may be se rv ed by any Master Mason appointed by the Master for that purpose. CrossReference: Constituti on , Art. IX , Sec. 5.(Amended 1998)
3-408. Minutes of Lodge Communications--The minutes of each Communication of a Lodge shal l be read, corrected if necessary, and approved , at the next Stated Comm unicati on With the
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consent of the Lodge, minutes of the previous Communication may be distributed in a format agreeable to the individual members in attendance to read , and minutes so distributed may then be approved as written , or corrected if necessary. Similarly , a list of the bills may also be distributed in a format agreeable to the individual members, and approved as distributed or amended. Each Lodge has authority to alter or amend its minutes to make them speak the truth , but it cannot expunge any part of the correct records. (Amended 2005 , 2017)
3-409. Special Communications--At the time designated for holding a Special Communication , the Master shall open the Lodge on such Degrees only as may be required for lawfully doing the things for which it shall be convened, which must be examining candidates as to proficiency , voting thereon, conferring Degrees, or performing some Masonic public ceremony.
3-410. Order to Assemble--Any Lodge may be required to assemble in Stated or Special Communication by the Grand Master , Deputy Grand Master, Grand Senior or Junior Wardens, or by any Past Master acting under the order of the Grand Master. Cross-Re ference: By-Laws, Sec.
3-411. Opening Lodge in Absence of Master--lf the Master is absent at any Lodge communication , the Senior Warden , or in his absence , the Junior Warden , shall congregate the Lodge. In the absence of the Master and both Wardens the Lodge cannot be opened except by Dispensation of the Grand Master, or by the Deputy Grand Master, the Grand Senior Warden the Grand Junior Warden, the Area Deputy Grand Master in the area wherein the Lodge is ass igned, or by the District Deputy Grand Master in the District wherein the Lodge is assigned; Provided, That when a Lodge is to be opened for the purpose of performing a Masonic funeral ceremony , and for no other purpose , in the absence of the Master and both Wardens , the Junior Past Master may be invited to preside ; and after the Lodge is opened , any Master Mason may be invited to preside. Any Brother presiding as herein provided may , for the time being , exercise all the powers of the Master. (Amended 1967, 1982)
3-412. Opening and Closing--Public Ceremonies--The Lodge must be regularly opened on each Degree in which work is to be done. For all public ceremonies , including funerals , it shall be opened on the First , Second , or Third Degree . It shall be suffi cient to close the Lodge on the highest Degree on which it has been opened .
As an optional procedure , for the purpose of conducting funeral commemoration for our departed Brethren, a Lodge of Sorrow may be opened and may remain open for one year . (Amended 1973, 1998)
3-413. No Esoteric Ceremonies in Public--There shall be no ceremony of opening or closing, or calling off or calling on , in publi c. All of such ceremonies shall be conducted in the Lodge room or some adjoining apartment.
3-414. Unfinished or Additional Work--A Lodge cannot be called off to a time after midnight of the day on which it was opened; and all unfinished business must be postponed until the next Stated Communication. Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Sec. 4- 214 .
3-415. Motion to Reconsider--A motion to reconsider any act ion ta ken by a Lodge upon a matter of bu siness must be mad e at the same Co mmunication and before any of the members have retired . A motion to reconsider a ballot is never in order. Cross-Re fere nce : By- Laws , Sec. 4-127.
3-416 Sunday Ceremonies-- (Amended 1975 , 1985) (Repealed 2014)
3-417. Public Ceremonies--A Lodge may publicly celebrate St. John's Day in June and December in each year, and may conduct the public funeral ceremonies upon the death of any affiliated Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft , and Master Mason , or may attend such funeral without obtaining special authority therefor. Whenever appearing in public the members shall be decently clothed with white aprons , and shall demean themselves decorously , and be obedient to the Master's lawful commands.
3-418. Masonic Funeral--Every affiliated Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft , and Master Mason is entitled to Masonic burial by his Lodge and the same honor may be extended to non-affiliated Master Masons ; Provided, That no Lodge shall conduct the funeral ceremony of anyone who, at the time of his death , was expelled for unmasonic conduct. Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Sec. 3607.
3-419. PallBearers--lt is recommended but not required that the pallbearers at a Masonic funeral be Masons.
3-420. Public Ceremonies--Masonic Participation--A Lodge cannot act as escort to any other organization in the performance of a public ceremony; but a Lodge may appear in the funeral ceremony of a Brother , not conducted by it.
3-421 Right of Visitation Exclusion--A Master Mason in good standing may v isit any Lodge , but he must be vouched for by some Brother who has previously sat in open Lodge with him, or he must prove himself to be a Master Mason by due trial and strict examination by a Committee appointed by the Master, or by the Brother acting as Master ; such proof to include documentary evidence or personal voucher that he hails from some regular Lodge in this jurisdiction or within the jurisdiction of a regular Grand Lodge recognized by and in correspondence with the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas. Documentary evidence shall be a diploma , receipt for dues under seal of the Lodge , Grand Secretary's Certificate , written endorsement by a Grand Master , certificate of good standing, or electronic verification approved by the Grand Lodge of Kansas , all of which shall designate a Lodge or Grand Lodge known to be regular and within the provisions of this law Vouchers shall be personal , and made only in Lodge by some member thereof, or by a Master Mason who has established his right to sit in such Lodge. In all cases it shall be the duty of the Master of the Lodge to ascertain that the Lodge from which the visitor claims to hail is a regular Lodge within the provisions of this law. Nothing herein shall be construed as depriving the Master of his prerogative to exclude anyone, not a member , whose presence is likely to disturb the harmony of his Lodge. Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. I, Sec 1, Landmark XIV; By-Laws , Secs.4-121 , 4311 , 4-403, 4-404 , 4-409. (Amended 2022 , 2023)
3-422. Clothing of Officers and Brethren--At every Lodge Communication , all of the brethren shall be appropriately clothed for labor, and the officers shall bear the jewels and emblems of authority which usage has made appropriate to their rank and respective stations.
3-423 Working Tools , Furniture, etc.-- Every Lodge shall be provided with the proper working tools , lights , furniture , and all the implements necessary for the proper execution of all regul ar Masonic work and ceremony.
3-424 Display of Flag--A United States flag of suitable size, and of such material as the Lodge may determine, must be displayed in the Lodge room at every Communication. If the colors are to be pr esented and posted , the Master will raise the Lodge prior to the color pa rty entering the room
When th e color party enters, all present will stand silently facing the alter , right hand over hea rt, Rev. 2023
or salute as appropriate, as the color bearers and escorts march to the East and turn to face the West. All present will then turn to face the colors. The Master may then direct the Lodge to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and/or to sing the National Anthem. The Flag Bearer then places the Flag in the stand, the Master seats the Lodge and the color party retires .
When retiring the colors at the end of the Communication, the color party takes its position in the East and the Master raises the Lodge All present stand silently, right hand over hea rt, or sal ute as appropriate, as the color bearer removes the flag from its stand, and the party marches to t he West.
The flag bearer may hold a portion of the flag against the staff only when lowering the staff to pass through a doorway (Amended 2010)
3-425. Condition of Lodge Room--The Lodge room shall a lways be kept in a clean and orderly condition, and smoking shall not be permitted therein at any t ime. (Ame nded 1992)
3-426 Addresses at Lodge Communications--No Lodge shall permit anyone to de liver an address or talk at any Communication , on any subject except Masonry. This law does not app ly to informal remarks offered by any Brother, Provided , They do not partake of the character of a formal address; nor does it apply to addresses or talks delivered in observance of St. John's Day , June 24th or December 27th.
3-427. Certified or Registered Mail--Whene ver, in these By-Laws reference in made to the use of Registered Mail , authorization is hereby given to the Grand Secretary and the Lodge Secretaries to substitute Certified Mail Service for the Reg istered Mail Serv ic e, as thei r d iscretion may dictate. (Adopted 1956) Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Sec. 2-507
3-428 Annual Communication -The Annua l Communication of a Lodge shall be the first Stated Communicatio n in December, unless no December Stated Communication is scheduled prior to St. John the Evangelist's Day. If no Stated Commun ication in December is prior to St. John the Evangelist's Day , the Annual Communication of a Lodge shall the be the Stated Commun ication immediately preceding St. John the Evangelist's Day (Adopted 2022)
Lodge Funds
Cross-Reference : By-Laws , Sec. 2-301; Chapter 4, Art. Ill.
3-501. Lodge Funds-- The funds of a Lodge shall only be used : First, to pay the necessary operating expenses and maintenance of property of the Lodge ; Second , to the payment of Grand Lodge per capita ta x and other charges requi red of the Grand Lodge ; Third , support of any programs a uthorized or sponsored by Grand Lodge ; Fourth, for Masonic Charity as set forth in By-Laws 3-606 ; Fifth , for purposes duly authorized by Grand Lodge
Nothing herein shall prevent the indi vid ual members of a Lodge from indi vidually co ntri bu t ing to a worthy cause or project."
3-502 Financing Buildings--Approval of Grand Master--A Lodge may construct a building for Lodge purposes, a portion of which may be used for legitimate business of professional enterprises ; or it may purchase other property, real or personal , as an investment; Provided , That all proposed plans for th e purchase or construction of buildings , and t he financing of the same, shall first be submitted to the Grand Master for such action as he may deem fo r the best interest of the Lodge. All funds for co nstructing buildings or purchasing property must be taken from the General Fund of the Lodge , o r raised by voluntary contributions; and in no case shal l any assessment be made on the Lodge membership for such purpose.
3-503. Fees for Special Dispensations--Every application to the Grand Master for a Special Dispensation, except for performing ceremonies attend ing the laying of cornerstones and the dedication of halls , and for the election and installation of officers to fill vacancies, shall be accompanied by a fee of Five Dollars. If the dispensation is granted, the fee shall be transmitted to the Grand Secretary as part of the revenue of the Grand Lodge ; but if the dispensation is refused, the fee shall be returned to the Lodge or officer making the application; Provided, That the Grand Master may remit the fee when, in his judgement, t he necessities of the case may require
3-601. Official Cipher--Monitor--The official Cipher-Monitor, prepared and promulgated by this Grand Lodge is hereby declared to be the correct Cipher-Monitor of the esoteric and Monitorial work of Ancient Craft Masonry. The sale, gift, printing or use of any cipher or secret work other than as herein authorized shall be deemed an offense against the Body of Masonry. (Amended 1991)
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. XI, Sec. 3.
3-602. Distribution of Official Cipher--The publication, distribution and withdrawal of the Official Cipher among the Lodges and the brethren in this Grand Jurisdiction shall be under the direction and control of the Council of Administration. A sufficient number of ciphers shall be printed and furnished to the Lodges at a cost determined by the Council of Administration, each to be resold to Master Masons. (Amended 1954, 1982)
3-603. Loss of Cipher-- (Repealed 1954).
3-604. Use of Cipher in Conferral of Degrees-- No Brother shall use the official cipher while engaged in the ceremony of conferring any Degree, or while participating in such ceremony.
3-605. Use of Cipher by Candidates-- (Repealed 1966) .
3-606. Charity--Duties of Lodges and Masons--lt is the duty of every Lodge and all Master Masons in this jurisdiction to render to any true and worthy affiliated Master Mason who, without fault on his part, is in distress, such assistance as his necessities require and their abilities permit, without reference to his place of abode or the location of the Lodge of which he is a member
Cross-Reference: By- Laws, Sec. 1-105
3-607 Reimbursement in Charity--ln the abs e nce of any explicit agreement, no Lodge or Mason has any claim upon any other Lodge for reimbursement for sums advanced as charity to or on behalf of a member of such Lodge or his family. In every case where it is intended to make claim for reimbursement, the chairmen of the Committee on Charity of th e Lodge against which the claim is to be made must be consulted and his unequ ivoca l consent obtained before any expenditure of money can be made for or on account of such Lodge. Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec 3-317.
3-608. Masonic Publicity and Use of Emblem--No Mason, group of Masons , or Lodge , as such, shall endorse or recom mend any ind ividual, firm, or undertaking other than for purely Masonic purposes; nor s hall they use or permit the use of the word "Masonic" or any k indred term or emblem of ancient Craft Masonry, in the organization of outside societies, or in the promotion of any business enterprise , except legitimate Masonic publications ; nor shall the y furnish a list of the membership or any portion thereof for any purpose whatever without the
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consent of the Grand Master. Notwithstanding th e preceding, Lodges shall be permitted to use informational advertising regarding Masonry using material that has received approval from the Grand Lodge or from the Grand Master. C ro ss -Refere nce: Constitution, Art. Ill , Sec. 2. (Amended 1972)
3-609 . Seal--Every Lodge working under a Warrant of Constitution shall provide a Lodge Seal, having in its center some Masonic device, surrounded by the name , numbe r and location of the lodge. The Secretary shall have it in charge, and wi th it authenticate a ll notices , summonses , official communications and repo rts of the Lodge (except t he Annual Report to the Grand Secretary or any of its officers)
3-610. Lodge By-Laws--Approval--The enactment of Lodge By-Laws, or amendments th ereto, requ ires no action other than that of the Lodge; and any provision therein requiring such By-Laws, or any amendment thereto, to be submitted to the Grand Lodge for approval , shall be deemed void. Nothing herein shall be construed as validating any Lodge By-Law which is in conflict with any provision of the Constitution and By-Laws of th is Grand Lodge Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. IX , Sec. 6.
3-611 Suspension of By-Laws --A Lodge shall not suspend its By-Laws for any purpose whatsoever.
3-612 . Laws and Proceedings to be Read in Lodge --The Constitutional and By-Law changes adopted at Grand Lodge and published in the Annual Proceedi ngs sha ll be read in each Lodge annually. All copies of the Proceedings shall be kept for reference (Amended 1992, 2002)
3-613 Communications with Lodges in Other Grand Jurisdictions--AII commun ications from a Lodge in this jurisdiction to a Lodge in another Grand Jurisdiction, upon the subj ect of Masonic membership or the conferring of Degrees shall be sent through the Grand Secretary , and no Lodge in thi s jurisdiction shall respond t o a communication from a Lodge in another Grand Jurisdiction upon these subject matters without first referring the same to the Grand Secretary
Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec 4-113. ·
3-614 File of Annual Returns--E very Lodge i n this jurisdiction shall keep a Fil e of Annual Returns and a ledger record of membership, additions, deletions, Roster of Members and such other information as may be requ i red by the Grand Secretary concerning membership , unless specifically exempted by the Grand Master This record shall be mainta ined in writing or by electronic information management systems approved by the Grand Lodge of Kansas. Wh en directed by the Grand Secretary, the Secretaries of the Lodges shall forward to th e Grand Secretary a complete roll of their members and such information as he may requ ire concerning their membership (Amended 1954, 1982 , 2000)
Cross-Reference : Cons t ituti on, Art. IX, Sec 9
3- 615. Forms and Record Books--Th e Forms and Record Books approved by the Council of Administration shall be adopted ones fo r use of all Lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction, and t he Grand Secretary is hereby authorized, with t he approval of the Cou ncil of Admin istration, t o ha ve these Forms and Record Books printed and to be sold to Lodges upon req uest; Provid ed , However, t hat nothing herein contained shall prevent Lodges from having Fo rms and Record Books printed elsewhere if they meet the requirements as indicated above. T he Grand Secretary at the expense of th e Grand Lodge, shall keep on file in his office a list of standard Form s and pages of Record Books for refe re nce; copy to be furnished t o each Lodge. (A mended 1982).
3-616. Certificates of Proficiency--The Grand Master may issue certificates to especially Rev. 2019
proficient Master Masons, reciting, in substance, that the Brother therein named has passed the examination to receive same. Such examinations shall be under the supervision of the Grand Master, who shall prescribe the rules and regulations therefor . The certificates shall be regarded as recognition of merit, and shall in no way authorize any such Mason to instruct a Lodge or act as a Lecturer , by reason of having received the same un less specially authorized by the Grand Master. Certificates issued shall be continued in effect until revoked or surrendered, subject to re-examination as required by the Grand Master.
A Class "B" Certificate (Ritualist) is issued to a Brother who passes an exam inat ion showing proficiency in the Work Lectures of the three Degrees , and the Test Oath as given in the Extended Cipher. This will include the questions and answers, the obligations, and the working tools of the three Degrees. (Amended 2021)
The examination when taken shall cover all three Degrees at the specific time. It shall not be taken in stages, days or weeks apart.
This examination will be conducted by a committee of at least three proficient Brothers who hold "B" Certificates or higher.
A Class "A" Certificate (Ritualist First Class) is issued to a Brother who possesses a "B" Certificate and passes an examination showing accuracy and proficiency in the ritual , floor movements , and language of all officers in opening and closing Lodge , calling off and on , conferring the first section of all three Degrees , and the Charges of the 1st and 3rd Degrees. This will include the interrogatories as given by the Senior Deacon in the conferral of the first Degree.
The examination, when taken, shall cover all three Degrees at the specific time. It shall not be taken in stages, days or weeks apart.
This examination will be conducted by a committee of at least three proficient brothers who hold "A" Certificates or higher.
Examinations for "B" and "A" Certificates may be taken individually or two or more at the same time. For "B" Certificates, if two or more Brothers take the examinati on , candidates will alternate in asking question and giving answers However , each candidate shall give the obligation and the working tools, individually. For "A" Certificates , if two or more are taking the examination they will alternate in the work. In other words, one would be Master, one Senior Warde n , and so forth.
