Kansas Mason - Winter 2019

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THE KANSAS MASON Volume 57 Issue 1

Winter 2019

A publication for Kansas Masons in partnership with the Grand Lodge of Kansas and Local Masonic Lodges

Robert C. Talbott, Grand Master of Masons 2018-2019


What’s Next? s we publish this edition of your Kansas Mason, your Grand Lodge staff and leadership team are in final preparations for the Annual Communication of our Grand Lodge. I want

to personally invite you to attend the 163rd Annual Communication being held in Wichita on March 15 & 16. Registration & event information can be found on the Grand Lodge web page under the news and events drop down menu. (https://www.kansasmason.org/news-and-events/ event-registrations/). This is the first time the Annual Communication has been held in Wichita in since 1987 (32 years). Please come out and support this important event. For current Masters of our 202 Lodges, you will receive a Summons to attend if your Lodge has not sent proper representation in the last two years. This is where you have a voice in your Fraternity. By-Law 3-621 outlines required Lodge representation at the Grand Lodge Annual Communication. Lodges that fail to send representation are failing to represent themselves properly and, by extension, the lodge leadership is not representing the very membership which has elected them. I have been asked on several occasions what my topic would be for this edition, this being the last article I write as Grand Master of Masons in Kansas. I assure you this article has nothing to do with last and everything to do with next. For years the Grand Lodge leadership, including all of our committees, have been focused on a singular strategy that centers on excellence in education, our ritual, and in communication to build and retain members (it takes all for growth and retention). That hasn’t changed, and it doesn’t begin/end with the changing of administration at Grand Lodge. So, it’s not about what is beginning or ending; it’s about “What’s Next?” Just like your local lodge, the Grand Lodge relies on knowledgeable, active committees with men of specific skillset(s), talents, and experiences to listen to the Craft and bring GRAND LODGE OF KANSAS A . F. & A . M .

informed decisions to the Grand Lodge leadership team for decisions so we can continue to grow and build on the Masonic experience. This year, several committees and groups were


greatly “untethered” to question current thought processes and approaches and to come up

1 5 -1 6 M A R C H 2 0 1 9

sustainment and growth. All Grand Lodge committees have been very engaged, and I wish to

with new thinking and new avenues for growing the fraternal experience. Lodges and Grand Lodge must both empower and obligate their committees to meet and bring forward plans for

Hyatt Regency, Wichita




GRAND LODGE: What Next? continued from page 1

thank them for their dedication and service. A special call out to members of the Finance Committee, PPLM Committee, Membership Committee, Committee on Ritualistic Work, Publications Committee and Building & Spaces Committee. You were specifically directly challenged and called out to deliver “change” this past year and to question all of our way of thinking. While this presented challenges, you have risen to the occasion and all for the benefit and betterment of the craft; thank you! Membership in our Fraternity has at least two primary components that include providing existing members with a meaningful and robust Masonic experience and attracting good men of character to our Fraternity. Those components are essential to our great Fraternity but there are some other things I feel we know and all should note: Good men of quality, in your community, are looking to be a part of something larger than themselves with like-minded men and provide service to others in their community. This describes a vast number of Masonic lodges in Kansas. If that does not describe your lodge, then you need to reach out to Grand Lodge and the Kansas Masonic Foundation who can assist. It all starts with making this a priority and setting a goal.

Too few lodges are utilizing the “Discovering Freemasonry” program. Discovering Freemasonry is a high-quality “do-ityourself ” program kit produced by Grand Lodge and the Kansas Masonic Foundation which contains all the material your lodge needs to hold a quality Masonic Information Night in your community and can be specifically tailored for your community. Your Grand Lodge Membership Committee has embarked on a Masonic Open House concept that utilizes the Discovering Freemasonry packet and adds new or different information that will assist you in hosting a successful event. While centralized on bringing new men into the Fraternity through your local Lodge it also includes information and participation on all aspects including appendant bodies of Freemasonry as these are a significant part of the Masonic experience for over half of the Freemasons in Kansas. A launch of this renewed program is planned for the Wichita area in March/April 2019 with more to follow. Your Grand Lodge Membership Committee is committed to providing the resources and expertise for any lodge to hold a successful open house for your lodge, where all of the community is involved. In reviewing the last five years membership rolls for continued on page 13

The Kansas Mason is published four times a year by the Grand Lodge of Kansas A.F. & A.M. The views expressed in the Kansas Mason do not necessarily reflect those of the Grand Lodge of Kansas or its’ officers. Inquiries should be sent to Editor@KansasMason.org

Dates to Remember March 4

Band Camp Application Deadline

March 14

Welcome Reception – Wichita

March 15

Scholarship Application Deadline

Grand Master:

