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Grand Lodge of Kansas AF&AM UNIVERSAL SERVICE EMBLEM CEREMONIES INTRODUCTION Previously, many, if not most, emblem ceremonies have been conducted in an ad hoc manner with little uniformity among the various presenters. Added to this, the sometimes disorganized presentations that many of us have personally witnessed on these occasions – including insufficient preparation, little or no notice to the awardees or the presenters, lack of attendance, and, perhaps worst of all, failure of awardees to attend (or of the lodge to be aware if they have attended or not) – does not demonstrate the respect these honored brethren deserve.

KANSAS GRAND LODGE AF&AM This emblem presentations will use the following ceremony for all presentations, whether performed by the Grand Master or his designee. Our members place enormous and profound importance on years‐of‐service emblems – it is, therefore, only fitting that we adopt a standard ceremony that emphasizes with due solemnity, these important occasions, and that we deliver a presentation of which our long‐serving brethren and their families can be proud.

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THE IMPORTANCE OF PREPARATION It has been a long‐standing practice that the Grand Master and his suite personally present longevity emblems and other awards by traveling across the state. Often these events are reserved a year or more in advance, but despite plenty of advance notice, in general, attendance is sparse, and it is not uncommon that some of the members being honored fail to attend. Depending upon the location of the ceremony and the residence of the Grand Master, these trips – often scheduled on a work‐day ‐‐ are expensive both to Grand Lodge and to the officers who travel with the Grand Master, who must take time off work in order to attend. As established in 2013, personal presentations by the Grand Master will require not only advance reservations, but confirmed attendance numbers, promotion among area lodges, and coordination with the Area Deputy Grand Master to ensure a successful event. This change is made necessary for a number of reasons, primarily the shifting demographic of Grand Lodge officers (many of whom have active professional lives and young families), and the desire to use Grand Lodge resources for maximum benefit, as well as the costs associated with travel and vacation time. In the event that lodges desiring awards ceremonies are unable to secure attendance and adequately plan an event that necessitates the appearance of the Grand Master, the District Deputy will be tasked with presenting the awards.

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LODGE SECRETARY In addition to proper planning, as above, the lodge Secretary also has a role to play in the ceremony. He must: • Compile the Masonic record of each brother to be honored at the event. He will proclaim each honoree’s Masonic biography during the ceremony. A form has been provided for you (See Appendix) as a template. Print out a form for each honoree from Section 8, fill in all the appropriate information, and be prepared to read it aloud when called upon to do so by the presiding officer. • Notify the lodge chaplain that his services are required for this event, or nominate a chaplain pro tem to lead the assembly in prayer according to the script. • Un‐package all emblems and provide those to the presiding officer. Reserve the plastic box to give to the recipient, along with his certificate following the ceremony (See Expectations, below). • Print out Section 2 & 3 (pages 9 & 10) with the appropriate boxes checked and names filled in. Make one copy for the presiding officer (black & white copies are sufficient), and one for the chaplain. • Print out the applicable Sections 4 & 5 (pages 11-15) with the appropriate information filled in. As above, make one copy for the presiding officer and one for the chaplain.

In addition, the certificates and emblems will be sent to the Secretary by Grand Lodge. It is the Secretary’s responsibility to insure that the correct emblems and/or certificates have been received prior to the event, and to have those on hand, at the ready for the ceremony.

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HIGHLIGHTS The new ceremonies found below, which have been “tested” in various lodges on a limited basis, are much more formal than previous emblem presentations. At the prompting of the Grand Master or his designee, the lodge Secretary formally recites the honoree’s Masonic record. The honoree is then called to the East to receive the Grand Master’s remarks and the plaudits of the lodge. Similar in tone to the apron lecture, this format honors the brother with a short speech of Masonic character about his work in the quarries of Freemasonry. The focus is on the brother being honored, no one else. As such, there is no role for the brother’s spouse or family. Brothers receiving the same class of emblem are honored jointly, similar to a degree conferral with multiple candidates, but each brother is given the opportunity to address the lodge individually for as long as he likes. At the conclusion of the ceremony, he is escorted back to his place in the lodge.