A "Master's" Certificate (Senior Ritualist) is issu e d to the holder of "B" and "A" Certificates who passes the required examination on the second section of the Fellow Craft Degree, inc luding the Charge. The requirements for a "Master's" Certificate shall also inc lude the second section of the third Degree , excluding the second and third section lecture but including the f loor movements therein
This examination will be taken individually and conducted by a committee of at least three proficient brothers who hold "Master's" Certificates or higher If the lodge is unable to provide three proficient brothers to conduct the examination, contact the DDGM, the District Lecturer , a Grand Lecturer or the Ritualistic Committee Chairman.
An "Unlimited" Certificate (Master Ritualist) is issued to a Brother who is the holder of "B" , "A" a nd "Master's" Proficiency Cert ifi cates and w ho passes an exami nation showing proficiency and
accuracy in the remaining esoteric work of all three Degrees , including floor movements, and who is able to confer the monitorial work of all three degrees.
The extended cipher work is as follows:
1. EA Lecture 2, Narrative, denoted "E. A._L._2. " In the Extended Cipher MM Lecture 2 , Narrative, denoted "M. M._L._2. " In the Extended Cipher
2. Secret work in:
EA Lecture 3, Narrative, denoted "E. A._L._3." In the Extended Cipher MM Lecture 3 , Narrative, denoted "M. M._L._3. " In the Extended Cipher
Brothers holdings the "B", "A", and "Master's" Certificates may request the Master or the DDGM to have the chairman of the Ritualistic Committee arrange for them an examination by an Unlimited Proficiency Committee . The chairman will appoint an examining committee and arrange a time and place. Upon completion of the examination , the committee will report to the chairman of the Ritualistic Committee, and upon his approval the Grand Secretary will prepare the Unlimited Proficiency certificate , which will be presented to those passing the examination, as ordered by the Grand Master.
This examination is to be taken individually and is to be conducted by a committee of at least three proficient Brothers holding Unlimited Proficiency Certificates .
In the"A","Master's" , and "Unlimited" examinations no more than six errors will be perm itted in the wording and floor movements. Errors not charged for monitorial wording. (Amended 1989, 2014,2019 , 2021,2022)
3-617. Amendments to Grand Lodge Constitution--Duty of Lodges--Repealed 1992.
3-618. Consolidation of Lodges--Assets and Liabilit ies--Upon consolidation of Lodges, all the funds and other property of the Lodge which surrenders its Warrants becomes the property of the consolidated Lodge; and such consolidated Lodge shall assume liability for all obligations of the Lodge which surrenders its warrants , to the extent of the reasonable value of all funds and property so acquired by such consolidated Lodge Cross-Reference : Constitution, Art. IX , Sec. 8 .
3-619. Serving of Alcoholic Beverages-Alcoho lic beverages are forbidden in Lodge rooms , except for ritualistic purposes The serving or consumption of any beverage having a recognized or indicated alcoholic content in any Lodge room , ritualistic purposes excepted , shall be deemed an offense against the Body of Masonry. This does not preclude lodges from renting their facilities, except Lodge rooms, to groups where alcoholic beverages are consumed in accordance with the laws of the State of Kansas. (Amended 1982 , 2002 , 2011 ). Cross Reference : By-Laws , Chapter 1
3-620 Support and Sponsorship of Chapter of the Order of DeMolay-The sponsorship of a chapter of the Order of DeMolay by a lodge is hereby authorized. Such sponsorship shall be conducted in accordance with such regulations as may be adopted by the Council of Admini stration (Adopted 1959) Cross - R e ference: Constitution , Art. Ill , Sec. 2.
3-621 . Representation at Annual Communication--Duty of Lodges--Each Constituent Lodge of this Grand Jurisdiction whi ch has not been officially represented in the Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge for three con s ecutiv e years may be cited to show just cause w hy appropriate disciplin a ry action should not be invoked . (Adopted 1960)
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Affinity Lodges
3-701. Definition. As used in this section, an Affinity Lodge is a lodge of Masons operating under dispensation or Warrant of Constitution issued by this Grand Lodge comprised of members who share a certain affinity - a common interest, hobby, or vocation not inconsistent with the Landmarks , laws or values of Freemasonry. It shall not be deemed inconsistent to the Landmarks , laws or va lues of Freemasonry for members of an Affinity Lodge to restrict their membe rship to those who share their affinity.
3-702. Formation. Affinity Lodges shall be formed consistent with the laws of Masonry of this Grand Jurisdiction, except as provided herein,
(a) Seven or more Master Masons petitioning for letters of dispensation with the intent of forming an Affinity Lodge shall include a statement attached to the petition declaring said intent to form as an Affinity Lodge and describing their particular affinity and stating how said affinity is not inconsistent with the Landmarks, laws or values of Freemasonry. Cross-Reference : Const., Art. VIII; By-Laws, Ch. I l l , Art. 1.
(b) Seven or more Master Masons petitioning for a Warrant of Constitution with the intent of forming an Affinity Lodge shall in clude a statement attached to the peti tion declaring their intent to form as an Affinity Lodge and describing their particular affinity and stating how said affinity is not inconsistent with the Landmarks , laws or values of Freemasonry. Cross-Reference: Const., Art. IX; By-Laws, Ch Ill, Art. 2
3-703 Frequency of Meetings Affinity Lodges operating under letters of dispensation or a Warrant of Constitution are required to hold , at the minimum, three Stated Communications in separate months and an Annual Communication, at wh ich meeting the members shall elect and install a Master , Senior Warden, Junior Warden and a Secretary/Treasurer, such oth er and further meetings may be called at the pleasure of the Worshipful Master (Amended 2021)
3-704. Special Dispensation to Travel. Affinity Lodges operating under lette rs of dispensation or a Warrant of Constitu t ion are authorized to travel to and conduct wo rk in other lodges in this Grand Jurisdiction at the invitation of said lodges, provided, that the Affini ty Lodg e make application to the Grand Master for a special dispensation granting passage for their Warrant of Constitution , or Letters o f Di spensation , as th e cas e may be . The fee for su ch dispensations shal l be that as pre scribe d by the Grand Lodge Re v .
Petitions and Proceedings Thereon
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. X.
4-101. Definitions--A petition for the Mysteries of Masonry is an application to become a member of a Lodge by receiving the three Degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry therein, by a person who has not been accepted as a candidate for the Mysteries in any other Lodge . A Petition for Advancement is an application to rece ive one or more of the Degrees in a Lodge by a person who is or has been an accepted candidate for the Mysteries in anot he r Lodge, whether such other Lodge be chartered or Under Dispensation. A petition for Membership is an application to become a member of a Lodge, by a Master Mason who has been granted a dimit or other evidence for transfer of membership by the Lodge with which he has been affiliated. A petition for Restoration is an application by a Mason under suspension who seeks to become a Maso n in good standing. A petition for Reinstatement is an application by a person under sentence of expulsion, who seeks to become a Mason in good standing. A brother who petitions a Lodge for Membership is designated as an "applicant." A pe rso n who petitions for the Mysteries, for Advancement, for Restoration or for Reinstatement is designated as a "petitioner."
4-102. General Requirements for All Petitions--Every petition shall be in writ ing, stating the residence, business address and voca t ion of the pet it ioner or applicant, and be signed in in k, by his own hand, with his name in full. It shall also be signed by two members of the Lodge, and who shall be held as certifying t o his physical, mental and moral fitness. Electronic verification, as prescribed b y the Council of Administration, shall only apply to petitions for the Mysteries of Masonry, reinstatement, dual membership and transfers from without this jurisdiction.
(Amended 2014)
4-103. Petition for the Mysteries--Requirements--Every petition for the Mysteries of Masonry shall state: (1) That the petitioner is unbiased by the solicitation of friends and uninfluenced by mercenary or other improper motives; (2) That he believes in God; (3) Tha t he has long entertained a favorable opinion of the Ancient and Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons, and prays that he be admitted thereto promis i ng cheerfully to confo rm to all the established usages and to yield a cheerfu l obedience to all the req uirements of t he Institution; (4) When and where the petitioner was born; (5) T he period of h is residence i n the State of Kansas; (6) Whether he has previously petitioned any Masonic Lodge ; and if so, when and where and what action was taken upon su ch previous petition ; (7) Any additional information required by the Council of Administration . (Amended 1955 , 1982) CrossReference: By-Laws, Sec. 4102 .
4-104. Petition for Advancement--Requirements--Every petition for Advancement s hall state: (1) The name, number and location of t he Lodge which accepted his pet ition fo r the Mysteries; (2) Th e Degree or Degrees received, if any; (3)Whethe r the petitioner is a sojourner or an actual resident of the State of Kansas; (4) Whether the L odge which accepted him is still in existence and, if so, whether it waives jurisdiction ; (5) When a nd where t he petitioner was born; (6) Whether he has ever been rejected by any Masonic Lodg e, and if so, when and where; (7) Th e period of his present r esidence, if an actual resident wi th in the State of Kansas.
The waive r or request shall be attached to th e petition; Provided , That if the Lodge which accepted the pet it io ner has ceased to exist, lawful evidence of the petitioner' s status s hall be
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attached to the petition. (Amended 1982. 1992) Cross-Reference : By-Laws , Secs. 4-102, 4116.
4-105. Petition for Membership--Requirements--Every petition for Membership shall state : (1) The name , number and location of the Lodge with which t he petitioner was last affiliated; (2) Whether he has applied to any other Masonic Lodge for Membership, and if so, the name , number
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and location of such Lodge; (3) When and where he was born ; (4) When and where he received the several Degrees. A certificate of dimission or other lawfu l evidence f or.t ransferring membership shall be attached to the petition. Cross- Reference: By-Laws, Sec. 4102.
4-106. Petition for Restoration-Requirements-Every petiti on for Restoration sha ll state : (1) T he date of s uspe nsi on; (2) T he name , number and loca tion of the Lodge which suspended the petitio ner; (3) The cause of suspensio n If the suspension was for non-pa ym e nt of d ues, the petition shall also sh ow pa yment o f c urre nt years's dues. If the suspension was for a ny other cause, the petition shall sho w a laudable effort to correct the w ro ng. (Ame nded 2001) Cross-Reference: Bylaws , Secs. 4-102, 4-135.
4-107. Petition for Reinstatement--Requirements --E very petition fo r Rei nstatemen t shall state: (1 )T he date of expulsion; (2) The name, number and location of the Lodge of wh ich the peti ti oner was a member immediately prior to his expulsion; (3) T he cause of e xp ulsion; (4) W hat th e petitioner has done to reform th e evil or repai r the inj ury; (5) In w hat way the petitioner has endeavored t o vind icate the honor of Masonry from the reproach of his wrong do ing
Cross-Reference: By-La ws, Secs 4 -102 , 4-135
4-108 Petition for Restoration or Reinstatement - To what Lodge--A petitio ner for Resto ration or Re instatement shall apply only to the Lodge b y which he w as s us pended or expelled; Provided , if such Lodge has ceased to work, he may apply to any Lodg e within the jurisdiction of this Grand Lodge. Rest oration or Reinsta tement is to me mbership in the L odge which re stores or re instates __ him. (Amen ded 1982 , 1996) Cross -Reference: B y-L aws, Secs. 4-128, 4- 135
4-109. Concurrent Jurisdiction--Repeal ed.
4-110. Petition for the Mysteries Previous Rejection of Petitioner- If it appears th at a petitioner for t he Mysteries has previously been rejected by any Masonic Lodge in this Grand J urisdiction , th e · petitio n may be received only if more than six months have elapsed s ince such rejection. (Amended 1992)
4-111. Lodges U D--Petitioners for Advancement--A Lodge U nder Dispensation shall h ave th e s ame right as a chartered Lodge to receiv e and accept a petitio n for Advancement.
4-112 Petition for Advancement--Residence of Petitioner--No pet itione r for Advance men t , upon waiver of jurisdiction , w het her by a sojourner or a pe rma ne nt resident, can be recei ved until the petitioner sha ll have resided within the State of Kansas for six months un le ss waived by t he Grand Master. A petition for Advancement, upon request , may be re ceived regardless of the r esidence of the petitioner (Amended 19 82)
4- 113. Transmittal of Requests--Every request for conferring Degrees outs ide of this Grand Jurisd iction shal l be sent to the Grand Secretary for transmittal to the Lodge that is requested to do the work. Requests within th is Grand Jurisdiction may be made, in writing, directly to the Lodge t hat is requested to do the work by the requesting Lodge. It is the responsibility of the requesting L odge to make proper recording of the Degrees fo r transmittal to th e Grand Secretary' s office . (Amended 2001) Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec. 3-61 3.
4-114. Ri g ht to Request Courtesy Conferral of Degrees--Any Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction which has accepted a petit ion has the rig ht to request another Lodge to co nfer any of the Degrees as an act of Courtesy. (Amended 1966) Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. X , Sec. 3. Rev. 2006
4-115. Waiver of Jurisdiction--An accepted candidate who has not received all of the Degrees may request in writing a Waiver of Jurisdiction from the Lodge.which accepted; him , He need not,state his reasons therefor. Such request shall state the name , residence and post office address of the person making the request. Such requested Lodge may grant said waiver by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any Stated Communication. (Amended 1966 , 1982)
4-116. Defunct Lodges--Waiver of Jurisdiction-Where an accepted candidate has not received all of the Degrees, and the Lodge which accepted him has ceased to exist, or where such candidate was accepted by a Lodge Under Dispensation which has ceased to exist by reason of revocation or surrender of the Letters of Dispensation, or by reason of the Grand lodge having declined to grant a Warrant of Constitution, the Grand Secretary shall issue a certificate showing the candidate's status, which certificate shall have the force and e ffect of a waiver of jurisdiction. Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec. 3-111, 4-104, 4-117.
4-117. Rejection on Waiver-If a petition for Advancement, on waiver of jurisdiction, is rejected, the petitioner's affiliation remains in the Lodge which waived jurisdiction; and before he can petition again he must secure another waiver; Provided, That this section shall not apply to a petitioner holding a certificate from the Grand Secretary as provided in Section 4-116.
4-118. Reception of Petitions-:-Every petition shall be read in open Lodge at a Stated or Special Communication, and the unanimous consent of the members shall be required for its reception , such consent to be signified by a show of hands. The refusal to receive a petition shall not operate as a rejection ; but the petitioner or applicant may renew his application at any time. If a brother declares himself as opposed to the reception of a petition in advance of its presentation to the Lodge, or threatens to cast an unfavorable ballot on any petition to be presented to his Lodge , he shall be deemed to have committed an offense against the Body of Masonry. (Amended 1957, 2002)
4-119. Committee of lnvestigation--When a petition shall have been received, the Master shall refer it to a Committee of Investigation appointed by him, consisting of three unbiased members of the Lodge In not less than two weeks, every member of the Committee shall conduct his investigation and shall report orally in ope n Lodge, in person or through some other member of the Committee , unless excused by order to the Master. In the event of such excuse, a new Committee shall be appointed, and cannot report in less than two weeks. Where one member reports for the entire Committee, the report to him from other members may be made in person or by telephone Provided , That in no event shall the Committee, or any member thereof, announce the reason for its conclusion in reporting upon any petition, nor the facts upon which it is based, nor shall any one request such explanation. (Amended 1968 , 1992) Cross-Reference:
Constitution, Art. X, Sec. 5; By-Laws, Secs 4-119A, 4-135.
4-119A. Committee of Investigation May Report Only at a Stated Communication-Every report of a Committee of Investigation shall be made at a Stated Commun icatio n of the L odge. The ballot be taken as provided for in By-Law 4-126 (Adopted 1968) (A mended 1992) Cross-Reference:
Constitution, Art. X, Sec. 5; By-Laws , 4-126, 4-119.
4-120 . Petitioner for Advancement Must Prove Himself Before Report--The Co m mittee of Investigation shall not report upon any petition for Advancement wherein the petiti oner represents hi mse lf to be an Entered Apprentice or a Fellow Craft until t he petitio ner shal l have been vouched for or shall have proved himself by due examination , as an Entered Apprentice or a Fellow Craft
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4-121. Applicant for Membership Must Prove Himself Before Report-Th e Committee of ( Investigation shall not report upon any petition for mem be rship until the applicant shall ha ve visited the Lodge if he resides within its jurisdiction, or shall have been vouched for if he resides outside its jurisdictio n
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Sec. 3-421 .
4-122. Withdrawal or Rejection of Petitions -Any type of petition may be withdrawn at anytime before , but not after, a ballot has been ordered. Upon withdrawal or rejection of any petition, or in any case where there is a report of no jurisdiction , the Secretary shal l return to the petitioner or applicant, any money which may have been deposited, but shall retain the petit ion (Amended 1983)
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Sec 4-126.
4-123. Removal of Petitioner Prior to Report--Where a petitioner fo r the Mysteries permanently removes from the juris d iction of the Lodge before the Committee of Inve stigati o n makes its report, the Lodge loses jurisd iction of him , and shall cause his deposit to be returned .
4-124. Exclusive Jurisdiction Over Petitioners for Mysteries-When a Lodge receives a petitio n of a candidate for the Mysteries, it thereby acquires exclusiv e jurisdiction over him. If the petitioner is accepted, such juris dictio n continues until such time as the petit io ne r or candidate shall transfe r his status in the same manner as a Master Mas on or until the Lodge becomes extinct. If the petitioner is rejected, such rig ht of jurisdictio n shal l cease to exist. (Amended 1 982) Cross-
Reference: Constitution, A rt IX, Sec. 2.
4-125 Exclusive Jurisdiction over Petitioners for Mysteries-When a petition for Adva ncement is accompanied b y a request from the Lodge which accepted the petitioner for the Mysteries, the Lodge receiving the petition acquires no jurisdiction over the petitioner. When the pet ition for Advancemen t is accompanied by a waiver of jurisd iction or if the Lodge that accepted the petitioner has ceased to exist, the Lodge accepting the petitioner thereby acquires exclusive j urisd iction over him. Cross-Reference: Co nstitutio n, Art. X, Sec. 3; By-Laws , Secs. 4-104, 4-116.