Deputy Master:

Robert C. Talbot Albert Pike Lodge No. 303, Hope Lodge No. 155

Dale Morrow, DSM Belle Plaine Lodge No. 173, Tuscan Lodge No. 460

March 15-16 Grand Lodge Annual Communication – Wichita March 16

Installation of 2019-2020 Grand Lodge Officers

April 13

Grand Master’s Reception – Wichita

May 18

Lodge of the Full Moon – Coronado Heights

June 4-8

All-State Masonic Band Camp – Dodge City

June 5-7

PHA Annual Communication

June 8

2019 Kansas Shrine Bowl – Dodge City

June 24

St. John’s Day (the Baptist)

September 14 Leadership Academy Check the online calendar for the most up to date information and details. KansasMason.org


Grand Secretary:

Grand Treasurer:

Grand Senior Warden:

Grand Junior Warden:

Tracy Bloom, PGM Salina Lodge No. 160, Clay Center Lodge No. 134

B. Cole Presley, PGM Millbrook Lodge No. 281, Justice Lodge No. 457 Tony W. Borum, GMOM Parker Lodge No. 341, Tuscan Lodge No. 460

Mikel J. Stoops, DSM De Soto Lodge No. 40, Palmyra Lodge No. 23


GRAND LODGE: By Mikel Stoops, Grand Junior Warden



Many people believe that Freemasonry is a service organization or social charity, indistinguishable from the Rotary or Lions clubs. But, that is NOT what Freemasonry is. Masonry is an initiatic fraternity based on a system of self-knowledge, with lessons in philosophy, spirituality, and morality. If this system is followed, a transformation of the Mason will occur. That is what Masonry “IS.” Through study and understanding, the Mason will become a better man, Mason, husband, father, and citizen. He should gain a deeper understanding of how humans should interact with each other and with their creator. Out of this growth, he might well become more spiritually aware, charitable, civically minded, and he might be better able to enjoy peaceful fellowship with his Brothers. At the individual level, that is what Masonry “DOES.” So as a group, Masons should become active in their Lodges and/or communities in spiritual, charitable, and civically minded ways. And of course, we enjoy peaceful fellowship with likeminded individuals. But, these are not the definition of Masonry. They should be the outcomes of learning and understanding the philosophical, spiritual and moral lessons of our Fraternity. At the Lodge or community level, that is



what Masonry “DOES.” Unfortunately, too many are oblivious to what Masonry is and only know what Masonry does. To them, Masonry is a civic organization, a social charity, or a fellowship club. They have lost the basic knowledge and understanding of what Masonry is. When asked to talk about the problems within our Fraternity and what can be done to fix them, they will recite stories of child identification programs, working with children in high risk situation because of violence or drug abuse, bike for kids, books for kids, bears for babies, miles of food, scholarships, and many other charitable or service minded programs. Though these are all good and honorable programs which can have a place in our organization, they have nothing to do with the problems within our fraternity, and they are certainly not a fix for those internal problems. To fix the internal problems, we must go back to that system of self-knowledge, with lessons in philosophy, spirituality, and morality. We must make sure that we are all, individually and as a group, preparing ourselves and our new Masons in the knowledge of what Masonry is. Out of that knowledge and understanding will naturally spring forth those spiritual, charitable and service minded things that Masons do. 3

LODGE OF RESEARCH: By Robert W. Marshall, Assistant Deputy Director


Having visited lodges in 50 states and 13 countries, it is with great pride that I say the seal of the Grand Lodge of Kansas, where my forefathers first called home after arriving in America, is among the most fascinating of all the many seals I have seen. The story behind it only makes it better. When an octet of Masons gathered in 1854 to start a new lodge, Kansas was merely a territory. The nation was restless as tension over the issue of slavery was reaching a furor. In fact, one of the brothers assembled that day to establish the first Masonic work in Kansas, John Chivington, later fled the state because his antislavery views put him at risk. He moved to Colorado where he eventually became that jurisdiction’s first Grand Master. Three of the others were Wyandot (also known as Huron) natives. The Wyandot people were new to the Kansas area, having arrived about ten years earlier in accordance with a Removal Act enforced by the American federal government. Interestingly,

the last living Wyandot who had lived in their original region of Ohio was an old woman known as “Mother Solomon.” Thus, five Anglo settlers and three Wyandot settlers, all new to the area, joined together as brother masons and founded Kansas Masonry in an isolated and uncertain environment. Perhaps the Wyandots’ prior acceptance of Masonic teachings was made easier by their ancient belief that a Supreme Being was primarily responsible for creating a path for the Sun and Moon to govern the days and nights, a path meant to be followed by all men who wished to live a good life. The seal of the Grand Lodge of Kansas depicts a Wyandot man shaking hands with an Anglo settler wearing a top hat, a striking portrayal of two men with extremely different backgrounds meeting upon the level. It served as a noble reminder to all of us that more than any other organization in the world, Masonry provides mankind with a platform upon which equality and fellowship can be shared among all kinds of men.

