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Kareeberg Municipality Umsobomvu Municipality

Northern Cape Local Government Tel: +27 53 382 3012 | Fax: +27 53 382 3142 Website: www.kareeberg.co.za Tel: +27 51 753 0777/8 | Fax: +27 51 753 0574 Website: www.umsobomvumun.co.za A guide to district and local municipalities in the Northern Cape Province. Renosterberg Municipality ZF MGCAWU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FRANCES BAARD DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Tel: +27 53 663 0041 | Fax: +27 53 663 0180 NAMAKWA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Physical address: Cnr Nelson Mandela Avenue and Upington Road, Physical address: 51 Drakensberg Avenue, Website: www.renosterbergmunicipality.gov.za Physical address: Van Riebeeck Street, Upington 8801 Carters Glen, Kimberley 8301 Postal address: Private Bag X6088, Kimberley 8300 Siyancuma Municipality Springbok 8240 Postal address: Private Bag X20, Springbok 8240 Tel: +27 54 337 2800 | Fax: +27 54 337 2888 Website: www.zfm-dm.co.za Tel: +27 53 838 0911 | Fax: +27 53 861 1538 Website: www.francesbaard.gov.za Tel: +27 53 298 1810 | Fax: +27 53 298 3141 Website: www.siyancuma.gov.za Tel: +27 27 712 8000 | Fax: +27 27 712 8040 Email: info@namakwa-dm.gov.za Dawid Kruiper Municipality Website: www.namakwa-dm.gov.za Tel: +27 54 338 7001 Dikgatlong Municipality Siyathemba Municipality Fax: +27 54 531 0019 Tel: +27 53 531 6500 | Fax: +27 53 531 0624 Tel: +27 53 353 5300 | Fax: +27 53 353 1386 Hantam Municipality Website: www.dkm.gov.za Website: www.dikgatlong.co.za Magareng Municipality Website: www.siyathemba.co.za Thembelihle Municipality Tel: +27 27 341 8500 | Fax: +27 27 341 8501 Website: www.hantam.gov.za Kai! Garib Municipality Tel: +27 54 461 6400 / 6700 | Fax: +27 54 461 6401 Tel: +27 53 497 3111/2/3 | Fax: +27 53 497 4514 Website: www.magareng.gov.za Tel: +27 53 203 0008/5 | Fax: +27 53 203 0490 Website: thembelihlemunicipality.gov.za Kamiesberg Municipality Tel: +27 27 652 8000 | Fax: +27 27 652 8001 Website: www.kaigarib.gov.za Kgatelopele Municipality Phokwane Municipality Tel: +27 53 474 9700 | Fax: +27 53 474 1768 Ubuntu Municipality Tel: +27 53 621 0026 | Fax: +27 53 621 0368 Website: www.ubuntu.gov.za Website: www.kamiesberg.gov.za Karoo Hoogland Municipality Tel: +27 54 384 8600 | Fax: +27 53 384 0326 Website: www.kgatelopele.gov.za Website: www.phokwane.org.za Tel: +27 53 391 3003 !Kheis Municipality Sol Plaatje Municipality Fax: +27 53 391 3294 Website: www.karoohoogland.gov.za Tel: +27 54 833 9500 | Fax: +27 54 833 0690 Website: www.kheis.co.za Tel: +27 53 830 6911/6100 | Fax: +27 53 833 1005 Website: www.solplaatje.org.za Union’s End BOTSWANA Motorway Main Road Railway N NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE Khâi-Ma Municipality Tsantsabane Municipality JOHN TAOLO GAETSEWE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Tel: +27 54 933 1000 Fax: +27 54 933 0252 Tel: +27 53 313 7300 Fax: +27 53 313 1602 Physical address: 4 Federal Mynbou Street, North West N18 Website: www.khaimai.gov.za Website: www.tsantsabane.gov.za Kuruman 8460 Postal address: PO Box 1480, Kuruman 8460 Hotazel Van Zylsrus Askham Rietfontein NAMIBIA Vryburg N14 Tel: +27 53 712 8700 | Fax: +27 53 712 2502 Hartswater Kuruman Sishen R31 ZIMBABWE Website: www.taologaetsewe.gov.za Postmasburg Upington N10 N14 Ulco Barkly West WarrentonChristiana R31 N12 BOTSWANA Limpopo Onseepkans Augrabies


