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ii) Inequality and Inequity
Figure 6: Breakdown of how frequently Business Leaders and Accelerators named different challenges when asked “What is the most pressing challenge facing the globe?”
Figure 7: List of terms used by Survey participants to describe various forms of inequalities and inequities
ii. Inequality and Inequity
“Right now I’d say [the biggest problem facing the globe is] the growing chasm between the rich and the poor.” – Jean La Rose, former CEO of APTN
The challenge of inequality and inequity is brought forward by 50% of the Survey Participants as one of the most important challenges facing the world today - making it the challenge named the second most times by Survey Participants. The challenge of inequality and inequity encapsulates various terms used to describe different issues raised by the Survey Participants. The sentiment most of them seem to be trying to convey is the disparity of wealth, income, and opportunity between countries or within countries.