4-126. Ballot-When Required-A ballot shall be ordered upon each peti t io n as soon as the rep ort of the Com mittee of In v estigation shall be made thereon; Provided , Tha t in case of collective balloti ng upo n several petitions as provided in Section 4-133, the procedure prescribed in th at section shall be followed; Provided , Further, that no ballot shall be ordered upon a petition in any case where the Committee reports n o j uris di ction , in which event the petition sha ll be deemed void. Report of no j u risdi ction shall be made on ly w hen it is ascertained tha t the petitio ner does not possess the requis ite, mental, phys ical o r age qualifications, or t hat he does not comply w ith the requirements in the matter of j urisdictio n , or that he is ineli gible by reason of the jurisdiction rights of another Lodge. (Amended 1959, 1982) Cross- Reference: Constitution , Art. X, Secs. 1-4; Byl aws, Secs. 4-110, 4-122, 4-123.
4 -12 7. Conduct of Ballot--The ballo t shall be under the supervision and control of t he Master, a nd shall be inspected only by him and the Wardens. Every member present shall vote, and the Master shal l not entertain any excuse from voting, or moti on to postpone t he ballot, o r to reconsi der i t. Th e result, when conclusive, i n al l cases shall be d eclared by the Master, after whic h he shal l immed iate ly destroy the ballot before returning th e ba llot box to the Sen ior Deacon. (Amended 1985)
4-128 . Unanimous Ballot Required A unanimous ba llot is required fo r th e acceptance of any petition. (Amended 2002) Cross-Reference: Constitut ion, Art. X, Sec. 6; By- Laws, Sec 4-1 35
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4-129. Second Ballot--When a ballot is taken upon any petition which requires a unanimous vote for acceptance, and one negative vote appears ; the Maste r shall at once,-,without comment and without permitting any remarks, order a second ballot. If one or more negati v e votes appear upon the second ballot, the Master shall declare the petition or applicant rejected; but if the second ballot is clear, the petition shall be deemed t o be accepted. After declara tion of rej ection , the Master shall not reopen or retake the ballot.
4-130. One Ballot for All Degrees-Only one ballot shall be required for all the Degrees upon any petition for the Mysteries , or for Advancement, except that when one or more of the Degrees have been conferred any member may, after the candidate's examination, demand a ballot upon any and every proposition for his further advancement. If one or more negative votes a ppear, the Degree shall not be conferred at that Communication , but the candidate may renew his appl ication at any succeeding Stated Communication If demand for a ballot is again made , t he Degree shall not be conferred until a clear ballot appears
4-131. Secrecy of the Ballot--The secrecy of the ballot shall be ma i ntained inviolable; and if a brother criticizes the result of any ballot, or ind icate the character of any vote cast by him, or if he upbraid another for the result , he shall be deemed to have committed an offense against the Body of Masonry. Every member has the right to cast his ballot unquestioned as to its character, and in the exercise of this right, he should not be controlled by prejudice , but should act for the good of Masonry. Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec. 4-132.
4-132. Law of Secrecy of Ballot to be Read in Lodge--Whe never a ballot is to be cast, the Master shall require the Secretary to read By-Law, 4-131, Secrecy of the Ballot , before the ballot is made (Amended 1977)
4-133 Balloting on Two or More Petitions-When it appears that reports will be made and a ballot ordered upon more than one petition at the same Stated Communication , the Master may, at his discretion, receive all of such reports before ordering a ballot , and then order a single ballot upon :· all of such petitions collectively. If all of the votes are favorable , all of the petitions shall be deemed and declared to be accepted without any further ballot; but if one or more negative votes appear , then such collective ballot shall be deemed void, and the Master shall then order separate bal lots upon each of such petitio ns, which shall be conducted according to the rules prescribed in the foregoing sections. (Amended 1979, 2002)
4-134 . Entering or Retiring from Lodge Room During Progress of Ballot- -No brother except the Junior Deacon and Tyler shall be permitted to enter or retire from the Lodge room while a ballot is in progress The ballot shall be deemed to be in progress from the time the Senior Deacon is ordered to prepare the ballot , until the ballot is destroyed.
4-135. Petitions for Restoration or Reinstatement--Action by Accusing Ballot--Where a petitioner for restoration or reinstatement has been suspended or expelled as a result of charges entertained by a Lodge of which he was not a member, the petition shall be made in dupl icate . When such petition is received by the Lodge by whi ch the petitioner was suspended or expelled , the Master of such Lodge shall refer it to a Committee of Investigatio n , and the Secretary of such Lodge shall thereupon send the duplicate of such petition the Secretary of the accusing Lodge, together with information as to the date upon which such petition was received. At the next Stated Communication of the accusing Lodge after receipt of the du plicate petition, the petitio n shall be read by the Secretary of the accusing Lodge, and the Master of that Lodge shall thereupon re fer the petition to a Committee of Investigation, without requiring any vote upon the reception of such petition, and such committee shall report in not less that two weeks, as provided by By-Law 4-119.
Upon report of such Committee, the Master of the accusing Lodge shall order a ballot upon such petition , and the Secretary of such Lodge shall thereupon notify the Secretary.of the Lodge by which the petition had originally been received of the action upon such petition In the meantime, the Lodge which had originally received such petition shall not ballot thereon; and, if the accusing Lodge, by a majority vote of those present , shall have acted unfavorably upon such petition as herein above provided, the Lodge which originally received the petition shall at the next Stated Communication declare the petitioner rejected; but, if the accusing Lodge shall not have acted unfavorable upon such petition as herein above provided , the Lodge which originally received the petition shall thereupon proceed w it h the report of its Committee of Investigation and ballot such petition, as in other cases, and the result of such ballot shall determine the acceptance or rejection of such petition. (Amended 1951 ,1982) Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Secs. 4-106 , 4-107, 4-108, 4119 , 4-128.
Conferral of Degrees
Cross Reference: Constitution, Art. X; Art. XI, Sec. 1.
4-201. Time for Initiation or Advancement--A Candidate who has been accepted shall not be required to present himself for initiation, or for advancement, within any limited time; nor shall any lapse of time work a forfeiture of any right or privilege he may have acquired.
Cross-Reference: Constitution , Art. X, Sec. 5
4-202. Two Weeks Between Degrees--Repealed 1996
4-203. Work of Lodges U D--A Lodge Under Dispensation in its Masonic Work is governed by the ( rules prescribed for the regulation of like work in chartered Lodges.
4-204. Qualifications of Candidate Cannot be Waived--The Grand Master may not grant a special dispensation to confer the Degrees upon any candidate not having the qualific ation required by Article X, Sections 1 and 2 of the Constitution, without the unanimous consent of the Council of Administration. (Amended 1975)
4-205 . Degree Teams--Conferral of Degrees--No Degree team may enter o r leave this Grand Ju ris diction without the approval of the Grand Master: Provided, Lodge officers or a Degree Team of one Lodge may confer any Degree in another Kansas Lodge without consent. Every Degree conferred upon a candidate who is seeking to attain membership in any Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction as the result of receiving the Degrees, shall be conferred in conformity to the authorized work of this Grand Jurisd ict ion. (Amended 1992) Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. XI, Sec 3
4-206. Proficiency Examination-The examination of a cand ida te upon his proficiency may be conducted while the Lodge is open on the Degree previou·sly attained by the candidate or at any time at the Lodge hall in the presence of a committee consisting of a minimum of thre e Mas t er Masons appointed by the Master for the purpose of conducting the proficiency examination. This proficiency will be the memory work as contained in the candidate handbook and will include the first and second-degree proficiency . The third degree proficiency e xamina tion should be completed but shall be at the option of the candidate. The Masonic Educatio n Committee will report th e score of the proficiency support program before the Lodge vote is taken . The vote of the Lodge upon the proficiency of the candidate shall be taken with the candidate excused. If the Proficiency was demonstrated to a comm ittee , then the vote shall be taken in open Lodge only after a favorab le recommendation has been made by a majo rity of the committee examining the candidate. (Amen ded 1967 , 1988, 1991, 1993). Cross -Referen ce: By-Laws, Sec. 3-403
4-206A. Appointment of Coach--After the conferral of each degree, the Master shall appoint a coach or sponsor to assist the Brother in preparing to demonstrate his proficiency (Amended 2006)
4-207. Objection to Conferring Degree--Any Master Mason who is a member of the Lodge may object to the conferring of any Degree upon an accepted candidate. The objector shall not state the grounds of his objection. The objection must be made by the objector in person , in open Lodge. If the objection is made orally by the objector, and recorded at his request, or if it is submitted in writing in open Lodge by the objector and signed by him , the candidate is barred from receiving the Degree until the first Stated Communication after the expiration of six months from that date. If not so submitted in writing, and if not recorded, or if a ballot is demanded after the candidate examination and it results unfavorably , the objection shall remain in force only until the next Stated Communication of the Lodge. The objector may renew his objection , or he may withdraw it at any time; Provided, That in no case shall the objection continue to be in force after termination of the objector's membership.
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Sec. 4-130
4-208. Time for Objection--An objection to the conferring of a Degree upon an accepted candidate may be made at any time before the obligation
4-209 . Membership of Objector--No brother is entitled to object to the conferring of any Degree except in the Lodge of which he is a member. Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Sec. 4-401 .
4-210 . Objection--Rights of Candidate-- A Mason who has received one or two Degrees , against whose advancement an objection has been made , is entitled to instruction in the Degree last received, to take his proficiency examination in the same and have it accepted , to attend Communications, and to all the rights and privileges accorded to any other Mason of the same Degree.
4-211 Effect of Objection--Petitioning Another Lodge--A petitioner for the Mysteries , who has been accepted , but who has been prevented from receiving one or more of the Degrees by the objection of a member, cannot petition another Lodge for the Mysteries. He cannot petition another Lodge for Advancement without first obtaining a waiver of jurisdiction from the Lodge which accepted him . Cross-Reference : Constitution , Art. X, Sec. 3 ; By-Laws , Sec . 4-114 . (Amended 2023)
4-212. Work on Several Candidates--AII portions of the work may be conferred on up to three candidates at the same time without special dispensation of the Grand Master. (Amended 1992, 1995 ) Cross-Reference: By-Laws, Sec. 3-402
4-213 Work in Separate Rooms--A Lodge cannot confer Degrees in separate rooms at the same time , except that the Grand Master may grant special dispensation for a Lodge to confer more than one degree at a time by using separate rooms ; Provided , Said separate rooms are within the same Lodge building. (Amended 1985)
4-214. Lectures, When Given--The first section lecture of each Degree must be given during the communication at which the Brother is obligated , the second and third section lectures must be given within 30 days or before advancing to the next Degree. (Amended 1981)
4-215. Obligations, How Taken-- The obligations of the several Degrees must be taken in the name of God , and cannot be taken by mere affirmation but can be taken by confirmation in such a manner as outlined by the Committee on Ritual.
4-216. Irregular Work--When a Lodge is opened in good faith and work is done , the work must be deemed regular , notwithstanding any irregularity in procedure or in conformity to the Ritual ; but nothing herein shall be construed as exempting the Lodge or its officers from discipline for such irregularity.
Fees and Dues
Cross-Reference : By-Laws , Sec 4-405.
4-301. Fees for Degrees --A petitioner for the Mysteries of Masonry shall pay therefor such fees as the Lodge By-Laws require , which shall be not less than Fifty Dollars A petitioner for Advancement shall pay such fees as required by the Lodge which accepted him as a candidate for the Mysteries, and such fees shall belong to the Lodge of which he shall become a member as provided by law. (Amended 1969 , 1975)
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Secs. 4-304 , 4-401.
4-302. Initiatory Fees --(Repealed 2023)
4-303. Amendment of By-Law Regulating Fees- -An amendment of a Lodge By-Law , raising or lowering the amount of fees for the Degrees, shall operate only as to petitions received afte r the effective date of the amendment , and not as to petitions received before such date
4-304. Fees for Advancement--Membership--When the Lodge having jurisdiction grants a (waiver of jurisdiction), that Lodge shall return to the Petitioner the unused portion of the fee. The Lodge accepting the Petition for Advancement thereby acquires exclusive jurisd iction and is entitled to appropriate charge for the remaining Degree(s) Further , The Pe tit ioner upon completion of the Maste r Mason's Degree , becomes a member of that Lodge . (Amended 1992)
Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Sec. 4-401.
4-304A. Courtesy Conferral of Degrees--No fees shall be assessed for this courtesy ; Provided , The Lodge making the request must collect the entire fee before courtesy work is permitted. (Adopted 1992)
4-305. Lodge Dues--Assessments--A Lodge may provide a revenue for its support by requiri ng each member to pay annually a specific tax to be fixed in its By-Laws , and , at any Stated Communication , by a majority vote of the members present, it may assess an add itional tax for current expenses or for charity , or both which shall be held to be a special tax for emergent purposes. Cross-Reference: By-Laws, 3-502.
4-306 . Lodge Dues--Rights of Delinquent Member--The specific taxes required by a Lodge, the per capita ta xes required by a Lodge, and the per capita taxes required by the Grand Lodge, shall be included in the terms "Lodge Dues" or "Dues" . The neg lect or refusal of a member to pay his Lodge Dues shall not deprive him of any right or privilege in the Lodge o r as a Mason , until such right or privilege has been restricted by some procedure provided by law. CrossReference: By-Laws, Sec. 2-301
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4-306A. Lodge Dues--Notice to Delinquent Members--Not later than the first Stated Communication in October, prior to the Annual Communication of the Lodge , the Master wil l obtai n from the Secretary , a list of delinquent members The Master will contact each delinquent member, preferably in person , and encourage him to remit his dues and further expla i n the adverse effects that being suspended will cause. It shall further be the inherent duty of the Master to inqui re into the reason(s) the de linquent brother will not or cannot remit his dues. A determination will then be made to see if the reasons or inabilities to pay said dues falls within the realms of By-Law 4-307 , Remission of Dues. (Adopted 1991)
4-307. Remission of Dues--A Lodge may remit the dues of any member for inability to pay the same , or for any other cause by a two-thirds vote of all the members present at any Stated Communication ; Provided, That if any member in arrears for dues states , in open Lodge or in writing , that he canno t pay his dues without material injury to his family, and such statement is confirmed by the Master, the Master shall order remission of his dues. Remission of dues shall not exempt the Lodge from paying Grand Lodge per capita tax and assessments upon such membe r
4-308. Lodge Dues--Payable in Advance--Suspension--Lodge Dues shall be payable in advance and shall be delinquent if not paid on or before January 1, of each year. If same are not paid by the date of the Annual Communication thereafter, the member shall be suspended on that date t o be effective as of December 31 , thereafter except in the case of Members who have a Dual and/o r Plura l Members and who remain in good standing with another affiliated Lodge. Instead of suspension , such Dual and/or Plural Members shall be issued a certificate of withdrawal per By-Laws, Article IV §4401 B. (Amended 2021 , 2022)
4-308A. Suspensions--Duty of Secretary--lt shall be the duty of the Secretary of every Lodge to maintain a ledger account of every member of his Lodge It shall also be his duty to send every member at his last known address a statement of his dues and a notice of the date of the Annual Communication of the Lodge at least thirty days prior to such meeting. Su ch notice may at his discretion or on advice of the Master be sent by Certified Mail with the return address thereon. Such statement shall clearly show any indebtedness to the Lodge as well as the amount of dues for the succeeding calendar year. ·
At the Annual Communication of the Lodge, the Secretary shal l submit to the Lodge a list of the names of all members whose dues are unpaid for the current year. The Master and Secretary shall certify that each member named has been served with the proper notice or that the same has been ma iled to h is last known address. It shall then be the duty of the Master to make inquiry as to whether any of the brethren whose names have been submitted are in financia l distress or unable to pay their dues If action is not taken to remit the dues as provided for in By-Law 4-307, the Master shall declare any and all such members suspended from all the rights and privileges of Masonry for nonpayment of dues, the decree to become final at the close of the calendar year unless the amount of dues owing is pa id by that time , the record of suspension shall be as of December 31 , after t he date of such Annua l Communication (Amended 1967 , 1982 and 2002) Cross-Reference : By-Laws, Sec. 3-427
Remission of dues of Suspended Member--A Lodge may , by a two -thirds vote of t he members present at any Stated Communication , remit the dues of a member for the nonpayment of which he is then under suspension , but such remission shall not resto re him.
Dues of New Members--A member affiliating , or one rai s ed, is liable for the pro-rata proportion of the annual dues for the cu r rent year, but in no event less than the per capita tax and any assessment of the Grand Lodge
Official Receipts for Dues--N o Lodge within this Grand Jurisdiction shall issue a receipt for dues except upon a prepared blank form , to be furnished by the Grand Secretary, which form
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shall contain a printed or lithographed certificate with facsimile signature of the Grand Secretary , to the effect that the issuing Lodge is a constituent of the M .- . W:. Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas.
4-312. Restoration of Grace Period--lf a member under suspension for non-payment of dues only, shall pay the amount of indebtedness to the Lodge (including current year's dues) by the last day of June following the date of suspension, the Secretary shall announce such payment, and the member shall be restored to membership without further action. The date of restoration shall be the date of said suspension. (Adopted 1990 , Amended 2001)
4-313. Voluntary Prepaid Perpetual Membership- -A member in good standing may purchase a Perpetual Membership from his Lodge. The Cost will be calculated at twenty- five times the rate of dues for his Lodge , but never less than $1000.00 . (Amended 1992, 2021)
4-314. Perpetual Memorial Membership--A memorial membership(s) may be purchased by any person(s) in the name of a deceased Brother for $100.00 each. The net amount derived therefrom will be returned to his Lodge yearly, by warrant , after the administrative expenses are deducted . (Adopted 1992)
4-315. Perpetual and Memorial Memberships Administration-- This will be pursuant and in the accordance with the Articles and By-Laws of the Perpetual Life Membership Incorporated.