Gamagara Municipality Tel: +27 53 723 6000 | Fax: +27 53 723 2021 Website: www.gamagara.gov.za Hondeklipbaai Kamieskroon SpringbokKleinsee Port Nolloth Alexander Bay Vioolsdrif Steinkopf Nababeep Okiep Brandvlei Strydenburg Hopetown Petrusville Prieska Douglas Ritchie Campbell Groblershoop Marydale Kenhardt Keimoes Kakamas Pofadder Van Wyksvlei Vosburg Britstown KIMBERLEY Free State R48 R64 N7 N14 N14 N10 N8 N12

Garies De Aar

Colesberg Ga-Segonyana Municipality Tel: +27 53 712 9300 | Fax: +27 53 712 3581 Loeriesfontein Calvinia Nieuwoudtville Vredendal Vanrhynsdorp Fraserburg Williston Carnarvon Loxton Victoria West Richmond Hanover R63R63 R27 N10 N1 N12 Noupoort Middelburg N1 N9 Website: www.ga-segonyana.gov.za Clanwilliam Three Sisters Beaufort West R63 N7 Graaff-Reinet N9 Sutherland Eastern Cape


Somerset East Joe Morolong Municipality Saldanha Western CapeR45 R27 N7 N12 Willowmore R75 Tel: +27 53 773 9300 | Fax: +27 53 773 9350 Website: www.joemorolong.gov.za Knysna Jeffreys Bay Uitenhage George Mossel Bay Oudtshoorn Caledon Worcester Paarl StellenboschCAPE TOWN PORT ELIZABETH R44 R62 N9 N2 N1 N2 N15 Hermanus NAMIBIA

North West

Mpumalanga Gauteng



Free State KwaZuluNatal


Western Cape Eastern Cape MOZAMBIQUE

Nama Khoi Municipality

Tel: +27 27 718 8100 | Fax: +27 27 712 1635 Website: www.namakhoi.gov.za

Richtersveld Municipality

Tel: +27 27 851 1111 | Fax: +27 27 851 1101 Website: www.richtersveld.gov.za

PIXLEY KA SEME DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Physical address: Culvert Road, Industrial Area, De Aar 7000 Tel: +27 53 631 0891 | Fax: +27 53 631 2529 Website: www.pksdm.gov.za

Emthanjeni Municipality

Tel: +27 53 632 9100 | Fax: +27 53 631 0105 Website: www.emthanjeni.co.za

Kareeberg Municipality

Tel: +27 53 382 3012 | Fax: +27 53 382 3142 Website: www.kareeberg.co.za

Renosterberg Municipality

Tel: +27 53 663 0041 | Fax: +27 53 663 0180

Siyancuma Municipality

Tel: +27 53 298 1810 | Fax: +27 53 298 3141 Website: www.siyancuma.gov.za

Siyathemba Municipality

Tel: +27 53 353 5300 | Fax: +27 53 353 1386 Website: www.siyathemba.co.za

Thembelihle Municipality

Tel: +27 53 203 0008/5 | Fax: +27 53 203 0490 Website: thembelihlemunicipality.gov.za

Ubuntu Municipality

Tel: +27 53 621 0026 | Fax: +27 53 621 0368 Website: www.ubuntu.gov.za

Umsobomvu Municipality

Tel: +27 51 753 0777/8 | Fax: +27 51 753 0574 Website: www.umsobomvumun.co.za ZF MGCAWU DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY Physical address: Cnr Nelson Mandela Avenue and Upington Road, Upington 8801 Tel: +27 54 337 2800 | Fax: +27 54 337 2888 Website: www.zfm-dm.co.za

The offices of the ZF Mgcawu District Municipality are in Upington.

Dawid Kruiper Municipality

Tel: +27 54 338 7000 Fax: +27 54 338 7350 Website: www.dkm.gov.za

Kai! Garib Municipality

Tel: +27 54 461 6400 / 6700 | Fax: +27 54 461 6401 Website: www.kaigarib.gov.za

Kgatelopele Municipality

Tel: +27 54 384 8600 | Fax: +27 53 384 0326 Website: www.kgatelopele.gov.za

!Kheis Municipality

Tel: +27 54 833 9500 | Fax: +27 54 833 0690 Website: www.kheis.co.za

Tsantsabane Municipality

Tel: +27 53 313 7300 | Fax: +27 53 313 1602 Website: www.tsantsabane.gov.za

Northern Cape Provincial Government

A guide to the Northern Cape’s provincial government departments.

