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Education and training

Vaccines are being developed at Walter Sisulu University.

Stage two of a vaccine-development programme has begun at Walter Sisulu University, the result of a funding initiative led by CHIETA, the chemical industries’ SETA.


In 2021, an amount of R3.5-million was allocated for research and skills development in the vaccine programme headed by Professor Markus Depfenhart and which also included North-West University. Yershen Pillay, CEO of CHIETA, acknowledges the significance of the vaccine development and the impact of the results of the first pre-clinical trial. “These results indicate that the collaborative initiative by WSU, NorthWest University and Prof Depfenhart is well-positioned to develop a novel, safe and effective DNA vaccine against respiratory diseases in South Africa, which forms the basis for the second pre-clinical trial.”

Walter Sisulu University has also been allocated R350-million for renovations by national government, including laboratories, residences and ICT equipment. WSU and the University of South Africa (Unisa) offer vocational training (diplomas) and academic programmes (degrees).

Nelson Mandela University’s Missionvale Campus now offers the MBChB (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) qualification. Walter Sisulu University is the other academic medical facility in the province. A R50-million science centre, named after Albertina Nontsikelelo Sisulu, has been built in Cofimvaba.

The Eastern Cape has eight Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) colleges, most of which have more than one campus: Buffalo City, Port Elizabeth, Lovedale, King Hintsa, Ingwe, King Sabata Dalinyebo, Ikhala and Eastcape Midlands College.

The National Department of Higher Education has invested R2.8-billion to improve infrastructure at 16 TVET Colleges across the country. Upgrades at several campuses have been completed while the Ikhala College campus in Sterkspruit is under construction.

Rhodes University has a strong reputation for research, which has been enhanced by the addition of the Biotechnology Innovation Centre.

The University of Fort Hare is leading three innovative studies into biogas, including a project investigating compressed biogas for public transport. A new Investec Promaths Centre was opened in the Eastern Cape in 2022. Investec’s Corporate Social Investment Division (CSI), in partnership with Kutlwanong Centre for Maths, Science and

Online Resources

Eastern Cape Department of Education: www.ecdoe.gov.za

Promaths: www.investec.com/promaths

Technology Innovation Agency: www.tia.org.za

Sector Insight

Technology, offers extra classes in mathematics, science and technology in grades 10 to 12.

The Eastern Cape achieved poor mathematics results in 2021, with just 16% of candidates obtaining 50% and above. The Promaths programme contributed 5% of South Africa’s distinctions in mathematics and science in 2021. There are 16 such centres in the country, 10 of which are supported by Investec.

Investec has also launched its Promaths Social Challenge where school pupils suggest projects to uplift communities in education, environmental conservation or youth unemployment. The top three prizes will benefit the winning teams’ schools in the amount of R500 000. ■

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