(Adopted 1992)
4-316 Buying Back Lost Time-Members who have lost service time due to suspension for non-payment of dues or due to the taking of dimits may buy back their lost time by paying the Lodge's current dues rate for the number of years they wish to purchase . The member 's name , membership number , and number of years being purchased must be put on an Activity Report and mailed to the Grand Lodge office along with a check for the per capita tax fo r the number of years being purchased. Grand Lodge records will be corrected to reflect the proper years of service.
Membership Dimission and Transfer
Cross-Reference: Constitution , Art. X, Sec. 4.
4-401 Place of Membership--An applicant for Membership becomes a member of the Lodge upon the declaration, by the Master , that he is duly elected thereto. A petitioner for the Mysteries of Masonry becomes a member of the Lodge which has accepted his petition on being obligated as a Master Mason therein or at its request in another Lodge A petitioner for Advancement becomes a member of the Lodge in which he is obligated as a Master Mason only in cases when the Lodge which accepted his petition has ceased to exist or has waived jurisdiction. A member of a Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction , so long as he remains a member thereof can hold memberships in other lodges outside of this jurisdiction , and plural memberships with in this jurisdiction. Provided that a member of a Chartered Lodge may become a member of a Lodge Under Dispensation without forfeiting his membership in the Chartered Lodge . (Amended 1960, 1975 , 1992 , 2001) Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art VIII , Sec 2 ; Art. X , Sec. 4; By- Laws , Secs.3-112, 4-108
4-401A. Dual membership--A member of a Lodge in this Grand Jurisd iction may become a member of a Lodge in another Grand Jurisdiction in fraternal correspondence with this Grand Lodge , and a member of a Lodge in such other Grand J urisdiction may become a member of a Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction. A Brother holding such memberships shall be bound by all th e
laws , rules and regulations governing each Lodge , including the payment of all dues and assessments, and shall have all of the privileges of each Lodge. The suspension or expulsion of a Brother by such Lodge of his membership shall be recognized by this Grand Jurisdiction , and upon receipt of official notice of such action , the Lodge of his membership in this Grand Jurisdiction shall make a record of such action w hich shall have the same effect as though the suspension or expulsion had been taken by this Grand Jurisdiction. The holder of a dual membership shall not have the right to request a dimit. (Adopted 1961 , Amended 1974,1983 , 1996 , 2021)
4-401 B Withdrawal of Dual/Plural Membership --A brother holding a dual/plural membersh ip may request a certificate of withdrawal of his membership in his Lodge in the Grand Jurisdiction in the same manner and under the same circumstances as a request for a dimit or w ill be considered to have automatically requested such withdrawal if he is found delinquent in his dues at the end of the dues year per By-Laws , Article Ill §4-308 Upon receiving such certificate of withdrawal his relationship to such Lodge shall be the same a though he had never he ld membership in such Lodge . (Adopted 1961, Amended 1989 , 2021)
4-401C. Dual Membership--Duty of Lodge Secretaries and of Grand Secretary--The Secretaries of all Lodges shall immediately notify the Grand Secretary of the granting of a membership to a member of a Lodge of another Grand Jurisdiction and of all subsequent action affecting such memberships The Grand Secretary shall immediately notify the Grand Secretary of such other Grand Jurisdiction of such action The Lodge Secretaries shall supply in their annual reports such information relative to brothers holding dual memberships as the Grand Secretary shall request. (Adopted 1961)
4-401 D. Plural Membership--A member in good standing of a Lodge in this Grand Jurisdiction may hold plural membership in other Lodge s in this Grand Jurisdiction paying dues and per-capita in each Lodge and provided that if he is suspended in one, he shall be suspended in all. (Adopted 1975 Amended 1983 , 1984 , 1994, 1996 , 2021).
4-402 Life Membership--No Lodge shall issue any life Membership unless it shall have been authorized as hereinafter provided. The proposition therefor shall be submitted at a Stated Communication, such proposition shall be sustained by two-thirds of the members present , such Lodge shall cause an application in writing , for authority to issue such Life Membership, to be submitted to the Grand Master, which application shall state the reasons for such application The Grand Master shall present such application to the Co uncil of Administration , who may authorize or deny the granting of such application. Any Life Membership hereafter issued by any Lodge without obtaining such authority as herein provided , shall be null and void; Provided , That any Lodge may issue a Life Membership to any member who has been a Maste r Mason in good standing for fifty years, by vote of the Lodge as herein above provided , without action by the Grand Master or Co uncil of Administration; And Provided Further , That each member so granted a Life Membership may be exempt from the paying of per-capita ta x, assessm e nts , or dues. (Amended 1952, 1959, 1974) Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. IV, Sec. 1.
4-403. Membership Certificate, Diplomas, Dimits--Th e Grand Secretary may certify to the regular standing of a Lodge on various type of certificates , diplomas and dimits lawfully issued The Grand Secretary shall make a charge of Five Dollars for any such cert ifi c ation
4-404. Certificate of Dimission--The Lodge Secretary ma y iss ue a certificate of dimission to any member in current good s tanding who has no other financial liabilities or charges pending , thereafter
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announcing and recording the transaction in the minutes of the next Stated Communication of the Lodge. An applicant for dimission need not state his reasons therefor. He may make his request orally or in writing, at any Stated Communication. The Master shall order the granting of such dimit unless the member applying therefor be at the time an elective officer of the Lodge, have charges pending against him , or be under pecuniary liability to the Lodge. When the application is granted , the Secretary shall give to the applicant a certificate of such dimission, showing that he is in good standing, and that his Lodge dues are paid to date (Amended 1992) CrossReference: Constitution, Art. X, Sec. 4.
4-405 . Dimission --Liability for Dues--Every Lodge granting a dim it to a brother whose dues are paid for the current year shall refund to him any Grand Lodge special assessment included in such payment, and the unearned portion of such dues, computed on a monthly basis. If such dues have not previously been paid , the application for a dimit shall be accompanied by payment of all dues to the time of dimission, exclusive of any Grand Lodge special assessment for the current year. Cross-Reference: By-Laws , Secs. 4-305 , 4-306
4-406. Limitation of Dimit--The rights under a dimit shall continue for life. Anyone who has received a dimit prior to March 15, 2002 shall , on request , be issued a new dimit good for life at no charge. A dimit is a resignation of membership A brother holding a dimit has no Masonic rights He is not eligible to visit or sit in Lodge. He is not entitled to aid or charity. His only r ight is to petition a Lodge for Membership, and a Masonic burial. (Amended 1974, 2002, 2022) CrossReference: Constitution. Art. X, Sec. 4 ; By-Laws , Secs . 4-105, 4-409 .
4-407 Transfers of Memberships--A member desiring to transfer his membership to another lodge may sign a form provided for that purpose and in addition thereto sign a request that a dim it be issued and forwarded to the Lodge to which he is transferring when his election is reported
A Lodge receiving such a petition shall handle the same in the usual manner referring the same to the committee of investigation and receiving the report of the committee as prescribed in these By-Laws and subject to applicable provisions thereof Such petition for transfer must be supported by attaching a valid dues card, a Certificate of Transfer or any other evidence of membership in good standing granted by his Lodge, or by a dimit from any regular Lodge The election of such petitioner shall not terminate the petitioner's membership in his Lodge unless and until a valid dimit is received by the Lodge to which he has petitioned for membership Such election shall be entirely conditioned upon the dimit completing transfer from the Lodge from which the member is transferring , and the signing of the petition or request for a dimit shall not disturb or change his membership until such dimit is filed. (Amended 1975)
The Lodge from which the member is transferring shall send with the dim it to the rece iving Lodge , the members per capita tax and the unearned portion of the current years dues, computed on a monthly basis.
Correspondence concerning transfers from or to Lodges in other Grand Jurisdictions shall pass through the Grand Secretary's offices in the respective jurisdictions as provided by in By-Law 3613. (Amended 1971 ), Provided , That nothing in the above shall be construed so as to prevent plural membership within this Grand Jurisd iction. (Amended 2000) Cross-Refere nce : Co nstitution , Art. X , Sec . 4; By- Laws, Secs. 4-408 , 3-613.
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4-408. Effect of Expiration of Ninety Days--The fact that the Certificate for Transfer may be in the hands of the Master or Secretary prior to the expiration of the ninety day limit , does not extend the life of such Certificate if the petition has not been referred to the Committee of Investigation prior to the expiration of such limit.
4-409. Members of Defunct or Consolidated Lodges--Grand Secretary's Certificate--A member of a Lodge whose Warrant of Constitution is surrendered or revoked may apply to and obtain from the Grand Secretary a Certificate which shall have the force and effect of a dimit, and may be received with a petition for Membership in any Lodge (Amended 2002) CrossReference : Constitution , Art IV, By-Laws , Secs. 2-301 , 4-105 , 4-406.
4-410. Occasional Lodges-Lodges with membersh i ps of 45 or less members residing within 25 miles of the Lodge , and who are physically able to attend , may elect, by a majority of its membership present at a Stated Communication of the Lodge , to become an Occasional Lodge , effective once due notice is given the Grand Lodge by submission of their amended lodge bylaws , thereby, operating and being governed under the following regulations:
1. Required to hold at least four quarterly stated meetings annually, one of which is the lodge Annual communication to be held in December to elect and install a Master , Senior Warden, Junior Warden , Treasurer, and Secretary
2 All other Constitution and By-Laws shall apply in the governing of the Occasional Lodge with the exception of those listed above (Amended 2006 , 2023)
4-41 OA. Occasional Lodges-Optional Dues Collection and Reporting-(Repealed 2023)
5-101. Definitions--As used in this Code, unless the context otherwise indicates:
(a)"Committee" means the Committee on Trials and Punishment of the Grand Lodge.
(b)"Chairman" means the Chairman of the Committee on Trials and Punishments.
(c)"Complaint" means a document containing one or more counts , each of which may constitute a separate offense against the Body of Masonry.
(d)"Offense" means an offense against the Body of Masonry.
(e)"Accuser" means , in the first instance, the brother who signs the complaint; but after entertainment of the complaint it means the Lodge or Grand Lodge that has entertained the complaint.
(f)"Accused" means the brother against whom proceedings have been instituted under this code.
(g)"Due Notice" means notice given to the respective parties in accordance with regulations of the Committee.
5-102 Scope and Application--When a brother is accused of an offense , or when a controversy exists between two or more Lodges, or when the Warrant of a Lodge is or may be subject to revocation , the proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules prescribed in this code. Its provisions shall not be applicable to controversies between Masons unless some offense is involved , nor to suspension for non-payment of dues. (See: Constitution, Art. XI , Sec. 5.)
5-103. Construction of Rules--The rules of procedure contained in th is code shall be liberally construed , with a view to promote justice, to give ample protection to the rights of all parties , and to give practical effect to the precepts of Freemasonry.
5-104. Offense Against the Body of Masonry--Every Mason who shall willfully violate any of the Ancient Landmarks or Charges of Freemasonry , or the Constitution or Laws of the Grand Lodge , or the by-laws of the Lodge to which he belongs , or the Laws of the Country in which he resides , or disregard his obligations or the established usage ' s of the Fraternity, or do any act which shall tend to impair the purity of the Institution of Freemasonry , shall be guilty of an offense against the Body of Masonry and shall be punished by reprimand , suspension , or expulsion , from all the rights and privileges of Masonry.
5-105 Who May be Punished--Any Mason under sentence of suspension , or any dimitted Mason if the offense occurred prior to the issue of the dimit, as well as all other Masons , may be charged , t ried and punished , iffound guilty , except that the accountability of Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts should be limited to the degree of light received. Offending Lodges may be charged, tried and punished if found guilty, as provided in this code. (Amended 2008)
Cross- Refe r e nce : Constitution , Art XI , Sec. 5.
5-201. Jurisdiction--Every proceeding against a brother shall be brought in the Lodge of which he is a member or by the Lodge wherein the offense was committed except in those cases where the Grand Lodge has original juri sdiction.
5-202. Limitation--No charge shall be entertained against any Mason for any offense committed before he petitioned for the Mysteries of Masonry, nor for any offense committed more than five years before filing of the complaint. (Amended 2006)
5-203. Effect of Pending Complaint-The filing of a complaint and proceedings in connection therewith shall not affect a Masons standing until sentence has been pronounced , except tha t no Mason shall be entitled to a demit or a Certificate for Transfer while any charge is pending against him.
5-204. Commencement of Proceedings--A proceeding against any Mason for any alleged offense shall be commenced b y filing a complaint as provided in this code.
5-205. Complaint-A complaint means a written statement under Masonic oath of the essential facts constituting an offence against the Body of Masonry. A Complaint may contain several offenses each of which shall constitute a separate count in the Complaint. The offense pleaded in each count shall be in the language of the particular section of Masonic Law, which is alleged t o have been violated, and said numerical section shall be cited at the end of each count.
5-206. Affidavit in Support of Complaint--Every Complaint shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating the testimony and other evidence supporting the counts of the Complaint in detail. Said affidavit shall not contain conclusions regarding violations of Masonic law, opin ion, speculation or conjecture.
5-207. Charges Against Two or More Masons--ln ·all cases where a Complaint is preferred against two or more Masons, . the evidence against each ·of them shall .be .presented in one proceeding unless the substantial right of one ·or the brothers shall be prejudiced thereby.
5-208. Duties of Wardens--The Senior Warden, who superintends the Craft during the ho urs of labor, shall report any Mason who may be guilty of · an offense during the period of his superintendence. The Junior Warden, who superintends the Craft during the hours of refreshment, that is, during the period intervening the Communications, shall repo rt any Mason who may be guilty of an offense during the period of his superintendence; provided, tha t nothing herein contained shall be construed as affecting the right of any Master Mason to present a Complaint in the Lodge of which he is a member.
5-209. Accuser--The Complaint shall be made in writing, over the signature of a Master Mason who is a member ofthe Lodge in which the Complaint is to be presented, and given to t he Master , who shall call upon his Lodge to act upon the Complaint at a Stated Communi c ation
5-210. Filing of Compla int --If the Lodge , by a majority vote of its members present, determines that the complaint be filed , the original complaint and affidavits in support thereof, both of which shall be signed by the Master and attested by t he Secretary under seal of the Lodge shall be sent to the Grand Master and the Grand Secretary.
5-211. Filing of Complaint-Lodge Becomes Accuser--When t he Lodge votes to file a complaint, it immediately becomes the accuser, and is respons ible for the investigation and prosecution of the case.
5-212. Approval of Complaint--The Grand Master shall examine the complaint and affidavit in support the r eof, and if he determ i nes that the complaint states an offense and there is probab le cause to believe that said offense has been committed, he shall approve the compla int. If the
complaint is disapproved, he shall dismiss the complaint or require the presentation of a new or amended complaint and affidavit in support thereof. In either case, he shall notify the Grand Secretary for further handling.
5-213. Reference to Committee-When the complaint is approved, it shall be transmitted to the Chairman, and the Committee shall then proceed as provided in this Code.
5-214. Appeal of Failure to File Complaint-A Brother, aggrieved by the failure of a Lodge to file a complaint, may appeal to the Grand Master, who may , in his discretion , cause the complaint to be transmitted to the Cha irman, and the Committee shall thereupon proceed as provided in this Code. Such appeal shall be in the form dictated by 5-205 and 5-206.
5-215. Notice to Accused-If the post office address of the accused is unknown , and the Master of the accusing Lodge is unable to supply such address, The Committee may proceed with an ex parte trial, provided that the accuse r has exercised due diligence to determine the address or whereabouts of the accused. If the accused address is known, the accused shall be served with a copy of the comp laint and affidavit in support thereof, together with a summons issued by the Chairman, notifying the accused to plead to the complaint at a time and place to be named in the summons. Such service shall be made by mail. If such address is within the State of Kansas, the mailing shall be done at least fourteen days before the date for pleading; but if such address is outside the State, such mailing shall be done at least thirty days before the date for pleading. The Chairman shall certify to such mailing, and his certificate shall be conclusive evidence of service.
5-216. Plea of Accused--The plea shall be "guilty", "not guilty", or " no contest" to each of the ( counts in the complaint. Said plea may be made in person or in writing to the Chairman. If no plea is received, the Committee shall proceed with the case as upon a plea of not guilty.
5-217. Pleas of Guilty or No Contest--lf the accused pleads guilty or no contest to the counts of the complaint, the Committee shall proceed to determine and assess the punishment without a trial; provided, that if the accused seeks leniency by reason of any alleged extenuating circumstances, the Chairman shall notify the Master of the accusing Lodge of such cla im, and the Lodge shall have the right to offer evidence in contradiction thereof.
5-218. Pleas of Guilty or No Contest to Part of Counts in Complaint --If the accused pleads guilty or no contest to less than all of t he counts in the complaint, and the Chairman is of the opinion that the case should be disposed of upon such plea , without a tria l, he shall so notify the Grand Master; and if the Grand Master concurs with the Chairman in dismissa l of those counts to which a plea of guilty has not been entered, those counts shall be dismissed, and the case shall be disposed of by the Committee as to the remainder of the counts upon the plea of guilty or no contest in accordance with 5-217, above. In the absence of such concu rrence , the case shall proceed to trial as upon a plea of not guilty, and the plea of guilty or no contest previously entered shall be deemed withdrawn.
5-219 Time and Place of Trial-The trial shall be held at some convenient place and t ime to be designated by the Chairman, and due notice thereof shall be given to all parties including cou nsel.