EXPECTATIONS If we agree that emblem presentations are some of the most important occasions the lodge, or Grand Lodge, can facilitate, then there is absolutely no excuse for a shabby presentation. Anything less shows shameful disrespect on the very brethren we mean to honor. In light of this, please observe the following expectations:  Timely notice is required for Grand Lodge officers

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 RSVPs are required for honorees who should be met at the door by a member of the lodge (nothing is more embarrassing than a lodge secretary asking if Bro. Smith is here to receive his 60 year pin)  The lodge room and facilities should be clean and inviting  Ushers should be on hand to seat any members or guests with disabilities  The remarks of the presenter should conform to this ceremony  Unless the certificate has been framed in a presentation quality format, don’t hand the brother the certificate and never hand the brother the empty emblem box from the dais. This is distracting and detracts from the focus of the ceremony: our honored brother standing before the lodge, beaming with pride, with his emblem on his lapel. Certificates and emblem boxes should be left with the Secretary for distribution after the event. Finally, just as the Worshipful Master would never tell the newly admitted brother that his apron “isn’t really a real lambskin,” under no circumstances should the presenter ever tell the honoree that his emblem is “not real gold” or otherwise denigrate the award. The assay content of the emblem itself is immaterial – what’s important is that the gold of the award represents the esteem of the Craft in Kansas is as high as it can get.

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CONCLUSION Emblem presentations are enormously important events for our fraternity and the emblems we present are cherished by our brethren and their families for generations. It is therefore only proper that Grand Lodge and local officers work together to insure a meaningful ceremony. For Grand Lodge presenters – they must act both as an emcee and an ambassador and it is of the utmost importance to create a positive impression both for our members and any potential members who may attend an emblem ceremony. Grand Lodge officers should wear their appearance suit, collar, jewel, and apron to all emblem presentations. Lodge officers should also wear coat and tie, and insure that the lodge is squared away and in proper shape to receive visitors, some of whom may have never visited a Masonic lodge before. A proper appearance is augmented by professional behavior. All officers should be prompt; arriving and starting the ceremony on time. Finally, be certain to display a positive attitude, and above all, enjoy the time you spend with our long‐serving members.

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SETUP 1. The presence of each and every honoree should be ascertained prior to the ceremony. 2. Chairs should be placed in the East if necessary for the honorees to occupy at the appointed time. 3. The emblems for each brother should be handed (un‐boxed) to the Grand Master or his designee prior to the ceremony. 4. The Masonic records of each honoree should be laid out on the secretary’s desk for ready reference, starting with 25‐year recipients and ending with 75‐year recipients. CAST Grand Master or his designee, Lodge Secretary, Senior Deacon, Stewards and Chaplain

INTRODUCTION Officiating Officer: The M∴W∴ Grand Lodge of Kansas, recognizing years of Masonic membership, has authorized the presentation of emblems to Brethren attaining this distinction. By these emblems we formally recognize continuous and longstanding association with our Order, and recognize our Brothers who have labored in Masonry with skill and fidelity. Bro. Chaplain, please offer a prayer for this occasion. * * *

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Chaplain: Grand Architect of heaven and earth, the giver of all good gifts and graces: vouchsafe to us Thy guidance and grace. Look with favor upon these our Brethren who have been endued with the Spirit of Masonry during their long service in the quarries of Freemasonry. Bless them as Thy good and faithful servants, and grant to those here assembled the opportunity to carry out Thy will. In your name we pray. Amen. Response: So Mote it Be. Officiating Officer: Brethren [and guests], we gather here today [tonight] for the purpose of paying respect to brethren who have been members of our Order for a period of:      

Twenty‐Five Years Fifty Years Sixty Years Sixty‐Five Years Seventy Years Seventy‐Five Years

(check all that apply)

