Floor Rules and Instructions Contents Foreword ............................................................................................... 1 Preface to 1998 Edition ......................................................................... 2 Hall of Irregular Shape or Unusual Design ............................................ 2 The Lodge Chaplain ............................................................................... 3 Presentation of Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance ............................... 3 Figure 1, Lodge Diagram ....................................................................... 4 Ideal Arrangement of Lodge Hall .......................................................... 5 Lines Used in Work................................................................................ 6 Figure 2 - Lodge Lines............................................................................ 7 Great Lights ........................................................................................... 8 Masters Hat ........................................................................................... 9 Pedestals ............................................................................................. 10 Knocks ................................................................................................. 11 Positions .............................................................................................. 12 Rods..................................................................................................... 14 Rules in Conducting Candidates .......................................................... 17 Floor Movements Generally ............................................................... 19 General Information............................................................................ 22 Suggested Form for Balloting on Petitions ......................................... 27 Reception of the Grand Master .......................................................... 30 Receiving the District Deputy Grand Master ...................................... 35 Introduction of Visitors ....................................................................... 37 Funerals ............................................................................................... 38 Lodge of Sorrow .................................................................................. 39 Opening Optional Lodge of Sorrow .................................................... 39 Closing Optional Lodge of Sorrow....................................................... 41 Readings of “No Place for Levity� ....................................................... 43 Prepared by the Ritualistic Committee Approved by the Council of Administration M:.W:. Grand Lodge of A:.F:. & A:.M:. of Kansas
Our Ritual conveys moral instruction and philosophy designed to make us wiser, better, and consequently happier. This instruction is received largely through the spoken word - what we HEAR; but it is through our Floor Movements - what we SEE - that the full, rich beauty of our Ritual is developed and its lesson impressed on our minds and hearts. Those receiving this instruction, whether they be Candidates for the Degrees or Brothers sitting on the sidelines, are entitled to the fullest measure thereof. It is not enough that Lodge Officers be proficient in the spoken words of the Ritual; they also have a duty to attain proficiency in the Ceremonial Forms - the Floor Movements connected with the Work. The authorized Floor Plans on file in the archives of the Grand Lodge are now available to the individual Mason and may be obtained from the Grand Secretary’s office in Topeka. Each Lodge is urged to obtain at least one copy of the Manual of Floor Movements for their own use in the Ritual. Lodge Officers are urged to study and use this Pamphlet together with the “Manual of Floor Movements.”
Preface to 1998 Edition
These Rules are not meant to be all-inclusive but are limited to selected subjects on which questions have been raised at District Meetings and elsewhere over the years. They are intended as helpful guides which, if followed, will assist the Lodge officers to do the work uniformly and in conformity with the authorized Floor Plans - as our Grand Lodge Constitution requires.
∆∆∆ Hall of Irregular Shape or Unusual Design
Unfortunately, more than a few of our Lodge Halls are located in buildings having structural peculiarities which do not permit some stations, places, etc., to be located, or work to be done, in precise conformity to the authorized Floor Plans. To such extent, of course, these Rules must necessarily be inapplicable; and in such cases the Lodges concerned should seek special instruction from the Lecturers, in order to minimize the extent of necessary deviation from authorized procedure.
The Lodge Chaplain
The Chaplain sits on the south sideline of the Lodge Room, directly across from the Senior Deacon as indicated on page 4. The Chaplain should be used whenever good judgment dictates. It is especially recommended that he give the prayer at the Opening of a Lodge and at the Closing of the Lodge. In giving prayer at Opening or Closing it is OPTIONAL whether Chaplain stands at his place or goes to the Altar and kneels. If Chaplain prays at Altar, he goes to and from on the South Work Line. In Opening, it is suggested that the WM call on the Chaplain for prayer immediately after the WM has finished the Opening Charge, “Behold, how good and how pleasant...”; and after the Chaplain has finished and has returned to his place, the WM then declares the Lodge open, etc. In Closing, the WM calls the Chaplain immediately after the WM has finished the Closing benediction, “May the blessing of Heaven...”; and after the Chaplain has prayed and returned to his place, the WM declares the Lodge closed, etc. In other words, the Opening and Closing ceremonies are exactly the same as heretofore, EXCEPT that the Chaplain’s prayer is inserted just before the WM’s formal declaration of Opening or Closing the Lodge. When not using Chaplain for prayer at Closing of Lodge, WM uncovers when reciting, “May the blessing of Heaven...” and at conclusion says “Amen” with response. When using Chaplain for prayer at Closing, WM does not uncover when reciting the above and does not say “Amen” but calls on Chaplain for prayer.
Presentation of Flag and the Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance is given, and any presentation of the flag is made, immediately AFTER the Lodge is opened and BEFORE any business is transacted or any work done.
Figure 1, Lodge Diagram
Ideal Arrangement of Lodge Hall
The chart on the opposite page is a Lodge Hall of the same proportions as the one shown in the Authorized Floor Plans. It shows a Hall 34 x 52 feet in size, however, by using directions below, the correct location of the several stations, places, etc. can be established for any Lodge Hall, regardless of its size. Correct location of SD, JD and JS is of utmost importance as their places are reference points for many of the Floor Movements. ALTAR: Midway between north and south rows of seats, and halfway between bottom steps of WM’s and SW’s platforms. WM (1): Due east of center of Altar. SW (2): Due west of center of Altar. JW (3): Due south of center of Altar. JS (9): West of JW far enough so JS can walk due north from place and pass behind someone standing at Altar. SS (8): Same distance east of JW as JS is west of JW. JD (7): At west end of line running about halfway between Altar and JW’s platform. Ante Room door on south. SW’s platform on north. NE Corner (X): At north end of line located immediately west of WM’s steps, at a point three feet north of 3 burning tapers OR about halfway between Altar and north row of seats whichever distance is greater. (If Lodge Hall is wide enough, WM’s platform should be so constructed that diagonal line along corners of the three steps will point to NE Corner.) SD (6): Chair is immediately north of NE Corner, so that when SD is called to his feet, he is standing in NE Corner, facing south. Chaplain (Ch): On sideline as indicated, across from SD, facing north. Secretary (5), Treas. (4), Tyler (10): located as indicated on Chart. Preparation Room Door: North of SW’s platform, yet far enough south so C can enter, be received, and be conducted DUE east without running into Members seated on north side of Hall. Door should be wide enough so C and Stewards can come in three-abreast.