5-220. Conduct of Trial-Th e trial shall be con d ucted by the Chairman, or any member of the Committee designated by him , or by the entire Committee , i n the discretion of the Chairman. The testimony shall be reduced to writing, and submitted to th e Chairman.
5-221 . Who May be Present at Trial--No person shall be present at the trial except the following:
The Committee members, the stenographer who reports the testimony, the Master or other authorized officer of the accusing Lodge, the accused , the counsel for t he respective parties and the witness who is at the time giving testimony.
5-222. Counsel--Any Brother duly authorized may appear as counsel for the accuser or the accused during the taking of the testimony and in the argument of t he case. Counsel for either party may examine and cross-examine witnesses subject to the discretion of the Chairman or any member of the Committee appointed by him to preside over the trial. Counsel for the accused , after entering his appearance by notifying the Chairman, shall be entitled to receive all pleadings, affidavits , and all other written or recorded evidence to be used in any manner in said case as well as a list of all witnesses who may be called by the accuser in it's case in chief. The above stated information shall be furnished to the counsel for t he accused at least two weeks prior to trial. Failure to provide the above information may result in such sanctions as the Chairman or the brother presiding over the trial may deem necessary to further the ends of justice .
5-223 Pledge of Witnesses--Witnesses, if Masonic, shall testify on their honor as such. Other witnesses shall be pledged to tell the truth upon their obligations and honor as persons and citizens.
5-224. Commissioner to Take Testimony--Oral testimony may be taken before the trial by a Commissioner, who shall be a Master Mason , to be appointed by the Chairman , when it shall appear to the Chairman to be for the best interests of both parties as a matter of expediency or avoiding unnecessary expense Due notice of the time and place of taking such testimony shall be given to all parties and their counsel. Such test imony shall be reduced to writing, and subm itted to the Chairman.
5-225. Written Evidence--Evidence derivable from records and writings may be ·introduced upon production of the original , or any authorized copy, or by any copy certified by a proper officer.
5-226. Rules of Evidence-The Committee is vested with broad discretion in the admission and exclusion of evidence. The rules of evidence applicable in the State of Kansas shall carry great weight in Masonic trials, but in the discretion of the Chairman or other Committee member presiding over the trial, may not be considered mandatory The controlling consideration shall be whether the admission or the exclusion of the evidence will best serve the ends of justice to all parties concerned.
5-227. Dismissal of Proceedings--After a Lodge has filed a complaint, and before the Committee has made its decis ion, the Lodge may, by vote of two-thirds of its members present at any Stated Communication, recommend dismissal of the proceeding . Three copies of such recommendations, certified by the Master and Secretary , shall be sent to the Grand Master, Grand Secretary and Chairman. Any Master Mason in good standing shall have the right to express his support of, or opposition to, such recommendation in the form of a letter in triplicate sent within seven days after said Stated Communication , to the Grand Master, Grand Secretary and Chairman respectively. The Grand Master shall thereupon conduct such investigation as he deems pro per, and obtain the recommendation of the Chairman, and may order a dismissal if in his judgement such dismissal would serve the best interests of Masonry. Upon such dismissal, the accusing Lodge shall promptl y pay all costs and expenses then accrued, including the expenses and per diem of the Committee, and the cost of the re porting and transcribing the testimony. If the Grand Master denies the recommendation for dismissal, the case shall proceed as if such recommendation had not been made.
5-228. Decision- At the conclusion of the trial, the members of the Committee present shall render a decision or shall review the proceedings as soon as practicable, and render its decision, which shall consist of a finding upon the question of guilt of the accused of each count of the complaint and assessment of punishment which may be expuls ion , suspension, or reprimand Concurrence of a majority of the Committee present shall be necessary to a decision of each question.
5-229. Costs and Expenses-As a part of its judgment in each case , the Committee shall assess the necessary costs and expenses of the proceedings against either the Lodge or the accused as may, in its judgment, seem just and equitable; provided that the Lodge in which the charges shall have been presented shall be liable for the collection of all costs; and provided further that costs shall include only the necessary expenses incurred in providing a place for holding the t rial, and securing certified copies of co urt files and records and other documentary evidence relevant to the guilt or innocence of the accused; and shall not include the per diem of expenses of the Committee, or the cost of reporting and transcribing the testimony, which shall be paid by the Grand Lodge , except as otherwise provided in the Code in case of dismissal. Neither an application for a new trial nor an appeal to the Grand Lodge shall be considered until all of the assessed costs shall have been paid.
5-230 Record of Proceedings - Mandate-The Chairman shall keep a record of the proceedings in each case. When a decision has been made by the Committee, the Chairman shall promptly transmit the complete record and file of the proceedings to the Grand Secretary. Thereupon the Grand Secretary shall, by certified mail, send a mandate , under the seal of t he Grand Lodge , to the Lodge that originally acquired penal jurisdiction of the brother, setting forth the decision of the Committee in the case, and shall also send a copy of such mandate by certified mail to the last known address of the accused. If the accused is a member of, or under suspension or dimission by any other Lodge, the Grand Secretary shall also send a copy of such mandate by certified mail to such other Lodge.
5-231. Right of Appeal-Pronouncing of Sentence--The accusing Lodge and the accused shall each have a right of appeal to the Grand Lodge at any time within thirty days after the date of mailing of the mandate by the Grand Secretary. If no application for a new trial is made, and if no appeal is taken from the decision of the Committee within the th irty day period, the decision becomes final, and the Master of the Lodge of which the accused is a member, or by wh ich he has been suspended or dimitted, shall , at the next Stated Communication after the expiration of said thirty days, pronounce sentence as provided by the terms of the mandate sent by the Grand Secretary; and such expulsion, suspension or reprimand becomes effective on the date the sentence is pronounced. In case of reprima nd , it shall be administ ered to the accused at the next Stated Communication.
5-232. Application for New Trial--After a trial has terminated , the accused found guilty, and the punishment determined, the accused, upon receiving the mandate, may, within ten days thereafter, file with the Grand Master an application i n writing for a new trial. Sentence shall be suspended upon the filing of the application and the running of the time within which an appeal may be fi led shall be tolled until the decision of the Grand M aster on the application. The Grand Master may grant a new trial on the following grounds: (1) Accident or surprise against which ordinary prudence could not have guarded and by reason of which the accused was prevented from having a fair t ri al
(2) Newly discovered evidence, not cumulative in its nature, material to the defense, and which the accused could not, by the exercise of ordinary diligence, have produced at the trial. (3) Admission or exclusion of evidence whose prejudicial effect so outwe ighs its probative value so as to cause manifests injustice. With re spect to ground number (2), the application shall set forth w ith
particularity the facts upon which it is based The unsupported statements of the accused shall not be sufficient; but he may attach to his application any testimony not used at the trial which he may deem competent and material. Such testimony shall be subscribed by the witnesses who may give the same, under the same pledge that they would be required to take at a trial before the Committee. A copy of such application and testimony shall be furnished to the Lodge by the accused. Within ten days after such application for new trial shall have been filed with the Grand Master, the accuser shall have the right to refute any statement made in the application , or in the testimony attached thereto , by copies of records or the testimony of witnesses given under a pledge as above provided , or make other argument to refute the application. If the Grand Master awards a new trial , he shall so notify the Lodge and the accused, and the case shall then stand for trial at the convenience of the Committee. If the Grand Master refused a new trial , he shall notify all parties of such refusal.
5-233. Proceedings for Appeal--An appeal from the decision of the Committee to the Grand Lodge shall be taken as follows: Within thirty days after the mail i ng of the mandate by the Grand Secretary , the aggrieved party shall file a notice in writing with the Grand Secretary that such party appeals from such decision , and within thirty days thereafter, such party shall furnish to the Grand Secretary satisfactory evidence that such party has caused all assessed costs of the case to be paid; and thereupon such appeal shall be deemed to be perfected; but if such costs are not so shown to be paid , within the time specified , such appeal shall be thereby automatically dismissed If such appeal shall have been perfected not less than ten days before the first day of the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge , such appeal shall stand for hearing at such Annual Communication; otherwise, it shall stand for hearing at the next ensuing Annual Communication Upon the perfection of the appeal, the sentence shall be stayed until the appeal has been heard Upon the perfection of the appeal , the Grand Secretary shall transmit all records and files of the case to the Chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence.
5-234. Appeal; Duty of Committee on Jurisprudence--The Committee on Jurisprudence shall critically examine each transcript sent up on appeal, and shall determine: (1) Whether the complaint states an offense; (2) Whether the Lodge has jurisdiction; and (3) Whether the Committee on Trials and Punishments erred in admitting or excluding evidence so as to cause manifest injustice to any party. If it finds no grounds for reversal on each of the foregoing propositions , it shall carefully examine the record to ascertain whether the evidence given at the trial sustains the decision of the Committee on Trials and Punishments It shall report its findings , and make its recommendations to the Grand Lodge. In the matter of recommending punishment, it shall temper justice with mercy in all cases.
5-235. Appeal ; Action of Grand Lodge--Upon appeal, the Grand Lodge may affirm or reverse the decision , mitigate or set aside the punishment, dismiss the appe al or remand the proceedings to the Committee on Trials and Punishments for a new trial or for further consideration. If the decision i s affirmed or the appeal dismissed, the decision remains in full force and effect , and if the accused was found guilty, the Master of the Lodge shall pronounce sentence at the first Stated Communication following receipt of notice from the Grand Secretary setting forth the decision of the Grand Lodge; and the punishment becomes effective from th e date of such notice from the Grand Secretary If the decision is reversed or modified , the reason therefor s hall be stated , and the case shall proceed as may be requi re d by the Grand Lodge If the Grand Lodge finds t he punishments t o be inadequate or too severe , it shall proceed to fi x the same, and sentence s ha ll be pronounced accordingly.
5-236. Vacation of Judgment--At any time w ithin thre e years after the effective date of punishment aga inst a Brother for an offense against the Body of Masonry , the accused may apply
Rev. 2006
to the Grand Master for an order setting aside the judgment and permitting him to plead to the complaint upon which he was found guilty and sentenced. Such application shall not be granted unless it shall be made to appear: ( 1) That the accused had no actual notice or knowledge that such complaint had been filed before judgment, nor until within six months next preceding the time of making such application; and (2) That the accused has a valid defense to such charges upon the merits. If the Grand Master allows such application, he shall order the judgment to be vacated, and shall prescribe a time within which the accused shall plead to the complaint; and thereafter the case shall proceed in the same manner, and subject to the same rules, as in other proceedings after plea.
5-237. Forms and Regulations--The Committee on Trials and Punishments shall have power to adopt such forms and such regulations , not inconsistent with the provisions of this Code , as i n its judgment are necessary or proper; provided, that none of such forms or regulations shall be effective until they shall have been submitted to and approved by the Grand Master, nor until copies thereof shall have been filed in the office of the Grand Secretary. All parties shall be entitled to inspect and copy any such form or regulation. Such forms and regulation may be kept on computer software or in hardcopy form. Such forms and regulations shall remain in effect from year to year until changed or repealed. The Grand Master may , at any time, require a revision or amendment to such forms and regulations.
5-238. Repository of Proceedings. The original records of all proceedings shall be permanently kept by the Grand Secretary following final disposition of the case.
5-239. Crimes Involving Sexual Activities with Children. Repealed 2013
Explanation: The original law that was repealed contradicted with our constitution and by-laws, essentially not affording a brother due process as allowed by our masonic law. Without offering this explanation it might appear that our beloved fraternity may condone such behavior, which couldn't be further from the truth! (Amended 2022)
Cases of Grand Lodge Jurisdiction
Cross-Reference: Constitution, Art. X I, Sec . 5 .
5-301. Controversies Between Lodges; Time Limitation--No proceed i ngs of one Lodge aga i nst another shall be entertained unless the cause of the g r ievance is alleged to have occurred wi thi n five years prior to the presentation of the complaint.
5-302. Same--Commencement of Proceedings--The proceedings shall be commenced by a complaint addressed to the Grand Master, adopted at a Stated Communication of the complai ning Lodge, setting forth in ordinary and concise language, the matters complained of.
5-303. Same--Grounds for Complaint--Every complaint of one Lodge against another shall set forth some act of omission of the Lodge comp l ained of, which is in v iolation of some law of the Grand Lodge or of the precepts of Masonry.
5-304. Same--Presentation of Complaint--A copy of the complaint signed by the Master of the complaining Lodge and attested by the Secretary under the seal of the Lodge, shall be presented forthwith and mail a duplicate thereof to the Master of the Lodge against which the complaint is made. ·
5-305. Same--Procedure--Upon the presentation of the complaint, the Grand Master shall conduct such investigation as he deems proper, and for this purpose he may require the advice, assistance and attendance of any of the Grand Lodge Office r s, Grand Lodge Committees, and member of the Craft. He shall render his decision, and report the same at the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge, at which time the Lodges involved in tt,e controversy shall be ent itled to a hearing . The final decision shall be made by the Grand Lodge; but in the meantime the decision of the Grand Master shall be given full force and effect.
5-306. Discipline of Lodges-In administering discipline to any Lodge , not involving the revocation of its Warrant, the Grand Master shall not .be bound .by any formal rules--of procedure ; but shall dispose of the case in such manner as to him seems proper and in keeping with the usage's of the Fraternity.
5-307. Proceedings for Revocation of Warrant--Limitation--No proceedings for the revocation of the Warrant of a Lodge sha ll be entertained unless the cause of forfeiture is alleged to have occurred, or continued to exist, during the term of the Grand Master recommending the revocation , or within one year prior to the commencement of such term Cross-Reference: Constitution , Art. IX, Secs. 12, 13; Art. XI, Sec. 5
5-308. Same--Commencement of Proceedings-A proceeding for the revocatio n of the Warrant of a Lodge shall be commenced by the issuance of an Edict by the G r and Master, transmitted by mail to the Master of the Lodge, setting forth the causes for forfeiture, and notifying the Lodge and its officers and brethren to appear at the next Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge and show cause why the Warrant should not be revoked; Provided , If the Lodge has no Master, or his address is unknown, such Edict may be mailed to any elective officer or include the arrest of Warrant of the Lodge, in the discretion of the Grand Master; and nothing herein contained shall be construed as affecting the prerogative of the Grand Master to arrest temporarily the Warrant of any Lodge without seeking a revocation of the Warrant.
5-309. Same--Duty of Lodge Officer--lt shall be the duty of the officer or past office r to whom the Edict is mailed forthwith to notify in writing , by mail , all the resident members of the Lodge of the action of the Grand Master.
5~310. Same--Procedure--At the Annual Communication at which the Lodge is not ifie d to show cause against revocation of Warrant, the ·Grand Master ·shall report his action , with his recommendations , and the proceedings shall be referred to such Comm ittee as the Grand Lodge shall direct. Such Committee shall conduct a hearing , at which any member of the Craft shall be entitled to be heard, and make its report and recommendation, and the final decision shall be made by the Grand Lodge .
5-31 1. Masons Entitled to Grand Lodge Trial; Commencement of Proceedings-In any case .where any Elective Officer of the Grand Lodge , or the Master of a Lodge, is charged with an offense , or where any Past Elective Officer of the Grand Lodge is charged with an offense by reason of any official act of such Officer while holding office, the proceed i ng shall be commenced by the presentation of a complaint and affidavit in support thereof as defined by Article II of this Code signed by a Master Mason who is a member of the Grand Lodge , but shall not be presented to any Lodge for entertainment.
5-312 Same-Presentation and Entertainment of Complaint--Such complaint shall be made in duplicate , and transmitted to t he Grand Secretary, who sha ll present the same to th e Grand Master for his co ns ideration. If the Grand Master determines that the complaint and affidavit i n support thereof sufficiently state an offense, and that the accusation should be investigate d, he shall endorse his approva l thereon. Such action shall deemed to be an entertainment of the complaint by the Grand Lodge , and the Grand Lod ge thereby becomes the accuser and is responsible fo r the prosecution of the case.
5-313 . Reference to Committee--Upon approval of the complaint, the Grand Master shall refer the case for trial to the Committee on Trials and Punishments, or at his discretion , to a Special Committee appointed for that purpose , and shall transmi t the complaint and affidavit in support
thereof to the Chairman of the Committee selected by him Such Committee shall be vested with the same authority in such proceeding as that possessed by the ,Committee on Trials and Punishments under Article II of this Code , except as provided in Section 5-314.
5-314. Same Procedure-Upon reference of the case of trial , it shall proceed to its final termination in the same manner and under the same rules as a case wherein the charges have been entertained by a constituent Lodge, except as herein provided. There shall be no appea l, and the decision of the Committee shall be subject to approval by the Grand Lodge. After decision by the Comm ittee and maili ng to t he mandate, the Grand Secretary shall forthwith transmit all records and files of the case to the Chairman of the Committee on Jurisprudence. Such Committee shall review the proceedings in the same manner as upon an appeal , and ma ke its report and recommendations to the Grand lodge , wh ic h shall make the fina l decision under the same rules provided in cases of appeal. In the event the accused is adjudged by the Grand Lodge to be guilty, sentence shall thereupon be pronounced by the Grand Master, and notice of such sentence shall thereupon be transmitted by the Grand Secretary to the accused and to the Lodge w ith which the accused was last affiliated. The punishment becomes effective on the da t e the sentence is pronounced.
5-315 Application of Article II-In the decision of any quest ion arising under this Articl e , not covered by any specific law, the provisions of Article II of this Code shall be held to apply thereto, so far as applicable
The Grand Lodge, at its 1946 Annual Communication, directed that the new edition of the Laws of Masonry should include "an appendix containing all of the Ancient Charges , Laws and Regulations appearing in the appendix to the 1929 edition, together with such formulations of Landmarks as may be selected by the Committee on Publication of Laws , and such explanatory comment as may be prepared by the Committee."