By-Law 2-501. Great Seal--The Great Seal shall be of brass, circular in form, not more than two inches in diameter, bearing the device of a white man holding in his left hand a book, and with his right presenting a square and compasses to an Indian, who is receiving the implements with his left hand, and holding in his right a bow and arrows, the whole surmounted with the scroll, " Misteria non Scripta," and surrounded by the words, "Seal of the Grand Lodge of Kansas". It shall remain as it is now designed, and shall be impressed upon all orders, summonses, and commissions, Letters of Dispensation, and Warrants of Constitution. It shall be used to authenticate official documents, issued by the Grand Master in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Grand Lodge, and when so used such writings shall be attested by the Grand Secretary. Acts of the Grand Master, performed in the exercise of his prerogatives, and his ordinary correspondence with Lodges and Brethren, require no other authentication than his signature.


Kansas Lodge of Research was established in 1982 to conduct research, gather and preserve Masonic information, supply speakers, and enhance Grand Lodge endeavors to promote Masonic Education.

GRAND LODGE: By Michael D. Johnson, Grand Senior Deacon

The Importance of Setting Goals Ordinary men can achieve extraordinary things if they collectively focus on a common goal Brother JC Penny stated, “Give me a stock clerk with a goal and I’ll give you a man who will make history. Give me a man with no goals and I’ll give you a stock clerk.” The wisdom these words impart are not lost on deaf ears, and as Kansas masons, it is imperative to incorporate goal-setting into Lodges throughout the state. As Brother Penny suggested, ordinary men can achieve extraordinary things if they collectively focus on a common goal. This parallels nicely in our Lodges because we are all nothing more than ordinary men attempting to accomplish great things…it is the basic premise of why we become Masons. The new Worshipful Master is able to instill the passion and focus of setting goals in the very first meeting of the year. Everything is fresh and new, and he introduces the goals that the Lodge will accomplish with enthusiasm. In doing so, he introduces the plans to accomplish those goals, and in almost every case, they involve a team effort to accomplish. That is the point though, to provide focus toward a common goal that will culminate in an example of greater good than any single Brother can accomplish on his own. Lodges that follow this example tend to be much healthier and more exuberant because it provides the substance behind the reasons many men become Masons. A man does not become a Mason for no reason; most of the time it involves their desire to be a part of an organization that allows them to give back in the community. At least that is the initial reason for many

Brother JC Penny

Brothers, and if a Lodge does not provide that avenue of community activity, then those very same Brothers with so much untapped potential will quit coming on meeting night. The community is not, and should not be, the only area of focus for a Lodge’s goals. Rather, it is important to feed another great desire of many Masons, which is to have access toward exercises that will build them into better men. That same Worshipful Master who filled out his calendar at the beginning of the year will also focus goals toward achieving the Trice-Robison award or the Master’s Achievement Award. Both are Lodge awards and cannot be accomplished alone. Brothers must step up and learn ritual, attend meetings, travel to other Lodges and so on; all those ways in which they begin to learn and build themselves. Aside from accolades, the Worshipful Master should inspire the Craft to attend Leadership Academy and the Annual Communication; both events afford tremendous opportunity to learn and to expand their circle of friends. Leading by example is the best way to accomplish these goals, and it so happens that the next opportunity is the Annual Communication that is fast approaching and is scheduled for March 15-16 in Wichita. Brothers, it cannot be underscored how important it is to find success through the accomplishment of goals, consider taking the first step by making that trip to Wichita in mid-March.


GRAND LODGE: By Dylan Sweyko-Kuhlman, Archivist, Kansas Masonic Library and Museum

