Portfolio_Maggiore Gloria

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Personal infos:

[ Adobe package ]

Gloria Maggiore 27.06.1998 Civitanova Marche (MC), Marche, Italy

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Acrobat

+Linkedin +Skype

major: Architecture and environment

[ 2D and 3D programs ] September 2012-June 2017

Politecnico di Milano

September 2017-September 2020

Politecnico di Milano

September 2020-currently attending

bachelor: Architecture design

master: Built environment and interiors [BEI]

Piranesi Master

held by Accademia Adrianea of Architecture and Archaeology

AutoCad ArchiCad SketchUp Revit Enscape V-ray


150 hs (2020)

design competition held by Accademia Adrianea in Tivoli, Rome

Fiat lux workshop

November 2021

“Il Bugiardino” magazine

February 2022-currently attending

editor and curator for the Art section

25 “Passepartout”

Microsoft Word Microsoft Powerpoint

[ Inglese/English ]

prof. Renzoni Cristina 1st prize winner August-September 2021

19 “Mind the gap”

[ Office package ] Microsoft Excel

from 15th October to 4th November 2015

workshop of 3d representation with Alberto Sala



October 2021-currently attending

Conlan school’s stage program

Piranesi Prix de Rome

11 “Thermae Adrianae”


[ ACHIEVEMENTS ] three weeks English language work experience in Wales, UK

03 “Exhibit the void”

Adobe Indesign


Liceo artistico “G. Cantalamessa”

01 personal infos + CV

Adobe Photoshop

+39 349 343 9337


Index + theme


31 “The rising city”

PET preliminary English test

Total score: 85/100 (2015)

TOEIC Listening & Reading

Total score: 930 (2020)

36 Extra: “Il Bugiardino” magazine 37 Certifications


“Exhibit the void”


_axonometry, groundfloor view_


A proposal for the exhibition of Leonardo Da Vinci’s “Codex Trivulzianus” within the Sforzesco Castle. @Italy, Lombardy, Milan Academic project; Thematic studio prof: De Curtis Annalisa (annalisa.decurtis@polimi.it) Manfredi Monica (monica.manfredi@polimi.it) GROUP WORK:

Cammilli Leo Huang Xiancong Maggiore Gloria Soldan Daniel Xing Hua

The theme of the project is to highlight Leonardo Da Vinci’s Codex trivulzianus through an exhibition. The requests were to develop two exhibition spaces, one permanent and one containing a temporary exhibition, and to reorganize the external space of the castle side. The protagonist on which the polarity of the distribution is grafted around the Ravellino, inside which the Codex exhibition is set up. On the ground level is shown the reorganization of the space through a triangular square, which wraps the two sides of the castle. Underground there is developed the temporary exhibition, whose supporting columns actually work as vases for the pre-existing trees.



_underground floor_

_section of the ex tower_

_longitudinal section of the temporary exhibition_



_circulation axonometry_

_exploded axonometry showing how the internal space of the Ravellino works_


_explanation of the permanent exhibition inside the Ravellino_


_1:50 perspective vision + maquette pictures showing the section of the underground temporary exhibition_

The internal space of the Ravellino is exploited to locate the Codex exhibition, placed in a mobile structure that is grafted inside one of the vaults. Specifically, the problem to be solved was that of making the heirloom (which has the dimensions of a small book) visible through a system that would magnify its vision. To this end, the structure was developed to act as a reflecting telescope: the external light passes through a lens and is then reflected in a concave mirrored surface, which then enlarges the image of the book on the surface above; the latter mirrors the view making the text readable to the user.



_masterplan of the Buffer zone_

_landscape visions_

“Thermae Adrianae” 2021-22

A proposal for a system of thermal pavillions and annected restaurant @Italy, Lazio, Tivoli (Villa Adriana) Workshop project; prof: Leoni Francesco (francesco1.leoni@polimi.it) Caliari Pier Federico Mauro (pierfederico.caliari@polimi.it) GROUP WORK:

Licciardi Gabriele Longo Lorenzo Maggiore Gloria Matamoros Cedillo Pamela Nicole Peichun Jiang Zhang Zhiyuan

The project is located in the “Pantanello” area. The request was to develop a spa to revalue a selected area of the villa, thinking about a certain clientele to be satisfied. The project includes a larger scale study of a “buffer zone”, an area to be re-evaluated in the north of the villa, where it was developed a sensory and olfactory path including various flower essences, of which are offered visions of atmosphere in the following page.



_masterplan of the built volumes_

_atmospheres of thermal pavillion (n.1)_ The purely architectural project includes instead the realization of some volumes used for thermal use, which are arranged polarly with respect to the counterparts constituted by the Greek theater and the nearby rectangular volume with columns, internally. The architectural polarity rotates around the circular volume, the pivot of the whole arrangement, from which two main axes start, crossing it in diameter, both vertically and transversally. On its north side continues an axis that leads to the second thermal volume, with a more triangular shape. This volume is the most formally complex, and includes 4 baths in total. To the east of the circular volume is the function of refreshment.



_atmospheres of thermal pavillion (n.2)_

_atmospheres of volume (n.3)_




_merchandising and promotion_ As the last step, there was the part of promotion and merchandising of the project through the design of posters, products and a website, all started from a watercolor drawing representing the part of the Canopo.