Since the Albert G. Mackey Landmarks have been incorporated into our Constitution, they are now as much a part of the Laws of Masonry in Kansas as any other legislation of our Grand Lodge. This , however, should not lessen our interest in the views of other eminent Masonic authorities as to what constitutes the fundamental, unchangeable, unwritten laws of Masonry that are entitled to be called Landmarks. Practically all Masonic scholars agree upon but one Landmark-Belief in God-and t he majority agree upon several others ; but a study of the lists formulated by various write rs revea ls that there are numerous rules or customs that have been asserted to be Landmarks, which fall far short of universal recognition as such.
We are including in the Appendix the lists of Landmarks prepared by Robert Morris, Lu k e A. Lockwood and John W. Simons , as they were published in the Appendix to the 1898 , 1913, and 1929 editions of our Laws. By permission of .Southern Publishers, Inc., publishers of the Little Masonic Library, and copyright owner, we are also including the list fo rmulated by Roscoe Pound , an eminent Masonic scholar of the present generation.
The Ancient Laws , Charges and Regulations included in this Appendix are a reprint of those appearing in the Appendix originally pre pa red by our : distinguished Past Grand Maste r M :. W :. Owen A. Bassett , and published in the former editions above me ntioned. For the sake of brevit y, we are omitting the copi ous annotations by M :. W : : Brother Bassett which appeared as footnotes · in the original -Appendix. Fo r these notes , which reveal a .wealth of Masonic knowledge and research , the reader is referred to the former editions of our Laws.
, Every Kansas Mason can profit by a study of the material contained in the Appendix. It reveals the rules under which Masons formed themselves into well-regulated bodies or Lodges centuries ago . To find the legislation which governs us today as Masons in the Grand Jurisdiction of Kansas , we look to the Constitution and By-Laws ; but to find the foundations and the historical background of our Masonic jurisprudence , we look to the Ancient Laws , Charges and Regulations.
I. The laws of the Masonic Institut ion, being ancient and universal are uncha ngeab le , and these laws are imperative upo n all Masons.
II. The fundamental principles of Masonry are piety, mora li ty, science, charity, selfdiscipline and secrecy: to which must be added equa l ity among the workmen.
Ill. The rule and limit of Masonic Law in the Moral Law , derived from the book of inspiration, called the Bible The Ci vi l Law, so f ar as it is in harmony w ith the Divin e, is equally obligatory upon Masons
IV. The Masonic L o dge an d the M as onic Inst ituti on are interchangeable terms
V. The Masonic qualifications ha ve regard to the mental, moral and physical nature of man.
VI. The rul es for selecting material for the Masonic work are esoteric: but the manner of making Masonic, of dispensing charity, and exercis in g discipline are referable to the arcane of the Masonic system.
VII. The wages of Masonic work are the gratitude of the Craft and the approval of God
VIII. Masonic promotion , private and official, is by grades
IX. The basis of official merit is persona l merit alone
X. The head and ruler of the Lodge is the Master duly elected by the membership
XI. The medium of commun ication between the head and body is to Wardens, duly elected by the membership.
XI I. Obedience to the Master and Wardens, duly elected and installed , is im perative upon the membership .
XII I. The Grand Master may have a Deputy.
I. Belief in the exis tence of a Supreme Being , in some revelation of His will , in the resurrection of the body , and in the immortality of th e soul.
II. The obligations and modes of recognition, and t he legend of the thi rd degree
111. The inculcation of the moral virtues, of benevo lence and i n the d octrines of natura l reli gion, by means of symbols derived from the Te mple of King SOLOMON and its tradition, and from the usages and customs observed , and from the implements, and materials used in its construct io n.
IV. That Masons must obey the moral law and the governme nt of the country in which they live.
V. That the Grand Master is the He ad of the Craft.
V I. Tha t th e Master is the Head of the Lodge.
VII. That the Grand Lodge is the supreme governing body with in its terri t orial jurisdiction.
V III. That every Lodg e has an inherent right to be repres en ted in Grand Lodge by its firs t three officers or their pro x ies.
IX. That eve ry Lodge has the power to make Masons and to administer its own private affairs.
X. That every candidate must be a man, of lawful age , born of free parents , under no restraint of liberty, and hale and sound as ·a man ought to be .
XI. That no candidate can be received except by unanimous ballo t , after due notice of his application, and due inquiry as to his qualifications.
XII. That the ballot is invariably secret.
XIII. That all Masters, as such, are peers.
XIV. That all Lodges are peers.
X:V . That all Grand Lodges are peers.
X:VI. That no person can be installed fylaster of a Lodge unless he has been a Past Warden, except by dispensation of the Grand Master.
X:VII. That the obligations , means of recognition, and the forms and ceremonies observed in conferring degrees are secret.
XVIII. That the Ancient Landmarks are the Supreme Law , and cannot be changed or abrogated.
I. A belief in the existence of a Supreme Being , and in the immortality of the s oul.
II. That the Moral Law, which inculcates , among other things, charity and probity, industry and sobriety, is the rule and guide of every Mason .
Ill. Respect for, and obedience to, the civil law of the country, and the Masonic regulations of the jurisdi ction where a Mason may reside .
IV. That new-made Masons must be free-born, of lawful age, and hale and sound at the time of making.
V. The modes of reco gnition, are generally, the rites and ceremon ies of three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry.
VI. That no appeal can be taken to the Lodge , from the decision of the Master , or t he Warden occupying the chair in his absence.
VII. That no one can be the Master of a Warranted Lodge till he has been installed and served one year as Warden.
VIII. That when a man becomes a Mason, he not only acquires membership in the particular Lodge that admits him, but in a general sense, he becomes one of the whole Masonic family; and hence he has a right to visit, Mason ically, every regular Lodge, except when such vis it is likely to disturb the harmony or interrupt the working of the Lodge he proposes to vis it.
IX. The prerogative of the Grand Master to preside over every assembly of the Craft, within his jurisdiction, to make Masons at -sight in a regular ·Lodge, , and to grant dispensations for the formation of new Lodges
X. That no one can be made a Mason, save in regular Lodge, duly convened, after petition, and acceptance by unanimous ballot , except when made at sight by the Grand Master.
XI. That the ballot for candidates is strictly and inviolably secret.
XI I. That a Lodge cannot try its Master.
XIII. That every Mason is amendable t o the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which he resides even though he is a member of a particular Lodge in some other jurisdiction .
XIV. The right of the Craft at large to be represented in Grand Lodge , and to instruct the ir representatives.
XV. The general aim and form of the Society as handed down to us by the fathers , to be by us preserved inviol ate , and transmitted to our successor forever.
I. Belief in God.
11. Belief in the persistence of persona lity
Ill. A "book of the law" as an indispensable part of the furniture of every Lodge
IV. The Legend of the third degree.
V. Secrecy.
VI. The symbolism of the operative art.
VII. That a Mason must be a man , free born , and of age.
Based upon the Ancient Writings, as they were confinned to Alban us, in the year 290, by the Emperor Carausius
1. The Master must be steadfast, trusty and true ; provide victuals for his men , and pay their wages punctually.
2. Every Master shall attend the Grand Lodge when duly summoned, unless he have a good and reasonable excuse.
3. No Master shall take an Apprentice for less than seven years.
4. The son of a bondsman shall not be admitted as an Apprentice, lest, when he is introduced into the Lodge , any of the·brethren should be offended t·'
5 A cand idate must be without blemish, and have the full and proper use of his limbs, for a maimed man can do the Craft no good.
6. The Master shall take especial care, in the admission of an Apprent ice , that he do his Lord no prejudice.
7. He shall harbor no thief, or thiefs retainer, lest the Craft should come to shame.
8. If he unknowingly employ an imperfect man, he shall discharge him from the work when his inability is d iscovered.
9. No Master shall undertake a work that he is not able to finish to his Lord's profit and the credit of his Lodge.
10. A brother shall not supp lant his Fellow in the work , unless he be incapable of do ing it himself; for then he may lawfully finish it, that pleasure and profit may be the mutual result.
11. A Mason shall not be obliged to work after the sun has set in the west.
12 Nor shall he decry the work of a brother or Fellow, but shall deal honestly and truly by him under a penalty of not less than ten pounds.
13. The Master shall instruct his Apprentice faithfully , to make him a perfect workman.
14 He shall teach him the secrets of his trade.
15 . And shall guard him against the commission of perjury , and all other offences by which the Craft may be brought to shame.
Laws for the government of the Craft/ said to ·have been made at the meeting in York, in the year 926
1. Every Mason shall cu ltiva te brotherly lov e, and the lo ve of GOD, and frequent Holy Church.
2. The workman shall labor diligently on workdays, that he may deserve his holidays.
3. Every Apprentice shall keep his Master' s counsel and not betray the secrets of his Lodge.
4. No man shall be false to the Craft, or entertain a prejudice against his Masters or Fellows.
5. Every workman shall receive his wages meekly, and without scruple; and shou ld the Master think proper to dismiss him from the work, he shall have due notice of the same before H. XII.
6. If any dispute arise among t he brethren, it shall be settled on a holiday , that the work be not neglected, and GOD'S Law fulfilled
7. No Mason shall debauch, or have carnal knowledge of the wife , daughte r, or concubine of his Master or Fellows
8. He shall be true to his Master, and a just mediator in all disputes and quarre ls.
9. The Steward shall provide good cheer against the hour of refreshment, and each Fellow shall punctually defray his share of the reckoning, the Steward rendering a true and correct account.
1O. If a Mason live amiss, or slander his brother, so as to bring the Craft to shame, he shall have no further maintenance among the brethren, but shall be summoned to the next Grand Lodge ; and if he refuse to appear, he shall be expelled.
11. If a brothe r see his Fellow hewing a stone, and likely to spoil it by unskil led workmanship he shall teach him to amend it, with fair words a nd brotherly speeches.
The General Assembly, or Grand Lodge , shall consist of Masters and Fellows, Lords , Knights, and Squires, Mayor and Sheriff, to make new laws , and to confirm old ones when necessary.
E very brother shall swear fealty and if he vio late his oath, he shal l not be succored or assisted by any of the Fraternity, He shall make oath to keep secrets, to be steadfast and true to all ordinances of the Grand Lodge , to the King and Holy Church, and to all the several Points herein specified.
And if any brother break his oath, he shall be committed to prison, and forfeit his goods and chattels to the King.
Accepted by the Fraternity of Masons, convened in General Assembly at York, in the year 926
Your first duty is that you reverence God with sincerity, and submit to the Jaws of the Noachides, because these are the Divine Laws to wh ich all the world should submit. For th is reason you should also avoid followi ng false doctrine and offending against GOD.
You should be faithful to your King, without treason, and obedient to constituted authority, wi t hout deception, wherever you find yourself, be the end that high treason should be unknown to you; but if you should be apprized of it, you must immediately inform the King.
You should be serviceable to all men And a faithful friend to the extent of you r ability, without disquieting yourself as to what religion or op inion they sha ll hold or belong to.
You should be above all , faithful among yourselves, inst ructing each other, and aiding each other, not calumniating one another, but doing to each other as you would have done to yourself; so that, according as a brother shall have failed in his engagement with his Fellow, you ought to help him to repair his fault, in order that he may reform .
You should assist assiduously at the discussions and labors of your brethren in the L odge, and keep the secret of the signs from al l who are not brethren.
Each should guard himself aga i nst infidelity , seeing that without fidelity and probity the fratern ity cannot exist, and a good reputation is a valuab le property. Also constantly hold to the interests of the Master whom you may serve , and honestly finish your labor.
You should always pay honorably that which you owe, and , in general, do nothing that w ill injure the good reputation of the Fraternity.
Furthermore, no Master ought to undertake a work, which he may be unable to perform, for, by doing so , he puts his Fellows to shame. Masters, however, ought to demand that a sufficient salary be paid them, so that they can live and pay their fellow workmen.
Furthermore, no Master ought to supplant another, but leave him to finish the work that he has found to do, at least to the extent of his ability.
Furthermore, no Master ought to accept an Apprentice for less than seven years, and not until the expir~tion of that.time ought he.to :be :made a Mason;: after the advice and consent of his Fellows
Furthermore, , no Fellow-Craftsman oughtto blame··another:indemnityfor:cadmitting any person as · a Mason if he be not free-born, of:good -reputation;,:of;go od:,;capacity/and sound of:limbs. ·
, ·· Furthermore, ' no -Master or Hellow~eraftsman~should-accept :if.:he~·does not· know better than :him ,· whom he may reprimand
Furthermore, ·each Master, when he is reprimanded by the Architect (chief of the Lodge), or each Fellow-Craftsman , when he is reprimanded by the Master, should listen respectfully, correct his work, and conform to instructions.
Furthermore, all Masons should be obedient to their Chiefs and execute with good will that wh ich may be orde red.
Furthermore, all Masons should receive the i r Fellows coming from abr oad, and who wil l give the signs; but they ought to be ca refu l, and as they have been taught. They also ought to come to the relief of brethren who may need assistance, as soon as they shall learn , in manner as t hey have been taught, that such assistance i s necessary, and the distan c e be with in half a league
Fu rth enno re , no Master or Fellow-Craftsman shall admit into a l::.odge another.who has not been rece ived a Mason to learn the art of dressing stones or allow him to dress; neither shall he show him how to use a square or compass.
These are the duties which he well and truly ought to observe Those which shall yet be found good and useful in the future ought always to be written and published by the Chief of the Lodges f or all the brothers to learn to same, and to be sworn to their performance.
That a General Assembly shall be held every year, with the Grand Master at its head , to enforce these Regulations , and to make new laws , when it is expedient to do so, at which all the brethren are competent to be present; and they must renew the ir Obligation to keep these sta tutes and constitutions ,-wh ich have been ordained by King Athelstan, and adopted hy the General Assembly at York. And this Assembly further directs that, in all ages to come, the existing General Assembly shall peti t ion the re igning monarch to confer his sanction on their proceedings.
Between the years of 1327 .and 137.7 the Grand Master with his Wardens, at the·head of the GrandLodge : ordained thefollowing '.Constitution:
1. That for the fut ure, at:the making or admission ofa brother,·the Constitution and the Charges shall be read.
2 That Master:Masons; or Masters ·ofthe Work; shall .be examined whether they be · able of cunning to serve their respective Lo rds, as well the highest as the lowest, to the honor and worship of the aforesaid art, and to the profit of travel.
3 That when the Master and Wardens meet in a Lodge , if need be , the Sheriff of the county, or the Mayor of the city , or the Alderman of th e town in whic h the Congregation is held, should be made Fellow and societal to t he Master, in help against the rebels, and for upbearing the rights of the realm.
4. That Entered Prentices at their making were charged not to be thieves, or thieves maintainers; that they should travel honestly for their pay; and love their Fellows as themselves, and be true to the King of England , and to the realm, and to the Lodge.
5. That at such Congregation it shall be enquired, whether any Master or Fellow has broken any of the articles agreed to. And if the offender, being duly cited to appear, prove rebel , and will not attend , then the Lodge shall determine against him that he shall forswear (or renounce) his Masonry, and shall no more use this craft; the which, if he presume for to do , the Sheriff of the county shall prison him, an d take all his goods into the King's hands, till his grace be granted him an issue; for this cause principally have these Congregations been ordained, that as well the lowest as the highest should be well and truly served in the art aforesaid, throughout all the Kingdom of England.
Adopted at a General Assembly and East held on Saint John the Evangelist's Day, 1663.
1. That no person, of what degree soever, be made ·or accepted a Freemason , unless in a regular Lodge, whereof one to be a Master or a Warden, in that li mit or division where such Lodge is ·kept, and another to be a Craftsman in the trade of Freemasonry.
2. That no person ·shall hereafter :be accepted a .Fre.emason : but such as are of able body, honest parentage , .good :repatation, ,and an observer of the laws of the land .
3. That no person hereafter who shall be accepted a Freemason , shall be admitted i nto any Lodge or Assembly, until he has brought a certificate of the time and place of his acceptance from · the Lo dge that. accepted him, u nto the Master of that l i mit or division.where such Lodge is ·kept; and the·:said ·Mastershall enroll the same in a roll of parchment, to be kept for that purpose, and shall give an account of all such acceptations at every General Assembly.
4 That every person who is now a Freemason, shall bring to the Master a note of the time of his acceptance, to the end that the same may be enrolled in such priority of place as the brother deserves; and that the whole company and Fellows may the better know each other.
5. Tha t for the future the said Fraternity of Freemasons shall be regulated and governed by one Grand Master, and as many Wardens as the said Society shall think fit t o appoint at every annual General Assembly.
6. That no person shall be accepted, unless he be twent y-one years o ld or more .
Extracted from the Antiquity Manuscript in possession of the Lodge of Antiquity, at London
1. That ye shall be true men to GOD and the Holy Church, and to use no erro r or heresy by your understanding, and by wise men's teaching.
2 That ye shall be true liegemen to the King of England , without treason or any falsehood, and that ye know no reason but ye shall give knowledge thereof to the Rev. 2006
King or to his Counsel; also, ye shall be true one to another, that is to say, every Mason of the Craft that is Mason allowed, ye shall do to him as ye would have done unto yourself.
And ye shall keep truly all the counsel that ought to be kept in the way of Mason hood, and all t he counsel of the Lodge or of the Chamber. Also, that ye shall be no th ie f nor th ieves to your knowledge free; and ye shall be true to the King, Lord and Master that ye seNe, and truly to see and work for his advantage.
Ye shall call all Masons your Fellows, or your brethren, and no other names.
Ye shall not take your Fellow's wife in villa iny, nor deflower his daughter or seNant, nor put him to disworship.