1919 Commemorative Badges 100 YEARS LATER


Your Kansas Masonic Library and Museum is proud to provide another authentic historical give-away item for the 2019 Annual Communication, held at the Hyatt Regency in Wichita. Similar to the 1906 SemiCentennial Annual Proceeding book we gave away at the 2016 Annual Communication, this year we will be giving away the special commemorative badge commissioned for the 1919 Annual Communication held in the Banquet Hall at the Scottish Rite Building in Wichita. Available on a first come first served basis at the Kansas Masonic Library and Museum table, we have one hundred and sixty badges to give away. These badges were originally given to members who attended the 1919 Annual Communication. The badges are made of gold painted metal affixed to a blue ribbon. The bottom is made to look like the image of a square and compass with a “G” in the center pressed into a wax seal. The back has the words “Wichita 1919” written on it. The ribbon 6

reads “Grand Lodge of Kansas, Wichita 1919” in gold lettering. The top part of the badge has the design of, at the time, the newly-built Kansas Masonic Home located in Wichita. These badges were made by the Bastian Bros. Company out of Rochester, NY, a company that is still around today. The Bastian Bros. Company started in 1895 making badges, buttons, and emblems. They were famous in their time for being a completely unionized company. Make sure at this year’s Annual Communication to get a piece of history. These will only be available at the Kansas Masonic Library and Museum table during the Communication. Be sure to stop by and grab one and view the other collections that will be on display – like the Pennsylvania Land Deed signed by Benjamin Franklin and described in the Fall Kansas Mason as well as other from the Grand Lodge of Kansas Photograph Collection.

Is this the year

you’ll make a change for the better?


Vibrant living. Valued principles.

Call 316.247.9329 for more information or to schedule a personal tour of the community.

KMH gives you the opportunity to live the life you want ... and we give your family peace of mind knowing that this year you’ll be making a change for the better. KMH has the most complete continuum of care in Wichita, and that means a Community that can always support you if your health or needs change. KMH at its core is a true community. At Kansas Masonic Home, the Community Fee is waived and exclusive monthly savings are available for Masons, spouses of Masons, and Eastern Star members. Contact us to find out about additional incentives.

402 S. Martinson Street, Wichita, Kansas 67213



1968 Chevrolet Camaro RS/SS Convertible This is one of the Camaro’s that Guy Fieri used 1968 Chevy Camaro RS/SS Convertible

in the popular TV series—Diners, Drive-Ins,

Drawing is on Thursday – March 19, 2020 at 5:00PM at the Hyatt Regency Wichita



per raffle ticket

Cash, Check or Credit Card

and Dives!


Under the hood sits its Numbers Matching 396ci VS partnered up with its Muncie M20-4Speed manual transmission and 12 Bolt Posi Rear End. This is a true Muscle Car!! You will not find a better car anywhere!



The raffle tickets have mailed to All Kansas Masons in early March and all Brothers are encourage to either buy, sell or any combination to

fundraising activities! The car will be unveiled during 2019 Annual

benefit their Lodge. The past

Communication and the actual drawing for

three years the Kansas Masonic

the winner will be the following years Annual

Foundation has returned over

Communication in 2020, This extend period gives

$500,000 to the Lodges as a

the Lodges the additional calendar time necessary to

result of this raffle. 75% of the

have the car at their Lodge for fundraising events. The financial impact of this program alone for the

$20 raffle ticket is returned to the Lodge for their benefit.

THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2019 1:00 – 5:00 Early Registration open Vendors open Library & Museum Display open 3:00 Kansas Lodge of Research meeting 4:00 MORI database demonstration 5:00 – 7:00 Welcome Reception (hosted by Kansas Masonic Foundation) 6:00 – 11:00 Hospitality suite open FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 2019 6:00 Registration open 7:30 Vendors open Library & Museum Display open 8:15 Everyone seated for Public Grand Opening 8:30 Public Grand Opening of the Grand Lodge of Kansas 10:00 – 5:00 Ladies Activities (advance registration required)


This is a chance to help your Lodge with its

Lodges has been OUTSTANDING!

10:30 – 11:45 12:00 – 1:00 1:00 – 4:00 1:00 – 3:00 5:00 – 6:00 6:00 6:00 – 12:30

Formal Opening of Grand Lodge, business session begins Family Luncheon Grand Lodge business session continues Ladies activity - “Paint the Town (advance registration required) Social Hour & Silent Auction All Masonic Banquet “Fulfilling Our Obligation” live auction Hospitality suite open

SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 2019 7:30 Vendors Open Archivist Museum Display Open 8:00 – 8:30 Necrology Service 8:30 Formal closing of Grand Lodge of Kansas 10:00 Installation of 2019 Grand Lodge Officers

SUBMITTED BY: Lincoln Wilson, Goodland Lodge No. 321

Geographical or Cultural Is there a disconnect between Brother Masons?

This article is not going to supply answers or solutions. It

the “east”. They understand they have voting power during

simply profers the question to begin discussions toward

Annual Communications, but since the vote is taken in the

answers and solutions.

most populated areas, and they are attended by those who are

I have had the pleasure and good fortune to travel through all parts of Kansas in fulfillment of my commitment and

favored by convenience, it is asked: “why should we go?” If this article has stirred some inner thoughts along the lines of

service to the Craft. In those travels, I have observed what

“that’s not fair; that’s not necessarily true; there’s no place for my

appears to be a distinct undercurrent of separation, or a

Lady to shop;” or any other reasons for you to be uncomfortable

dividing line, between Kansas Masons who live either East or

or disagreeable, great – I did what I set out to do.