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UNIVERSAL EMBLEM PRESENTATION OFFICIATING OFFICER: Brothers, as your name is called would you please stand so that the Senior Deacon may escort you to the East. Name ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________

Years _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

So that all may know of your Masonic affiliation, the Secretary will read from the records of the Lodge. OFFICIATING OFFICER: Brothers many years ago, you stood before our Altar where you obligated yourself (yourselves) to be a true and faithful Brother among us; to observe your duties to Deity, your Country, your neighbors and yourself. For these many years, you have labored to spread Masonic Light and knowledge with skill, industry and zeal. Your Brethren look upon you with admiration on achieving this distinction. Revision 20210704

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TWENTY‐FIVE YEAR EMBLEM I have been honored by the Worshipful Master of this Lodge to present you with your emblem of service. The silver Twenty‐Five Year Emblem, emblazoned with a square and compasses, and surrounded by the sunflower – the symbol of the State of Kansas – but also a reference to the sun that rises in the East to open and govern the working lives of men. Therefore, by the authority vested in me by the M∴W∴ Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas, I hereby bestow upon you this badge of our esteem and admiration. May you wear this emblem with pleasure to yourself and honor to the Fraternity.

FIFTY YEAR EMBLEM I have been honored by the Worshipful Master of this Lodge to present you with this emblem of 50 years of service. A gold 50 year emblem, emblazoned with a square and compasses, and surrounded by a sunflower – the symbol of the State of Kansas – but also a reference to the sun that rises in the East to open and govern the working lives of men. Let its burnished gold surface remind you of the fullness of your Masonic labors. May you wear this emblem with pleasure to yourself and honor to the Fraternity.

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SIXTY YEAR EMBLEM I have been honored by the Worshipful Master of this Lodge to present you with this emblem of 60 years of service. A gold 60 year emblem, emblazoned with the representation of King Solomon’s Temple which is emblematical of both strength and establishment – a fitting symbol for your years in Masonry which amply demonstrate both principles. Therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the M∴W∴ Grand Master ________________ I hereby bestow on you this emblem of brotherly love and respect. May you wear this emblem with pleasure to yourself and honor to the fraternity.

SIXTY‐FIVE YEAR EMBLEM Sixty‐five years ago, you approached us poor and penniless and searched in vain for something of a metallic kind to be laid up in the archives of the Lodge. Search no longer my Brother, for I have been authorized by the M∴W∴ Grand Master ______________ to present you something of a metallic kind; A 65 year emblem of silver and gold complete with the square and compasses and surrounded by the sunflower – the symbol of the State of Kansas. May you wear this emblem with pleasure to yourself and honor to the fraternity.

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SEVENTY YEAR EMBLEM Brother, 70 years ago you were brought from darkness to light in Freemasonry. I am honored to stand before you as the light of the masonic day softens with shadows. As the sun approaches the western horizon, we find you still at labor. Perhaps you do not measure and lay out your work as briskly as before, but with the careful attention of a seasoned craftsman. Therefore, by the authority vested in me by the M∴W∴ _________________, I bestow upon you this token of Brotherly Love and Respect. May you wear this emblem with pleasure to yourself and honor to the fraternity.

SEVENTY‐FIVE YEAR EMBLEM Brother(s) as we meet to honor 75 years of devotion to Freemasonry, let us reflect upon those years of duty, benevolence and charity. To honor your three quarters of a century, we are pleased to present this diamond jubilee award to you. The gold symbolized that purity of life and conduct that marks all Masons, and prominently displayed upon its face is a diamond, one of man’s most precious gifts; fired in nature’s cauldron of time, it is emblematic of long life and – above all patience and perseverance, qualities that you hold in abundance. And now by the authority vested in me by the M∴W∴ Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas, I bestow on you this symbol of our respect and admiration. Revision 20210704

