The July edition of Culturama has a smorgasbord of delights. For movie and history buffs alike, we have a special feature that delves into the many ways in which India has been presented through the Hollywood lens - from Octopussy to Life of Pi, we see how India and Indians have been understood and presented by Western movie makers.
And If you are looking to know more about the Indians think and act, look no further - we have two special segments that touch on the values and forces that drive the behavior of people in this part of the world.
SPECIAL THIS MONTH: Are you new to Chennai? Or looking to explore more places in the city? We present to you a curated selection of places - ranging from restaurants to residential spaces, jewellery to travel - that are preferred by expats for their outstanding products and exquisite service.
We have much more - so, start flipping the pages now!
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