West of Interstate 35. That separation seems to be clear just by the physical

Certainly, many of we Brothers have traveled across the state many times to assist another Lodge with degree work, Masonic

participation in general events close to both sides of this not

education, community activities or funerals. This isn’t about

so imaginary line. A couple of simple examples would be

those who travel here and there, because they are true to their

attendance at Grand Lodge events. A Lodge re-dedication or

commitment. It is about those (on either side of the line) who

community cornerstone ceremony is generally attended only by

may have had the time to visit or attend an event, but who

those Masons from that local area. These are historic events not

chose an excuse instead.

just for the Lodge, but for the community and Freemasonry

Brothers-- travel time is the same going East or West.

in general. Sadly, there are often more Grand Lodge Officers

Demonstration of support and encouragement to our Brothers

present than local Brothers or community members.

needs to become a priority. What value would the impression

I’ve talked with Brothers on both sides of the line asking why

of having 300 Masons attend a public dedication of a hospital,

there wasn’t greater Masonic attendance for the event, or why

church, first responder facility, library or Lodge be worth?

they didn’t attend an event? Generally, the reply has been “it’s

What value would the impression of having 500 Masons

clear across the State; it’s six hours round trip; they never come

attend a St. John’s Day picnic or parade be worth? What value

out here, why should I go there; or they don’t care about us; I

would the impression on the family and community have if

didn’t know about it”. Online access to the Grand Lodge calendar

100 Masons attended a Brother’s funeral?

and trestle-board calendar has addressed the last issue, granting everyone knowledge if only the information were sought out.

Brothers, let’s have an open discussion regarding the geographical or cultural disconnect between East and West

A couple of vitally important messages are in-between the

Brothers. If not convinced it exists, ask a sampling of Brothers

lines of the previous replies offered. Such as “they never come

if they would like to attend anything next week across Kansas?

out here” and “they don’t care about us”. That is a feeling of

There are good things happening on both sides of the “line.”

resentment, generally stemming from years of hearing “it’s

The single thing that must happen to blur that line is working

too far to drive to spend time with Brothers out in that area”.

together to demonstrate we are a Fraternity of men looking for

Another undercurrent in the disconnect is the feeling of a lack

other good men. We need to participate in crossover events; we

of voice or influence in the East.

need to remind each other that no barriers come between the

Many Western Brothers and Lodges have said they do not feel like they have a voice in actions and decision made in

support we have for each other. We need to demonstrate to the public and communities that good men are doing good works. 9

SUBMITTED BY: Doug Wilkinson, Belleville Lodge No. 129

Brother or Just a Friend? Can you remember when you received your First Degree?

Degree. We assign them a coach/mentor but what do we

I was thinking about this the other day, and I barely

do to show them we truly care about them? Do we do

remember receiving mine. Granted it was almost 40 years

anything “real” to make them feel like they are part of the

ago, but I should remember it as well or better than my

Masonic family or team? We call them Brothers but is that

Second Degree, right? I remember receiving my Third

how they really feel? What do we do that ensures that they

Degree like it was yesterday as most of us probably do.

view us as well as themselves as Brothers, family if you will,

I will confess I completed all three degrees in six weeks

and not just their friend or passing acquaintances? These

which kept things moving along however I should be able

new Brothers have nothing that says they are a Masonic

to remember more than I do about that first night. Having

Brother or even a member of our great fraternity. It is

committed all three work lectures to memory in the same

very important that the Master and Brothers of a Lodge

six week period, I knew what had taken place and the order

encourage the new Brother to come back to the next

of events but what about the evening itself?

meeting and keep coming back so he doesn’t lose interest.