Lines Used in Work Diagonal and circular movements are used in certain parts of the Second Sections of the Second and Third Degrees. IN ALL OTHER CASES, the Floor Movements by the Candidates or by an Officer when not conducting the Candidate are always along straight lines running due north, east, south or west, with square turns at corners and NO curves or circles; and no diagonals except when the Senior Deacon returns to his seat after seating Candidate for Lecture. To assist in understanding these instructions, it is believed that the Lines most commonly used should be identified by distinctive names and approximate locations, as follows: NAME
East Deacons Line East Work Line East Altar Line West Altar Line West Work Line West Deacons Line South Work Line South Altar Line South Deacons Line North Work Line North Deacons Line North Altar Line Center Line NE Corner Line Steward's Line
Runs straight south from front of SD’s chair, just clearing WM’s platform and steps. Runs parallel to and about 30 inches west of East Deacons Line (just far enough west to clear SD’s chair and rod holder). Runs north and south due north of SS’s Chair. Runs north and south, just clearing west side of kneeling pad. Runs north and south, just clearing east edge of SW’s platform and steps. Runs parallel to and about 24 inches east of West Work Line. Runs east and west, just clearing JW’s platform and Members seated on south side of Hall. Runs west from East Deacons Line to West Altar Line, just clearing the rod holder on south side of Altar. Runs east and west, about halfway between JW’s platform and Altar. (JD’s chair should be at west end of this line.) Runs east and west, just clearing Members seated on north side of Hall. Runs east from West Work Line in line with the SD’s chair. (See pages 4 and 5 of this booklet for proper location of SD’s chair.) Runs east from West Altar Line just clearing three burning tapers at Altar. Runs east and west through the center of Altar. Runs east from the West Altar Line to a point directly in front of the SD’s chair. (Northeast Corner of Lodge) Runs north and south due north of JS’s Chair, passing behind someone standing at the Altar
Figure 2 - Lodge Lines
Great Lights
1. When Lodge is at Labor, the Square and Compasses should be placed on the open Bible so that the angle of the Square and both points of the Compasses are on line with each other. 2. When Lodge is at Refreshment, the Square and Compasses should be spread on the open Bible so that the Compasses are on the north page and the Square is on the south page with open ends of the Square and Compasses facing each other. 3. In the 1st Degree, both points of the Compasses are hidden, and it is recommended that the Bible be opened to the 133rd Psalm. In the 2nd Degree, the north point of the Compasses is bare, and it is recommended that the Bible be opened to the 7th Chapter of Amos. In the 3rd Degree, both points of the Compasses are bare, and it is recommended that the Bible be opened to the 12th Chapter of Ecclesiastes. 4. When Lodge is Closed, the Square and Compasses can be arranged in any manner. 5. Senior Deacon only opens and closes the Bible only when a Lodge is opened or closed. 6. When the Bible is opened or saluted, it must not be on a picture or illustration. 7. 2nd Section, 3rd Degree, when removing the Altar, DO NOT place anything, other than the Great Lights, on the Altar -especially the kneeling pad!
Masters Hat
1. When WM uncovers or covers, he does so with left hand. EXCEPT Flag Salute - when he uncovers with right hand and places hat over heart. 2. When Opening: WM places hat back on head, gives order “B-r JD: (pause for rods) in-m the T.”, sits down and then sounds the gavel. (Remember HOSS: Hat-Order-Sit-Sound) When Closing: WM places hat back on head, gives order, “B-r JD: (pause for rods) in-m the T.”, but does not sit down and does not sound the gavel until after JD has reported. When Resuming Labor: WM (who has not uncovered) gives order, “B-r JD: (pause for rods) in-m the T.” sits down and then sounds the gavel. When going to Refreshment: WM (who has not uncovered) gives order, “B-r JD: (pause for rods) in-m the T.”, but does not sit down and does not sound the gavel until after JD has reported. 3. At conclusion of Middle Chamber Lecture in 2nd Section of 2nd Degree, the WM uncovers when he says “w-h re-ce” and recovers after he bows. 4. 2nd Section, 3rd Degree -- If prayer is mental, WM does not uncover and no response is given; if audible, the WM uncovers for prayer and all respond to the prayer.
1. WM out and back on north side of pedestal EXCEPT three times: In 1st Degree out south and back north to ask C, “In w-m do you put y-r sp-l t-t?” and to present apron; in 2nd Section of 3rd Degree WM joins procession from north side of pedestal and, after raising, returns on south side. 2. SW out south and back north side of pedestal EXCEPT when he joins procession in 2nd Section of 3rd Degree, then out north and back north. 3. JW out and back on east side of pedestal EXCEPT when he vacates his station in 2nd Section of 3rd Degree, then out west, seated with the Brethren and after raising returns from wherever he is in the Lodge.
1. One knock does the following in all 3 Degrees: Gets attention or quiets the Brethren, calls up designated officer(s) and seats an officer or the Brethren. EXCEPTION: the WM’s knock following the “Confusion in the Temple” during the 2nd Section of 3rd Degree stops the “Confusion” but does not seat anybody. 2. Two knocks keep standing officer(s) standing and cause additional officer(s) to stand. 3. Three knocks cause all Brethren to stand. 4. Opening and Closing EA, FC or MM Degrees: a. In EA or FC: Both Deacons rise with rods when WM gives one knock and asks, “W-t are y-r d-s t-e, B-r JD?” b. In EA: After SD says, “At y-r l-t h-d, WM.”, WM will give two knocks and SW, JW, Treas. and Sec. will rise. c. In FC: After SD says, “In the S-h, WM.”, WM gives two knocks and SW and JW both rise. d. In MM: After SW says, “In the S-h, WM.”, WM gives two knocks and JW rises. 5. The battery of knocks (after the WM has declared Lodge opened or closed), should be given in an even, dignified manner - do not try to see how fast it can be done. 6. To knock at door, use left hand. To knock with rod, use right hand. 7. WM always seats himself before giving knock to seat Lodge. In calling up Lodge, WM always gives knocks before rising. 8. In circumambulation, the gavel knocks start when C passes in front of the pedestals.
1. When JD seals Tyler’s Room door by knocks, he should remain there, facing the door, until Tyler responds before returning to his place. 2. For Obligation: WM halfway between East and Altar. SW halfway between West and Altar. JW in south line of Brethren, standing directly south of Altar. Treasurer at east end of north line of Brethren. Secretary at east end of south line of Brethren. SD at Altar directly south of Candidate. JD near his place but in line with south line of Brethren and facing north (with rod). SS in south line of Brethren and at JW’s right (with rod). JS in south line of Brethren and at JW’s left (with rod). Rest of Brethren: On obligation lines north and south of Altar halfway between the Altar and seats - fill up between East and Altar first. 3. For scripture on Light, WM on East Work Line in front of his pedestal advances after he says, “and t-e is l-t.” 4. Apron Lecture: WM gives 3 knocks, starts reciting when he reaches floor (“My B-r: you now di-r me ap-g you f-m the E-t...”). WM’s position for the Apron Lecture is at the Altar. 5. When the C is taught to wear his apron in the 1st Degree, the SD moves to rear of C (to tie apron) as the SW comes down to floor. SW does not teach C how to wear apron until SD has tied apron and returned to his position on C’s right side.
6. NE Corner: Directly in front of SD’s chair. East: C on East Work Line standing due west of WM’s pedestal. Right Hand:C stands one step north of East, SD is one step south of East. 7. In 2nd Section of 2nd Degree, pillars on the West Deacons Line, Terrestrial Sphere on north. Also, floor charts should be laid so angle or landing between 5 and 7 steps is directly north of Altar. 8. Persons giving Lecture (other than WM) should stand west of SD’s chair. When giving a Lecture in Q and A form, Q stands west of SD’s chair and A stands west of C’s chair. If WM asks questions in Work Lecture or gives any other Lecture, he remains seated at his station. 9. For Charge: In 1st & 3rd Degree, C in SE corner (where he received Lecture); in 2nd Degree, C at Altar. Anyone other than the Master giving the Charge will stand west of SD’s chair facing the C [not in front of WM’s station]. When WM gives Charge, he stands at his station. The Brother’s name is not used in the Charge!