Office of the Premier Department of Environment and

Premier: Dr Zamani Paul Nature Conservation JW Sauer Building, 6th Floor, cnr Roper and Quinn MEC: Nomandla Bloem streets, Kimberley 8301 90 Long Street, Kimberley 8301 Tel: +27 53 838 2600 / 2900 | Fax: +27 53 838 2626 Tel: +27 53 807 7300 | Fax: +27 53 807 7328 Website: www.northern-cape.gov.za Department of Roads and Public Works Department of Land Reform, MEC: Abraham Vosloo Agriculture and Environmental Affairs 9-11 Stockroos Road, Square Hill Park, MEC: Nomandla Bloem Kimberley 8301 162 George Street, Kimberley 8301 Tel: +27 53 839 2100 | Fax: +27 53 839 2291 Tel: +27 53 838 9100 / 087 630 0887 Website: www.ncrpw.ncpg.gov.za Fax: +27 53 831 4685 / 3635 Website: www.agrinc.gov.za Department of Social Development MEC: Barbara Martha Bartlett Department of Cooperative Governance, Mimosa Complex, Barkley Road, Human Settlements and Traditional Affairs Homestead, Kimberley 8301 MEC: Bentley Vass Tel: +27 53 874 9100 | Fax: +27 53 871 1062 JS du Plooy Building, 9 Cecil Sussman Road, Kimberley 8301 Department of Sport, Arts and Culture Tel: +27 53 830 9400 | Fax: +27 53 831 2904 MEC: Bernice Sinexve Website: www.coghsta.ncpg.gov.za 32 Abbatoir Road, Kimberley 8301 Tel: +27 53 807 4700 Department of Economic Development Fax: +27 53 807 4600 and Tourism Website: www.dsac.ncpg.gov.za MEC: Maruping Matthews Lekwene 14th Floor, Metlife Towers, cnr Knight and Stead streets, Kimberley 8301 Department of Transport, Safety and Liaison Tel: +27 53 839 4000 | Fax: +27 53 831 3668 MEC: Nontobeko Eveline Vilakazi Website: www.northern-cape.gov.za/dedat Cnr Lennox and Sydney Roads, Kimberley 8301 Tel: +27 53 839 1700 Department of Education Fax: +27 53 839 1773 MEC: McCollen (Mac) Jack Website: www.northern-cape.gov.za/dtsl 156 Barkley Road, Homestead, Kimberley 8301 Tel: + 27 53 839 6500 | Fax: +27 53 839 6580 Provincial Treasury Website: www.ncdoe.ncpg.gov.za MEC: Maruping Matthews Lekwene 14th Floor, Metlife Towers, cnr Knight and Stead Department of Health streets, Kimberley 8301 MEC: Galerekwe Mase Manopole Tel: +27 53 830 8200 144 Dutoitsta Road, Kimberley 8301 Fax: +27 53 831 4235 Tel: +27 53 830 2100 | Fax: +27 53 833 4394 Website: www.ncpt.gov.za

Promotion of Economic Growth and Economic Development in the Northern Cape Province Promotion of Economic Growth and Economic Development in the Northern Cape Province Promotion of Economic Growth and Economic Development in the Northern Cape Province Promotion of Economic Growth and Economic Development in the Northern Cape Province

Promotion of Economic Growth and Economic Development in the Northern Cape Province Physical: Metlife Towers,

Physical: Metlife Towers, 13th Fl, Cnr Stead & Knight Sts, Kimberley, 830913th Fl, Cnr Stead & Knight Sts, Kimberley, 8309 Physical: Metlife Towers, Physical: Metlife Towers, Physical: Metlife Towers, Postal: Private Bag X6108, Kimberley, 8300 Tel: 053 839 4000 | Fax: 053 832 6805 Web: http://economic.ncape.gov.za Email: dedat@ncpg.gov.zaPostal: Private Bag X6108, Kimberley, 8300 13th Fl, Cnr Stead & Knight Sts, Kimberley, 8309 13th Fl, Cnr Stead & Knight Sts, Kimberley, 8300 13th Fl, Cnr Stead & Knight Sts, Kimberley, 8309

Tel: 053 839 4000 | Fax: 053 832 6805 Postal: Private Bag X6108, Kimberley, 8300 Postal: Private Bag X6108, Kimberley, 8301 Postal: Private Bag X6108, Kimberley, 8300

Web: http://economic.ncape.gov.za Email: dedat@ncpg.gov.za Tel: 053 839 4000 | Fax: 053 832 6805 Web: http://economic.ncape.gov.za Email: dedat@ncpg.gov.za Tel: 053 839 4000 | Fax: 053 832 6805 Web: http://economic.ncape.gov.za Email: dedat@ncpg.gov.za Tel: 053 839 4000 | Fax: 053 832 6805 Web: http://economic.ncape.gov.za Email: dedat@ncpg.gov.za 2018/19

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