Megan Aikens
Onome Ako

Megan Aikens
Onome Ako
Director, Strategic Partnerships and Gender Equality, CanWaCH
CEO, Action Against Hunger
Julia Anderson CEO, CanWaCH
Dominique Anglade
Associate Professor and Co-Leader of the Sustainable Transition Department HEC Montréal
André Beaulieu SVP Bell Canada and President of BCE Nexxia
Valerie Bellegarde Strategist and Policy Advisor
Mark Brender
Mark Cameron
Jeffrey Collins
Chris Coulter
Maxime Dea
National Director, Partners In Health Canada
Vice-President, External Relations, Pathways Alliance
Adjunct Professor, Institute of Island Studies, University of PEI
CEO, GlobeScan
Vice-President, Business Relations, CDPQ Mondial
Julie Delahanty President, IDRC
Philippe Dongier
Martin Fisher
Benoit Fontaine
Brian Gallant
Lindsay Glassco
Barbara Grantham
Robert Greenhill
Nilima Gulrajani
Ji Yoon Han
Executive Director, Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI)
Head of Policy and Government Relations, World Vision Canada
Executive Director, Myriad Canada
Former New Brunswick Premier, CEO of Space Canada
CEO, Plan International Canada
President and CEO, CARE Canada
Executive Chairman, Global Canada
Principal Research Fellow, Development and Public Finance, Interim Executive Director, Overseas Development Institute Global Washington
Research Associate, Institute for Research on Public Policy
Kate Higgins CEO, Cooperation Canada
Chris Hogan CanWaCH Board Member, Vice-Chair Global Partnership for Education, Fmr Deputy Minister of Environment and Climate Change
Inez Jabalpurwala Global Director, VINEx
Catherine Jobin
Charles Kenny
Acting Assistant Deputy Minister, Strategy, Policy and Public Affairs, Global Affairs Canada
Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Elise Legault Canada Director, ONE
Meredith Lilly
Joanne Liu
Chris MacLennan
Kyle Matthews
John W. McArthur
Professor and Simon Reisman Chair in International Economic Policy, Carleton University
Professor, McGill University; former International President of MSF
Deputy Minister of International Development, Government of Canada
Executive Director, Montreal Institute for Genocide and Human Rights Study
Director and Senior Fellow, Brookings Center for Sustainable Development
Odette McCarthy Executive Director, Equitas
Velma McColl
Christa McGregor
Estelle Metayer
Rohinton Medhora
David Morrison
Leslie Norton
Thomas Park
Executive Advisor, Momentus Global
Senior Strategic Communications Strategist for International Aid, Global Affairs Canada
President of Competia, Competitive and Strategic Intelligence Expert
Professor of Practice (ISID, McGill) and Distinguished Fellow (CIGI)
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Government of Canada
Assistant Deputy Minister, International Assistance Partnerships and Programming Branch, Global Affairs Canada
Former Partner, Lead – BDC Deep Tech Fund; Founder, Asian Canadian Ventures Collective
Hilary Pearson
Patricia Pena
Lili-Anna Peresa
Les Perreaux
Rachel Pulfer
Former President, Philantropic Foundations of Canada
Associate Assistant Deputy Minister, International Development Partnerships and Programming, Global Affairs Canada
Former President and CEO, The J.W.McConnell Family Foundation
Editor-in-chief, Policy Options
President, Journalists for Human Rights
Bob Rae Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Canada to the United Nations
Lauren Ravon
Katharine Rechico
Bruno Roy
Layla Saad
Theodora Samiotis
Executive Director, Oxfam Canada
Executive Director, Canada, Ireland, Caribbean, World Bank Group
Chief Financial Officer, SSENSE
Deputy Representative and Head of Programmes, UNICEF Brazil
Principal, Voria Management
Paul Samson President, CIGI
Teddy Y. Samy
Baroness Minouche Shafik
Khalil Shariff
Diana Smallridge
Denis Thompson
Beatrice Vaugrante
Maggie Gorman Velez
Marie-Joelle Zahar
Director and Full Professor, Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
External Chair of the International Development Review, Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), UK [participated virtually]
CEO, Aga Khan Foundation of Canada
CEO, Momentus Global
Major-General (retired), Fellow, Canadian Global Affairs Institute
Executive Director, Oxfam-Quebec
Acting Vice-President, Strategy and Policy, IDRC
Professor, University of Montreal and UN Roster of Senior Mediation Advisers