1. On rising, reach across body with left hand, pick rod out of holder with both hands, rise and place rod on right shoulder, take rod with right hand and drop left hand to side. When seating, seat yourself and then place rod in holder. 2. Right shoulder to left shoulder: Take rod from right shoulder with left hand (shoulder high), slide right hand up rod to left hand as you extend arms in front of you, slide left hand down rod to side as you place rod on left shoulder with right hand, take rod with left hand, drop right hand to side. 3. Left shoulder to right shoulder: Take rod from left shoulder with right hand (shoulder high), slide left hand up rod to right hand as you extend arms in front of you, slide right hand down rod to side as you place rod on right shoulder with left hand, take rod with right hand, drop left hand to side. 4. To knock with rod: Take rod from right shoulder with left hand (shoulder high), slide right hand up rod to left hand as you extend arms in front of you, drop left hand to side, knock with right hand holding rod directly in front of you. 5. To place rod on shoulder after knock: Take rod with left hand (immediately above right hand), slide right hand down rod to side as you place rod on right shoulder with left hand, take rod with right hand, drop left hand to side. 6. When addressed or called up to explain or perform a duty (other than in balloting), officer having rod will rise with rod and stand or carry it in a near perpendicular position with buttend 4 to 6 inches from floor EXCEPT when knocking with it, or when saluting, or when receiving C. When saluting or receiving C, rest butt-end on floor, leaning rod against right shoulder.
7. Rod holder located on south side of Altar: SD puts rod in holder before placing C in due form, at conclusion of Obligation, and before attending Great Lights during Opening, Closing, and Resuming Labor. In going from L to R, SD does not put rod in holder, but continues to hold rod with right hand while using left hand to spread Compasses on north page and Square on south page of open Bible with open ends of Square and Compasses facing each other. 8. Rod is normally carried on right side. When about to perform a duty or carry out an order which requires use of the hand in which the rod is being carried, always change rod to other hand first; afterward, change back before resuming. (see pages 2 and 3 for more information) 9. Rods are not used during balloting, nor during the 2nd Section of 3rd Degree except by Stewards while bringing C in at beginning. 10. To open or close door while carrying rod, use left hand. 11. When Deacons and Stewards are seated and are called up with rest of Lodge (***), they do not take their rods. Exceptions to this are the Obligation and receiving Grand Officers (when all take rods). 12. When WM gives an order to a Deacon, he should address him, then pause until all involved get their rods before continuing with order. This includes waiting on SS to get his rod before WM continues with “In-m the T.” 13. Collecting Pass and Token: Deacons change rods from right shoulder to left shoulder after SW says, “Ad-e and co-e t-m.” After SD gives Pass in East, SW gives one knock, Deacons change rods from left shoulder to right shoulder and go to their places. 14. Both Stewards rise with rods when SD gives one knock with rod and orders SS to prepare Candidate or Brother.
15. In 2nd and 3rd Degree, at Preparation Room door: SS and SD change rods to left shoulder before SS comes in to give Pass to SD. SS returns to Preparation Room and faces east, then both SS and SD change rods back to right shoulder. 16. In Preparation Room: For 1st Section, SS has rod on right shoulder with his left hand holding C’s upper right arm. JS has rod on left shoulder with his right hand holding C’s upper left arm. After escorting C to SD, Stewards step back, JS changes rod to right shoulder and then quietly closes door to Preparation Room as C is being received. For 2nd Section, both Stewards have rods on right shoulder and neither Steward has hold of C. 17. After WM has ordered SD to place C in due form at Altar, SD conducts C to Altar, SD places rod in holder, releases interlocking grip, places C's hands on the Altar and then places C in due form. After C is in due form, SD retrieves rod and reports. After Obligation, SD places rod in holder and then retrieves it after the hoodwink is removed. 18. Both Stewards rise with rods and relieve SD after SD and C are at Altar, motionless, to reinvest C. They remain motionless at the Altar until the SD has returned to his place and is seated, then they will salute and retire to the Preparation Room. 19. When conducting, do not use the Rod as a pointer or to move feet.
Rules in Conducting Candidates
1. While in Preparation Room, preparing for Fellowcraft or Master Mason Degree, SS should instruct C as to proper way to step off as in previous Degree or Degrees. 2. Before Obligation, SD always on C’s right, holding by interlocking finger grip. 3. After Obligation, SD on C’s right, holding C with loose finger grip on upper right arm, EXCEPTION: In 2nd Section of 3rd Degree, after prayer at beginning, SD on C’s left and holding C’s left arm. 4. After Obligation and instruction on Grip and Word, the WM orders and assists C to rise, drops C’s hand, steps back one step and orders C to salute the Wardens, etc. As C rises, the SD steps back beside C and takes C by loose right upper arm grip or any other manner to prevent C from saluting prematurely at Altar. 5. On halting, release C and sidestep, EXCEPT: in 1st Degree, for prayer, maintain interlocking grip until the C has knelt, then release but do not sidestep. In 2nd Section of 3rd Degree, on meeting 11 (1st Ruff) and 12 (2nd Ruff), do not release or sidestep. When releasing and sidestepping, SD and C should still be side by side on same line (i.e. SD should not be back a step). 6. When SD conducts C to JW or SW in 1st Section: Before Obligation, the Warden will not rise until after the SD has knocked 3 times and placed his rod back on his shoulder. After Obligation, the Warden will rise to give Due-g-d and S-n as soon as SD and C have turned in and SD has sidestepped. SD does not salute with C at JW or SW Stations. In 2nd Section of 2nd Degree, (at outer and inner doors) the Warden will wait until the SD has resumed his position and changed his rod before giving permission to pass. In all cases, the SD will wait until the Warden is seated before side stepping back beside the C to conduct him further.
7. When turning always use C as pivot. 8. To make complete turn-about with C, the movement is always counter-clockwise; that is, SD goes forward using C as pivot. 9. In conducting C to center of Lodge for prayer in 1st Degree, the movement is due east to the Stewards Line, and then south to the Center Line, centered on Altar. In conducting C from center of Lodge after prayer in 1st Degree, C’s first movement toward the east is on line with SD’s chair. 10. In conducting C from the Altar to NE Corner (1st Degree), C’s movement east is on line with a point directly in front of SD’s chair. IN ALL OTHER MOVEMENTS FROM THE ALTAR to or past WM’s Station, C’s first movement east is always on line with SD’s chair, EXCEPT in 2nd Section of 3rd Degree, after prayer at start, movement on way to meet 11 (1st Ruff) is circular. 11. SD does not release hold on C after Stewards conduct C from Preparation Room to SD. (This means SD slides his left hand down from C’s right shoulder and takes C by interlocking grip without losing physical contact with C.) 12. SD always conducts C up to Altar - not several steps back. 13. In 2nd Section of 2nd Degree, SD and C will turn toward each other (C turns right, SD turns left) and face down the stairs after ascending the 3 steps and then the 5 steps and again after ascending the 7 steps. 14. In 2nd Section of 3rd Degree, on leaving 11 (1st Ruff) and going to meet 12 (2nd Ruff), movement is on diagonal line from JW’s pedestal to SW’s pedestal, turning north just before encountering 12 (2nd Ruff); and going to meet 13 (3rd Ruff), movement is on a diagonal line from SW’s pedestal directly to 13 (3rd Ruff).