Ye shall truly pay for meat or drink, wheresoever ye go to table or board Also, ye shall do no villainy there , whereby the Craft or Science may be slandered.
Extracted from the York Manuscript, No. 4 written about the year 1693
That he shall be true to GOD and the Holy Church, the prince, his Mr. and dame whom he shall seNe.
And that he shall not steal nor peke away his Mr. or dames goods, nor absent himselfe from their seNice, nor goe from them about his own pleasure by day or by night without their Licence .
And that he shall not commit adultery or fornication in his Master's house with his wife, daughter, or servant, or any other.
And that he shall keep councell in all things spoken in Lodge or Chamber by any Masons, Fellows , or Freemasons.
And that he shall not hold any ·disobedient argument against any Freemason, nor discharge any secret whereby any difference may arise amongst any Masons, or Fellowes , or Apprentices, but Reverently to behave hirnselfe to all Freemasons being sworn brethren to his Mr. And not use any carding, diceing, or any other unlawful games. Nor haunt Taverns or alehouses there to waste any mans goods, without Licence of his said Mr. or some other freemason.
And that he shall not commit adultery in any mans house where he shall worke or be tabled.
And that he shall not purloyn nor steal the food of any p'son, nor willingly suffer harme or shame or consent the reto , during his said apprentisshyp either to his Mr. or dame, or any other freemason But to withstand the same to the utmost of his power, and thereof to informe his said Mr. or some other freemason, with all convenient speed that may bee.
Extracted from the Antiquity Manuscript in possession of the Lodge of Antiquity, at London .
1. That no Mason take on him no lord's work, nor any other man's unless he know
himself well able to perform the work, so that the Craft may have no slander.
2. Also, that no Master take work but that he take reasonable pay;forit; so ,that the lord may be truly served, and the Master to live honestly, ancJ to pay his Fellows truly. And that no Master or Fellow supplant others of their work, that is to say, that if he hath taken a work, or else stand Master of any work, that he shall not put him out, unless he be unable of cunning to make an end of his work. And so Master nor Fellow shall take no Apprentice for less than seven years. And that the Apprentice be free born and of limbs whole as a man ought to be , and no bastard. And that no Master of Fellow take no allowance to be made Mason without the assent of his Fellows, at the least six or seven.
3. That he be made be able in all degrees; that is free born, of a good kindred, true and no bondsman, and that he have his right limbs as a man ought to have.
4. That a Master take no Apprentice without he have occupation to occupy two or three Fellows at the least.
5. That no Master or Fellow put away any lord's work to task that ought to be journeywork.
6. That every Master give pay to his Fellows and servants as they may deserve, so that he be not defamed with false worki ng. And that none slander another behind his back to make him lose his good name.
7. That no Fellow in the house or abroad, answer another ungodly or reprovably without a cause.
8. That every Master Mason do reverence to his elder; and that a Mason be no common player at the cards, dice or hazard; or at any other unlawful plays, through which the science and craft may be dishonored and slandered.
9. That no Fellow go into town : bynight ,. except he have a Fellow with h i m, who may bear him record that he was in an honest place.
10. That every Master and -Fellow shall come to the assembly; if it be within fifty miles of him, if he have any warning. And if he have trespassed against the craft , to abide the award of Masters and Fellows.
11. That every Master and Fellow that hath trespassed against the craft, shall stand to the correction of other Masons and Fellows to make him accord, and if they cannot accord, to go to the common law.
12. Tha t a Master or Fe llow make not a mould stone, square nor rule, to no lowen, nor let no lowen work within their Lodge nor without , to mould stone.
13. That every Mason receive and cherish strange Fellows, when the y come over the country, and set them on work, if they will work, as the manner is; that is to say, if the Mason have any mould stone in his place he shall give him a mould stone, and set him on work; and if he have none, the Mason shall re fresh him with money unto the next Lodge
14. That every Mason shall truly serve his Master for his pay.
15. That every Master shal l truly make an end of his work, task or journey , whitherso it be.
Adopted by the Lodge held at the Goose and Gridiron during the latter part of the Grand Mastership of Sir Christopher Wren
That the privileges of Masonry shall no longer be confined to Operative Masons, but be free t o men of all professions, provided th ey are regularly approved and initiated into the Fratern ity.
Adopted by the Four Lodges in London on Saint John the Baptist's day.
That the privilege of assembling as Masons which has been hitherto unlimited, shall be vested in certain Lodges or Assemblies of Masons, convened in certain places, and that every Lodge hereafter convened, except for four old Lodges at this time existing, shall be legally auth orized to act by a warrant from t he Grand Lodge in communication ; and that without such warrant, no Lodge shall be hereafter deemed regular or constitutional.
Compiled by R :. W :. George Payne is 1720, when he was Grand Master, and approved by the Grand Lodge of England on Saint John the Baptist's day.
I. The Grand Master, or his Deputy hath authority and right not only to be present in any true Lodge, but also to preside wherever he is, with the Master of the Lodge on his left hand, and to order his Grand Wardens to attend him, who are not to act in any particular Lodges as Wardens but in his presence and at his command ; because the re the Grand Master may command the Wardens of that Lodge, or any other brethren he pleaseth, to attend and act as his Warden's pro tempe.
II. The Master of a particular :.Lodge has the right and :authority of congregating the members of his Lodge · into a Chapter at pleasu re, upon any emergency or occurrence, as well as to appoint the time and place of their usua l forming ; and in case of sickness, death, or necessary absence of.the Master, the Senior Warden shall act as Master pro tern pore, if no Brother is present who has been Master of that Lodge before; for in that case the absent Master's authority reverts to the last Master then present; though he canno t act until t he said Sen ior Warden has once congregated the Lodge , or in his absence , the Junior Warden.
Ill The Master of each particu lar Lodge , or one of the Wardens, or some other brother by his order, shall keep a book containing thei r By-Laws, the names of the ir members, with a list of all the Lodges in town, and the usua l times and places of their forming, and all their t r ansactions th at are proper to be written
IV No Lodge shall make more than five new bre th re n at one time, nor any man under the age of twenty-five , who must also be his own master; unless by a dispensation from the Grand Master or his Deputy.
V. No man can be made or admitted a mem ber of a particular Lodge without previous notice one month before given to the said Lodge, in order to make due inquiry into the reputation and capacity of the candidate unless by the dispensation afo r esa id.
VI. But no man can be entered a brother in any particu lar Lodge, or admitted to be a member thereof, without the unanimous consent of all the members of that Lodge then present when the candidate is proposed and the ir consent is formally asked by the Master; and they are to signify their consent or d iss ent in their own prudent way,
either virtually or in form, but with unanimity; nor is this inherent privilege subject to a dispensation, because the members of a particular Lodge are the best judges of it; and if a fractious member should be imposed on them , it might spoi l t heir harmony or hinder their freedom, or even break or disperse the Lodge ; which ought to be avoided by all good and true Brethren.
VI I. Every new brother at his making is decently to clothe the Lodge , that is, all the Brethren present, and to deposit something for the re lief of indigent and decayed Brethren; as the candidate shall think fit to bestow, over and above the small allowance stated by the By-Laws of that particular Lodge ; which charity shall be lodged with the Master or Wardens , or the Cashier, if the members think fit to choose one, And the cand id ate shall also solemnly promise to submit to the Constitution, the Charges and Regulations, and to such other good usages as shall be intimated to him in time and place convenient.
VIII. No set or number of brethren shall withdraw or separate themselves from the Lodge in which they were made brethren, or were afterwards admitted members, unless the Lodges become too numerous ; nor even then, without a dispensation from t he Grand Master or his Deputy; and when they are thus separated, they must either immediately join themselves to such other Lodge as they shall like best , with the unanimous consent of that other Lodge to which .they go (as above regulated ) , or else they must obtain the Grand Master's Warrant to join in forming a new Lodge If any set of number of Masons shall ta ke upon themselves to form a Lod ge without the Grand Master's Warrant, the regula r :Lodges are not to countenance them, nor own them as faif' Brethren:and: duly formed ;- nor approve :of their acts and deeds; but must treat them as rebels ; until :they humble themselves as the Grand Master shall in his prudence direct, and until he-approve of them by his Warrant which must be signified to the other Lodges, as the custom is whe n a new Lodge is to be reg istered in the List of Lodges
IX. But if any brother so far misbehaves himself as to render his Lodge uneas y, he shall be twice duly admonished by the Master or Wardens in a formed Lodge; and if he will not refrain his imprudence, and obediently submit to the advice of the Brethren, and reform what gives them offense, he shall be dealt with according to the By-Laws of that particular Lodge , or else in such a manner as the quarterly commun ication shall in their great prudence think fit; for which a new regulation may be afterwards made.
X. The majority of every particular Lodge, when congregated, shall have the priv ilege of giving instructions to their Master and Wardens before the assembling of the Grand Chapter, or Lodge. at the three quarterly communications hereafter mentioned , and of the annual Grand Lodge too; because their Masters and Wardens are their representatives and are supposed to speak the ir mind.
XI. All particular Lodges are to observe the same usages as much as possi ble; in order to which, and for cul ti vating a good understanding among Freemasons, some m embers out of every Lodge sha ll be deputed to visit the other Lodges as often as shall be thought convenient.
XII. The Grand Lodge consists of, and is formed by the Masters and Wardens of a ll the reg ular Lodges upon record , with the Grand Master at their head , and his Deputy on
his left hand, and the Grand Wardens in their proper places and must have a quarterly communication about .Michaelmas , .Christmas and Ladyday, in some convenient place, as the Grand Master shall appoint where no Brother shall be present who is not at that time a member thereof without a dispensation ; and while he stays he shall not be allowed to vote, nor even give his opinion, without leave of the Grand Lodge asked and given, or unless it be duly asked by the said Lodge All matters are to be determined in the Grand Lodge by a majority of votes, each member having one vote , and the Grand Master having two votes , unless the said Lodge leave any particular thing to the determina ti on of the Grand Master for the sake of expedition.
At the said quarterly communication, all matters that concern the fraternity in general, or particular Lodges, or single Brethren, are quietly, sedately and mature ly to be discoursed of and transacted; Apprentices must be admitted Masters and Fellow Craft only here, unless by dispensation. Here also all differences that cannot be made up and accommodated privately, nor by a particular Lodge, are to be seriously considered and decided ; and if any brother thinks himself aggrieved by the decis ion of this Board , he may appeal in writing with the Grand Master, or his Deputy, or the Grand Wardens Here also the Master, or the Wardens of each particular Lodge shall bring and produce a list of such members as have been made or even admitted in their particular Lodge since the last communication of the Grand Lodge; and there shall be a book kep t by the Grand Master, or his Deputy, or rather by some Brother whom the Grand Lodge shall appoint for Secretary, wherein shall be recorded all the Lodges w ith their usual times ·and places o f form ing, and the names of all the members of each Lodge, and all the affairs of the Grand Lodge that are proper to be written.
They shall also consider of the most prudent and effectual methods of collecting and dispos ing of what money shall be given to, or lodged with them in charity , toward the relief only of any true brother fallen .into poverty or decay, but of none else; but every particular Lodge shall dispose of the ir own charity for poor Brethren according to their own By-Laws, until it be agreed by all of the Lodges (in a new regulation) , to carry in the charity collected by them to the Grand Lodge at the quarterly or annual communication, in order to make a common stock of it, for the more handsome relief of poor Brethren .
They shall also appo int a Treasurer, a brother of good world ly substance , who shall be a member of the Grand Lodge by virtue of his office, and shall be a lways present, and have power to move to the Grand Lodge anything especially what concerns his office . To him shall be committed all money ra ised for chari t y, or for any other use of the Grand Lodge, which he shall write down in a book, wi t h the respective ends and uses for which the seve r al sums are intended, and shall expe nd and d i sburse the same by such certain order signed, as the Grand Lodge shal l afterward agree to in a new regulation , but he shall not v ote in choosing a Grand Master o r Wardens , though in every other tra n saction. As in like manner the Secretary shall be a m e m be r of the Grand Lodge by virtue of his office , a nd v ote in everything except in choosing a Grand Master o r Wa rdens
The Treasure r and Se cretary sh a ll h ave each a cl erk, who must be a brot her and Fellow Craft, but never must be a member of the Grand Lodge, nor s p e ak witho ut being allowed or desired , The G rand Mas ter, or his De puty , sha ll a lways command
the Treasurer and Secretary, with their clerks and books in order to see how matters go on, and to know what is expedient to be done ,upon any emergent--occasion. Another brother (who must be a Fellow Craft) should be appointed to loo k after the door of the Grand Lodge, but shall be no member of it, But these offices may be furthe r explained by a new regulation , when the necessity and expediency of them may more appear than at present to the Fraternity
XIV. If at any Grand Lodge , stated or occasional, quarterly or annual, the Grand Master and his Deputy should be both absent then the present Master of the Lodge that has been the longest a Freemason shall take the chair and preside as Grand Master pro tempe, and shall be vested with all his power and honor for the time ; provided there is no brother present that has been Grand Master formerly, or Deputy Grand Master; for the la st Grand Master present, or else the last Deputy present, should always of right take place in the absence of the present Grand Master and his Deputy.
XV. In the Grand Lodge none can act as Wardens but the Grand Wardens themselves, if present; and if absent, the Grand Master or the person who presides in his place, shall order private Wardens to act as Grand Wardens pro tempe, whose places are to be supplied by two .Fellow Craft of the same Lodge , called forth to act, Or sent thither by the particular Master thereof; or if by him omitted then they shall be called by the Grand Master,·that so the Grand Lodge may be ·always complete .
XVI. The Grand Wardens or any ·others; are first to advise with the Deputy . about the affairs of the Lodge·. or of the ·brethren , .and notto ·app lyto :the Grand Master without the knowledge ·of the · Deputy;·: unless : he ,refuse· his ·concurrence in any ce rtain necessary affair; in which case or in case of any difference .between the Deputy and the Grand Wardens, or .other brethren ; both parties are to go by concert to the Grand Master, who can easily decide the controversy and make up the difference by virtue of his great authority.
The Grand Master should receive no intimation of business concerning Masonry but from his Deputy first, except in such certain cases as his Worship can well judge of; for if the application to the Grand Master be irregular, he can easily order t he Grand Wardens, or any other Brethren thus applying to wai t upon his Deputy, who is to prepare the business speedly, and to lay it orderly before his Worship.
XVII. No Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Wardens, Treasu r er, Secretary or whoever acts for them or in their stead pro tempe; can at the same time be the Master or Warden of a particular Lodge; but as soon as any of them has honorably discharged his Grand Office, he returns to t hat post or station in his particular Lodge from which he was called to officiate above.
XVIII. If the De puty Grand Master be sick, or necessarily absent, the Grand Master may choose any Fellow Craft he please to be his Deputy pro tempe; but he t hat is chosen Deputy at the Grand Lodge, and the Grand Wardens too , cannot be discharged without the cause fairly appear to the majority of the G rand Lo dge; and the Grand Master, if he is uneasy, may call a Grand Lodge on purpose to lay t he cause before them, and to have their advice and concurrence; in which case the majority of the Grand Lodge , if they cannot reco ncile the Master and his Deputy or Wardens, are to concur in allowing the Master to discourage his said Deputy or his
said Wardens, and to choose another Deputy immediately; and the said Grand L odge shall choose other Wardens in that case,, that harmony and peace may be preserved.
XIX. If the Grand Master should abuse his power and render himself unworthy of the obedience and subjection of the Lodges , he shall be treated is a way and manner to be agreed upon in a new regulation ; because hitherto the ancient Fraternity have had no occasion for it, the ir former Grand Masters having all behaved themselves worthy of that honorable office.
XX. The Grand Master, with his Deputy and Wardens, shall (at least once) go rou nd and visit all the Lodges about town during his mastership.
XX.I. If the Grand Master die during his mastership, or by sickness, or by being beyond sea , or any other way should be rendered incapable of discharging his office the Deputy, or in .his absence the Senior Grand Warden or in his absence the Junior, or in his absence any three present Masters of Lo dges shall join to congregate the Grand Lodge immediately , to advise together upon that emergency, and to send two of their numbers to invite the last Grand Master to resume his office, which now in course reverts to him, or if he refuse , then the next last , and so backward. But if no former Grand Master can be found then the Deputy shall act as pri ncipal until another is chosen; or if there be no Deputy, then the oldest Maste r.
XX.II The brethren of all the Lodges in and.about London and Westminster shall meet at an annual communication and feast, ·in : some '. convenient place, on Saint John Baptist's Da y or else on Saint John Evangelist's Day; as the Grand L odge shall t hink fit by a new regu lation, having of late years met on Saint John Bap tist's Day; Provided, Th e majority of the Masters and Wardens, with the Grand Master, h is Deputy and Wardens agree at the quarterly communications , three months before that there shall be a feast and general communication of all the brethren ; for if either the Grand Master, or the majority of the particular Masters are against it, it must be dropped f or that time. But whethe r there shall be a feast for all the brethren or not, yet the Grand .Lodge must meet in some convenient place annually on saint John's Day, or if it be Sunday, then on the next day, in order to choose every year a new Grand Master, Deputy and Wardens.
XX.I 11. If it be thought expedient, and the Grand Master with t he majority of the Masters and Wardens, agree to hold a grand feast, according to the ancient laudable custom of Masons, then the Grand Warden shall have the care of p reparing the tickets , sealed w ith the Grand Master's seal, of disposing of proper and convenient place to feast in, and of every other thing that concerns the entertainment.
But t h at the work may not be too burdensome to the two Grand Wardens , and that all matte rs may be expeditiously and safely managed, the Gra nd Master , or his Deputy shall have power to nominate and appoint a certain number of Stewards as his Worship shall think fit, to act in concert with the two Grand Wardens; all things relating to the feast being decided amongst them by a majority of voices, except the Grand Master or his Deputy i nterpose by a particu lar directio n or appointment.