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FINISHING PARAGRAPH Many years ago you remembered your Creator in the days of your youth when you approached the Altar of Freemasonry poor and penniless. And for all your years, you have received the wages of Freemasonry which are friendship, morality, and brotherly love. And though our wages are speculative, by your continued presence among us, it shows they were ample. May the joy of this moment abide with you always and may you ever stand as you once stood in the northeast corner – a just and upright Mason. I would now like to give our emblem recipients time to make any remarks they deem appropriate. Seat Recipients

CONCLUSION OF ALL CEREMONIES [ * knocks down Senior Deacon] Before concluding our ceremony please allow me to express how honored I am to have been invited here to celebrate these anniversaries with you, and once again, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to our emblem recipients, their families and friends. Brother Chaplain, would you conclude our ceremony with a prayer.

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PRAYERS FOR THE CHAPLAIN Chaplain: Grand Architect of the Universe, look with favor on our labors here today [tonight], and bless those who have celebrated their anniversaries with us. Accept our humble praise of You and Your works and bless these honored brethren who have so steadfastly followed your Rule and Guide of Faith. Let your guiding hand help us safe home, bless and prosper all of our laudable undertakings, and in everything we do, remind us that Thy will be done. Amen.


Chaplain: Grand Architect of heaven and earth, the giver of all good gifts and graces: vouchsafe to us Thy guidance and grace. Look with favor upon these our Brethren who have been endued with the Spirit of Masonry during their long service in the quarries of Freemasonry. Bless them as Thy good and faithful servants, and grant to those here assembled the opportunity to carry out Thy will. In your name we pray. Amen

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APPENDIX The form below is designed to be read aloud. Copy this form for each honoree. Fill in the information that applies to the brother being honored. Leave blank and cross out, or skip over, any part that does not apply to him. The following examples illustrate how the form may be used.

EXAMPLE 1 This form illustrates the record of a brother who has maintained membership with his lodge for 50 years, but who has held no offices or appointments. After the recitation of his record, the form skips to the end.

EXAMPLE 2 This form illustrates the record of a perpetual life member who has been very active as a lodge officer and who has served as a district deputy.

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TO ALL MASONS, THEIR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS HERE ASSEMBLED: Let it be known that the records and the archives of the lodge bear witness to the fact that Brother



Lodge, No.




under the jurisdiction of the



under the jurisdiction of the GRAND LODGE OF




Lodge, No.

under the jurisdiction of the GRAND LODGE OF according to ANCIENT FORM.


THE ARCHIVES OF THE LODGE FURTHER ATTEST: (read all checked areas)  That he has served his lodge as an officer as follows: Name of Office


Name of Office


Name of Office


Name of Office


Name of Office


Name of Office


Name of Office


Name of Office


 FURTHER, that he is accorded the title of WORSHIPFUL Brother by virtue of his service as MASTER of Lodge No.

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for the year(s)

, and,

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 That he has been marked with distinction for having served as a Grand Lodge officer as follows: Name of Office


Name of Office


Name of Office


Name of Office


Name of Office


 That was honored with the use of the title of RIGHT WORSHIPFUL Brother during his service to Craft Masonry in Kansas as:  An Area Deputy Grand Master for Area

for the year(s)

, and,

 A District Deputy Grand Master for District

for the year(s)

, and,

 A Grand Lecturer appointed in the year

, and,

 A Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge Kansas from appointed in the year

, and,

 That he also is accorded the title of MOST WORSHIPFUL PAST GRAND MASTER for his service in the Grand East during the year of

, and,

 That he has been awarded the Grand Lodge of Kansas’ Proficiency Award and,  That he has been awarded the Grand Lodge of Kansas’ Master’s Achievement Award in

, and,

 That he has been awarded the Grand Lodge of Kansas’ Distinguished Service Medal in

, and,

 That he has been awarded the Grand Lodge of Kansas’ Grand Master’s Order of Merit in

, and,

 That as evidence of the brotherly love and affection he holds for his lodge, he is a PERPETUAL LIFE MEMBER OF

Lodge No.

, and,

 That he has labored as a true and faithful brother among us for



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