Floor Movements Generally
Basic Rule: Do not step on another’s words or movements. Wait until they have stopped before beginning next line or movement. Always turn toward WM and away from SW and JW. 1. A complete turn-about, when not conducting C, is always to the right, unless otherwise shown or stated. Do not use military form - just turn around. Note: When SW returns to his station after teaching C to wear his apron, SW’s movement is to his left - this is NOT a complete turn-about. 2. When Deacons or Stewards are performing in pairs, always rise, start, move, step off (start with left foot), stop and be seated in unison, putting rods away afterward. 3. In purging, on being called up by SW, the Deacons move to stand on a line 4 to 6 feet west of the Altar and approximately 4 feet apart. 4. When directed by SW to communicate the Pass and Token of Pass, Deacons advance together toward West Work Line. SD stops on West Work Line while JD goes on up without stopping to communicate to SW. JD then steps back down and waits on West Work Line while SD goes up to communicate to SW. 5. Treasurer and Secretary come out to edge of platform to give Pass and Token to Deacon. 6. No Pass or Token is picked up from any Brother(s) sitting in the East with the WM. 7. When JD gives Pass and Token to SD in the East, he turns west and STANDS FAST (without backstep or sidestep) so that after SD communicates to WM and steps back down, they are standing SIDE BY SIDE facing west on East Work Line; then on knock by SW, both change rods and proceed to places and sit down together. (JD goes south to South Deacons Line, then west to his place.)
8. When the Secretary goes to ballot he will use South Work Line and the West Work Line. When he goes to collect the fee he will use the South Work Line and the West Altar Line. 9. In leaving his place to prepare C, or to relieve SD, SS uses the East Altar Line to the South Altar Line. In leaving his place to attend tapers, SS goes to Altar by way of the East Altar Line to the South Deacons Line (walking ahead of SD). When SS finishes his work with the tapers, he remains standing north of the Altar (facing south) until SD finishes with the Great Lights. SS turns tapers on when Square and Compasses are joined, and turns them off when Square and Compasses are separated. Then SD and SS both face left and, starting together, go to their places. JD will wait until SD and SS are at their places before reporting, “The d-y is pe-d, WM.” 10. In answering alarm at Preparation Room door, SD opens door, steps back about 4 feet and asks questions. SD then closes door and returns to Altar to report. In going to door second time, SD opens door, turns right about, walks back to position one step east of West Work Line (on West Deacons Line) and directs C to enter. As C enters, SD takes one additional backward step toward the east, from which point he “receives” C. 11. After prayer in 1st Degree, WM leaves station, goes to West Altar Line and puts his right hand on C’s head for question; remember, the C must answer without prompting. WM keeps right hand on C’s head until taking C’s right arm with his left hand. 12. When called up for Obligation, Stewards move forward to south line of Brethren with JW and then both either sidestep toward the JW (preferred) -OR- both turn and step toward JW and then face north again (as the situation of the particular Lodge dictates).
13. When WM instructs C in Grips and Words after each Obligation, WM begins by taking C’s hand: in ordinary hand- shake in the EA Degree (moving to G-p of EA just before asking, “W-t is t-s?”), by the Grip of an EA in the FC Degree, and by the True Grip of a FC in the MM Degree. The SD uses his left hand to move C’s thumb as follows: a. In EA: To EA Grip just before responding, “A G-p.” b. In FC: To EA Grip just before responding “F-m the G-p of an EA...”; then to FC Pass Grip after WM says “P-s”; then to FC True Grip after WM says “P-s” the second time. c. In MM: To FC True Grip just before responding “F-m the T-e Gp of a FC...”; then to MM Pass Grip after WM says “P-s.” 14. In explaining Due-g-d and S-n, WM walks as he talks from the East Work Line to the Obligation position, stops, then gives Due-g-d and S-n and begins to recite “T-s is the Due-g-d...” 15. In 2nd Section of 2nd Degree: SS, JS and C form triangle in Preparation Room with C on point. When C is taken by SD: Stewards line up single file in Preparation Room (SS in front) until SD advances with C between the pillars. 16. In retiring until low twelve: SD, SS, JS and the three Ruffians maintain SAME distance apart as though the body was still between them and stop just before reaching the West Work Line. 17. The SD, when going to his place, will go up the North Deacons Line to his chair. He will then right face, take one step, then left face and take one step, then right face in front of his chair, be seated and put his rod away.
General Information
1. Examination of a visitor: WM appoints a committee of 3 Brothers with current dues cards. Committee chairman will have the Holy Bible and a book entitled “List of Lodges - Masonic.” Committee of 3 Brothers and the visitor retire to a separate room for examination. Committee members are introduced to visitor and all show dues cards for mutual examination. Committee chairman makes sure that visitor’s Lodge, Lodge number, Lodge name and location are listed in above named book. All participants hold a corner of the Bible and chairman asks visitor to recite the “Test Oath” - front part of Cipher. If visitor does not know oath, chairman will recite and visitor will repeat. All will kiss the Bible before releasing it. Committee then asks visitor questions on Masonry - only enough to ensure that he is a Brother. Do not embarrass visitor by trying to find out how much he knows or does not know about the three Degrees. Examples of appropriate questions: Due-g-s and S-s, Grips, Words, Passes and Tokens, or any other needed to satisfy committee. If visitor is then present during purging while the Lodge is being opened, the visitor, when challenged, will be vouched for by the chairman of the examining committee. When Lodge is opened, the committee and visitor gain admission ritualistically, then at the Altar the chairman introduces the visiting Brother by name, title (if any), Lodge name, number and location. 2. Vouching: The Brother’s name, if known, should be stated when you vouch for him during purging.
3. In Opening on the 1st Degree, after the WM orders SW to “Gi-e me a t-n.”, the JD goes to SW and gives grip of an EA, not an ordinary handshake, facing west. 4. Only three things may happen between the Opening of a Lodge and the conduct of business: Flag salute, reception of Grand Officers, and introduction of visitors. 5. Alarm at door: JD will not answer an alarm at the door in Opening of Lodge until after the Pledge of Allegiance. Pledge will be given immediately after WM declares Lodge open. Other times when an alarm at the door will not be answered by the JD are during the reading of the minutes, balloting and degree work. 6. The WM will not put his Lodge at ease during interrogatories. 7. Lines to be used on entering or retiring from the Lodge while it is opened for business: On retiring, a Brother from either sideline will go by way of North or South Work Line to West Altar Line, then to Altar, give required Due-g-d and S-n, then to South Work Line to door of Lodge. On entering, Brother goes on West Work Line to front of SW, advances to Altar, on Center Line, where he gives the required Due-g-d and S-n, then seats himself by way of West Altar Line to seats. 8. In teaching C how to approach the East, SD is not to physically move C’s foot in any way - SD is to use words only. 9. In all three Degrees, house lights should be turned off when WM says, “My Br-n: as-t me in br-g our B-r to l-t.” House lights should be turned back on after WM reaches the East Work Line and faces west to approach C under Due-g-d and S-n.