XX.IV. The Wardens and Stewards shall, in due time, wait upon the Grand Master, or his Deputy for directions and orders about the premises; but if h is Worship and h is
Deputy are sick or necessarily absent, they shall call together the Maste r and Wardens of Lodges to meet.on.:purpose for their advice and orders~· orelse they may · take the matter wholly upon themselves , and do the best they can.
If the Grand Master pleases he may in due time summon all the Masters and Wardens of Lodges to consult with them about ordering the grand feast, and about any emergency or accidental thing relating thereunto , that may require adv ice, or else to take it upon himself altogether.
The Masters of Lodges shall each appoint one experienced and discreet Fellow Craft of his Lodge, to compose a committee consisting of one from every Lodge , who shall meet to receive, in a convenient apartment, every person that brings a ticket and shall have power to discourse him, if they think fit, in order to admit him or debar him as they shall see cause; Provided, They send no man away before they have aquatinted all the brethren within doors with the reasons thereof to avoid mistakes; :, that \so ,-no ,true··brother ;may be i debarred nor false brother or mere pretender admitted. This committee must meet very early on SaintJohn's Day at the place, even before any persons come with t ickets.
· The .Grand Master.shall appoint two :or more trusty:brethren to' be porters :or doorkeepers;:Who are .a lso to be ·.early at.the place, for some good reasons , and who are to be at the command :ortlie committee
The Grand Wardens; or the :'Stewards; ·sh'alLappoint before ;handsuch a number of · brethrenJo t" serve~at :table»as·'the~.think1fit ,;and •proper :fo:r.:thahw.ork; and they may advise with -the Masters·:and, Wardens ott:odges·abouNhe:most proper persons ; if they please,· or may take in such-by theinecommendation; :for n one-are to serve that day but Free :and Accepted :Masons -that the communication may be free and harmonious.
All the members of the Grand Lodge must be at the place long before the dinner, with the Grand Master, of his Deputy at their head, who shall retire and form the mselves . .And this is done in order:
To receive any appeals duly lodged as above regu lated, that the appellant may be heard, and the affair may be amicably decided before the dinner, if possible; but if it cannot, it must be delayed till after the new Grand Master is elected; and if it cannot be decided after dinner, it may be relayed, and referred to a particular committee, that shall quietly adjust it and make report to the next quarterly communication, that brotherly love may be preserved
To prevent any difference or disgust which may be feared to arise that day, that no interruption may be given to the harmony and pleasure of th e grand feast.
To consult about whatever concerns the decency and decorum of the Grand Assembly, and to prevent all indecency and ill manners, the assembly being promiscuous
To receive and consider of any good motion, or any momentous and imp ortant affair, that shall be brought from the particular Lodges by their representatives, the several Masters and Wardens.
After these th ings are discussed, the Grand Master and his Deputy , the G ran d Wardens, o r the Stewards, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Clerks, and every other person shall wit hdraw and leave the Masters a nd Wardens of the particu la r Lodges
alone in order to consult amicably about electing a new Grand Master, or continuing the present ; if they have not done-it the -day ,before;, and if t hey ,are: unanimous- for continuing the present Grand Master, his Worship shall be called in, and humbly desired to do the Fraternity the honor of ruling them for the year ensuing, and afte r dinner it will be known whether he accepts of it or not; for it should not be discovered but by the election itself.
When the Masters and Wardens , and all the brethren, may converse promiscuously , or as they please to sort together, until the dinner is coming in, when every brother takes his seat at table.
Some time after dinner the Grand Lodge is formed, not in retirement, but in the presence of all the brethren who yet are not members of it, and must not therefore speak until they are desired and allowed .
.If the Grand Lodge of last year has consented with the Master and Wardens in private, before dinner to continue for the ensuing year, then one of the Grand Lodge , deputed for that purpose, shall represent to all the brethren his Warship's good government, etc. and, tuning to him shall, in the name of the Grand Lodge , humbly request him to do the Fratem ity·the great .ho nor (if nobly born , if not), the great kindness of continuing to ·be .thei r Grand Master for the year ensuing. And his Worship declaring·his·consent:by a.bow orspeech, as he pleased, the said deputed member of the Grand Lodge ·shall proclaim him Grand .Master, and all members of the Lodge shall salute ·1 him in due:form ;,and all ,the ., brethren shall for a Jew minutes have leave fo.declare ·,tbeir:satisfaction,1.pleasure .and congratulation.
But if either the Master and ,Wardens have not in private;this day before dinner, nor the .day before desired the last .Grand Master. to ·continue in the Mastership another ·year, or. if he when ' desired· has not .consent~d,· then the last Grand Master shall nominate his successor for the year ensuing who if-unanimously app rove d by the Grand Lodge , and if there present, shall be proclaimed, saluted and congratulated the new Grand Master as above hinted, and immediately installed by the last Grand Master according to usage
But if nomination is not unanimously approved, the new Grand Master shall be chosen immediate ly by ballot, every Master and Warden writing his man's name, and the last Grand Master writing his man's name too, and the man whose name the last Grand Master shall first take out, casually or by chance, shall be Grand Master f or the year ensuing, and if present, he shall be proclaimed, saluted and congratulated, as above hinted, and forthwith instal led by the last Grand Master, according to usage.
The last Grand Master t hus continued or the new Grand Master thus installed , shall next nominate and appoint his Deputy Grand Master, either the last or the new one, who shall be also declared, saluted and congratulated, as above hinted. The Grand Master shall also nominate the new Grand Wardens and if unanimously approved by the Grand Lodge , shall be declared, saluted and cong ra tulated, as above hinted, bu t if not, they shall be chosen by ballot in the same way as the Grand Master; and the Wardens of private Lodg es are also to be chosen by ballot in each L odge , if the members thereof do not agree to t heir Master's nomination.
But if the brother, whom the present Grand Master sha ll nominate for his successor, or whom the majority of the Grand Lodge shall happen -to choose by ballot, is by sickness or other necessary occasion absent from the grand feast, he cannot be proclaimed the new Grand Master, unless the old Grand Master , or so'me of the Masters and Wardens of the Grand Lodge can vouch upon the honor of a Brother, that the said person so nom i nated if chosen will readily accept of the said office; in which case the old Grand Master shall act as proxy, and shall nominate the Deputy and Wardens in his name, and in his name also receive the usual honors , homage and congratulation.
The Grand Master shall allow any brother, Fellow Craft or Apprentice to speak, directing his discourse of his Worship; or to make any motion for the good of the Fraternity, which shall be either immediately considered and finished, or else referred to the consideration of the Grand Lodge at their next communication , stated or occasional, when that is over.
The Grand Master, or his Deputy, or some brother appointed by him, shall harangue all the brethren, and give them good advice; and lastly, after some other transactions that cannot be written in any language, the Brethren may go away or stay longer, as they please.
Every annual Grand Lodge has an inherent power and a uthority to make new Regulations , or to alter these , for the real benefit of his ancient Fraternity; Provided always, that the old Landmarks be carefully preserved, and that such alterations and new Regulations be proposed and agreed to at the third quarterly communication preceding the annual grand feast; and that they be offered also to the perusal of all the brethren before dinner, in writing, even of the youngest Apprentice, the approbation and consent of the majority of all the brethren present being absolutely necessary to make the same binding and obligatory; wh ich must after dinner, and after the new Grand Master is installed, be solemnly desired; as it was desired and obtained for these Regulations , when proposed by the Grand Lodge , to about 150 brethren on Saint John Baptist's Day, 1721.
Extracted from the ancient records of Lodges beyond sea, and of those in England, Scotland and Ireland for the use of the Lodges in London
I. Concerning God and Religion
A Mason is obliged by his tenure, to obey the moral law; and if he rightly understands the art, he will never be a stupid atheist nor an irreligious libertine. But though in ancient times Masons were charged in every country to be the religion of that country or nation , whatever it was , it is now thought more expedient only to oblige them to that religion in wh i ch all men agree, leaving their particular opinions to themselves; that is to be good men and true, or men of honor and honesty , by whatever denominations or persuasions they may be distinguished ; whereby Masonry becomes the center of the union, and the means of conciliating true friendship among persons that must have remained at a perpetual distance.
A Mason is a peaceable subject to the civil powers wherever he resides or works, and is never to be concerned in plots and conspiracies against the peace and welfare of the nation, nor to behave himself undut ifully to inferior magistrates ; for as Masonry hath always been injured by war, bloodshed and confusion, so ancient kings and princes have been much disposed to encourage the craftsmen because of the peaceableness and loyalty, whereby they practically answe red the cavils of their adversaries, and promoted the honor of the Fraternity , who ever flourish in times of peace. So that if a Brother should be a rebel against the state, he is not to be countenanced in his rebellion , however he may be pitied as an unhappy man; and if convicted of no other crime, though the loyal brothe rhood must and ought to disown his rebellion , and give no umbrage or ground of political jealousy to the government for the time being, they cannot expel him from the Lodge and his relation to it remains indefeasible.
A Lodge is a place where Masons assemble and work; hence that assembly, or duly organized · society of Masons, is called a Lodge and every brother ought to belo ng to one, and to be su bject to its By-Laws and the General Regulations It is either particular or general, and will be best understood by attending it, and by the regulations of the General or Grand Lodge hereunto anne xe d. In ancient times no Master or Fellow could be absent from it especially when warned to appear at it without incurring a severe censure, until it appeared to the Master and Wardens tha t pure necessity hindered him.
All perferment among Masons is grounded upon real worth and personal merit only; that so the Lords may be well served, the brethren not put to shame or the Royal Craft desp ised: Therefore · no Master or Warden is chosen by seniority, but for his merit. It is impossible to describe these things in writing, and every brother must attend in his place, and learn them in a way peculiar to this Fraternity; only candidates may know that no Master should take an Apprentice unless he has sufficient employment for him and unless he be a perfect youth, having no maim of defect in his body, that may render him uncapable of learn ing the art of serving his Master's Lord, and of being made a Brother and then a Fellow Craft in due time, even after he has served such a term of years as the custom of the country directs; and that he should by descended of honest parents ; that so, when otherwise qualified, he may arrive at the honor of being the Warden, and then at length the Master of the Lodge, the Grand Warden, and at length the Grand Master of all the Lodges , according to his merit.
No Brother can be a Warden until he has passed the part of a Fellow Craft; nor a Master unti l he has acted as a Warden nor a Grand Warden until he has been Master of a Lodge, nor GRAND MASTER unless he has been a Fellow Craft before his election, who is nobly born, or a gentleman of the best fa shion, or some eminent scholar or some curious architect, or other artist, descended of honest parents, and who is of singular great merit in the opinion of the Lodges. And for the better, easier, and more honorable discharge of his office, the Grand Master has a powe r to choose his own Deputy Grand Master who must be then , or must have been formerly , the Master of a particular Lodge , and has the privilege of acting whatever the Grand Master, his principal , shou ld act, unless t he said principal be present, or interpose his authority by a letter.
These rulers and governors , supreme and subordinate, of the ancient Lodge are to be obeyed in
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their respective stat ions by all the brethren according to the Old Charges and regulations , with all humility, reverence , love and alacrity
All Masons shall work honestly on working days they may live creditabl y on holy days; and the time appointed by the law of the land, or confirmed by custom, shall be observed
The most expert of the Fel low-Craftsmen shall be chosen or appointed the Master, or Overseer of the Lord's work; who is to be called Master by those that work under him. The Craftsmen are to avoid all i ll language , and to call each other by no disobliging name , but Brother or Fellow; and to behave themselves courteously withi n and without the Lodge
The Master knowing himself to be able of cunning, shall undertake the Lord's work as reasonably as possible and truly dispense his goods as if they were his own ; nor give more wages to any Brother or Apprentice than he really may deserve
Both the Master and the Masons receiving their wages justly, shall be faithful to the Lord, a nd honestly finish their work, whether task or journey; nor put the work to task tha t hath been accustomed to journey.
None shall discover envy at the ·prosperity of a Brother, nor supplant hi m, or put him out of work,· if he be capable to finish the same; for no man can finish another's work so much to the Lo rd' s profit, unless he be thoroughly acquainted with the designs and draughts of him that began it
When a Fellow-Craftsman is chosen Warden of the work under the Master, he shall be true to both Master and Fellows, shall carefully oversee the work in the Master's absence to the Lord's profit; and his Brethren shall obey him.
All Masons employed shall meekly receive their wages without murmuring or mut iny, and not desert the Master till the work is finished.
A younger Brother shall be instructed in working, to prevent spoiling the materials for wan t of judgment and for increasing and conti nuing of brotherly love.
All the tools used in working shall be approved by the Grand Lodge.
No laborer shall be employed in the proper work of Masonry; nor shall Freemasons work with those that are not free, without an urgent necessity ; nor shall they teach laborers and unaccepted Maso ns, as they should teach a Brother or Fellow
You are not to hold private committees, or separate conversation without leave from the Master, no r to talk of anything impertinent or unseemly, nor interrupt the Master or Wardens , or any Brother speaking to the Master, nor behave yourself ludicro usly or jestingly while the Lodge is engaged in what is serious and solemn; nor use any unbecom in g language upon any pretense whatsoever, but to pay due reverence to your Master, Wardens and Fellows, and put them to worship.
If any complaint be brought, the Brother found guilty shall stand to the award and determination of { the Lodge who are the proper and competent judges of all such controversies (unless you carry it by appeal to the Grand Lodge ), and to whom they ought to be referred , unless a Lord's work be hindered the meanwhile, in which case a particular reference may be made; but you must never go to law about what concerneth Masonry without absolute necess ity apparent to the Lodge.
You may enjoy yourselves with innocent mirth, treating one another according to ability , but avoiding all excess, or forcing any Brother to eat or drink beyond h is inc lination, or hi nderi ng him from going when his occasions call him, or doing or saying anything offensive, or that may forbid as easy and free conversation; for that would blast our harmony and defeat our laudable purposes. Therefore no private piques or quarrels must be brought within the door of the Lodge, far less any quarrels about religion, or nations, or state policy , we being only, as Masons, of the catholic religion above mentioned ; we are also of all nations , tongues kindreds and la nguages, and are resolved against all politics , as what never yet conduced to the welfare of the Lodge, nor eve r will. This Charge has been always strictly enjoined and observed; but especially ever since the Reforma tion in Britain , or the dissent and secession of these nations for the communion of Rome.
You are to salute one another in a courteous manner, as you will be instructed , call ing each other Brother, freely giving mutual instruction as shall be thought expedient, w ithout b eing overseen or overheard, and without encroaching upon each other, or derogating from the respect which is due to any Brother, were he not a Mason , for though all Masons are as· brethren upon the same level , ( yet Masonry takes no honor from a man that he had befo re; nay,· rathe r it adds to his honor. Especially if he has deserved well of the Brotherhood, who must give honor to whom it is due, and avo id ill manners.
You shall be cautious in yo ur words and carriage, that the most penetrating stranger shall not be able to discover or find out what is not proper to be intimated; and sometimes you shall divert a discourse , and manage it prudently for the honor of the Worshipful Fraternity.
You are to act as becomes a moral and wise man ; particularly not to let your family, friends and neighbors know the concerns of the Lodge, etc., but wisely to consult your own honor and that of the Ancient Brotherhood for reasons not to be mention ed here. You must also consult your hea lth by not continuing together too l ate, or too long from home , after Lodge hours are past ; and by avoiding of gluttony or drunkenness , tha t your families be not neglected or injured, nor you disabled from working.
You are cautiously to examine him in such a method as prudence shall direct you. Tha t you may not be imposed upon by an ignorant false pretender, whom you are to rej ect with contempt and derisio n , beware of giving him hints of knowledge.
But if you discover him to be a true and genuine Brother, yo u are to respect him accordingly; and if he is in want, you must relieve h i m if you can, or else direct him how he is to be employed. But
you are not charged to do beyond your ability, only to pre f er a poor Brother, that is a good man and true, before any other poor people i n the same circumstances . .
Finally all these CHARGES you are to observe , and also those that shall be commun icated to you in another way; cultivati ng brotherly love , the foundations and capstone , the cement and g lory, of this ancient Fraternity, avoiding all wrangling and quarreling, all slander and backbiting , nor permitting others to slander any honest Brother, but defending h is character and doing him all good offices, as far as is consistent with your honor and safety, and no further. And if any of t hem do you injury you must apply to your own or his Lodge; and from thence you may appeal to the Grand Lodge at the quarterly communication, and from thence to the annual Grand Lodge, as has been the ancient laudable conduct of our forefathers in every nation ; never taking a legal course , but when the case cannot be otherwise decided, and patiently listening to the honest and friendly advice of Masters and Fellows when they would prevent your going to law with strange rs, or would excit e you to put a speedy period to all law-suits, so that you may mind the affair of Masonry with t h e more alacrity and success ; but with respect to Brothers or Fellows at law, the Masters and brethren should kindly offer their meditation, which ought tot be thankfully submitted to by the contending brethren; and if that submission is impracticable they must, however, carry on their process or law-suit without wrath or rancor (not in the common way), saying or doing nothing wh ich may hinder brotherly love, and good offi ces to· be renewed and continued; that all may see the benign of Masonry, as all t rue Masons have done from the beginning of the world, and will do to the end of time.
Amen. So mote it be.
Note by Committee on Publication of Laws: Figures immediately following the titles refer to sections , articles or chapters of the laws. References to the Constitution are prefixed by the letter C. For example, C-VI 3 refers to Article VI, Section 3, of the Constitution. References without such prefix are to the By-Laws.