“Mind the gap”


_axonometry view of the whole proposal_


A proposal for public space affordable housing @Italy, Milan, Gratosoglio



Academic project; Architecture of interiors design studio prof: Leoni Francesco (francesco1.leoni@polimi.it) Briata Paola Giuseppina (paola.briata@polimi.it) GROUP WORK:

Huang Xiancong Maggiore Gloria Viola Letizia Xing Hua Zhenxing Guo

The project takes place in the area of Gratosoglio, one of the major outskirt area in the south of Milan. At first occurred an analysis of the area considering its past development and its nowadays condition. The second step was to analyze the urban layers composing the neighborhood, to better develop an adaptive proposal. The third step was about the project itself, based on a system of axis: a first transversal axis on the north side, leading from the street to the space of the church; perpendicular to it are two minor axes that give a regular layout to the plant; regularity that is then broken by a last diagonal axis that crosses the entire Nameless square. At the end of each axis is located a square. The architectural polarity pivots precisely on the Nameless square, central focus of the project and device center.



_square A (north side entrance)_

_square B (west side entrance)_



_square C (central “New No name” square)_

_square D (south side entrance)_






A proposal of renewal for affordable housing @Italy, Milan, Gratosoglio Academic project; Laboratorio di progettazione dell’architettura degli interni (Interior architecture design studio) prof: Forino Immacolata Concezione (imma.forino@polimi.it) Rapisarda Francesca (francesca.rapisarda@polimi.it) GROUP WORK:

Abdallah Tassnim Amano Futaba Maggiore Gloria Romagnoli Marisa

The project focuses on the redevelopment of the Mars lot, which presents a complex scenario. The idea is to configure a large walkway that connects all the buildings of the lot, in order to create a polar meeting point that turns into a social square. At the level of the walkway, which is located at 9.20 m from the ground, all the social environments are positioned; on the ground there are, in addition to the access floor, the floors of the co-housing and student residences.

_exploded axonometry showing the walkway_

residences positioned in the upper part of the buildings, to maintain a more “intimate” sphere for the residents who live and will live there. The level of the walkway, which cuts into two distinct portions of the buildings, is a double height environment: this is to identify with a strong sign its presence. The plan is configured as a crossroads of avenues, which take up the regular movements given by the existing buildings. Transversally, a wide avenue thought as a walk among the smells and scents of flowers, visually leads the user towards the former industrial shed in front of the lot Mars, where urban gardens will be placed. Transversely there are two avenues, respectively pedestrian and bicycle, immersed in the arboreal vegetation; this is to create a seasonal “promenade”, which enhances both the aesthetic and the sensitive aspect of the place. These two trajectories indicate the path to the lot located above. The buildings have been redesigned to host a double height space corresponding to the suspended platform level, in order to have a common hierarchy working as a social/ communal space for the residents.

The choice of placing them at the bottom was taken because this type of environment was considered more “dynamic”, therefore with the need to be in the immediate vicinity of the ground floor. Unlike the floors of traditional



_floorplan of the walkway level_

_floorplan of the groundfloor level showing the outdoor garden arrangement_

_1:50 detail section of the building in the lower right of the suspended plaza; in the drawings, plan of the walkway level and related section. The plan shows the dedicated environment of the study room, developed on a double level (shown in section).

in section: the doubleheight space dedicated to be a study room at the walkway level.

_section showing the suspended platform surface and the related staircase _



_maquette pictures_

_zoom on the suspended platform_


_zoom on the suspended platform//side of one branch_


“The rising city”


_1:50 explanation of the bigger bivouac_ order to create a path; the entrance from the street side leads inside an interactive park that presents a small mountain on the right; this extrusion has been notched with a climbing structure for children, in order to configure a small adventure path. In the lower part there are two pools of water, the result of an excavation: to resume the main theme, the stone blocks removed from the pools have been reused to create a play path for children, which continues the previously mentioned adventure path.


A proposal for the design of bivouacs @Italy, Lecco (Resegone mountain) Academic project; Laboratorio di progettazione finale (Final design studio) prof: Zanni Fabrizio (fabrizio.zanni@polimi.it) Boffino Massimo (massimo.boffino@polimi.it) GROUP WORK:

Maggiore Gloria Manio Paolo Marca Beatrice Marzagora Giorgia

The project deals with the design of a system of bivouacs located on the side of Mount Resegone in Lecco. It is developed by placing the element of the elevator as the backbone and polar point of the distribution of volumes along the high, going to scan the scene in two portions. On several levels the bivouacs are located, developed in three different sizes according to the number of users. The project also foresaw the development of a volume used as a hotel/refuge (of which the external volume is shown). In terms of landscape, the proposal was to reorganize the plan at the foot of the mountain following the theme of the “quarry”, here developed on different levels in





_Extra: “Il Bugiardino” magazine_

Bugiardino is an independent magazine created by students that deals with topics related to architecture in a light, informal, fun way. An A3 that you can fold up and leave anywhere, inside your shirt pocket, on your office desk, on the kitchen counter, at the bus stop. Dynamic, lightweight and flexible for any type of reader.


@ ilbugiardino_rivista







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