10. When C is directed to express his “sincerity of purpose,” the SD will not push the C toward the Bible. 11. The thunder “clap” should immediately follow (not cover up) the words “Let t-e be l-t.” 12. When presenting Apron to C in EA Degree, have Fall facing C, and hand apron across Altar to C in a dignified manner, making sure strings do not disturb the Three Great Lights. 13. In teaching the C how to wear his apron in the 2nd Degree, the SW folds the apron from the C’s left to the C’s right (i.e. forming a “pocket” for the C’s right hand). 14. Working Tools: WM says, “I w-l now pr-t you w-h the Wo-g T-s of a (EA, FC or MM) and w-l t-h you t-r u-s.”, They are then handed by WM to SD collectively. They are handed by SD to C separately as they are named by WM. 15. 2nd Section of 3rd Degree: After C concludes prayer, Lodge is seated with the following exceptions: JW vacates station by west and Ruffians stand at their places. After C concludes prayer and rises, SD steps around to the north of C, turns C so that he faces north, places both hands on C’s shoulders and says, “My B-r, he-e you h-e re-d...” 16. 2nd Section of 3rd Degree: 11 (1st Ruff) and 12 (2nd Ruff) should make C take three distinct backward movements on the following cues: 1) Secrets; 2) Master; 3) Mason. The exception is that 12 (2nd Ruff) on the 3rd demand should make these movements on the cues: 1) or; 2) your; 3) life. 17. The Stewards should hold the canvas down back of C’s heels so he won’t feel it. They will raise the canvas slightly and swing to the east after the blow.
18. 2nd Section of 3rd Degree: As soon as the 3 Ruffians are east of the east edge of the canvas, 13 (3rd Ruff) raises his arms to start “Confusion.” Ruffians keep walking southeast during “Confusion” until they are approximately in center of Lodge. 19. 2nd Section of 3rd Degree: “Confusion:” Everybody, (including KS, all officers and sideliners) to be on their feet during “Confusion.” KS gives one knock to stop “Confusion” - this stops everyone’s movements but does not seat anyone. When SGW gives knock, everyone is seated except SGW, SD, JD, and Stewards. 20. 2nd Section of 3rd Degree: When Deacons and Stewards search the Temple - SD asks question as he starts, JD answers, JD asks at 2nd corner, SS answers, SS asks at 3rd corner, JS answers, JS asks at JW’s pedestal, SD answers. After being dismissed by SGW, JD steps back, allows Stewards to pass, then steps forward to West Work Line and goes immediately to the door to wait for knocks. 21. SD to crack open door to hear his cue. SD knocks at door, SGW is seated, JD opens door, and SD announces to JD, “Tw-e FC's c-d in wh-e gl-s and ap-s cr-e au-e w-h M E K S.” JD closes door and reports the same to KS. 22. 2nd Section of 3rd Degree: Roll call of workmen will contain 16 Biblical names divided into 4-name sections. 23. 2nd Section of 3rd Degree: Only SD shows position of hands when reporting to KS after finding body. 24. 2nd Section of 3rd Degree: When 12 FC-s are pardoned, KS should wave Deacons and Stewards aside and they in turn should go to the following places: SD to southside and be seated; JD directly to his place by way of South Deacons Line and be seated; Stewards to northeast side of Lodge and be seated. After all are seated, KS addresses the SGW.
25. Processional, 2nd Section of 3rd Degree: SGW joins procession after column is formed. JD stands at his place, without rod, facing east. KS joins processional as it passes his station. As SS and JS form lines at grave, they stop at the West Work Line. After the lines have halted, the JD nods his head as a signal for the two lines to turn inward. At the same time KS, SGW and SD move to their positions: KS to head of grave, keeping to right of C; SGW walks east to position one step west of East Work Line and faces west, and SD walks to a position on East Work Line at east end of south line of Brethren and faces north. 26. When KS asks SGW “W-t s-l we do?” -- SGW pauses then answers “P-y.” 27. If needed, substitutes or extra help may be used on canvas. At raising, if extra help is needed, Stewards may assist.
Suggested Form for Balloting on Petitions
When the Secretary has reported that reports of Committees on investigation are due, the WM will call for the reports, and as each is called, the Chairman of the Committee, or some member of the Committee designated by the Chairman, will rise and report for the Committee, simply stating, “Worshipful Master, I desire to report favorably (or unfavorably, or no jurisdiction) for the entire investigating committee.” Each member of the Committee may report orally, but the above procedure saves time and is preferable. When all reports have been given, the WM will order the Secretary to read By-Law 4-131 (Secrecy of the Ballot). The WM will then instruct the SD to prepare the Ballot. At this time the Lodge is sealed, and no one may enter or retire from the Lodge until the Ballot is destroyed. The SD then goes to the Secretary’s desk, inspects the ballot box particularly to see if there is at least one white ball and one black cube for every member present — so that all will be able to ballot in secret. He then carries the box to the JW (via the South Work Line), then to the SW (via the South Work Line to the West Work Line) and then to the WM (via the West Work Line to the North Deacons Line to the East Work Line), each of whom in his turn inspects the box for the reasons before stated. After placing the box on the WM’s pedestal, the SD stands at base of steps, directly in front of the WM, with NO sidestep or backstep, and remains in this position, facing the East, until after the WM has balloted. When the WM has inspected the box, he says, “Brethren, we are about to ballot on the petition of John Doe for the Mysteries of Masonry (or for Restoration, or for Membership, or for Reinstatement, as the case may be) on a favorable (or unfavorable) report of the investigating committee. Remember that the white balls elect and the black cubes reject. Look well to your ballot and vote for the best interest of Ancient Craft Masonry.”
The WM then ballots, after which the SD carries the box via the East Deacons Line to South Deacons Line to the West Work Line, to the SW then via the West Work Line to the South Work Line, to the JW, with each of these officers voting in turn. If the Wardens’ stations are recessed from the Work Line, the SD will step off the Work Line to the Warden’s pedestal to place ballot box on pedestal and stand there — no back step. After the Warden has inspected or balloted, the SD will walk back to Work Line and proceed with his duty. The SD goes north from JW (does not step west of Altar), places the box on the Altar, carefully avoiding placing it on the Great Lights, then assumes his position directly in front of the JW’s pedestal, facing north. Without further command the remaining officers ballot in order of rank, as follows: Treas., Sec., Chap., SD, JD, SS, JS and Tyler. Each officer comes to the Altar from the West Work Line, but does not advance to Altar until the preceding officer has balloted. As soon as the JD has balloted, but before he leaves the Altar, the WM will direct him to relieve the Tyler. The JD knocks; Tyler returns knocks; JD goes out; Tyler comes in and takes his position on the West Work Line in front of the SW’s pedestal. Tyler and JD do not salute on entering or retiring from the Lodge while balloting. The WM then says, “Brother Tyler, we are balloting on the petition of John Doe for the Mysteries of Masonry (or for Restoration, or for Membership, or for Reinstatement, as the case may be) on a favorable (or unfavorable) report of the investigating committee. Remember that the white balls elect and the black cubes reject. Look well to your ballot and vote for the best interest of Ancient Craft Masonry.” (same as before). The Tyler then ballots and retires to his station, the JD returns to the Lodge Room, sealing the door with knocks (with responsive knocks by the Tyler), returns to his place and is seated.