I remember proving up mainly because, back in the 1980s on the sidelines in my lodge, we had what I came

until he is qualified and ready to advance that the Lodge

to learn were men called “Hard-Liners.” For those who

will open on the Entered Apprentice Degree so that not

have never experienced hard-liners, you have really missed

only can he have fellowship with us, but we with him,

something. Every word and movement was scrutinized.

and he will be a part of all our lodge activities including

When you were done, feeling self-satisfied, ready to enjoy

our planned community activities. Without this type of

refreshments, they came out to make sure you knew you

involvement, the new Brother is at the mercy of their

blew it somehow. Funny how I remember those moments

coach/ mentor which is not necessarily a bad thing. But

clearly yet the evening I received my First Degree is

does just being exposed only to the coach/mentor make the

somewhat clouded to me.

new Mason feel like a real family member of the Masonic

As I pondered this quandary, it got me to wondering if some of our friends who become Brothers sometimes don’t really feel like our Brothers after receiving their First 10

The new Brother needs to be told and understand that

Brotherhood or more of a casual friend? As I continued to ponder, it got me to wondering why almost one thousand men, Brothers, have not returned for

their Second Degree over the past ten years. Granted, some

seems. Have you ever thought that our new Brothers might

may have decided our Brotherhood wasn’t for them for

have approached Free Masonry because of some activity

valid personal reasons. Unfortunately, I think the majority

he or his family had seen you, your lodge, or some other

of them did not feel like they were truly a part of the

Masonic group out doing in the community?

family. They didn’t feel like a Brother. They felt they weren’t

Many times, you may not immediately know what

a part of the Masonic team. They felt they were just our

motivates a man to approach you or the Lodge about

good friend or, worse, a passing acquaintance.

joining Free Masonry. For this article, let’s say the new

What can we do to ensure that our new Brothers feel

Brother was motivated to approach you because he and his

like they are our truly Brothers and not just a good friend?

family saw you and your Masonic Brothers aiding others in

The answer to this will vary from lodge to lodge across

the community. Wouldn’t it make sense, even as an Entered

our state, country, and world. If we demonstrate that we

Apprentice, to have him out there helping if that is what

care about the new Mason and his/their families and make

motivated him to approach us for membership? Wouldn’t it

them feel at home within our Lodges, that is a hugely

be better to have him engaged rather than sitting at home

important first step. How do we do that? First, we keep

losing interest because he can’t participate?

them coming to our meetings and fellowship meals even if

My Brothers, there are many ways to make our new

it means we have to open on the First Degree for however

Brothers feel like part of the Masonic family or team. Many

long it takes until they are ready to advance. Opening and

papers and some books have been written on the topic,

closing on the First and Second Degrees not only gives

but for this medium, I think you understand my point.

our lodge officers more practice doing it, but it allows the

While I may have “lost” my First Degree experience due to

new Brother to learn how the Lodge runs from a business

a possible lack in connectivity to my lodge, I can’t let that

point of view and see/hear what each officer’s role is within

happen to the next new Mason. How many of those almost

the Lodge. He can’t get those things setting at home while

one thousand Brothers who never came back for their

his Lodge opens on the Third Degree because that is what

Second Degree would have come back if they really felt

is “easiest” for the normal Lodge officers. That kind of

like a true Brother and truly felt like they were part of the

thinking creates a feeling of separation quickly.

family and not just our friend? While the Grand Master’s

The next step is to ask the new Brother to help with your

letter to some of those men last year was able to recover

Lodge’s community activities: city-wide cleanups, taking

a few, the answer to that question will never be known.

tickets at the ball game, helping at the food pantry, helping

What about the next thousand? What about the next one?

raise money for cancer awareness or cures, etc. The list

What is your Lodge doing to ensure that this doesn’t keep

of good activities a lodge can be involved in is infinite it

happening? What are you doing?

Looking for the 2019 Collection of Proposed Constitution and By-Law changes? www.KansasMason.org Member Area References, Manuals and Forms (downloads) They are halfway down the page under the References, Administrative header.


SUBMITTED BY: By Daniel G. Anderson, Pyramid Lodge No. 451

Masonry and Planning (THE MISSED 3RD DEGREE ALLEGORY.) The Third Degree tradition is, among other things, a lesson in planning and leadership. The allegorical story focuses

environment ended in murder, chaos, and execution. What do these characters show us in our organization?

the concepts of leadership, symbolized by three masters

There are three distinct leadership and planning modes

spearheaded by Hiram Abiff who was the Chief Architect

shown to us, symbolized by the three Grand Masters, three

of King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem, a team of fifteen

craftsmen, and three tradesmen.

craftsmen, and two smaller teams symbolized by three journeymen and three tradesmen. Hiram was an architect, planner and executive manager. He shared and coordinated a vision with the two other masters. He planned how to get this vision accomplished. He recorded this plan on the trestle board using his art and skill as a Master Craftsman. He communicated this plan to his subordinates as well as supervised them. Hiram’s antagonists, as a group, symbolize what may happen when each of these key concepts does not get used throughout the organization. Two teams show what key symptoms are when these concepts are misused or ignored. The 15 craftsmen were afraid because they either didn’t trust their intermediate supervisors to give accurate reports of their abilities, or their supervisors had not mentored and counseled them properly. Communication, leadership, and management had broken down. Even poor leadership, professionalism, and reflection brought back twelve craftsmen to the team. Three of these craftsmen, as an ad hoc team, became marginally successful. But lack of leadership and lack of self-confidence lead to rebellion, more lacking in confidence, contempt for the leaders, confrontation, frustration, violence, and finally murder.