After all of the officers have balloted, all remaining Brethren ballot without further command, in regular order, beginning with the Brother sitting nearest the Secretary’s place, and continuing around the room to the Brother sitting nearest the Treasurer’s place. Each Member also comes to the Altar from the West Work Line (See previous paragraph) and after balloting, returns to his seat by going either south or north on the West Altar Line. SD will take ballot box from Altar to any incapacitated Brother for his ballot and will then return ballot box to Altar. Every Member present must ballot and none shall be excused from this very important duty. After all have balloted, the WM may ask “Have all balloted who are entitled to do so?,” but if this question is asked, it must not be directed to the SD or any other person in particular. The WM will then say, “I declare the ballot closed. Brother SD." SD will step forward and physically close the ballot box (if possible). The WM will say "Display the ballot.” The SD goes north to Altar, closes ballot box, carries the ballot to the JW in the South, who inspects the ballot, then to the SW in the West via the South Work Line to the West Work Line, who inspects the ballot, and to the WM in the East via the West Work Line to the North Deacons Line to the East Work Line. As the SD heads East on the North Deacons Line, the WM will ask “Brother JW, (standing) how goes the ballot in the South?”, (clear or cloudy), then “How in the West, Brother SW? (standing),” (fair or dark). If the JW and SW give different reports on the ballot, the WM would instruct the SD to return the ballot box to the Wardens to re- inspect the ballot. If the ballot is inconclusive, the WM will, at once, destroy the ballot without comment and order a second ballot. If the ballot is conclusive, the WM will say, “In the East I confirm the report of the Wardens and declare John Doe elected (or rejected).” The WM then destroys the ballot.
Suggested Ceremony for the Reception of the Grand Master
Usually, when the Grand Master visits a Lodge, he will arrive before the hour set for opening and will be inside the Lodge Hall when the WM opens the Lodge. NOTE: There are two forms of address which are proper to be used when introducing the Grand Master. They are: “Most Worshipful John Doe, Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas,” -OR- “Most Worshipful John Doe, Grand Master of Masons in Kansas.” The Committee on Ritualistic Work feels that the latter designation, is broader and more inclusive than the former. There are many Kansas Masons who are not, and probably never will be, members of this Grand Lodge. The Grand Master is their Grand Master, too, and this designation indicates that more extended relationship. This also includes those Masons who now reside in Kansas but still have their Lodge membership in another Grand Jurisdiction. According to the Landmarks of Masonry, they too are amenable to the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction in which they reside. (Ref: Landmark XVII) This committee also feels that this more inclusive title be used in all closed Lodge meetings, but that the title “Most Worshipful John Doe, Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas” be used in all gatherings which are predominately non-Masonic or open to non-members. In EVERY CASE, however, preference must be given to the choice of the current Grand Master. Therefore, prior to Opening Lodge, the WM must determine the Grand Master’s preference as to which form of address should be used when introducing him.
As soon as the Lodge is opened and the Pledge of Allegiance has been given, the WM will ask the Grand Master to “retire at this time so that we may formally receive you.” It is not proper to ask the Grand Master’s “party” to retire with him, because it is the Grand Master’s prerogative to decide whether or not he wants a “party” to retire with him. The Grand Master approaches the Altar by way of the North or the South Work Line to the West Altar Line. (Does not approach from the west.) At the Altar, the Grand Master will announce who (if any) he has selected for his party (usually naming them by titles) and ask them to join him at the Altar. The JD will unseal the Tyler’s Room door while the Grand Master (and his party) are at the Altar saluting, and will open the door for them as they approach, resealing the door after they leave. The Grand Master (and his party) will salute and retire to the Tyler’s Room by way of the South Work Line. As soon as the door has been closed and sealed, and the JD has had enough time to return to his place and be seated, the Tyler should give the alarm. The JD informs the WM that there is an alarm at the door, answers the alarm, and is informed by the Tyler that, “Most Worshipful John Doe, Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Ma- sons of Kansas and his party desire admission.” -OR- “Most Worshipful John Doe, Grand Master of Masons in Kansas and his party desire admission.” The second option is preferred, but the choice will have been determined by the WM prior to Opening Lodge (See above NOTE). The JD then closes and remains near the unsealed door while he repeats the announcement to the WM. Note: The full title must be used by the SD when he presents the Grand Master to the WM, and again by the WM when he introduces the Grand Master to the Brethren.
The WM instructs the SD and any necessary escorts (preference usually given to Past Masters) to “retire and conduct the Grand Master and his party into the Lodge room.” The SD approaches the Altar by way of the East Deacons Line, South Deacons Line and West Altar Line. Any others (who are retiring from the sidelines) approach the Altar by way of the North and South Work Lines and the West Altar Line. All salute and retire to the Tyler’s Room by way of the South Work Line. The JD opens the unsealed door as they approach, then closes and remains near the unsealed door after they have retired. As soon as the SD retires, the WM will cause the Brethren to “form two parallel lines, extending from the East to the door.” This formation naturally throws the Altar either north or south of these receiving lines (depending upon the location of the door). These lines should be far enough apart to allow two more parallel lines to form inside of them and still have room for the SD and Grand Master to march two-abreast between the double set of parallel lines. The receiving lines may be bent or curved, as necessary, to keep the Altar outside the lines. The SW remains at his station. The JW is in the south-most line of Brethren directly north of his station, and is flanked by the Stewards (with their rods). In the meantime, in the Tyler’s Room, the Grand Marshal (or some other Brother designated by the Grand Master) will arrange the Grand Master’s party in the correct manner according to rank and with the escorts on the right side of the Grand Officers. It must always be borne in mind that the place of highest honor in a Masonic procession is at the rear. Consequently, the Grand Master will be the very last in line. Immediately in front of him will be the Past Grand Masters present, who will be ranked according to years of service, with the one having the longest record of service in the place of honor just in front of the Grand Master. In front of the Past Grand Masters will come the elective Officers of the Grand Lodge; and in front of these: the Area Deputy Grand Masters, District Deputy Grand Masters, Grand Lecturers and any other members who have the title of Right Worshipful. In front of this grouping will come those members who have the title of Worshipful. 32
This arrangement places together all who bear the title of Most Worshipful, those who bear the title of Right Worshipful, and those who bear the title of Worshipful. This lends itself to a graceful and confusion-free arrangement. After the Grand Master has been presented, introduced and saluted with the Grand Honors, those other Brothers bearing the title of Most Worshipful may be grouped together for the Grand Honors to which they are entitled. When the lines are ready and the Grand Master and his party are ready, the WM will direct the JD to “admit them” and the escort of the Brother lowest in rank in the party will lead the group into the Lodge Room and proceed directly to the East, stopping on the floor level about 4 feet from the WM’s platform. After all have entered, the JD closes and seals the door, returns to his place and faces east. When the whole party has reached the East, the lines face inward and separate so that the SD and the Grand Master can pass through the lines toward the East. On arrival at about 4 feet from the dais the SD presents the Grand Master to the WM by saying, “Worshipful Master, I have the honor to present Most Worshipful John Doe, Grand Master of Masons in Kansas,” or such other title as the Grand Master may prefer (See above NOTE). The WM will step down to the floor level and greet the Grand Master with a personal welcome. The WM should be natural and easy in greeting the Grand Master and say what comes naturally, rather than try to remember some committed speech. Remember that the Grand Master comes as a friend with a strong desire to be helpful, so treat him as you would a guest in your own home and make him feel that you are truly glad he has come to see you. The WM then escorts the Grand Master to the East (keeping him on the north side of the pedestal). As the WM escorts the Grand Master to the dais, the SD takes a position immediately in front of his place, facing south (which may or may not be at the east end of the north line of Brethren).
On arriving in the East, the WM will formally introduce the Grand Master by saying, “Brethren, it is my honor and pleasure to introduce Most Worshipful John Doe, Grand Master of Masons in Kansas,” or such other title as the Grand Master may prefer (See above NOTE). If open on the 3rd Degree of Masonry the WM will then lead in saluting the Grand Master with the private Grand Honors (Due-g-s and S-s of the three Degrees), at all other times with the public Grand Honors (3 x 3, right over left), invite him to preside and present him with the gavel. When the Grand Master accepts the gavel, the WM will demonstrate his surrender of authority by uncovering and stepping to the south of his station. After the Grand Master has assumed the gavel, he will introduce the rest of his party (if any) and when that has been done, he will probably wish to return the gavel to the WM. In this case, the WM will return to his station, recover, accept the gavel, seat himself, seat the Lodge and proceed with the work or the entertainment of the evening. It is always courteous to get all introductions, short talks, etc., out of the way before the Grand Master is called on for his remarks. Keep your meetings under control and do not have so many talks that the meeting goes on until the late hours. Start on time and move along. Let the Grand Master’s address be the highlight of the meeting. No one speaks after the Grand Master has made his final remarks. As soon as he is through, close the meeting at once and let the Brethren have an opportunity to meet the Grand Officers and fraternize.
Suggested Ceremony for Receiving the District Deputy Grand Master
As soon as the Lodge has been opened and the Pledge of Allegiance has been given, the DDGM approaches the Altar by way of the North or the South Work Line to the West Altar Line. (Does not approach from the west.) The JD will unseal the Tyler’s Room door while the DDGM is at the Altar saluting, and will open the door for him as he approaches, re-sealing the door after he leaves. The DDGM will salute and retire to the Tyler’s Room by way of the South Work Line. As soon as the door has been closed and sealed, and the JD has had enough time to return to his place and be seated, the Tyler will make an alarm at the door and report to the JD, “Right Worshipful John Doe, District Deputy Grand Master of Area ___ of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas desires admission.” The JD closes the door and remains at the unsealed closed door while he reports, “Worshipful Master, Right Worshipful John Doe, District Deputy Grand Master of Area ___ of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas desires admission.” The WM orders the SD to retire and present the DDGM. The SD salutes at the Altar and retires in the same manner as in the reception of the Grand Master. The JD opens the unsealed door as the SD approaches, then closes and remains near the unsealed door after he has retired. Note: The full title must be used by the SD when he presents the District Deputy Grand Master to the WM, and again by the WM when he introduces the District Deputy Grand Master to the Brethren.
As soon as the SD retires, the WM will cause the Brethren to “form two parallel lines, from the east to the west, on the north and south sides of the Altar.” The lines form approximately halfway between the Altar and the south sideline of chairs, and halfway between the Altar and the north sideline of chairs, but the north line of Brethren must be careful to allow enough room for the SD and the DDGM to pass two-abreast around the north side of the Altar. The SW remains at his station. The JW is in the south line of Brethren directly north of his station, flanked by the Stewards (with their rods). When all is ready, the WM directs the JD to “admit them.” The SD and DDGM enter (SD on the right of the DDGM). The JD closes and seals the door, returns to his place and stands facing east. The SD and DDGM approach the Altar by going north on the West Work Line until they are in front of the SW’s station and then east to the Altar. After saluting, the SD says, “Worshipful Master, I have the honor to present Right Worshipful John Doe, District Deputy Grand Master of Area ___ of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas.” The WM will then direct the SD to “conduct Right Worshipful John Doe to the East.” As the SD and DDGM approach the East, the WM steps down to the floor level, slightly north of his pedestal, and greets the DDGM informally with some such language as “Right Worshipful Sir, it is indeed a pleasure to all of us to have you visit our Lodge, and we hope that your visit will be a most pleasant one.” (The foregoing greeting is intended to be merely a sample — this greeting should be simple, but warmly sincere.)
The WM then escorts the DDGM to the East, keeping the DDGM on the north side of the pedestal and the SD will take a position in front of his place, facing south. The WM will then introduce the DDGM to the Lodge by saying, “Brethren, it is my honor and pleasure to introduce Right Worshipful John Doe, District Deputy Grand Master of Area ___ of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kansas.” The WM then presents the felicitations of the officers and members of the Lodge to the DDGM, invites him to preside and presents him with the gavel. When the DDGM accepts the gavel, the WM uncovers and steps to the south side of his pedestal. After the DDGM has conducted his part of the meeting he will probably wish to return the gavel to the WM. In this case, the WM will return to his station, recover, accept the gavel, seat himself, seat the Lodge and proceed with the work or the entertainment of the evening. It is always courteous to get all business out of the way before the DDGM gives his closing remarks, after which the Lodge should immediately be closed. According to Masonic Protocol, No one speaks after the DDGM! The DDGM represents the Grand Master and should be given this same courtesy.
Introduction of Visitors
Masters, Past Masters and appointive Grand Officers are introduced at the Altar with the Lodge called up as they go to the Altar and remain standing until after the visitor is welcomed. A visiting Mason is introduced at the Altar, the Lodge is then called up and the visitor welcomed. For additional information, see the “Manual of Ceremonies.”