THE THREE GRAND MASTERS SHOW: • Shared and written long term goals • Shared leadership with coordinated, defined responsibilities and delegation • Constant communication • Extensive written and published plans • Solid organization and trust The ad hoc team of three craftsmen present us with: • Short term vaguely communicated goal for a small group • A single leader with feedback from the group • An informal emerging organization • A short term plan vaguely and verbally communicated • Ad hoc communication A group of three tradesmen present us with: • A hidden self-centered set of goals that happen to generally match • An autocratic leader • A lack of organization • No shared plan, leading to knee-jerk decisions • Stifled communication

The three tradesmen exemplify extremes of key planning problems. One tradesman shows no vision and much ignorance of his working environment.

hardship and completed its mission. One completed its

Another tradesman exhibits no leadership and the ‘it

mission and dissolved. And one was destroyed after failing

ain’t my job,’ ‘always did it that way’ attitude. The third

its mission and causing a lot of damage.

tradesman shows a gross lack of communication and much frustration leading to hatred. In the legend, this


We know the outcome of these groups. One endured

Which group does your lodge, your Masonic body, your committee, and you fall in?

GRAND LODGE: What Next? continued from page 2

those suspended for non-payment of dues or who have not advanced past their Entered Apprentice or Fellow Craft degree, the numbers were staggering. While reviewing and pursuing these items is a duty of local Lodges to ensure their Brothers advance through all their degrees, we find that many lodges are unable/unwilling to follow-up on these Brothers. This past year, Grand Lodge stepped in and mailed over 5,100 letters to Brothers outlining what they need to do to advance their degrees or bring their membership current with instructions to contact Grand Lodge directly if they were unable to get satisfactory responses within their lodge. These are Brothers who have seen the value, knocked at the door of our Fraternity, and had paid of their own treasure to join. Grand Lodge will continue to pursue the advancement and retention of these Brothers where possible. The key to a fulfilling the Masonic experience with new Brothers is making the personal connection with them (fraternity) and providing them the experience they are looking for (learning, involvement, charity, etc.). The revised Mentorship program was launched and forwarded to your Lodge in the fall of 2018. It is a structured plan to get your new Brothers engaged so they can learn about our Fraternity and make that lifelong connection with our Fraternity and their lodge. This program should be immediately utilized and engaged with all new members whom you bring in. Bringing new men to light is the basic work of Freemasonry and the local Lodge. The Grand Lodge and Committee on Ritualistic Work recognize that some Lodges are struggling to put on proficient work while their officers and members come up to speed in learning the ceremonies. Filling the ritualistic gaps with proficient Brothers of Lodge is the duty of the Master, and there is no substitute for doing. To assist, Grand Lodge will be sanctioning the use of area / statewide degrees to assist in clearing some for the backlog of those

You planned it.

advancing and provide instruction to those learning the ceremonial portions. In 2019, these events will be sanctioned by the Grand Lodge to perform one of the three degrees, in various parts of the state combined with Masonic Education & required proficiency. Look for more information on these area-wide degrees as they progress. In closing, know that you have an extremely open, bright and dedicated set of Grand Lodge Officers and committeemen that are committed to moving the Craft forward. Just as the lodges need their support, they need yours as well. Your support in helping to serve on your local Lodge or Grand Lodge committees where asked and most importantly serving your local lodge through participation and continued membership. Your support on tough issues and just letting them know you appreciate their service, regardless of what side of a discussion or decision that you stand on, is invaluable to all of them. Finally, what’s next for me, Bob Talbott? It is the same question/answer I’ve posed and sought since I joined with my B/brother Merle more than 26 years ago and the same question that all of us who serve in every capacity continue to ask regularly, “Where can I continue to fit in and contribute to the Craft?” I look forward to re-engaging closer with my two Lodges of membership (Albert Pike #303 and Hope #155). I’ve also been blessed to continue my serving through my continued appointment as a Grand Lecturer, which I feel is an original calling for me, in the Craft. Thank you for the opportunity to serve the Craft in this unique capacity and all you do in your service to the Craft. We are not done, there is much to do. “Service” is the rent that we all owe for belonging to this great Fraternity (and society in general). Rent is due, time to go to work! Fraternally Yours in the Craft, Bob Talbott


Use the free tools you have. Trestle@KansasMason.org 13

ESSAY TOPIC For over 300 years, the basic purpose of Freemasonry has been to make good men better.

There is an emphasis placed on the individual man strengthening his character, improving his moral and spiritual outlook, and broadening his mental horizons, hence the focus on the tenets of brotherly love, relief, and truth.

Explain how you can apply these qualities to benefit your neighbors, school, community, and/or self.

2018 STATE MASONIC PUBLIC SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST Amanda Cheney a senior from Golden Plains High School. Her sponsoring Lodge is Hoxie Lodge No. 348

My Values and My World Since discovering the Kansas Freemasons and learning even more about the values that are upheld, I see the different ways brotherly love, truth, and relief transfer into daily life in our community. Making a conscious effort in applying said qualities could benefit ourselves and everyone in our communities. Leadership and fellowship are two values that are very important in Girl Scouts. I’m very proud to be part of our local Girl Scout troop still; it’s common for our girls to drop out as they get into middle school. To have joined Girl Scouts in second grade, still be in as a high school senior, and


flag ceremonies, delivering treats to

becoming the person you’re meant to be.

the older people in our towns around

Practicing philanthropy and giving

the holidays, devoting time to help the

back to those who are in need displays

local American Legion with Memorial

relief, which is a great thing to practice.

Day services, keeping our towns clean

Providing helpful services to people

by picking up trash, and many more.

in need, such as the sick, the elderly,

We also make a point to ensure that no

and children, shows great character

Girl Scout feels left out or excluded in

and benefits so many people in your

any way; that brotherly, or in this case

community. The Freemasons are an

sisterly, love is crucial to our troops.

excellent example of a group who

Remaining true to oneself and others

is so generous to their surrounding

around them should be one of the

environments with all of their projects,

highest values someone holds. One

especially their work in cancer research.

thing I love about my small town is

In my smaller community, we give back

how everyone knows each other and

by donating to the food pantry, sending

bonds together in times of need; this

care packages to our troops overseas,

comes from being truthful to each

and so much more.

other. Truthfulness is also integral

Through work in my extracurriculars

be a involved with our troops as I am

in family life. I’m very close with all

in school, such as NHS, cheer,

is an amazing felling. Learning how

members of my family, especially my

volleyball, and basketball, my Girl Scout

to become an influential leader is very

little sister and grandparents; being

troop outside of school, and working

important to a Girl Scout. Our troops

honest with how we’re feeling about

around the farm for my family proves

both start and take part in numerous

each other is how we stay so close.

to me how important love, relief, and

community service projects that tend to

It’s just as important to remain true to

truth are to a successful life. Those three

parallel the Freemasons. Some examples

yourself. Holding yourself to a high

values are extremely helpful in creating a

of these are honoring our country with

level of integrity is an essential factor in

better community for everyone.

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” - Edward Everett Hale

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.

Capitol Federal® is a proud - Edward Everett Hale supporter of the Kansas Masonic Brotherhood. Thank you for working together to make a positive impact.

Lorem ipsum

Capitol Federal® is a proud supporter of the Kansas Masonic Brotherhood. Thank you for working together to make a positive impact.

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Stay updated with your Lodge by keeping your personal information current.

SUBMITTED BY: Michael Tavares, GMOM, KMF Past President, Hancock Lodge No. 311

The Importance of The Kansas Masonic Foundation As you all know, the KMF has had the mission to be the fundraising arm for Kansas Masons - not the Kansas Grand Lodge, since 1966. We have done great things as a foundation. We have raised more than 30 million dollars for the Kansas Masonic Cancer Research Institute, paid out millions of dollars in scholarships and student loans, contributed to our communities, and since 2014, fulfilled our obligation to our distressed worthy brothers, their widows and orphans. So you may ask - why is the KMF important to me? It is important to you for several reasons. First, by combining our efforts as Kansas Masons, we are more capable of helping each other, our communities across the state, and our students. Second, the KMF raises awareness of our Masonic Lodges in our communities by demonstrating the good works we as Masons are doing. Third, the KMF has been at the forefront of helping our Lodges to raise money 16

for their own operational and charitable efforts. Lastly, the most important reason the KMF is important to Kansas Masons is the opportunity for membership growth. When Men see the great things we are doing as Masons, they will want to join. Make no mistake. The KMF Trustees have always and always will be looking for ways to highlight the great things Kansas Masons are doing. We are only interested in supporting and enabling our Lodges. We will do everything within our charter to promote Masonry as a great organization to belong to. It is your responsibility to look the programs over and find one that you and your Lodge can get behind and support and then showcase the great things Masonry is doing in our communities. Show the honorable men in your community that joining Masonry is the best way to serve Kansas and Kansas communities.

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