The forms and ceremonies for conducting Masonic funerals are set out in the Manual of Ceremonies. However, pursuant to recommendations made by the Committee on Ritualistic Work in its reports for the years noted below, Sections VII and X relating to Graveside Services (Manual of Ceremonies) were amended, (see 1960 Proceedings, page 125; 1961 Proceedings, page 133.) These changes, with dates of Grand Lodge approval, are as follows: Deacons and Stewards do not carry rods (1960). Deacons and Stewards do not take positions at side of grave (1960). Master only, gives funeral grand honors (1961). Master only, deposits sprig of acacia or evergreen (1960). Master is uncovered at grave (1960). At grave, Master stands at head of grave with Brother carrying Three Great Lights at foot of grave. These are the only two identified as officers in the funeral ceremony (1960). Master referred to above is Brother giving Oration, whether or not he is that regularly elected Officer (1960). Lodge of Sorrow: As an optional procedure, for the purpose of conducting funerals, a Lodge of Sorrow may be opened and may remain open for one year. This would not preclude those Lodges who prefer to open Lodge each time they conduct a funeral. As a suggestion, a Lodge of Sorrow could be opened immediately after Closing the first Stated Meeting of the Lodge’s current year. Close the Lodge of Sorrow immediately after Closing the last Stated Meeting of the current year.
A Lodge of Sorrow may be opened on any Degree of Masonry in due form. When Opening and Closing a Lodge of Sorrow in due form the officers will substitute the words “Lodge of Sorrow of Masonry” where the words “Lodge of (EA or FC or MM)” or the words “the ____ Degree of Masonry” would normally be used. Or the following may be used:
Opening and Closing Ceremonies for Optional Lodge of Sorrow
The Worshipful Master of any Kansas Lodge may, at the beginning of his term, (his first stated Communication under New Business), or at any time during such term of office, open an Optional Lodge of Sorrow, provided the Lodge shall have first been opened in a regular manner. After the first such opening, no further formality need be followed. If there is a death between election of Officers and their installation, the outgoing Master is responsible for attending to the funeral service.
Opening Optional Lodge of Sorrow
Worshipful Master: Brethren, we will now proceed to open a Lodge of Sorrow. Brother Chaplain, lead our devotions. * * * Chaplain: Grand Architect of the Universe, we of the Masonic Fraternity, having dedicated our lives to the formation of true living stones for Thy Temple, ask Thy blessing on our work that we may be better enabled to serve Thee. May we always work according to Thy grand design. Amen. Response: So mote it be. Worshipful Master: Brother Senior Warden, it is my will and pleasure, that a Lodge of Sorrow be now opened for the purpose of paying the last tribute of respect to those Brethren of this Lodge whom death will take from us and for honoring members of other Lodges as an act of courtesy when duly requested. Communicate this order to the Junior Warden in the South, and he to the Craft, that they having due notice thereof may govern themselves accordingly. 39
Senior Warden: Brother Junior Warden, it is the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master in the East, that a Lodge of Sorrow be now opened for the purpose of paying the last tribute of respect to those Brethren of this Lodge whom death will take from us and for honoring members of other Lodges as an act of courtesy when duly requested. Communicate this order to the Craft that they having due notice thereof may govern themselves accordingly. Junior Warden: Brethren, it is the will and pleasure of the Worship Master in the East, communicated to me by the Senior Warden in the West, that a Lodge of Sorrow be now opened for the purpose of paying the last tribute of respect to those Brethren of this Lodge whom death will take from us and for honoring members of other Lodges as an act of courtesy when duly requested. Take due notice thereof and govern yourselves accordingly. Look to the East. Worshipful Master: Brethren, let us apply the symbolic tools of Masonry to our daily lives that we may be tried and found to be true as living stones and thus render ourselves worthy for that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. Accordingly I declare this Lodge of Sorrow duly open, to remain open until my successor shall have been duly elected; and to be closed as my last order of business as Worshipful Master of this Lodge. Brother Junior Deacon, inform the Tyler. * Junior Deacon: Brother Tyler, this Lodge of Sorrow is now open. Tyle accordingly. * * * The Duty is performed, Worshipful Master. (NOTE: The Junior Deacon and Tyler use the usual method to open and close the door.) Worshipful Master: *
Closing Optional Lodge of Sorrow
The Worshipful Master of any Kansas Lodge shall at the end of the term for which he was elected (the last Stated Communication of his term under Old Business) close the Lodge of Sorrow which has previously been opened during his tenure as Worshipful Master. Worshipful Master: Brethren, we will now proceed to close this Lodge of Sorrow. * * * Worshipful Master: Brother Secretary, read the names of our Departed Brethren since this Lodge of Sorrow was opened. Secretary: (The names are read.) Worshipful Master: Brother Chaplain, lead our devotion. Chaplain: Grand Architect of the Universe, while we mourn the passing of our departed Brethren, let us learn well the lessons of death. Make us aware that time is passing swiftly and this separation from our departed Brethren is of short duration. Let the loss that we have sustained increase our affections for those who are yet spared. Amen. Response: So Mote It Be. Worshipful Master: Brother Senior Warden, it is my will and pleasure that this Lodge of Sorrow be now closed, to be opened at the will and pleasure of the incoming Master and his Officers. Communicate this order to the Junior Warden in the South, and he to the Craft, that they having due notice thereof may govern themselves accordingly. Senior Warden: Brother Junior Warden, it is the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master in the East that this Lodge of Sorrow be now closed, to be opened at the will and pleasure of the incoming Master and his Officers. Communicate this order to the Craft that they having due notice thereof may govern themselves accordingly.
Junior Warden: Brethren, it is the will and pleasure of the Worshipful Master in the East, communicated to me by the Senior Warden in the West, that this Lodge of Sorrow be now closed, to be opened at the will and pleasure of the incoming Master and his Officers. Take due notice thereof and govern yourselves accordingly. Look to the East. Worshipful Master: Brethren, may we be ever aware of our approaching fate as this alone can bring seemingly major crises into proper perspective, thereby creating that attitude of peace and harmony for which we strive. I now declare this Lodge of Sorrow closed in form. Brother Junior Deacon, inform the Tyler. Junior Deacon: Brother Tyler, the Lodge of Sorrow is closed. * * * The Duty is performed, Worshipful Master. (NOTE: The Junior Deacon and Tyler use the usual method to open and close the door.) Worshipful Master: * When the Lodge of Sorrow is not at work, the WM will place the Lodge of Sorrow at ease and will call it back to work when there is need for a Masonic funeral during the current year (1973).
Readings of “No Place for Levity”
At the option of the WM one of the following shall be ordered read prior to the 2nd Section of the 3rd Degree while the Candidate is still in the Preparation Room: “The Second Section of the Third Degree contains many lessons in faith and morality and should be presented in a solemn and serious manner.” Or the following may be ordered read: “There is absolutely no place in Masonic ritual for levity, laughter, or other forms of amusement. Every word spoken in our ritualistic work and every movement made in our floor work carries a lesson or is symbolic of something deep and sacred. Our whole mission in conferring our Degrees is to bring to the Candidate knowledge of basic fundamental truths and we attempt to do this in an atmosphere of extreme decorum and dignity. This is true of every part of every Degree but it is especially true in the Second Section of the Third Degree. Here we are attempting to portray the most vital of all truths of our existence. Our whole idea of the hereafter and the very foundation of our religious thinking are being put vividly before us and certainly this portrayal does not call for boisterous conduct, guffawing, and loud laughter. It is a solemn moment in the life of the Candidate and every Mason present in the lodge room should be filled with the desire to keep it a holy and sacred period. Let all levity and jesting be left outside the Lodge Room and only dignity and heart touching decorum prevail in the Lodge.”